There shall be printed and furnished to the Library of Congress for official use in the District of Columbia not to exceed twenty-five copies of:
House documents and reports, bound;
Senate documents and reports, bound;
Senate and House journals, bound;
public bills and resolutions;
the United States Code and supplements, bound; and
all other publications and maps which are printed, or otherwise reproduced, under authority of law, upon the requisition of a Congressional committee, executive department, bureau, independent office, establishment, commission, or officer of the Government.
Confidential matter, blank forms, and circular letters not of a public character shall be excepted.
In addition, there shall be delivered as printed to the Library of Congress:
ten copies of each House document and report, unbound;
ten copies of each Senate document and report, unbound; and
ten copies of each private bill and resolution and fifty copies of the laws in slip form.