A local educational agency that claims children residing on Indian lands for the purpose of receiving funds under section 7703 of this title shall maintain records demonstrating such agency’s compliance with the requirements contained in subsection (a).
A local educational agency that claims children residing on Indian lands for the purpose of receiving funds under section 7703 of this title shall not be required to comply with the requirements of subsections (a) and (b) for any fiscal year with respect to any Indian tribe from which such agency has received a written statement that the agency need not comply with those subsections because the tribe is satisfied with the provision of educational services by such agency to such children.
The hearing shall be held within 30 days of the designation of a hearing examiner and shall be open to the public. A record of the proceedings shall be established and maintained.
The complaining tribe, or its designee, and the local educational agency shall be entitled to present evidence on matters relevant to the complaint and to make recommendations concerning the appropriate remedial actions. Each party to the hearing shall bear only its own costs in the proceedings.
Within 30 days of the completion of the hearing, the hearing examiner shall, on the basis of the record, make written findings of fact and recommendations concerning appropriate remedial action, if any, which should be taken. The hearing examiner’s findings and recommendations, along with the hearing record, shall be forwarded to the Secretary.
Within 30 days of the Secretary’s receipt of the findings, recommendations, and record, the Secretary shall, on the basis of the record, make a written determination of the appropriate remedial action, if any, to be taken by the local educational agency, the schedule for completion of the remedial action, and the reasons for the Secretary’s decision.
Upon completion of the Secretary’s final determination, the Secretary shall provide the complaining tribe, or its designee, and the local educational agency with copies of the hearing record, the hearing examiner’s findings and recommendations, and the Secretary’s final determination. The final determination of the Secretary shall be subject to judicial review.
In all actions under this subsection, the Secretary shall have discretion to consolidate complaints involving the same tribe or local educational agency.
If the local educational agency rejects the determination of the Secretary, or if the remedy required is not undertaken within the time established and the Secretary determines that an extension of the time established will not effectively encourage the remedy required, the Secretary shall withhold payment of all moneys to which such local agency is eligible under section 7703 of this title until such time as the remedy required is undertaken, except where the complaining tribe or its designee formally requests that such funds be released to the local educational agency, except that the Secretary may not withhold such moneys during the course of the school year if the Secretary determines that such withholding would substantially disrupt the educational programs of the local educational agency.
If the local educational agency rejects the determination of the Secretary and a tribe exercises the option under section 1101(d) of the Education Amendments of 1978, to have education services provided either directly by the Bureau of Indian Education or by contract with the Bureau of Indian Education, any Indian students affiliated with that tribe who wish to remain in attendance at the local educational agency against whom the complaint which led to the tribal action under such subsection (d) was lodged may be counted with respect to that local educational agency for the purpose of receiving funds under section 7703 of this title. In such event, funds under such section shall not be withheld pursuant to paragraph (8) and no further complaints with respect to such students may be filed under paragraph (1).