Each State that receives a grant under this section shall receive an annual grant amount of not less than $1,500,000.
If a State chooses not to apply for a grant under this section, the Secretary shall reallocate such grant amount to other States in accordance with the formula described in section 6363(a)(4)(B) of this title.
In carrying out paragraph (1)(B), each State shall provide local educational agencies with resources, such as guidelines and protocols, to assist in conducting and reporting audit results.
An audit of local assessments conducted in accordance with paragraph (1)(B)(i) shall include the same information described in paragraph (3) that is required of a State audit, except that such information shall be included as applicable to the local educational agency and the local assessments.
Each State shall reserve not less than 20 percent of the grant funds awarded to the State under this section to make subgrants to local educational agencies in the State or consortia of such local educational agencies, based on demonstrated need in the agency’s or consortium’s application, to enable such agencies or consortia to improve assessment quality and use, and alignment, including, if applicable, alignment to the challenging State academic standards.
Each local educational agency, or consortium of local educational agencies, seeking a subgrant under this subsection shall submit an application to the State at such time, in such manner, and containing such other information as determined necessary by the State. The application shall include a description of the agency’s or consortium’s needs relating to the improvement of assessment quality, use, and alignment.
The term “local assessment” means an academic assessment selected and carried out by a local educational agency that is separate from an assessment required under section 6311(b)(2) of this title.