The Secretary shall, through a public process, recognize one or more accreditation entities for the accreditation of cord blood banks.
In carrying out subparagraph (A)(iv), not later than 1 year after October 8, 2010, and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall set an annual goal of increasing collections of high quality cord blood units, including remote collection, consistent with the inventory goal described in section 2(a) of the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005 (referred to in this subparagraph as the “inventory goal”), and shall identify at least one project under subparagraph (A)(iv) to replicate and expand nationwide, as appropriate.
In this paragraph, the term “remote collection” means the collection of cord blood units at locations that do not have written contracts with cord blood banks for collection support.
The Secretary shall ensure that health care professionals and patients are able to search electronically for and facilitate access to, in the manner and to the extent defined by the Secretary and consistent with the functions described in paragraphs (1)(A) and (2)(A)(i), cells from bone marrow donors and cord blood units through a single point of access.
The Secretary shall require all recipients of contracts under this section to make available a standard dataset for purposes of subparagraph (A) in a standardized electronic format that enables transplant physicians to compare among and between bone marrow donors and cord blood units to ensure the best possible match for the patient.
In carrying out informational and educational activities under subparagraph (A), the Program shall give priority to recruiting individuals to serve as donors of bone marrow for populations that are identified under paragraph (1).
In addition to activities regarding recruitment, the recruitment program under paragraph (1) shall provide information to physicians, other health care professionals, and the public regarding bone marrow transplants from unrelated donors as a treatment option.
The requirements of this subsection shall be carried out by the entity that has been awarded a contract by the Secretary under subsection (a) to carry out the functions described in subsection (d)(1).
In carrying out informational and educational activities under subparagraph (A), the Program shall give priority to supporting the recruitment of pregnant women to serve as donors of cord blood for populations that are identified under paragraph (1).
In addition to activities regarding recruitment, the recruitment program under paragraph (1) shall provide information to physicians, other health care professionals, and the public regarding cord blood transplants from donors as a treatment option.
The requirements of this subsection shall be carried out by the entity that has been awarded a contract by the Secretary under subsection (a) to carry out the functions described in subsection (d)(2).
In addition to the case management services described in paragraph (1) for patients, the Office shall, on behalf of patients who have completed the search for a bone marrow donor or cord blood unit, provide information and education on the process of receiving a transplant, including the post-transplant process.
The Secretary shall establish and provide information to the public on procedures under which the Secretary shall receive and consider comments from interested persons relating to the manner in which the Program is carrying out the duties of the Program. The Secretary may promulgate regulations under this section.
In developing policies affecting the Program, the Secretary shall consult with the Advisory Council, the Department of Defense Marrow Donor Recruitment and Research Program operated by the Department of the Navy, and the board of directors of each entity awarded a contract under this section.
Entities eligible to receive a contract under this section shall include private nonprofit entities.
Each recipient of a contract or subcontract under subsection (a) shall keep such records as the Secretary shall prescribe, including records that fully disclose the amount and disposition by the recipient of the proceeds of the contract, the total cost of the undertaking in connection with which the contract was made, and the amount of the portion of the cost of the undertaking supplied by other sources, and such other records as will facilitate an effective audit.
The Secretary and the Comptroller General of the United States shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the recipient of a contract or subcontract entered into under this section that are pertinent to the contract, for the purpose of conducting audits and examinations.
Any person who discloses the content of any record referred to in subsection (d)(4)(D) or (f)(5)(A) without the prior written consent of the donor or potential donor with respect to whom the record is maintained, or in violation of the standards described in subsection (f)(5)(B), shall be imprisoned for not more than 2 years or fined in accordance with title 18, or both.
Not less frequently than every 2 years, the Secretary, in consultation with the Director of the National Institutes of Health, the Commissioner of Food and Drugs, the Administrator of the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Advisory Council, and other stakeholders, where appropriate given relevant expertise, shall conduct a review of the state of the science of using adult stem cells and birthing tissues to develop new types of therapies for patients, for the purpose of considering the potential inclusion of such new types of therapies in the Program.