In carrying out activities under section 1701z–1 of this title, the Secretary may undertake programs to demonstrate the most feasible means of providing assistance to localities in which a substantial number of structures are abandoned or are threatened with abandonment for the purpose of arresting the process of housing abandonment in its incipiency or in restoring viability to blighted areas in which abandonment is pervasive. For this purpose, the Secretary is authorized to make grants, subject to the limitations of this section, to assist local public bodies in planning and implementing demonstration projects for prompt and effective action in alleviating and preventing such abandonment in designated demonstration areas.
In administering this section, the Secretary shall give preference to those demonstration projects which in his judgment can reasonably be expected to arrest the process of abandonment in the demonstration area within a period of two years and which provide for innovative approaches to combating the problem of housing abandonment. Such projects may include, but shall not be limited to (1) acquisition by negotiated purchase, lease, receivership, tax lien proceedings, or other means authorized by law and satisfactory to the Secretary, of real property within the demonstration area or areas which is abandoned, deteriorated, or in violation of applicable code standards; (2) the repair of streets, sidewalks, parks, playgrounds, publicly owned utilities, public buildings to meet needs consistent with the revitalization and continued use of the area; (3) the demolition of structures determined to be structurally unsound or unfit for human habitation or which contribute adversely to the physical or social environment of the locality involved; (4) the establishment of recreational or community facilities including public playgrounds; (5) the improvement of garbage and trash collection, street cleaning and other essential services necessary to the revitalization and maintenance of the area; (6) the rehabilitation of privately and publicly owned real property by the locality; and (7) the establishment and operation of locally controlled, nonprofit housing management corporations and municipal repair programs.
Subject to such conditions as the Secretary may prescribe, real property held as part of a project assisted under this section may be made available to (1) a limited dividend corporation, nonprofit corporation, or association, cooperative or public body or agency, or other approved purchaser or lessee, or (2) a purchaser who would be eligible for a mortgage insured under section 1715l(d)(3) or (d)(4), section 1715l(h)(1), section 1715z(i) or (j)(1), or section 1715z–1 of this title, for purchase or lease at fair market value for use by such purchaser or lessee, as, or in the provision of, new or rehabilitated housing for occupancy by families or individuals of low or moderate income.
Grants under this section shall be in amounts which do not exceed 90 per centum of the net project cost as determined by the Secretary. There are authorized to be appropriated for demonstration grants under this section not to exceed $20,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971. Any amounts appropriated shall remain available until expended and any amount authorized but not appropriated may be appropriated for any succeeding fiscal year commencing prior to July 1, 1972. Not more than one-third of the aggregate amount of grants made in any fiscal year under this section shall be made with respect to projects undertaken by one locality.