The Secretary of the Senate is authorized to establish a Senate Gift Shop for the purpose of providing for the sale of gift items to Members of the Senate, staff, and the general public.
All moneys received from sales and other services by the Senate Gift Shop shall be deposited in the revolving fund established by subsection (c) and shall be available for purposes of this section.
The provisions of section 5104(c) of title 40 shall not be applicable to any activity carried out pursuant to this section.
To provide capital for the fund, the Secretary of the Senate is authorized to transfer, from moneys in the Stationery Revolving Fund in the contingent fund of the Senate, to the fund such sum as he may determine necessary, not to exceed $300,000.
For the purpose of acquiring supplies, equipment, and meeting other initial expenses in implementing subsection (a), the Secretary of the Senate is authorized, upon October 6, 1992, to expend, from moneys appropriated to the appropriations account, within the contingent fund of the Senate, for expenses of the Secretary of the Senate, by the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1991, such amounts as may be necessary to carry out this section.
Disbursements from the fund shall be made upon vouchers approved by the Secretary of the Senate, or his designee.
The Secretary of the Senate is authorized to prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.