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34 U.S. Code § 20109 - Sexual assault survivors’ notification grants

(a) In general

The Attorney General may make grants as provided in section 20103(c)(1)(A) of this title to States to develop and disseminate to entities described in subsection (c)(1) of this section written notice of applicable rights and policies for sexual assault survivors.

(b) Notification of rightsEach recipient of a grant awarded under subsection (a) shall make its best effort to ensure that each entity described in subsection (c)(1) provides individuals who identify as a survivor of a sexual assault, and who consent to receiving such information, with written notice of applicable rights and policies regarding—
the right not to be charged fees for or otherwise prevented from pursuing a sexual assault evidence collection kit;
the right to have a sexual assault medical forensic examination regardless of whether the survivor reports to or cooperates with law enforcement;
the availability of a sexual assault advocate;
the availability of protective orders and policies related to their enforcement;
policies regarding the storage, preservation, and disposal of sexual assault evidence collection kits;
the process, if any, to request preservation of sexual assault evidence collection kits or the probative evidence from such kits; and
the availability of victim compensation and restitution.
(c) Dissemination of written noticeEach recipient of a grant awarded under subsection (a) shall—
provide the written notice described in subsection (b) to medical centers, hospitals, forensic examiners, sexual assault service providers, State and local law enforcement agencies, and any other State agency or department reasonably likely to serve sexual assault survivors; and
make the written notice described in subsection (b) publicly available on the Internet website of the attorney general of the State.
(d) Provision to promote compliance

The Attorney General may provide such technical assistance and guidance as necessary to help recipients meet the requirements of this section.

(e) Integration of systems

Any system developed and implemented under this section may be integrated with an existing case management system operated by the recipient of the grant if the system meets the requirements listed in this section.

Editorial Notes

Section was formerly classified to section 10603f of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, prior to editorial reclassification and renumbering as this section.