To the extent that amounts are provided in advance in appropriations Acts, the Secretary may make grants to public housing agencies on behalf of public housing residents, recipients under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 [25 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.] (notwithstanding section 502 of such Act [25 U.S.C. 4181]) on behalf of residents of housing assisted under such Act, or directly to resident management corporations, resident councils, or resident organizations (including nonprofit entities supported by residents), for the purposes of providing a program of supportive services and resident empowerment activities to provide supportive services to public housing residents and residents of housing assisted under such Act or assist such residents in becoming economically self-sufficient.
Except for amounts provided under subsection (d), the Secretary may distribute amounts made available under this section on the basis of a competition or a formula, as appropriate.
To the extent that there are a sufficient number of qualified applications for assistance under this section, not less than 25 percent of any amounts appropriated to carry out this section shall be provided directly to resident councils, resident organizations, and resident management corporations. In any case in which a resident council, resident organization, or resident management corporation lacks adequate expertise, the Secretary may require the council, organization, or corporation to utilize other qualified organizations as contract administrators with respect to financial assistance provided under this section.