The Administrator may enter into a cooperative agreement or contract, or provide financial assistance in the form of a grant, to support projects to design, demonstrate, or disseminate practices, methods, or techniques related to environmental education and training.
The program established by this section shall include solicitations for projects, selection of suitable projects from among those proposed, supervision of such projects, evaluation of the results of projects, and dissemination of information on the effectiveness and feasibility of the practices, methods, techniques and processes. Within one year of November 16, 1990, the Administrator shall publish regulations to assure satisfactory implementation of each element of the program authorized by this section.
Within 90 days after the date on which amounts are first appropriated for carrying out this chapter, and each year thereafter, the Administrator shall publish a solicitation for environmental education grants. The solicitation notice shall prescribe the information to be included in the proposal and other information sufficient to permit the Administrator to assess the project.
Any local education agency, college or university, State education agency or environmental agency, not-for-profit organization, or noncommercial educational broadcasting entity may submit an application to the Administrator in response to the solicitations required by subsection (e) of this section.
Each project under this section shall be performed by the applicant, or by a person satisfactory to the applicant and the Administrator.
Federal funds for any demonstration project under this section shall not exceed 75 percent of the total cost of such project. For the purposes of this section, the non-Federal share of project costs may be provided by inkind contributions and other noncash support. In cases where the Administrator determines that a proposed project merits support and cannot be undertaken without a higher rate of Federal support, the Administrator may approve grants under this section with a matching requirement other than that specified in this subsection, including full Federal funding.