
Consanguinity is an old-fashioned term distinguishing relatives by blood from relatives by affinity. Consanguinity refers to the blood relationship between people from some common ancestor; thus, sharing the blood of some common ancestor....

conscientious objector

A conscientious objector is a person who refuses to bear arms or serve in the military based on a matter of conscience; rather, on moral, ethical, or religious grounds. In the United States, conscientious objections were raised in response to...


Consent means that a person voluntarily and willfully agrees in response to another person's proposition. The person who consents must possess sufficient mental capacity. Consent also requires the absence of coercion, fraud or error. Consent...

consent divorce

A consent divorce refers to a divorce granted where both parties agree to the divorce, and both go to a particular jurisdiction to obtain the divorce. This type of divorce is not valid if neither spouse is domiciled in the jurisdiction where...

consequential damages

Consequential damages, also called special damages) are a form of remedy that can be claimed by the plaintiff against the defendant for the harm done as a consequence of the defendant's actions. The consequential damages do not necessarily...


A conservatee is a person deemed incompetent by a court and, therefore, a court appointed conservator handles their financial and/or other daily life affairs. The roles of conservator and conservatee follow from the legal concept of...


A conservator is an individual who handles the financial or daily life affairs of a conservatee, or a party deemed incompetent by a court. The roles of conservator and conservatee follow from the legal concept of conservatorship which is...


A conservatorship is the appointment of a conservator by the court to manage a person’s affairs who is unable to handle them due to their mental capacity, age, or physical disability. The person under the conservatorship is referred to as “...

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, also known as COBRA, is a federal statute, passed in 1985, that provides employees and their families the right to continue group health benefits under an employers group health plan if...


Consortium in commercial context means an association, combination or partnership of businesses, financial institutions or investors engaged in a joint venture.

In the context of family law, consortium means the benefits a...
