Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a tribal health program that operates a hospital or other health facility and the federally owned quarters associated with such a facility pursuant to a contract or compact under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450 et seq.) [1] may establish the rental rates charged to the occupants of those quarters, on providing notice to the Secretary.
A federally owned quarters the rental rates for which are established by a tribal health program under this subsection shall remain eligible to receive improvement and repair funds to the same extent that all federally owned quarters used to house personnel in programs of the Service are eligible to receive those funds.
A tribal health program that establishes a rental rate under this subsection shall provide occupants of the federally owned quarters a notice of any change in the rental rate by not later than the date that is 60 days notice before the effective date of the change.
A rental rate established by a tribal health program under this section for a federally owned quarters in the State of Alaska may be based on the cost of comparable private rental housing in the nearest established community with a year-round population of 1,500 or more individuals.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and subject to paragraph (2), a tribal health program may collect rent directly from Federal employees who occupy federally owned quarters if the tribal health program submits to the Secretary and the employees a notice of the election of the tribal health program to collect rents directly from the employees.