A State educational agency may consolidate the amounts specifically made available to it for State administration under one or more of the programs under paragraph (2) if the State educational agency can demonstrate that the majority of its resources are derived from non-Federal sources.
A State educational agency shall use the amount available under this section for the administration of the programs included in the consolidation under subsection (a).
A State educational agency that consolidates administrative funds under this section shall not be required to keep separate records, by individual program, to account for costs relating to the administration of programs included in the consolidation under subsection (a).
To determine the effectiveness of State administration under this section, the Secretary may periodically review the performance of State educational agencies in using consolidated administrative funds under this section and take such steps as the Secretary finds appropriate to ensure the effectiveness of that administration.
If a State educational agency does not use all of the funds available to the agency under this section for administration, the agency may use those funds during the applicable period of availability as funds available under one or more programs included in the consolidation under subsection (a).
In order to develop challenging State academic standards and assessments, a State educational agency may consolidate the amounts described in subsection (a) for those purposes under subchapter I.