The difference between twenty-two million acres and the total acreage selected by Village Corporations pursuant to subsection (a) shall be allocated by the Secretary among the eleven Regional Corporations (which excludes the Regional Corporation for southeastern Alaska) on the basis of the number of Natives enrolled in each region. Each Regional Corporation shall, not later than October 1, 2005, reallocate such acreage among the Native villages within the region on an equitable basis after considering historic use, subsistence needs, and population. The action of the Secretary or the Corporation shall not be subject to judicial review. Each Village Corporation shall select the acreage allocated to it from the lands withdrawn by section 1610(a) of this title.
To insure that the Village Corporation for the Native village at Dutch Harbor, if found eligible for land grants under this chapter, has a full opportunity to select lands within and near the village, no federally owned lands, whether improved or not, shall be disposed of pursuant to the Federal surplus property disposal laws for a period of two years from December 18, 1971. The Village Corporation may select such lands and improvements and receive patent to them pursuant to section 1613(a) of this title.
Any dispute over the land selection rights and the boundaries of Village Corporations shall be resolved by a board of arbitrators consisting of one person selected by each of the Village Corporations involved, and an additional one or two persons, whichever is needed to make an odd number of arbitrators, such additional person or persons to be selected by the arbitrators selected by the Village Corporations.