States receiving grants under this subsection shall consult with utilities and representatives of affected industries, as appropriate, in determining the most effective use of such funds consistent with the requirements of paragraph (1).
Grants made pursuant to this subsection shall be allocated each fiscal year among States meeting the criteria specified in paragraph (3) who have submitted applications 60 days before the first day of such fiscal year. Such allocation shall be made in accordance with a formula to be prescribed by the Secretary based on each State’s share of value added in industry (as determined by the Census of Manufacturers) as a percentage of the value added by all such States.
In carrying out the functions described in paragraph (1), States shall, to the extent practicable, coordinate such functions with activities and programs conducted by the Energy Analysis and Diagnostic Centers of the Department of Energy and the Manufacturing Technology Centers of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Not later than 2 years after October 24, 1992, the Secretary shall, by contract with nonprofit organizations with expertise in process-oriented industrial energy efficiency technologies, establish and, as appropriate, update criteria for conducting process-oriented industrial assessments on an industry-by-industry basis. Such criteria shall be made available to State and local government, public utility commissions, utilities, representatives of affected process-oriented industries, and other interested parties.
The Secretary shall establish a nationwide directory of organizations offering industrial energy efficiency assessments, technologies, and services consistent with the purposes of this section. Such directory shall be made available to State governments, public utility commissions, utilities, industry representatives, and other interested parties.
The Secretary shall establish an annual award program to recognize utilities operating outstanding or innovative industrial energy efficiency technology assistance programs.
In order to further the purposes of this section, the Secretary shall convene annual meetings of parties interested in process-oriented industrial assessments, including representatives of State government, public utility commissions, utilities, and affected process-oriented industries.
There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.