commercial activities

sunshine laws

Sunshine laws are regulations requiring public disclosure of government agency meetings and records. Sunshine laws require specific businesses and government agencies to maintain transparency and disclose their activities to the public. The...


Superfund is the shorthand name often used to refer to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCLA is codified in 42 U.S.C. Chapter 103. It is a large piece of legislation that gives the...

supplier's lien

A supplier’s lien is a type of lien that grants a security interest in property to someone who supplies materials used in work performed on that property. This legal claim ensures that the supplier has a right over the property or goods...


A surcharge means:

An additional amount of money charged over a tax, charge, or cost, that may arise because it was initially omitted or as a penalty for late payment. For example, paying a bill late may cause a surcharge for the...


A surety is a person or entity that assumes direct liability for another’s obligation. Financial creditors may require the debtor to find a surety, who then signs the loan agreement along with the debtor. A financial surety’s liability arises...

surety bond

A surety bond is a contractual agreement involving three parties:

The principal The obligee The surety

The principal is the party that needs the bond, the obligee is the party that requires the bond, and the surety is...

surrender value

Surrender value refers to the amount a person would receive if they withdraw money from their own life insurance policy’s cash value. For most permanent life insurance policies and some annuities, the life insurance policy has an investment...


To swindle means to dispossess someone of money or property through fraud or deceit.

[Last updated in March of 2022 by the Wex Definitions Team]


A syndicate is an association or a joint venture formed to achieve a common business objective. For example, a syndicate may be formed by a group of investment bankers to underwrite and distribute new shares.

[Last updated in March...


A takeover occurs when the controlling interest in a corporation shifts from one party to another. Takeovers are categorized as either hostile or friendly depending on whether the management of the company being taken over is a willing...
