legal education and writing

sound recording

Under the Copyright Act, a sound recording is defined as a work consisting of a series of musical, spoken, or other sounds, fixed in a tangible medium (e.g. a disk, tape, or phonorecord). However, the sounds accompanying a motion picture or...

statutory construction

Statutory construction is the process of determining what a particular statute means so that a court may apply it accurately; also known as statutory interpretation. Although sometimes the words of a statute may have a plain meaning; in many...

statutory interpretation

Statutory interpretation is the process where courts interpret and apply legislation; also known as statutory construction. Although sometimes the words of a statute may have a plain meaning; in many cases there may be some level of ambiguity...


Stipulation generally means an agreement, a bargain, proviso, or condition. If the stipulation complies with an applicable statute or rule of court, it will be binding. A stipulation could mean a fact, promise, or provision in a contract...

strict construction

Strict construction is a form of judicial interpretation of a statute. The fundamental principle behind this construction is that the text of a provision in a statute should be applied as it is written (see also: statutory construction). Such...

sunshine laws

Sunshine laws are regulations requiring public disclosure of government agency meetings and records. Sunshine laws require specific businesses and government agencies to maintain transparency and disclose their activities to the public. The...


A Latin term meaning "above". A word often used in legal writing to refer the reader to a portion that comes in earlier part of the document, case, or book. The opposite of infra.

test case

Test cases refer to legal actions brought with the intention of challenging or receiving clarification on a present law. The strategy usually involves creating a “controversy” to get into a court that otherwise would not lead to a legal...


Testatrix is an antiquated term used for a female testator. The term testator is now used regardless of gender identity.

[Last updated in March of 2022 by the Wex Definitions Team]


Textualism is a method of statutory interpretation that asserts that a statute should be interpreted according to its plain meaning and not according to the intent of the legislature, the statutory purpose, or the legislative history.

