Trial courts are any courts that hear a case first, referred to as courts of original jurisdiction. A trial court makes both findings of fact and law through a full trial expounding the evidence of the case. The findings of law may be...
criminal law and procedure
trial on the merits
A trial on the merits refers to a full and complete legal proceeding in which all aspects of a case are considered, including the presentation of evidence, examination of witnesses, and legal arguments. It results in a determination of facts...
trial practice
Trial practice refers to the procedures and strategies employed by attorneys and other legal professionals during the preparation for and conduct during a trial. It encompasses all the activities involved in presenting a case in court, from...
true bill
True bill (also called true bill of indictment) refers to a decision to indict a criminal defendant by a Grand Jury. When a Grand Jury decides the prosecution has provided enough evidence to show probable cause, they give a true bill which...
turn state's evidence
Turn state’s evidence (also known as “turn King’s evidence”) or to "flip” means the defendant chose to reveal valuable evidence to the prosecutor, in exchange for a reduction of the charge or the dismissal of some charges. When the defendant...
UCMJ is an acronym for the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The UCMJ is a collection of substantive and procedural laws enacted by Congress that regulate the conduct and legal procedures for U.S. Military Justice System.
ultimate fact
An ultimate fact is a logical conclusion derived from evidence presented during trial and is required for a claim or defense to be successful. An ultimate fact is usually inferred from a number of supporting evidentiary facts and is crucial...
Uniform Code of Military Justice
The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is a collection of substantive and procedural laws enacted by Congress that regulate the conduct and legal procedures for U.S. Military Justice System.
The Uniform Code of Military...
United States Attorney
United States Attorneys are the main attorneys representing the federal government in district and appellate courts. There are 93 United States attorneys that cover 94 districts. United States Attorneys serve as prosecution in criminal cases...
United States Attorney’s Office (USAO)
The United States Attorney’s Office (USAO) is a subagency of the Department of Justice charged with representing the federal government in court. The U.S. Attorney General directs the USAO. Each federal district has their own office led by a...