Substantial capital repairs to projects that are needed to rehabilitate, modernize, or retrofit aging structures, common areas, or individual dwelling units.
Activities designed to convert dwelling units in the eligible project to assisted living facilities for elderly persons.
Activities designed to convert dwelling units in the eligible project to service-enriched housing for elderly persons.
The Secretary may not make a grant under this section for conversion activities unless an application for a grant submitted pursuant to subsection (c) contains sufficient evidence, in the determination of the Secretary, of firm commitments for the funding of services to be provided in the assisted living facility or service-enriched housing, which may be provided by third parties.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a multifamily project which includes one or more dwelling units that have been converted to assisted living facilities or service-enriched housing using grants made under this section shall be eligible for project-based assistance under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 [42 U.S.C. 1437f], in the same manner in which the project would be eligible for such assistance but for the assisted living facilities or service-enriched housing in the project.
For assistance pursuant to this subsection, the maximum monthly rent of a dwelling unit that is an assisted living facility or service-enriched housing with respect to which assistance payments are made shall not include charges attributable to services relating to assisted living.
There is authorized to be appropriated for providing grants under this section such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 2000.