Women and Justice: Keywords


Цивільний процесуальний кодекс України № 1618-IV 2004, статті 350(5) - 350(7): розгляд справи про видачу обмежувального припису (Civil Procedure Code, arts. 350(5)-350(7): consideration of a restraining order extension) (2004)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Stalking

Article 3505 of the Civil Procedure Code of Ukraine stipulates that the applicant and the interested persons should participate in the court’s decision to grant a restraining order. If the applicant is subjected to threats of the further discrimination or violence, the case may be considered without the applicant’s participation. If a duly notified an offender does not appear, their absence shall not interfere with the decision to issue a restraining order. The decision to issue a restraining order must be considered not later than 72 hours after receiving the application and assignment of the case to the court in order to protect the interests of the victim. During the hearing, the applicant should prove the facts that the offender committed one of the types of violence under Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine 'On Prevention and Combating Domestic Violence' (for example, economic or psychological violence). If the court grants the application for a restraining order, the judgment shall be immediately enforced, which may not be suspended during any subsequent appeal. A restraining order is issued for a period of one to six months with the possibility of its extension. A settlement agreement between the victim and the offender is not allowed in such cases. Intentional failure to comply with the restraining order, or intended evasion of the offender treatment program, shall be punishable by arrest for a term of up to six months or restriction of liberty for up to two years (i.e., non-compliance with a court decision entails criminal liability).

Статтею 3505 Цивільного процесуального кодексу України передбачено участь заявника та заінтересованих осіб в ухваленні судом рішення про видачу обмежувального припису. Якщо заявнику погрожують подальшою дискримінацією чи насильством, справа може бути розглянута без участі заявника. Неявка належним чином повідомленого правопорушника не перешкоджає прийняттю рішення про видачу обмежувального припису. Рішення при видачу обмежувального припису має бути прийнято не пізніше 72 годин з моменту надходження заяви та направлення справи до суду з метою захисту інтересів потерпілого. Під час розгляду справи заявник повинен довести факти вчинення правопорушником одного з видів насильства, передбаченого статтею 1 Закону України "Про запобігання та протидію домашньому насильству" (наприклад, економічне чи психологічне). Якщо суд задовольняє заяву про видачу обмежувального припису, рішення підлягає негайному виконанню, яке не може бути призупинено під час подальшого оскарження. Обмежувальний припис видається на строк від одного до шести місяців з можливістю його продовження. Мирова угода між потерпілим і правопорушником у таких випадках не допускається. Умисне невиконання запобіжного заходу або умисне ухилення від програми лікування порушника караються арештом на строк до шести місяців або обмеженням волі на строк до двох років (тобто невиконання рішення суду тягне за собою кримінальну відповідальність).

Цивільний процесуальний кодекс України № 1618-IV 2004, статті 350(2)-350(3): заявники та заінтересовані особи у справах про видачу обмежувального припису (Civil Procedure Code, arts. 350(2)-350(3): issuance of restraining order) (2004)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Stalking

Article 3502 lists the persons who can apply to the court for a restraining order, which means a judicial measure that temporarily restricts rights or imposes obligations on a perpetrator of domestic violence and is aimed at ensuring the victim's safety. For example, the court may order a ban on staying in the common residence with the victim of domestic violence; prohibition to approach within a specified distance to the victim’s place of residence, study, work, or other frequently visited locations; prohibition to contact the victim. The following categories of persons are eligible to apply for a restraining order: (i) a person who has suffered from domestic violence, or their representative; (ii) a person who has suffered from gender-based violence, or their representative; (iii) parents and other legal representatives of a child who suffered from domestic violence or gender-based violence; (iv) a guardian representing the interests of an incapable person who has suffered from domestic violence or gender-based violence.

Стаття 3502 містить перелік осіб, які можуть звернутися до суду із заявою про видачу обмежувального припису, що означає встановлений у судовому порядку захід тимчасового обмеження прав чи покладення обов’язків на особу, яка вчинила домашнє насильство, спрямований на забезпечення безпеки постраждалої особи. Наприклад, суд може встановити заборону на перебування у спільному місці проживання з жертвою домашнього насильства; заборону наближатися на визначену відстань до місця проживання, навчання, роботи чи інших місць, які часто відвідує потерпілий; заборону контактувати з потерпілим. Право на подання заяви про видачу обмежувального припису мають наступні категорії осіб: (I) особа, яка постраждала від домашнього насильства, або її представник; (II) особа, яка постраждала від ґендерно зумовленого насильства, або її представник; (III) батьки та інші законні представники дитини, яка постраждала від домашнього або ґендерно зумовленого насильства; (IV) опікун, який представляє інтереси недієздатної особи, яка постраждала від домашнього або ґендерно зумовленого насильства.

Criminal Justice (Female Genital Mutilation) Act 2012 (2012)

Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Harmful traditional practices

This Act criminalized female genital mutilation and related offences in Ireland. Section 1 defines female genital mutilation as any act the purpose or effect of which is the excision, infibulation or other mutilation of the whole or any part of the labia majora, labia minora, prepuce of the clitoris, clitoris, or vagina. Section 2 makes this an offence, but lays down certain statutory defences, including where the act committed is a surgical operation performed by a medical practitioner (or in some cases a midwife) where it is necessary for the protection of physical or mental health, or where it is performed in connection with labour or birth. Section 2(3) also explicitly provides that consent is not a defence. Section 3 also makes it an offence to remove or attempt to remove a girl or woman from Ireland where one of the purposes of removal is to subject her to an act of female genital mutilation. Persons convicted of offences under the Act are liable to a term of imprisonment of up to 12 months on summary conviction or to a class A fine, or to up to 14 years’ imprisonment on conviction on indictment.

National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 (2012)

Statutory rape or defilement

The Acts provides that a ‘relevant organisation’ shall not employ/contract/permit any person to undertake relevant work or activities (relating to children or vulnerable persons) on behalf of the organization, unless the organization receives a vetting disclosure from the National Vetting Bureau of An Garda Siochána in respect of that person. The Act defines relevant work or activities as ‘any work or activity which is carried out by a person, a necessary and regular part of which consists mainly of the person having access to, or contact with’ children (Part 1 para. 1) or ‘vulnerable persons’ (Part 2 para. 1) in specified locations (as elaborated in Schedule 1). Penalties include fines of up to €10,000 and/or imprisonment of up to five years.

Criminal Justice (Withholding of Information on Offences Against Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 (2012)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The 2012 Act makes it an offence to withhold information, without reasonable excuse, about certain offences against children and vulnerable adults from the Garda Síochána (Sections 2 and 3). These ‘certain offences’ include, inter alia, murder, assault, false imprisonment, rape, sexual assault, and incest. Defences are set out in Section 4, including those which may be raised by “prescribed persons” employed or engaged by a prescribed organization (defined in Sections 5 and 6). Penalties for offenses under Sections 2 or 3 are set forth in Section 7. Upon summary conviction, a person is liable to a Class A fine (€5,000) and/or up to 12 months’ imprisonment; for conviction on indictment, the term of imprisonment changes relative to the term of imprisonment stipulated in the statute providing for the principal offence (Section 7).

Criminal Law (Rape) (Amendment) Act 1990 (1990)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Marital rape is a crime under the 1990 Act. The 1990 Act deletes the word “unlawful” from the statutory definition of rape (‘unlawful sexual intercourse’ without consent, as set forth in the Criminal Law (Rape) Act 1981). The amended definition of rape therefore does not exclude ‘lawful’ sexual intercourse (i.e., between married persons). The 1990 Act also explicitly abolished ‘any rule of law by virtue of which a husband cannot be guilty of the rape of his wife’ (Section 5). Section 4 defines rape as any penetration (however slight) of the anus or mouth by the penis or of the vagina by any object held or manipulated by another person, providing for a punishment on conviction of up to life imprisonment (Section 4). Section 7 of the Act also deals with the corroboration rule in the case of sexual offences. In particular, the judge is no longer required to give the jury a corroboration warning, but such warning is not prohibited.

Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act 1989 (1989)

Gender discrimination, LGBTIQ

The 1989 Act prohibits incitement to hatred based on sexual orientation, race, religion, or nationality. The prohibition includes the publishing and distributing of written materials and visual images, inciting speech and behavior, and activities in private residences. It criminalizes various means of disseminating and/or promoting materials, words, or actions that are threatening, abusive, or insulting, and intended or likely to stir up hatred (Section 2). The prohibitions do not apply to fair and accurate reports of proceedings in the Oireachtas (Irish parliament) or before a court or tribunal exercising a judicial function (Section 5). Gender discrimination outside of sexual orientation is not addressed in this law.

Sexual Offences (Jurisdiction) Act 1996 (1996)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The 1996 Act targets sex tourism. It provides that, where an Irish citizen or a person “ordinarily resident” in Ireland (a) commits an act in another country involving a child (person under the age of 17), and (b) the act constitutes an offence under the law of that country and would constitute an offence in Ireland, then the person will be guilty of the offense under Irish law (Section 2(2)). Other offences include attempted offences (Section 2(3)); procuring, aiding or abetting, and conspiring in an offence (Sections 2(4)–2(6)); transporting persons to enable such offences (Section 3); and publishing information likely to promote offenses (Sections 4). The Act also provides for offenses committed by corporate bodies (Section 5). Penalties are up to a maximum of a £10,000 fine and 5 years imprisonment on conviction on indictment, or up to 12 months’ imprisonment on summary conviction (Section 6).

Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017 (2017)

International law, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017 gave effect to European Council Directive No. 2011/93/EU of 13 December 2011 on combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography. It also amended certain other legislation, including the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 1993 (available here), the Criminal Law (Incest Proceedings) Act 1995, the Child Trafficking and Pornography Act 1998 (available here), the Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) Act 2008 (available here), and the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2006. The Act provides for offences relating to sexual acts with protected persons and relating to payment for sexual activity with sex workers, offensive conduct of a sexual nature and harassment of victims of sexual offences. The Act defines ‘sexual exploitation’ in relation to a child and specifies the elements that would constitute a sexual offence against a child, including performing sexual acts in front of a child and prostitution of a child. Generally, Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 broaden the scope of criminal acts in relation to children, such as the prohibition of causing a child to watch sexual activity (Section 6), meeting a child for the purposes of sexual exploitation (Section 7), and the use of information and communication technology to facilitate the sexual exploitation of a child (Section 8). The Act also criminalizes the purchase of sexual services and prohibits sexual activity with a protected person, as defined by the Act. The Act creates a distinction related to the commission of a sexual act with a child under 17 years of age and with a child under 15 years of age, with a conviction on indictment for the former offence resulting in a term of imprisonment of up to 7 years (unless the person is in authority, in which case they may be sentenced for up to 15 years) (Section 17), and with a conviction on indictment for the latter offence resulting in a term of imprisonment of life (Section 16). Importantly, Section 48 of the Act reforms the law in relation to consent to sexual acts. In particular, it states that a person does not consent to a sexual act if, inter alia, they permits the act to take place or submits to it because of the application, threat or fear of use of force against them, if they are asleep, if they are incapable of consenting because of intoxication, or if they are mistaken as to the nature and purpose of the act or the identity of the person involved. The Act also clarifies that consent can be withdrawn at any time and that lack of physical resistance does not, of itself, constitute consent (Section 48). Finally, Section 46 allows a court to issue a “Harassment order” against a person when imposing a sentence for a sexual offence or at any time before the convicted person is released from prison.

Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 1993 (1993)

LGBTIQ, Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

In addition to abolishing the offence of buggery (sodomy) between adults, this Act codifies the law relating to sex work (referred to as ‘prostitution’), with the starting point being that it does not make prostitution itself illegal. However, the Act does not define ‘prostitute’. Section 1(2) defines ‘prostitution’ as occurring where “a person solicits or importunes another person for the purpose of obtaining that other person’s services as a prostitute,” or where they solicit or importune another person on behalf of a third person for the purposes of prostitution. Section 7A criminalizes paying for sexual favors from any person, and payment can include contracting with another for cash, barter, or other consideration. Section 9 criminalizes living off prostitution in the form of ‘pimping’, providing for an offence where a person controls, organizes, compels, coerces, or directs the activities of ‘a prostitute’ in respect of prostitution for gain. Section 10 further criminalizes living of the earnings of ‘the prostitution of another person.’ Section 11 makes brothel-keeping and management an offence.

Child Trafficking and Pornography Act 1998 (1998)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The 1998 Act prohibits trafficking of children for the purposes of sexual exploitation. The Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) Act 2008 (available here) amended the 1998 Act’s provisions related to child trafficking and sexual exploitation (Section 3) and the Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) Act 2013 (available here) expanded the definition of labour exploitation and aggravating factors. The 1998 Act also criminalizes allowing a child to be used for child pornography (Section 4). A person found guilty on indictment of this offence faces up to 14 years’ imprisonment. Section 5 has been substituted by Section 12 of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017 (available here), which prohibits the production, distribution, and possession, inter alia, of child pornography. Persons convicted of such offences are liable, on summary conviction, to a Class A fine (€5,000) and/or up to 12 months’ imprisonment, or conviction on indictment, to a fine and/or up to 14 years’ imprisonment (Section 5, as amended). Section 6, as amended, prohibits the possession of child pornography; persons convicted of such offences are liable, on summary conviction, to a Class A fine (€5,000) and/or up to 12 months’ imprisonment, or conviction on indictment, to a fine and/or up to 5 years’ imprisonment. Section 13 of the Criminal Justice Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017 (available here) also inserts Section 5A, prohibiting, inter alia, causing, inciting, compelling, coercing, recruiting, inviting, or inducing of a child to participate in a pornographic performance or the gaining from such participation.

Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) (Amendment) Act 2013 (2013)

International law, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Human Trafficking Amendment Act amends the Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) Act 2008 (available here) and the Child Trafficking and Pornography Act 1998 (available here). The Act of 2008 defined human trafficking and exploitation for the purposes of trafficking. It also contains specific provisions for the trafficking of children. The Human Trafficking Amendment Act of 2013 amends the 2008 Act by (a) expanding the definitions of “labour exploitation” to include forced begging and of “exploitation” to include forced participation in criminal acts for profit (in line with the EU Human Trafficking Directive) and (b) adding aggravating factors (e.g., where a public official trafficks for sexual or labor exploitation).

Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) Act 2008 (2008)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The 2008 Act, which amends the 1998 Child Trafficking and Pornography Act (available here) among other legislation, defines trafficking as when a person, in relation to another person, “(a) procures, recruits, transports or harbours the person, or (i) transfers the person to, (ii) places the person in the custody, care or charge, or under the control, of, or (iii) otherwise delivers the person to, another person, (b) causes a person to enter or leave the State or to travel within the State, (c) takes custody of a person or takes a person— (i) into one’s care or charge, or (ii) under one’s control, or (d) provides the person with accommodation or employment” (Section 1). Exploitation includes labour exploitation, sexual exploitation, or exploitation consisting of the removal of one or more of the organs of a person. Labour exploitation includes subjecting the person to forced labour, forcing him or her to render services to another, or enslavement or similar servitude. Sexual exploitation includes production of pornography depicting the person alone or with others, causing the person to engage in sexual activity for the purpose of the production of pornography, prostitution of the person, or otherwise causing the person to engage or participate in any sexual, indecent, or obscene act, etc. (Section 1). The Act contains specific provisions regarding trafficking of a child (a person under the age of 18), which were further amended by the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017 (available here). Trafficking a child for exploitation is an offense, as is selling or offering to sell a child, or purchasing or offering to purchase a child (Sections 2 and 3). There is an additional definition of “trafficks” in relation to a child, meaning that a person “(a) procures, recruits, transports or harbors the child, or— (i) transfers the child to, (ii) places the child in the custody, care or charge, or under the control, of, or (iii) otherwise delivers the child to, another person, (b) causes the child to enter or leave the State or to travel within the State, (c) takes custody of the child or takes the child— (i) into one’s care or charge, or (ii) under one’s control, or (d) provides the child with accommodation or employment” (Section 3). There is also separate definition of “sexual exploitation” in relation to a child, and includes inviting, inducing, or coercing a child to engage in prostitution or the production of child pornography, or inviting, inducing, or coercing the child to engage or participate in any sexual, indecent, or obscene act, etc. (Section 3). The offences of exploitation and sexual exploitation in relation to children are subject to penalties specified in sections 2 and 3; a court may sentence a person found guilty on indictment to a term of life imprisonment (or less) and a fine. Penalties for trafficking of persons other than children are specified in Section 4; the court may sentence a person found guilty on indictment to a term of life imprisonment (or less) and a fine. The Act also explicitly provides for penalties where an accused is found guilty of attempt, incitement, or conspiracy in relation to the offences under the Act. Soliciting or importuning for purposes of prostitution of trafficked persons, or benefiting from such activities, is also an offence subject to specified penalties (Section 5), as are offences committed by corporate bodies (Section 6). Jurisdiction includes extraterritorial jurisdiction (e.g., where a person commits an act in relation to an Irish citizen in a place other than the State that, if done in the State, would constitute one of certain enumerated offenses). The Criminal Law (Human Trafficking) (Amendment) Act 2013 (available here) further amends these provisions, in particular with expanded definitions of labour exploitation and aggravating factors.

Gender Recognition Act 2015 (2015)

Gender discrimination, LGBTIQ

The Act provides for recognition of changes of gender, issuance of gender recognition certificates, and conforming amendments to other legislation, including the Adoption Act 2010. Any person of at least 18 years of age who is not married or in a civil partnership, inter alia (Section 9), may apply to the Minister for Social Protection for a gender recognition certificate (Section 8). Where a gender recognition certificate is issued to a person, that person’s gender shall from the date of that issue become for all purposes the ‘preferred’ gender and sex (Section 18). The fact that a gender recognition certificate is issued to a person shall not affect the status of the person as the father or mother of a child born prior to the certificate’s date of the issue (Section 19), or the disposal or devolution of property under a will (including a codicil), or other instrument executed before the date the Act came into operation (Section 20). The Act also provides for “gender specific [criminal] offenses” in relation to the treatment of people with gender recognition certificates. Notably, where a relevant gender-specific sexual offence could be committed or attempted only if the gender of the person with a gender recognition certificate were not the ‘preferred’ gender, that fact does not prevent the sexual offence being committed or attempted (Section 23). Finally, a person who has a gender recognition certificate may apply to the Minister for Social Protection to revoke the certificate (Section 15).

Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offences Act (2020)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual harassment, Stalking

The Act focuses on the non-consensual distribution of explicit images, inter alia. Section 2 makes it an offence to distribute, publish, or threaten to distribute or publish an intimate image with (i) intent to harm or (ii) being reckless as to whether harm is caused. Section 1 defines “distribute” and “publish” as being distributed or published to the public or a section of the public. Section 1 further defines an “intimate image” in broad terms, encompassing a photographic, film, video, or digital representation, and includes nude, non-nude, or sexual images. “Harm” includes psychological harm (Section 1). A person found guilty of an offence under Section 2 is subject to a Class A fine (up to €5,000) and/or up to 12 months’ imprisonment if tried summarily, or a fine and/or up to seven years’ imprisonment if convicted on indictment. Section 3 makes it an offence to record, distribute, or publish intimate images without consent. A person found guilty of such an offence is liable, on summary conviction, to a Class A fine (up to €5,000), and/or up to 12 months’ imprisonment. Section 4 makes it an offence to distribute, publish, or send threatening or grossly offensive communications. A person found guilty of an offence under Section 2 is subject to a Class A fine (up to €5,000) and/or up to six months’ imprisonment if tried summarily, or a fine and/or up to two years’ imprisonment if convicted on indictment. Section 7 provides that summary proceedings for an offence under the Act may be instituted within two years from the date on which the offence was committed.

Illegal Immigrants (Trafficking) Act (2000)

Trafficking in persons

The Illegal Immigrants Act makes it an offense for a person to organize or knowingly facilitate the entry of a person whom the person knows or has reasonable cause to believe to be an illegal immigrant or a person who intends to seek asylum into Ireland. The offence is punishable with fine of up to £1,500 or imprisonment up to 12 months or both on summary conviction; or, a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or both on conviction on indictment (Section 2(1)). This applies to acts or omissions both inside and outside of Ireland (Section 2(3)). However, it does not apply (a) to “anything done by a person otherwise than for gain,” or (b) to “anything done to assist a person seeking asylum by a person in the course of his or her employment by a bona fide organization if the purposes of that organization include giving assistance to persons seeking asylum” (Section 2).

قانون العقوبات (Penal Code) (1960)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Gender-based violence in general, Honor crimes (or honour crimes), Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Articles 97-98 and 340-341 relate to who may benefit from more lenient sentences for “honour crimes,” such as a person who has witnessed his or her spouse committing adultery. However, Article 345 now excludes honor crimes where the victim is under 15 from qualifying as a mitigating circumstance as enumerated in Articles 97 and 98. Further, Article 308, which allowed a rapist to avoid punishment if they married their victim, was removed in the same 2017 amendment. Article 292 criminalizes intercourse with a woman, other than the man's wife, without her consent through either the means of coercion, threat, or deception. The punishment for such an action is at least 15 years’ imprisonment. This is extended under Article 293 to those women who are unable to resist sexual advances due to a physical or mental disability. In Article 294, a person who has intercourse with a girl of 15-17 years of age will be subject to 7 years temporary hard labor. If the victim is between 12 - 15 years, the minimum penalty will be 15 years. Article 304 provides a minimum standard of six months to three years imprisonment for those persons who “deflower virgins” of 18 years after promising to marry them in addition to compensation. Article 305 and 306 provides that anyone who commits sexual harassment or any type of sexual gesture with a child of under 18 (male or female), or over 18 without consent, is penalized. Article 314 provides that caretakers who permit a child between 6-16 to frequent brothels is penalized for imprisonment for a period of 6 years or with a fine of 20 (JD). Articles 309-318 prohibit prostitution, running a brothel, forcing a woman into prostitution, exposing a child to a brothel, renting a house for brothel, living off of a woman’s sex work. Article 323 punishes whomever aborts a woman's pregnancy without her consent with labor penalties for 10 years, and more than 10 years if the abortion leads to the woman’s death. Abortion remains illegal, but obtaining an abortion “to preserve honor” is a mitigating factor.

توضح المواد 97-98 والمواد 340-341 من يمكن أن يستفيد من العقوبات المخففة لجرائم الشرف مثل الشخص الذي فوجئ بزوجته بجريمة الزنا. بينما بينت المادة 345 أن العقوبات المخففة لا تشمل من هم دون 15 عام. ومن الجدير بالذكر أنه تم حذف المادة 308 التي كانت تسمح للمغتصب بأن يتزوج الضحية. ومنعت المادة 292 مواقعة أنثى بغير رضاها سواء بالتهديد أو بالإكراه أو بالحيلة أو الخداع، وتكون العقوبة 15 سنة فأكثر. كما تمتد ذات العقوبة إلى الأنثى التي لا تستطيع المقاومة بسبب ضعف نفسي أو عقلي أو جسدي. كما أشارت المادة 294 إلى أن كل شخص واقع أنثى ما بين 15-17 سنة عوقب بالأشغال المؤقتة لمدة لا تقل عن 7 سنوات، أما إذا كان يقل عمره عن 15 سنة فتمتد عقوبة الأشغال إلى 15 سنة كحد أدنى. ووضحت المادة 304 أن كل شخص قام بخداع بكرًا يبلغ عمرها 18 عام فأكثر بوعده لها بالزاوج ففض بكارتها أو تسبب في حملها يعاقب بالحبس من 6 أشهر على 3 سنوات، بالإضاقة إلى ضمان بكارتها. ذكرت كل من المادتين 305 و306 أنه يعاقب كل شخص قام بفعل جنسي أو أي إيحاء يدل على ذلك لشخص لم يتم 18 من عمره أو أكمل 18 من عمره لكن لو يؤخذ برضاه. كما أشارت المادة 314 أن كل من عوهد إليه بالعناية بولد يتراوح عمره ما بين 6-16 سنة، وسمح له بالاقامة في بيت بغاء أو التردد عليه، يعاقب بالحبس حتى 6 أشهر أو بغرامة حتى 20 دولار. أما اامواد 309-318 فقد جاءت لتمنع الدعارة، والمادة 323 أشارت إلى أنه من أقدم بأي وسيلة كان على اجهاض امرأة، فيعاقب بالحبس لمدة لا تزيد على 10 سنوات، وأكثر من 10 سنوات إذا سبب ذلك الإجهاض وفاة. الإجهاض لا يزال غير قانوني، ولكن لو أرادت المرأة أن تقوم بالإجهاض للحفاظ على الشرف هو عامل مؤثر.

قانون الحماية من العنف الأسري (Protection from Domestic Violence Law No. 15 or 2017) (2017)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

Article 4 (A/1) requires education, health, and social service providers (whether private or public sector) to report known or reported cases of domestic violence to the Juvenile and Family Protection Department. The obligation to report such cases (regardless of the consent of the victim) is in part mitigated by Article 4 (B) which guarantees the protection of victims by forbidding disclosure of their identities unless required by judicial procedures. The Law goes on to grant the police rights in relation to actual or suspected cases of violence or abuse. Additionally, Article 6 (A) obligates the Family Protection Department to act on every report or request of assistance in relation to domestic violence promptly. Article 7 (B) prohibits the Family Protection Department from settling a felony case; instead, such cases shall be referred to the Public Prosecutor for further legal action. Articles 16 further entails multiple measures the court may take including a restraining order from approaching the victim or any of the family members or to provoke another person to do so.

تفرض الفقرة (أ) من المادة 4 على كل من مقدمي الخدمات الصحية أو التعليمية أو الاجتماعية في القطاعين العام والخاص التبليغ عن أي حالة عنف أسري واقعة على فاقد الأهلية أو ناقصها حال علمه أو إبلاغه بها، ونصت الفقرة (ب) من المادة 4 أنه لا يجوز الإفصاح عن هوية مقدمي البلاغ في قضايا العنف الأسري إلا إذا تطلبت الإجراءات غير ذلك. والفقرة (أ) من المادة (6) ألزمت إدارة حماية الأسرة بالاستجابة لكل شكوى أو إخبار أو طلب مساعدة أو حماية تتعلق بالعنف الأسري بالسرعة القصوى، كما ألزمت جميع الجهات حال تلقيها أي شكوى عن أي حالة عنف أسري تحويلها إلى إدارة حماية الأسرة لاتخاذ الإجراءات اللازمة بشأنها. يمتنع على إدارة حماية الأسرة إجراء التسوية في حال كان الفعل يشكل جناية وعليها في هذه الحالة إحالته إلى المدعي العام المختص لإجراء المقتضى القانوني وفقًا للفقرة (ب) من المادة 7. وأشارت المادة 16 إلى أنه للمحكمة المختصة أن تصدر حال قناعتها بضرورة حماية المتضرر وأي من أفراد الأسرة وبناء على طلب أي منهما وفي غياب أو حضور مرتكب العنف الأسري عدة إجرائات ومنها أمر حماية بعدم التعرض للمتضرر.

Penal Code (Law No. 58 of the Year 1937 Promulgating the Penal Code) (with amendments through 2018): Articles 267-269, 290 (Rape & Indecent Assault) (1937)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Article 267 of the Penal Code provides for a punishment of rigorous imprisonment (meaning imprisonment with hard labor) for anyone who rapes a woman, which shall be permanent if the perpetrator is a “Specified Perpetrator, meaning an ancestor of the victim, other person responsible for her upbringing or having power over her, or a paid servant of the victim or the perpetrator . Article 267 does not address rape of men. Article 268, however, is gender-neutral. It prescribes three to seven years of rigorous imprisonment with hard labor for indecent assault of a person by force or threat, or an attempt to do so. The punishment for indecent assault may increase if (i) the victim was less than 16 years old, or (ii) the perpetrator is a Specified Perpetrator. The punishment for indecent assault increases to permanent rigorous imprisonment with hard labor when a Special Perpetrator indecently assaults a person under 16 years old. Finally, Article 269 provides that anyone who indecently assaults a minor under 18 years of age without force or punishment is subject to imprisonment. If the victim was less than seven years of age or the perpetrator is a Specified Perpetrator, the penalty is rigorous imprisonment with hard labor. Article 290 provides that kidnapping a woman is punished with permanent rigorous imprisonment with hard labor. If the kidnapper also rapes the woman, the sentence is death. English translation available here.

Penal Code (Law No. 58 of the Year 1937 Promulgating the Penal Code) (with amendments through 2018): Articles 260-264 (Abortion) (1937)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

Article 260 of the Penal Code provides that whoever willfully causes an abortion by beating or other violent injuries shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment (meaning imprisonment with hard labor per Article 13) (“Rigorous Imprisonment”). Those who provide medicine or other means of inducing abortion, with or without the consent of the pregnant woman, are subject to imprisonment (Article 261). It is also a crime for women to have an abortion using medicines or other means (Article 262). Any doctor, surgeon, pharmacist, or midwife who provides an abortion is subject to rigorous imprisonment with hard labor. However, attempted abortion is not a punishable offense (Article 264). English translation available here.

Law No. 10 of the Year 2021 (2021)

Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting

Law No. 10 of the Year 2021 amends the Penal Code to provide increased punishments for anyone who engages in female genital mutilation ("FGM"), which punishments range from a minimum of five years to a maximum of 20 years and depend on two factors: (a) whether the perpetrator is a licensed medical practitioner and (b) the extent of the harm inflicted on the woman or girl. Individuals who request or encourage FGM are also subject to imprisonment under this law.

Loi No. 2014-873 du 4 Août 2014 pour l’égalité réelle entre les femmes et les hommes (Law relating to real equality between women and men) (2014)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Forced and early marriage, Property and inheritance rights

Articles 32-53 of this law reinforced the provisions of the French Civil and Criminal Codes to provide enhanced protection to victims of domestic violence, including in relation to custody and housing. Articles 54-55 of the law reinforced the provisions of the French Civil Code preventing forced marriages. Notably, pursuant to Article 55, notwithstanding that each spouse’s “loi personnelle” (i.e., the law of the country of which the spouse is a national) generally determines the criteria and conditions required to marry, each spouse’s consent is required regardless of the spouses’ “loi personnelle.”

Articles 32-53 de la loi renforce les provisions du Code Civil et Code Pénal Français avec le but de renforcer la protection pour les victimes de violences domestiques, en particulier liée à la garde des enfants et du logement. Articles 54-55 de cette loi renforce les provisions du Code Civil Français avec l’objectif d’empêché les mariages forcés. En particulier, selon l’Article 55, même si chaque conjoint a une loi personnelle (la loi de leur pays de citoyenneté), qui normalement détermine les critères et conditions nécessaires pour un mariage, le consentement de chaque conjoint est requis.

Loi No. 2012-954 du 6 Août 2012 relative au harcèlement sexuel (Law relating to sexual harassment) (2012)

Sexual harassment

This law amended the definition of sexual harassment in the French Criminal Code and increased the maximum penalties for sexual harassment. The definition of sexual harassment became broader and more precise, encompassing the imposition upon a person, in a repeated manner, of words or behaviors of a sexual nature, which either violate a person’s dignity due to their humiliating or degrading nature or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive situation. The use of any pressure, even on a one-off basis, for the real or apparent purpose of obtaining a sexual favor was also assimilated to the definition of sexual harassment.

Cette loi modifie la définition du harcèlement sexuel dans le Code Pénale Français et augmente la peine maximum pour le harcèlement sexuel. La définition de harcèlement sexuel s’élargit et devient plus précis, encadrant l’imposition sur une personne, d’une manière répétée, de mots ou d’actions d’une nature sexuelle, qui enfreint la dignité d’une personne à cause de la nature humiliante ou dégradante de ces propos, ou crée une situation d’intimidation, d’hostilité, ou une situation offensante. L’utilisation de pression, même une seule fois, pour le but d’obtenir une faveur sexuelle est aussi assimilé à la définition de harcèlement sexuel.

Loi No. 2010-769 du 9 Juilet 2010 relative aux violences faites spécifiquement aux femmes, aux violences au sein des couples et aux incidences de ces dernières sur les enfants (Domestic violence and effects on children) (2010)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Gender-based violence in general

Article 8 of the law amended the French Civil Code provisions regarding parental custody. Specifically, it included harassment or violence, whether physical or psychological, by one parent against the other among the factors in custody determinations. Article 31 of the law amended the French Criminal Code as follows: (i) it clarified that psychological violence falls within the scope of violence against the person; and (ii) it introduced a penal offense when the harassment of one’s spouse or partner results in a degradation of that spouse’s or partner’s physical or mental health.

Article 8 modifie les provisions du Code Civile Français qui adresse la garde des enfants. En particulier, l’article inclut le harassement ou la violence, physique ou psychologique, par un parent contre un autre comme un facteur a considéré durant la détermination de la garde d’un enfant. Article 31 modifie le Code Civile Français de deux manières : (i) cela clarifie que la violence psychologique est un type de violence contre un individu ; et (ii) cela introduit une offense pénale quand le harcèlement d’un conjoint, d’un partenaire lié par un pacte civil de solidarité, ou d’un concubin aboutit à la dégradation de leur santé physique ou mentale.

Loi n° 2006-399 du 4 Avril 2006 renforçant la epression et la epression des violences au sein du couple ou commises contre les mineurs (Law reinforcing the prevention and repression of violence within couple or against minors) (2006)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Sexual violence and rape

Article 11 amended the French Criminal Code to recognize that a spouse can commit rape against their spouse. It also states that the presumption that a spouse has consent to sexual acts within the matrimonial relationship only continues until proof to the contrary. Furthermore, in sentencing a person convicted of rape, the fact that the victim is the accused’s spouse does not affect the application of rape sentencing guidelines. Article 14 amended the French Criminal Code to allow for the prosecution of female genital mutilation committed abroad on a minor victim legally residing in France. This paralleled a legal shift making female genital mutilation an exception to medical confidentiality that must be reported to the police, social services, and administrative services.

Article 11 modifie le Code Pénal Français, pour reconnaître qu’un conjoint peut commettre le viol contre leur conjoint. L’article conclut que le fait qu’un conjoint a consenti à des actes sexuels durant leur relation matrimoniale ne continue que jusqu’à preuve du contraire. Par ailleurs, durant la période d’imposition de peine, le fait que la victime de viol est le conjoint de l’accusé n’affecte pas le besoin de suivre les directives légales d’années de peines pour viol. Article 14 a modifié le Code Pénal Français pour permettre la poursuite en justice de tout acte de mutilations sexuelles féminines fait à l’étranger sur une victime mineur résident habituellement sur le territoire Français. Cette décision est prise en parallèle à d’autres modifications de lois, faisant que tout acte de mutilations sexuelles féminines est une exception au privilège médical, et qu’il faut informer la police, les services sociaux, et administratifs.

Про внесення змін до Кримінального та Кримінального процесуального кодексів України з метою реалізації положень Конвенції Ради Європи про запобігання насильству стосовно жінок і домашньому насильству та боротьбу з цими явищами (No. 2227-VII) (2017)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Forced sterilization, Gender discrimination, International law, Sexual violence and rape

The Criminal and Criminal Procedural Codes of Ukraine were amended in December 2017 to adopt provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention). In part, these amendments increased the punishment for an illegal abortion (meaning that it was conducted by a person who had no special medical education; or forcing an abortion without voluntary consent, which is punishable by a fine of 50-100 tax-free minimum incomes, community service of 100-240 hours, correctional labor for up to two years, or restriction of liberty for up to two years, or imprisonment for the same term. The amendments criminalized forcing an abortion and forced sterilization without consent. Rape (i.e., sexual acts involving vaginal, anal, or oral penetration using the genitals or any other item, without voluntary consent) is punishable with imprisonment for three to five years and sexual violence (nonconsensual, non-penetrative sexual assault) is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years. Finally, consent is valid if it is a person's exercise of free will, with consideration of attending circumstances.

У грудні 2017 року до Кримінального та Кримінально-процесуального кодексів України були внесені зміни, що містять положення Конвенції Ради Європи «Про запобігання насильству щодо жінок і домашньому насильству та боротьбу з ними» (Стамбульська конвенція), ухваленої у 2011 році. Внаслідок цих змін статтю 134 Кримінального кодексу України, яка передбачає кримінальну відповідальність за незаконне проведення аборту (проведення аборту особою, яка не має спеціальної медичної освіти; примус до проведення аборту без добровільної згоди потерпілої), було змінено, в частині посилення відповідальності за це небезпечне злочинне діяння (тобто тепер незаконний аборт карається штрафом від 50 до 100 неоподатковуваних мінімумів доходів громадян або громадськими роботами на строк від 100 до 240 годин, або виправними роботами за на строк до двох років, або обмеженням волі на строк до двох років, або позбавленням волі на той самий строк). Також криміналізовано примус до аборту без добровільної згоди потерпілої, а також примусову стерилізацію без добровільної згоди потерпілої особи. Змінено статті, які передбачають кримінальну відповідальність за зґвалтування та сексуальне насильство. Зокрема, зґвалтування (тобто вчинення статевих дій, пов’язаних із вагінальним, анальним або оральним проникненням в тіло іншої особи за допомогою статевих органів або будь-якого іншого предмета без добровільної згоди потерпілої особи) карається позбавленням волі на строк від трьох до п’яти років, а також сексуальне насильство (не пов'язане з проникненням в тіло іншої особи без добровільної згоди потерпілої особи) карається позбавленням волі на строк до п'яти років. Примітка: Згода вважається добровільною, якщо вона є результатом вільного волевиявлення особи, з урахуванням супутніх обставин.

Про внесення змін до Кримінального та Кримінального процесуального кодексів України з метою реалізації положень Конвенції Ради Європи про запобігання насильству стосовно жінок і домашньому насильству та боротьбу з цими явищами (No. 2227-VIII) (2017)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Forced and early marriage, Gender discrimination, Gender-based violence in general, International law

The Criminal and Criminal Procedural Codes of Ukraine were amended in December 2017 to adopt provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention). As a result of these amendments, new dangerous acts were criminalized. For example, Article 151-2 supplemented the special part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine by providing criminal liability for forced marriage. Forced marriage (meaning coercing a person to marry, to continue a forcible marriage, to enter into cohabitation without marriage, to continue cohabitation, or to move to a territory other than that in which they reside, regardless of citizenship) is punishable by arrest for a term of up to six months, by restriction of liberty for a term of up to three years, or by imprisonment for the same term. Article 126-1 supplemented the special part of the Criminal Code by providing criminal liability for domestic violence. Domestic violence (meaning intentional systematic physical, psychological, or economic violence against a spouse or ex-spouse or another person with whom an offender has had a family or close relationship) is punishable by community service of up to 150-240 hours, or arrest for up to six months, restriction of liberty for up to five years, or imprisonment for up to two years. A new chapter, “Restrictions,” established that, in the interests of domestic violence victims, the convicted person might be (i) banned from living with a person who suffered from domestic violence or (ii) restricted in communications with their child if the child was a victim or observer of domestic violence. In addition, these amendments provide criminal liability for failure to comply with restrictive measures, which is punishment with arrest for up to six months or restriction of liberty for up to two years. Finally, consent is valid if it is a person's exercise of free will, in consideration of attending circumstances.

У грудні 2017 року до Кримінального та Кримінально-процесуального кодексів України були внесені зміни з метою закріплення положень Конвенції Ради Європи «Про запобігання насильству щодо жінок і домашньому насильству та боротьбу з ними» (Стамбульська конвенція), прийнятої у 2011 році. У результаті цих змін нові суспільно небезпечні діяння були криміналізовані. Наприклад, особливу частину Кримінального кодексу України доповнено статтею 151-2, яка передбачає кримінальну відповідальність за примушення до шлюбу. Примусовий шлюб (тобто примушування особи до вступу в шлюб або до продовження примусово укладеного шлюбу, або до вступу у співжиття без укладання шлюбу, або до продовження такого співжиття, або спонукання з цією метою особи до переміщення на територію іншої держави, ніж та, в якій вона проживає (там «проживає» означає постійне місце проживання в певному місці, не обов’язково пов’язане з громадянством) карається арештом на строк до шести місяців або обмеженням волі на строк до трьох років, або позбавленням волі на той самий строк. Також у 2017 році особливу частину Кримінального кодексу України було доповнено статтею 126-1, яка передбачає кримінальну відповідальність за домашнє насильство. Домашнє насильство (тобто умисне систематичне вчинення фізичного, психологічного або економічного насильства щодо подружжя чи колишнього подружжя або іншої особи, з якою винний перебуває (перебував) у сімейних або близьких відносинах, що призводить до фізичних або психологічних страждань, розладів здоров’я, втрати працездатності, емоційної залежності або погіршення якості життя потерпілої особи) караються громадськими роботами на строк від 150 до 240 годин, або арештом на строк до шести місяців, або обмеженням волі на строк до п'яти років, або позбавлення волі на строк до двох років. Додано новий розділ «Обмежувальні заходи». Встановлено, що в інтересах потерпілого від злочину, пов'язаного з домашнім насильством, на засудженого можуть бути покладені такі обов'язки: заборона перебувати в спільному місці проживання з жертвою; обмеження спілкування з дитиною у разі вчинення насильства в сім'ї щодо дитини або в її присутності; крім того, ці зміни передбачають кримінальну відповідальність за невиконання обмежувальних заходів (покарання у вигляді арешту на строк до шести місяців або обмеження волі на строк до двох років). Примітка: Згода вважається добровільною, якщо вона є результатом вільного волевиявлення особи, з урахуванням супутніх обставин.

Кримінальний кодекс України (стаття 3901: Невиконання обмежувальних заходів, обмежувальних приписів або непроходження програми для кривдників) (No. 2341-III) (Criminal Code of Ukraine (Article 3901: Failure to complete offender treatment program) (2001)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Gender-based violence in general

Article 3901 provides criminal liability for (i) intentional failure to comply with the restrictive measures applicable to perpetrators of domestic violence (for example, prohibition on cohabitation with a person who has suffered from domestic violence, restriction of communication with the child in the event that domestic violence is committed against the child or in their presence, etc.); (ii) intentional failure to comply with restrictive instructions; or (iii) intended evasion of a court-mandated offender treatment program. A person who commits these socially dangerous culpable acts shall be punished by arrest for a term of up to six months, or restriction of liberty for a term of up to two years.

Стаття 3901 передбачає кримінальну відповідальність за (i) умисне недотримання обмежувальних заходів, які застосовуються до винних у домашньому насильстві (наприклад, заборона спільного проживання з особою, яка постраждала від домашнього насильства, обмеження спілкування з дитиною у випадку, якщо домашнє насильство вчинене щодо дитини або в її присутності тощо); (ii) умисне невиконання обмежувальних приписів; або (iii) умисне ухилення від проходження програми для кривдників особою, щодо якої такі заходи застосовані судом. Особа, яка вчинила ці суспільно небезпечні діяння, карається арештом на строк до шести місяців або обмеженням волі на строк до двох років.

Кримінальний кодекс України (статті 302-303: Проституція та сексуальна експлуатація) (No. 2341-III) Criminal Code of Ukraine (Article 302-303: Prostitution and Sexual Exploitation) (2001)

Gender-based violence in general, Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

Article 302 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine states that creating or running brothels, and also procuring people for sex work in brothels, shall be punishable by a fine of 1,000-2,000 tax-free minimum incomes or restriction of liberty for up to two years. Article 302 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine states that creating or running brothels, and procurement, shall be punishable by a fine of 1,000-2,000 tax-free minimum incomes or restriction of liberty for up to two years. Article 303 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine prohibits engaging a person in prostitution or compulsion to engage in prostitution, involving deceit, blackmail or vulnerable state of a person, with imposition of violence or threat of violence, or pimping. If breached, the penalty is imprisonment for a term of three to five years. Under this Article, pimping shall mean any action of a person committed for the purpose of engaging another person in prostitution.

Статтею 302 Кримінального кодексу України передбачено, що створення або утримання місць розпусти, а також звідництво для розпусти караються штрафом від 1000 до 2000 неоподатковуваних мінімумів доходів громадян або обмеженням волі на строк до двох років. Статтею 303 Кримінального кодексу України забороняється втягнення особи в заняття проституцією або примушування її до зайняття проституцією з використанням обману, шантажу чи уразливого стану цієї особи, або із застосуванням чи погрозою застосування насильства, або сутенерство. У разі вчинення дій, що криміналізовані цією статтею, передбачено покарання у вигляді позбавлення волі на строк від трьох до п'яти років. Відповідно до цієї статті під сутенерством слід розуміти дії особи по забезпеченню заняття проституцією іншою особою.

Кримінальний кодекс України (ст. 301: Проведення видовищного заходу сексуального характеру за участю неповнолітньої особи) (No. 2341-III) (Criminal Code of Ukraine (Article 301: Conducting an entertainment show of sexual nature with a minor) (2001)

Statutory rape or defilement

Article 3012 states that involving a minor in: (i) conducting an entertainment show of a sexual nature (i.e., public display in any form of products of sexual nature or stage actions including acts of sexual nature), including with the use of information and telecommunication systems or technologies, or (ii) attending such a show, shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to seven years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years. If the act involved forcing a minor to participate in such a show through deception, blackmail, exploiting a vulnerable condition, or the use of threat of violence, the perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of seven to ten years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years.

Стаття 3012 визначає, що залучення неповнолітнього до: (I) проведення видовищного заходу сексуального характеру (тобто публічного показу у будь-якій формі продукції сексуального характеру або сценічних дій, метою яких є втілення сексуальних дій.), у тому числі з використання інформаційно-телекомунікаційних систем або технологій, або (II) відвідування видовищного заходу сексуального характеру, караються позбавленням волі на строк від трьох до семи років з позбавленням права обіймати певні посади чи займатися певною діяльністю. терміном до трьох років. Якщо діяння полягало в примушуванні неповнолітнього до участі в такому заході, шляхом обману, шантажу, уразливого стану особи або із застосуванням чи погрозою застосування насильства, винний карається позбавленням волі на строк від семи до десяти років з позбавленням права обіймати певні посади чи займатися певною діяльністю на строк до трьох років.

Кримінальний кодекс України (стаття 300: Ввезення, виготовлення або розповсюдження творів, що пропагують культ насильства і жорстокості, расову, національну чи релігійну нетерпимість та дискримінацію) (No. 2341-III) Criminal Code of Ukraine (Article 300) (2001)

Gender discrimination

The Criminal Code of Ukraine Article 300 prohibits the importation, manufacture or distribution of works that promulgate violence and cruelty, racial, national or religious intolerance and discrimination. Importation into Ukraine for sale or distribution purposes, or manufacture, storage, transportation or other movement for the same purposes, or sale or distribution of works (and also compelling others to participate in the creation of such works) that promulgate discrimination, among other things, are criminalized by Article 300. These dangerous culpable acts shall be punishable by a fine of 1,000-4,000 tax-free minimum incomes, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or restriction of liberty for a term of up to three years. Committing the same actions with regard to motion pictures and video films that promulgate discrimination, and also selling works that promulgate discrimination, to minors or distribution of such works among minors are as aggravating circumstances.

Ввезення в Україну творів, що пропагують, серед іншого, дискримінацію, з метою збуту чи розповсюдження або їх виготовлення, зберігання, перевезення чи інше переміщення з тією самою метою або їх збут чи розповсюдження (а також примушування до участі в їх створенні) криміналізовано статтею 300. Ці небезпечні винні дії караються штрафом від 1000 до 4000 неоподатковуваних мінімумів доходів громадян або арештом на строк до шести місяців, або обмеженням волі на строк до трьох років. Ті самі дії щодо кіно- та відеопродукції, що пропагують дискримінацію, а також збут такої продукції неповнолітнім чи розповсюдження серед них творів, що пропагують дискримінацію є кваліфікуючою ознакою цього злочину, що обтяжує покарання.

Кримінальний кодекс України (Статті 155-156: Сексуальне насильство над дітьми) (No. 2341-III) (Criminal Code of Ukraine (Article 155-156: Sexual abuse of children)) (2001)

Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Article 155 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine states that an adult who commits acts of sexual nature associated with the vaginal, anal, or oral penetration into the body of a person under the age of 16, using genitals, another body part, or any item, shall be punished by restriction of liberty for a term of up to five years, or imprisonment for the same term. If such acts are committed by close relatives or family members, a person who is responsible for the upbringing or care of the victim; or if they are associated with the provision of monetary or other remuneration to the victim or a third party or with a promise of such remuneration; or where they have caused infertility or any other grave consequences, the perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of five to eight years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years. Article 156 provides criminal liability for debauched actions committed against a person under 16 years of age. This dangerous culpable act shall be punishable by restriction of liberty for a term of up to five years or imprisonment for the same term. If the same acts committed against a child or committed by family members or close relatives, a person who is responsible for the upbringing or care of the victim, the perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of five to eight years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years. Harassment of a child for sexual purposes is criminalized by the Article 1561. Harassment under this article means proposal of a meeting made by an adult to a person under the age of 16, for the purpose of committing any acts of sexual nature or debauched acts, after which at least one action was taken to ensure that meeting will take place.

Стаття 155 Кримінального кодексу України визначає, що повнолітня особа, яка вчинила дії сексуального характеру, пов’язані із вагінальним, анальним або оральним проникненням в тіло особи, яка не досягла шістнадцятирічного віку, з використанням геніталій, іншого органу чи частини тіла або будь-якого предмета, карається обмеженням волі на строк до п'яти років або позбавленням волі на той самий строк. У випадку, якщо ті самі дії, вчинені близькими родичами або членами сім’ї, особою, на яку покладено обов’язки щодо виховання потерпілої особи або піклування про неї, або якщо вони поєднані з наданням грошової чи іншої винагороди потерпілій особі чи третій особі або з обіцянкою такої винагороди, або якщо вони спричинили безплідність чи інші тяжкі наслідки, злочинець карається позбавленням волі на строк від п'яти до восьми років з позбавленням права обіймати певні посади чи займатися певною діяльністю на строк до трьох років або без такого. Стаття 156 передбачає кримінальну відповідальність за розпусні дії, вчинені щодо особи, яка не досягла 16 років. Це суспільно небезпечне винне діяння карається обмеженням волі на строк до п'яти років або позбавленням волі на той самий строк. Якщо ті самі дії вчинені щодо малолітньої особи або вчинені членами сім’ї чи близькими родичами, особою, на яку покладено обов’язки щодо виховання потерпілого або піклування про нього, винний підлягає покаранню у вигляді позбавлення волі на строк від п'яти до восьми років з позбавленням права обіймати певні посади чи займатися певною діяльністю на строк до трьох років або без такого. Домагання дитини для сексуальних цілей криміналізовано статтею 1561. Домагання за цією статтею означає пропозицію зустрічі, зроблену повнолітньою особою, особі, яка не досягла 16 років з метою вчинення стосовно неї будь-яких дій сексуального характеру або розпусних дій, у разі якщо після такої пропозиції було вчинено хоча б одну дію, спрямовану на те, щоб така зустріч відбулася.

Кримінальний кодекс України (Стаття 149: Торгівля людьми) (No. 2341-III) (Criminal Code of Ukraine (Article 149: Trafficking in Human Beings)) (2001)

Gender-based violence in general, Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

Article 149 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provides criminal liability for trafficking in human beings, as well as recruitment, movement, concealment, transfer, or receipt of a person committed for the purpose of exploitation, coercion, abduction, fraud, blackmail, material, or other dependence of the victim, their vulnerable condition or bribery of a third-party controlling victim, to obtain consent for their exploitation. A person who commits such socially dangerous acts shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of three to eight years. Article 149 defines exploitation of a human being as including, among other things, all forms of the sexual exploitation, forcing someone to work in the pornography industry, forced pregnancy or forced termination of pregnancy, forced marriage, etc. The Article also provides an explanation of a person's “vulnerable state” (i.e., physical or mental properties or external circumstances, that eliminate or limit the ability to realize their acts (omission) or to control them, to take independent decisions, to resist the violent or other unlawful actions, the coincidence of difficult personal, family, or other circumstances).

Стаття 149 Кримінального кодексу України передбачає кримінальну відповідальність за торгівлю людьми, а так само вербування, переміщення, переховування, передачу або одержання людини, вчинені з метою експлуатації, з використанням примусу, викрадення, обману, шантажу, матеріальної чи іншої залежності потерпілого, його уразливого стану або підкупу третьої особи, яка контролює потерпілого, для отримання згоди на його експлуатацію. Особа, яка вчинила вищезгадані суспільно небезпечні діяння, карається позбавленням волі на строк від трьох до восьми років. Згідно примітки до цієї статті під експлуатацією людини, серед іншого, розуміються всі форми сексуальної експлуатації, використання в порнобізнесі, примусову вагітність або примусове переривання вагітності, примусове одруження тощо. У примітці також надається визначення поняття "уразливий стан особи" (тобто це зумовлений фізичними чи психічними властивостями або зовнішніми обставинами стан особи, який позбавляє або обмежує її здатність усвідомлювати свої дії (бездіяльність) або керувати ними, приймати за своєю волею самостійні рішення, чинити опір насильницьким чи іншим незаконним діям, збіг тяжких особистих, сімейних або інших обставин).

Ley 1160 de noviembre 26, 1997 (modifica el Código Penal) (1997)

Custodial violence, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

This law amends Paraguay’s Criminal Code and establishes (among other things) penalties for (i) sexual harassment, article 133; (ii) domestic violence, article 229; (iii) sexual coercion, including sexual abuse without intercourse, article 128; (iv) human trafficking, article 129; (v) sexual abuse of defenseless victims, article 130; and (vi) sexual abuse of persons held in custody, children under 14, and/or persons under guardianship –articles 130, 131, 135, 136, 137 and 230.

Esta ley modifica el Código Penal de Paraguay y establece, entre otras, penas por (i) acoso sexual, artículo 133; (ii) violencia intrafamiliar, artículo 229; (iii) coacción sexual, incluido el abuso sexual sin penetración, artículo 128; (iv) trata de personas, artículo 129; (v) abuso sexual de víctimas indefensas, artículo 130; y (vi) abuso sexual de personas privadas de libertad, menores de 14 años y/o personas bajo tutela –artículos 130, 131, 135, 136, 137 y 230.

Ley No 1600 de 2000 en contra de la violencia doméstica de octubre 6, 2000 (2000)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

This law promotes protection for victims of domestic violence who have suffered physical or psychological aggression from any of the members of the family, whether or not they cohabitate. Protection orders, as precautionary measures, shall be granted by a ‘Peace Judge’ (Juez de Paz). This law also regulates other support measures for the victim-survivor, such as the immediate attention and health care by the public health agencies.

Esta ley promueve la protección de las víctimas de violencia doméstica que hayan sufrido agresiones físicas o psíquicas por parte de alguno de los miembros de la familia, convivan o no. Las órdenes de protección, como medidas cautelares, serán otorgadas por un Juez de Paz. Esta ley también regula otras medidas de apoyo a la víctima-sobreviviente, como la atención inmediata y el cuidado de la salud por parte de los organismos públicos de salud.

Ley 4788 de 2012 en contra del tráfico de personas de diciembre 13, 2012 (2012)

Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

This law prevents and punishes human trafficking perpetrated in Paraguayan territory and abroad, in any of its forms. It also protects and assists victims by strengthening public actions as a response against this crime. The law criminalizes with eight years of imprisonment any conduct intended to capture or transport victims with the purposes of sexual exploitation, slavery, or organ trafficking. The years of imprisonment could increase when aggravating circumstances are present. In case of conviction, the law also allows courts to set any compensation for the victim, at the expense of the convicted.

Esta ley previene y sanciona la trata de personas perpetrada en el territorio paraguayo y en el exterior, en cualquiera de sus formas. También protege y asiste a las víctimas fortaleciendo las acciones públicas como respuesta a este delito. La ley tipifica con ocho años de prisión cualquier conducta tendiente a la captura o transporte de víctimas con fines de explotación sexual, esclavitud o tráfico de órganos. Los años de prisión podrán aumentar cuando concurran circunstancias agravantes. En caso de condena, la ley también permite que los tribunales fijen alguna indemnización para la víctima, a expensas del condenado.

Ley para la Protección de las Mujeres contra Todas las Formas de Violencia Nº 5777 de 2016, diciembre 29, 2016 y Decreto Nº 6973 of 2017 que reglaenta la Ley Nº 5777 de 2016, marzo 27, 2017 (2016)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Gender discrimination, Gender-based violence in general

This law seeks to promote and guarantee women’s right to live free from violence. Its purpose is to promote prevention and protection strategies, sanctions, and integral reparation measures for any kind of violence exercised against women. This law fosters public policies to prevent and remediate different forms of violence, such as psychological, sexual, and physical violence. It also assigns broad responsibilities to each Ministry and Governmental Agency to support the fight against discrimination. The law provides both for protection measures for women that are victims of abuse, such as specific agencies to channel the claims; and penalties for abusers, for instance from 10 to 30 years of imprisonment for femicide. In turn, Decree 6973 specifies that interpretation and application of Law 5777 of 2016 shall provide the broadest protection for women subject to violence. Subsequently, no legal provision may deny, undermine, or limit the rights guaranteed therein. The Decree sets specific courses of action authorities must undertake to prevent violence against women and particular procedures to accomplish that goal. Romantic, platonic, and other sorts of intra-family relationships are considered domestic. For these purposes, marriage is not a requirement.

Esta ley busca promover y garantizar el derecho de las mujeres a gozar de una vida libre de violencia. Su finalidad es promover estrategias de prevención y protección, sanción y medidas de reparación integral frente a cualquier tipo de violencia contra las mujeres. Esta ley fomenta políticas públicas para prevenir y remediar diferentes formas de violencia, como la violencia psicológica, sexual y física. También asigna amplias responsabilidades a cada Ministerio y agencia gubernamental para apoyar la lucha contra la discriminación. La ley prevé tanto medidas de protección para las mujeres que son víctimas de maltrato, como organismos específicos para canalizar las denuncias y penas para los abusadores, por ejemplo, de 10 a 30 años de prisión por feminicidio. A su vez, el Decreto 6973 especifica que la interpretación y aplicación de la Ley 5777 de 2016 brindará la más amplia protección a las mujeres víctimas de violencia. En consecuencia, ninguna disposición legal podrá negar, menoscabar o limitar los derechos en ella garantizados. El Decreto establece cursos de acción específicos que las autoridades deben emprender para prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres y procedimientos particulares para lograr ese objetivo. Las relaciones intrafamiliares, románticas y similares se consideran domésticas. A estos efectos, el matrimonio no es un requisito.

Ley 1542 de julio 5 de 2012 (2012)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Gender-based violence in general

This law extended the powers of authorities in investigations of alleged crimes of violence against women as well as amended the domestic violence and food assistance provisions, as contained in articles 229 and 233 of the Criminal Code. With the issuance of this law, the prosecutor is allowed to engage in investigations of the aforementioned crimes at the moment it learns from the conduct in any manner, thus, the prosecutor no longer has to wait until someone presses charges to start the correspondent investigations.

Esta ley amplió las facultades de las autoridades en las investigaciones de presuntos delitos de violencia contra la mujer y modificó las disposiciones sobre violencia doméstica y asistencia alimentaria, contenidas en los artículos 229 y 233 del Código Penal. Con la expedición de esta ley el fiscal puede iniciar investigaciones de los delitos antes mencionados en el momento en que tenga conocimiento de la conducta de cualquier manera, por lo que el fiscal ya no tiene que esperar a que alguien presente cargos para iniciar las investigaciones correspondientes.

Ley 599 de julio 24, 2000 (Código Penal Colombiano) (2000)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Acid violence, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide, Gender-based violence in general

This law serves as the basis for the Colombian Criminal Code, it enumerates conducts that constitute crimes and their sanctions. The code sets forth several gender-related crimes. Article 104A criminalizes femicide, meaning the killing of women because they are female. Article 123 sanctions people who forcibly terminate a pregnancy. Article 187 prohibits forcing in-vitro treatments on women against their will. Article 229 regulates domestic violence offenses. Articles 208 and following criminalize rape and establish aggravating circumstances including, among others, if the victim is under 14 years old, if the victim is incapable of defending him or herself, if the abuser used violence and if the abuse was held within the household. Article 116 A prohibits the use of chemical agents or corrosive substances that cause injuries or harm when they come into contact with human tissue. Finally, for some crimes, the code treats as an aggravating circumstance the fact that the victim is a woman. Law 1719 of June 18, 2014 modified and expanded these provisions.

Esta ley que contiene el Código Penal colombiano enumera las conductas que constituyen delitos y sus sanciones. El código establece varios delitos relacionados con el género. El artículo 104A tipifica como delito el feminicidio, es decir, el asesinato de mujeres solo por el hecho de ser mujeres. El artículo 123 sanciona a las personas que obligan a la mujer a interrumpir su embarazo. El artículo 187 prohíbe realizar tratamientos in vitro a mujeres en contra de su voluntad. El artículo 229 regula el delito de violencia doméstica. Los artículos 208 y siguientes tipifican como delito la violación y establecen circunstancias agravantes que incluyen, entre otras, que la víctima sea menor de 14 años, que sea incapaz de defenderse por sí misma, si el abusador usó violencia y si el abuso se llevó a cabo dentro del hogar. El artículo 116 A prohíbe el uso de agentes químicos o sustancias corrosivas que causen lesiones o daños cuando entren en contacto con tejidos humanos. Finalmente, para algunos delitos, el código trata como circunstancia agravante el hecho de que la víctima sea mujer. La Ley 1719 de junio 18, 2014 modificó y amplió algunas de estas disposiciones.

Ley 294 de Julio 16, 1996 (1996)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

This law aims to develop article 42 of the Constitution which establishes standards to prevent, remedy, and punish domestic violence. The Law stipulates the behaviors considered violative of structured harmony/unity within a family, protective measures against domestic violence, medical and physiological assistance for victims, and sanctions by the courts against the aggressor.

Esta ley tiene por objeto desarrollar el artículo 42 de la Constitución que establece normas para prevenir, remediar y sancionar la violencia intrafamiliar. La Ley estipula las conductas consideradas violatorias de la armonía y unidad dentro de un núcleo familia, las medidas de protección contra la violencia doméstica, la asistencia médica y fisiológica a las víctimas y las sanciones judiciales contra el agresor.

Apsaugos nuo smurto artimoje aplinkoje įstatymas (Protection Against Domestic Violence Act) (2011)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

This Act aims to protect any persons who are victims of domestic violence, including persons having a common household. It also defines “violence” as “intentional physical, mental, sexual, economic, or other influence exerted upon a person by act or omission, due to which the person suffers physical, material, or non-pecuniary damage.” Under the Act, victims do not have to submit a private complaint, but public prosecutors must charge the offenders. In addition, the victim of domestic abuse has the right to receive specialized support such as consulting a psychologist or receiving legal assistance. English translation available here.

Šiuo įstatymu siekiama apsaugoti visus asmenis, kurie yra smurto artimoje aplinkoje aukos, įskaitant asmenis, turinčius bendrą namų ūkį. Šis įstatymas taip pat apibrėžia jog „smurtas“ yra tiek veikimu, tiek neveikimu atliekamas „tyčinis fizinis, psichinis, seksualinis, ekonominis ar kitas poveikis, dėl kurio asmuo patiria fizinę, turtinę ar neturtinę žalą“. Pagal įstatymą nukentėjusiesiems nereikia pateikti privataus skundo, tačiau prokurorai privalo pateikti kaltinimus pažeidėjams. Be to, smurto artimoje aplinkoje auka turi teisę gauti specializuotą kompleksinę psichologo, teisinę ir kitą pagalbą.

Nr. 50 „Dėl nėštumo nutraukimo operacijos atlikimo tvarkos“, Lietuvos Respublikos sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos (No. 50 "On the Termination of Pregnancy Operation Procedure,” Decree of the Minister of Health) (1994)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

The Decree dictates that pregnancy can only be terminated up until 12 weeks. After that, abortion is allowed only when there is a risk to the woman's life or health.

Įstatymas numato, kad nėštumas gali būti nutrauktas tik iki 12 savaičių. Ilgesnis laikotarpis leidžiamas tik tada, kai kyla pavojus asmens gyvybei ar sveikatai.

Baudžiamasis Kodeksas (Criminal Code) (2000)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Female infanticide and feticide, Femicide, Sexual violence and rape, Stalking, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Under the Criminal Code, rape is defined quite narrowly as “sexual intercourse against a person’s will with the use or threat of physical violence present or deprivation of possibility of resistance.” There is also no mention of rape in marriage. To hold a person liable for rape, which is punished by imprisonment for up to seven years, the victim or their representative must file a complaint. However, in the case of rape (i) by a group of accomplices or (ii) of a minor or a young child, the term of imprisonment can be longer, and complaint filing is not needed. Further, sexual assault is punished by arrest or imprisonment of up to seven years, sexual abuse is punished by arrest or imprisonment of up to three years, and sexual harassment is punished by a fine, restriction of liberty, or arrest. However, Lithuania is one of the few European Union states to have not yet criminalized stalking. Trafficking in Human Beings is punished by imprisonment from two to ten years. Infanticide is punished by arrest or imprisonment for up to five years. In the case of illegal abortion, as defined in Decree No. 50 of the Minister of Health “On the Termination of Pregnancy Operation Procedure,” the doctor and assisting persons are liable. Finally, the Code recognizes acts committed to express hatred towards persons due to their, amongst other characteristics, gender and sexual orientation, to be an aggravating circumstance. English translation available here.

Pagal baudžiamąjį kodeksą išžaginimas gana siaurai apibrėžiamas kaip lytiniai santykiai prieš asmens valią „panaudojant fizinį smurtą ar grasinant tuoj pat jį panaudoti, ar kitaip atimant galimybę priešintis, ar pasinaudojant bejėgiška nukentėjusio asmens būkle”. Apie išprievartavimą santuokoje neužsimenama. Laikyti asmenį atsakingu už išžaginimą, kuris baudžiamas laisvės atėmimu iki septynerių metų, auka ar jų atstovas turi pateikti skundą. Tačiau tuo atveju, kai išžaginama (i) bendrininkų grupės arba (ii) nepilnametį vaiką, laisvės atėmimo bausmė gali būti ilgesnė ir skundo padavimo nereikia. Už seksualinę prievartą baudžiama areštu arba laisvės atėmimu iki septynerių metų, už seksualinį smurtą baudžiama areštu arba laisvės atėmimu iki trejų metų, o už seksualinį priekabiavimą baudžiama bauda, laisvės apribojimu arba areštu. Lietuva yra viena iš nedaugelio Europos Sąjungos valstybių, kuri dar nėra kriminalizavusi persekiojimo. Už prekybą žmonėmis baudžiama laisvės atėmimu nuo dvejų iki dešimties metų. Už nužudymą baudžiama areštu arba laisvės atėmimu iki penkerių metų. Neteisėto aborto atveju, kaip apibrėžta sveikatos apsaugos ministro įsakyme Nr. 50 „Dėl nėštumo operacijos procedūros nutraukimo“, atsako gydytojas ir pagalbą teikiantys asmenys. Galiausiai kodekse pripažįstama, kad veiksmai, kuriais siekiama išreikšti neapykantą asmenims dėl jų, įskaitant kitų savybių, lyties ir seksualinės orientacijos, yra sunkinanti aplinkybė.

Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) Abtreibung §§ 201-202: Vergewaltigung und geschlechtliche Nötigung (Penal Code Articles 201-202: Sexual Assault and Rape) (1974)

Sexual violence and rape

Section 201 states that a person who coerces another person, by force, deprivation of personal liberty, or by threat to life, to perform or tolerate sexual intercourse, or a sexual act equivalent to sexual intercourse, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of 2-10 years. If the act causes serious bodily harm or pregnancy of the raped person, or if the act places the raped person in a state of agony for a prolonged period of time or humiliates that person in an extraordinary way, the perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of 5-15 years. If the act results in the death of the raped person, the perpetrator shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of 10 to 20 years or by life imprisonment. Section 202 punishes other forms of sexual violence involving coercion by force or threat of violence with a term of imprisonment of six months to five years.

Nach § 201 wird mit Freiheitsstrafe von 2 bis 10 Jahren bestraft, wer eine andere Person mit Gewalt, unter Entziehung der persönlichen Freiheit oder durch Drohung mit dem Leben dazu nötigt, den Geschlechtsverkehr oder eine dem Geschlechtsverkehr gleichgestellte sexuelle Handlung vorzunehmen oder zu dulden. Führt die Tat zu einer schweren Körperverletzung oder zu einer Schwangerschaft der vergewaltigten Person oder versetzt sie die vergewaltigte Person für längere Zeit in einen Zustand der Agonie oder demütigt sie in außergewöhnlicher Weise, so wird der Täter mit Freiheitsstrafe von 5 bis 15 Jahren bestraft. Führt die Tat zum Tod der vergewaltigten Person, so wird der Täter mit einer Freiheitsstrafe von 10 bis 20 Jahren oder mit lebenslänglicher Freiheitsstrafe bestraft. Andere Formen der sexuellen Gewalt, die eine Nötigung durch Gewalt oder die Drohung mit Gewalt beinhalten, werden nach § 202 mit einer Freiheitsstrafe von sechs Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft.

Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) Abtreibung § 106(a): Zwangsheirat (Penal Code Article § 106(a): Forced Marriage) (1974)

Forced and early marriage

Section 106(a) states that a person who coerces another person to marry or establish a registered partnership, by force or by dangerous threat or threat of breaking off family contacts, is liable to a term of imprisonment of six months to five years. The same punishment applies to the act of coercing a person or forcing a person by dangerous threat of threat of interruption or withdrawal of family contacts, to move to another state or transports them to another state, with the intention of coercing the person to marry or establish a registered partnership in such other state. If the conduct results in a suicide (including an attempt) of the victim, the term of imprisonment is 1-10 years (Section 106a(3) in connection with Section 106(2)). The principle of territoriality does not apply under Section 64(1) no. 4a – even if the location of the crime is outside of Austria, a perpetrator is liable under Austrian law when he or the victim is Austrian.

Gemäß § 106a ist eine Person mit 6 Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren Freiheitsstrafe zu bestrafen, wenn sie eine andere Person mit Gewalt oder Drohung zur Eingehung einer Ehe oder eingetragenen Lebenspartnerschaft nötigt. Dies gilt ebenso, wenn eine Person eine andere Person durch Täuschung, Gewalt oder Drohung in einen anderen Staat bewegt, wo die Eheschließung oder Eintragung einer Partnerschaft erzwungen wird. Wenn dieses Verhalten dazu führt, dass sich das Opfer umbringt oder versucht sich umzubringen, erhöht sich die Gefängnisstrafe auf 1-10 Jahre (§ 106a Abs. 3 i.V.m. § 106 Abs. 2). Das Territorialitätsprinzip findet auch hier keine Anwendung. Vielmehr gilt nach § 64 Abs. 1 Ziff. 4a, dass der Täter auch strafbar hiernach ist, wenn der Tatort außerhalb von Österreich liegt, aber das Opfer zum Beispiel österreichischer Staatsangehöriger ist.

Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) Abtreibung §§ 85(1) & 90(3): Körperverletzung/Genitalverstümmelung (Penal Code: Articles §§ 85(1) & 90(3): Personal Injury/Genital Mutilation) (1974)

Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting

Section 85(1) no. 2a provides that a genital mutilation constitutes an assault with severe permanent consequences. While it can be possible to consent to a personal injury, Section 90(3) states that it is not possible for a person to consent to genital mutilation. Furthermore, pursuant to Section 64(1) no. 4a the criminal liability does not require that Austria be the location of the crime as long as, e.g., the perpetrator or the victim is Austrian.

Nach § 85 Abs. 1 Ziff. 2a ist die Genitalverstümmelung eine Körperverletzung mit schweren Dauerfolgen. Zwar kann grundsätzlich in eine Körperverletzung eingewilligt werden, allerdings macht § 90 Abs. 3 klar, dass das nicht für den Fall einer Genitalverstümmelung gilt. Außerdem ist nennenswert, dass § 64 Abs. 1 Ziff. 4a klar macht, dass die Strafbarkeit nicht voraussetzt, dass Österreich der Tatort war, solange z.B. das Opfer oder der Täter österreichische Staatsbürger sind.

Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) Abtreibung § 321a: Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit (Penal Code Article 321a: Crimes Against Humanity) (1974)

International law, Sexual violence and rape

Section 321a (1) and (3) provide that a person who holds a woman captive who has been impregnated through the use of coercion, with the intent to influence the ethnic composition of a population or to commit other serious violations of international law, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 5-15 years, or, if such an act results in the death of a person, a term of 10-20 years or life imprisonment. The abovementioned applies where such acts are performed as part of an extended or systematic attack against a civilian population.

Gemäß § 321a (1), (3) ist eine Person mit 5 bis 15 Jahren Gefängnis zu bestrafen, wenn sie im Rahmen eines systematischen und ausgedehnten Angriffskrieges gegen die Zivilbevölkerung eine Frau gefangen hält, die unter Anwendung von Zwang geschwängert wurde und dies mit dem Ziel erfolgt, die ethnische Zusammensetzung der Bevölkerung zu beeinflussen oder andere schwere Verletzungen des Internationalen Rechts vorzunehmen. Wenn die Handlung den Tod der anderen Person herbeiführt, ist die Strafe zwischen 10 und 20 Jahren oder sogar lebenslänglicher Freiheitssrafe festzusetzen.

Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) Abtreibung §§ 96-98: Abtreibung (Penal Code Articles 96-98: Abortion) (1974)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

Generally, the person performing the abortion and the pregnant woman who consents to the procedure are criminally liable pursuant to Section 96. Under Section 97 the abortion is not punishable, if (i) the abortion is performed by a doctor during the first three months of the pregnancy and after prior consultation with a doctor; (ii) the abortion is necessary to prevent a serious risk to life or serious danger to the physical or mental health of the pregnant woman or if there is a serious risk that the child will be seriously mentally or physically damaged, or if the pregnant woman was younger than 14 years old at the time of the impregnation, and in all such cases the abortion is performed by a doctor; or (iii) the abortion is performed to save the pregnant woman from an immediate, unavoidable danger to life and in circumstances where medical assistance cannot be obtained in time. Section 98 states that a person who terminates a pregnancy without the consent of the pregnant woman is liable to a term of imprisonment of up to three years. If such an act results in the death of the pregnant woman, the term of imprisonment varies between six months and five years. The abovementioned does not apply where such acts are performed to save the pregnant woman’s life from an immediate, unavoidable danger or where her consent cannot be obtained in time.

Grundsätzlich ist die Person, die die Abtreibung durchführt, wie auch die Frau, die der Prozedur zustimmt strafbar nach § 96. Nach § 97 ist die Abtreibung nicht strafbewährt, wenn (i) sie von einem Arzt während der ersten drei Monate der Schwangerschaft und nach einer vorherigen Beratungssitzung mit einem Arzt durchgeführt wurde; (ii) die Abtreibung notwendig ist, um ein ernstzunehmendes Risiko für das Leben oder die physische oder mentale Gesundheit der schwangeren Frau zu vermeiden, oder wenn ein ernstes Risiko besteht, dass das Kind ernsthafte mentale oder körperliche Schäden haben wird, oder wenn die Schwangere jünger als 14 Jahre alt ist im Zeitpunkt der Befruchtung, und – in all diesen Fällen – die Abtreibung von einem Arzt durchgeführt wird; oder (iii) die Abtreibung durchgeführt wird, um die Schwangere von einer unmittelbaren, unvermeidbaren Lebensgefahr zu retten und die Umstände keine rechtzeitige medizinische Versorgung zulassen. Gemäß § 98 ist eine Person mit bis zu drei Jahren Gefängnis zu bestrafen, wenn sie eine Schwangerschaft ohne die Einwilligung der Schwangeren beendet. Sollte diese Handlung zu dem Tod der Schwangeren führen, ist die Gefängnisstrafe zwischen 6 Monaten und fünf Jahren. Dies findet allerdings keine Anwendung, wenn solche Handlungen vorgenommen wurden, um die schwangere Frau von unmittelbaren, unvermeidbaren Lebensgefahren zu retten oder in Situationen, in denen die Einwilligung der Frau nicht rechtzeitig eingeholt werden konnte.

Trafficking in Persons Act (2015)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Trafficking in persons

The Trafficking in Persons Act provides for the prevention and elimination of human trafficking, in addition to establishing the National Coordination Committee against Trafficking in Persons which serves to coordinate and manage related issues in Malawi (the “Committee”). The Act applies to offenses committed at least partly in Malawi (or in contemplation of committing a crime inside Malawi), committed by a citizen of Malawi, or involving the trafficking of a citizen of Malawi. The Committee is responsible for coordinating and overseeing investigations and prosecutions under the Act, as well as formulating policy, educational programming, and recommendations with Malawi on the topic, amongst other responsibilities. The Act provides the Committee with affirmative responsibilities to trafficked persons, including access to adequate health care and shelter, protection from discrimination, and legal support. The Act criminalizes the trafficking of other persons, punishable up to 14 years of imprisonment. The Act provides a list of aggravating factors that can extend the punishment by life imprisonment, including if a trafficked person becomes pregnant or is forced to terminate a pregnancy. There are additional penalties associated with trafficking in children, including a maximum sentence of 21 years imprisonment, as well as for benefiting from exploitation or trafficking and providing support for trafficking offenses. The Act further regulates international transportation organizations, and provides specialized investigatory and judicial mechanisms for the enforcement of the Act.

قانون منع الاتجار بالبشر رقم 9 لسنة 2009 (Anti-Human Trafficking Law No. 9 of 2009) (2009)

Trafficking in persons

Article 8 provides that traffickers of adults over 18 are subject to a sentence of not less than six months, a fine of 1,000 – 5,000 (JD), or both. Human trafficking crimes for this purpose are defined in Article 3 (A)(1) to include coercion, threat or force, or through giving or receiving gifts or privileges to secure consent. Article 9 provides for a punishment consisting of temporary imprisonment with hard labor for a not less than 10 years, and a fine between 5000 – 20,000 (JD) if the victim of trafficking is a female under 18, even without any aggravating factors or the use or threat or force (as defined in Article 3). Article 10 further provides that a person will be imprisoned for up to 6 months if he or she becomes aware, by nature of her or his job, of such acts or the intent to commit Article 9 acts and does not report it. Similarly, Article 11 has provisions for juristic persons who commit such crimes stating they will be sentenced to a fine of 1,000 – 50,000 (JC) as well as potential criminal responsibility. Article 13 also provides a provision that consent of the victims is not a consideration under this Law, especially to reduce stipulated penalties in this Law.

ذكرت المادة 8 عقوبة كل من استقطب أشخاص أو نقلهم أو آواهم أو استقبلهم بغرض استغلالهم عن طريق التهديد بالقوة أو استعمالها أو غير ذلك من أشكال الاستغلال أو الاختطاف أو الاحتيال أو القسر أو الخداع (البند 1 من الفقرة أ من ذات القانون) بالحبس مدة لا تقل عن ستة أشهر أو بغرامة ما بين 1000 و5000 دينار أردني أو بكلتا هاتين العقوبتين. كما نصت المادة 9 على العقوبات التي تترتب على كل من اتجر بشخص يقل عمره عن 18 سنة ولو كان ذلك دون استعمال أي شكل من أشكال القوة الموضحة في المادة 3 من ذات القانون. وأوضحت المادة 10 أن عقوبة كل من نمى إلى علمه بحكم وظيفته بارتكاب إحدى الجرائم المنصوص عليها في المادة 9 من ذات القانون أو بوجود مخطط لارتكابها، منها الاتجار بالأشخاص الذي لم يبلغ عمرهم 18 سنة، ولم يقم بإبلاغ الجهات الرسمة ذات الاختصاص. أما المادة 11 فقد عاقبت الشخص الاعتباري المرتكب لأي جريمة منصوص عليها في هذا القانون بغرامة ما بين 10,000 و 50,000 دينار أردني. وذكرت المادة 13 أن رضى المجني عليهم أو المتضررين من جرائم الاتجار بالبشر لا يؤخذ بعين الاعتبار من أجل تخفيض أي من العقوبات المنصوص عليها في هذا القانون.

Código Penal Título VI – Artigos 377-390: Crimes Contra a Paz e a Comunidade Internacional (Penal Code: Crimes Against Peace and the International Community) (2020)

Gender-based violence in general, International law, LGBTIQ

The Penal Code establishes penalties of six months to six years for those who in a meeting, public place, or through any means of dissemination or communication with the public, incite hatred against a person or group of persons because of their race, color, ethnicity, place of birth, sex, belief or religion, political or ideological convictions, social condition or origin or other cause, with the purpose of discriminating against them.

O Código Penal estabelece penalidades de seis meses a seis anos para aqueles que em reunião, espaço público, ou qualquer outro meio de disseminação ou comunicação com o público, incitar ódio contra pessoa ou grupo de pessoas por causa de sua raça, cor, etnia, lugar de nascença, sexo, crença ou religião, convicção política ou ideológica, condição social ou origem ou outra causa, com o propósito de discriminação contra eles.

Código Penal Capítulo VI – Artigo 223: Circunstâncias agravantes (Penal Code: Aggravating Circumstances) (2020)

Gender-based violence in general, LGBTIQ

The Penal Code includes the follow aggravating circumstances if a crime involves discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, place of birth, sex, sexual orientation, sexual harassment, belief or religion, political or ideological convictions, social ideological convictions, social status or origin, or any other form of discrimination.

O Código Penal inclui as seguintes circunstâncias agravantes: se o crime envolve discriminação com base em raça, cor, etnia, local de nascença, sexo, orientação sexual, assédio sexual, crença ou religião, convicção política ou ideológica, convicção ideológica social, status social ou origem, ou qualquer outra forma de discriminação.

Código Penal Capítulo VI: Crimes Contra a Dignidade das Pessoas (Penal Code: Crimes Against Dignity) (2020)

Gender-based violence in general, LGBTIQ

Articles 213-220 prohibit certain actions intended to violate someone’s honor, which include insult, defamation, and slander, and mandate penalties ranging from 6-12 months imprisonment and fines. The articles provide for increased penalties if the insults/offensive judgments offend someone’s race, color, ethnicity, place of birth, sex, sexual orientation, disease, disability, or religion.

Os artigos 213-220 proíbem certas ações que são destinadas a violar a honra de alguém, que inclui insult, difamação, e calúnia, e atribui penalidades que variam de 6-12 meses de prisão e multas. Os artigos impõem penalidades maiores se os insultos/julgamentos ofensivos ofenderem a raça, cor, etnia, lugar de nascença, sexo, orientação sexual, doença, deficiência, ou religião de alguém.

Código Penal Capítulo IV – Seção III: Crimes Contra a Autodeterminação Sexual (Penal Code: Crimes Against Sexual Self-Determination) (2020)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Penal Code distinguishes and applies different penalties in accordance with the age of the minor. Pursuant to article 192, the prohibition of the perpetration of a sexual act with a minor under 14 years old or leading that minor to practice such acts with a third person is punished with up to 12 years in prison. Again, the law makes a distinction whether the act involved penetration, in which case the maximum punishment increases to 15 years. If the minor is under the age of 16, pursuant to article 193, the perpetration of a sexual act leads to a maximum penalty of five years, which increases to eight years if there was penetration. Article 194 provides penalties for cases in which the minor is in the perpetrator’s custody.. Article 198 punishes the crime of child pornography with up to five years of imprisonment and is defined as to 1) promote, facilitate, or allow minors to participate in any kind of obscene interaction (including films, photographs, talks, recordings, etc.); 2) using minors in pornographic tapings or photos; or 3) giving such tapings, recordings, or pornographic instruments to a minor. The maximum penalty is increased to 10 years in prison in case the child pornography is produced with the intent to be spread through information systems or if the agent offers, makes available, or transmits such child pornography through information systems. An individual who acquires, obtains, or facilitates the access to child pornography is punished with up to five years of imprisonment and, if such agent practices such acts as means of profession, the maximum penalty is increased to 10 years.

O Código Penal distingue e aplica penalidades diferentes de acordo com a idade do menor. De acordo com o artigo 192, a proibição da perpetração do ato sexual com menor de 14 anos de idade ou a orientação ao menor para praticar tais atos com uma Terceira pessoa é punível com até 12 anos de prisão. Novamente, a lei faz uma distinção se o ato envolve penetração, caso em que a punição máxima aumenta para 15 anos. Se o menor tem menos de 16 anos de idade, de acordo com o artigo 193, a perpetração do ato sexual leva a uma penalidade máxima de cinco anos, que aumenta para oito anos se houve penetração. O artigo 194 prevê penalidade para casos em que o menor está sob custódia do perpetrador. O artigo 198 pune o crime de pornografia infantil com até cinco anos de prisão e é definido como 1) promover, facilitar, ou permitir que menores participem de qualquer tipo de interação obscena (incluindo filmes, fotografias, falas, gravações, etc); 2) usar menores em vídeos ou fotos pornográficos; ou 3) dar tais vídeos, gravações, ou instrumentos pornográficos a menores. A penalidade máxima aumenta até 10 anos na prisão no caso em que a pornografia infantil é produzida com a intenção de ser divulgada por meio de sistemas de informação ou se o agente oferecer, disponibilizar, ou transmitir tal pornografia infantil por meio de sistemas de informação. O indivíduo que adquire, obtém, ou facilita o acesso a pornografia infantile é punido com até cinco anos de prisão e, se esse agente pratica tais atos como meios profissionais, a penalidade máxima aumenta para 10 anos.

Código Penal Capítulo IV – Artigos 189-190, 195-197: Tráfico Humano (Penal Code: Human Trafficking) (2020)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The promotion or facilitation of prostitution involve taking advantage of the victim’s economic necessity or vulnerability or coerce the victim by means of violence, threat or fraud pursuant to article 189, and it is punished with a sentence of 1-8 years of imprisonment. If the facilitation or coercion to prostitution is made in a foreign country, the crime committed falls within article 190, i.e. human sexual trafficking, which command a higher sentencing of up to 10 years in prison. The promotion or facilitation of the prostitution of minors under 18 years old is prohibited by article 195. Under the same article and incurring in the same penalties is the individual who repeatedly practices sexual acts with a minor. Here, if the agent coerces, threatens, acts with violence, has the intent of monetary gains, if the minor has diminished psychological capacity, or if the minor is under the age of 14, the maximum penalty increases to 15 years. The act of soliciting by means of paying the minor is punished under article 197 with up to three years of imprisonment, whilst if penetration was involved the penalty increases to five years (in case another more severe penalty pursuant to another article is not applicable).

A promoção ou facilitação da prostituição envolve tirar vantage da necessidade econômica ou vulnerabilidade da vítima ou coerção da vítima por meio de violência, ameaça ou fraude nos termos do artigo 189, e é punido com 1-8 anos de encarceramento. Se a facilitação ou coerção à prostituição é feita em outro país, o crime cometido recai no previsto pelo artigo 190, i.e. tráfico sexual humano, que tem uma sentença maior de até 10 anos de prisão. A promoção ou facilitação de prostituição de menores de 18 anos é proibida pelo artigo 195. Sob o mesmo artigo e incorrendo na mesma pena está o indivíduo que repetidamente realiza atos sexuais com menor. Aqui, se o agente coage, ameaça, age com violência, tem a intenção de ganho financeiro, se o menor tem capacidade psicológica diminuída, ou se é menor de 14 anos de idade, a penalidade máxima aumenta para 15 anos. O ato de solicitar por meio do pagamento ao menor é punido sob o artigo 197 com até três anos de encarceramento, enquanto se houver penetração envolvida a penalidade aumenta cinco anos (no caso de outra penalidade mais severa relacionada a outro artigo não for aplicável).

Código Penal Capítulo IV: Crimes Sexuais - Crimes Contra Liberdades Sexuais (Penal Code: Crimes Against Sexual Liberties) (2020)

Sexual violence and rape

The law distinguishes the crimes of “sexual aggression” and “sexual aggression with penetration.” A person commits the crime of sexual aggression (article 182) if (i) he or she practices a sexual act by means of coercion, violence, or threat against someone, including a spouse, or (ii) he or she enables another person to commit such act against a third person and the sentence ranges from six months to four years of imprisonment. However, article 183 states that if the coerced sexual act involves penetration, the crime committed is “sexual aggression with penetration,” which entails a higher sentence of up to 10 years in prison. Penetration is defined as “copulation, anal or oral, oral intercourse and vaginal or anal penetration with any part of the body or objects used in circumstances of sexual involvement (article 181(c)). Additional crimes (articles 184-187) involve sexual acts committed (i) against persons with diminished capacity or those unable to consent; (ii) by taking advantage of a position or function in certain sectors or by a person in a position of authority; and (iii) by means of another person’s error. Both “ii” and “iii” carry sentences of up to three years in prison or a fine while (i) carries a sentence of up to 12 years in prison if penetration occurs. Finally, article 188 prohibits artificial procreation without the woman’s consent.

A lei distingue os crimes de “agressão sexual” e “agressão sexual com penetração”. A pessoa realiza o crime de agressão sexual (artigo 182) se (i) ele ou ela pratica ato sexual por meio de coerção, violência, ou ameaça contra alguém, incluindo um cônjuge, ou (ii) ele ou ela permite que outra pessoa realize tal ato contra uma terceira pessoa e a sentença varia entre seis meses e quatro anos de prisão. Entretanto, o artigo 183 estabelece que se o ato sexual coagido envolve penetração, o crime cometido é “agressão sexual com penetração”, que implica uma sentença de até 10 anos na prisão. Penetração é definido como “copulação, anal ou oral, relação oral e penetração anal ou vaginal com qualquer outra parte do corpo ou objetos usados em circunstâncias de envolvimento sexual (artigo 181(c)). Crimes adicionais (artigos 184-187) envolvem atos sexuais cometidos (i) contra pessoas com capacidade diminuída ou aqueles impossibilitados de consentir; (ii) ao tirar vantagem de posição ou função em certos setores ou por uma pessoa em posição de autoridade; e (iii) por meio do erro de outra pessoa. Ambos “ii” e “iii” carregam sentenças de até três anos na prisão ou multa enquanto (i) carrega sentença de até 12 anos de prisão se houver penetração. Finalmente, o artigo 188 proíbe procriação artificial sem o consentimento da mulher.

Código Penal Capítulo II: Crimes Contra a Integridade Física e Psíquica (Mutilação genital feminine) (Penal Code: Crimes Against Physical Integrity) (2020)

Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting

Article 160(b) establishes that perpetrators of female genital mutilation are subject to sentences of 2-10 years in prison.

Artigo 160(b) estabelece que os autores de mutilação genital feminine estão sujeitos a sentenças de 2-10 anos de prisão.

Código Penal Capítulo II – Seção II: Crimes Contra a Vida Intra-Uterina (Penal Code: Crimes Against Intra-Uterine Life) (2020)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Sexual violence and rape

Articles 154-158 prohibit 1) anyone, without the pregnant woman’s consent, to provoke or cause a miscarriage; 2) anyone, with the pregnant woman’s consent, to perform or assist with an abortion; and 3) any pregnant woman from, by any means, participating or consenting to an abortion. These three felonies carry sentences of 2-8 years, 1-5 years, and 5 years of imprisonment, respectively. (article 154). Article 155 provides for increased sentences if the abortion harms the woman’s physical integrity or causes death. Exempt from criminal liability are abortions carried out with the pregnant woman’s consent to 1) remove the risk of death or great harm, or 2) the fetus’ life is inviable, or 3) the pregnancy is a result of rape and the abortion is done within the first 16 weeks of the pregnancy. All these circumstances must be verified and reported in writing by a doctor ahead of the interruption (article 156). It is also forbidden to promote services for the interruption of pregnancies and any "propaganda" (articles 157 and 158).

Artigos 154-158 proíbe 1) quem, sem o consentimento da mulher grávida, provocar aborto ou interrupção da gravidez; 2) quem, com o consentimento da mulher grávida, realizer aborto ou ajudá-la a fazer; e 3) a mulher gravida que, de qualquer maneira, participar ou consentir com o aborto. Esses três crimes carregam sentenças de 2-8 anos, 1-5 anos, e 5 anos de encarceramento, respectivamente (artigo 154). O artigo 155 prevê aumento de pena se o aborto lesa a integridade física da mulher ou causa a sua morte. Isentos de responsabilidade criminal são os abortos realizados com o consentimento da mulher, na medida em que 1) remove o risco de morte ou grave lesão, ou 2) a vida do feto é inviável, ou 3) a gravidez é resultado de um estupro e o aborto é feito durante as 16 primeiras semanas de gravidez. Todas essas circunstâncias devem ser verificadas e reportadas por escrito ao médico responsável pela interrupção (artigo 156). Também fica proibido promover serviços para interrupção de gravidez ou qualquer propaganda desse tipo de prática (artigos 157 e 158).

Código Penal: Livro II, Título III - Crimes contra a identidade cultural e a integridade pessoal (Crimes against cultural identity and personal integrity) (1995)

Gender-based violence in general, LGBTIQ

Article 240 criminalizes discrimination and incitement to hatred and violence based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity, among others. The sentence is imprisonment for one to eight years.

O artigo 240 criminaliza a discriminação e incitamento ao ódio e à violência baseado em raça, gênero, orientação sexual e identidade de gênero, entre outros. A pena é de prisão de um a oito anos.

Código Penal: Livro II, Título I – Crimes contra a pessoa: Capítulo V – Crimes contra a liberdade e autodeterminação sexual (Crimes against sexual freedom and self-determination) (1995)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Article 163 punishes sexual coercion – to coerce someone to practice a “relevant sexual act” – with imprisonment from one to eight years. Article 164 punishes forcible intercourse (“violação”) with imprisonment from one to six years. Article 168 punishes artificial procreation without a woman’s consent, with imprisonment from one to eight years. Articles 171 and 172 punish sexual abuse of minors of 14 years with imprisonment from 1-10 years. Article 173 punishes sexual acts with adolescents (individuals between 14 and 16 years old) with imprisonment up to three years. Article 174 punishes the practice for “relevant sexual acts” with a minor between 14 and 18 years), upon payment or other type of consideration with imprisonment up to three years. Article 175 punishes facilitating the prostitution of minors with imprisonment from 1-8 years. The term of imprisonment rises to a minimum of two and a maximum of ten years if the crime is committed by means of violence or threat, fraud, authority abuse, or with the intent to profit, or if the victim is vulnerable or mentally incapable. Article 176 punishes child pornography with imprisonment up to five years. The term of imprisonment rises to a minimum of one and a maximum of eight years if the crime is committed by means of violence or threat or with the intent to profit. Article 176-A punishes the act of befriending a minor online with the intent to commit sexual abuse with imprisonment of up to one year. If the act of online befriending effectively leads to an encounter, the conduct is punishable with imprisonment of up to two years. Article 176-B punishes the organization of sexual tourism with imprisonment of up to three years.

O artigo 163 pune a coerção sexual – ato de coagir alguém a praticar um "ato sexual relevante" - com prisão de um a oito anos. O artigo 164 pune as relações sexuais forçadas (violação ou estupro) com prisão de um a seis anos. O artigo 168 pune a procriação artificial sem o consentimento da mulher, com prisão de um a oito anos. O artigo 169 pune a exploração econômica da prostituição por terceiros. Entretanto, a prostituição em si não é um crime em Portugal. O artigo 176-B pune a organização do turismo sexual com pena de prisão de até três anos. Artigos 171 e 172 punem o abuso sexual de menores de 14 anos com prisão de um a dez anos. O artigo 173 pune atos sexuais com adolescentes (indivíduos entre 14 e 16 anos de idade) com prisão de até três anos. O artigo 174 pune a prática de "atos sexuais relevantes" com um menor entre 14 e 18 anos, mediante pagamento ou outro tipo de contraprestação, com prisão de até três anos. O Artigo 175 pune a facilitação da prostituição de menores com prisão de um a oito anos. A pena de prisão é aumentada para um mínimo de dois e um máximo de dez anos se o crime for cometido por meio de violência ou ameaça, fraude, abuso de autoridade ou com a intenção de lucro, ou se a vítima for vulnerável ou mentalmente incapaz. O artigo 176 pune a pornografia infantil com prisão até 5 anos. A pena de prisão é aumentada para um mínimo de um e um máximo de 8 anos, caso o crime tenha sido cometido por meio de violência ou ameaça ou com a intenção de lucrar. O Artigo 176-A pune o ato de fazer amizade com um menor on-line com a intenção de cometer abuso sexual com pena de prisão de até um ano. Se o ato de fazer amizade on-line levar efetivamente a um encontro, a conduta é punível com prisão de até dois anos.

Código Penal: Livro II, Título I - Crimes contra a pessoa: Capítulo IV - Crimes contra a liberdade pessoal (Crimes against personal liberty) (1995)

Forced and early marriage, Sexual harassment, Trafficking in persons

Articles 154-A and B, 159, and 160 ban harassment (sentencing to up to three years in prison), forced marriage (sentencing to up to five years in prison), slavery (imprisonment from 5-15 years), and human trafficking (imprisonment from 3-10 years), respectively. Article 169 punishes the economic exploitation of prostitution by third parties, even though prostitution itself is not a crime in Portugal.

Código Penal: Livro II, Título I - Crimes contra a pessoa: Capítulo II - Crimes contra a vida e vida intra-uterina (Crimes against intra-uterine life) (1995)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Sexual violence and rape

Under Article 140, abortion is considered a “crime against the intra-uterine life,” and someone who causes an abortion without the consent of the pregnant woman may be sentenced from 2-8 years of imprisonment, while the person who performed the abortion and the pregnant woman can be sentence to up to three years of imprisonment. Article 142, however, permits the abortion if performed by a doctor and in the following scenarios: (1) the abortion is the only method to avoid risk of death or grave physical or mental harm to the mother; (2) the abortion is recommended in order to avoid the risk of death or permanent grave physical damage to the mother, up to the 12th week of pregnancy (3) the fetus is at risk of grave illness or malformation, up to the 24th week of pregnancy; (4) the pregnancy was caused by rape or sexual assault, up to the 16th week of pregnancy; (5) by the mother’s choice, up to the 10th week of pregnancy. In cases where the fetus is not viable, abortion can be performed at any time during pregnancy. Any of the conditions above mentioned have to be certified by a doctor, except item 5, case in which the mother has to submit an affidavit to a doctor or clinic stating that her decision was “mindful and responsible.” If the mother is under 16 years old or mentally incapacitated, the consent to perform an abortion has to be provided by the woman’s legal representative (usually parents).

Segundo o artigo 140 do Código Penal Português, o aborto é considerado um "crime contra a vida intrauterina", e quem causar aborto sem o consentimento da grávida pode ser condenado a penas de dois a oito anos de prisão, enquanto quem causar um aborto com o consentimento da grávida, bem como a própria grávida poderá ser condenado a pena de até 3 anos de prisão. A seção 142, entretanto, permite o aborto se realizado por um médico e nas seguintes situações: (1) o aborto é o único método para evitar o risco de morte ou grave dano físico ou mental à mãe; (2) o aborto é recomendado para evitar o risco de morte ou grave dano físico permanente à mãe, até a 12ª semana de gravidez; (3) o feto está em risco de doença grave ou malformação, até a 24ª semana de gravidez; (4) a gravidez foi causada por estupro ou agressão sexual, até a 16ª semana de gravidez; (5) por escolha da mãe, até a 10ª semana de gravidez. Nos casos em que o feto não é viável, o aborto pode ser realizado a qualquer momento durante a gravidez. Qualquer uma das condições acima mencionadas tem que ser certificada por um médico, exceto o item 5, caso em que a mãe tem que apresentar uma declaração juramentada a um médico ou clínica declarando que sua decisão foi "atenta e responsável". No caso de a mãe ser menor de 16 anos ou mentalmente incapacitada, o consentimento para realizar um aborto tem que ser dado por um representante legal da mulher (geralmente os pais).

Lei n. 24/2019: Parte Especial, Título Um, Capítulo Sete, Seção Três (2019)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

This section outlines the punishments for prostitution. Anyone who promotes or facilitates prostitution by a woman is subject to one-two years in prison, but anyone who promotes another’s prostitution through violence, fraud, abuse of authority, or exploitation of the other’s situation is punishable with two-eight years in prison. Whomever habitually partakes in prostitution with someone under the age of 18 can be imprisoned from two-eight years or be fined for up to one year.

Essa seção estabelece as sanções para prostituição. Aquele que promove ou facilita a prostituição de uma mulher está sujeito a um-dois anos de prisão, mas aquele promove a prostituição de outra pessoa por meio de violência, fraude, abuso de autoridade, ou exploração da situação alheia é punido com dois-oito anos de prisão. Quem habitualmente realiza prostituição com uma pessoa menor de 18 pode ser preso de dois-oito anos ou sofrer multa até um ano.

Lei n. 24/2019: Parte Especial, Título Um, Capítulo Sete, Seção Um (2019)

Employment discrimination, Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

This section states crimes against sexual freedom, including the conditions under which sexual encounters violate a woman’s safety and the punishments thereafter. Anyone who engages in sexual activity without the woman’s consent by means of violence or physical intimidation, even if an act of artificial procreation, is subject to two to eight years in prison. Those who have sexual encounters with minors face imprisonment of 16-20 years. Anyone who takes advantage of a hierarchical position in a workplace to constrain someone to obtain sexual advantage is punished with imprisonment up to two years and a fine.

Essa seção estabelece os crimes contra a Liberdade sexual, incluindo as condições nas quais os encontros sexuais violam a segurança da mulher e as punições referentes. Aquele que inicia atividade sexual sem o consentimento da mulher por meio de violência ou intimidação física, ainda que seja um ato de procriação artificial, está sujeito a pena de dois a oito anos de prisão. Aquele que mantém encontros sexuais com menores encaram uma prisão de 16-20 anos. Aquele que tira proveito da sua posição hierárquica em um ambiente professional para constranger alguém para obter vantagem sexual é punido com prisão de até dois anos e multa.

Lei n. 24/2019: Special Part, Title One, Chapter One, Section One, Article 160 (2019)

Gender discrimination, Gender-based violence in general, LGBTIQ

Article 160 increases the penalty for murder to 20-24 years in prison if the crime was motivated by racial, religious, or political hatred, or generated by color, ethnic, or national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity of the victim.

O artigo 160 aumentou a pena para o crime de homicídio para 20-24 anos de prisão se o crime for motivado por ódio racial, religioso, ou político, ou gerado pela cor, etnia, ou origem nacional, sexo, orientação sexual, ou identidade de gênero da vítima.

Lei n. 24/2019: Special Part, Title One, Chapter One, Section Two (2019)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

This section describes the circumstances and consequences for interrupting a woman’s pregnancy, and formalities for non-punishable abortion. Anyone who aborts a child without the woman’s consent can be imprisoned from three months to two years, and up to one year with her consent. A woman who performs an abortion on herself or a health professional who abuses their position to provide an abortion is punishable with imprisonment up to two years. If there are serious physical consequences, such as death, that resulted from the abortion, the person who performed the operation is subject to 8-12 years in prison. Abortion is not punishable, however, when the fetus is inviable or will be born with a serious incurable illness such as HIV or AIDS, the pregnancy is a result of a sexual assault, or the woman opts to do so within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Essa seção descreve as circunstâncias e consequências de interromper uma gravidez, e as formalidades para abortos sem punição. Quem aborta uma criança sem o consentimento da mulher pode ter uma pena de três meses a dois anos, e até um ano se tiver o seu consentimento. Uma mulher que realiza um aborto em si mesma ou um professional da saúde que abusa da sua posição para realizar um aborto é punido com prisão de até dois anos. Se alguma consequência física séria acontecer, como a morte resultante do aborto, a pessoa que performou a operação está sujeita a 8-12 anos de prisão. O aborto não é punível, entretanto, quando o feto não é viável ou nascerá com uma doença incurável, como HIV ou AIDS, se a gravidez for resultado de abuso sexual, ou se a mulher optou por realizar o procedimento dentro das 12 primeiras semanas de gravidez.

Law No. 350-3 “on Countering Human Trafficking” (Amended 2014) (2014)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Law No. 350-3 defines human trafficking and sets out measures to prevent human trafficking and related crimes. These include identifying victims of trafficking, educating, and providing information to citizens on related issues. The law further sets out measures for the protection and rehabilitation of victims of trafficking, including ensuring their safety, providing temporary accommodation, legal, medical, and psychological assistance, among others. The law provides that persons guilty of trafficking in persons or related crimes are punishable in accordance with the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus and the victim's "unwillingness or inability" to change his or her "anti-social behavior" caused by the trafficking does not eliminate or mitigate the offender's liability.\

Law of the Republic of Belarus No. 122-3 “on the Basic Activities Aimed at the Prevention of Offenses” (2014)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The law includes a set of preventative measures aimed at preventing domestic violence among others crimes and administrative offenses. Art. 1 defines domestic violence as the intentional actions of a physical, psychological, or sexual nature against a family member that violate his or her rights, freedoms, or legitimate interests causing physical and/or mental suffering. Art. 1 further defines family members to include relatives, dependents and other persons that live together in a common household. Art. 5 defines the “actors of prevention,” which include various State agencies and Non-Governmental Agencies. The “actors of prevention” must annually develop and approve comprehensive regional programs for crime prevention, including programs to prevent domestic violence in accordance with Art. 11. Art. 17 provides the basic preventative measures against domestic violence, including identification and elimination of causes of domestic violence, educational and informational work to prevent domestic violence, record-keeping of domestic violence instances, provision of temporary shelters to victims of domestic violence, among others. Finally, Art. 31 allows the issuance of a protective order against a person who has committed domestic violence. A protective order can compel the offender temporarily to leave the premises jointly occupied with the victim and prohibit disposition of joint property.

Criminal Code Article 343 (Production and Distribution of Pornographic Materials or Pornographic Items with the Image of a Minor) (1999)

Statutory rape or defilement

Art. 343 prohibits the production and distribution of pornographic materials or items of a pornographic nature depicting minors, which is punishable by correctional work for up to two years, administrative arrest, restraint on liberty, or imprisonment for a term of up to four years, and by a term of up to eight years in case of aggravating circumstances.

Criminal Code Article 199 (Violation of Labor Legislation) (1999)

Employment discrimination, Gender discrimination

Art. 199 prohibits the unjustified refusal to hire or the unlawful firing of a person, including a woman for reasons related to her pregnancy. This crime is punishable by a prohibition to occupy certain offices or be engaged in certain activities, correctional labor, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

Criminal Code Article 190 (Violation of the Equality of Citizens) (1999)

Gender discrimination

Art. 190 prohibits intentional violation or restriction of rights and freedoms, or the establishment of advantages for citizens based on, for example, gender resulting in substantial harm to the rights, liberties, and lawful interests of citizens. This crime is punishable with a fine, correctional labor, restraint on liberty, or imprisonment for a term up to two years, as well as restrictions to occupy certain offices or be engaged in certain activities.

Criminal Code Articles 139 (Murder), 154 (Torture), and 291 (Taking a Person Hostage) (1999)

Gender-based violence in general

For several crimes set out in the Criminal Code, knowing commission against a pregnant woman is an aggravating circumstance that increases the sentence. Murdering a pregnant woman is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 8 to 12 years, life imprisonment, or the death sentence under Art. 139. Torture of a pregnant woman is punishable by restraint on liberty for a term of one to three years or imprisonment for a term of one to five years under Art. 154. Taking a pregnant woman hostage is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 6 to 12 years under Art. 291.

Criminal Code Chapter 22: Trafficking in Persons (1999)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Art. 181 defines trafficking in persons as the “recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring, or receiving a person” for the purposes of exploitation by deception, abuse of trust, or use of violence, or threat of such violence. Trafficking in persons is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to seven years and for a term of up to 15 years if committed in aggravating circumstances, such as, knowingly against a pregnant woman or a minor, or with the removal of the person outside of the country, among others. Art. 181 also notes that “exploitation” means the illegal coercion of a person to work or provide services, for example, sexual acts and surrogacy when the victim, for reasons beyond his or her control cannot refuse to perform such work or services. Art. 1811 criminalizes the use of slave labor and other forms of exploitation. In the absence of signs of criminal behavior described in Art. 180, the crime is punishable by imprisonment for a term of two to five years, with a fine, but for a term of up to 12 years if committed in aggravating circumstances, such as knowingly against a pregnant woman or minor. Arts. 182-185 criminalize kidnapping, unlawful deprivation of liberty, and coercion. Art. 186 prohibits threats of murder, infliction of grievous bodily harm, or destruction of property if there was reason to fear fulfillment of the threats. An Art. 186 crime is punishable by community service, fines, correctional labor, or restraint on liberty or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.

Criminal Code Chapter 20: Crimes Against Sexual Inviolability or Sexual Freedom (1999)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Art. 166 of the Criminal Code defines rape as “sexual intercourse against the will of the victim with the use of violence” or threat of such violence against the woman or her relatives, or using the woman’s helpless state. Rape is punishable by restraint on liberty for a term of up to four years or imprisonment for a term of three to seven years. Rape in aggravating circumstances, including repeated rape, rape by a group of people, or rape by a person who has previously committed sexually violent acts, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of five to thirteen years and knowing rape of a minor or rape that causes grave consequences (e.g., death, bodily harm, or HIV infection) is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 8-15 years. Art. 167 likewise prohibits violent acts of sexual nature, such as “sodomy” or “lesbianism” against the will of the victim with the use of violence or threat of such violence, or using the victim’s helpless state. The punishments for committing an Art. 167 crime in aggravated circumstances are the same as those for rape. Art. 168 prohibits sexual intercourse and other acts of a sexual nature with a person below the age of 16. This crime is punishable by, in case there are no signs of criminal acts set out above, restraint on liberty or imprisonment for a term of up to four years, with a fine. The punishment, in case the offender has previously committed the crimes described above, has duties owed to the victim, or the crime is committed by a group of persons, is imprisonment for a term of three to ten years. “Depraved acts” committed against a person below the age of 16 are punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to six years under Art. 169. Art. 170 criminalizes the compulsion to commit acts of a sexual nature by means of blackmail, threat of destruction of property, or by using the dependence (workplace, monetary, etc.) of the victim. The crime is punishable by restraint on liberty or imprisonment for a term of up three years, with a fine and prohibition to occupy certain offices. Such a crime knowingly committed against a minor is punishable by imprisonment for a term of three to six years. Arts. 171 and 171 prohibit the organization, use, or creation of conditions for prostitution, including by removing the victim outside of the country; such crimes are punishable by up to ten years of imprisonment.

Plano Executivo Contra a Violência Doméstica (Decreto Nº 26/13) (Executive Plan to Combat Domestic Violence) (2013)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Executive Plan to Combat Domestic Violence envisages to protect and improve the life conditions for families and for women through the implementation of programs that aim to fight domestic violence. The objective is to protect victims, reduce the numbers of domestic violence overall, and prevent such acts of violence, including by spreading social and public awareness of domestic violence and sexual and reproductive education. The Executive Plan sets out as priorities: 1) to implement national legislation and guarantee the application of ratified international treaties, 2) to regulate the Domestic Violence Act (Lei Nº 25/11), and 3) to process and standardize all data relating to domestic violence, as well as facilitating access to justice for the victim. The Executive Plan also implements a schedule for the adoption of actions aimed at combating domestic violence.

O Plano Executivo Contra a Violência Doméstica visa proteger e melhorar as condições de vida para famílias e mulheres por meio da implementação de programas que objetivam combater a violência doméstica. O objetivo é proteger as vítimas, incluindo a difusão de conhecimento social e público sobre violência doméstica e educação sexual e reprodutiva. O Plano Executivo estabelece as prioridades: 1) implementar legislação nacional e garantir a aplicação dos tratados internacionais ratificados, 2) regular a Lei contra a Violência Doméstica (Lei Nº 25/11), e 3) processar e padronizar todos os dados relativos a violência doméstica, assim como facilitar acesso à justiça pela vítima. O Plano Executivo também implementa um cronograma para a adoção de ações que visam combater a violência doméstica.

Lei contra a Violência Doméstica (Lei Nº 25/11) (Law Against Domestic Violence) (2011)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Law on Domestic Violence defines and prohibits domestic violence, classifying such practice as a crime for the first time. The definition of domestic violence includes not only physical acts, but also sexual, psychological, verbal abuse, among other forms of abuse, as a form of domestic violence, not being restricted to the family environment. Moreover, the law sets out this type of violence as a “public crime,” which means that any person may report its occurrence to the authorities or police. The Law further grants victims of domestic violence the right to financial, juridical, medical, and other forms of state support, including access to public shelters. It also establishes measures of prevention, support, and protection for the victim, and the procedures relating to complaint, denunciation, and withdrawal, besides recognizing the right to compensation guaranteed to the victim. It is important to mention that this law grants the rights not only to women, but to any person who is submitted to domestic violence.

A lei contra a Violência Doméstica define e proíbe a violência doméstica, classificando essa prática como crime pela primeira vez. A definição de violência doméstica inclui não apenas atos físicos, mas sexuais, psicológicos, abuso verbal, entre outras formas de abuso, como uma forma de violência doméstica, não se restringindo ao ambiente familiar. Além disso, a lei estabelece esse crime como “crime público”, o que significa que qualquer pessoa pode reportar a sua ocorrência para as autoridades ou polícia. A Lei ainda concede às vítimas de violência doméstica o direito a suporte financeiro, jurídico, médico, e outras formas de suporte estatal, incluindo acesso a abrigos públicos. Também estabelece medidas de prevenção, suporte, e proteção para a vítima, e os procedimentos relativos à reclamação, denúncia, e desistência, além de reconhecer o direito à indenização garantido para a vítima. É importante mencionar que essa lei concede direitos não apenas à mulher, mas a qualquer pessoa que é submetida à violência doméstica.

Código Penal: Livro II, Título I – Crimes contra a pessoa: Capítulo I– Crimes contra a vida (Crimes against life) (2005)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide, Gender-based violence in general, LGBTIQ

Article 132 of the Portuguese Penal Code imposes a more severe penalty (imprisonment from 12 to 25 years) for the crime of qualified homicide (“homicídio qualificado”), if, among other special circumstances, the victim is the current or former spouse or person with whom the perpetrator has a romantic relationship, regardless of sex and gender, if the victim is pregnant or if the crime is committed due to the victim’s gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

O artigo 132 do Código Penal português impõe uma pena mais severa (de 12 a 25 anos de prisão) aos crimes de homicídio qualificado, se, além de outras circunstâncias especiais, o crime for praticado: (i) contra cônjuge, ex-cônjuge, pessoa de outro ou do mesmo sexo com quem o agente mantenha ou tenha mantido uma relação de namoro ou uma relação semelhante à de conjuges, ainda que sem coabitação; (ii) contra mulher gestante; e (iii) em razão de sexo, orientação sexual ou pela identidade de gênero da vítima.

Lei Nº 11.340 "Lei Maria da Penha": Título VII Disposições Finais (2006)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Maria da Penha Act alters the penal procedure code to allow the judge to order preventive custody when there is risk to the physical or psychological integrity of the woman. (Article 42). Article 45 alters the law of criminal enforcement to allow the judge to determine the obligatory attendance of the aggressor in recovery and re-education programs. The Act orders the creation of special courts for domestic and family violence against women with civil and penal competence to address family issues derived from violence against women. Article 43 amends the Penal Code by including violence against women as an aggravating factor. Article 44 imposes the penalty sentences ranging from three months to three years of detention to domestic violence. If domestic violence is committed against a woman with special needs, the sentence will be increased by 1/3.

A Lei Maria da Penha alterou o Código de Processo Penal para permitir a que juiz decrete prisão preventiva quando há risco à integridade física ou psicológica da mulher (artigo 42). O artigo 45 altera a Lei de Execuções Penais permitindo que o juiz determine o comparecimento obrigatório do agressor a programas de recuperação e reeducação. A LMP prevê a criação de Juizados contra Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra Mulher, com jurisdição civil e penal para tratar sobre assuntos cíveis e criminais. Por fim, o artigo 43 emenda o Código Penal para incluir a violência contra mulheres no rol de circunstância agravantes, enquanto o artigo 44 estabelece pena de 3 meses a 3 anos de detenção para lesão corporal contra ascendente, descendente, irmão, cônjuge ou companheiro, ou com quem conviva ou tenha convivido, ou, ainda, prevalecendo-se o agente das relações domésticas, de coabitação ou de hospitalidade. Nos casos de violência doméstica praticada contra pessoas com necessidades especiais, a pena imposta é acrescida de 1/3.

Lei Nº 11.340 "Lei Maria da Penha": Título IV, Capítulo II – Medida Protetiva de Urgência (2006)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The law states that a judge may determine, within 48 hours, urgent protective measures (suspension of the aggressor’s license to carry weapon, removal of the aggressor from the home, keeping distance from the victim, among others), depending on the situation. (Article 18 and 22). In addition, the judge may, when necessary, impose other measures to protect the victim, such as direct the victim and her dependents to an official or community program of protection or assistance, or return of the victim and her dependents to their home after removal of the aggressor, among others. (Article 23). Article 24-A prescribes that violations of urgent protective measures carry sentences range from three months to two years of imprisonment.

O juiz poderá determinar, dentro de 48 horas, a adoção de medidas protetivas de urgência (como a suspensão da posse ou restrição do porte de armas, a remoção e o afastamento do agressor do lar da vítima, bem como a proibição de contato e aproximação da agredida, dentre outras), a depender a situação enfrentada (artigos 18 e 22). Além disso, o juiz poderá, casos necessário, impor outras medidas visando a proteção da vítima, como dirigir a vítima e seus descendentes para programa oficial ou comunitário de proteção ou de atendimento, recondução da vítima e seus descendentes para casa, após a remoção do agressor, dentre outras medidas (artigos 18 e 22). Artigo 24-A prevê que as violações as medidas protetivas de urgência são punidas com 3 meses a 2 anos de detenção.

Lei Nº 11.340 "Lei Maria da Penha": Título III – Assistência às mulheres em situação de violência doméstica e familiar (2006)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The law decrees that a judge shall determine, for a defined period of time, the inclusion of the woman in a situation of domestic and family violence in the registry of assistance programs of the federal, state and municipal government. (Article 9). Article 10-A sets guidelines on how the victim's assistance will be handled by the police authority and guarantees specialized police and forensic care to be provided by previously trained officers - preferably female. If there is a current or imminent risk to the life or physical integrity of a woman in a situation of domestic or family violence, or to her dependents, the aggressor must be immediately removed from the home, residence, or place where the victim lives with him/her (Article 12-C). The law prohibits the imposition of pecuniary sentences against the aggressor. (Article 17).

O juiz determinará, por prazo certo, a inclusão da mulher em situação de violência doméstica e familiar no cadastro de programas assistenciais do governo federal, estadual e municipal (Artigo 9º). O artigo 10-A estabelece os procedimentos que deverão ser seguidos pela autoridade policial quando do atendimento das mulheres vítimas de violência doméstica, dentre os quais a garantia de polícia e perícia especializada e treinad e atendimento realizado preferencialmente por mulheres. Na existência de risco atual ou iminente à vida ou à integridade física da mulher em situação de violência doméstica e familiar, ou de seus dependentes, o agressor será imediatamente afastado do lar, domicílio ou local de convivência com a ofendida (artigo 12-C). A LMP ainda proíbe a imposição exclusiva de pena pecuniária contra o agressor (artigo 17).

Lei Nº 11.340 "Lei Maria da Penha": Título II – Violência doméstica e familiar contra as mulheres. (2006)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The law defines domestic and familiar violence against women as any action or inaction based on gender that results in death, injury, physical, sexual or psychological suffering, or moral or property damage within the domestic unit (space for the permanent conviviality of people, with or without family ties), within a family unit (individuals who are or consider themselves to be related, united by natural ties, affinity, or express will) or within any intimate relationship, regardless of cohabitation. It also determines that domestic violence against women is independent of their sexual orientation (Article 5 and 7).

A Lei Maria da Penha (LMP) define como violência doméstica e familiar contra mulher qualquer ação ou omissão baseada no gênero que causa à mulher morte, lesão, sofrimento físico, sexual ou psicológico e dano moral ou patrimonial, sofrida seja no âmbito da unidade doméstica (espaço de convívio permanente de pessoas, com ou sem vínculo familiar, inclusive as esporadicamente agregadas), no âmbito da família, (compreendida como a comunidade formada por indivíduos que são ou se consideram aparentados, unidos por laços naturais, por afinidade ou por vontade expressa) ou em qualquer relação íntima de afeto, na qual o agressor conviva ou tenha convivido com a ofendida, independentemente de coabitação. Além disso, a LMP prevê que a violência doméstica e contra mulher independem de orientação sexual (Artigos 5 e 7).

Decreto Federal n. 2.848/1940 – Código Penal brasileiro

Abortion and reproductive health rights

Under the Brazilian Criminal Code, it is illegal to terminate a pregnancy, as well as to kill a child during childbirth, or shortly thereafter. Under Article 124, it is a crime for someone to cause an abortion on themselves or to allow others to cause it, either of which carries a sentence of 1-3 years of imprisonment. Article 125 prohibits anyone from practicing an abortion on a pregnant woman without her consent and imposes a sentence of 3-10 years of imprisonment. Article 126 imposes a 1-4-year prison sentence to anyone who practice an abortion with pregnant woman’s consent. Pursuant to Article 128, a doctor is not punished for performing an abortion if (i) the pregnant woman’s life is at risk, or (ii) the pregnancy resulted from rape. The Brazilian Supreme Court authorized the practice of an abortion on fetus with anencephaly (Claim of non-compliance with fundamental precept - ADPF 54). Under no circumstances is it permissible for someone to cause an abortion without the consent of the pregnant woman.

Nos termos do Código Penal brasileiro, é ilegal terminar uma gestação, ou matar um recém-nascido. De acordo com o artigo 124, é crime sujeito à detenção de um a três anos provocar aborto em si mesma ou consentir que outrem lhe provoque. O artigo 125 proíbe a prática de aborto sem o consentimento da gestante, impondo pena de reclusão de três a 10 anos de reclusão. O artigo 126 impõe pena de um a quatro anos de reclusão para quem provoca o aborto com o consentimento da gestante. Nos termos do artigo 128, o médico não será punido ao provocar o aborto nas seguintes situações: (i) se não há outro meio de salvar a vida da gestante; ou (ii) se a gravidez resulta de estupro e o aborto é precedido de consentimento da gestante ou, quando incapaz, de seu representante legal. O Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), quando do julgamento da Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental (ADPF) 54, autorizou interrupção da gravidez de feto anencefálico. Ainda, sob nenhuma hipótese é permitido provocar o aborto sem o consentimento da gestante.

Domestic Violence Act (2014)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, International law

The purpose of the Act is to provide protection for victims of domestic violence, to prevent and eliminate violence within domestic relationships, to ensure the safety of children who witness or experience domestic violence, and to enact provisions consistent with Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). The Act defines domestic violence in detail (See Part 1, Section 4.1.a-c) and allows victims of domestic violence to file for protection orders and allows a court to issue an emergency or ex parte protection order (See Part 2: Protection Orders). The Act also mandates government ministries to enact public awareness programs on violence within families, the collection of data regarding the incidences and frequency of domestic violence to support preventative measures, and training regarding human rights and the equality of women for public officials, health care professionals, and police officers. It also provides for the establishment of support facilities for victims of domestic and gender-based violence. (See Part 3: Prevention and Response). The Act also provides that police personnel while responding to a report of domestic violence sufficiently supported by evidence must undertake to do all things necessary for a court to commence the criminal prosecution of the matter. (See Part 4: Police Powers and Duties, Section 30.) Health care professionals who have provided assistance to victims of domestic violence must advise the victim about counseling and advise the victim to file a report with the police. (See Part 5: Role of Health Care Professionals and Social Service Providers.) Lastly, the Act prescribes that the crime of domestic violence is punishable by six months to three years imprisonment, as well as accompanying monetary fines. Certain circumstances such as repeat offenses, offenses against pregnant women or persons with special needs, domestic violence committed against or witnessed by a child, violence resulting in severe or life-threatening injury, or acts committed with a weapon constitute aggravations resulting in enhanced penalties to offenders. (See Section 6: Offences and Penalties.)

兒童及少年性剝削防制條例 Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act (2018)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Originally enacted in 1995 as the Child and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention Act, this Act (the “CYSEPA”) was enacted to prevent all forms of sexual exploitation of children and youths and ensure their healthy physical and mental development. The CYSEPA specifies the responsibilities of the relevant authorities and governs the prevention of sexual exploitation of children and youths and the rescue, protection, and counseling of victims. Competent authorities must arrange the placement of the victim in a child and youth welfare institution, foster family, or other appropriate medical or educational institution on an emergency basis; evaluate the necessity of continuing placement within 72 hours; and to apply to the court for longer-term placements. The authorities must also offer counseling, intervention, and assistance with school enrollment, employment, independent living, or other necessary matters for a period of at least one year or until the victim’s 20th birthday. If the offender is the victim’s parent, foster parent, or guardian, the victim, the prosecutors, or other interested parties may apply to a court to stop such person from exercising parental rights over the victim and to appoint another guardian. After becoming aware of any victim or any suspect of a crime covered by the CYSEPA, medical personnel, social workers, educational personnel, caregivers, and personnel of other business or governmental organizations must report the crime to the authorities. Internet platform providers, online application service providers, and telecommunications companies are obligated to remove information relating to suspicious criminal activities, to notify law enforcement, and to provide data to law enforcement and judicial authorities for investigation. The competent authorities are also authorized to require the parents, guardian, or other caregiver of a victim to receive parental education and counseling for a period of up to 50 hours and to attend a family treatment program. Persons found guilty under the CYSEPA are subject to imprisonment as well as to fines up to N.T.10 million, with offenders who intentionally kill the victim subject to the death penalty or life imprisonment. English translation available here.

人口販運防制法 Human Trafficking Prevention Act (2016)

Trafficking in persons

The Human Trafficking Prevention Act (the “HTPA”) was enacted to prevent human trafficking and to safeguard the rights of victims. The HTPA defines “human trafficking” and related offenses, including “improper debt bondage,” specifies the responsibilities of the competent authorities at the central government, city, county, and municipal levels (including for cooperation among such competent authorities and with international governmental bodies and NGOs to eradicate human trafficking). It also governs matters including the prevention and identification of offenses; the protection and sheltering of victims as well as protection of witnesses; the treatment of victims who are not Taiwanese citizens and do not have valid resident or visitor permits (including the issuance of temporary visitor permits as well as the timing and conditions for repatriation); the confidentiality of victims’ identities (with financial penalties for unauthorized disclosures); and criminal procedure (including use as evidence of victim statements made outside of judicial proceedings). Persons found to have committed criminal offenses under the HTPA are subject to imprisonment for up to seven years or (for certain offenses) for periods in excess of seven years as well as to fines up to N.T. seven million, depending on the nature of the offense. The HTPA further provides that any property or profit from assets acquired from human trafficking is to be confiscated regardless of its ownership except the part to be returned to victims. Additionally, the HTPA provides for suspension or revocation of the licensing of any Taiwanese vessel, aircraft or other means of transportation whose owner, operator, captain, pilot, or driver has been engaged in transporting trafficked persons, as well as revocation of the professional licenses or qualifications of the captain, pilot or driver. The HTPA applies on an extraterritorial basis outside of Taiwan for the crimes specified in the legislation. English translation available here.

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prohibition, Prevention and Redressal) Act (2013)

Employment discrimination, Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape

This Act superseded the Vishakha guidelines laid down by the Supreme Court of India. Before the institution of this Act, a woman facing harassment at the workplace had to lodge a complaint under Section 354 and/or Section 509 of the Indian Penal Code, which dealt with, respectively, assault or use of criminal force with the intent to outrage the modesty of a woman and words, gestures, or acts to outrage the modesty of a woman. This act is important because it obligates the employer to provide an environment free of sexual harassment. This is in contrast to the pre-Vishakha guidelines era during which the female employee would have to lodge complaints with the police authorities. Such obligation is a part of the company’s legal compliance and non-compliance triggers significant penalties. The Act defines various terms like ‘sexual harassment,’ ‘aggrieved woman,’ ‘workplace’ etc., which clarify actions covered under the Act. The Act broadly interprets these terms and efforts have been made to cover as many facets of employment as possible. Significantly, the term workplace has been expanded to include remote and telecommuting work. The Act also includes guidelines regarding the filing of complaints, the formation of the inquiry committee, and the process of conducting inquiries. Lastly, the Act also provides safeguards against malicious complaints.

The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2013 (2013)

Acid violence, Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Stalking, Trafficking in persons

The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 was passed in the aftermath of the Nirbhaya case wherein a female student was gang-raped in December 2012. The Act amended several provisions of the Indian Penal Code, Indian Evidence Act, and the Criminal Procedure Code. By way of this amendment, several new offenses have been recognized and incorporated into the Indian Penal Code, including acid attack (Section 326 A & B), voyeurism (Section 354C), stalking (Section 354D), attempt to disrobe a woman (Section 354B), sexual harassment (Section 354A), and sexual assault which causes death or injury causing a person to be in persistent vegetative state (Section 376A). The Act also amended the already existing offenses to make them more stringent. Notably, the definition of rape in Section 375 was broadened to include acts in addition to penetration. Also, Section 370 was replaced with Section 370 and 370A. The amended section incorporated the definition of trafficking as provided in the UN Trafficking Protocol while excluding “forced labour.” Also see the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2018 for additional amendments to rape and sexual violence crimes.

The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2018 (2018)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act replaced the Ordinance of the same name which was promulgated in the aftermath of the Kathua Rape case in Jammu & Kashmir region of India in 2018, which involved the rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl. The Act amended various provisions of the Indian Penal Code, Indian Evidence Act, and The Code of Criminal Procedure. Notably, the Act increased the minimum punishment for rape from seven years to ten years of rigorous imprisonment which is extendable to life imprisonment. The penalty for rape of a girl under 16 years of age has also been increased to 20 years of imprisonment extendable to life, a significant increase from the original term of 10 years. Rape of a girl under 12 years of age has been made punishable with imprisonment of minimum 20 years extendable to life or with capital punishment. Lastly, the gang rape of a girl under 12 years of age has been made punishable with life imprisonment or capital punishment. The Act includes measures related to bail restrictions, speedy trial, and strengthening prosecution.

The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act (2019)

Divorce and dissolution of marriage, Gender discrimination, Harmful traditional practices

Parliament enacted this law pursuant to the Supreme Court decision Shayara Bano v. Union of India. Section 3 of the Act bans and voids talaq-e-biddat declarations , while Section 4 stipulates imprisonment of up to three years along with fine for a Muslim man who pronounces talaq. Section 7 of the Act also declares the offence of pronouncing Talaq as a cognizable, non-bailable, and non-compoundable offence. The Act provides additional protections to Muslim women upon whom talaq is pronounced in Sections 5 and 6, including a subsistence allowance from their husband and custody of their children (as determined by the magistrate) respectively.

Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (2013)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Gender violence in conflict, Gender-based violence in general, International law

Ratified by BiH in November 2013, this Convention opens the path for creating a legal framework at the pan-European level to protect women against all forms of violence and to prevent, prosecute, and eliminate violence and domestic violence against women. The Convention also establishes the Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO), which is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Convention. Its members are elected by the state parties. The structure of the treaty is based on the “four Ps”: (1) prevention, (2) protection and support of victims, (3) prosecution of offenders, and (4) integrated policies. The Convention also establishes obligations in relation to the collection of data and supporting research in the field of violence against women. Article 2 of the Convention indicates that the provisions shall apply in time of peace and also in situations of armed conflicts. The treaty came into effect in Bosnia on the 1 August 2014.

Zakon o zaštiti od nasilja u porodici (Law on Protection from Domestic Violence) (2005)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The purpose of this law is to prevent and suppress domestic violence and to remove circumstances that encourage and stimulate repeated violence in the family. The law contains provisions regarding protective measures against family violence (e.g., by the use of protection orders), and sanctions for perpetrators of violent actions. Protective measures may be issued at the request of a victim or their attorney, police, prosecutors, the centre for social work, government, non-governmental organizations, or ex officio. Protective measures are issued by the court, depending on the residence or domicile of the victims of domestic violence. They are: (1) removal from the apartment, house or other dwelling and prohibition from returning to that apartment, house or dwelling; (2) a restraining order; (3) the protection of the victim of domestic violence; (4) prohibition from harassment and stalking; (5) mandatory psycho-social treatment; or (6) mandatory rehabilitation. Non-compliance with a protective measure is sanctioned by a fine of KM 2,000 to KM 10,000. There is also a penalty for an official person who fails to report to the police an act of domestic violence, which is a pecuniary fine in the amount of KM 1,000 to 5,000 or a prison term of no less than 50 days. English translation available in addition to original Bosnian through RefWorld External URL.

ປະມວນກົດໝາຍອາຍາ ມາດຕາ 253, ມາດຕາ 215: ການ​ຄ້າ​ມະ​ນຸດ (Penal Code article 253, article 215: enforced prostitution, human trafficking) (2017)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Any person forcing another person into prostitution is subject to 5-10 years of imprisonment. If the victim is under 18 years old, the offender is subject to 10-20 years of imprisonment. Human trafficking is defined as the recruitment, moving, transfer or harboring of any person within or across national borders by means of deception, threats, use of force, debt bondage or other means, and using such person in forced labor, prostitution, pornography, or other unlawful acts, or removing body organs of such person, or for other unlawful purposes. The offender is subject to 5-15 years of imprisonment. For victims under 18 years old, any of the above-mentioned acts committed against them is deemed to be human trafficking even if there is no deception, threat, use of force, or debt bondage. When the offender is a “regular” human trafficker or in an organized group, the victims are children, there are two or more victims, the victim is a relative of the offender, or any victim suffers serious injury or becomes an invalid or insane, the offender is subject to 15-20 years of imprisonment. If a victim becomes disabled, infected with HIV, or died, the offender is subject to life imprisonment. Fines for human trafficking range from 10 million to 1 billion kip. If the victim is a woman, provisions of the Law on the Development and Protection of Women may be applicable too.

ກົດໝາຍວ່າດ້ວຍ ການພັດທະນາ ແລະ ປົກປ້ອງແມ່ຍິງ (Law on the Development and Protection of Women) (2004)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Gender discrimination, Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

This law sets out the measures for protecting women’s rights, promoting gender equality, development of women (including physical, mental, educational, and professional and skills developments), eliminating gender-based discriminations, and preventing crimes, such as human trafficking and domestic violence, against women. Article 17, Equal Rights in the Family, mandates that women and men have equal rights in all matters concerning family relationships, including equal rights in matrimonial property and inheritance. Part IV, The Protection of Women and Children against Trafficking and Domestic Violence, sets out measures to assist and protect women and children victims of trafficking and domestic violence; duties and obligations of governments and officers, social organizations, individuals, doctors, social workers, or other organizations that discover or receive information concerning a victim; and criminal procedures relating to offenders. Unofficial English translation available from the ILO here.

ປະມວນກົດໝາຍອາຍາ ມາດຕາ 248 ການຂົ່ມຂືນ, ມາດຕາ 252 (Penal Code article 248: rape, article 252: sexual intercourse by force with a female spouse) (2017)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Rape is defined as using force, armed threats, drugs, or other means to coerce sexual intercourse with a woman against her will (where such woman is not the offender’s spouse), and is subject to three to five years of imprisonment. When the victim is between 15 to 18 years old, or is the offender’s dependent or patient, the offender is subject to 5-10 years of imprisonment. When the victim is under 15 years old, the offender committed battery, or the rape resulted the victim’s disability or caused the victim’s death, the offender is subject to 7-15 years of imprisonment. When the victim is also murdered, the offender is subject to 15-20 years of imprisonment, and may be sentenced to life imprisonment or death penalty. Violators are also subject to fines ranging from 5 million to 70 million kip. Attempted rape is also punishable. "Marital rape" through use of force or threats is also punishable by article 252 ("Sexual Intercourse by Force with a Female Spouse"), but separately and differently from other rape offenses. Violators of article 252 may face three months to one year imprisonment or re-education without imprisonment and a fine of 500,000 to 3 million kip. If the rape of a female spouse results in serious injury, the penalties increase to one to five years in prison and a fine of 1 million to 5 million kip. While article 248 includes male victims of rape, article 252's prohibition on marital rape only applies to female spouses. English translation available from the Laos Official Gazette here.

ປະມວນກົດໝາຍອາຍາ ມາດຕາ 201 (Penal Code article 201: unlawful abortion) (2017)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

Anyone caught performing an abortion is subject to two to five years of imprisonment and a fine of 5 million to 15 million kip. Any woman caught performing her own abortion or arranging to have her own abortion done is subject to three months to one year of imprisonment and a fine of 3 million to 10 million kip. If the offender is in the habitual practice of performing abortions, they are subject to five to seven years imprisonment and a fine of 7 million to 20 million kip. The Penal Code also punishes attempted abortions. English translation available from the Laos Official Gazette here.

ປະມວນກົດໝາຍອາຍາ ມາດຕາ 224 ການ ຈຳ ແນກຕໍ່ແມ່ຍິງ (Penal Code article 224: discrimination against women) (2017)

Employment discrimination, Gender discrimination

Discrimination against women or restriction of women’s participation in any political, economic, socio-cultural or family activity based on gender reasons is subject to one to three years of imprisonment. Violators are subject to “public criticism,” “re-education without deprivation of liberty,” or imprisonment of one to three years and a fine of 3 million to 10 million kip. English translation available from the Laos Official Gazette here.

ประมวลกฎหมายอาญา Penal Code B.E. 2499, Chapter 3 (Abortion) (1956)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Gender discrimination

Section 301 states that any woman, causing herself an abortion or allowing another person to procure an abortion for herself, shall be liable to imprisonment up to a term of three years or a fine not exceeding 60,000 Baht. Section 302 punishes those who procure an abortion for a woman with her consent; the penalty is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or a fine up to 20,000 Baht, with the term and amount varying according to if grievous bodily harm or death resulted from the abortion. Section 303 punishes those who procure an abortion for a woman without her consent; the penalty is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 20 years or a fine up to 40,000 Baht, with the term and amount varying according to if grievous bodily harm or death resulted from the abortion. Section 305 exempts those under Sections 301 or 302 from the offense if the abortion was carried out be a medical practitioner on medical grounds or the woman is younger than 15 years and the pregnancy resulted from rape or fetuses with fatal abnormalities. Thailand’s Constitutional Court ruled on 19 February 2020 that existing laws on abortion (Sections 301 and 305) conflict with Thailand’s 2017 Constitution as they fail to hold men responsible for illegal abortions. It remains unclear how the provisions will be amended; the ruling gives the government 360 days for the amendments and does not immediately change the law. English translation available from the ILO through External Link.

พระราชบัญญัติ ความเท่าเทียมระหว่างเพศ พ.ศ.๒๕๕๘ (Gender Equality Act 2015) (2015)

Gender discrimination

The “Equality Act” broadly prohibits almost all forms of gender discrimination. It establishes two groups, the Committee for the Promotion of Gender Equality (the “PGE Committee”) and the Committee on the Determination of the Unfair Gender Discrimination (the “UGD Committee”). The PGE Committee’s powers and duties broadly include prescribing and recommending policy on promoting gender quality, prescribing guidelines for providing assistance and remedy to victims of gender inequality, overseeing the performance of duties under the Equality Act, and promoting study and research into the prevention of gender discrimination. The UGD Committee’s powers and duties include considering problems submitted by petition claiming unfair gender discrimination, prescribing provisional measures before rendering decisions for protection or mitigation, and issuing orders to perform duties or provide compensation. Any person or organization found guilty of an offense shall be ordered to cease and prevent recurrence of unfair gender discrimination. Whoever fails to comply with such an order shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht. Under section 17(2) of the Equality Act gender discrimination is permitted on the basis of religious principles or national security. English translation available through External Link.

พระราชบัญญัติ แก ไขเพิ่มเติมประมวลกฎหมายอาญา (ฉบับที่ ๑๙) พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๐ มาตรา 286 (Act for the Amendment of the Penal Code (no. 19) of 2007 section 286) (1956)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Criminal Code Section 286 criminalizes any person over the age of 16 years who subsists in whole or part on the earnings of a sex worker. The sentence is imprisonment of 7-20 years and a fine of 14,000-40,000 Baht, or imprisonment for life. The provisions of this section do not apply if the sex worker is bound to give maintenance according to law or morality.

English translation as of 2003 via ILO available here.

พระราชบัญญัติ ป้องกันและปราบปรามการค้าประเวณี พ.ศ. ๒๕๓๙ (Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act B.E. 2539 of 1996) (1996)

Gender discrimination, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The “Prostitution Act” criminalizes various activities associated with sex work. The criminalized activities include (see Sections 5 to 13): soliciting oneself in a public place, associating with another in a sex work establishment for the purpose of prostitution, advertising oneself or another for the purpose of sex work, procuring a person for the purpose of prostituting that person, a parent who connives in the prostitution of their child who is under the age of 18, being an owner/manager/supervisor in a prostitution establishment or other controller of sex workers in a prostitution establishment, and detaining a person or threatening in any manner to compel engagement in sex work. The Prostitution Act only criminalizes individuals involved with selling sex, but carries no criminalization or consequences for a customer buying it unless the sex worker is under the age of 18. The penalty for involvement in prostitution ranges from a fine up to a term of imprisonment for life depending on the offense committed. A sex worker could be charged with a fine not exceeding 1,000 Baht and imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month. Over the past few years, police have been conducting raids, sometimes violently, on prostitution establishments. It has been noted that those who exploit women in prostitution are rarely prosecuted and women working in the entertainment sector are often presumed guilty and subject to humiliating treatment following arrest. There are also reports to widespread corruption and official complicity in prostitution and trafficking cases.

English translation available here.

The Criminal Procedure Second Amendment (Act 85 of 1997) (1997)

Sexual violence and rape

This Act amends the Criminal Procedure Act of 1997 and provides for the further regulation of detention and bail of those who are arrested. The Act substitutes subsection 11(b) of §60 of the original Act, tightening bail conditions for schedule 5 crimes, which includes rape. The substituted section holds that the court must order an accused to be detained in custody until they are dealt with in accordance with law, unless the accused can offer sufficient evidence to satisfy the court that they should be released in the interests of justice.

Wetboek van Strafrecht: Titel XIXA Afbreking van zwangerschap (Criminal Code: Title XIXA Termination of pregnancy)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

Abortion is legal in the Netherlands when performed by a doctor in an appropriate medical setting as described in the Law on the Termination of Pregnancy. Abortion is criminalized outside these circumstances, and violations carry a penalty of up to four years and six months imprisonment or a fine. A criminal abortion that kills the woman carries a penalty of up to six years in prison or a fine. A criminal abortion performed without the woman's consent carries a penalty of up to 12 years in prison or a fine. A criminal abortion that both kills the woman and is performed without her consent is punishable by up to 15 years imprisonment or a fine. (Unofficial English translation of the Criminal Code as of 2012 available here: https://wetten.overheid.nl/BWBR0024649/2020-07-01)

Wetboek van Strafrecht: Titel XX-XXI Mishandeling, Veroorzaken van de dood of van lichamelijk letsel door schuld (Criminal Code: Title XX-XXI Assault, Causing bodily harm or death through negligence)

Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting

Female genital mutilation is punishable as a form of child abuse under sections 300-304, 307, and 308 of the Criminal Code. Such abuse carries a maximum sentence of 12 years or a maximum fine of 76,000 euros. Parents who perform the circumcision themselves on their own daughter or on a child over whom they exercise parental authority or whom they care for or raise, may serve a one-third increase in their prison sentence, per section 304(1). Parents and custodians are also punishable if they allow and/or support the procedure to be performed, order it, pay for it, provide the means for it and/or assist the circumciser during the circumcision, as these acts are considered soliciting, abetting or co-perpetration under Dutch criminal law. Though FGM is not specifically mentioned in these sections, the General Provisions Section 5(3°) explicitly includes FGM in these Title XX-XXI provisions. (Unofficial English translation of the Criminal Code as of 2012 available here: http://www.ejtn.eu/PageFiles/6533/2014%20seminars/Omsenie/WetboekvanStra...)

Wetboek van Strafrecht: Titel XIV Misdrijven tegen de zeden (Criminal Code: Title XIV Crimes Against Public Morals)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Several sections of the Criminal Code (in particular, sections 242-243) penalize rape, including spousal rape, and domestic violence. Penalties include imprisonment not exceeding 12 years, a fine not exceeding 78,000 euros ($93,600), or both. For cases involving violence against a spouse, the penalty for various forms of abuse can be increased by one-third. Section 244 and 245 of the Criminal Code penalize statutory rape. Under section 244, in cases where the victim is younger than 12, the term of imprisonment shall not exceed 12 years. In cases where the victim is 12-16 years of age, under section 245, the term of imprisonment shall not exceed eight years. (Unofficial English translation of the Criminal Code as of 2012 available here: http://www.ejtn.eu/PageFiles/6533/2014%20seminars/Omsenie/WetboekvanStra...)

Wetboek van Strafrecht: Titel XVIII Misdrijven tegen de persoonlijke vrijheid (Criminal Code: Title 18 Crimes Against Personal Freedom)

Trafficking in persons

This section of the Criminal Code penalizes the recruitment, transportation, harboring, or reception of another person with the intention of exploiting them. The scope of trafficking is broad and encompasses “exploitation of another person in prostitution, other forms of sexual exploitation, forced or compulsory labor or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery or servitude.” Penalties dependent on the circumstances of the offense and range from 8-18 years imprisonment and/or a fifth category fine. (Unofficial English translation of the Criminal Code as of 2012 available here: http://www.ejtn.eu/PageFiles/6533/2014%20seminars/Omsenie/WetboekvanStra...)

Wet tegengaan huwelijksdwang (Forced Marriage Prevention Act) (2015)

Forced and early marriage

Article 1:31 of the Civil Code sets the legal age for marriage at 18 years for both women and men. This Act address instances child and/or forced marriage in the Netherlands. It removed a previous provision that allowed for marriage at the age of 16 under exceptional circumstances. The Act also provides for criminal prosecution in cases of forced marriage involving Dutch nationals and/or non-Dutch national-permanent residents. Dutch nationals and non-Dutch national permanent residents can be prosecuted for a forced marriage abroad even if forced marriage is not a criminal offence in the country where the marriage took place. (English summary of the Act available here: https://www.government.nl/topics/forced-marriage/tackling-forced-marriage)

Código Penal de la Nación Argentina: Artículos 142, 170 (delitos contra mujeres embarazadas) (1984)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Gender-based violence in general, Trafficking in persons

A person who takes, hides, or imprisons a pregnant woman in order to force the woman or a third party to do, not do, or tolerate something against his or her will is subject to imprisonment of between 10 to 25 years. A person who kidnaps or hides a pregnant woman to obtain a ransom is subject to imprisonment of between 10 to 25 years. If perpetrator obtains the desired gain, the minimum penalty will be raised to eight years.

La persona que toma, esconde o encarcela a una mujer embarazada con el fin de obligar a la mujer o a una tercera persona a hacer, no hacer o tolerar algo en contra de su voluntad está sujeta a pena privadora de libertad de 10 a 25 años. La persona que secuestra u oculta a una mujer embarazada para obtener un rescate está sujeta a una pena de prisión de entre 10 y 25 años. Si el agresor obtiene la ganancia deseada, la pena mínima se elevará a ocho años.

Código Penal de la Nación Argentina: Artículos 85-88 (Aborto) (1984)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

Abortion is a criminal offense unless there are no other means with which to save the life or health of the pregnant woman, the woman is mentally ill or otherwise challenged, or her pregnancy is the result of sexual assault. Those who perform abortions with the consent of the woman are liable to imprisonment for one to four years, or up to six years if the woman does not survive. Performing an abortion without the consent of the woman is punishable by three to ten years in prison, or up to 15 years if the woman does not survive. In addition to these prison sentences, doctors, surgeons, midwives, and pharmacists who assist or perform an abortion may be disqualified from practicing their profession for twice the period of imprisonment. A person who unintentionally causes an abortion through acts of violence is liable for six months to two years imprisonment. Finally, a woman who causes or consents to an abortion may be sentenced to one to four years imprisonment. An unsuccessful abortion attempt is not a punishable offense, so women who do so should be able to seek medical attention without penalty. (Note: The government of Argentina is voting on legalizing abortion as of December 2020: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/11/argentina-lower-house-appr...)

El aborto es un delito penal a menos que no existan otros medios con los que salvar la vida o la salud de la mujer embarazada, la mujer tenga una enfermedad mental o sufra algún otro problema, o su embarazo sea el resultado de una agresión sexual. Quienes practican abortos con el consentimiento de la mujer pueden ser castigados con una pena de prisión de uno a cuatro años, o hasta seis años si la mujer no sobrevive. Realizar un aborto sin el consentimiento de la mujer se castiga con tres a diez años de prisión, o hasta 15 años si la mujer no sobrevive. Además de estas penas de prisión, los médicos, cirujanos, parteras y farmacéuticos que ayuden o practiquen un aborto pueden ser inhabilitados para ejercer su profesión por el doble del período de prisión. Una persona que provoque involuntariamente un aborto mediante actos de violencia puede ser sancionada con una pena de prisión de seis meses a dos años. Finalmente, una mujer que provoque o consienta en un aborto puede ser condenada a una pena de prisión de uno a cuatro años. Un intento de aborto fallido no es un delito punible, por lo que las mujeres que lo hagan deberían poder buscar atención médica sin sanción. (Nota: El gobierno de Argentina está votando sobre la legalización del aborto a diciembre de 2020: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/11/argentina-lower-house-appr...)

Código Penal de la Nación Argentina: Artículo 80 (1984)

Femicide, Gender-based violence in general

A man who kills a woman through an act of gender violence is liable for life imprisonment ("reclusión perpetua o prisión perpetua").

Un hombre que mata a una mujer mediante un acto de violencia de género es condenado a cadena perpetua ("reclusión perpetua o prisión perpetua").

Ley 20.066 (Establishing the Law on Domestic Violence) (2005)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

Its objective is to prevent, sanction, and reduce domestic violence and protect victims, especially woman, elders, and children. It defines domestic violence as physical acts and physical abuse committed by a person having a family bond with the victim. The Family Tribunal has jurisdiction over cases where the conduct does not qualify as a crime (according to the Criminal Code) and no prison penalties may be imposed. Article 4 states that enforcement of this law is within the purview of the Minister of Women and Gender Equity.

Su objetivo es prevenir, sancionar y reducir la violencia intrafamiliar y proteger a las víctimas, especialmente a mujeres, ancianos y niños. Define la violencia doméstica como los actos físicos y el abuso físico cometidos por una persona que tiene un vínculo familiar con la víctima. El Tribunal de Familia tiene jurisdicción sobre los casos en que la conducta no califica como delito (según el Código Penal) y no pueden imponerse penas de prisión. El Artículo 4 establece que la aplicación de esta ley es competencia de la Ministra de la Mujer y la Equidad de Género.

Ley 21.030 (Decriminalization of abortion in three causes) (2017)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Law No. 21,030 amends article 119 of the Sanitary Code to permit the interruption of a pregnancy by a surgeon, with the consent of the woman, for: (i) any risk to the life of the mother; (ii) unfeasibility of the embryo or fetus; and (iii) rape.

La ley numero 21,030 amenda el Articulo 119 del Codigo Sanitario, permitiendo la interrupcion del embarazo por un cirujano, con la autorizacion de la mujer, por: (i) cualquier riesgo a la vida de la madre, (ii) imposibilidad de exito del embrion o feto, y (iii) violacion.

Codigo Penal (Penal Code) (2011)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Articles 342 to 345 relate to abortion as a crime, other than an abortion under any of the conditions established by Law No. 21,030 of 2017. The penalty varies considerably depending on the circumstances and motives for the abortion, including, for example, whether the abortion was performed by the mother or a third party, whether it was done with or without the consent of the mother, or whether it was done to hide any shame (deshonra). Article 390 of the Criminal Code provides that the killing of a woman who is or used to be in a relationship with the murderer is murder (spousal) (femicidio), the penalty for which is imprisonment from 15 years and one day to qualified perpetual imprisonment. Article 400 increases by one degree penalties for crimes committed in the context of domestic or family violence. Article 411 prohibits acts done with the purpose of promoting or facilitating the entry or exit of individuals who perform sex work within or outside the Chilean borders. The penalty is imprisonment from three years and one day to five years, plus a fine. Article 411 also prohibits acts of violence, coercion, or taking advantage of vulnerability of persons in order to obtain the consent of a person to be sexuality exploited, such as in pornography, slavery, or forced labor. The penalty is imprisonment from five years and one day to 15 years, plus a fine.

Los Artículos 342 al 345 regulan aborto como delito, distinto del aborto en cualquiera de las condiciones establecidas por la Ley N ° 21.030 de 2017. La sanción varía considerablemente según las circunstancias y motivos del aborto, incluyendo, por ejemplo, si el el aborto fue realizado por la madre o una tercera persona, ya sea con o sin el consentimiento de la madre, o para ocultar alguna vergüenza (deshonra). El Artículo 390 del Código Penal establece que el homicidio de una mujer que está o solía estar en relación con el asesino es homicidio (conyugal) (femicidio), cuya pena es de prisión de 15 años y un día a prisión perpetua calificada. El Artículo 400 aumenta en un grado las penas por delitos cometidos en el contexto de violencia doméstica o familiar. El Artículo 411 prohíbe los actos realizados con el propósito de promover o facilitar la entrada o salida de personas que realizan trabajo sexual dentro o fuera de las fronteras chilenas. La pena es de prisión de tres años y un día a cinco años, más una multa. El Artículo 411 también prohíbe los actos de violencia, coacción o aprovechamiento de la vulnerabilidad de las personas para obtener el consentimiento de una persona para ser explotada sexualmente, como en la pornografía, la esclavitud o el trabajo forzoso. La pena es de prisión de cinco años y un día a 15 años, más una multa.

Human Trafficking Act (2005)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Human Trafficking Act ("the Act") criminalizes the trafficking of persons within and across borders by the use of threat, fraud, and exploitation of vulnerability or by paying to gain consent. Under the Act, induced prostitution, all other forms of sexual exploitation, and slavery all constitute trafficking. The Act mandates that persons with information on trafficking have a duty to inform authorities. Authorities in this case include the police or the Commission of Human Rights and Administrative Justice, the Department of Social Welfare, the Legal Aid Board, or a reputable Civil Society Organization. The Act covers the rescue, rehabilitation, and reintegration of trafficked persons, as along with creating a fund for victims. Punishment for trafficking is imprisonment for not less than five years.

Domestic Violence Act (2007)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Domestic Violence Act (the “DVA”) defines and prohibits domestic violence. Here, domestic violence means any act under the Criminal Code 1960 (Act 29) that constitutes a threat or harm to a person within the context of a domestic relationship. This includes specific acts, threats to commit, or acts likely to result in physical, sexual, or economic abuse. Emotional, verbal, or psychological abuse, including harassment, also fall within the definition of domestic violence. After a complaint has been brought, the police have a duty to provide assistance and protection to the victim of domestic violence even though the victim did not file the complaint. Thus, the police will interview the parties and witnesses, record the complaint, help the victim to obtain medical treatment and inform the victim of his or her rights. The victim can then seek a protection order in the court with original jurisdiction.

Ghana Criminal Code Part II, Chapter 3 (Female Circumcision) (2003 Amendment Act (FGM)) (2003)

Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Harmful traditional practices

The Criminal Code (Amendment) Act introduced Section 69A, which prohibits female genital mutilation. In 2007, Parliament amended 69A, and expanded the definition of liability to include anyone who “carries out female genital mutilation and excises, infibulates or otherwise mutilates the whole or any part of the labia minora, labia majora and the clitoris of another person” and specified that liability on summary conviction mandated imprisonment for a minimum of five years and a maximum of 10 years.

Ghana Criminal Code Part II, Chapter 6 (Offences Against the Person: Sexual Offences) (1960)

LGBTIQ, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Chapter 6 of the Criminal Code outlines various sexual offenses criminalized in Ghana. Rape is criminalized in Sections 97 and 98 and is defined as the "carnal knowledge of a female of sixteen years or above without her consent." Rape is classified as a first-degree felony, and a person convicted of rape shall be imprisoned for a minimum of five years and a maximum of 25 years. Section 99 clarifies that "carnal knowledge or unnatural carnal knowledge" is complete upon proof of the least degree of penetration. Statutory rape is outlined in Section 101. It states that a person convicted of having sexual intercourse with a child under 16 years of age, with or without his or her consent, shall be imprisoned for a minimum of seven years and a maximum of 25 years. Similar punishment is outlined in Section 1012 for the defilement of anyone who is considered an "idiot, imbecile or mental patient." It states that a person who has sexual intercourse with a person they know has a mental incapacity commits an offense and shall be imprisoned for a minimum of five years and a maximum of 25 years. Indecent assault is outlined in Section 103. It states that a person commits indecent assault if he or she, without consent, forcibly makes any sexual bodily contact, or sexually violates another person, in any manner not amounting to “carnal knowledge or unnatural carnal knowledge.” Indecent assault is a misdemeanor and carries a minimum of six months imprisonment. “Unnatural carnal knowledge” is outlined in Section 104, which states that a person convicted for having ‘unnatural carnal knowledge’ may face different penalties depending on what act he or she commits. "Unnatural carnal knowledge" is defined as sexual intercourse with a person in an unnatural manner or with an animal. Section 104 has been interpreted as prohibiting homosexuality.

Ghana Criminal Code Chapter 2, Section 14 (Provisions relating to consent) (1960)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Section 14 of Chapter 2 of the Ghanaian Criminal Code provides the definition of consent. It states that consent is void if the person giving it is under years.12 of age, or in sexual offences under 16 years of age Consent is void if the person is insane, immature, intoxicated, or is as a result of any other cause unable to understand the nature or consequences of the act to which he consents. Consent is void if obtained (i) under duress or by means of deceit; (ii) by undue influence; or (iii) given on behalf of a parent or guardian in bad faith or (iv) by reason of a fundamental mistake of fact or (v) if actual authority to consent is not present. Consent is considered to have been obtained by the preceding causes if consent would not have otherwise been given but for those causes. A person should not be prejudiced by the invalidity of any consent if he did not know and could not have known of the invalidity by exercise of reasonable diligence.

Criminal Code, Section 276 (1985)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Section 276 (Evidence of complainant’s sexual activity), the so called “rape shield law,” was enacted to prevent evidence of the complainant’s previous sexual history being adduced to support an inference that they were more likely to have consented or that they are less believable. The purpose of the law is to protect the integrity of the trial by excluding misleading and irrelevant evidence and to encourage the reporting of such crimes by protecting the privacy of complainants. Such evidence is only admissible in limited circumstances. In determining whether evidence is admissible, a trial judge must consider certain factors as prescribed by section 276 including the potential prejudice to the complainant’s personal dignity and right of privacy. Evidence of prior sexual activity is presumptively inadmissible unless, having followed certain procedures, the trial judge rules otherwise.

Criminal Code C-46 (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46), Section 279.01 (1985)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Article 279.01 defines and prohibits human trafficking. The penalty for trafficking including aggravated assault, aggravated sexual assault, or death is five years to imprisonment for life or for any other case, four to fourteen years imprisonment.

Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46), Section 268 (1985)

Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting

Section 268(1) provides that everyone commits an aggravated assault who wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life of the complainant. Section 268(3) clarifies that “wound” or “maim” includes to excise, infibulate, or mutilate, in whole or in part, the labia majora, labia minora, or clitoris of a person except where it is performed by a qualified medical practitioner for the benefit of the physical health of the person or the person is over 18 years of age and there is no resulting bodily harm. No consent to excise, infibulate, or mutilate, in whole or in part, the labia majora, labia minora, or clitoris of a person is otherwise possible. Aggravated assault is punishable as an indictable offence and punishment is a prison sentence not exceeding 14 years.

Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46), Sections 486 and 714 (Vulnerable Witnesses) (1985)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Criminal Code C-46 provides mechanisms which make is easier for vulnerable persons such as female complainants to give testimony during criminal proceedings. The measures include: ability to give testimony outside the courtroom via closed circuit television or behind a screen; allowing a support person to be present during testimony; requiring some or all members of the public to leave the court room during criminal proceedings; where an accused is self-representing, appointing a lawyer to conduct cross examination; and publication ban to prevent information being released which could identify the victim or witness.

Abortion Law Reform Act (NSW) (2019)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

This Act overturned Division 12 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), which criminalised obtaining, performing, or otherwise assisting an abortion. Abortion is now legal in New South Wales until 22 weeks of pregnancy. To procure an abortion after 22 weeks, the procedure must be performed in a hospital by a specialist practitioner in consultation with a second practitioner. Medical providers who have conscientious objections to abortion must provide patients with information about where they can receive an abortion.

Penal Law (Title 26) (1978)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Divorce and dissolution of marriage, Domestic and intimate partner violence, LGBTIQ, Sexual violence and rape, Stalking, Statutory rape or defilement

Chapter 16 sets forth criminal offenses for conduct against the family. §16.3 provides that an abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy is a felony, unless it is conducted by a licensed physician upon his belief that the pregnancy causes danger to the mother or the child would be born with a grave defect. §16.1-16.2 prohibits bigamy, polygamy, incest, or deviate sexual intercourse with a family member and designates these acts as felonies. Separately, the Law prohibits harassment, which is defined as a written threat, an offensive telephone call, or repeated telephone calls with no legitimate communication purpose with the intent to frighten or harass the recipient. Chapter 14 Subchapter D outlines crimes involving sexual violence against persons committed on or after January 17, 2006. The age for statutory rape is 18 years. Gang rape constitutes first-degree felony. The Law defines lack of “consent” as including violence or the threat of violence against the victim or another person, the victim’s unconsciousness, a physical disability that prevents the victim from being able to to communicate his or her consent, or intentionally forcing the victim’s consent. The following acts constitute first-degree rape: rape of an underage victim, gang rape, rape that results in permanent disability to the victim, and use of a deadly weapon. The maximum punishment for first-degree rape is life imprisonment, and the maximum punishment for second-degree rape is 10 years imprisonment. Chapter 14 Subchapter D also covers sexual violence crimes committed before January 17, 2006. For those earlier offenses, the following constitute rape: a male has sexual intercourse with a female that is not his wife by force or by impairing her power to control her conduct; or a male has sexual intercourse with a female less than 16 years old. First-degree rape includes the following: the defendant causes serious bodily injury to the victim, the defendant has sexual intercourse with a female under 16 years of age, or the defendant has sexual intercourse with a female who has not previously consented. The change of language regarding crimes committed after 2006 indicates several important gender-related developments. First, the new language explicitly allows for the prosecution of men and women as perpetrators of rape. Second, it allows for the prosecution of rapes of male victims. Third, it no longer exempts “marital rape” from prosecution. Finally, it raises the age of statutory rape from 16 to 18 years. However, the Law also criminalizes homosexuality, making “voluntary sodomy” a misdemeanor (chapter 14.74).

Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 (2018)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape, Stalking

The Domestic Abuse Act (Scotland) of 2018 came into force on April 1, 2019. It modifies and expands upon portions of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act of 1995. The act expands the definition of domestic abuse to include psychological abuse and coercive and controlling behavior. It criminalizes both psychological and physical harm directed to a partner or an ex-partner. Section 11.2 defines a “partner” as a spouse or civil partner, a person with whom one lives as a spouse, or a person with whom one is in an “intimate personal relationship.” Section 2 defines abuse as “violent, threatening, or intimidating” behavior that may consist of controlling a victim’s daily activities, causing the victim to become subordinate or dependent on the perpetrator, isolating the victim from friends or family, depriving or restricting a victim’s actions, or frightening, humiliating, degrading, or otherwise punishing the victim. Section 3 contains an extraterritoriality clause covering such conduct occurring partly or wholly outside the country, and thus the abusive behavior need not take place within the United Kingdom. Section 5 creates a is the only UK legislation with a specific statutory sentencing aggravation for the harm that can be caused to children growing up in an environment in which domestic abuse takes place. Section 2.2.n., likewise, includes a victim’s child under the age of 18 as a potential additional victim of abuse. Section 5.3 clarifies that the aggravation can be applied both in cases in which abusive behavior is directed at a child, and in scenarios in which a child “sees or hears, or is present during, an incident of behavior that A directs at B as part of the course of behavior.” The Domestic Abuse Act has been lauded by women’s rights organizations as a “welcome change” that “should increase the opportunity [for victims] to obtain protection and seek justice through the criminal justice system."

Modern Slavery Act (New South Wales) (2018)

Trafficking in persons

On June 21, 2018, the NSW Parliament passed the Act to supplement existing criminal legislation both at the NSW (e.g., Crimes Act 1900 and Human Tissue Act 1983) and Commonwealth levels (e.g., the Criminal Code Act 1995). The Act defines “modern slavery” as “any conduct involving the use of any form of slavery, servitude or forced labour to exploit children or other persons taking place in the supply chains of government agencies or non-government agencies.” The Act provides for an Anti-slavery Commissioner and establishes a Modern Slavery Committee.

Crimes Act 1900 Division 10A (New South Wales)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Division 10A concerns sexual servitude, which is defined as “the condition of a person who provides sexual services and who, because of the use of force or threats is not free to cease providing sexual services, or is not free to leave the place or area where the person provides sexual services.” Section 80D provides for up to 15 years’ imprisonment for any person causing (willfully or recklessly) or attempting to cause sexual servitude (and up to 20 years if the victim is under 18 or cognitively impaired). Section 80E provides for up to 15 years for any person conducting a business involving the sexual servitude of others, or who knows about, or is reckless as to, sexual servitude (and up to 19 years if the victim is under 18 or cognitively impaired).

Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act (New South Wales)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual harassment, Stalking

The Act aims to prevent, ensure accountability for, and apply standards set by the United Nations and the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women to domestic violence. It aims to fulfill these objectives by “empowering courts to make apprehended domestic violence orders to protect people from domestic violence, intimidation (including harassment) and stalking” (§ 9(2)(a)). Intimidation is defined as: “conduct amounting to harassment or molestation of the person,” “an approach made to the person by any means (including by telephone, telephone text messaging, e-mailing, and other technologically assisted means) that causes the person to fear for his or her safety,” or “any conduct that causes a reasonable apprehension of injury to a person or to a person with whom he or she has a domestic relationship, or of violence or damage to any person or property” (§ 7(1)). Stalking is defined as following, watching, frequenting the vicinity of or approaching a person’s place of residence, business or work, or any place that a person frequents for the purposes of any social or leisure activity (§ 8(1)). The Act (at Parts 3 and 4) gives courts the authority to issue orders relating to apprehended domestic or personal violence. The Act provides that a “person who stalks or intimidates another person with the intention of causing the other person to fear physical or mental harm” may be punished with up to five years imprisonment (§ 13(1)). A person who “knowingly contravenes a prohibition or restriction specified in an apprehended violence order made against the person” may be punished with up to two years imprisonment (§ 14(1)).

NSW, much like the rest of Australia, suffers from high incidents of domestic violence. Across Australia, one in three women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence perpetrated by someone known to them, one in five women have been stalked during their lifetime, and on average one woman is killed every week by a current or former partner. Aboriginal women and girls are 35 times more likely than the wider female population to be hospitalised due to family violence. In 2016, the NSW Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, launched the ‘NSW Domestic Family Violence Blueprint for Reform 2016-2021: Safer Lives for Women, Men and Children’ setting out actions to reform the domestic violence system in NSW over a five-year period (the blueprint is the first of its kind in Australia). The NSW Government has allocated AUD 350 million in the 2017/18 budget over a four-year period to fund the effort. (http://www.bocsar.nsw.gov.au/Pages/bocsar_pages/Domestic-Violence.aspx; https://www.whiteribbon.org.au/understand-domestic-violence/facts-violence-women/domestic-violence-statistics/; http://www.domesticviolence.nsw.gov.au/home)

Crimes Act 1900 Division 10 (New South Wales)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Division 10 of the Act prohibits and defines sexual violence against adults and children. A person consents to sexual intercourse if the person freely and voluntarily agrees (§ 61HE(2)). As provided in section 61HE(3), a perpetrator is deemed to know that the other person does not consent if they have actual knowledge, are reckless as to consent, or had no reasonable belief that the other person consented. In determining consent, the trier of fact must consider all of the circumstances, including any steps taken by the person to ascertain whether the other person consents, but not including any self-induced intoxication of the person. There can be no consent if the person is a minor, unconscious or asleep, cognitively incapacitated, under duress, or unlawfully detained.

An Act to consolidate the Law Relating to Crimes and Criminal Offenders (Victoria) (2008)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Sexual violence and rape, Stalking, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Crimes Act is the principal Victorian criminal legislation setting out a range of criminal offences and penalties. In relation to gender justice, the Act prohibits sexual violence and rape, stalking, sexual assault, rape, abortion (as amended by the Abortion Law Reform Act 2008) and female genital mutilation. The Act also prohibits attempts and conspiracies to commit these offenses, and sets forth applicable procedures and defenses. The Act previously contained a defense of “defensive homicide,” which was intended to, among other things, assist women who killed an abusive partner in self-defense. However, this defense was abolished in November 2014 on the basis that it was not operating as intended. The penalties for violations of the Act vary, and the principles in the Sentencing Act 1991 apply to sentencing in all courts except the Children’s Court.

Ley de Violencia Sexual 2004 (última revisión 2018) (2018)

Gender discrimination, Sexual violence and rape

This is a broad piece of legislation that regulates the prevention, education, social assistance, social security benefits, procedural, criminal, and medical aspects of gender-based violence. The Sexual Violence Law also created specific courts within the judiciary system, like the Courts of Violence Against Women, to hear all cases related to gender-based violence.

Esta es una amplia legislación que regula la prevención, educación, asistencia social, beneficios de seguridad social, aspectos procesales, penales y médicos de la violencia de género. La Ley de Violencia de Género también creó tribunales específicos dentro del sistema judicial, como los Tribunales de Violencia contra la Mujer, para escuchar todos los casos relacionados con la violencia de género.

Código Criminal de España (última revision en 2015) (2015)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Employment discrimination, Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Gender-based violence in general, LGBTIQ

Spain criminalizes certain behaviors contrary to gender justice, such as the practicing of abortions without the patient’s consent, and female genital mutilation. In particular, Article 149 criminalizes female genital mutilation, establishing a penalty of six to twelve years in prison. Article 173 criminalizes the habitual physical or psychological violence exercised against a spouse or partner, punished with a penalty of six months to three years of prison (regardless of the penalty for any specific acts of violence that may have occurred). Article 314 criminalizes employment discrimination because of someone’s gender, ideologies, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, family circumstances, etc. The penalty for employment discrimination is six months to two years of prison or a pecuniary fine of 12 - 24 months. Article 510 criminalizes the incitement of violence, hate, or discrimination against any person or group for the aforementioned reasons. The penalty is one to four years of prison and a pecuniary fine of six to twelve months. Article 511 criminalizes denying a public service because of the aforementioned reasons, to someone legally entitled to receive said service. The penalty is six months to two years of prison and a pecuniary fine of 12 to 24 months, as well as being barred from public office for one to three years. Article 144 criminalizes the practicing of abortions without woman’s consent. The penalty is four to eight years of prison and being barred from any job in the medical profession.

España penaliza ciertas conductas contrarias a la justicia de género, como la práctica de abortos sin el consentimiento de la paciente y la mutilación genital femenina. En particular, el Artículo 149 penaliza la mutilación genital femenina, estableciendo una pena de seis a doce años de prisión. El Artículo 173 penaliza la violencia física o psicológica habitual ejercida contra un cónyuge o pareja, castigada con una pena de seis meses a tres años de prisión (independientemente de la pena por cualquier acto específico de violencia que pueda haber ocurrido). El Artículo 314 penaliza la discriminación laboral debido al género, las ideologías, la religión, el origen étnico, la orientación sexual, las circunstancias familiares, etc. de alguien. La pena por discriminación laboral es de seis meses a dos años de prisión o una multa pecuniaria de 12 a 24 meses. El Artículo 510 penaliza la incitación a la violencia, el odio o la discriminación contra cualquier persona o grupo por los motivos antes mencionados. La pena es de uno a cuatro años de prisión y una multa pecuniaria de seis a doce meses. El Artículo 511 penaliza la denegación de un servicio público por las razones antes mencionadas, a alguien legalmente autorizado para recibir dicho servicio. La pena es de seis meses a dos años de prisión y una multa pecuniaria de 12 a 24 meses, además de ser excluido de un cargo público de uno a tres años. El Artículo 144 penaliza la práctica de abortos sin el consentimiento de la mujer. La pena es de cuatro a ocho años de prisión y se le prohibirá cualquier trabajo en la profesión médica.

Brottsbalk (Criminal Code) (1962)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Swedish Penal Code includes regulations that defines and prohibits various sexually and/or physically motivated crimes against people. The penalty for kidnapping with intent to injure a person, to force a person into service or to practice extortion is imprisonment for at least four years and at most eighteen years, or for life. When a crime is less serious, the highest imprisonment term is six years. The penalty for human trafficking is imprisonment for 2-10 years. When a crime is less serious, the highest imprisonment term is four years. If a crime is in violation of liberty and peace or a sexual offense and it was committed by a man against a woman with whom he had a close intimate relationship (marriage or cohabitation), then the man will be sentenced for gross violation of a woman’s integrity and imprisoned for at least nine months and at most six years, as opposed to being sentenced for each individual crime committed. This crime was introduced in the Swedish Penal Code in 1998 and the construction of it is unique because several individual criminal offences together can constitute a gross crime. Perpetrators of rape shall be imprisoned for at least two and at most six years. If the rape is considered less aggravated, the sentence drops to at most four years. In the event the rape is “gross”, the sentence is extended to at most 10 years. The penalty for sexual intercourse with a child under 15 years of age (or an act comparable to sexual intercourse) is at least two and at most six years. If the crime is “gross”, the penalty is extended to at least five years and at most ten years. The penalty for sexual coercion is at most two years of imprisonment. Notwithstanding, if the sexual coercion is “gross”, the sentence is extended from at least six months to at most six years. The penalty for intercourse with an offspring is imprisonment for at most two years and for intercourse with a sibling is at most one year. The penalties for crimes of exploitation of a child for sexual posing, purchase of a sexual ct from a child and sexual molestation are sentencing to a fine or imprisonment for at most two years. Except for gross exploitation of a child for sexual posing where the sentence is at least six months and at most six years imprisonment. The penalty for purchase of sexual service is a fine or imprisonment for at most one year. Purchase of sexual service has occurred when a person obtains a temporary sexual relation in return for payment. This also applies if the payment was promised or given by another person. Selling sexual services in Sweden is not criminalized. The penalty for someone who promotes or improperly financially exploits a person’s engagement in temporary sexual relations in return for payment (procuring) is at most four years. In the event the procuring is “gross”, the sentence is 2-10 years. As of 2018, the Penal Code defines rape as any sex without consent, either with words or clear actions. Before the amendment, crimes of rape required the intent to rape someone through violence or threats, or that the victim was in a particularly vulnerable position. Furthermore, the 2018 sex crime reform of the Swedish Penal Code introduced criminal liability for negligent rape (Chapter 6 Section 1a) and negligent sexual abuse (Chapter 6 Section 3). Gross negligence is required for liability under the new regulations, rather than intention, as required for regular rape and sexual abuse in Chapter 6 Section 1 and 2. The penalty for negligent rape or negligent sexual abuse is at most four years.

Zakon o Strancima (Law on Foreigners) (2018)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The law identifies and provides certain protections for vulnerable groups of migrants, including pregnant women, single mothers, and victims of domestic violence, rape, and human trafficking. The act also contains temporary residence provisions for victims of trafficking or individuals who are victims of serious criminal offenses. Victims of trafficking may be granted residence for a period of one year, whereas victims of serious criminal offenses may be eligible to stay for a minimum of six months and a maximum of one year, though this can be extended if the factors that the temporary residence was based on are still continuing. The act includes provisions to grant such individuals safe accommodation, psychological and material assistance, counseling, and access to education for minors. (English translation available here.)

Zakon o Sprečavanju Nasilja u Porodici (Law on the Prevention of Family Violence) (2016)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape

The LPDV has a broad definition of domestic violence which includes violence between both cohabiting and non-cohabiting partners. The LPDV is gender-neutral in approach. Police powers include the ability to issue restraining orders and temporary or emergency eviction notices that can be extended by up to 30 days. Violations of such orders carry penalties of up to 60 days in prison. The LPDV also imposes a new duty on the public prosecutor’s office to maintain a central register of domestic violence cases. Victims of domestic violence also have the right to free legal aid.

Породично право (Family Law) (2005)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

Article 10 both prohibits domestic violence and states that “everyone has the right to protection form domestic violence in accordance with the law.” The definition of family members is wider than under the Criminal Code as it includes former spouses and “persons who have been or still are in a mutual emotional or sexual relation…although they have never lived in the same family household.” The Family Law Act also included new protection measures for those victims of domestic violence including the right to file a civil lawsuit for restraining orders and eviction powers. Family members, the public prosecution service, and social workers are also empowered by the Family Law Act to file for protective orders on behalf of the victims. Greater protections include the right to evict perpetrators from the family home and restraining orders. (External link redirects to automatic download. Unofficial English version available here.)

Кривични законик (Criminal Law) (2017)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Forced and early marriage, Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Stalking, Statutory rape or defilement

The Criminal Code defines and criminalizes domestic violence under Article 194, which is the main legislation providing for domestic violence prosecution. Domestic violence is defined as the “use of violence, threat of attacks against life or body, insolent or ruthless behaviour [that] endangers the tranquility, physical integrity or mental condition of a member of his family.” The definition of “family member” does not include ex-spouses or unmarried partners who do not live together or have children. The penalties for domestic violence under the Criminal Code are fines or imprisonment for up to 15 years. In 2017, new crimes for stalking (Art. 138a) and sexual harassment (Art. 182a) were added to the Criminal Code. Additionally, the minimum statutory sentence for rape was increased from three years to five years. In 2019, amendments to the Criminal code introduced life imprisonment without conditional release for those who commit crimes of rape or murder of children, pregnant women, or disabled persons. New crimes for stalking, sexual harassment, female genital mutilation, and forced marriage were also introduced. (Unofficial English translation available here.)

Kodi Penal i Republikës së Kosovës (Penal Code of the Republic of Kosovo) (2018)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Forced and early marriage, Forced sterilization, International law, Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Pursuant to Article 143, one who commits rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity, knowing such offense is part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, shall be punished by imprisonment of at least 15 years for committing crimes against humanity. Article 145 states that one who commits rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence also constituting a grave violation of the Geneva Conventions, shall be punished by imprisonment of not less than 10 years for the commission of war crimes. Similarly, Article 147 punishes the same war crimes as Article 145 in conflicts of a non-international character. Articles 163 – 166 criminalize human trafficking, slavery, and related offenses including smuggling migrants and destroying victims’ identification papers. Penalties for violations of these articles include fines and imprisonment from between 1 – 12 years. Articles 179-180 prohibit sterilization without consent and female genital mutilation. The Criminal Code also punishes sexual violence including rape (Article 227), sexual harassment (Article 183), sexual assault (Article 228), and sex trafficking and forced prostitution (Articles 229, 234). Finally, Articles 239 and 248 contain gender-neutral bans on forced and early marriage and domestic violence, respectively. (Unofficial English version available here.)

Ligji Nr. 03/L-182 Për Mbrojtjen nga Dhuna në Familje (Law No. 03/L-182 For Protection from Domestic Violence) (2010)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

This law defines, prohibits, and facilitates the treatment of perpetrators of domestic violence through a system of protection orders. The law stipulates family relationship to exist among persons beyond spouses and parent/child. It includes people who are/were engaged, in an extra-marital union, or co-habitating in a common household, and recognizes domestic violence to include abuses such as causing fear, insults, derogative behavior, and non-consensual sex. The law contemplates various protection measures that can be ordered by the courts, such as those prohibiting the approach or harassment of the victim, mandating medical treatment for substance abuse, and authorizing accompaniment by a police officer. A petition for a protection order or emergency protection order can be submitted by not only the victim and his/her representatives, but also by NGOs. The courts are required to render a decision within 15 days of receipt of a petition for protection order, and within 24 hours after the submission of a petition for emergency protection order. A protection order or emergency protection order shall be issued under the Law where the court suspects the perpetrator shall unavoidably risk the health, safety, or well-being of the protected party. A decision regarding a protection order or emergency protection order may be appealed, but the filing of the appeal does not stay the execution of the order. The Law further provides temporary emergency protection orders, petitions for which can be submitted to the police outside the courts’ working hours, which expire at the end of the next court working day. The police may issue a temporary emergency protection order if the perpetrator poses an immediate threat to the safety, healthy, or well-being of the protected party and the issuance of the order is necessary to protect against such a threat. A violation of a protection order, emergency protection order, or temporary emergency protection order is punishable by a fine of 200 to 2,000 Euros, or imprisonment of up to six months. (Unofficial English version available here.)

Female Genital Mutilation Act (2003)

Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting

The Female Genital Mutilation Act of 2003 restated and amended the law prohibiting female genital mutilation, and further prohibits assistance in mutilation, failing to protect a girl from risk of mutilation, and assistance in transporting girls overseas for the purpose of female genital mutilation. It establishes a maximum penalty of 14 years imprisonment.

Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act (2004)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Stalking

The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act of 2004 was enacted to protect victims of crime and specifically domestic violence. It amends non-molestation orders under Family Law Act 1996 to provide a criminal sanction for non-compliance, with a maximum sentence of five years' imprisonment and fines. See Section 1. It amends the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 to allow restraining orders to be imposed upon even acquitted defendants, if the court “considers it necessary to do so to protect a person from harassment by the defendant.”

Domestic Violence Act (1996)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Domestic Violence Act sets forth the procedures for granting protection orders in situations involving domestic violence. Under Part III of the Act, once a protection order has been granted, a police officer can, without a warrant, enter any premises “if he has reasonable grounds to suspect that a protection order is being violated.” Section 42 of Part IV of the Act provides that, once a police officer has intervened in a case of domestic violence, “the police officer shall as soon as possible take all reasonable measures within his power to prevent the victim of domestic violence from being abused again.”

Sexual Offences Act (through 2013 amendments) (2013)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Sexual Offences Act was created “to reform and consolidate the laws relating to sexual offences.” Part II of the Act sets forth the elements of the offenses of rape and sexual assault and defines the meaning of consent, providing that if a defendant raises “consent” as a defense, “the belief must be objectively reasonable” for the defense to succeed. Part II of the Act also defines various categories of sexual offenses against children. Part III of the Act sets parameters for the investigation of sexual offenses, Part IV of the Act defines procedures to be followed at court, and Part V of the Act governs evidentiary standards. Part IX of the Act deals with the prevention of sexual assault and establishes the National Task Force for the Prevention of Sexual Violence.

Për Masa Ndaj Dhunës në Marrëdhëniet Familjare (On Measures Against Violence in Family Relations) Ligji Nr. 9669 i datës 18.12.2006 (2006)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Property and inheritance rights

Article 10 (Protection Measures against Domestic Violence) provides the court with the power to order, among other things, the immediate removal of the perpetrator from the place of residence for a certain period of time, the prohibition of the perpetrator from being within a certain distance of the victim, a court officer to accompany the victim or the perpetrator to the victim’s residence to remove personal belongings, and the perpetrator to pay rent as well as certain support contributions to the victim, children, or other members of the family under their care. (English translation available here.)

Kodi Penal i Republikës së Shqipërisë (Penal Code of Albania) (2017)

Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The amended law aims to harmonize its provisions with the highest international standards. The amendments include a new provision (Article 58 (The Rights of the Victim of the Criminal Offence)), which provides a number of guaranteed rights for victims of gender-based violence in criminal proceedings in accordance with international standards. Article 58 Paragraph 1 includes, among others, the right of access by the victim to various support services (such as psychological assistance, counseling etc.), the right to use his/her own language during the proceedings and the right to be informed at all stages of the proceedings about the arrest and release of the offender and the victim’s right to compensation. Article 58 Paragraph 2 requires the public authority in charge of the criminal procedures to immediately notify the victim of the rights in Paragraph 1 and keep records of such notification. Article 58(b) includes amendments to provisions related to victims of sexual violence and human trafficking. This includes the right to be interviewed by a police officer or prosecutor of the same gender, the right to refuse to respond to questions about his/her private life that are not related to the case, and the right to testify through audio-visual technology. (Unofficial English translation available here.)

Code of the Administrative Offences of the Republic of Belarus (2003)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

Article 9.1 of the Administrative Code prohibits the intentional infliction of bodily harm and other acts of violence. This encompasses the intentional infliction of bodily injury which has not resulted in a short-term impairment of health or a minor permanent disability, battery, and the intentional infliction of pain, physical or mental suffering committed against a close relative or family member. If breached, the penalties are a fine or administrative arrest. Article 17.1 of the Administrative Code prohibits instances of insult and other actions that disturb public order. If breached, the penalties are a fine or administrative arrest.

Offenses Against the Person Ordinance (1924)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

Section 47A of the ordinance regulates abortion. Abortion is legal in only a few situations: (i) continuing the pregnancy would risk the health of the woman; (ii) there is a substantial risk that the child would be born with a physical or mental abnormality, making it severely handicapped; (iii) the woman is younger than 16 years; or (iv) the woman is the victim of unlawful sexual intercourse. Section 45 forbids bigamy and polygamy.

Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance (1986)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance superseded the earlier Domestic Violence Ordinance. It extends protections beyond married couples to both opposite-sex and same-sex cohabitants. One type of relief it offers is an injunction from the District Court or the Court of First Instance, which restrains the offender from using violence against the applicant or excludes the offender from the shared home or from other specified area.

Justices Act (Tasmania) (1959)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Stalking

The Act’s purpose is to provide means to hinder persons from committing acts of family and domestic or personal violence by imposing restraints on their behavior and activities. Under the section 106B of the Act, restraint orders can be issued against a person who has caused or has threatened to cause injury or damage to another person or property and is likely to do so again or carry out the threat, behaved in a provocative or offensive manner and is likely to do so again, or against a person who has stalked another person. The justice must be satisfied on the balance of probability that the imposed restraints are necessary or desirable to prevent further prohibited behavior. Restraint orders can be issued on an interim or final basis. A person who fails to comply with an order is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding ten penalty units or imprisonment not exceeding six months.

Criminal Code Act (Tasmania) (1924)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Gender-based violence in general, Sexual violence and rape, Stalking, Statutory rape or defilement

The Criminal Code Act 1924 prohibits forced and unauthorized abortions and assaults on pregnant women, sexual violence, stalking, domestic violence, and female genital mutilation. The termination of a pregnancy by a person other than a medical practitioner or the pregnant woman herself is a crime at any stage of the pregnancy. Termination carried out without the pregnant woman’s consent is a crime if it is performed intentionally or recklessly, regardless if any other harm is inflicted on the woman. Any person who unlawfully assaults a woman, knowing that woman is pregnant, is guilty of assault on pregnant woman under section 184A of the Act. Any person who has sexual intercourse with another person without that person's consent is guilty of rape under section 185 of the Act. “Sexual intercourse” is defined as the penetration of a person’s vagina, genitalia, anus or mouth by a penis, the penetration of a person’s vagina, genitalia or anus by another body part or object, or the continuation of either act of penetration. “Consent” means free agreement, and does not include, among other things, if a person does not say or do anything to communicate consent. Additionally, it is a crime to have sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 17 according to section 124 of the Act. A person is guilty of stalking if they, among other things, follow, surveille, threaten, direct abusive acts towards, communicate, send or publish offensive material, or contact another person or a third person, with intent to cause the another person physical or mental harm, including self-harm or extreme humiliation or to be apprehensive or fearful under section 192 of the Act. Under section 170A of the Act, a person commits persistent family violence in relation to another person with whom the person is, or has been, in a family relationship is guilty of persistent family violence when the accused has committed unlawful family violence on at least three occasions. Family violence includes, among other things, acts of physical, psychological and economic abuse, with the specific definitions set out in the Family Violence Act 2004. Under section 178A, any person who performs female genital mutilation on another person is guilty of a crime, regardless of custodial consent. Removing or making arrangements to remove a child from Tasmania with the intention of having female genital mutilation performed on the child is also a crime.

Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Act (Tasmania) (2013)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

The Act allows abortion by a medical practitioner up to 16 weeks of pregnancy with the woman’s consent. After 16 weeks, pregnancy may be terminated if two medical practitioners reasonably believe the continuation of pregnancy would involve greater risk to the mother’s physical or mental health than termination. At least one of the medical practitioners must specialize in obstetrics or gynaecology. In assessing the physical or mental health, the practitioners must consider the woman’s physical, psychological, economic, and social circumstances. A medical practitioner is not required to perform an abortion unless it is necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman or prevent her serious injury, and a nurse and midwife are required to assist in an emergency. However, a medical practitioner must provide the full range of pregnancy options to a woman. The Act also established “access zones” by criminalising interference, intimidation, recording, and similar behaviour within a radius of 150 meters from abortion clinics.

性侵害犯罪防治法 (Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act) (2015)

Sexual violence and rape

The Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act (the “SACPA”) defines and aims to prevent sexual assault crimes and protect the rights of victims. The SACPA sets out the responsibilities and competencies of relevant authorities which include drafting and implementing policies and regulations, supervising and investigation incidents, producing statistics of sexual assault incidents, and establishing a national archive of sexual offenders. It also prescribes several requirements, some of the more notable ones being the establishment of Sexual Assault Prevention Centers, having all students in middle and primary schools undergo at least four hours of courses on sexual assault prevention, and obliging certain personnel to report suspected sexual assault incidents within 24 hours. Sexual assault offenders are liable to pay a fine. In certain cases, they may be ordered to receive physical and psychological treatment or counseling education. Sexual assault offenders must also register their information with, and regularly report to, the police. Repeat offenders may be imprisoned or institutionalized.


家庭暴力防治法 (Domestic Violence Prevention Act) (2015)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Domestic Violence Prevention Act (the “DVPA”) was established in order to prevent acts of domestic violence and to protect the interests of victims. The DVPA defines domestic violence offenses and the family members who might be implicated, specifies the responsibilities and tasks of the various competent authorities, and governs issues such as civil protection orders, criminal procedure, the interests of any minors involved, protection of and support for victims, and educational and prevention measures. Breaches of the DVPA will result in the imposition of a fine or imprisonment.


Nigeria Penal Code Act (1960)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Gender discrimination, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Penal Code applies to the northern states of Nigeria. Section 55(1)(d), subject to customs that have been recognized as lawful, allows a husband to “correct[] his wife” as long as it does not amount to “grievous hurt.” Section 55(2) goes on to state that the correction must be reasonable in kind or degree with regards to the age, physical, and mental conditions of the person being corrected. Grievous hurt is defined in section 241 as “(a) emasculation; (b) permanent deprivation of the sight of an eye, of the hearing of an ear or the power of speech; (c) deprivation of any member or joint; (d) destruction or permanent impairing of the powers of any member or joint; (e) permanent disfiguration of the head or face; (f) fracture or dislocation of a bone or tooth; (g) any hurt which endangers life or which causes the sufferer to be during the space of twenty days in severe bodily pain or unable to follow his ordinary pursuits.” The law concerning abortion is found in sections 232. Referenced in the law as the causing of a miscarriage, abortion is only legal to save the life of the mother. Any person, including the mother, can be guilty of the offense and will be punished with up to 14 years in prison, a fine, or both. Sections 233-235 discuss the causing of a miscarriage intentionally or unintentionally through acts against the mother. These offenses also carry a penalty of imprisonment, fines, or both. Section 282 discusses rape and specifies that sexual intercourse by a man with his wife is not rape if she has gone through puberty. No longer available at External URL. Please contact the Women & Justice Collection for a PDF copy.

Labour Act (1990)

Employment discrimination, Gender discrimination

Under Section 55(1), women are prevented from working at night in any industrial or agricultural position. However, under 55(2) female nurses in either sector are allowed to work at night, as are women working in management positions not “ordinarily engaged in manual labour.” Women who work at night because of unforeseeable and nonrecurring work interruptions or who work with materials that require night work because of rapid deterioration are provided with a possible defense to the law. Under Section 56, no woman may be employed in any work that requires time in any underground mine unless they hold positions of management and do not perform manual labor, are employed in health and welfare services, or are working as part of their courses of study. Under Section 57, the Minister, at any time, may prohibit or restrict women from employment in any particular industry or in any process or work carried out. Violations under any of sections 55-56 of the Act carry with them a fine, imprisonment for a term not to exceed one month, or both.

Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act (2013)

Gender discrimination, LGBTIQ

The Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act makes it illegal for same-sex individuals to marry, enter into a civil union, or gain entitlement to any benefits of a valid marriage. Additionally, it prohibits the public display of same-sex relationships. Any marriage or union entered into legally outside Nigeria is considered void within the country and no related benefits are recognized. The Act specially defines marriage as between a man and a woman and establishes criminal penalties against people who solemnize, witness, or aid various events supporting homosexuality. Sections 2-3; 5(3). The act also prohibits registering any same sex organizations and public displays of same sex romantic affection. Section 4. Punishments include imprisonment for 10-14 years depending on the offense. Section 5.

Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act (2015)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Harmful traditional practices, Property and inheritance rights, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

As stated in the accompanying Explanatory Memorandum, the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act aims to “prohibit[] all forms of violence against persons in private and public life, and provide[] maximum protection and effective remedies for victims and punishment of offenders.” The Act provides general protections against offenses including infliction of physical injury, coercion, offensive conduct, willfully placing a person in fear of physical injury, willfully making false statements against another person, damage to property with intent to cause distress, and deprivation of personal liberty. The Act also provides protections against offenses that affect women disproportionately, including a prohibition of female genital mutilation; forceful ejection from home; forced financial dependence or economic abuse; forced isolation; emotional, verbal and psychological abuse; harmful widowhood practices; and spousal battery, among others. Notably, the Act defines the offense of rape in Section 1(1) without an exception for marital rape, which had not traditionally been recognized as an offense (note that the Penal Code Act of 1960 does include an exception for marital rape). The Act provides a procedure for injured parties to apply for a protection order and empowers the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory with jurisdiction to hear and grant applications brought under the Act. As stated in Section 47, the Act is a product of federal legislation enacted in regard to criminal law, a residual matter over which the states have exclusive legislative power pursuant to the Nigerian Constitution. Thus, the VAPP Act applies only to the Federal Capital Territory and is not binding law in a state unless adopted by that state.

Trafficking in Persons (Prohibition) Enforcement and Administration Act (2015)

Gender discrimination, Trafficking in persons

The Trafficking in Persons (Prohibition) Enforcement and Administration Act, originally passed in 2003 and amended in 2005 and 2015, criminalizes human trafficking and related abuses. The Act provides trafficked persons with access to adequate health services and protection against discriminatory treatment. The Act establishes a National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (Part II), establishes Agency Transit Shelters for rescued trafficked persons, and establishes a Victims of Trafficking Trust Fund to provide compensation for victims (Part X). The Act provides protections against discriminatory treatment, barring discrimination on account of gender or sex or on the basis of the victim "having worked in the sex industry." Part IX, Section 61(a). The Act serves as implementing legislation for Nigeria’s international obligation under the Trafficking in Persons Protocol Supplementing the Transnational Organized Crime Convention (TOC), to which Nigeria became a signatory on December 13, 2000. Part Two available here.

Evidence Act (1990)

Sexual violence and rape

Under Section 211 of the Evidence Act, a man charged with rape, attempt to commit rape, or indecent assault may, as a defense, show that the alleged victim against whom the offence is alleged to have been committed was of a “generally immoral character.” The victim is not to be cross-examined on the subject but may be asked whether she has had “connection” with other men, a term not defined but presumably referring to previous sexual relations. The victim’s answer to this question cannot be contradicted. However, the accused may also ask whether the victim has had connection on other occasions with the accused and is permitted to attempt to contradict the victim’s denial should she deny connection.

Criminal Code Act (1990)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Gender discrimination, Sexual violence and rape

The Criminal Code applies to the southern states of Nigeria. The Criminal Code Act distinguishes between the treatment of assault on men and assault on women, with Chapter 29 (Sections 351-356) addressing “Assaults” and Chapter 30 (Sections 357-362) addressing “Assaults on Females: Abduction.” Notably, indecent assault on a man is considered a more serious offense and carries a higher sentence than does indecent assault on a woman. Under Section 353, “[a]ny person who unlawfully and indecently assaults any male person is guilty of a felony, and is liable to imprisonment for three years.” In contrast, under Section 360, “[a]ny person who unlawfully and indecently assaults a woman or girl is guilty of a misdemeanor, and is liable to imprisonment for two years.” Rape is defined in section 257. It is defined as “unlawful carnal knowledge of a woman or girl, without her consent, or with her consent, if the consent is obtained by force or by means of threats or intimidation of any kind, or by fear of harm, or by means of false and fraudulent representation as to the nature of the act, or, in the case of a married woman, by personating her husband.” Abortion is criminalized by sections 228-230. Abortion is defined in Section 228 as an attempt to procure a miscarriage. A mother trying to cause her own miscarriage is liable for imprisonment for seven years, while anyone who administers to her a poison or otherwise induces a woman’s miscarriage is liable for imprisonment for 14 years, and anyone who supplies or obtains any item with the knowledge of its intended use to cause an abortion is liable for imprisonment for three years. Sections 228-230. The laws derive culpability from intent and apply regardless of whether the woman is actually pregnant.

Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act (2011)

Forced and early marriage, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

This Act criminalizes slavery in all forms and provides protection and support for victims of trafficking. As defined by the Act, "'exploitation' includes, at the minimum, induced prostitution and other forms of sexual exploitation, forced marriage, forced or bonded services, or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of human organs." The definition of trafficking is comprehensive and defined in Part 2, Section 5(3) of the Act. The Act proscribes further that victims “shall not be liable for crimes committed in connection” to their own trafficking and that “the past sexual behavior of a victim of trafficking is irrelevant and inadmissible for purpose of proving that the victim was engaged in other sexual behavior or to prove sexual predisposition of the victim.” The Act provides an aggravated trafficking designation in cases where the trafficked person dies, becomes disabled physically or mentally, suffers mutilation, contracts a sexually transmitted disease including but not limited to HIV or AIDS, or develops a chronic health condition. The Act also mandates the temporary material support and care for any child victim; provision of accommodation, counseling, and rehabilitation services for victims; and mandates attempted reintegration of adult victims into their families and communities.

Penal Code Act (2010)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Penal Code prohibits abortion, rape, sexual contact with minors, indecent assault, incest, and bigamy outside of customary law. Abortion is an offence pursuant to the Penal Code Act. Only a registered medical practitioner may terminate a pregnancy if it is necessary to prevent significant harm to the woman’s health, the fetus will be severely disabled, or the woman became pregnant through incest or rape. An adult who has sexual intercourse with a child, defined as under 18 years old, commits an offence and the consent of the child is irrelevant. It shall be defence for this crime if the adult can prove that he or she had reasonable grounds to believe, and did so believe, that the child had attained the age of 18 years.

Sexual Offences Act (2003)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Sexual Offences Act recognises marital rape as a crime. Section 3(3) of the Sexual Offences Act provides that marriage or any other relationship shall not be a defence against a charge under the Act. Section (5)(2) makes criminally liable "a person who induces another to submit to a sexual act through the use of his authority, status, power, privilege, or other undue influence, commits an offence." Other sections provide for compulsory HIV testing of perpetrators of sexual violence and penalize those who commit sexual violence while knowing that they are HIV positive.

Penal Code (Amendment) Act of 1998 (1998)

Gender discrimination, Sexual violence and rape

In 1998, the Penal Code Act was amended to make the offence of rape gender-neutral and to move away from a phallus-specific definition. The Amendment introduced a minimum sentence of 10 years to a maximum term of life imprisonment and made bail unavailable to persons accused of the offense. The amendment also made mandatory HIV testing for persons convicted of rape, and in the case wherein rape was accompanied by violence or the rapist was unaware of his or her HIV+ status, a minimum sentence of 15 years with corporal punishment was introduced. For cases wherein the convicted person was aware of his or her HIV status, the minimum sentence was set at 20 years imprisonment with corporal punishment. Excerpts of amended language available here.

Domestic Violence Act (2008)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Domestic Violence Act (No. 10 of 2008) seeks to provide survivors of domestic violence with protection. The Act defines domestic violence as "any controlling or abusive behaviour that harms the health or safety of the applicant." The Act empowers Courts including Customary Courts to pass an order (Section 7 of the Act prescribes orders available to applicants such as restraining orders and interim orders) that seeks to immediately protect applicants (victims); Section 9 (2) (b) (i) provides that the order shall direct a member of the Botswana Police to prohibit the respondent (the offender) from committing an act of domestic violence. The Act also outlines the jurisdiction of the courts, describes how an applicant can file an application for an order by the court, details how documents are served to respondents, and explains the nature of proceedings in a domestic violence case.

Penal Code 2014: Lei nº 35/2014 (2014)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape

The Code defines certain crimes and their penalties. The Code includes provisions defining and prohibiting sexual assault and domestic violence. The Code legalizes abortions performed within 12 weeks of gestation. The Code also eliminates attenuating circumstances previously associated with the crime of rape, such as the possibility of acquittal in cases where the perpetrator married the victim. In addition, the Code decriminalizes prostitution.

Lei de Prevenção e Combate ao Tráfico de Pessoas: Lei nº 6/2008 (Law to Prevent Trafficking and Combat in Persons) (2008)

Trafficking in persons

The law defines and prohibits human trafficking. The penalty for human trafficking is 16 - 20 years imprisonment. Longer prison sentences are recommended when the victim is a woman or a child. The law provides that victims can benefit from witness protection measures and other forms of assistance, such as medical services and counseling.

Lei Sobre a Violência Doméstica Praticada Contra a Mulher: Lei nº 29/2009 (Law on Domestic Violence Against Women) (2009)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape

The law defines and prohibits acts of domestic violence, including sexual and moral violence, which do not result in death. Moral violence consists of publishing content that offends the honor or character of a woman. The penalty for domestic violence is established according to the rules of the national Penal Code. The law also includes community service as a potential penalty. The penalty for “non-consensual sex” is six months to two years imprisonment. The penalty may be increased if the perpetrator maintained sexual relations with the victim despite being aware that he was infected with HIV. However, lawmakers chose not to include an article in the law which would have prohibited traditional practices that violate women’s sexual and reproductive rights (e.g. the traditional practice whereby widows must marry their deceased husband’s brother).

Trafficking in Persons (Prevention, Suppression and Punishment) (2009)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

This Act prescribes measures to prevent and combat trafficking in persons with particular regard to victims who are women and children, and aims to assist victims of trafficking and facilitating efficient investigation of cases of trafficking. The offence of trafficking is committed if a person recruits, transports, transfer, harbors or receives another person within Jamaica, from Jamaica to another country, or from another country to Jamaica. A person found guilty of an offence in terms of the Act is liable to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 20 years.

Esta ley prescribe medidas para prevenir y combatir la trata de personas con especial atención a las víctimas que son mujeres y niños, y tiene como objetivo ayudar a las víctimas de la trata y facilitar la investigación eficaz de los casos de trata. El delito de trata se comete si una persona recluta, transporta, traslada, alberga o recibe a otra persona dentro de Jamaica, de Jamaica a otro país o de otro país a Jamaica. Una persona declarada culpable de este delito en los términos de la ley puede ser sancionada con una multa o con una pena de prisión por un período no superior a 20 años.

The Women (Employment of) Act (1942)

Employment discrimination, Gender discrimination

This Act prohibits the employment of women in night work save in certain circumstances. Night work is recognized in the Act as “work in an industrial undertaking during the night.” The total hours of employment of women for both day and night work shall not exceed 10 hours in a 24 hour period. To ensure compliance with the Act and that no exploitation of women occurs, the Act provides for powers of inspection in industrial undertakings, and where it is found that an industrial undertaking obstructs any inspection or is guilty of an offence under this Act, it will be liable to a fine for summary conviction and in a default of payment thereof, imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months. If a proprietor or manager of an industrial undertaking is found to be in contravention of the provisions of the Act, such person will be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

Esta ley prohíbe el empleo de mujeres en el trabajo nocturno, salvo en determinadas circunstancias. El trabajo nocturno se reconoce en la ley como "trabajo en una empresa industrial durante la noche." El total de horas de empleo de las mujeres, tanto de día como de noche, no excederá de 10 horas en un período de 24 horas. Para asegurar el cumplimiento de la ley y que no se produzca ninguna explotación de mujeres, la ley establece poderes de inspección en las empresas industriales, y cuando se determine que una empresa industrial obstruye cualquier inspección o es culpable de un delito en virtud de esta ley, será sancionable con multa por condena sumaria y en su defecto de pago, pena privativa de la libertad de hasta tres meses. Si un propietario o gerente de una empresa industrial se encuentra en contravención de las disposiciones de la ley, esa persona será condenada a prisión por un período máximo de seis meses.

Offences Against the Person Act (2010)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Trafficking in persons

The Offences against the Person Act lists acts recognized in law as punishable offences and details the ways in which the law deals with the offenders under the said acts. Child stealing is recognized as a felony and any person convicted for child stealing shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding seven years. Kidnapping is recognized as a felony and any person convicted shall be liable to imprisonment for life. Attempts to procure abortion (by virtue of the pregnant woman unlawfully administering any substances to terminate her pregnancy by whatsoever means) is recognized as a felony and shall be liable for imprisonment for life. Infanticide (the act by which a woman willfully causes the death of her child under the age of twelve months) is a punishable offence recognized as the offence of manslaughter of a child.

El Decreto de Ley de Delitos contra la Persona enumera los actos reconocidos por la ley como delitos punibles y detalla las formas en que la ley trata a los que la violan en virtud de dichos actos. El robo de niños se reconoce como delito grave y toda persona condenada por robo de niños será encarcelada por un período no superior a siete años. El secuestro se reconoce como delito grave y cualquier persona condenada será condenada a cadena perpetua. Los intentos de obtener un aborto (en virtud de que la mujer embarazada administre ilegalmente cualquier sustancia para interrumpir su embarazo por cualquier medio) se reconocen como un delito grave y serán sancionados con prisión perpetua. El infanticidio (el acto por el cual una mujer causa intencionalmente la muerte de su hijo menor de doce meses) es un delito punible reconocido como el delito de homicidio involuntario de un niño.

Child Pornography (Prevention) Act of 2009 (2009)

Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Child Pornography (Prevention) Act prohibits the production, distribution, importation, exportation or possession of child pornography and the use of children for pornography A “Child” is a male or a female person under the age of 18 years. Child pornography constitutes any visual representation, any audio recording or written material depicting engagement of a child in sexual activity or depicts body parts of child for sexual purposes, or depicts a child subject to torture, cruelty, or physical abuse of a sexual context. A person who has custody of, charge or care of a child and knowingly causes or incites the involvement of a child in the production of child pornography commits an offence and will be liable for a fine or to imprisonment (or both) for a term not exceeding 15 years. The production or distribution of child pornography carries a penalty of imprisonment for a term not exceeding 20 years. Possession of child pornography carries a penalty of a fine or imprisonment (or both) for a term not exceeding 8 years. The receipt of any financial benefit from any offence in terms of the act carries a penalty of a fine or imprisonment (or both) for a term not exceeding 20 years. The act preserves the identity of the victims, thereby preventing any disclosure in relation to the victim. Any person that publishes information in contravention of the act shall be liable for a fine not exceeding one million dollars or imprisonment for a maximum period of 12 months.

La Ley (de prevención) de la pornografía infantil prohíbe la producción, distribución, importación, exportación o posesión de pornografía infantil y el uso de niños para la pornografía. Un "niño" es un hombre o una mujer menor de 18 años. La pornografía infantil constituye cualquier representación visual, cualquier grabación de audio o material escrito que represente la participación de un niño en una actividad sexual o que muestre partes del cuerpo de un niño con fines sexuales, o que represente a un niño sujeto a tortura, crueldad o abuso físico de un contexto sexual. Una persona que tiene la custodia, el cargo o el cuidado de un niño y, a sabiendas, causa o incita a la participación de un niño en la producción de pornografía infantil, comete un delito y será responsable de una multa o de prisión (o ambas) por un período máximo a 15 años. La producción o distribución de pornografía infantil conlleva una pena de prisión por un período no superior a 20 años. La posesión de pornografía infantil conlleva una pena de multa o encarcelamiento (o ambos) por un período no superior a 8 años. La recepción de cualquier beneficio económico de cualquier delito en términos del acto conlleva una pena de multa o prisión (o ambas) por un período no superior a 20 años. El acto preserva la identidad de las víctimas, impidiendo así cualquier revelación en relación con la víctima. Toda persona que publique información en contravención a la ley será responsable de una multa que no exceda de un millón de dólares o pena de prisión por un período máximo de 12 meses.

Sexual Offences Act of 2011 (2009)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Sexual Offences Act specifically outlaws many sex-based crimes, including rape, sexual assault, marital rape, sexual touching or interference, inducing or encouraging the violation of a child, indecent assault, violation of persons suffering from mental or physical disabilities, forcible abduction, procuration, unlawful detention with the intent to have sexual intercourse, and living on earnings of prostitution. It also amended certain laws and standards regarding consent. It abolished the common law presumption that a boy under fourteen years of age could not commit rape, and further noted that consent is “immaterial” in any offences involving a child. The Act restricts evidence that can be brought at rape trials, specifically preventing the complainant from being asked about his or her sexual history. It preserves the possibility of anonymity for persons bringing claims under the Sexual Offences Act. Finally, it creates a sex offender registry and mandates registration for persons convicted of sexual offences.

El Decreto de Ley de Delitos Sexuales prohíbe específicamente muchos delitos basados ​​en el sexo, incluyendo la violación, la agresión sexual, la violación conyugal, el contacto o la interferencia sexual, la inducción o el fomento de la violación de un niño, la agresión indecente, la violación de personas que padecen discapacidades mentales o físicas, el secuestro forzoso, procuración, detención ilegal con la intención de tener relaciones sexuales y vivir de las ganancias de la prostitución. También modificó ciertas leyes y normas relativas al consentimiento. Abolió la presunción de derecho consuetudinario de que un niño menor de catorce años no podía cometer una violación y señaló además que el consentimiento es "inmaterial" en cualquier delito que involucre a un niño. La ley restringe las pruebas que pueden presentarse en los juicios por violación, específicamente evitando que se le pregunte al denunciante sobre su historial sexual. Preserva la posibilidad de mantener el anonimato para las personas que presenten demandas en virtud de la Ley de delitos sexuales. Por último, crea un registro de delincuentes sexuales y ordena el registro de personas condenadas por delitos sexuales.

Criminal Justice Administration Act of 2009 (2009)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Section 23 of the Criminal Justice Administration Act states that proceedings regarding accusations of certain crimes shall be held in camera (privately). These crimes include rape, grievous sexual assault, marital rape, sexual intercourse with a person under age sixteen, indecent adult, or involvement in prostitution.

Domestic Violence Act of 2004 (2004)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Domestic Violence Act (“DVA”), originally enacted in 1996 and amended in 2004, aims to provide protections for women and children domestic violence situations. It gives courts the power to grant protection and occupation orders. Applications for such orders can be brought by the victim or, in the case of a child, a parent, guardian, constable, or social worker can bring an application on the child’s behalf. The DVA sets forth the limitations imposed by protective orders, and it states courts can grant such an order if “it is satisfied that” the individual against whom the order is sought used or threatened to use violence, mental or physical, against the person seeking the order. Even without that showing, the court can grant a protective order if it finds the order necessary for the protection of the person “having regard to all circumstances.” The court can grant protection and occupation orders on an ex parte basis if the court deems it necessary. Punishment for violating an order is a fine not exceeding $10,000 or imprisonment for a maximum of six months, or both.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Article 264e: War Crimes (2019)

Forced and early marriage, Forced sterilization, Gender violence in conflict, International law, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Art. 264e provides for a criminal penalty of not less than three years for any person who commits certain specified offenses in connection with an armed conflict, including (among other things) raping a person of the female gender protected by international humanitarian law or, after she has been forcibly made pregnant, confining her unlawfully with the intent of affecting the ethnic composition of a population, forcing a person to tolerate a sexual act of comparable severity or forcing a person protected by international humanitarian law into prostitution or to be sterilized. In especially serious cases, and in particular where the offense affects a number of persons or the offender acts in a cruel manner, life imprisonment may be imposed. In less serious cases, imprisonment of not less than one year may be imposed. Unofficial English translation available here.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Article 264a: Crimes Against Humanity (2019)

Forced and early marriage, Gender violence in conflict, International law, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Provides for a criminal penalty of not less than five years for any person who commits certain specified offenses as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, including (1) assuming and exercising a right of ownership over a person, in particular in the form of trafficking in persons, sexual exploitation or forced labor; and (2) raping a person of the female gender or, after she has been forcibly made pregnant, confining her unlawfully with the intent of affecting the ethnic composition of a population, forcing a person to tolerate a sexual act of comparable severity or forcing a person into prostitution or to be sterilized. Unofficial English translation available here.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Article 213: Incest (2019)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Provides for criminal penalties of imprisonment for not more than three years or a monetary penalty for any person who has sexual intercourse with a blood relative in direct line or with a brother or sister, or a half-brother or half-sister.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Article 197: Aggravated Pornography (2019)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Provides for criminal penalties of imprisonment for not more than three years or a monetary penalty for, among other things, a person who recruits or causes a minor to participate in a pornographic performance, or for any person who produces, imports, stores, markets, advertises, exhibits, offers, shows, passes on or makes accessible to others or possesses pornography that contains sexual acts involving animals, acts of violence involving adults or non-genuine sexual acts with minors. For pornography containing genuine sexual acts with minors, the penalty is imprisonment for not more than five years or a monetary penalty. Criminal penalties are also provided for persons who obtain or produce such pornographic materials for their own use. Unofficial English translation available here.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Articles 189 - 192: Offenses Against Sexual Liberty and Honor (2019)

Sexual violence and rape

Art. 189 provides for criminal penalties of imprisonment for not more than 10 years or a monetary penalty for any person who uses threats, force or psychological pressure on another person or makes that other person incapable of resistance in order to compel him or her to tolerate a sexual act similar to intercourse or any other sexual act. If the offender acts with cruelty, and if the offender used an offensive weapon or other dangerous object, the penalty is imprisonment for not less than three years. Art. 190 provides that a person can be sentenced to between 1 and 10 years in custody or a fine for using violence, threats, or psychological pressure to force a female to engage in a sexual act, or for making her incapable of resisting. Art. 191 provides for criminal penalties of imprisonment for not more than 10 years or a monetary penalty for any person who, in the knowledge that another person is incapable of judgement or resistance, has sexual intercourse with, or commits an act similar to sexual intercourse or any other sexual act on, that person. Art. 192 provides for criminal penalties of imprisonment for not more than three years or a monetary penalty for any person who, by abusing a dependent relationship with a person in institutional care, an inmate of an institution, a prisoner, a detainee or a person on remand, induces the dependent person to commit or submit to a sexual act. Art. 193 provides for criminal penalties of imprisonment for not more than three years or a monetary penalty for any person who induces another to commit or submit to a sexual act by exploiting a position of need or a dependent relationship based on employment or another dependent relationship. Unofficial English translation available here.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Article 188: Endangering the Development of Minors/Sexual Acts with Dependent Persons (2019)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Art. 188 provides for criminal penalties of imprisonment for not more than three years or a monetary penalty for any person who sexually exploits his or her relationship with a minor over the age of 16 (which is the age threshold for statutory rape under Penal Code Art. 187) who is dependent on him or her due to a relationship arising from the minor's education, care or employment or another form of dependent relationship, or for any person who encourages such a minor to commit a sexual act by exploiting such a relationship. Unofficial English translation available here.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Article 182: Trafficking in Human Beings (2019)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Art. 182 provides for criminal penalties of imprisonment or a monetary penalty for any person who as a supplier, intermediary or customer engages in the trafficking of a human being for the purpose of sexual exploitation, exploitation of his or her labor or for the purpose of removing an organ. If the victim is a minor or if the offender acts for commercial gain, the penalty is imprisonment for not less than one year. In every case, a monetary penalty must also be imposed. The statute also provides that the soliciting of a person for these purposes is equivalent to trafficking, and that any person who commits the act abroad is also guilty of an offense. Unofficial English translation available here.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Articles 118 and 119: Illegal Abortion and Legal Abortion (2019)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

Art. 118 provides for criminal penalties of imprisonment for not more than five years or a monetary penalty for any person who terminates a pregnancy with the consent of the pregnant woman or incites or assists a pregnant woman to terminate her pregnancy without the requirements of Penal Code Art. 119 being met. Article 118 also provides for (1) imprisonment from one to 10 years for any person who terminates a pregnancy without the consent of the pregnant woman, and (2) imprisonment for not more than three years or a monetary penalty for any woman who has her pregnancy terminated or otherwise participates in the termination of her pregnancy following the end of the twelfth week and without the requirements of Penal Code Art. 119 being met. Article 119 provides the requirements for legal abortion. The termination is, in the judgment of a physician, necessary in order to be able to prevent the pregnant woman from sustaining serious physical injury or serious psychological distress. The risk must be greater the more advanced the pregnancy is, or the termination must be performed (1) at the written request of a pregnant woman within 12 weeks of the start of the woman’s last period, (2) by a physician who is licensed to practice his profession, and (3) the woman claims that she is in a state of distress. The physician must have a detailed consultation with the woman prior to the termination and provide her with appropriate counsel. If the woman is incapable of judgment, the consent of her legal representative is required. The statute directs the Swiss Cantons to designate the medical practices and hospitals that fulfill the requirements for the professional conduct of procedures to terminate pregnancy and for the provision of counsel. Unofficial English translation available here.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Article 67: Prohibition on carrying on an activity involving regular contact with minors following sentencing for certain offenses (2019)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

This article provides that a person who is sentenced to a custodial sentence of more than six months or to indefinite incarceration or involuntary commitment for offenses committed during the exercise of a professional activity or organized non-professional activity shall be prohibited from carrying on the exercise when it involves regular contact with any minors for 10 years. The offenses include: statutory rape or other child sexual abuse, rape and sexual coercion, child pornography, encouraging prostitution, and human trafficking. Unofficial English translation available here.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Article 66a: Mandatory expulsion of foreign nationals for female genital mutilation and certain other offenses (2019)

Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, International law, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Article 66a provides that a foreign national shall be expelled from Switzerland for a period of five to 15 years if they are convicted of, among other things, female genital mutilation (Penal Code Art. 124, para. 1), forced marriage or forced registered partnership (Penal Code Art. 181a), trafficking in human beings (Penal Art. 182), sexual acts with children (Penal Code Art. 187, para. 1), sexual coercion (Art. 189), rape (Art. 190), sexual acts with persons incapable of judgement or resistance (Art. 191), encouraging prostitution (Art. 195), aggravated pornography (Art. 197, para. 4, second sentence – pornography containing genuine sexual acts with minors), genocide (Art. 264), crimes against humanity (Art. 264a), serious violations of the Geneva Convention of 1949 (Art. 264c), and other war crimes (Art. 264d and 264h). Unofficial English translation available here.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code, Article 5: Offenses against minors (2019)

Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Art. 5 provides that the Swiss Penal Code also applies to any person who is in Switzerland, is not being extradited, and has committed any of the following offenses abroad: (1) Trafficking in human beings (Penal Code Art. 182), sexual coercion (Penal Code Art. 189), rape (Penal Code Art. 190), sexual acts with a person incapable of proper judgment or resistance (Penal Code Art. 191) or encouraging prostitution (Penal Code Art. 195) if the victim was less than 18 years of age; (2) sexual acts with dependent persons (Penal Code Art. 188) and sexual acts with minors against payment (Penal Code Art. 196); (3) sexual acts with a child (Penal Code Art. 187) and sexual acts with a minor of age less than 14; or (4) aggravated pornography (Penal Code Art. 197, para. 3 and 4) if the objects or representations depict sexual acts with minors. Unofficial English translation available here.

Straftwek van België/Code pénal de Belgique (Criminal Code of Belgium)

Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting

Article 409 of the Belgian Criminal Code criminalizes (i) the execution or facilitation of female genital mutilation which is penalized with imprisonment, ranging from three to five years, and (ii) the attempt, incitement, advertising or the spreading of advertisements, which is penalized with imprisonment ranging from eight days to one year. The Article includes several aggravating circumstances, which will increase the severity of the punishment.

Criminal Code Act of 1995 (2018)

Forced and early marriage, Trafficking in persons

Division 270 of the Criminal Code Act prohibits slavery and slavery-like offenses. Section 170.1A defines these offenses and related terms including coercion, forced labor, and forced marriage. Section 270.2 specifies that slavery offenses are unlawful, whether committed inside or outside of Australia. Section 270.4 criminalizes servitude offenses, 270.6A criminalizes forced labor offenses, section 270.7B criminalizes forced marriage offenses, section 270.8 criminalizes slavery-like offenses, 271.2 criminalizes trafficking in persons, 271.4 criminalizes trafficking in children, and 271.5 criminalizes domestic trafficking in persons. Section 270.11 clarifies that for all above offenses it is not a defense that a person consented to or acquiesced to prohibited conduct.

Prevention and Combating of Trafficking in Persons Act (2013)

Forced and early marriage, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Act defines and prohibits human trafficking. The PCTP Act adopts a broad definition of human trafficking, namely, that a person is guilty of human trafficking if he or she delivers, recruits, transports, transfers, harbours, sells, exchanges, leases or receives another person, through various means, including the use of force, deception, or coercion, aimed at the person or an immediate family member for the purpose of exploitation. Furthermore, a person who adopts a child, facilitated or secured through legal or illegal means; or concludes a forced marriage with another person, for the purposes of exploitation of that child or person, is guilty of an offence. The PCTP Act criminalizes various acts that constitute or relate to trafficking in persons and imposes harsh penalties, including life imprisonment for trafficking in persons; 15 years’ imprisonment for engaging in conduct that causes a person to enter into debt bondage or benefiting from services of a trafficking victim; and 10 years’ imprisonment for facilitating trafficking. The PCTP Act also provides for severe fines and enables the state to confiscate the assets of traffickers.

Die Wet op Voorkoming en Bestryding van Handel in Persone (2013)

Gedwonge en minderjarige huwelike, seksuele geweld en verkragting, statutêre verkragting of besoedeling, mensehandel​

Die Wet definieer en verbied mensehandel. Die Wet aanvaar ‘n wye definisie van mensehandel, naamlik dat ‘n persoon skuldig is aan mensehandel indien hy of sy betrokke is by die werwing, vervoer, verskuiwing, huisvesting of ontvang van persone of gebruik van dreigemente, geweld of ander vorme van dwang, teen ‘n persoon of familielid met die doel van uitbuiting. Verder, ‘n persoon wat ‘n kind aanneem deur wettig of onwettige middele te gebruik; of ‘n gedwonge troue af te dwing met ‘n ander persoon, met die doel om uitbuiting van die kind of persoon, is skuldig aan ‘n oortreding. Die Wet kriminaliseer verskeie dade wat bestaan uit of verband hou met mensehandel, en dit stel swaar strafmaatrëels daar, insluitend lewenslange tronkstraf vir mensehandel; 15 jaar tronkstraf vir gedrag wat lei tot die skuldigbevinding van ‘n persoon wat betrokke was en voordeel trek uit die dienste van ‘n mensehandel slagoffer; en 10 jaar tronkstraf vir die fasilitering van mensehandel. Die Wet maak ook voorsiening vir strawwe boetes en gee die staat die reg om bates van mensehandelaars te konfiskeer.

Criminal Law Amendment Act No. 105 (1997)

Sexual violence and rape

Section 51 of the Act provides for certain mandatory sentences and sentencing guidelines which a regional court or high court may impose and consider for, inter alia, rape and compelled rape (minimum sentences may be reduced for compelling and substantial circumstances). The Act specifically provides that when considering imposing a sentence in respect of the offence of rape, a court must not consider the following circumstances as constituting compelling circumstances to deviate from the minimum sentencing guidelines: the complainant’s sexual history, lack of physical injury, culture or religious beliefs of accused or any relationship of the parties prior to assault.

Kriminele Wet Wysigings Wet 105 (1997)

Seksuele geweld en verkragting​

Artikel 51 van die Wet bepaal vir sekere verpligte vonnisse en vonnisriglyne wat 'n streekhof of hooggeregshof mag oplê en oorweeg vir, onder andere, verkragting en dwangverkragting (minimum vonnise kan verminder word vir dwingende en wesinglikke omstandighede Die Wet bepaal spesifiek dat ‘n hof nie die volgende omstandighede as dwangende omstandighede moet oorweeg om ‘n vonnis vir die misdryf van verkragting op te le nie, maar moet afwyk van die minimum riglyne vir vonnis oplegging: die seksuele geskiedenis van die klaer, ‘n gebrek aan liggaamlike besering, kultuur of godsdienstige oortuigings van beskuldigdes of enige verhouding van die partye voor aanranding.

Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment Act 32 of 2007 (2007)

Sexual violence and rape

The Act was adopted to comprehensively and extensively deal with all sexual offences under a single statute. The act, inter alia, repeals the common law offences of rape and replaces it with an expanded definition of rape applicable to all form of sexual penetration without consent irrespective of gender and repeals other common law offences related to indecent assault and penetration and replaces them with broader statutory offences.

Kriminele Wet (Seksuele Misdrywe en Verwante Aangeleenthede) Wysigings Wet 32 (2007)

Seksuele geweld en verkragting​

Die Wet is aangeneem om alle seksuele misdrywe onder 'n enkele wet volledig en omvattend te hanteer. Die Wet, onder andere, herroep die gemeenregtelike misdrywe van verkragting en vervang dit met 'n uitgebreide definisie van verkragting wat van toepassing is op alle vorme van seksuele penetrasie sonder toestemming, ongeag geslag, en herroep ander gemeenregtelike oortredings wat verband hou met onsedelike aanranding en penetrasie en vervang dit met breër statutêre misdrywe.

Sexual Offences Act (1998)

Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The Sexual Offences Act recognizes in its preamble that women are particularly vulnerable to becoming victims of sexual offences, particularly adult prostitution. The Act prohibits prostitution, the operation of brothels, and other activities related to prostitution and brothel-keeping.

Seksuele Oortredings Wet (1998)

Seksuele teistering, Seksuele geweld en verkragting, Mensehandel​

Die Seksuele Oortredings Wet erken in die aanhef dat vrouens veral kwesbaar is om slagoffers te word vir seksuele misdrywe, veral volwassenes prostitusie. Die Wet verbied prostitusie, die bedryf van bordele, en ander aktiwiteite wat verband hou met prostitusie en bordeelhouding.

Domestic Violence Act and the Domestic Violence Regulations (1999)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Domestic Violence Act and the Domestic Violence Regulations promulgated thereunder offer complainants (any person in a domestic relationship who alleges she/he is the subject of domestic violence, including a child in the care of the complainant) the maximum protection possible from domestic abuse by imposing obligations on the police and other organs of state to prevent and assist the elimination of domestic violence (defined as including, inter alia, sexual abuse, physical abuse, stalking and harassment). Persons deemed to be in a domestic relationship include, inter alia, persons married by any law or custom, persons living (or who recently lived) together, parents of a child and parties in a romantic or sexual relationship. The Act allows any complainant to obtain a protection order against a respondent by application to the court and allows for interim orders to be granted without the respondent having received notice of such application in certain circumstances. When granting a protection order the court must make an order for the arrest of the respondent and may make an order to confiscate any weapons in the respondent’s possession.

Wet op Gesinsgeweld en die Regulasies vir Gesinsgeweld (1999)

Gesinsgeweld en intieme maatskaplike geweld​

Die Wet op Gesinsgeweld en die regulasies daarvan uitgevaardig bied klaers (enige persoon in ‘n huishoudelike verhouding wat beweer dat hy of sy die onderwerp is aan huishoudelike geweld, insluitend ‘n kind in die sorg van die klaer) die hoogste moontlike beskerming teen huishoudelike geweld aan deur verpligtinge op te lê aan die polisie en ander staatsorganisasies om die uitskakeling van huishoudelike geweld te voorkom (omskryf as, onder andere, seksuele mishandeling, fisiese mishandeling, agtervolging en teistering.) Persone wat geag word om ‘n huishoudelike verhouding te hê is, onder andere, persone wat getroud is volgens enige wet of gewoonte, persone wat saamwoon (of wat onlangs saam gewoon het), ouers van ‘n kind en partye in ‘n romantiese of seksuele verhouding. Die Wet laat enige klaer toe om ‘n beskermingsbevel teen ‘n respondent te kry deur aansoek by die hof en laat toe in sekere omstandighede dat tussentydse bevele toegestaan kan word sonder dat die respondent kennis gegee word vir sodanige aansoeke. By die toestaan van 'n beskermingsbevel moet die hof 'n bevel maak vir die inhegtenisneming van die respondent en kan 'n opdrag gee om enige wapens in die respondent se besit te konfiskeer.

中国反对拐卖人口行动计划 (China National Plan of Action on Combating Trafficking in Women and Children) (2013)

Trafficking in persons

In March 2013, the State Council of China updated the China National Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Women and Children (2008-2012). The stipulated goal for this national plan is to reduce the occurrence of human trafficking and to improve the network to prevent human trafficking crimes. This national plan provides guiding opinions on various topics relevant to human trafficking, including but not limited to, cracking down on prostitution, increasing support for rural populations in low-income areas, guaranteeing nine-year compulsory education for all school-age children and adolescents, improving the protection mechanism for homeless minors, encouraging rural women to work, and encouraging the following people to find employment: people with disabilities, urban unemployed women, female college students and abducted women and trafficking victims who have been rescued.



Termination of Pregnancy Act (1977)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

if the continuation of the pregnancy is a serious threat to the mother’s health; (iii) if there is a serious risk that, if the child is born, it will suffer from a physical or mental defect that will cause the child to be severely disabled; (iv) where the pregnancy is a result of unlawful intercourse. Unlawful intercourse includes rape (this does not include marital rape), incest and mental handicap. However, a legal abortion can only be performed by a medical practitioner in a designated institution with the written permission of the superintendent of the institution. In cases where the mother’s life is in danger, the superintendent will not give permission until they have two different medical opinions regarding the danger to the mother. In circumstances of rape/incest, the superintendent must give permission after he receives written confirmation from a magistrate that the woman complained about the rape or the incestuous conduct. Contravention of the act by a medical practitioner in terminating a pregnancy or superintendent in providing permission not in accordance with the TPA constitutes an offense for which they could be liable for a fine not exceeding USD 5000, and/or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years.

The Domestic Violence Act (2007)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Harmful traditional practices

The DVA protects and provides relief for victims of domestic violence. It defines and prohibits domestic violence in the form of physical, emotional, sexual, and economic abuse as well as acts of abuse derived from any cultural or customary practices that discriminate against or degrade women. Examples include, but are not limited to, forced virginity testing, female genital mutilation, pledging women and girls to appease spirits, forced marriage, child marriage, forced wife inheritance or sexual intercourse between fathers-in-law and newly married daughters-in-law. The penalty for committing an act of domestic violence as defined under section 3 is a fine not exceeding USD 5,000 and/or imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten years. The DVA also imposes duties on the police. Stations must have, where possible, one police officer with domestic violence expertise. Further, a police officer who receives a complaint of domestic violence must advise the complainant about how to obtain shelter or medical treatment and about their right to seek relief under the DVA. The DVA also requires that complaints made to police officers should be taken by officers of the same sex as the complainant, if complainant so requests. Moreover, police officers have the authority to arrest a person suspected of committing an act of domestic violence without a warrant and bring that person before a magistrate within 48 hours. Finally, the DVA provides for protection and relief to survivors of domestic violence by enabling them to apply for a protection order when an act of domestic violence has been committed, is being committed, or is threatened. It also allows someone acting with the consent of the complainant to make an application for a protection order on his or her behalf with the leave of the court. A person who fails to comply with a protection order is guilty of an offense and liable for a fine not exceeding USD 200 and/or imprisonment for up to five years.

Criminal Offenses: Child Pornography Prohibited

Statutory rape or defilement

This statute prohibits production, reproduction, distribution, transfer and knowing possession of child pornography through any medium, device or format.

Criminal Offenses: First Degree Sexual Assault

Sexual violence and rape

A person is guilty of first degree sexual assault if he or she engages in sexual penetration with another person, and the accused: not being the spouse, knows or has reason to know that the victim is mentally or physically incapacitated; or the accused uses force, coercion, stealth, or surprise; or engages in medical treatment or examination for sexual purposes.

Criminal Offenses: First Degree Child Molestation Sexual Assault

Statutory rape or defilement

A person is guilty of first-degree child molestation sexual assault if he or she engages in sexual penetration with a person 14 years of age or under.

Domestic Relations: Domestic Abuse Prevention (General Laws of Rhode Island)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The definition of domestic abuse in Rhode Island includes (i) attempting to cause or causing physical harm, (ii) placing another in fear of imminent serious physical harm, (iii) causing another to engage involuntarily in sexual relations by force, threat of force, or duress, and (iv) stalking or cyberstalking when the perpetrator and victim are present or former family members, including stepparent and dating relationships.

Criminal Offenses: Stalking (General Laws of Rhode Island)


This statute makes it illegal to harass or to knowingly and repeatedly follow another person with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear of bodily injury. Under the statute, stalking is a felony, punishable by imprisonment for not more than five years, by a fine of not more than $10,000, or both.

Code of Virginia: Rape (Va. Code § 18.2-61)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

This Virginia law defines rape as sexual intercourse with a complaining witness, or causing a complaining witness to engage in sexual intercourse with any other person, regardless of the existence of a spousal relationship and such act is accomplished (i) against the complaining witness's will, by force, threat or intimidation of or against the complaining witness or another person; or (ii) through the use of the complaining witness's mental incapacity or physical helplessness; or (iii) with a child under age 13 as the victim.

Code of Virginia: Personal action for injury to person or property generally (Va. Code § 8.01-243(D))

Statutory rape or defilement

This section of the Virginia Code provides that a cause of action resulting from sexual abuse during incapacity or infancy accrues upon the later of the removal of incapacity or infancy or when facts of the injury and its causal connection to the sexual abuse is first communicated to the person by a licensed physician or psychologist.

Code of Virginia: Arrest without a warrant authorized in cases of assault and battery against a family or household member and stalking and for violations of protective orders; procedure, etc. (Va. Code § 19.2-81.3)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape, Stalking

This Virginia law allows officers to make an arrest without a warrant in certain cases of assault and battery, or stalking, against a family or household member. Instead of a warrant, the arrest must be based on probable cause, the officer’s personal observations, the officer’s investigation, or a reasonable complaint from a witness.

Code of Virginia: Stalking; penalty (Va. Code § 18.2-60.3)


Virginia law prohibits that any person, except law enforcement officers acting in the capacity of the official duties, and registered private investigators acting in the course of their legitimate business, who on more than one occasion engages in conduct with the intent to place, or when that person knows or reasonably should know that the conduct places another person in reasonable fear of death, criminal sexual assault, or bodily injury to that other person or to that other person’s family or household member is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. If the person contacts or follows or attempts to contact or follow the person after being given actual notice that the person does not want to be contacted or followed, such actions are a prima facie evidence that the person intended to place that other person, or reasonably should have known that the other person was placed, in reasonable fear of death, criminal sexual assault, or bodily injury to himself or a family or household member.

Code of Virginia: Civil Action for Stalking (Va. Code § 8.01-42.3)


Under Virginia law, a victim has a civil cause of action against an individual who engaged in stalking conduct prohibited under Code of Virginia § 18.2-60.3, regardless of whether the individual has been charged or convicted for the alleged violation, for the compensatory damages incurred by the victim due to the conduct plus the costs for bringing the action. A victim may also be awarded punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages.

Code of Virginia: Abortion (Va. Code § 18.2 et seq.)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

Under Virginia law, it is a Class 4 felony to cause destruction of a unborn child, abortion, or miscarriage through medical procedure, drugs, or other means. There is an exception for physicians who are licensed by the Board of Medicine to practice medicine and surgery, to terminate a pregnancy or assist in performing an abortion or causing a miscarriage during the first trimester of pregnancy, among other exceptions. Informed written consent is required for an abortion under Virginia law, subject to civil penalties. It is also a Class 3 misdemeanor to encourage an individual to have an abortion prohibited by Virginia law.

Cavanaugh v. Cavanaugh (2014)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual harassment, Stalking

An man appealed his restraining order, which prevented him from contacting his ex-wife, arguing that the lower court did not properly establish a finding of domestic abuse despite his ex-wife’s testimony that he repeatedly used vulgar and threatening language towards her, at times placing her in fear of physical harm. The Rhode Island Supreme Court upheld the restraining order and underlying finding of domestic abuse, citing the definition of domestic abuse in Title 15, Chapter 15 of the General Laws of Rhode Island: “Among the acts specified in . . . the statute as constituting ‘domestic abuse’ is ‘stalking,’ [which means] ‘harassing another person.’” Because the court found that the ex-husband was “harassing” (and thus “stalking”) his ex-wife, the ex-husband’s conduct fell within the plain meaning of the statute defining domestic abuse. This case is important because it provides that the “unambiguous language” of Rhode Island’s domestic abuse statute does not require a finding of actual physical harm or threats of physical harm as a predicate for domestic abuse—other harassing language is enough.

Duty to Report Sexual Assault (Title 11, Chapter 37, General Laws of Rhode Island)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Under Rhode Island’s statute criminalizing sexual assault, anyone other than the victim with knowledge or reason to know that a first-degree sexual assault or attempted first-degree sexual assault is taking place or has taken place shall immediately notify the police. Anyone who knowingly violates this statute is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for no more than one year, a $500 fine, or both (§ 11-37-3.3.).

Uniform Act on Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking (Chapter 11, General Laws of Rhode Island)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

This law makes it a felony to knowingly engage in, or benefit from, knowing participation in recruiting, enticing, harboring, transporting, providing, or obtaining by any means another person, intending or knowing that the person will be subjected to forced labor in order to commit a commercial sexual activity. The statute also mandates the creation and composition of a council on human trafficking to provide victims services, analyze human trafficking in Rhode Island, conduct a public awareness campaign, coordinate training on human trafficking prevention and victim services for state and local employees. It creates an affirmative defense to prostitution charges for victims of human trafficking, enumerates aggravating factors, and outlines criminal procedure details.

Sexual Assault - Prior sexual conduct of the complainant - Admissibility of Evidence (Title 11, Chapter 37, General Laws of Rhode Island)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

If a defendant who is charged with sexual assault intends to introduce evidence at trial that the victim has engaged in sexual activities with other persons, he or she must give prior notice to the court of the intention to introduce such evidence. The notice must be given orally and out of the hearing of any other spectators or jurors. Upon receiving such notice, the court must order the defendant to make a specific offer of the proof that he or she intends to introduce, and the court will rule on the admissibility of the evidence before it can be offered at trial. The purpose of this “rape shield” statute is to encourage victims to report crimes without fear of inviting unnecessary probing into the victim’s sexual history.

Combating of Immoral Practices Act (1980)

Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The Combating of Immoral Practices Act aims to prevent and reduce prostitution and the existence of brothels. The Act imposes a criminal penalty for keeping a brothel of imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years or imprisonment and a fine. The Act punishes procuring or attempting to procure any female to have unlawful carnal intercourse with imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years. The Act also imposes criminal sentences for offenses related to prostitution and various immoral acts, such as the owner or occupier of a property permitting such acts, living on earnings of prostitution, or enticing someone to commit an immoral act.

Affirmative Action (Employment) Act (1998)

Employment discrimination, Gender discrimination

The aim of this Act is to achieve equal employment opportunities through affirmative action plans to redress the conditions of designated persons in the Act who have been previously disadvantaged by past discriminatory laws and practices with the aim of eliminating discrimination in the workplace. The Act also establishes an Employment Equity Commission. Women are specifically mentioned as a designated group. An affirmative action plan achieves its purpose by obliging employers to make equitable efforts to accommodate and further the employment opportunities of those in designated groups. Employers must also fill positions of employment by giving priority and preferential treatment to those in designated groups. Where employers do not adhere to the Act, they may be referred to the Commission or to mediation, and may be placed under review. Furthermore, any person who discriminates against a person who has participated in the proceedings provided for in the Act, or obstructs or prevents compliance with the Act by any party, or fails to comply with certain provisions of the Act can be held criminally liable and on conviction be liable to a fine not exceeding N$16,000 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 4 years or both.

Abortion and Sterilization Act (1975)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Forced sterilization

The Abortion and Sterilization Act (the “Act”) was adopted from South Africa and prohibits abortions, except in extreme circumstances where either: (i) the mother’s life is in danger; (ii) not having an abortion would constitute a serious threat to the mother’s mental health; (iii) there is a serious risk that the child will be born with physical and/or mental defects; or (iv) the child is a product of rape or incest. It also criminalizes performing abortions, except in the circumstances listed above. Finally, the Act states the circumstances in which sterilizations may be performed, including on people incapable of consent.

The Combating Rape Act (2000)

Harmful traditional practices, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Combating of Rape Act (the “Act”) seeks to prevent rape and provides minimum imprisonment sentences for rape. It also abolishes the previous law, which presumed that a boy under the age of 14 was incapable of rape and sexual intercourse. This Act also regulates the granting of bail to perpetrators to further protect the rights of the victim, and provides protection to victims of rape and sexual abuse. Finally, it abolishes the customary rule, common among rural areas, that marriage is a justification for, or a defense to, rape.

The Combating Domestic Violence Act (2003)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Combatting of Domestic Violence Act (the “Act”) prohibits domestic violence, which it broadly defines to include physical abuse, sexual abuse, economic abuse, intimidation, harassment, entering the private residence of the complainant without consent, emotional, verbal or psychological abuse, and any threats of the above. Various types of relationships are also covered, including customary or religious marriages and relationships where the parties are not married. The Act amends the Criminal Procedure Act 1977, and allows courts to issue protection orders for victims and to punish perpetrators with a fine not exceeding N$8,000 and/or imprisonment not exceeding two years.

Alabama Code Title 13A. Criminal Code § 13A-11-72 (2015)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

In 2015, Alabama amended its gun legislation to prohibit anyone who has been convicted of a misdemeanor offense of domestic violence or is subject to a domestic abuse protective order from possessing a firearm. The amended statute provides: “No person who has been convicted in this state or elsewhere of committing or attempting to commit a crime of violence, misdemeanor offense of domestic violence, violence offense as listed in Section 12-25-32(14), anyone who is subject to a valid protection order for domestic abuse, or anyone of unsound mind shall own a firearm or have one in his or her possession or under his or her control.”

Codice Penal (1930)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Forced and early marriage, Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Italian Penal Code prohibits domestic violence (art. 572), female genital mutilation (art. 583), personal injury aggravated by permanent deformation or scarring of the face (art. 583 quinquies), harassment (art. 612 bis), the crime of illicit diffusion of sexually explicit images or videos without the consent of the persons represented (so-called revenge porn) (art. 612 ter). Punishable crimes against a person's freedom also include slavery and forced prostitution (art. 600), human trafficking (art. 601), sexual acts coerced through violence, threats, or abuse of authority (art. 609 bis) and group sexual assault (art. 609 octies). Sexual acts with a minor of 14 year old is always a crime (art. 609 quarter). Aggravating factors in sexual violence are: when the perpetrator is a relative, a parent or a guardian, when the sexual act is committed against a pregnant woman, when the victim is under 18 years old, and when the perpetrator uses a weapon (art. 609 ter). Sexual acts with a minor are not punishable when (1) both parties are minors, (2) the minor is at least 13 years old, and (3) the age difference between the two is no more than four years (art. 609 quater). Moreover, the Italian Penal Code prohibits the crime of coercion or induction into marriage (art. 558 bis) and the violation of the order for removal from the family home and of the prohibition to approach the places frequented by the victim (art. 387 bis). Finally, the Italian Penal Code prohibits crimes against pregnancy. In particular, under article 593-ter, anyone who causes the termination of a pregnancy without the woman’s consent shall be punished by imprisonment from four to eight years. Consent that is extorted by violence or threat, or that is obtained by deceit, shall be considered as not having been given. Aggravating factors in crimes against pregnancy include a woman under 18 years of age.

Código Penal: Livro II, Título I – Crimes contra a pessoa: Capítulo III (Crimes contra a integridade física) (Crimes against physical integrity) (2018)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Gender-based violence in general

Article 144-A bans female genital mutilation and imposes a prison sentence of 2-10 years. Article 145 imposes greater penalties for offenses against physical integrity and female genital mutilation if the crime is committed, among other special circumstances, against the current or former spouse or a person with whom the perpetrator has a romantic relationship, regardless of sex and gender; if the victim is pregnant; or if the crime is committed due to the victim’s gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Article 118 provides that the statute of limitations on crimes of sexual violence and female genital mutilation against minors do not expire until the victim is at least 23 years old. Article 152 establishes the crime of domestic violence, punishable with imprisonment from 1-5 years. The crime consists of mental or physical abuse, including mistreatment, corporal punishment and sexual offenses, inflicted once or repeatedly on the following victims (1) a current or former spouse; (2) a person with whom the perpetrator has or had a relationship akin to a spousal relationship; (3) a parent of the perpetrator’s child; (4) a person who is incapable to defend him/herself due to age, disability, pregnancy, illness or economic dependency to the perpetrator. In addition, under Article 152, (1) the minimum imprisonment penalty is increased from one to two years if the perpetrator publicizes the victim’s personal information or any other private information (including information stored on audio or video) via Internet or other means available; (2) the perpetrator may be prohibited of having contact with the victim; (3) the perpetrator may be prohibited from being granted a gun license; (4) the perpetrator may lose parenting rights for up to 10 years. Also, Article 152 imposes a sentence of 2-8 years imprisonment if the domestic violence results in serious physical injury, which increases to imprisonment to 3-10 years if the domestic violence results in death.

O artigo 114 proíbe a realização de mutilação genital feminina, impondo pena de prisão de dois a 10 anos. O artigo 145 estabelece penas maiores aos crimes de ofensa contra a integridade física e mutilação genital feminina, se o crime for cometido, dentre outras circunstâncias, contra cônjuge ou ex-cônjuge ou contra pessoa no qual o agente tenha estabelecido um relacionamento romântico, independente do gênero ou do sexo, se a vítima estiver grávida ou se o crime for cometido em razão do gênero, orientação sexual ou identidade de gênero da vítima. O artigo 118 estabelece que os crimes contra a liberdade e autodeterminação sexual de menores, bem como no crime de mutilação genital feminina sendo a vítima menor, o procedimento criminal não se extingue, por efeito da prescrição, antes de o ofendido perfazer 23 anos. O artigo 152 versa sobre o crime de violência doméstica, punível com prisão de um a cinco anos. O crime consiste em abuso mental ou físico, incluindo maus-tratos, castigos corporais e ofensas sexuais, infligidos uma ou várias vezes às seguintes vítimas (1) atual ou ex-cônjuge; (2) uma pessoa com a qual o agente tem ou teve uma relação semelhante a uma relação conjugal; (3) um dos pais do filho do agente; (4) uma pessoa incapaz de se defender devido à idade, deficiência, gravidez, doença ou dependência econômica do agente. Além disso, nos termos do artigo 152, (1) a pena mínima de prisão é aumentada de um para dois anos se o agente divulgar as informações pessoais da vítima ou qualquer outra informação privada (inclusive informações armazenadas em áudio ou vídeo) via Internet ou outros meios disponíveis; (2) o agente pode ser proibido de entrar em contato com a vítima; (3) o agente pode ser proibido de receber uma licença de porte de arma; (4) o agente pode perder os direitos parentais por até 10 anos. Além disso, o Artigo 152 pune com prisão de dois a oito anos caso a violência doméstica resulte em sérios danos físicos e pune com prisão de três a dez anos se a violência doméstica resultar em morte.

Código penal (Penal Code) (1999)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Gender discrimination, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Chapter VI of Title 8 (Crimes against Life and Physical Integrity) delineates the circumstances under which abortion is illegal and establishes the penalties performing illegal abortions. Pursuant to Article 267 of the Criminal Code, anyone who, without complying with public health regulations established in respect of abortions, performs an abortion or in any way destroy the embryo, with the consent of the pregnant woman, is subject to a penalty of imprisonment for three months up to one year or a fine of 100 to 300 cuotas. If an abortion is performed (1) for profit, (2) outside of official institutions or (3) by a person that is a physician, such person is subject to an increased punishment of imprisonment for two to five years. Pursuant to Article 268, an individual who purposefully destroys the embryo (a) without using any force or violence on the pregnant woman, but without her consent, is subject to two to five years’ imprisonment or (b) with the use of any force or violence on the pregnant woman, is subject to three to eight years’ imprisonment. If concurrently with the occurrence of (a) or (b), any of the circumstances described in (1), (2) or (3) also exist, the punishment is increased to imprisonment for four to ten years. If a pregnant woman dies as a result of any of the above actions, the offending person is subject to imprisonment for a period of five to twelve years. Articles 270 and 271, respectively, prescribe the punishments for those who, without intending to do so, cause an abortion and for those who prescribe any abortion-inducing substance to destroy the embryo.

Chapter I of Title XI covers crimes against the normal development of sexual relations. Article 298 prescribes a penalty of four to ten years imprisonment for anyone who rapes a woman (either through vaginal intercourse or contra naturam) if during the criminal event any of the following circumstances occurs: (a) use of force or sufficient intimidation in order to achieve the goal or (b) if the victim is in a mentally disturbed state or suffers from temporary insanity, or the victim is deprived of reason or sense for any reason, or unable to resist, or lacks the ability to understand the consequences of her actions or to conform her conduct. Article 298 prescribes a term of imprisonment of 7 to 15 years if (a) the event is carried out with the participation of two or more persons, (b) if the perpetrator dresses up in military uniform or purports to be a public official, in each case, to facilitate consummating the act or (c) if the victim is over 12 and under 14 years of age. Finally, the Article prescribes a term of imprisonment of 15 to 30 years or the death penalty if (a) the event is carried out by a person who has previously been sanctioned for the same crime, (b) as a result of the act, the victim suffers serious injuries or illness, or (c) if the perpetrator knows that he is infected with a sexually transmitted disease. Anyone who rapes a minor who is under 12 years of age will be punished with either a term of imprisonment of 15 to 30 years or the death penalty, even if none of the circumstances described in the preceding sentence occur. Article 299 of the Criminal Code sanctions individuals guilty of “active” pedophilia. Any person who commits an act of “active” pedophilia using violence or intimidation, or by taking advantage of the fact that the victim is deprived of reason or sense or unable to resist, will be punished with imprisonment for seven to 15 years. Such penalty increases to 15 to 30 years or death if (a) the victim is a minor under 14 years of age, even if the circumstances set forth in the immediately preceding sentence are not present, (b) if, as a consequence of the criminal act, the victim suffers serious injuries or illness or (c) if the perpetrator has been previously sanctioned for the same crime.

Article 295 imposes a punishment of imprisonment for a term of six months to two years or a fine of 200 to 500 cuotas, or both, to anyone who discriminates, or promotes or incites, discrimination, against another person, with manifestations in an offensive manner, on account of sex, race, color or national origin, or with actions to obstruct or impede, with motives relating to sex, race, color or national original, the exercise or enjoyment of rights of equality set forth in the Constitution. Any person who spreads ideas based on the superiority of races or racial hatred or commits, or incites, acts of violence against any race or group of people of another color or ethnic origin, shall be subject to the same punishment as indicated above.

El Capítulo VI del Título 8 (Delitos contra la vida y la integridad física) describe las circunstancias bajo las cuales el aborto es ilegal y establece las sanciones por realizar abortos ilegales. En conformidad con el artículo 267 del Código Penal, cualquier persona que, sin cumplir con las normas de salud pública establecidas con respecto a los abortos, realice un aborto o destruya de cualquier modo el embrión, con el consentimiento de la mujer embarazada, está sujeta a una pena de prisión. Por tres meses hasta un año o una multa de 100 a 300 cuotas. Si se realiza un aborto (1) con fines de lucro, (2) fuera de las instituciones oficiales o (3) por una persona que es un médico, dicha persona está sujeta a un aumento de la pena de prisión de dos a cinco años. En conformidad con el Artículo 268, una persona que destruye a propósito el embrión (a) sin usar ninguna fuerza o violencia contra la mujer embarazada, pero sin su consentimiento, está sujeta de dos a cinco años de prisión o (b) con el uso de cualquier fuerza o violencia en la mujer embarazada, está sujeto de tres a ocho años de prisión. Si concurrentemente con la ocurrencia de (a) o (b), cualquiera de las circunstancias descritas en (1), (2) o (3) también existen, el castigo se incrementa a la prisión de cuatro a diez años. Si una mujer embarazada muere como resultado de cualquiera de las acciones anteriores, la persona ofensora está sujeta a prisión por un período de cinco a doce años. Los artículos 270 y 271, respectivamente, prescriben los castigos para aquellos que, sin la intención de hacerlo, causan un aborto y para aquellos que prescriben cualquier sustancia inductora del aborto para destruir el embrión.

El Capítulo I del Título XI cubre los delitos contra el desarrollo normal de las relaciones sexuales. El artículo 298 prescribe una pena de cuatro a diez años de prisión para toda persona que viole a una mujer (ya sea por coito vaginal o contra naturam) si durante el evento criminal ocurre alguna de las siguientes circunstancias: (a) uso de la fuerza o suficiente intimidación para: lograr la meta o (b) si la víctima está en un estado mentalmente perturbado o sufre de locura temporal, o si la víctima está privada de razón o sentido por cualquier razón, o no puede resistirse, o carece de la capacidad de entender las consecuencias de las acciones o para conformar su conducta. El artículo 298 prescribe un período de prisión de 7 a 15 años si (a) el evento se lleva a cabo con la participación de dos o más personas, (b) si el perpetrador se viste de uniforme militar o pretende ser un funcionario público, en en cada caso, para facilitar la consumación del acto o (c) si la víctima es mayor de 12 años y menor de 14 años. Finalmente, el artículo prescribe un período de prisión de 15 a 30 años o la pena de muerte si (a) el evento es llevado a cabo por una persona que ha sido sancionada previamente por el mismo delito, (b) como resultado del acto, la víctima sufre lesiones o enfermedades graves, o (c) si el autor sabe que está infectado con una enfermedad de transmisión sexual. Cualquier persona que viole a un menor de edad menor de 12 años será castigada con una pena de prisión de 15 a 30 años o con la pena de muerte, incluso si no ocurre ninguna de las circunstancias descritas en la oración anterior. El artículo 299 del Código Penal sanciona a las personas culpables de pedofilia "activa". Cualquier persona que cometa un acto de pedofilia "activa" mediante el uso de la violencia o la intimidación, o aprovechando el hecho de que la víctima está privada de razón o sentido o no puede resistir, será castigada con pena de prisión de siete a 15 años. Dicha penalización aumenta a 15 a 30 años o fallece si (a) la víctima es menor de 14 años, incluso si las circunstancias establecidas en la oración inmediatamente anterior no están presentes, (b) si, como consecuencia de la acto criminal, la víctima sufre lesiones graves o enfermedad o (c) si el autor ha sido previamente sancionado por el mismo delito.

El artículo 295 impone una pena de prisión de seis meses a dos años o una multa de 200 a 500 cuotas, o ambas, a cualquier persona que discrimine, promueva o incite a la discriminación de otra persona, con manifestaciones de manera ofensiva. , debido al sexo, raza, color u origen nacional, o con acciones para obstruir o impedir, con motivos relacionados con el sexo, raza, color u origen nacional, el ejercicio o disfrute de los derechos de igualdad establecidos en la Constitución. Cualquier persona que difunda ideas basadas en la superioridad de las razas o el odio racial o cometa, o incite, actos de violencia contra cualquier raza o grupo de personas de otro color u origen étnico, estará sujeta al mismo castigo que se indicó anteriormente.

Undang-Undang No. 36 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kesehatan (Law No. 36 of 2009 on Health) (2009)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

Article 75(2) of this law prohibits abortion except for the case of medical emergency or rape.

Pasal 75(2) dari peraturan ini melarang aborsi kecuali berdasarkan indikasi kedaruratan medis atau perkosaan.

Peraturan Kepala Kepolisian No. Pol 10 Tahun 2007 tentang Organisasi dan Tata Kerja Unit Pelayanan Perempuan dan Anak di Lingkungan Kepolisia Negara (Regulation No. 10/2007 on the Organization and Work of the Woman and Children Service Police Units) (2007)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Gender-based violence in general, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Woman and Child Service Units (UPPA) handle all cases of violence against women, including human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual violence, and other related crimes. UPPA’s units range from district police levels and up.

Unit Pelayanan Perempuan dan Anak (UPPA) menangani seluruh kasus kekerasan terhadap perempuan, termasuk perdagangan orang, kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, kekerasan seksual, dan kejahatan terkait lainnya. Jangkauan unit UPPA adalah dari tingkat kabupaten hingga di atasnya.

Undang-Undang No. 21 Tahun 2007 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang (Law No. 21 of 2007 on Eradication of Human Trafficking) (2007)

International law, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

This law criminalizes the act of human trafficking and sets out minimum and maximum sentencing standards (up to 15 years) for its various permutations, such as in assisting or abetting such a crime. It also states that Indonesia will cooperate with regional and international authorities in order to thwart any actions relating to human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

Peraturan ini mengkriminalisasikan tindak pidana perdagangan orang dan menetapkan standar hukuman minimum dan maksimum (maksimal 15 tahun) untuk berbagai bentuknya, seperti dalam membantu dan bersengkongkol tindak pidana tersebut. Peraturan juga menyatakan bahwa Indonesia akan bekerja sama dengan otoritas regional dan internasional untuk menggagalkan setiap tindakan yang berkaitan dengan perdagangan manusia dan eksploitasi seksual.

Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga (Law No. 23 of 2004 on Elimination of Domestic Violence) (2004)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The law on elimination domestic violence defines “domestic violence” in Indonesia. Specifically, it includes sexual and physical abuse as well as negligence of the household. The law sets out the rights of the victims to seek protection, the burden on the government and the public to stop actions of domestic violence and provide the required protection and assistance to recovery. The law also sets out the criminal penalty for acts of domestic violence.

Undang-undang mengenai penghapusan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga memberikan definisi “kekerasan dalam rumah tangga” di Indonesia. Secara khusus, definisi tersebut termasuk kekerasan fisik dan seksual dan juga penelantaran rumah tangga. Undang-undang ini mengatur hak dari korban untuk mendapatkan perlindungan, beban pemerintah dan masyarakat untuk menghentikan tindakan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dan menyediakan perlindungan dan pertolongan yang diperlukan untuk pemulihan. Undang-undang ini juga mengatur hukuman pidana untuk perbuatan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga.

Penal Code of Indonesia (1999)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Gender discrimination, LGBTIQ, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Article 260 punishes spouses who conceal from their spouse a legal barrier to marriage with a maximum sentence of five years imprisonment. Article 284 punishes adulterous spouses and their partners, regardless of their marital status. The penal code only criminalizes acts of rape outside marriage unless the wife is underage and incurs injuries as a result. Articles 285 prohibits forcing or threatening force a woman to have sexual intercourse outside of marriage and punishes violators with a maximum penalty of 12 years. Article 286 punishes sexual intercourse with an unconscious or helpless woman with a maximum of nine years imprisonment. If there is a complaint, Article 287 imposes a maximum sentence of nine years imprisonment for “carnal knowledge” of a girl outside of marriage when the man knows or reasonably should presume that she is less than 15 years of age. Prosecutions are triggered automatically when the girl is less than 12 years of age. Article 288 punishes husbands that have “carnal knowledge” of their wives who “are not yet marriageable” if it results in injury (four years imprisonment), serious injury (eight years), or death (12 years). Article 292 punishes adults that have carnal knowledge of those they know to be or reasonably should know to be minors of the same sex with a maximum of five years imprisonment. Article 293 punishes sexual abuse of a minor with a maximum of five years imprisonment. Incest is punishable by a maximum of seven years imprisonment pursuant to Article 294. Article 297 prohibits trafficking in woman and boys, which carries a maximum sentence of six years imprisonment. Article 299 imposes a four-year maximum sentence for abortion and provides for a one-third increase in sentencing for professionals (e.g., doctor, midwife) who perform abortions.

Criminal Code (2000)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Forced and early marriage, LGBTIQ, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Belize Criminal Code defines and criminalizes rape, including marital rape (Sections 46, 71-74); carnal knowledge of female child (Section 47); procuring or attempting to procure a woman (Section 49-50); compulsion of marriage (Section 58); incest by males (Section 62); abortion, miscarriage, and child destruction (Sections 111-12, 127). The Code mandates a minimum sentence of eight years for rape (Section 46), 12 years of carnal knowledge of a female child (Section 47), and a life sentence for habitual sex offenders (Section 48).

Of particular note:

Marital rape under Section 72 requires a showing that the spouses have separated, the marriage is dissolved, an order or injunction has been made, granted or undertaken against the spouse, or that the sexual intercourse was preceded or accompanied by assault and battery. Lack of consent is not enough if the parties are married. The Criminal Code also criminalizes same-sex relationships under Section 53, which criminalizes “carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any person or animal.”Abortion and the aiding of abortion are felonies and carry a prison term of 14 years to imprisonment for life under Section 111. There are limited exceptions under Section 112 if two registered medical practitioners agree that the abortion is necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother or her family or if the child may be seriously handicapped.

Domestic Violence Act (2000)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Property and inheritance rights

Belize enacted the Domestic Violence Act #19 in 2000 to provide greater protection and assistance to domestic violence victims. It was enacted in recognition of the pervasive nature of domestic violence in Belize society in order to increase the resources available to deal with domestic violence cases. The Domestic Violence Act defines domestic violence and governs protective orders, occupation orders, tenancy orders, other orders relating to counselling, the use of furniture and household effects, payment of rent, mortgage, utilities and compensation for any monetary loss due to domestic violence. Where a protective order or interim protective order is violated, the individual violating the order may be liable to a fine of up to $5,000 or to imprisonment for up to six months. (Section 21)

Evidence Act (2000)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

Section 74 of the Evidence Act governs “[r]estrictions on evidence at trials for rape.” This section provides that when a man is being prosecuted for rape or attempted rape, the “sexual experience of a complainant with a person other than that defendant” is inadmissible. The exception to this rule is if a judge is satisfied that it would be unfair to the defendant to refuse to allow the evidence. Under Section 92(3), a judge has discretion to warn the jury of the “special need for caution” when the prosecution relies only on the testimony of the accuser where a person is “prosecuted for rape, attempted rape, carnal knowledge or any other sexual offence.”

Criminal Code of the Northern Territory of Australia (2019)

Sexual violence and rape

In the Northern Territory a person is guilty of a crime if he/she has sexual intercourse with another person without the other person’s consent and knows about, or is reckless as to, the lack of consent. Consent is defined as “free and voluntary agreement.” Circumstances in which a person does not consent to sexual intercourse include circumstances where: force is used; the victim fears force or harm to themselves or someone else; the victim is unconscious or not capable of free agreement; or the victim is unable to understand the sexual nature of the act. In addition, consent is no longer assumed where the victim is married to the accused. The prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused knew that the victim was not consenting or was reckless as to whether the victim was consenting. Recklessness includes not giving any thought to whether the person is consenting to sexual penetration. A defendant is not guilty of the offence if he or she mistakenly believed that consent had been given.

The Revised Criminal Code of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (2004)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Forced and early marriage, Gender-based violence in general, Harmful traditional practices, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The Ethiopian Criminal Code criminalizes most forms of violence against women and girls including physical violence within marriage or cohabitation (Article 564), Female Genital Mutilation/ Circumcision (Articles 565-6), trafficking women (Article 597), rape (Articles 620-28), prostitution/exploitation of another for financial gain (Article 634), and early marriage (Article 648). The Criminal Code outlaws abortion, except in cases of rape or incest, risk to the life of the mother or fetus, severe or incurable disease or birth defect, a mother who is mentally or physically incapable of raising a child, or “grave and imminent danger” that can only be addressed by terminating the pregnancy.

Domestic Violence (Amendment) Act 2017 (2017)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Property and inheritance rights, Sexual harassment, Stalking

An interim protection order (IPO) protects survivors during police investigation, while a protection order (PO) protects survivors during criminal court proceedings. The amendments specify when an IPO ends, and when a PO begins, so survivors won’t be left without protection between police investigations and court proceeding. Pursuant to the amendments, an IPO can include additional safeguards, like prohibiting an abuser from coming near a survivor so police can intervene before further violence happens. The expanded definition of domestic violence will protect against: misappropriating property, which causes distress; threatening, which causes distress or fear for safety; or communicating (including electronically) with the survivor to insult modesty. A court can no longer order a survivor to attend reconciliatory counseling with the abuser, which could put the survivor in danger. Instead, the abuser can be ordered to complete a rehabilitation program. If a court grants a survivor occupancy of a shared residence, it must grant the survivor exclusive occupancy rather than just a specified part of the residence. The police officer must keep survivors informed on the status of investigation, status of IPO and PO, and important court dates. The amendments also create the Emergency Protection Order (EPO), which helps survivors get protection faster. EPOs are issued by social welfare officers who are easily accessible. Survivors no longer have to make a police report to get an EPO, which is valid for seven days.

An Act to Amend the New Penal Code Chapter 14 Section 14.17 and 14.71 and to address Gang Rape (2006)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Act to Amend the New Penal Code Chapter 14 Section 14.17 and 14.71 (the “Law”) and to address Gang Rape provides the definition for rape, gang rape and the concept of consent. Under Section 1(a)(i) and (ii), a person (male or female) commits rape if they intentionally penetrate the vagina, anus, mouth or any other opening of another person’s body with their penis or a foreign object or any other part of their body without the victim’s consent. Under Section 1(b), rape is committed where the victim is less than 18 years old, provided the perpetrator is above the age of 18 years. Under Section 2, the Law provides that the crime of gang rape has been committed if (i) a person purposefully promotes or facilitates rape (ii) a person agrees with one or more other person(s) to engage in or cause rape as defined in Section 1 above. Additionally, consent is defined as agreeing to sexual intercourse by choice where that person has a) freedom of choice and b) the capacity to make that choice. The Law also provides a number of circumstances where there is a presumption of a lack of consent. These fall into three categories: 1) where violence is used or threatened against the victim; 2) where the victim was unable to communicate to the accused at the time of the act (e.g. because of disability or unconsciousness); 3) where the perpetrator impersonated a person known to the victim in order to induce the victim to consent.

HIV Control of the Disease and Related Issues (Amending Title 33) (2010)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Employment discrimination, Gender discrimination, Harmful traditional practices, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Act regulates sexually transmitted diseases including HIV, provides information for treatment of HIV, and provides punishment for violations. §18.3 of the Act provides that the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Youth and Sports shall provide education on the prevention and control of HIV. §18.4-18.5 provide that educating the public regarding HIV and AIDS is part of the national response, and the government shall train all relevant personnel. While §18.7 provides that all employees shall receive the HIV training regarding the prevention and control of HIV and AIDS. Several portions of the act speak to the rights of women and girls specifically. §18.9(a) of the Act notes that when providing HIV and AIDS service to women and girls differences in sex and gender should be considered. §18.9(b) directs the government agencies, when implementing the strategies, policies and programs to address the following issues: protection of the equality of women in private and public life, to address their rights to refuse sex and to access reproductive services independently, to address men’s equal responsibilities in sexual and reproductive health, to increase educational, economic, and employment opportunities to women, to reduce inequalities in laws regarding marital issues, and to protect women’s rights in religious contexts. §18.9(c) covers pregnant women with HIV and grants them the right to marry. The government shall provide them with consultation and information regarding future pregnancy decisions and the protection of future children from HIV. Section 18.9(d) requires the government to implement national education and training to health care providers to reduce HIV infection caused by sexual assault, protect the confidentiality of the HIV test result, report the sexual violence, and assist the investigation of such violence, and to develop and implement education and training for security personnel and prosecuting authorities in conducting investigations and prosecutions about the sexual violence. §18.27 provides that willful transmission of HIV by an infected person who knows his or her HIV test constitutes first degree felony. §18.28 prohibits discrimination on the basis of HIV status.

Sexual Crimes Court, New Chapter 25 Establishing Criminal Court “E” – Title 17 – Liberian Code of Laws Revised

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The statute establishes a Sexual Offense Court, Criminal Court “E” that has original jurisdiction over all sexual offense cases. §25.2 provides that the crimes adjudicated in this court include: rape, gang rape, aggravated involuntary sodomy, involuntary and voluntary sodomy, corruption of minors, sexual abuse of wards and sexual assault, and other crimes listed under the “Sexual Offenses” described under Subchapter D of Chapter 14 and 16 of the Penal Law, as well as human trafficking that involves sexual offenses. The law provides procedures to try sexual offense cases. §25.3 provides that cases involving rape shall be tried in camera, and the judge has the authority to seal the names and addresses of the rape victims. §25.7 provides that the cases are to be tried by jury, and §25.8 provides that the final decisions of the Sexual Offenses cases shall be appealed to the Supreme Court of Liberia. §25.10 provides that the President shall nominate a clerk to keep dockets and records of all the cases and provide a monthly summary of the cases to the Supreme Court of Liberia. Additionally, the Law grants these courts the ability to provide interim relief to protect victims. In this respect, the Law specifically refers to the ability of the court to ensure that child victims are placed in protective custody.

Trafficking in Persons Act (2005)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

This act defines human trafficking and provides punishment for and methods of preventing human trafficking. §1.100-§1.102 of the act define human trafficking as including recruitment, transportation, and retention of a person by force or coercion for the purpose of slavery, forced labor, keeping a person in a state of servitude, prostitution, other commercial sexual exploitation, and removal of human organs. §3 provides that a person that commits trafficking must pay restitution to the victim. §7 provides that the Court shall sentence a person convicted of human trafficking to prison for at least one year, and that the offender can be sentenced to prison for longer periods under different situations. §8 provides that the fact that the victim was old enough to consent to sex shall not serve as a defense to the human trafficking offense. While §9 provides that the victim is immune from the prostitution or other criminal offenses caused by human trafficking. Art. II, §1 provides that the President shall implement a National Plan to prevent human trafficking and shall appoint members to a task force on implementation, which shall be led by the Minister of Labor. The Law also provides that a victim has a right to restitution including damages to compensate for costs of medical treatment, rehabilitation, transportation costs, lost income, legal fees, and general compensation for distress and pain as well as any other loss suffered. Compensation is paid by the defendant directly to the victim upon conviction. The right to restitution is not affected by the victim returning to his or her home country or by the victim not being present in Liberia. Section 9 provides immunity to any immigration offence that may have been committed as a direct result of being trafficked. Additionally, under Section 8, the Law confirms that consent to sex is not a valid defence to trafficking when violence is used to commit the crime. The Law also imposes corporate liability on international transport companies that fail to verify that passengers in company vehicles which enter other countries have the requisite travel documentation. A company may be fined for failing to comply. Additionally, a company that knowingly facilitates trafficking is liable for the cost of accommodating and providing meals to the victim and any dependent.

Schweizerisches Strafgesetzbuch/Swiss Penal Code (2014)

Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Forced and early marriage, Harmful traditional practices, Sexual harassment, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Art. 124: A person who seriously injures a female’s genitals can be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison or fined. A person may be punished for causing such injuries abroad if the person is not extradited.

Art. 181a: The statute provides that anyone who coerces someone to marry or register a same-sex partnership by the use of force or threats can be punished by sentence of custody of up to five years. The statute applies even if the marriage occurred outside Switzerland if the person has not been extradited.

Art. 187: A person can be punished by up to five years in custody or a fine for (1) committing a sexual act with a person under 16 years old, (2) inciting a child under 16 to commit a sexual act, or (3) involving a child under 16 in a sexual act.

Art. 190: A person can be sentenced to between 1 and 10 years in custody or a fine for using violence, threats, or psychological pressure to force a female to engage in a sexual act, or for making her incapable of resisting.

Art. 195: A person can be sentenced to 10 years in custody or fined for (1) inducing or encouraging a minor to engage in prostitution for financial gain, (2) inducing a person into prostitution by taking advantage of their dependency, (3) restricting a prostitute’s freedom to act by controlling his or her work as a prostitute, or (4) making a person continue as a prostitute against his or her will.

Art. 198: A person may be fined for offending someone by performing a sexual act in the presence of another who is not expecting it or sexually harassing someone through physical acts or indecent language.

Lei Nº 11.340 "Lei Maria da Penha" (2006)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, International law

Federal Law No. 11.340/2006 commonly known as “Lei Maria da Penha” (or Maria da Penha Act) creates a new body of legal provisions regarding domestic and familiar violence against women in Brazil and requires that public authorities develop policy and measures that aim to guarantee women's human rights within the scope of domestic and family relations. The law also addresses urgent protective measures for victims. In addition, it provides for the creation of equipment essential to its effectiveness: Specialized Police Stations to Assist Women, Shelters, Women's Reference Centers, and Courts for Domestic and Family Violence against Women, among others. Brazil enacted this law after its namesake brought a petition before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (“IACHR”), arguing that Brazil effectively condoned domestic violence that culminated in her irreversible paraplegia by failing to properly investigate, prosecute, and punish the perpetrator. The IACHR criticized the practices of the Brazilian criminal justice system and urged reform at the national level. Title II, Title III, Title IV, Title VII

A Lei Federal n. 11.340/1006, conhecida como “Lei Maria da Penha” (LMP) criou uma série de mecanismos legais para combate à violência doméstica e familiar sofrida por mulheres no Brasil. A lei impõe que as autoridades públicas desenvolvam políticas e procedimento que objetivem a garantia dos direitos das mulheres dentro de suas relações domésticas e familiares. A lei ainda prevê a os procedimentos para concessão de medidas protetivas de urgência das vítimas. Além disso, a LMP institui a criação de mecanismos necessários para efetivação do combate à violência doméstica tais como a criação de: (i) delegacias especializadas em atendimento da mulher vítima de violência doméstica, (ii) casas-abrigos e centro de referência para atendimento as mulhers em situação de violência doméstica e familiar, bem como (iii) a criação de Juizados de Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra a mulher, além de outras disposições. Importa recordar que a Lei Maria da Penha foi promulgada após a própria Maria da Penha denunciar perante a Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CIDH) que o sistema judiciário brasileiro era condescendente com violência sofrida pelas mulheres em ambiente familiar e que, em razão da inefetividade da justiça brasileira em investigar, processar e punir o agressor, ela acabou vítima de uma paraplegia irreversível. Título II, Título III, Título IV, Título VII

Lei Federal n. 13.104/2015 (“Lei do Feminicídio”) (2015)

Female infanticide and feticide, Femicide

On March 9, 2015, Brazil’s existing Penal Code was amended to criminalize femicide, with sentencing ranging from twelve to thirty years of imprisonment. The new legislation defined femicide as a sex-based homicide committed against women, with the involvement of domestic violence, discrimination or contempt for women. The crime is aggravated if the victim is a pregnant woman, a woman within the first three months of maternity, a girl under the age of fourteen years or a woman over sixty years of age. Besides amending the existing criminal code, the new legislation also amended Law no. 8.072/1990, adding femicide to the list of heinous crimes.

Em março de 2015, o Código Penal brasileiro foi emendado para criminalizar o feminicídio, impondo penas de 12 a 30 anos de reclusão. A nova lei definiu feminicídio como homicídio em razão da condição do sexo feminicídio, seja no âmbito da violência doméstica ou em virtude de menosprezo ou discriminação à condição da mulher. Além disso, o Código Penal também foi alterado para aumentar em 1/3 da pena, na hipótese de o feminicídio ser praticado contra gestante ou após 3 meses da realização do parto, contra pessoa menor de 14 anos ou maior de 60 anos, contra pessoa com deficiência ou na presença de ascendente ou descendente da vítima.

On the Amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Ukraine in order to implement the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (2017)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Forced and early marriage, Forced sterilization, Gender discrimination, Gender-based violence in general, International law, Sexual violence and rape

The Criminal and Criminal Procedural Codes of Ukraine were amended in December 2017 to adopt provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) adopted in 2011. As a result of these amendments, forced marriage (i.e. forcing a person to marry or to continue being in a forced marriage, or to enter into a cohabitation without official registration of marriage, or to continue such cohabitation) is punishable by restraint of liberty for up to three years or imprisonment for the same period and domestic violence (i.e. deliberate systematic violence against a spouse or ex-spouse or other person with whom the perpetrator is in family or intimate relationship, leading to physical or psychological suffering, disorder of health, disability, emotional dependence) is punishable with a sentence of public work for up to 240 hours, detention for up to six months, restraint of liberty for up to five years, or imprisonment for up to two years. In addition, the amendments: (i) introduce new crimes, such as “illegal abortion or sterilization” (i.e., performed by a person without medical education or without consent of the victim) which is punishable by imprisonment for up to 3 years; (ii) establish punishment for rape of a spouse or ex-spouse or other person with whom the perpetrator is in a family or intimate relationship (imprisonment for up to 10 years); and (iii) increase punishment for sexual violence to up to 15 years, if such acts resulted in serious consequences.

Про запобігання та протидію домашньому насильству (No. 2229-VIII) (Law on Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence) (2022)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

This legislation introduces the concept of “domestic violence,” which is defined as act (or omission) of physical, sexual, psychological, or economic violence (intentional deprivation of housing, food, clothing, other property, funds or documents or the ability to use them; leaving without care; hampering the receipt of necessary treatment or rehabilitation services; prohibition of, or compulsion to, work; prohibition of studies; and other offenses of an economic nature) committed within a family or between relatives, or between spouses or ex-spouses, former or current spouses, or other persons who have lived together as a family, irrespective of whether the person who committed domestic violence lives (or lived) together with the victim, as well as a threat of similar actions. The Act contains a series of governmental steps aimed at combatting domestic violence and improving the status of victims of domestic violence, which includes that the Ukrainian government (i) maintain a unified state register of cases of domestic violence and sex-based violence; (ii) establish a domestic violence call center; (iii) adopt immediate injunctions with respect to domestic violence offenders; (iv) provide free legal, medical, social, and psychological assistance to all victims in all cases of domestic violence; and (v) reimburse inflicted harm and damage to the victim’s physical and psychological health. The Act, through amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses Act and the Criminal Code, makes domestic violence or sex-based violence without grave consequences punishable by a fine in the amount of 20 non-taxable minimal income wages or public works for up to 30 - 40 hours or administrative detention for up to 10 days. If such actions are repeated within a year, the punishment is increased up to 40 non-taxable minimal income wages, public works for a period of up to 60 hours, or administrative arrest for up to 15 days. Domestic violence or sex-based violence that results in grave consequences is punishable by public works for up to 240 hours or detention for up to six months or imprisonment for up to two years.

Закон України «Про захист від насильства в сім’ї» (далі – «Закон») вводить поняття «домашнє насильство», яке визначається як діяння (дії або бездіяльність) фізичного, сексуального, психологічного або економічного насильства, що вчиняються в сім’ї чи в межах місця проживання або між родичами, або між колишнім чи теперішнім подружжям, або між іншими особами, які спільно проживають (проживали) однією сім’єю, але не перебувають (не перебували) у родинних відносинах чи у шлюбі між собою, незалежно від того, чи проживає (проживала) особа, яка вчинила домашнє насильство, у тому самому місці, що й постраждала особа, а також погрози вчинення таких діянь. (Економічне насильство - форма домашнього насильства, що включає умисне позбавлення житла, їжі, одягу, іншого майна, коштів чи документів або можливості користуватися ними, залишення без догляду чи піклування, перешкоджання в отриманні необхідних послуг з лікування чи реабілітації, заборону працювати, примушування до праці, заборону навчатися та інші правопорушення економічного характеру). Закон містить низку заходів, спрямованих на боротьбу з домашнім насильством та покращення статусу жертв домашнього насильства, серед яких, зокрема, ведення урядом України Єдиного державного реєстру випадків домашнього насильства та сексуального насильства та створення відповідного кол-центру, прийняття невідкладних заходів щодо винних у домашньому насильстві, надання безоплатної правової допомоги всім потерпілим у всіх випадках домашнього насильства, безоплатної медичної, соціальної та психологічної допомоги, відшкодування завданої шкоди. Кодексом України про адміністративні правопорушення передбачено відповідальність за домашнє насильство (без тяжких наслідків) у вигляді штрафу в розмірі двадцяти неоподатковуваних мінімумів доходів громадян або громадські роботи на строк до від 30 до 40 годин або адміністративний арешт на строк до 10 семи діб. Кримінальний Кодекс передбачає відповідальність за домашнє насильство (яке спричинило тяжкі наслідки)у вигляді громадських робіт на строк до 240 годин або арешту на строк до 6 місяців, або позбавлення волі на строк до двох років. У разі повторного вчинення подібних дій протягом року передбачається посилення покарання: штраф до 40 неоподатковуваних мінімумів доходів громадян, громадські роботи на строк до 60 годин або адміністративний арешт на строк до 15 діб.

The Islamic Penal Code of Iran, Books 1 & 2 (2013)

Divorce and dissolution of marriage, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Gender discrimination, Harmful traditional practices, LGBTIQ

Article 147 of the Islamic Penal Code specifies that the age of maturity triggering criminal responsibility is 15 Islamic lunar calendar years for boys, but only nine Islamic lunar calendar years for girls. This signifies that young girls can be charged as criminally responsible adults in Iran before they reach the age of puberty. Articles 237-239 forbid same-sex kissing and touching, which will be punished by 31-74 lashes. Female genital touching (musaheqeh) is punished by 100 lashes. Article 225 mandates the death penalty for adultery (zina), which international commentators have noted is disproportionately applied to women (e.g., UN Special Rapporteur for Violence Against Women report: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Issues/Women/A-68-340.pdf). Article 199 describes the number and gender of witnesses needed to prove various crimes; no crimes may be proven with female witnesses alone and any female witness requires corroboration of a man and another woman. (Full Persian version of the Penal Code available at: http://www.ilo.org/dyn/natlex/natlex4.detail?p_lang=en&p_isn=103202)

配偶者からの暴力の防止及び被害者の保護等に関する法律(平成13年法律第31号)(Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims, etc. (Act No. 31 of 2001)) (2001)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Dowry-related violence

The Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims etc. (the “Act”) was enacted to prevent spousal violence. The Act aims to protect victims by establishing a system for notification, counseling, protection and support for self-reliance following an incident of spousal violence. The Act provides that the court shall, upon a petition from the victim, issue a restraining order, exclusion order and prohibition of telephone contact order (collectively, a “Protection Order”) where a victim is highly likely to experience serious psychological or bodily harm due to the actions of his or her spouse or domestic partner. The Act does not cover partners who are in a relationship but live separately. To ensure the effectiveness of the Protection Order, violations of the Act include imprisonment with work or fines. Furthermore, the Act requires that citizens who detect spousal violence make efforts to a Spousal Violence Counseling and Support Center, temporary protection, support worker, or a police officer.


明治40年法律第45号 (Penal Code (Act No. 45 of 1907)) (2007)

International law, Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The Penal Code (the “Code”) covers Japanese criminal law and sentencing. The relevant provisions with respect to gender justice issues in the Code are Rape, Gang Rape, Forcible Indecency, and Inducement to Promiscuous Intercourse. Rape was initially classified as a crime only involving female victims, but was amended to include men in 2017. The Code states that a person who commits one of more of the listed crimes shall be punished by imprisonment with work for life, or for a definite term corresponding to the gravity of a crime. Further, based on the “Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime” adopted by the United Nations, the Code was amended in 2005 to include the crime of Human Trafficking. Under the amendment, selling or purchasing a human is a crime, with the criminal punishment being more severe in cases with the purpose of profit, indecency, or marriage.

刑法は、犯罪と刑罰を規定している法律である。刑法の中で、ジェンダー・ジャスティスに関連する条項は、強姦、集団強姦、強制わいせつ、淫乱性交誘引が含まれる。強姦は当初、女性の被害者のみを対象とした犯罪として分類されていたが、2017年に男性も対象とされるよう刑法が改正された。同法では、列挙された犯罪の1つ以上を犯した者は、終身刑または罪の重さに応じた有期懲役に処される。 さらに、国連の「国際的な組織犯罪の防止に関する国際連合条約を補足する人(特に女性及び児童)の取引を防止し、抑止し及び処罰するための議定書」に基づき、2005年に刑法が改正され、人身売買が追加された。本改正により、人身売買が犯罪となり、営利目的、わいせつ目的、結婚目的で人身売買した場合は刑事罰がさらに重くなる。

Domestic Violence Prevention Act (Chapter 29 of the General Laws of Rhode Island) (1956)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape

The Domestic Violence Prevention Act was originally enacted in 1956 to recognize the importance of domestic violence as a serious crime against society and to establish an official response to domestic violence cases that stresses the enforcement of laws to protect victims and communicate that violent behavior is not excused or tolerated. In passing the Act, the legislature specifically provided that its intent was that the Act can be enforced without regard to whether the persons involved are or were married, cohabitating, or involved in a relationship. Accordingly, the act defines victims to include “spouses, former spouses, adult persons related by blood or marriage, adult persons who are presently residing together or who have resided together in the past three years, and persons who have a child in common regardless of whether they have been married or have lived together, or persons who are, or have been, in a substantive dating or engagement relationship within the past one year which shall be determined by the court's consideration of the following factors: (1) the length of time of the relationship; (2) the type of the relationship; and (3) the frequency of the interaction between the parties.”

Domestic Case Law

R. v. Biliati High Court of Malawi Criminal Division (2021)

Statutory rape or defilement

The 33-year-old defendant pled guilty and was sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment by a First Grade Magistrate for defilement after luring a nine-year old girl to his house and raping her. Subsequent medical examinations revealed that the defendant was HIV-positive, as well as injuries and other evidence of the crime on the victim, who did not contract HIV. The State appealed the sentence, arguing that it was insufficient due to the nature of the crime. The High Court agreed, citing 2013 precedent recommending that 14 years’ imprisonment should be the starting point for defilement sentences. However, the High Court noted the increase of defilement cases in Malawi – 2,155 convictions for defilement by July 2020 – indicated that 14 years was an insufficient deterrent. Instead, the High Court recommended that 20 years be the minimum sentence for defilement, noting the recent trend of High Court judges increasing such sentences similarly. In reviewing the defendant’s sentence, the Court considered numerous factors, including that: i) defilement cases against young girls had been on the rise in recent years in Malawi, which justified harsher sentences to protect young girls; ii) statutory rape of a girl under 16 is a serious offence; and iii) the defendant was HIV-positive and could have infected the victim. Ultimately, the High Court ordered that the defendant’s 10-year sentence be increased to 40 years’ imprisonment.

R. v. Makuluni High Court of Malawi (2002)

Sexual violence and rape

The defendant was convicted rape, with the trial court finding that he followed the complainant to her house, suggested sexual intercourse, attacked her when she declined, and raped her. The defendant, a first-time offender, received a sentence of four years’ imprisonment. A judge reviewed the sentence and sent it to the High Court for consideration on the grounds that the sentence necessitated judicial remand due to manifest inadequacy. In concluding the lack of necessity of remand, the High Court reviewed the approach to sentencing for criminal offenses, which must regard the specific circumstances of the offense, the offender and the victim, and the public interest. The High Court discussed a few factors that must be taken into consideration in sentencing in rape cases, namely the victim’s age, the effect of the rape on the victim, and whether the perpetrator i) used violence above the minimum force to commit the rape, ii) used a weapon to intimidate or wound the victim, iii) repeatedly raped the victim, iv) premeditated and planned the rape, v) had previous convictions for sexual or other violent offences, and vi) subjected the victim to additional sexual indignities or perversions. The High Court affirmed precedent suggesting that three years is the minimum sentence for an adult convicted of rape without aggravating or mitigating factors. Specifically, the Court cited English precedent, which suggested five years as the threshold sentence, before citing the Malawi High Court suggesting that the threshold should be three years because of prison conditions in Malawi. In applying precedential sentencing standards to the specific circumstances of the case, the High Court determined that the lower court’s sentence did not qualify as manifestly inadequate, and therefore did not warrant intervention.

R. v. Mponda (Child Criminal Review Case No. 8 of 2017) High Court of Malawi (2017)

Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

Three minor girls, victims of human trafficking who the defendant lured in with promises of working in a restaurant, but instead sent to work at a bar, appealed their case. When the work conditions turned out to be exploitative, the appellants reported the defendant to the police. The case was appealed to the High Court on the basis that: (i) the case file did not go through the standard process whereby a case is registered in the Criminal Registry then distributed to a Magistrate by a Chief Resident Magistrate, and (ii) the magistrate did not follow proper procedure for the child witnesses’ testimony. In concluding that a proper lower court be assigned to re-hear the matter, the High Court underscored the importance of following legal procedure designed to protect the rights of vulnerable child witnesses. The High Court pointed out a number of procedural protocols, such as ensuring that the child witnesses did not come into direct contact with the accused, making provision for the witness to be accompanied by a supportive figure in court, and considering the possibility of a pre-recorded interview of a child witness as evidence. The court noted that a court competent in handling child witnesses must re-hear the matter, as causing witnesses to endure repeat trials as a result of the failure to follow proper judicial procedure is akin to repeat victimization of such witnesses.

R. v. Yusuf Willy (Criminal Review No. 6 of 2021/Criminal Case No. 183 of 2021) High Court of Malawi (2022)

Custodial violence, Gender discrimination, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The defendant was charged the defilement of the complainant, a 17-year-old girl. In his defence, the accused claimed that he could not get an erection (albeit, apparently, only after the magistrate raised the question himself). During the proceedings, a woman stood up in court and volunteered to ascertain whether the accused could obtain an erection. One week later, the magistrate, prosecutor, court interpreter, accused, complainant, and the woman who had volunteered met in the magistrate’s chambers to witness whether the woman could touch the defendant sexually until he obtained an erection. The magistrate observed, after approximately 30 minutes of sexual contact, that the accused’s “penis got a bit hard but not very hard.” Following a complaint from the complainant’s parent, the High Court was requested to review the conduct of the magistrate to determine the veracity of the complaint. At this point, the magistrate had not reached a verdict. By way of a preliminary conclusion, the High Court noted that “this illegal show seemed to come out of the blue” and found that the manner of investigation into the accused’s ability to obtain an erection was “raised by the magistrate, thereby making the [High] Court conclude that there were extra judicial discussions” between the accused and the magistrate. The Court also expressed serious concern about secondary victimisation, given that the sexual act occurred in the presence of the complainant. The Court then outlined its reasons for arriving at its ultimate decision, focusing on two matters: the existence of bias and judicial stereotyping. Regarding the first issue, the Court cited caselaw from across common law jurisdictions and the European Court of Human Rights relating to actual or perceived bias. Regarding the second issue, the Court highlighted the significant dangers associated with gender stereotyping on the part of the judiciary. The Court emphasised that judges should be alive to the concerns of victims of sexual offences, specifically that gender stereotypes harm such victims and contribute to further violations of their rights. Presiding officers are obliged to ensure that the courts offer equal access to men and women. In this context, it was emphasised that it matters not only how judges conduct themselves, but also how their conduct could be perceived during a trial. A judicial officer has to be aware of the negative results of displaying condescension toward women in court. In this case, the complainant was concerned about judicial bias, corruption, and/or collusion with the accused. The decision implied that the magistrate’s conduct could have arisen from his bias against, and stereotyping of, the complainant as a complainant in a sexual offence case. The Court highlighted that the judiciary could not condone the perpetuation of “structural gender-based violence, where courts instill fear in women and girls who are victims of sexual offences, using the criminal justice system.” Therefore, in order to create a discrimination-free judicial system that victims can rely on, it is incumbent on the judiciary to remain cognisant of its own biases and stereotypes, especially in the context of victims of sexual offences, and conduct cases in a manner which counteracts such biases and stereotypes. In conclusion, the High Court ordered a retrial under a different magistrate, and that the complainant and her family be provided with the resources needed to ensure her attendance at court. The Court referred (i) the magistrate’s conduct in the trial and (ii) the wider question of gender bias among judicial officers to the Judicial Service Commission. Finally, the Court recommended that the Chief Justice, through the judiciary’s training committee, should develop training programmes to avoid a matter like this re-occurring in the future.

Cправа № 243/9975/16-к (Case No. 243/9975/16-к) Верховний Суд (Supreme Court of Ukraine) (2019)

Sexual violence and rape

The defendant, a boy under the age of 18 (juvenile: 16-18 years), committed lewd acts against a girl under the age of 14 (minor). The first-instance court imposed a punishment of five years imprisonment (Part 2 of Article 156 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - Criminal Code). However, the court of first instance released the defendant from serving a sentence and instead imposed a probationary period of two years (Articles 75, 104 of the Criminal Code). The Court of Appeal left the decision unchanged. The victim's representative demanded a review of the case due to the mildness of the punishment, failure to take into account the gravity of the crime, and aggravating circumstances. The Supreme Court noted that a person who has committed a crime must be given a punishment that is necessary and sufficient for his correction and prevention of new crimes (Articles 50, 65 of the Criminal Code). The sentence must be based on the principles of proportionality and individualization, the type and size of the punishment should correspond to the nature of the crime, its dangerousness, and the identity of the perpetrator. When choosing a coercive measure (enforcement), the mitigating circumstances (sincere remorse and the commission of the crime by a minor) and aggravating circumstances (not established during the trial) are essential considerations. An individual analysis of the situation showed a low risk of committing a repeated criminal offense. The Supreme Court found that the defendant presented a low risk for re-offending because the defendant was a child under 18 who, according to psychological analysis, was capable of re-education, moreover it was the first offense he committed, and he sincerely repented. Thus, the Supreme Court rejected the victim’s petition to increase the sentence. This case is important because it shows the principle of proportionality and efficiency of punishment, and emphasizes the importance of preventing unreasonably heavier punishment.

Особа, що не досягла 18 років, (неповнолітня: 16-18 років) вчинила розпусні дії щодо особи, яка не досягла 14 років (малолітньої особи). Суд першої інстанції призначив покарання у виді позбавлення волі на строк 5 років (ч.2 ст. 156 КК), але засудженого було звільнено від відбування покарання з випробуванням з іспитовим строком тривалістю 2 роки (ст. 75, 104 КК). Апеляційний суд залишив рішення без змін. Представник постраждалої особи вимагав перегляду справи через м’якість покарання, неврахування тяжкості злочину та обтяжуючих обставин. Верховний суд зазначив, що особі, яка вчинила злочин, повинно бути призначено покарання, необхідне й достатнє для її виправлення та попередження вчинення нових злочинів (ст. 50, 65 КК ); виходячи із принципів співмірності й індивідуалізації покарання за своїм видом та розміром має бути адекватним (відповідним) характеру вчинених дій, їх небезпечності та даним про особу винного. При виборі заходу примусу мають значення й повинні братися до уваги обставини, які його пом'якшують (щире каяття та вчинення злочину неповнолітнім) та обтяжують (в ході судового розгляду не встановлено). Індивідуальний аналіз ситуації показав, що ризик вчинення повторного кримінального правопорушення низький, а тому перевиховання засудженого без ізоляції від суспільства цілком можливе, тому вимоги представника постраждалої особи не були задоволені. Ця справа є важливою, бо показує дію принципу пропорційності покарання злочину і недопущення необґрунтовано більш тяжкого покарання.

Cправа № 149/1596/16-к (Case No. 149/1596/16-к) Верховний Суд (Supreme Court of Ukraine) (2019)

Sexual violence and rape

The defendant physically attacked and raped the victim. The court of the first instance found the defendant guilty of rape (part 1 of Article 152 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - after this The Criminal Code) and sentenced him to three years of imprisonment. However, the appellate court released the defendant from serving the sentence and instead imposed a three-year probationary period (Article 75 of the Criminal Code). In accordance with Article 75, the court may decide to release a person from serving a sentence with probation if the maximum sentence for a criminal offense does not exceed five years of imprisonment (the maximum imprisonment for rape is five years). The prosecutor noted that the punishment was disproportionate to the gravity of the crime. The victim demanded actual imprisonment because, as a result of the attack, she developed depression and needed a rehabilitation course with a psychologist. The Supreme Court noted that a person who has committed a crime must be given a punishment that is necessary, proportionate to the crime, and sufficient for his correction and prevention of new crimes (50, 65 of the Criminal Code). The Supreme Court annulled the appellate decision due to the court’s failure to take into account the gravity of the crime and the consequences for the victim. Thus, the Supreme Court ordered a new trial, ordering that the court apply the law on a more serious criminal offense or increase the punishment. This means that Article 75 (exemption from punishment with the appointment of probation and probationary period) cannot be applied, and instead the punishment should be imposed in accordance with Article 152 (rape): from three to five years in prison. This case is important because it emphasizes the severity of rape, the need for proportionate punishment, and consideration of the consequences for the victim.

Особа 2 напав на Особу 1 та зґвалтував із застосуванням фізичного насильства. Судом першої інстанції Особу 2 було визнано винним у вчиненні зґвалтування (ч. 1 ст. 152 Кримінального Кодексу України - далі КК) та призначено покарання у виді позбавлення волі на строк 3 роки, але рішенням апеляційного суду Особу 2 було звільнено від відбування призначеного покарання з випробуванням та іспитовим строком тривалістю 3 роки (ст. 75 КК). Прокурор зазначив, що покарання є невідповідним тяжкості злочину; потерпіла вимагала покарання у вигляді реального позбавлення волі, бо внаслідок вчинення злочину щодо неї вона перебуває у стані депресії, проходить курс реабілітації у психолога. Верховний Суд зазначив, що особі, яка вчинила злочин, має бути призначене покарання, необхідне і достатнє для її виправлення і попередження нових злочинів ( 50, 65 КК); виходячи з вказаної мети й принципів справедливості, співмірності та індивідуалізації, покарання повинно бути співмірним характеру вчинених дій та їх небезпечності. Рішення апеляційної інстанції було скасовано, через неврахування тяжкості злочину та наслідків для потерпілої; було призначено новий розгляд справи у зв'язку з необхідністю застосування закону про більш тяжке кримінальне правопорушення або посилення покарання. Ця справа є важливою, бо наголошує на тяжкості згвалтування, необхідності співмірного покарання та урахування наслідків для жертви.

Cправа №. 741/1135/16 (Case No. 741/1135/16) Верховного Суд (Supreme Court of Ukraine) (2019)

Sexual violence and rape

While intoxicated, the defendant attempted to rape the victim and intentionally inflicted moderately severe physical injuries on her. The court of the first instance imposed a sentence of three years and six months of imprisonment for attempted rape (Part 3 of Article 15, Part 1 of Article 152 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and inflicting moderate bodily harm (Part 1 of Article 122 of the Criminal Code). However, the appellate court reversed the conviction for attempted rape and imposed punishment only for inflicting moderate bodily harm (two years of imprisonment). The appellate court reasoned that he was not subject to criminal liability for attempted rape because he did not finish the rape. In his complaint to the Supreme Court, the victim’s attorney insisted on a retrial of the case, arguing that the defendant did not voluntarily decide not to complete the rape. The prosecutor supported the victim’s complaint. The Supreme Court noted that a voluntary refusal in the case of an unfinished crime is the final stop of an attempt to commit a crime by a person of his own free will if, at the same time, he was aware of the possibility of finishing the crime. A person who voluntarily refuses to complete a criminal offense shall be criminally liable only if the actual act(s) committed by that person met the requirements of another crime. The law does not require specific motives for voluntary refusal in the case of an unfinished crime. Therefore, the motives can vary, for example, fear of punishment, remorse, or empathy for the victim. The lower courts found that the offender had an objective opportunity to complete the crime and was aware of it. For these reasons, the complaint was not satisfied. This decision is important because it illustrates the concept of voluntary refusal of rape attempts.

Особа у стані алкогольного сп’яніння вчинила замах на зґвалтування (ч. 3 ст. 15 ч., 1 ст. 152 Кримінальний Кодекс України - далі КК) підчас якого завдала постраждалій умисних тілесних ушкоджень середньої тіжкості (ч.1 ст. 122 КК). Суд першої інстнації призначив покарання у виді позбавлення волі на строк 3 роки 6 місяців з вчинення замаху на зґвалтування та завдання тіслесних ушкоджень середньої тяжкості, але апеляційний суд призначив покарання у вигляді 2 роки позбавлення волі тільки за тілксні ушкодження. Апеляційний суд посилався на те, що винна особа відмовилась від доведення злочину до кінця тому не підлягає кримінальній відповідальності за замах на зґвалтування. Захисник постраждалої у своїй скарзі до Верховного Суду заперечив добровільну відмову винного та наполягав на повторному розгляді справи. Прокурор підтримав скаргу захисника. Верховний Суд у відповідь на скаргу зазначив, що добровільною відмовою при незакінченому злочині є остаточне припинення особою за своєю волею замаху на злочин, якщо при цьому вона усвідомлювала можливість доведення злочину до кінця. Закон не конкретизує мотиви добровільної відмови при незакінченому злочину, а тому вони можуть бути різними - страх перед покаранням, розкаяння, співчуття, жалість до потерпілого. Оскільки судом було з’ясовано, що винний мав об’єктивну можливість закінчити злочин і усвідомлював це. З таких причин скаргу не було задоволено. Це рішення є важливим, бо розкриває поняття добровільної відмови від замаху на зґвалтування на практичному прикдалі.

Cправа № 738/1154/16-к (Case No. 738/1154/16-к) Верховний Суд (Supreme Court of Ukraine) (2018)

Statutory rape or defilement

While intoxicated, the defendant committed lewd acts against a minor (under 14 years old) by forcing her to expose herself and photographing her naked. He also took the photographs, which were recognized as a pornographic product. According to the courts of the first and second instance, the illegal actions qualified as corruption of a minor (Article 156 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and the production of child pornography for which he was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment. In his complaint to the Supreme Court, the prosecutor demanded a longer sentence, arguing that the sentence was disproportionate to the crime and emphasizing the defendant’s criminal history. The Supreme Court noted that the court of the first instance considered the severity of the crimes, the personal information about the offender, the defendant’s attitude towards the crimes, the defendant’s partial recognition of his guilt, and the aggravating circumstance of intoxication. Thus, by imposing a penalty of imprisonment near the maximum allowable sentence, the Supreme Court held that court of the first instance complied with the requirements of proportionality and fairness. In this case, the prosecutor's complaint was dismissed.

Чоловік в стані алкогольного сп’яніння вчинив відносно малолітньої (до 14 років) потерпілої розпусні дії (ст. 156 КК), які виразились у її примушуванні до оголення та фотографуванні в оголеному вигляді; він також створив фотознімки з таким зображенням потерпілої (було визнано продукцією порнографічного характеру). За результатами розгляду справи судом першої та другої інстанції протиправні дії було кваліфіковано як розбещення малолітньої особи та виготовлення дитячої порнографії та засуджено до 7 років позбавлення волі. Прокурор у своїй скарзі до Верховного Суду вимагає скасування рішення та призначення нового розгляду через невідповідність призначеного покарання скоєному злочину та неврахування особи винного, що неодноразово притягувався до адміністративної відповідальності. Верховний Суд зазначає, що суд першої інстанції, призначаючи покарання у виді позбавлення волі, врахував ступінь тяжкості вчинених злочинів, ставлення до вчиненого, часткове визнання своєї винуватості, наявність обставини, що обтяжує покарання - вчинення злочину в стані алкогольного сп'яніння, а також дані про його особу. Таким чином, суд першої інстанції, призначаючи покарання у виді позбавлення волі в розмірі, наближеному до максимального (передбаченого за інкриміновані правопорушення), дотримався вимоги співмірності та справедливості. Скарга прокурора не підлягає задоволенню.

Director of Public Prosecutions v H.M. and B.O. Court of Appeal of Ireland (2021)

Female genital mutilation or female genital cutting, Harmful traditional practices, International law

This case represented the first trial and conviction for female genital mutilation in Ireland. The accused were originally from a French-speaking African country, and were charged and convicted with female genital mutilation and neglect of their daughter in relation to the same incident. At the time of the offence, the girl was under two years old, and her injuries were discovered when her parents brought her to the Accident and Emergency Department of an Irish hospital due to uncontrollable bleeding. Following their conviction, the victim’s parents were sentenced to an unspecified number of years imprisonment for the female genital mutilation and neglect, the sentences running concurrently. They appealed their convictions, claiming that they had not received a fair trial because (i) they did not have the opportunity to present ‘appropriate’ expert evidence and (ii) the translation of H.M.’s testimony before the jury was inaccurate. The Court of Appeal quashed the appellants’ convictions on the second ground, finding that their trial was unsafe and unsatisfactory for not having complied with either the spirit or the substance of the European Union’s Interpretation and Translation Directive, which provides for the rights to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings. Thus, according to the court, the appellants were unable to properly exercise their right of defence. Following the judgment, the DPP requested a retrial, which was not opposed by the appellants.

Decisión 662 de diciembre 14, 2010 Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República de Paraguay (2010)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

This decision provides that complaints of domestic violence must be channeled through the ‘Permanent Attention Office’ (Oficina de Atención Permanente). This Office is responsible of receiving all types of domestic or intra-family violence claims, without making any distinction based on the sex or age of the victims. Since violence against women constitutes a violation of human rights, the creation of the Office is intended to streamline judicial proceedings, serving victims of physical or mental abuse in a timely and efficient manner.

Esta decisión establece que las denuncias de violencia intrafamiliar deben canalizarse a través de la Oficina de Atención Permanente. Esta Oficina es la encargada de recibir todo tipo de denuncias por violencia doméstica o intrafamiliar, sin distinción alguna en razón de sexo o edad de las víctimas. Dado que la violencia contra la mujer constituye una violación de los derechos humanos, la creación de la Oficina tiene por objeto agilizar los procesos judiciales, atendiendo a las víctimas de maltrato físico o psíquico de manera oportuna y eficiente.

Decisión 1247 de junio 5, 2018 Corte Suprema de Justicia de la República de Paraguay (2018)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Gender-based violence in general

This decision promoted the systematization of complaints relating to domestic and intra-family violence. It updated the ‘Violence Registration Form’ approved by Decision nº 454 dated April 24, 2007. The form promotes a system of centralized information and, consequently, accurate statistical indicators that will help authorities to better understand and prevent violence against women. This decision also promotes a new management model for all cases and complaints relating to domestic, intra-family violence and violence against women, filed in the ‘peace courts’ (juzgados de paz) throughout the country.

Esta decisión impulsó la sistematización de las denuncias relacionadas con violencia doméstica e intrafamiliar. Actualizó el “Formulario de Registro de Violencia” aprobado en la Decisión nº 454 del 24 de abril de 2007. El formulario promueve un sistema de información centralizada y, en consecuencia, indicadores estadísticos precisos que ayudarán a las autoridades a comprender mejor y prevenir la violencia contra las mujeres. Esta decisión también promueve un nuevo modelo de gestión para todos los casos y denuncias relacionadas con la violencia doméstica, intrafamiliar y contra la mujer, que se presenten en los juzgados de paz de todo el país.

Personas protegidas (Decisión definitiva Nº 37, octubre 24, 2012) Tribunal de Sentencia de la Circunscripción Judicial de Concepción (2012)

Statutory rape or defilement

The case concerned sexual abuse involving an underage victim. The court ruled in accordance with article 135.1º, 4º of the Criminal Code, on sexual abuse of minors, finding the defendant guilty and sentencing him to eight years in prison. It was argued that the defendant had several sexual encounters with the plaintiff, who was a minor. For such purposes, the defendant used to pick the plaintiff up at school and take her in his car to empty places to have sexual intercourse. The court held that the plaintiff as a victim shall be protected against all forms of sexual abuse and violence, as established by the national Constitution. Because she was a minor, her consent to enter into such relations was void and, therefore, must not be considered a reason to leave her without protection.

El caso se refería al abuso sexual de una víctima menor de edad. El tribunal resolvió el caso de conformidad con el artículo 135.1º, 4º del Código Penal, sobre abusos sexuales a menores, declarando culpable al acusado y condenándolo a ocho años de prisión. Se argumentó que el acusado mantuvo varios encuentros sexuales con la demandante, quien era menor de edad. Para tales efectos, el imputado recogía a la demandante en la escuela y la llevaba en su automóvil a lugares solitarios para tener relaciones sexuales. El tribunal sostuvo que la denunciante como víctima debe ser protegida contra toda forma de abuso y violencia sexual, tal como lo establece la Constitución Nacional. Por ser menor de edad, su consentimiento para entablar tales relaciones fue nulo y, por tanto, no se considera motivo para dejarla sin protección.

Personas protegidas (Decisión definitiva Nº 5, Marzo 3, 2014) Tribunal de Sentencia de la Circunscripción Judicial de Concepción (2014)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The case concerned domestic violence and resulted in a one-year prison sentence pursuant to article 229 of the Criminal Code. The plaintiff filed a complaint with the police, alleging that three days earlier, at approximately 6:00 A.M., her husband punched her and threated to kill her during an argument. The evidence showed that this violence was not an isolated incident, but part of continuous behavior of the defendant. The Court held that the physical and psychological violence suffered by the victim in the household shall include any conduct that by action or omission is intended to cause harm or pain. Witness testimony proved that the defendant deliberately used threats and intimidation to control and manipulate his wife. Therefore, the defendant was convicted for domestic violence.

El caso se basó en violencia doméstica y resultó en una pena de prisión de un año de conformidad con el artículo 229 del Código Penal. La demandante presentó una denuncia ante la policía, alegando que tres días antes, aproximadamente a las 6:00 a. m., su esposo la golpeó y la amenazó de muerte durante una discusión. La evidencia mostró que esta violencia no fue un incidente aislado, sino parte de un comportamiento continuo del acusado. La Corte sostuvo que la violencia física y psíquica que sufre la víctima en el ámbito doméstico comprende toda conducta que por acción u omisión tenga por objeto causar daño o dolor. El testimonio de los testigos demostró que el acusado usó deliberadamente amenazas e intimidación para controlar y manipular a su esposa. Por lo tanto, el acusado fue condenado por violencia doméstica.

Demanda de constitucionalidad, Roa López, Jaramillo Valencia, Abadía Cubillos, Dávila Sáenz and Porras Santillana vs. artículos 32.7, 122, 123 y 124 de la Ley 599/2000 (Código Penal) (Sentencia C-355-06, Expediente: D- 6122, 6123 and 6124) Corte Constitucional de la República de Colombia (2006)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The case concerned abortion, the right to life, the right to health, and the right to self-determination. The court ruled for the partial decriminalization of abortion and set circumstances under which voluntary termination of pregnancy would be permissible. The Criminal Code previously criminalized voluntary abortion with one to three years of imprisonment. The plaintiffs argued that the criminalization of abortion violated women’s constitutional rights to life and dignity, physical integrity, equality, liberty, and unhindered development of personality, health, and reproductive self-determination. The Colombian Constitutional Court determined that abortion shall not be considered a crime in any of the following three circumstances: (i) a physician certified that pregnancy could threaten the woman’s health or life; (ii) a physician concluded that the fetus would suffer from serious malformations that could eventually endanger or terminate his life; and (iii) if the pregnancy resulted from rape, incest, or non-consensual artificial insemination, as long as the criminal act was lawfully reported to the competent authorities. The court found that articles 32.7, 122, 123, and 124 were constitutional, subject only to the aforementioned criteria. This case is of paramount importance because it established for the first time the right of women to terminate their pregnancy under the three specific scenarios. The scope of this decision was recently modified under Decision C-055-22 by the Constitutional Court, which has been announced but not yet published as of April 2022. This decision decriminalized voluntary abortion under any circumstances until 24 weeks of pregnancy. Voluntary abortions carried out after week 24 will not be deemed criminal offenses only if they are performed under any of the three events previously recognized by the Constitutional Court in the Decision C-355-06.

El caso se refería al aborto, el derecho a la vida, el derecho a la salud y el derecho al libre desarrollo de la personalidad. La Corte Constitucional falló a favor de la despenalización parcial del aborto y fijó las circunstancias bajo las cuales sería permisible la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo. El Código Penal tipificaba como delito el aborto voluntario con uno a tres años de prisión. Los demandantes argumentaron que la penalización del aborto violaba los derechos constitucionales de las mujeres a la vida y la dignidad, la integridad física, la igualdad, la libertad, el libre desarrollo de la personalidad, la salud y la libre determinación reproductiva. La Corte Constitucional de Colombia determinó que el aborto no sería considerado delito en ninguna de las siguientes tres circunstancias: (i) cuando un médico certifique que el embarazo puede poner en peligro la salud o la vida de la mujer; (ii) cuando un médico concluya que el feto sufriría de graves malformaciones que eventualmente podrían poner en peligro o acabar con su vida; y (iii) si el embarazo fue producto de violación, incesto o inseminación artificial no consentida, siempre que el hecho delictivo haya sido legalmente denunciado ante las autoridades competentes. El tribunal consideró que los artículos 32.7, 122, 123 y 124 eran constitucionales condicionados a los criterios antes mencionados. Este caso es de suma importancia porque estableció por primera vez el derecho de la mujer a interrumpir su embarazo bajo los tres supuestos específicos. El alcance de esta decisión fue modificado recientemente mediante la Sentencia C-055-22 de la Corte Constitucional. Esta decisión despenalizó el aborto voluntario bajo cualquier circunstancia hasta la semana 24 de embarazo. Los abortos voluntarios practicados después de la semana 24 no serán considerados delitos si se realizan bajo cualquiera de los tres supuestos previamente reconocidos por la Corte Constitucional en la Sentencia C-355-06.

B.B. en representación de A.A. (personas protegidas) vs SaludCoop E.P.S. (Sentencia T-388-09 - Acción de Tutela-, Expediente: T-1.569.183) Corte Constitucional de la República de Colombia (2009)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The case concerned women’s sexual and reproductive rights, specifically the right to voluntarily terminate the pregnancy. The court ruled that sexual and reproductive rights, including abortion in certain circumstances, are subject to constitutional protection. A pregnant woman’s husband requested that the health care provider perform a genetic and pathological test on the fetus and the termination of his wife’s pregnancy, based on an alleged diagnosis of malformation, among other complications. The doctor refused upon conscientious objection. The court cited the ruling C-355/06, which referred to the decriminalization of abortion under any of three circumstances: (i) the pregnancy poses a serious risk for the woman life, (ii) the fetus has severe malformations or (iii) the pregnancy was the result of a rape. In this decision, the court also ruled that the physician’s conscientious objection to perform the procedure was inadmissible. Ultimately, specific guidelines were established, so women could freely exercise their right to voluntarily terminate their pregnancy under the authorized scenarios. As such, the court instructed the Superintendent of Health (‘Superintendencia Nacional de Salud’) to adopt a number of measures to ensure that health centers and medical institutions have adequate staff to attend voluntary abortions.

El caso se refería a los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de la mujer, específicamente el derecho a interrumpir voluntariamente el embarazo. La Corte Constitucional indicó que los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, incluido el aborto en determinadas circunstancias, son objeto de protección constitucional. El esposo de una mujer embarazada solicitó a la prestadora de salud la realización de un examen genético y patológico al feto y la interrupción del embarazo de su esposa, con base en un presunto diagnóstico de malformación, entre otras complicaciones. El médico se negó por objeción de conciencia. La Corte Constitucional citó la sentencia C-355/06, que se refería a la despenalización del aborto en cualquiera de estas tres circunstancias: (i) el embarazo presenta un riesgo grave para la vida de la mujer, (ii) el feto presenta malformaciones graves o (iii) el embarazo fue el resultado de una violación. En esta sentencia, la Corte también declaró inadmisible la objeción de conciencia del médico para realizar el procedimiento. En definitiva, se establecieron lineamientos específicos para que las mujeres pudieran ejercer libremente su derecho a interrumpir voluntariamente su embarazo en los supuestos autorizados. Como tal, la Corte instruyó a la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud a adoptar una serie de medidas para garantizar que los centros de salud y las instituciones médicas cuenten con el personal adecuado para atender abortos voluntarios.

Demanda de Constitucionalidad, Paz Mahecha vs. artículo 229 de la Ley 599/2000 (Código Penal) modificado por el artículo 33 de la Ley 1142/2007 Corte Constitucional de la República de Colombia (2014)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

This judicial review concerned domestic violence. The court ruled that there ought to be greater criminal sanctions for domestic violence offenses. The law provides for four to eight years of imprisonment in cases of domestic violence, irrespective of the magnitude of the injuries. The plaintiff claimed that the article went against the proportionality principle set forth by the Colombian Constitution. The Constitutional Court held that special protection should be provided to families and especially to those who are more vulnerable to domestic violence and are in need of enhanced protective measures. The court pointed out that the family unit shall be preserved, among others, by virtue of the State’s powers and sanctions in accordance with article 42 of the Constitution. That is to say, the Colombian State is obliged to enact and establish a number of strict legal provisions allowing for the investigation and adequate punishment of any sort of domestic violence. To that end, the legislature had the power to discourage the forms of violence that may affect the family unit by increasing sanctions for domestic violence offenses, as provided in article 229 of the Criminal Code –and amended by article 33 of Law 1142 of 2007.

Esta demanda de constitucionalidad se refería a la violencia doméstica. La Corte Constitucional dictaminó que debería haber mayores sanciones penales para los delitos de violencia doméstica. La ley prevé de cuatro a ocho años de prisión para casos de violencia intrafamiliar, independientemente de la magnitud de las lesiones. La demandante alegó que el artículo contravenía el principio de proporcionalidad consagrado en la Constitución Política de Colombia. La Corte Constitucional sostuvo que se debe brindar protección especial a las familias y especialmente a aquellas que son más vulnerables a la violencia doméstica y necesitan mayores medidas de protección. El tribunal señaló que la unidad familiar se debe preservar, entre otras, a través de las facultades del Estado y de regímenes sancionatorios de conformidad con el artículo 42 de la Constitución. Es decir, el Estado colombiano está obligado a promulgar y establecer una serie de estrictas disposiciones legales que permitan investigar y sancionar adecuadamente cualquier tipo de violencia intrafamiliar. Para tal efecto, el legislador tenía la facultad de desalentar cualquier forma de violencia que pueda afectar la unidad familiar mediante el aumento de las sanciones por delitos de violencia intrafamiliar, según lo dispuesto en el artículo 229 del Código Penal –y reformado por el artículo 33 de la Ley 1142 de 2007.

Comisión Colombiana de Juristas (CCJ) en representación de persona protegida vs Cámara Penal de la Corte de Cundinamarca (Sentencia T-126-18 - Acción de Tutela; Expediente T- 6.326.145) Corte Constitucional de la República de Colombia (2018)

Gender-based violence in general, Sexual violence and rape

The case concerned issues of language in judicial rulings that led to revictimization. The protected applicant, the leader of an association of peasant women, was kidnapped and raped by an illegal armed group that considered her a threat. The plaintiff brought suit against two potential perpetrators who were acquitted by the court of Cundinamarca. The Constitutional Court ruled to exclude a section of the aforementioned decision because of the section’s use of vulgar and disqualifying expressions in relation to the victim of sexual violence. The court argued that judges must, in their decisions: (a) avoid value judgments that refer to the personality or physical appearance of an alleged victim of sexual violence; (b) quote literally the testimonies and sections that refer to the analyzed criminal behavior, and; (c) make the descriptions of the provided evidence with an objective and respectful tone.

El caso se refería al uso del lenguaje en sentencias judiciales que conducen a la re-victimización. La persona protegida, líder de una asociación de mujeres campesinas, fue secuestrada y violada por un grupo armado ilegal que la consideraba una amenaza. La víctima denunció a dos posibles perpetradores del crimen, pero fueron absueltos por la Corte de Cundinamarca. La Corte Constitucional resolvió excluir una sección de la sentencia proferida por la Corte de Cundinamarca por el uso de expresiones vulgares e insultantes contra la víctima de violencia sexual. La Corte Constitucional argumentó que los jueces deben, en sus decisiones: (a) evitar hacer juicios de valor que se refieran a la personalidad o apariencia física de una presunta víctima de violencia sexual; (b) citar literalmente los testimonios y apartados que se refieran a la conducta delictiva analizada, y; (c) hacer las descripciones de las pruebas aportadas con un tono objetivo y respetuoso.

Acosta Perdomo vs Comisaría de Familia Dieciséis de Bogotá D.C. and Juzgado Veintinueve de Familia de Bogotá D.C. (Sentencia T-027-17 -Acción de Tutela-; Expediente T-5.742.929) Corte Constitucional de la República de Colombia (2017)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The court reviewed a decision made by the ‘Family Commissioner’ (Comisario de Familia) and endorsed by the Family Judge (Juzgado de Familia), denying the plaintiff’s request for precautionary measures against the defendant, based on physical and psychological aggressions. The Commissioner estimated that there was not enough evidence as to affirm that the risk to the plaintiff’s life or integrity. Given the parties’ mutual aggression, the Commissioner advised the couple to cease all acts of violence against each other. The plaintiff alleged that the Commissioner did not take into consideration a medical report by the Institute of Legal Medicine (Instituto de Medicina Legal) acknowledging the existing risks to the plaintiff’s physical integrity. The judge who initially heard the case endorsed the Commissioner’s decision. The Constitutional Court ultimately overturned the court’s decision based on the special protections granted to women in the context of domestic violence. Such special protection arises out of the historical disadvantages that women have had to face within society, especially within the family environment. On this note, the Court ruled that any failure by the competent authorities to provide protection measures against domestic violence violates the fundamental rights of women, understood as a vulnerable group within society.

La Corte revisó una decisión tomada por el Comisario de Familia y confirmada por el Juzgado de Familia, negando la solicitud de medidas cautelares solicitadas por la víctima en contra del acusado, toda vez que era objeto de agresiones físicas y psicológicas. El Comisario estimó que no había pruebas suficientes para afirmar que la vida o la integridad de la víctima estuvieran en peligro. Ante la existencia de agresiones mutuas, el Comisario aconsejó a la pareja cesar todo acto de violencia entre ellos. La víctima alegó que el Comisario tuvo en cuenta un informe médico del Instituto de Medicina Legal en el cual se reconocían los riesgos para la integridad física de la víctima. El juez que había conocido inicialmente del caso confirmó las decisiones adoptadas por el Comisario. La Corte Constitucional finalmente revocó la decisión de la Corte. El análisis de la Corte Constitucional revocó las decisiones anteriores con base en la protección especial otorgada a las mujeres en el contexto de la violencia doméstica. Tal protección especial surge de las desventajas que las mujeres han tenido que enfrentar a lo largo de la historia dentro de la sociedad, especialmente en el ámbito familiar. En este sentido, la Corte resolvió que la falta de medidas de protección contra la violencia intrafamiliar por parte de las autoridades competentes, atenta contra los derechos fundamentales de las mujeres, entendidas como un grupo vulnerable dentro de la sociedad.

T.O. vs M.C. (SP2251-2019; Expediente 53.048) Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia (2019)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The defendant was convicted on charges of domestic violence and sentenced to 72 months of imprisonment. The plaintiff accompanied a friend to the bus station, where the defendant, her ex- partner, insulted and physically attacked her. One of the plaintiff’s daughters intervened and the defendant ceased. The defendant appealed his conviction and requested judicial review on the grounds that they were no longer a couple, therefore, the conduct did not qualify as domestic violence. Domestic violence requires the aggressor to be part of the immediate family, which includes husband and wife, as well as unmarried partners in permanent and stable a relationship and sharing a household. Evidence proved that even though the defendant and the plaintiff did not live together as a couple at the time of the aggression, he previously lived permanently in the plaintiff’s household as an integrated member of the immediate family. Therefore, the Supreme Court of Justice did not overturn the defendant’s conviction. This ruling established that a fundamental element in domestic violence determinations is the parties’ daily and permanent cohabitation in the same household.

El acusado fue condenado por cargos de violencia intrafamiliar y sentenciado a 72 meses de prisión. La víctima estaba acompañando a una amiga a la estación de autobuses cuando el acusado, su expareja, la insultó y agredió físicamente. Una de las hijas de la víctima intervino y detuvo la agresión. El acusado apeló su condena y solicitó revisión judicial bajo el argumento de que ya la víctima y él ya no eran pareja, por lo que la conducta no podía calificarse como violencia intrafamiliar. La violencia intrafamiliar requiere que el agresor sea parte de la familia inmediata, incluyendo parejas casadas o en unión libre, que comparten un hogar. En juicio se probó que, si bien al momento de la agresión el acusado y la víctima no convivían como pareja, el acuado cohabitaba diaria y permanentemente en el domicilio de la víctima como miembro integrante de la familia inmediata. Por lo tanto, la Corte Suprema de Justicia no concedió la revisión de la condena del acusado toda vez que un elemento fundamental en las determinaciones de violencia intrafamiliar es la convivencia diaria y permanente juntos.

J.M.M. vs Bedoya Rentería (SP2131-2019; Expediente 50963) Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia (2019)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Statutory rape or defilement

In this case, the defendant, the mayor of a Colombian town, was convicted of rape and non-consensual abortion. The penalty was 261 months of imprisonment and 20 years of disqualification from exercising political roles in the public sector. The prosecutor argued that the defendant had several sexual encounters with the plaintiff, a minor, against her will and, as a result, she got pregnant. The defendant forced the plaintiff to terminate the pregnancy. The defendant argued before the Supreme Court of Justice that the appellant court omitted at least seven fundamental testimonies. The defendant also claimed that the plaintiff’s testimony, as well as some of the testimonies from other witnesses, was inconsistent. The plaintiff declared out-of-court that the defendant raped her and forced her to abort, however, during the appellate trial she testified that the lawsuit was a stratagem designed by her uncle, who was a candidate and political opponent of the defendant, to discredit the defendant. However, the appellate court learned that defendant, in order to obtain an acquittal, extorted, threatened, and attempted to bribe the plaintiff, plaintiff’s relatives, and other witnesses involved in the case. The Supreme Court of Justice found that even though the plaintiff changed her testimony, the other evidence suggested that the defendant was guilty of the charges. Therefore, the Court ultimately upheld the defendant’s conviction.

En este caso, el acusado, alcalde de un pueblo colombiano, fue condenado por acceso carnal violento y aborto no consentido. La pena fue de 261 meses de prisión y 20 años de inhabilitación para ejercer cargos públicos. El fiscal argumentó que el acusado tuvo varios encuentros sexuales con una víctima menor de edad, en contra de su voluntad y, como consecuencia, quedó embarazada. La víctima fue obligada por el acusado a interrumpir el embarazo. El acusado alegó ante la Corte Suprema de Justicia que la corte de segunda instancia omitió al menos siete testimonios fundamentales para el caso. También afirmó que el testimonio de la víctima, así como algunos de los testimonios de otros testigos, eran inconsistentes. La víctima declaró extrajudicialmente que el acusado la violó y la obligó a abortar, sin embargo, durante el juicio de apelación declaró que la demanda fue una estrategia diseñada por su tío, quien era candidato y opositor político del acusado, para desacreditar al acusado. Sin embargo, la corte de segunda instancia se enteró que el acusado extorsionó, amenazó e intentó sobornar a la víctima, a los familiares de la víctima y a otros testigos involucrados en el caso, con el fin de obtener una absolución. La Corte Suprema de Justicia encontró que, a pesar de que la víctima cambió su testimonio, la evidencia sugería que el acusado era culpable de los cargos que se le imputaban. Por lo tanto, la Corte finalmente confirmó la condena del acusado.

Patiño López vs Castro Morales (SP834-2019; Expediente 50967) Corte Suprema de Justicia de Colombia (2019)

Sexual harassment

The defendant, a public servant from a local prosecutor office in Colombia, was charged with a sexual harassment offense and acquitted. It was argued that the defendant met the plaintiff in a public park to discuss the subpoena of a parallel judicial proceeding in which the plaintiff was involved. Instead, he offered her money in exchange for sex. The plaintiff refused. The Supreme Court of Justice upheld the acquittal, finding that the prosecutor incorrectly qualified the defendant’s conduct as sexual harassment. On one hand, sexual harassment requires an element of hierarchy in order to qualify as a criminal offense. In this case, the public servant did not hold a hierarchically superior position in respect to the plaintiff. On the other hand, to be deemed sexual harassment, the conduct must be relentless and constant. However, the public servant’s conduct was an isolated event. Furthermore, the event could not qualify as a crime against Public Administration because the defendant did not offer the plaintiff any advantage in the parallel judicial proceeding in which she was involved.

El acusado, un servidor público empleado de una fiscalía regional en Colombia, fue acusado del delito de acoso sexual y posteriormente fue absuelto. La denunciante argumentó que el acusado se reunió con ella en un parque público para discutir la citación a un proceso judicial en el que estaba involucrada la denunciante. En cambio, le ofreció dinero a cambio de sexo. La denunciante se negó. La Corte Suprema de Justicia confirmó la absolución al considerar que el ente acusador calificó incorrectamente la conducta del acusado como acoso sexual. Por un lado, para que sea delito, el acoso sexual requiere un elemento de jerarquía. En este caso, el servidor público no ocupaba un cargo jerárquicamente superior respecto de la denunciante. Por otro lado, para ser considerado acoso sexual, la conducta debe ser incesante y constante. Sin embargo, la conducta del servidor público fue un hecho aislado. Finalmente, el hecho tampoco podía calificarse como delito contra la Administración Pública porque el acusado no ofreció a la denunciante ninguna ventaja en el proceso judicial paralelo en el que ella se encontraba involucrada.

Nr. 2K-7-102-222/2018 dėl profesinės veiklos neteisėtumo požymių (on the Signs of Professional Activity Illegality) Lietuvos Aukščiausiasis Teismas (Supreme Court of Lithuania) (2018)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

The Supreme Court held that the appellate court erred in finding that the appellant’s professional activity of assisting with childbirth at home is prohibited. Instead, it specified that the circumstances of her working without a license and necessary qualifications, such as being a doctor, an obstetrician-gynecologist, or a midwife, made this type of activity illegal.

Aukščiausiasis Teismas nusprendė, kad apeliacinis teismas suklydo konstatuodamas, jog apeliantės profesinė veikla—pagalba gimdyti namuose, yra draudžiama. Vietoj to, Teismas nurodė, kad šio darbo be licencijos ir būtinų kvalifikacijų aplinkybės padarė tokio pobūdžio veiklą neteisėtą. Sveikatos apsaugos ministras 2019 m. patvirtino įsakymą Nr. V-10 dėl gimdymo namuose priežiūros paslaugos teikimo tvarkos aprašo patvirtinimo.

R v. Soko and Another Chief Resident Magistrate's Court (2010)


The two accused persons were charged and convicted of having carnal knowledge against the order of nature –contrary to Section 153(a) of the Penal Code, which is understood to prohibit same-sex sexual relations. In the alternative, the two accused persons were charged with indecent practices between men contrary to Section 156 of the Penal Code. Both of the accused persons pleaded not guilty but were convicted of both charges and sentenced to the maximum penalty of 14 years of imprisonment including hard labor. The two accused persons had conducted a traditional engagement ceremony, or chinkhoswe. They held themselves out to be husband and wife, and the second accused person identified as a woman but the court consistently referred to her as a man. The court found that both accused committed the crimes charged. In sentencing the two accused persons to the maximum punishment available, the court cited their perceived lack of remorse and their attempt to “seek heroism […] in public, and […] corrupting the mind of a whole nation with a chinkhoswe ceremony.” The court explicitly described the sentences of 14 years imprisonment with hard labor as deterrents so that the public could be “protected from others who may be tempted to emulate their [horrendous] example.” In closing, the court stated, “let posterity judge this judgment.” According to multiple news sources (e.g., the BBC), the President of Malawi pardoned both accused persons and they were subsequently released from prison with a warning not to resume their relationship.

State v. Inspector General of Police, Clerk of National Assembly & Minister of Finance (and others ex parte) High Court of Malawi Civil Division (2020)

Custodial violence, Gender violence in conflict, International law, Sexual violence and rape

This judgment was issued as part of the assessment proceedings subsequent to a judicial review by the state. This review investigated systemic and individual failures resulting in police officers committing widespread violent and traumatic sexual assaults and rapes of women and girls during the civil unrest in October 2019. The court was tasked with assessing the amount of compensation to be awarded to the 18 applicants on whose behalf the review was conducted. The basis for this award was the previous judgment of the court that: (i) failures by the Inspector General of Police resulted in violence, torture, and inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment against the applicants in violation of section 19(3) of the Constitution; (ii) failures by the Inspector General of Police further resulted in violations of the right of applicants to dignity and equality under sections 19(1) and 20 of the Constitution; and (iii) failures by the Clerk of the National Assembly and the Malawi Police Service to investigate and prosecute the allegations of violence and rape resulted in violations of the right of access to justice under section 41 of the Constitution. The court also found numerous violations of domestic laws, including the Police Act, as well as Malawi’s obligations under human rights treaties, including CEDAW. Under section 46(4) of the Constitution, the courts have the power to award compensation to any person whose rights or freedoms have been unlawfully denied or violated. The court applied the principle of restitution intergrum, or making the victim whole as they would have been prior to the violation, and turned to international precedents when evaluating appropriate amounts. The court noted that any amount should be elevated when caused by a “constitutional duty bearer,” such as the police, and that lack of investigation was an aggravating factor. The court awarded different amounts to each applicant depending on the circumstances of their particular harm, ranging from K4,500,000-10,000,000, in addition to costs.

Juma v. Republic High Court of Malawi Criminal Division (2018)

Statutory rape or defilement

The 21-year-old appellant pleaded guilty to the defilement of a 15-year-old girl with whom he had an ongoing sexual relationship and who was, by the time of the trial, pregnant as a result. The trial court sentenced the appellant to six years imprisonment with hard labor. He unsuccessfully appealed to reduce the sentence, claiming the following mitigating factors: (i) his willingness to financially support the girl and her baby; (ii) his age; and (iii) his status as a first-time offender. The court rejected this appeal on the grounds that appellate courts may only interfere with sentences that are either “manifestly excessive (or inadequate) or otherwise erroneous in principle,” citing cases in which the state had successfully enhanced initial sentences from six to eight years as evidence that this sentence was not unusually excessive or otherwise erroneous.

Kambalame v. Republic High Court of Malawi Criminal Division (2017)

Gender discrimination, Statutory rape or defilement

The appellant pleaded guilty to raping and impregnating a 12-year-old girl for which he was originally sentenced to 12 years imprisonment with hard labor. On appeal, the appellant argued that his sentence was excessive in light of mitigating factors. While recognizing the victim’s age and pregnancy as aggravating factors, the appeals court reduced his sentence to nine years imprisonment. The court articulated several rules regarding mitigation in favor of this outcome based on the citation of cases from the appellant. First, the court stated that guilty pleas should reduce a sentence by one-third, even in the case of serious crimes. Second, citing in Rep v. Bamusi Mkwapatira, the court stated that all first-time offenders, regardless of the severity of the offense, should benefit from mitigation. Finally, the court identified the appellant, who was 33 years old at the time of the offense, as “youthful,” asserting that “men especially grow slowly mentally and at 35 they are at their prime experimenting with life.” Cautioning against mitigating too significantly, however, the court explicitly recognized the victim’s pregnancy, which “disturbed [her] life […] physically and psychologically,” and her very young age as aggravating factors. Thus, the court reduced the sentence by one-quarter, resulting in a nine-year sentence, rather than one-third or more.

Kaliyati v Republic High Court of Malawi (2020)

Statutory rape or defilement

The appellant was convicted and sentenced to eight years imprisonment including hard labor for defilement of an11-month-old girl. On appeal, the appellant’s primary argument was that the testimony of the child’s mother was not sufficiently corroborated and therefore the conviction was not supported by the evidence. He also argued that the sentence was excessive. Regarding the corroboration rule in sexual violence cases, the court announced that it was a longstanding practice based on blatant discrimination against women, who are the predominant victims of such offenses and assumed to be unreliable witnesses. The court found the corroboration rule unlawful under existing constitutional (article 20), evidence, and criminal laws. Instead, the court held that courts should take caution basing convictions on uncorroborated evidence to ensure satisfaction of the burden of proof. Regarding the appellant’s arguments, the court found that there was not sufficient evidence of penetration to sustain the defilement conviction, thus acquitting the appellant of defilement. Instead, the court found that the evidence supported a conviction for the lesser offense of indecent assault, for which the court imposed a sentence of three years of imprisonment out of a maximum of 14 years. The court chose a substantially lower sentence than the maximum due to what it described as mitigating factors, including that: (i) the appellant was a first-time offender; (ii) the child was largely unharmed physically according to the medical report; (iii) there was no evidence that the child would subsequently suffer an STI or psychological impacts; and (iv) the crime was not premeditated in the court’s view, but a crime of opportunity.

Decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court No. 7 dated 27 September 2012 on Judicial Practice in Cases involving Crimes against Sexual Inviolability or Sexual Freedom (Arts. 166-170 of the Criminal Code) Supreme Court of Belarus (2012)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Gender discrimination, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Plenum of the Supreme Court explained (i) that rape (Art. 166 of the Criminal Code) can be committed against women only, while violent sexual acts (Art. 167 of the Criminal Code) can be committed against both women and men, and (ii) that the victim’s circumstances, for example previous commission of a crime, lifestyle, or marital relationship to the offender, do not prohibit conviction of the offender for these crimes. The Plenum further held that “violence,” which is one of the conditions for commission of rape or violent sexual acts, shall be understood as a physical act against the victim (or relatives of the victim in case of rape). Examples of violence include tearing the victim’s clothes, causing physical pain, beating, strangulation, making the victim take alcohol or drugs against his or her will, restricting the victim’s freedom by tying, or locking the doors. Threat of violence shall be understood as specific words, actions, or gestures showing the intention of the offender to harm the victim. The Plenum noted that non-violent acts, such as obtaining consent by deception or abuse of trust (such as the promise to marry or to reward sexual favors) do not qualify under Arts. 166-167 of the Criminal Code. The Plenum further explained that “using the helpless state of the victim,” which is the alternative condition to violence or threat of violence for the commission of rape or violent sexual acts, shall mean that the victim due to young age, mental disorder, loss of consciousness, alcohol or drug intoxication could not understand the nature of actions performed with him or her or that due to a physical disability could not oppose it. The Plenum noted that it does not matter whether the offender made or witnessed the victim take alcohol or drugs or other intoxicating substances, rather the offender simply has to be aware of the intoxication that renders the victim helpless. The Plenum also explained that a person is not guilty of attempted rape or commission of violent acts of sexual nature if that person voluntary abandons the commission of the crime. Abandonment caused by circumstances beyond the control of the offender, such as resistance by the victim, third party interference, or physiological inability to commit the crime is not voluntary.

Ministério Público v. Jonasse Cangahi Mupi Câmara Criminal do Tribunal Supremo de Angola (Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Angola) (2019)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide

The defendant was accused of murdering his wife and sentenced to 18 years of imprisonment, in addition to paying of kz. 1.500.000,00 (1.5 million kwanzas, i.e. approximately US$ 2,300) to the victim’s family, plus court expenses. The prosecution (Ministério Público) then appealed to the Supreme Court arguing that, in accordance with the court’s own jurisprudence, the compensation amount should be risen to kz. 2.000.00,00, i.e. the equivalent of US$ 3,100. It argued that, as shown by the evidence, the accused had tried to have sexual relations with his wife and, when she declined, beat her in front of their two underage children. When she tried to escape, the defendant stabbed her in the back with a “homemade knife” multiple times, which killed her. The accused fled to the woods, while their nine-year-old daughter went to get help. The Supreme Court reasoned that, although the object used to stab the victim had not been examined, there was no doubt as to the fact that it was used to injure the victim and caused her death. Furthermore, in agreement with the lower court’s decision, the Supreme Court held that the defendant had undoubtedly committed the crime of which he was accused, noting that he confessed to it during police interrogations. The defendant’s motive was also considered as particularly vile (i.e., as his attempt of sexual intercourse was simply frustrated) and his intent was proven by the predictability of death as a direct consequence of his actions. The appeal was, therefore, granted by the Supreme Court, increasing the compensation amount to the family’s victim to the requested amount.

O réu foi acusado de matar sua esposa e sentenciado a 18 anos de prisão, em adição ao pagamento de kz. 1.500.000,00 (1.5 milhões de kwanzas, i.e. aproximadamente US$2,300) para a família da vítima, além dos gastos com o tribunal. A acusação (Ministério Público) então apelou para o Tribunal Supremo alegando que, de acordo com a jurisprudência da própria corte, o valor da compensação deve aumentar para kz. 2.000.000,000, i.e. o equivalente a US$3,100. Ele afirmou que, como mostrado pela evidência, o acusado tentou ter relações sexuais com a sua esposa e, quando ela negou, ele bateu nela na frente das suas duas crianças menores de idade. Quando ela tentou escapar, o réu esfaqueou ela nas costas com uma “faca caseira” por múltiplas vezes, o que a matou. O acusado fugiu para a floresta, enquanto a sua filha de nove anos de idade foi buscar ajuda. O Tribunal Supremo raciocinou que, ainda que o objeto usado para esfaquear a vítima não tenha sido examinado, não restou dúvida sobre o fato dele ter sido usado para machucar a vítima e causar a sua morte. Além disso, de acordo com a decisão da corte inferior, o Tribunal Supremo sustentou que o réu sem dúvidas cometeu o crime pelo qual ele foi acusado, já que ele confessou o crime durante interrogações policiais. O motivo do réu também foi considerado particularmente vil (i.e. já que a sua tentativa de relação sexual simplesmente foi frustrada) e a sua intenção foi provada pela previsibilidade da morte como consequência direta das suas ações. A apelação foi, assim, acolhida pelo Tribunal Supremo, aumentando a indenização para a família da vítima para o valor requerido.

Ministério Público v. Mendes Miongo Nzambi Câmara Criminal do Tribunal Supremo de Angola (Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Angola) (2018)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Statutory rape or defilement

The appellant was convicted of two accounts of domestic violence in the form of sexual assault of two minors (11 and 9-years-old) and sentenced to 8 years in prison, in addition to payment of a compensation to the victims. On appeal to the Supreme Court, the appellant 1) claimed that the accusation was based merely on the victims’ testimony, which he alleged untrue and made with the sole purpose of monetary gain by their mother (his partner at the time of the crimes), 2) denied having any kind of sexual intercourse with the victims, and 3) claimed the conviction violated his constitutional rights because the evidence was insufficient to prove his guilt. The Supreme Court argued that there was enough physical evidence that the defendant violated both victims, including evidence that proved anal rape. However, as the evidence and testimony of the victims showed, the assault had not occurred through vaginal penetration, but solely anal. Therefore, the type of crime perpetrated had not been correctly invoked by the lower court, as the configuration of sexual assault requires vaginal penetration under Angolan law. Under that paradigm, the Supreme Court ruled that the crime committed was indecent exposure and, consequently, domestic violence and that such criminal offense is punishable with a sentence lower than 12 years in prison. The Supreme Court then found the defendant amnestied and, consequently, extinguished the criminal proceedings against him, without prejudice of the monetary compensation for damages. In 2016, Angola published an amnesty law (Lei nº 11/16) in which it pardoned common crimes punishable by a prison sentence of up to 12 years. Although the amnesty law excludes sexual crimes, the crime committed in this case does not fit the exception, precisely because of the absence of vaginal penetration. At the end of 2020, a new Angolan Penal Code was enacted, which has been in effect since February 2021. The new Penal Code considers both vaginal and anal penetration to be sexual penetration.

O apelante foi condenado por duas ocorrências de violência doméstica na forma de abuso sexual de dois menores (11 e 9 anos de idade) e sentenciado a 8 anos na prisão, com adição de pagamento de indenização às vítimas. Na apelação para o Tribunal Supremo, o apelante 1) afirmou que as acusações foram feitas somente com base nos depoimentos das vítimas, os quais ele alegou serem falsos e feitos com o único propósito de ganho financeiro pela mãe (a sua parceira no momento dos crimes), 2) negou ter qualquer tipo de relação sexual com as vítimas, e 3) afirmou que a condenação violou os seus direitos constitucionais porque a evidência não foi suficiente para provar a sua culpa. O Tribunal Supremo argumentou que havia evidência física suficiente para provar que o réu violou ambas as vítimas, incluindo evidência que provou estupro anal. Entretanto, como a evidência e o depoimento mostraram, o abuso não foi feito por penetração vaginal, mas somente anal. Assim, o tipo do crime perpetrado não tinha sido corretamente aplicado pela corte inferior, já que a configuração de abuso sexual na legislação de Angola requer penetração vaginal. Sob este paradigma, o Tribunal Supremo deliberou que o crime foi de atentado ao pudor e, consequentemente, violência doméstica e esse tipo penal é punido com sentença menor que 12 anos de prisão. O Tribunal Supremo então declarou o réu anistiado e, portanto, extinguiu os procedimentos criminais contra ele, sem prejuízo da indenização por danos. Em 2016, Angola publicou uma lei de anistia (Lei nº 11/16) em que perdoou crimes comuns que são puníveis com penas de até 12 anos. Ainda que a lei de anistia excluda crimes sexuais, o crime neste caso não se encaixa nessa exceção, precisamente por causa da abstinência da penetração vaginal. No fim de 2020, um novo Código Penal Angolano foi promulgado, o qual está em vigor desde Fevereiro de 2021. O novo Código Penal considera ambas penetrações vaginal e anal como penetração sexual.

Ministério Público v. Undisclosed parties (1311/17.1T9VIS.C1– 2020) Tribunal de Relação de Coimbra (Court of Appeals of Coimbra) (2020)

Trafficking in persons

The defendant appealed from a lower court decision (Tribunal Judicial da Comarca de Viseu) convicting him to nine years of imprisonment, for human trafficking and human trafficking of minors (persons under the age of 18 years old), with the intent of sexual exploitation. In his appeal, the defendant argued that the victim was living with him of her own free will and thus his actions did not fit the crime of human trafficking. The Court of Appeals of Coimbra partially granted the appeal to the extent the description of some facts was erroneous. With respect to the crimes committed, the Court of Appeals affirmed the lower court’s decision, concluding that defendant had continued to commit the crime of human trafficking even after the victim turned 18 (the victim started to live with the defendant when she was a minor, ran away, then went back to living with defendant after turning 18 years old). All of the elements of the crime were present at all times in which the victim lived with defendant: physical and psychological threats, domestic work without remuneration, intent to sexually exploit the victim, and imposition of restrictions of the victim’s personal liberty. As for the crime of human trafficking, it is important to clarify that, as of 2007, there was a broadening of the criminal type, which is now considered a crime against personal freedom, similar to quasi-slavery.

O Defendente apresentou Recurso em face da decisão proferida em 1ª instancia pela Tribunal Judicial da Comarca de Viseu, o qual o condenou a 9 anos de prisão, em razão dos crimes de tráfico de menor de 18 anos e de pessoas, com o intuito de exploração sexual. Em seu Recurso, o Defendente alegou que a vítima vivia com ele por vontade própria, de modo que o tipo penal de tráfico de pessoas não estava caracterizado. O Tribunal de Relação de Coimbra conheceu parcialmente do Recurso em razão da descrição equivocada de parte dos fatos trazidos nos autos. No tocante aos crimes cometidos, o Tribunal confirmou a decisão proferida em 1ª instância, concluindo que o Defendente continuou a cometer o crime de tráfico humano mesmo após a vítima ter completado 18 anos de idade. Nesse aspecto, ressalta-se que a vítima começou a viver com o Defendente quando ela era menor de idade, tendo fugido e retornado a viver com o Defendente após completar a maioridade. Ainda, o Tribunal concluiu que todos os elementos dos crimes estavam presentes durante a convivência entre o Defendente e a vítima: ameaça psicológica e física, realização de trabalhos domésticos não-remunerados, intenção de exploração sexual da vítima e imposição de restrições a liberdade pessoal da vítima. Importa, por fim, esclarecer que em 2007, houve um alargamento do crime de tráfico de pessoas, o qual passou a ser considerado crime contra a liberdade pessoal, semelhante a uma quase escravidão.

Ministério Público v. Undisclosed parties (179/09.6TAMLD.C1 – 2020) Tribunal de Relação de Coimbra (Court of Appeals of Coimbra) (2020)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The defendant appealed from a lower court decision convicting him to 12 years of imprisonment for committing the crimes of domestic violence, child mistreatment and sexual abuse, and aggravated coercion. The defendant sought to reduce his sentence, arguing that the lower court erred in applying the law to the facts, since there was no evidence that his actions could be characterized as domestic violence. The Court of Appeals of Coimbra denied the appeal, concluding that the record demonstrated that defendant had treated his spouse inhumanely over the years, through repeated physical, psychological, and moral humiliations and aggressions. The Court of Appeals did not find the 12-year imprisonment sentencing excessive, noting that the defendant’s overall conduct was particularly egregious and manifestly inconsistent with the social values that criminal law seeks to protect (sexual self-determination and human dignity).

O Defendente apresentou Recurso em face da decisão proferida em 1ª instância, o qual o condenou a 12 anos de prisão pelos crimes de violência doméstica, maus-tratos e sexual abuso contra seus filhos e coerção agravada. O Defendente buscou no recurso a redução da sua pena, sob a justificativa de que a decisão em 1ª instância errou ao aplicar a lei aos fatos, em razão da inexistência de provas que caracterizariam o crime de violência doméstica. O Tribunal de Relação de Coimbra negou provimento ao recurso, concluindo que as provas nos autos demonstravam que o Defendente tratava sua esposa de forma desumana ao longo dos anos, a partir de repetidas humilhações e agressões verbais, físicas, psicológicas e morais. Além disso, o Tribunal entendeu correta a aplicação de pena de 12 anos de prisão, ressaltando que a conduta do Defendente foi particularmente grave e manifestamente inconsistente com os valores sociais que o direito penal procura proteger (autonomia sexual e dignidade humana).

Ministério Público v. Undisclosed parties (71/16.8GGCBR.C1 – 2020) Tribunal de Relação de Coimbra (Court of Appeals of Coimbra) (2020)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The defendant appealed from a lower court (Tribunal Judicial da Comarca de Coimbra) judgment convicting him of domestic violence. The evidence in the record showed that defendant called his former wife names several times and once, during an altercation, defendant punched the victim in the head, causing her pain, anxiety, and fear. The defendant alleged that the lower court erred in concluding that the facts in evidence could be characterized as domestic violence, and argued that instead, he had committed defamatory libel, a less serious criminal offense. The Court of Appeals of Coimbra granted the appeal. In its reasoning, the Court of Appeals concluded that the evidence in the record showed that the act of violence was one isolated act, without reiteration or regularity. There was no evidence that defendant had acted with cruelty, had the specific intent to humiliate the victim or cause any further damage to her personal dignity. The Court concluded that defendant committed crime of offense against bodily integrity and crime of threat with an imposition of a monetary fine.

O Defendente apresentou Recurso em face da decisão proferida pelo Tribunal Judicial da Comarca de Coimbra (1ª instância) que o condenou pelo crime de violência doméstica. As provas presentes nos autos demonstram que o Defendente proferiu ofensas, em diversas ocasiões, à sua ex-mulher e que, durante uma discussão, proferiu um soco em sua cabeça, causando-lhe dor, ansiedade e medo. O Defendente, em sede recursal, alegou que a decisão em 1ª instância se equivocou ao condená-lo pelo crime de violência doméstica, de modo que a decisão deveria ser reformada, vez que ocorrido se tratava de crime de difamação/injúria em razão das ofensas proferidas, um crime de menor potencial ofensivo. O Tribunal de Relação de Coimbra deferiu o Recurso, entendendo que as provas trazidas nos autos demonstram que o ato de violência praticado pelo Defendente se tratou de um ato isolado, sem reiteração ou regularidade. Ainda, entendeu não haver provas que o Defendente tenha agido com crueldade, com intenção de humilhar a vítima ou de causar-lhe qualquer dano à dignidade da vista. O Tribunal, por fim, condenou o Defendente pelo crime de ofensa contra a integridade física da defendente, bem como crime de ameaça, impondo-lhe uma pena pecuniária.

Argüição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental 54 (Claim of non-compliance with fundamental precept No. 54) Supremo Tribunal Federal (Supreme Federal Court of Brazil) (2012)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Gender discrimination

In 2004, the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal or “STF”) considered a claim brought by the National Trade Union of Health Workers and ANIS (Institute of Bioethics, Human Rights, and Gender) to determine whether terminating a pregnancy in which the fetus suffers from anencephaly (absence of major portion of the brain, skull, and scalp) violates the prohibition on abortion as set forth in Brazil’s Penal Code. On April 12, 2012, the STF rendered an 8-2 decision (with one abstention) that abortion in the circumstance of anencephaly is not a criminal act under the Penal Code. The majority extended a woman’s right to terminate her pregnancy to cases of anencephalic fetuses because the fetus does not have the potential for a viable life outside of the womb, and to force a woman to carry such a pregnancy to term is akin to torture. Justice Marco Aurelio and the majority held that to interpret the Penal Code to prohibit such abortions would violate a woman’s constitutional guarantees of human dignity, autonomy, privacy, and the right to health. A woman therefore may seek and receive treatment to terminate the anencephalic pregnancy without risk of criminal prosecution and without judicial involvement.

Em 2004, a Supremo Tribunal Federal – STF, quando da análise do Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental 54 formalizada pela Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Saúde – CNTS, determinou que a interrupção da gravidez de feto anencefálico não viola as proibições de realização de aborto trazidas no Código Penal. Em abri de 2012, o Pleno do STF entendeu, por 8-2 votos (com uma abstenção), pela descriminalização do aborto realizado em razão da anencefalia do feto. A maioria estendeu o direito da mulher de interromper sua gravidez a casos de fetos anencefálicos porque o feto não tem potencial para uma vida viável fora do útero, e forçar uma mulher a levar tal gravidez adiante é semelhante a tortura. O Juiz Marco Aurélio e a maioria dos juízes sustentou que interpretar o Código Penal para proibir tais abortos violaria as garantias constitucionais de dignidade humana, autonomia, privacidade e o direito à saúde da mulher. Assim, a mulher poderá procurar e receber tratamento para interromper a gravidez anencefálica sem risco de processo criminal e sem envolvimento judicial.

司法院大法官會議第617號解釋 (J.Y. Interpretation No. 617) Constitutional Court of Taiwan (2006)

Sexual violence and rape

Article 235 of the Criminal Code provides for criminal penalties for people who distribute, broadcast or sell “obscene” material, and to people who manufacture or possess obscene material “with the intent to distribute, broadcast or sell.” The Court held that the term “obscene” is not an indefinite “concept of law,” but rather includes material containing, among other things, violent or sexually abusive content. As such, the Court held that the law is a reasonable restraint on free speech and free publication. Thus, the law is constitutional and bans, among other things, material that includes violent or sexually abusive content.


平成16年(あ)2199 (2004 (A) No. 2199) 最高裁 (Supreme Court of Japan) (2005)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The defendant-husband, who had joint parental authority with his wife, forcibly took his son away from his mother. The court held that the defendant's act constituted kidnapping, as there were no special circumstances which made the defendant's actions necessary, and the act was "violent and coercive." In addition, the court found that the act of kidnapping the child could not be justified even though the defendant had parental authority.


平成14年(あ)805 (2002 (A) No. 805) 最高裁 (Supreme Court of Japan) (2003)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Trafficking in persons

The defendant-husband of Dutch nationality, married but separated from his Japanese wife, forcibly took his two-year-old daughter away from her mother with the purpose of taking her away to the Netherlands. The court held that the defendant kidnapped his daughter in a "malicious manner" when he pulled her by the legs, hanged her upside down and wedged her between his arm and waist, a criminal offense of kidnapping for the purpose of transporting the kidnapped person to a foreign country, under Article 226(1) of the Penal Code.

本件は、オランダ国籍で日本人の妻と婚姻していた被告人が、当時2歳の娘をオランダに連れ去る目的で、娘の足を引っ張り、逆さに吊るし、腕と腰の間に挟んだりして、母から娘を強制的に連れ去った事件である。 裁判所は、被告人が「悪質な方法」で娘を略取したとし、刑法第226条第1項の「国外移送略取罪」に該当するとした。

平成16年(あ)2571 (2004 (A) No. 2571) 最高裁 (Supreme Court of Japan) (2005)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual harassment, Stalking

The defendant was indicted under the Stalker Regulation Law on a charge of stalking his former girlfriend. The defendant demanded many times by email and phone that she repay costs he incurred while they were dating. The defendant sent a letter to her threatening to distribute nude photos of her if she did not unblock him on her cell phone. The Supreme Court determined that, even though he sent the letter only once, his conduct amounted to “stalking” under the Stalker Regulation Law since his conduct was as a whole persistent and repetitive.


平成19(あ)1223 (2007 (A) No. 1223) 最高裁 (Supreme Court of Japan) (2008)

Sexual violence and rape

The defendant broke into the house of the victim and, after indecently touching her, tried to escape. The victim was accidentally injured during the escape. The defendant was charged with the crime of Forcible Indecency Causing Injury. The Supreme Court concluded that, even though the injury was not directly caused by assault or intimidation, the defendant could be convicted of Forcible Indecency Causing Injury because the assault was committed closely before or after the indecent act.


Republic v. Arawaia Kiribati Court of Appeal (2013)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Statutory rape or defilement

The respondent pleaded guilty to two charges of indecent assault and two charges of defilement for repeatedly raping his wife’s 12-year-old granddaughter. When the girl reported the rapes to her grandmother, the respondent’s wife, he apologized. Later, the respondent wanted the victim to sleep with him and the victim’s grandmother told her to do so. The respondent again raped the victim. The High Court, in sentencing the respondent to two years imprisonment, considered his early plea, the seriousness of the case, and his apology to the girl. Counsel for the Republic appealed on the grounds that the two-year sentence was manifestly inadequate. The Republic argued that due to the rising prevalence of sexual offences in Kiribati, sentencing guidelines were needed. She further contended that the High Court erred in considering the respondent’s apology to the girl a mitigating factor. Relying on Kimaere v The Republic, a Kiribati Court of Appeal decision from 2005, and sentencing standards of New Zealand and Australia, the Court found that a five-year prison sentence was an appropriate starting point in defilement cases. The Court noted that in cases involving multiple offenses, it is more important that the overall sentence appropriately reflect the entirety of the defendant’s conduct rather than adding together the sentences for each offense. Determining that the respondent’s conduct justified a prison sentence of seven to eight years, the Court then reduced his sentence for his early plea to a total of five years. The Court found that the sentencing judge incorrectly weighted the respondent’s apology as a mitigating factor. The Court also held that the starting point for the indecent assault charges would have been two-and-a-half years before accounting for mitigating factors.

Attorney-General v. Mataua Kiribati Court of Appeal (2019)

Statutory rape or defilement

The respondent was convicted of two charges of defilement of a 13-year-old girl and sentenced to four years and six months of imprisonment even though the maximum punishment for each charge was life imprisonment. The Attorney General of Kiribati appealed this sentence as “manifestly inadequate.” The Court of Appeal of Kiribati allowed the appeal and delineated the proper framework for sentencing in the context of this offense. First, the court noted that the minimum sentence for defilement should be five years and that any aggravating or mitigating factors must be accounted for in the final sentencing decision. Second, a court must make an upward adjustment for any aggravating factors external to the criminal act such as a person’s relevant criminal record. Third, a court should allow a reduction of the sentence where there are mitigating factors, such as guilty pleas, expressions of genuine remorse, prior good character, cooperation with police, or the youth of the offender. Fourth, a court should reduce the sentence based on the amount of time the offender spent in custody prior to sentencing. Finally, where a sentence would be less than two years, the court should consider a suspended sentence. Considering the aggravating factor of the multiple instances of sexual abuse against the victim and the mitigating factor of the respondent’s record of past good character, the court found the initial sentence manifestly inadequate and adjusted it to six years and six months imprisonment.

釋字第623號 J.Y. Interpretation 623 Taiwan Constitutional Court (1996)

Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

In this interpretation, the Taiwan Constitutional Court upheld a criminal penalty provision of the Child and Juvenile Sexual Transaction Prevention Act (subsequently amended and retitled as the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act, or “CYSEPA”) that provided for imprisonment and monetary fines for parties publishing, broadcasting, or otherwise spreading information that may by any means induce a person to engage in an unlawful sexual transaction. The Court cited its earlier precedents holding that the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech was not absolute and that lawmakers may impose restrictions through clear and unambiguous laws. With regard to the Constitution’s Article 23 proportionality principle, the Court addressed the broad scope of the criminal penalty provision, which did not require that the information in question specifically involve or result in underage sexual transactions or inducement of children or juveniles to engage in sexual transactions. The Court noted that children and juveniles are still in danger of becoming objects of sexual transactions because of the wide distribution of such information and, therefore, distribution of such information constitutes a crime. The Court held that the criminal penalty provision in question was a rational and necessary means of achieving the significant state interest of protecting children and juveniles from becoming objects of sexual transactions and therefore was consistent with the principle of proportionality. The Court nonetheless directed competent authorities to design a “classified management system” so that readers and viewers of such information “can be strictly differentiated in light of the technological developments so as to comply with the principle of proportionality.” The current version of this criminal penalty provision, as reflected in the CYSEPA, has a narrower scope and applies to “messages that are deemed to be sufficient to seduce, arrange, suggest, or cause a child or youth to be subjected” to sexual exploitation. English translation available here.

司法院釋字第791號解釋摘要 (J.Y. Interpretation 791) Taiwan Constitutional Court (2020)

Gender discrimination, Sexual violence and rape

Article 239 of the Taiwan Criminal Code stipulates, "Anyone who has a spouse and commits adultery with another person shall be punished by imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year. The same applies to those who commit adultery." This Interpretation overrules J.Y. Interpretation No. 554 (2002), which affirmed the constitutionality of the Criminal Code’s restriction on individual sexual freedom on the grounds that such freedom was subject to restriction for the purpose of protecting the marriage and family. In this Interpretation, the Court expanded the scope of sexual autonomy under Article 22 of the Constitution and held that the infringement of the rights to sexual autonomy and of individual privacy by the criminalization of adultery fail the proportionality test in the Constitution’s Article 23. The Court found Article 239 unconstitutional because it restricted an individual's freedom to decide whether and with whom to engage in sexual activity. However, the state should generally limit the punishments for illegal acts to those detrimental to social order or public welfare. Therefore, while adultery is undoubtedly detrimental to the obligation of fidelity in a marriage and the feelings and expectations of the other party, it is not clearly detrimental to the social order or public welfare. Further, adultery mainly occurs in private. The process of discovery, prosecution, and trial inevitably interferes with personal privacy, driving the state's public power straight into the very private space of the people. Therefore, the Court found that the regulation causes more significant damage than the interest it intends to protect. This case is important not only in its recognition of a constitutionally-protected right to sexual autonomy and its emphasis on individual privacy but also because the Criminal Code provisions on adultery reportedly had been applied disproportionately against women and also to pressure women not to pursue sexual assault charges, which could lead to the woman becoming charged with adultery.


De Burca and Anderson v. Attorney General Supreme Court of Ireland (1975)

Gender discrimination

The plaintiffs were two female criminal defendants who chose to be tried by a jury and objected to the Juries Act of 1927, which excluded all women from jury pools except those who opted to be part of the potential jurors list. The Supreme Court ruled the Juries Act unconstitutional because it constituted invidious discrimination on the basis of sex.

People v. JEM Court of Criminal Appeal (2000)

Sexual violence and rape

The applicant was found guilty of four counts of sexual assault on a 15-year-old girl. He appealed on the grounds that the judge did not instruct the jury as to the danger of convicting the accused in the absence of corroboration of the victim's testimony. The Court rejected the appeal and held that the Criminal Law (Rape) Amendment leaves it to the judge's discretion whether to issue a warning about corroboration or not.

Tshabalala v. The State; Ntuli v. The State Constitutional Court of South Africa (Konstitusionele Hof van Suid Afrika) (2019)

Gender-based violence in general, Sexual violence and rape

The issue on appeal in this case was whether the doctrine of common purpose can be applied to the common law crime of rape. Under the common law, rape is an instrumentality offense, which means that the perpetrator must have committed the act himself or facilitated the offense by his conduct. The doctrine of common purpose, however, is applied when a crime is committed by a group of people “with a mutual objective intended to produce a specific result against a targeted victim.” In this case, a group of young men terrorized a township, breaking into homes, attacking occupants, and several of the attackers repeatedly raped eight women. The men were charged and convicted of eight counts of rape, respectively, seven of which were imposed based on the doctrine of common purpose. The Constitutional Court reasoned that it is unsustainable to simply characterize rape as an act of a man inserting his genitalia into an unconsenting woman’s genitalia, especially in a group rape context where the mere presence of the group results in power and dominance over the victim. Thus, it held, the law must dispose of the misguided idea that rape is only a sex crime. The Court, therefore, declared that the instrumentality approach perpetuates gender inequality and promotes discrimination because it seeks to absolve those who may not have committed the crime itself but who contributed toward the commission of the crime from liability. The Court further reasoned that the doctrine of common purpose should apply to rape because the object and purpose of the doctrine is to “overcome an otherwise unjust result… by removing the element of causation from criminal liability and replacing it with the imputing deed which cased the [crime] to all the co-perpetrators.” It observed that it is “irrational and arbitrary” to not apply the doctrine to common law rape, as opposed to murder and assault, based on the distinction that a genital organ must be used to perpetrate rape. It argued that courts should be aiming to afford the constitutional principles of equality, dignity, and the protection of bodily and psychological integrity to victims of sexual assault. Therefore, in this case, the Court observed that the applicants knowingly and with the requisite intention participated in the activities of the group and fully associated themselves with its criminal designs. Thus, the Court held them guilty of rape based on the doctrine of common purpose.

Ministerio Público con Katherine Cerna Henríquez y otros (Case Nº 445-2018) Corte de Apelaciones de Concepción (2018)

Statutory rape or defilement

The Criminal Trial Court issued a condemnatory sentence against the defendants for the repeated rape of their daughter and for other sexual crimes, including sexual abuse of a minor of less than 14 years of age and production of child pornography. The defendants sought to reverse the judgment, alleging that the Trial Court failed to consider the mental disabilities of one of the perpetrators and erred by failing to consider a lesser sentence. The Court of Appeals held that the failure of the Trial Court to consider the mental disability of the defendant was an error and should have been considered as a mitigating circumstance in sentencing. The Court of Appeals rejected the argument that the mother should have been charged solely as an accomplice because she had also actively participated in photographing the sexual abuse of the victim. The Court of Appeals reversed the judgment solely in respect to the sentencing calculation, as the crimes were of the same nature and, therefore, the Trial Court should have granted a lesser sentence. (External Link leads to the website of the Chilean Judicial System. This case is available by searching by the case number.)

El Tribunal Penal de Primera Instancia dictó sentencia condenatoria contra los imputados por la violación reiterada de su hija y por otros delitos sexuales, incluido el abuso sexual de un menor de 14 años y la producción de pornografía infantil. Los acusados ​​buscaron revocar la sentencia, alegando que el Tribunal de Primera Instancia no consideró la discapacidad mental de uno de los imputados y cometió un error al no considerar una sentencia menor. El Tribunal de Apelaciones sostuvo que el hecho de que el Tribunal de Primera Instancia no tuviera en cuenta la discapacidad mental del acusado fue un error y debería haber sido considerado como una circunstancia atenuante en la sentencia. La Corte de Apelaciones rechazó el argumento de que la madre debería haber sido acusada únicamente como cómplice porque también había participado activamente en la fotografía del abuso sexual de la víctima. La Corte de Apelaciones revocó la sentencia únicamente en lo que respecta al cálculo de la sentencia, ya que los delitos eran de la misma naturaleza y, por lo tanto, la Corte de Primera Instancia debería haber dictado una sentencia menor. (Enlace externo conduce al sitio web del Sistema Judicial de Chile. Este caso está disponible buscando por el número de caso).

Ministerio Público v. Cesar Rebolledo Espina (Case Nº 3885-2018) Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago (2018)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide

The appellant was convicted and sentenced to seven years in prison for the attempted murder of his spouse, and the conviction was upheld by the Court of Appeal. On appeal, the appellant claimed that the lower court erred by (1) failing to consider the facts as exposed by the appellant, (2) failing to take into account that the wounds suffered by the victim were not deadly, (3) refusing to consider the “voluntary and timely abandonment of the act”, (4) failing to set out its reasoning in reaching its conclusions as to the events and the injuries suffered by the victim, and (5) imposing an excessive sentence. The Court of Appeals affirmed the lower court’s decision, finding that the Trial Court considered witness testimony and set out the facts underlying the decision, which were sufficient to uphold the decision and sentence. It also found that the fact that the wounds suffered by the victim were not fatal was not inconsistent with the crime charged. Finally, it upheld the Trial Court’s determination that the appellant did not voluntarily “abandon[…] the act”, but instead was interrupted by the victim fleeing and seeking assistance from her neighbors, which were independent of the appellant’s actions. Therefore, the appellant never ended his attempt to commit the murder. The Court of Appeals upheld the sentence. (External Link leads to the website for the Chilean Judicial System. The case is available by searching for the case number.)

El recurrente fue declarado culpable y condenado a siete años de prisión por el intento de asesinato de su cónyuge, y la condena fue confirmada por el Tribunal de Apelación. En la apelación, el apelante alegó que el tribunal inferior incurrió en error al (1) no considerar los hechos expuestos por el apelante, (2) no tener en cuenta que las heridas sufridas por la víctima no eran mortales, (3) negarse a considerar el “abandono voluntario y oportuno del acto,” (4) no exponer su razonamiento para llegar a sus conclusiones sobre los hechos y las lesiones sufridas por la víctima, y ​​(5) imponer una pena excesiva. El Tribunal de Apelaciones confirmó la decisión del tribunal de primera instancia y determinó que el Tribunal de Primera Instancia consideró el testimonio de los testigos y expuso los hechos subyacentes a la decisión, que fueron suficientes para confirmar la decisión y la sentencia. Asimismo, concluyó que el hecho de que las heridas sufridas por la víctima no fueran mortales no contradecía el delito imputado. Finalmente, confirmó la determinación del Juzgado de Primera Instancia de que el recurrente no “abandonó […] el acto” voluntariamente, sino que fue interrumpido por la víctima que huyó y solicitó la asistencia de sus vecinos, quienes ayudaron, y no fue el recurrente quien detuvo el acto por si mismo. Por tanto, el recurrente nunca puso fin a su intento de cometer el asesinato. El Tribunal de Apelaciones confirmó la sentencia. (Enlace externo conduce al sitio web del Sistema Judicial chileno. El caso está disponible buscando el número de caso).

R. v. Hutchinson Supreme Court of Canada (2014)

Sexual violence and rape

The complainant agreed to sexual intercourse with her partner provided that he use a condom to prevent conception. Without the complainant’s knowledge, the accused poked holes in the condom and the complainant became pregnant. The trial judge found that the complainant had not consented to sexual intercourse without a condom and the accused was convicted of sexual assault. On appeal, the majority upheld the conviction on basis that the condom was an “essential feature” of the sexual activity. The main issue before the Supreme Court was whether the act of sabotaging a condom results in there being no consent under s.273.1(1) of the Criminal Code or should it be considered as a factor to vitiate consent under s.265(3)(c). The law prescribes a two-step test for determining whether there is consent to sexual activity. The first step requires the court to determine whether there was a voluntary agreement of the complainant to engage in the sexual activity in question and if the court finds that there was consent, the court then considers the possible presence of circumstances that would negate consent. The majority of the Supreme Court found that the consent was vitiated by fraud under s.265(3)(c).

R. v. Barton Supreme Court of Canada (2019)


The accused was charged with first degree murder of an Indigenous woman who was sex worker. The deceased was found in his hotel room. The cause of death was found to be loss of blood due to an 11cm wound in the victim’s vagina. In its opening address, the prosecution referred to the deceased as a “prostitute” and discussed how she and the accused had struck up a working relationship the night before her death. In addition, without ordering a separate hearing or considering the relevance of the evidence as is required pursuant to section 276 of the Criminal Code (evidence of complainant’s sexual history), the trial judge allowed the accused to testify at length about his previous sexual activity with the deceased. The jury acquitted the accused, but the Court of Appeal ordered a new trial on first degree murder. In the Supreme Court, the majority agreed that a new trial should be ordered, but on the lesser charge of unlawful act manslaughter. This was because the trial judge’s mistakes in not considering the relevance of evidence did not affect the decision on murder. The Supreme Court said that defences to sexual assault cannot rely on things that support myths about women and consent. The first myth being that a woman’s consent to previous sexual activity means she consents to the current act in question and the second myth being that such women might not tell the truth.

R. v. Goldfinch Supreme Court of Canada (2019)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape

The accused was charged with sexual assault of a woman he had once dated. The complainant claimed that on the night in question, she had called to the accused’s house for drinks and that he snapped, dragged her to his bedroom, hit her, and forced her to have sex with him. At trial, the accused requested that evidence of a “friends with benefits” relationship be admitted to the jury as it was important context for the jury to know. The trial judge allowed what he called the “benign” evidence to be admitted. The jury found the accused not guilty but the Court of Appeal said the evidence should not have been allowed. On appeal to the Supreme Court, the court said the evidence should not have been allowed and that it was used to suggest that as she had agreed to sex in the past, she was more likely to agree on this occasion which is exactly what the “rape shield law” (section 276 of the Criminal Code (evidence of complainant’s sexual history)) is designed to protect. The Supreme Court said that the judge should have made the accused show that the evidence was useful for some other important reason. A new trial was ordered.

Williams v. Republic of Liberia Supreme Court of Liberia (2014)

Femicide, Statutory rape or defilement

The appellants were charged with the murder of a 13-year-old girl. The Supreme Court was asked to consider whether the prosecutor proved the case beyond reasonable doubt. The victim was found hanging by rope in the appellants’ bathroom and died the same day in the hospital. The appellants brought the victim to the hospital prior to her death. Evidence showed that she had bruises on the left and right side of her neck, and she had sexual intercourse prior to her death. The grand jury indicted the appellants in the circuit Court. The Judge granted the appellants’ motion for bail. In the trial, the appellants produced multiple witnesses to testify that they were in the same house when the incident occurred. The prosecutors had two autopsy reports proving that the victim’s death was caused by sexual abuse or homicide. The Circuit Judge convicted the appellants for murder and sentenced them to death by hanging. The appellants filed a petition for the writ of certiorari for a crime not proved beyond reasonable doubt. The Supreme Court held that in the case of murder, the prosecutors are required to overcome the presumption of innocence. Here, the government failed to establish each element of the crime of murder, specifically, the government failed to prove that each of the appellants choked the victim to death, failed to prove that each of the appellants hanged her body in the bathroom in their house, and failed to prove the missing belt, which was used to tie the victim belonged to the appellants. The Supreme Court also explained that the government failed to produce the DNA specimens from the victim to test after taking the appellants’ DNA for testing, and could not produce any evidence that linked the hanging to the appellants. The Supreme Court vacated the judgment for the lower court to reconsider.

R v. Wong New South Wales District Court (2013)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The accused was charged with conducting a business involving sexual servitude, in violation of section 260.6(2) of the Criminal Code Act 1995. She pled not guilty and proceeded to trial, facing charges that she had recruited four women from Malaysia to work at a brothel. The victims entered Australia on student visas, were forced to repay AUD 5,000 each, and were not permitted to leave the brothel until they repaid that amount. The accused also threatened the women with physical violence and deportation. The Court found the work that the women were forced to perform, including being paraded in front of potential customers wearing numbers for identification, was demeaning and dehumanizing. The Court found the accused guilty on all seven counts and sentenced her to six years’ imprisonment.

R v. Netthip New South Wales District Court (2010)

Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The accused pled guilty to one count of conducting a business involving sexual servitude, in contravention of section 270.6(2) of the Criminal Code Act 1995. Between August 2005 and March 2008, the accused recruited and facilitated the placement of 11 Thai women in brothels in various Australian cities. Each of the women (except for those who worked for one particular brothel) transferred a portion of their net earnings to the accused to repay the debts they were told they owed. She was sentenced to two years and three months imprisonment.

Sieders v. R; Somsri v. R New South Wales Court of Criminal Appeal (2008)

Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

This was an appeal from convictions for violations of section 270.6(2) of the Criminal Code Act 1995, which generally prohibits forced labor. The two appellants, a married couple, ran various brothels in Sydney where five Thai women were sex workers. Four of the Thai women, while still in Thailand, signed contracts agreeing to provide sexual services in Australia. The contracts obligated each of them to repay approximately AUD 45,000 before they could keep any of their earnings. Four of the five women paid the AUD 45,000, and then continued working at the brothels. There was no dispute that the women worked in the brothels; the dispute was whether they had been subjected to sexual servitude. Following a trial, the defendants were convicted of conducting a business involving sexual servitude and sentenced to five years’ and four years’ imprisonment, respectively. Both appealed their convictions on the basis that the verdicts were unreasonable and unsupported by the evidence, that the trial judge erroneously instructed the jury on the fault element of the offense, and that their sentences were excessive. The Court of Criminal Appeal affirmed the convictions.

R v. McIvor and Tanuchit New South Wales District Court (2010)

Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The case concerns the defendants, a married couple, who kept five Thai women as slaves in a secret room in the basement of their licensed brothel in Sydney. The defendants purchased the Thai women through contacts in Thailand (for between AUD 12,500 – 15,000). Upon arriving in Australia, four of the women were informed that they owed between AUD 35,000 and 45,000 that they had to repay by working in the brothel (one of the victims was told about the debt in Thailand). The defendants confiscated the women’s passports and kept them in locked confinement either at the brothel or at their residence. The women worked extremely long hours, seven days a week. The defendants were each found guilty of five counts of intentionally possessing a slave and five counts of intentionally exercising ownership authority over a slave, in violation of section 270.3(1)(a) of the Criminal Code Act 1995. The court sentenced Mr. McIvor to 12 years’ imprisonment and Ms. Tanuchit to 11 years’ imprisonment.

R v. Lazarus Supreme Court of New South Wales (Court of Criminal Appeal) (2017)

Sexual violence and rape

In his initial trial, a jury found the accused guilty of the crime of sexual intercourse without consent. He appealed and was granted a retrial, which was a bench trial (no jury). The focus of the retrial was whether the complainant had consented and, if not, whether the accused knew. The complainant (then 18) and the accused (then 21) met at a Sydney nightclub. Soon after meeting, and after having danced and kissed on the dance floor, the accused anally penetrated the complainant in an alleyway behind the club. During the retrial, the court did not believe that the complainant “by her actions, herself meant to consent to sexual intercourse and in her own mind was not consenting to sexual intercourse,” but the issue was “[w]hether or not the accused knew that she was not consenting.” The court held that the accused did not know that the complainant had not consented. In reaching its decision, the court noted that the complainant did “not say ‘stop’ or ‘no.’ She did not take any physical action to move away from the intercourse or attempted intercourse.” The court accepted that the “series of circumstances on the early morning of 12 May 2013 amounts to reasonable grounds, in the circumstances for the accused to have formed the belief […] that in fact the complainant was consenting to what was occurring even though it was quick, unromantic, they had both been drinking and in the case of both of them may not occurred if each had been sober.” The court acquitted the accused on the basis that the “the Crown ha[d] [not] made out the third element, namely to prove that the accused had no reasonable grounds for believing that the complainant was not consenting…” The court’s judgment of acquittal was upheld on appeal. This case is important because it led to the NSW Attorney General requesting that the NSW Law Reform Commission review section 61HA of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) in order to determine if the law should be amended to better protect victims. District Court re-trail decision available here: http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/556710/27630007/1500427752463/Tupman_Lazarus.pdf?token=mHtsYtApoYyV2KbtbIvqb0GxWmc%3D

Sawyer-Thompson v. The Queen Supreme Court of Victoria Court of Appeal (2018)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

After pleading guilty to defensive homicide and being sentenced, the applicant appealed her sentence. The applicant’s violent and abusive partner, Mr. Mifsud, had compelled the applicant to kill the victim, Mr. Nankervis, by threatening to kill her family unless she killed Mr. Nankervis. The sentencing judge described the applicant’s offense as a “very grave example” of defensive homicide on the basis that Mr. Nankervis was innocent, Mr. Mifsud was absent at the time of the killing so the applicant could have gone to the police, and because the attack on Mr. Nankervis was extremely violent and disturbing. However, on appeal, the Court of Appeal found that the sentence (10 years imprisonment) imposed by the judge was manifestly excessive. The Court of Appeal had regard to the litany of cruel, humiliating, and violent acts that Mr. Mifsud had subjected the applicant to throughout their 12-month relationship, and Mr. Mifsud’s substantial criminal history. The Court of Appeal also considered the applicant’s youth (she was 19 at the time of the offense), her contrition in pleading guilty, and the effect of the violence on her state of mind, which made it “exceptionally difficult” for her to resist the requests of those in positions of influence. The Court of Appeal found that there was no basis for drawing an adverse inference from the disproportionate violence used to kill Mr. Nankervis. Instead, against the background of family violence, the violence was indicative of the applicant’s fear that Mr. Mifsud would kill her family.

Director of Public Prosecutions v. Lade Supreme Court of Victoria Court of Appeal (2017)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape, Stalking

The respondent had previously been sentenced to 16 months’ imprisonment after pleading guilty to six charges relating to sexually assaulting, stalking, and threatening to kill his ex-wife, as well as attempting to pervert the course of justice (saying that he would kill himself if the victim did not drop the charges against him), and violating a family-violence intervention order. The Director of Public Prosecutions appealed this sentence, arguing that it was “manifestly inadequate.” Upon consideration of the gravity of the offending conduct, its effect on the victim, and aggravating features such as the existence of the intervention order, the Court of Appeal reversed the sentence. The court found that the previous decision gave too much weight to mitigating factors, some of which should not have been taken into account at all, such as the judge’s finding that the respondent regarded “now at least the relationship as [being] over.” He was re-sentenced to two years and 11 months imprisonment with a non-parole period of two years.

Director of Public Prosecutions v. Paulino Supreme Court of Victoria at Melbourne: Criminal Division (2017)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide

The defendant had been found guilty of murdering his estranged wife in her home. This decision concerned his sentence. The court noted that “family violence” or “gender-based violence” are not separate crimes, but instead categorical descriptions of the relevant crime (here, murder), and that standard sentencing principles apply. The court condemned “family violence in the strongest possible terms” and stressed that general deterrence, denunciation, and just punishment were strong sentencing considerations. In accordance with the Sentencing Act 1991 (Vic), the court considered factors such as the gravity of the offense of murder, the premeditated nature of the offense, as well as the trauma that the victim’s death had imposed upon her family members and friends. The court also gave weight to the fact that a family-violence intervention order had been in place for the victim’s safety, and that the defendant showed no remorse and maintained his innocence. The court discussed the approach adopted by the police and the courts in relation to family violence, and noted that the evolution of society’s values in relation to the treatment of women must be taken into account in sentencing. The court sentenced the defendant to 30 years’ imprisonment (without parole-eligibility for 25 years).

Uzun v. The Queen Supreme Court of Victoria Court of Appeal (2015)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The applicant and his wife had been married for 24 years, but had been separated for approximately eight years at the time of the offense. The applicant was convicted of several charges, including aggravated burglary, breach of a family intervention order, making a threat to kill, and common assault. The applicant had entered the victim’s home, breaching a family-violence intervention order, and threatened to kill the victim verbally and by holding a knife to her throat. The applicant also threatened to shoot his estranged wife with a genuine-looking imitation firearm. Following a trial, the applicant was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment. On appeal, the applicant argued that the trial judge erred in admitting tendency evidence, that the sentence was manifestly excessive, and that the trial judge failed to take into account the “crushing effect” of the sentence. The Supreme Court affirmed the conviction and sentence, reasoning that “general deterrence is important in cases such as this of violence against domestic partners, so as to deter other like-minded individuals from similar offending.” The Court further reasoned that “sentences imposed for family violence should be set at a level which will send a message to those — predominantly men — who might offend violently against domestic partners or former partners or family members.” The Court also forwarded a copy of its decision to the Royal Commission on Family Violence, which was underway in Victoria at that time.

Director of Public Prosecutions v. Bracken Supreme Court of Victoria at Melbourne: Criminal Division (2014)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

This decision concerned the admissibility in a murder trial of expert evidence regarding the effects of family violence. The defendant argued self-defense, claiming that because of the deceased’s physical and verbal violence towards him, he reasonably believed that he had to kill her in order to prevent her from killing or seriously injuring the defendant or his father. The expert evidence in question was a general report on family violence, which considered (among other things) the cumulative psychological and social effects of family violence on an abused person. The Court found that the evidence was admissible on the basis of section 9AH of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic). This section of the Crimes Act was enacted on the recommendation of the Victorian Law Reform Commission in 2004, to ensure that juries have the benefit of the current state of knowledge regarding family violence. The Commission expressed the view that, although community awareness about family violence was improving, there was “widespread misunderstanding about the nature and dynamics of abusive relationships and their impact.”

Republic v. Orero High Court of Kenya at Nairobi (Nairobi Law Courts) (2008)

Femicide, Sexual harassment, Stalking

The defendant was charged with murder by stabbing the deceased woman. The prosecution presented evidence that the accused had stalked the deceased for days, at school and at home, and he had threatened to kill the deceased. Four days before the murder, the deceased, her father, and her brother visited the home of the defendant and his brother, with whom the defendant lived, about the defendant’s harassment and stalking of the deceased. Witnesses testified that the defendant became angry at the accusations and falsely accused the deceased of following him. After, the defendant’s brother agreed, as the defendant’s guardian, to stop the defendant’s harassment and stalking of the deceased. At the murder scene, a road near the entrance to the deceased’s school, the police recovered the murder weapon, a bloody knife. After the murder, the defendant attempted suicide and was taken to a hospital where doctors found photographs of the deceased and a note indicating that the accused had pledged himself to commit suicide and to cause the death of the deceased at the same time. Based on the evidence, the court found the defendant guilty of murder and sentenced him to death.

A.L.F., Case No. 90-C-2014 Sala de lo Penal de la Corte Supreme de Justicia (Penal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice) (2014)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide

This case is a cassation appeal from a lower court judgment. The judge found the defendant guilty of attempted femicide in violation of Article 45 of the Special Comprehensive Law for a Violence-free Life for Women (Ley Especial Integral para una Vida Libre de Violencia) (“LEIV”) and sentenced him to 10 years in prison. In the underlying case, the defendant rammed the plaintiff, his ex-girlfriend, with his car against the wall twice, causing her grave injuries. A court of appeals upheld the trial court’s verdict on the basis that (1) the LEIV was the appropriate law to apply (ins the Penal Code) and (2) there was sufficient evidence to prove that the defendant had the mental state required for a conviction of attempted femicide. The defendant further appealed the verdict to the cassation court on the grounds that the LEIV is innapplicable in that it regulates acts that are already regulated by the Penal Code, which conflicts with it Article 478. Additionally, he argues that Article 45 of the LEIV states that it is indeed a double regulation of the Penal Code and may not substitute it. He concludes his appeal by arguing that as per §1 of the Penal Code, it is the exclusive form of criminal regulation, which should have been applied. The court upheld the lower court’s rulings on the basis that the decision to charge the defendant under the LEIV (as opposed to the Penal Code) was based on a determination of the specific facts, and not as a matter of law. The court added that the appeal was based on theory of the law rather than on specific law-to-facts application. Furthermore, the defendant did not argue the specific facts, which, in his opinion, made the statute inapplicable to his case. The sentence was upheld.

Este caso es la apelación de la sentencia del tribunal inferior. El juez declaró al acusado culpable de intento de femicidio, en violación del Artículo 45 de la Ley Integral Especial para una Vida Libre de Violencia para la Mujer ("LEIV") y lo sentenció a 10 años en prisión. En el caso subyacente, el acusado embistió a la demandante, su ex novia, con su automóvil contra la pared dos veces, causándole graves heridas. Un tribunal de apelaciones confirmó el veredicto del tribunal de primera instancia sobre la base de que (1) el LEIV era la ley apropiada para aplicar (en el Código Penal) y (2) había pruebas suficientes para demostrar que el acusado tenía el estado mental requerido para una condena por intento de femicidio. El acusado apeló una vez mas el veredicto ante el tribunal de casación, alegando que el LEIV no era la ley aplicable, ya que regula actos que ya están regulados por el Código Penal, lo cual hace que entre en conflicto con el artículo 478. Además, el acusado argumenta que el artículo 45 de la LEIV se establece a si mismo como una doble regulación del Código Penal y no puede sustituirlo. Concluye su apelación argumentando que, según §1 del Código Penal, es la forma exclusiva de regulación penal, que debería haberse aplicado. El tribunal afirmó las decisiones del tribunal inferior sobre la base de que la decisión de acusar al acusado bajo el LEIV (en oposición al Código Penal) se basó en una determinación de los hechos específicos, y no como una cuestión de derecho legal. El tribunal agregó que la apelación se basó en la teoría de la ley y no en la aplicación específica de la ley a los hechos. Además, el acusado no argumentó los hechos específicos, lo que, en su opinión, hizo que la ley no fuera aplicable a su caso. La sentencia fue afirmada.

Appellate Court decision (271-2013, Camara de Segunda Instancia de la Tercera Deccion de Oriente) available here: http://www.jurisprudencia.gob.sv/DocumentosBoveda/D/1/2010-2019/2014/02/B6F78.PDF

Trial Court decision (262-2013, Tribunal de Sentencia de Union) available here: http://www.jurisprudencia.gob.sv/busqueda/showFile.php?bd=1&data=DocumentosBoveda%2FD%2F1%2F2010-2019%2F2013%2F11%2FB7B6F.PDF&number=752495&fecha=12/11/2013&numero=262-2013&cesta=0&singlePage=false

Decisión 364/2016 Corte Suprema - Sala de lo Penal (Supreme Court - Criminal Chamber) (2016)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The defendant appealed a lower court decision, arguing that it violated the principle of innocence until proven guilty. The defendant argued that the majority of the evidence against him was the testimony of the complainant, his wife, accusing him of domestic violence. The Supreme Court ruled that witness testimony can be in and of itself sufficient and that judges are free to rule based on the evidence presented before them. In this case, the witness testimony and corroborating evidence were sufficient for the Court to find that there had been habitual physical or psychological violence (Article 173 of the Criminal Code). As stated by the Court, this crime “punishes the aggressor’s imposition of a climate of violence and domination; of a psychological and moral toxic atmosphere, in which the victim is annulled and their free development as a person is inhibited, precisely due to the fear, humiliation, and anguish which are induced in such environment.”

El acusado apeló una decisión del tribunal inferior, argumentando que su condena violó el principio de inocencia hasta que se demuestre su culpabilidad. El acusado argumentó que la mayoría de las pruebas en su contra eran el testimonio de la demandante, su esposa, acusándolo de violencia doméstica. La Corte Suprema dictaminó que el testimonio de los testigos puede ser en sí mismo suficiente y que los jueces son libres de decidir sobre la base de la evidencia presentada ante ellos. En este caso, el testimonio de los testigos y las pruebas corroborantes fueron suficientes para que el Tribunal constatara que había habido violencia física o psicológica habitual (artículo 173 del Código Penal). Según lo declarado por el Tribunal, este delito “castiga la imposición del agresor de un clima de violencia y dominación; de una atmósfera tóxica psicológica y moral, en la que se anula a la víctima y se inhibe su libre desarrollo como persona, precisamente debido al miedo, la humillación y la angustia que se inducen en dicho entorno.”

Case No. B 1041-01 – the Prosecutor v. M.N. Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge (Court of Appeal of Skåne and Blekinge) (2002)

Gender discrimination, Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

M.N. was convicted for attempting to purchase sexual services from a woman, which is a criminal act under Chapter 6 Section 11 and Chapter 23 Section 1 of the Swedish Penal Code. The court considered whether the “attempt point” had been reached, which is a prerequisite for the attempt to be punishable. To constitute a criminal attempt, it is required that the offender begin the crime without reaching its completion. There must also be a risk that the act will lead to the completion of the crime. For purchases of sexual services the attempt point is reached when an offer of payment has been made. Here, the parties agreed to have sex in the woman’s apartment and agreed on the price. M.N. had access to money and they were on their way to the woman’s apartment when the police stopped them. Therefore, the Court ruled that M.N. had begun the crime and that the attempt point had been reached. The Court also found that the danger of completing the crime was imminent. Thus, M.N. was sentenced to 40 daily fines for his attempt to purchase sexual services.

Case No. B 1038-03 - E.O. v. S.M. through the Prosecutor General Högsta domstolen (Supreme Court) (2003)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

A man, E.O., repeatedly physically assaulted his wife, S.M., and threatened to kill her. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of S.M. and expanded the definition of domestic violence in Sweden, stating that the victim’s entire situation is relevant when assessing gross violations of a person’s integrity, not just a single act. The court further ruled that the injurious acts must only be of a type that would typically lead to a serious injury to a person’s self-confidence, as opposed to having led to serious injury to this particular person’s self-confidence.

Case No. B 1195-13 – C.J. through the Prosecutor General v. R.Z. Högsta domstolen (Supreme Court) (2013)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape

R.Z. sexually assaulted his female partner, C.J., with his fingers. During this action, R.Z. threatened to hurt her. In their testimony, the parties both said that he had done so to check whether the plaintiff had been cheating. The question was thus whether the act could be considered non-sexual. However, under the Swedish Penal Code, one of the prerequisites for an act to be classified as rape (Chapter 6 Section 1 first paragraph) or the subsidiary, sexual compulsion (Chapter 6 Section 2), is that it must be sexual. The Supreme Court considered whether the defendant’s intention could affect whether the act was a sexual act under the Swedish Penal Code. The Supreme Court ruled that it was inherently sexual. The intention behind the act does not matter. Furthermore, without the victim’s consent, the act constitutes a serious violation of her sexual integrity. The Supreme Court further found that the sexual act can be compared to sexual intercourse, which is another prerequisite for the act to be considered rape. Hence, the Supreme Court ruled that R.Z.’s act should be classified as rape.

Case No. B 4003-14 – L.I. v. B.B. Högsta domstolen (Supreme Court) (2015)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

A woman, L.I., suffered extensive injuries from being dropped from her balcony by her husband, B.B. From text messages between the parties during the night of the event, it was clear that L.I. was upset about something B.B. had done and it was clear that L.I. did not want B.B. to return to the apartment. The Supreme Court stated that in criminal cases, the prosecutor has the burden of proof. For conviction, it must be proven beyond reasonable doubt that the defendant has committed the crime for which he is prosecuted, which is normally difficult in these types of cases. L.I.’s memory of that night was incomplete but she remembered that B.B. had carried her to the balcony. Neighbors’ testimonies, the text messages, technical and forensic evidence all supported L.I’s testimony about the event. The Court ruled that it was proven beyond reasonable doubt that B.B. was guilty of attempted murder, for which he was sentenced to 14 years in prison. This case has become a landmark decision in Sweden regarding the evaluation of evidence in so-called “balcony cases.”

Case No. B 2590-16 – F.L. through the Prosecutor General v. W.B.F. Högsta domstolen (Supreme Court) (2017)

Sexual violence and rape

A man, W.B.F., put his cell phone camera under a woman’s skirt and took pictures of her on an escalator in a subway station in Stockholm. The woman, F.L., did not notice the picture being taken, but was made aware of it shortly thereafter. Under Swedish law, taking insulting pictures of another person is prohibited only if the person being photographed is inside a house or in another location especially purposed for privacy. However, under Chapter 6 Section 10 of the Swedish Penal Code, one who by word or act molests another person in a sense that is intended to violate the person’s sexual integrity may be convicted for sexual molestation. The assessment must be made objectively. The Supreme Court found that the regulation must include situations where the offender does not physically touch the victim, and the victim does not notice the violation. If the act constitutes a clear offense of the victim’s right over his or her body, it should be equated with an act that involves physical touch. Hence, the Supreme Court ruled that W.B.F. should be convicted for sexual molestation and sentenced him to 60 daily fines of SEK 50 each, an amount which was based on his economic situation.

Case No. B 3552-17 – E.K. v. Secrecy D. through the Prosecutor General Högsta domstolen (Supreme Court) (2018)

Sexual violence and rape

The Swedish Supreme Court ruled that a man, E.K., who filmed a rape and broadcasted it live on Facebook committed the crime of aggravated defamation, as opposed to the separate crime of failing to report an ongoing rape. The defendant filmed and "live-streamed" two other men raping a woman (Secrecy D). The Uppsala District Court and the Court of Appeal in Stockholm convicted E.K. of failing to report the rape and of aggravated defamation, but not in aiding in the rape. The Swedish Supreme Court reasoned that because E.K. was initially prosecuted for involvement in the crime, he could not also be prosecuted for failure to report it, as fear of prosecution is a legal defense to a crime of failure to report. The Swedish Supreme Court further examined whether the Swedish Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression was applicable to the broadcast on Facebook, but found that it was not. E.K. was sentenced to four months’ imprisonment.

Case No. B 2955-18 – R.A. through the Public Prosecutor v. S.B. and N.I. Högsta domstolen (Supreme Court) (2019)

Forced and early marriage, Harmful traditional practices, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

A 16-year-old girl, R.A., a resident of Sweden, was taken to Iraq by her family, where she lived in a marriage-like relationship with a man for eight months before she was allowed to return to Sweden. According to Chapter 4 Section 4(c) of the Swedish Penal Code, a person is convicted for forced marriage for inducing another person into a marriage-like relationship, if it is concluded under rules that apply within a group and means that the parties are considered to be spouses and to have rights and obligations towards each other. In Iraq, R.A. took part in a wedding ceremony, during which, according to her relatives, she married the man in question. After the ceremony, she was brought to a room where she had intercourse with the man. After the wedding, R.A. and the man lived together in the same room. During R.A’s stay in Iraq, it was a part of her obligations to have a sexual relationship with the man and to, in the daytime, take care of him and the household. The Svea Court of Appeal ruled that R.A. had been a victim of forced marriage. The court sentenced the parents, S.B. and N.I. to compensate R.A. with SEK 120,000 for forced marriage and SEK 5,000 for unlawful threat.

Case No. B 4878-18 – The Prosecutor General v. L.N. Högsta domstolen (Supreme Court) (2019)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

A man was sentenced to nine years in prison in the Skane and Blekinge Court of Appeal for approximately 100 cases of rape and other sexual offenses against a child over the course of five years. The Swedish Supreme Court ruled that when assessing the penalty value for repeated serious sexual offenses against the same plaintiff, the court must weigh the connection between the crimes and their characteristics. When the perpetrator has committed crimes for a long time against the same person, the victim is often vulnerable and in a constrained situation. There is therefore particular reason to consider the effects of the crime on the victim. Considering these factors, the Supreme Court increased the sentence to 12 years' imprisonment.

Nos. 2 BvF 2/90, 2 BvF 4/92, and 2 BvF 5/92 Bundesverfassungsgerichts (Federal Constitutional Court) (1993)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

The court held that “Basic Law” (Grundgesetz, also referred to as the German constitution) protects the rights of unborn fetus. In order to protect these rights, the court held that termination of a pregnancy should be viewed as categorically wrong and prohibited by law. The court notes that there may be situations where the rights of the unborn fetus conflict with the rights of the mother (as similarly protected by Article 1, Paragraph 1 of the Basic Law). In such a case, the court says that the rights of the mother will not be protected because such protection involves the act of “killing” the unborn fetus. The court notes that is “exceptional” circumstances it may be permissible to allow a woman to terminate a pregnancy. The court says that it is up to the legislature to determine what constitutes an exceptional circumstance. The court further holds that it would be permissible for the state to abstain from criminally punishing abortion, so long as the state implemented a counseling system designed to talk women out of terminating a pregnancy. According with the court, termination of a pregnancy will only be considered justified (not illegal) if it is determined upon counseling that there are exceptional circumstances. This case is significant because it demonstrates that, although abortion is still technically illegal in Germany, the state has allowed it to go unpunished in certain circumstances.

AZ: 500DS 501JS 15031/15 (2017)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

In this case a doctor was held criminally liable under section 219a of the Criminal Code for publishing information about abortion services on the her website. The doctor argued that she was not "advertising" abortion (which is prohibited by law under section 219a) but merely providing information on abortions. The court disagreed, holding that the downloadable PDF on the doctor's website that contained information about abortions fell under the prohibited conduct of section 219a. The doctor was required to pay a fine of 6000 Euros (150 euros per day over the course of 40 days).

M.N. v. Republic High Court of Kenya (2015)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

The appellant, M.N., was charged with attempt to procure abortion, contrary to Section 158 of the penal code, which provides the “any person who, with intent to procure miscarriage of a woman, whether she is or is not with child, unlawfully administers to her or causes her to take any poison or other noxious thing, or uses any force of any kind, or uses any other means whatever is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for fourteen years.” Four witnesses testified for the prosecution, including complainant, who was 15 years old, told the court that the appellant, who was her teacher, invited her to his home on several occasions and made advances at her. She also testified that they eventually had sexual intercourse, which led to her pregnancy, and that the appellant provided a “doctor”, who was never arrested or charged, to procure an abortion. The complainant’s grandmother, one of the witnesses, testified that she also observed the “doctor”, but gave a different account of his actions than the complainant’s. The complainant later gave birth to a healthy baby. The appellant denied having a sexual relationship with the complainant and attempting to procure an abortion. The court held that the trial court convicted appellant based on its suspicion that he was responsible for the complainant’s pregnancy and that he provided the “doctor” who attempted to procure an abortion, but that suspicion was insufficient to sustain the conviction. The High Court thus set aside the conviction and sentence.

Republic v. Ratemo High Court of Kenya (2018)

Acid violence, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide

The accused appeared at his former girlfriend’s kitchen window from outside and poured an acid-like substance on her. The substance was later determined to be sulfuric acid. The victim suffered first and second degree burns over 60% of her body, which resulted in a complication in the form of pneumonia in both lungs and caused her death. The court found that the prosecution proved its case beyond reasonable doubt and convicted the accused of murder. The court decided not to impose the death penalty and instead sentenced the accused to 15 years imprisonment because he was a first-time offender, it was an “offence of passion”, he was 22 years old, and he had a one-month-old child.

R. v. R. House of Lords (1991)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape

In R v. R, the House of Lords determined that spousal rape is not exempt from criminal punishment. The defendant, R, was convicted of attempting to rape his wife. He appealed the conviction pursuant to the marital rape exemption under common law, arguing it was not legally possible for a husband to rape his wife. Both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords upheld the rape conviction, holding that no marital rape exemption exists under English law.

Mondal v. State Of West Bengal Supreme Court of India (1998)

Sexual violence and rape

The trial court convicted the appellant of murdering her brother-in-law, which the High Court confirmed. On appeal, the Supreme Court found that the trial court based its conviction solely on the appellant's confession to killing the deceased with a katari (type of dagger). However, the appellant also stated that the deceased had attacked and attempted to rape her before she grabbed the katari and used it in self-defense. The Supreme Court held that the circumstances of this case constituted valid self-defense to prevent rape pursuant to Indian Criminal Code Section 100 and thus acquitted the appellant.

Guerra Abreu, Sentencia núm. 5 Suprema Corte de Justicia (2018)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The defendant was convicted of assault, violence against women, and domestic violence. He appealed, arguing that the court lacked sufficient objective evidence for conviction. The Supreme Court denied the appeal, noting that the lower court did not only consider the victim’s testimony, but also examined medical evidence submitted by the National Institute of Forensic Sciences (Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses). The medical evidence demonstrated that the victim suffered injuries, that the defendant caused those injuries, and that the victim suffered from battered women’s syndrome, also caused by the defendant. The Supreme Court found that this evidence constituted sufficient grounds for the conviction and that there had been no error—procedural or substantive—in the lower court’s findings. This decision provides a helpful description of the types of evidence required to secure a conviction for domestic violence in the Dominican Republic.

El acusado fue condenado por agresión y violencia contra la mujer y por violencia doméstica. Apeló, argumentando que el tribunal carecía de pruebas objetivas suficientes para la condena. La Corte Suprema denegó la apelación, señalando que el tribunal de primera instancia no solo había considerado el testimonio de la víctima, sino que también examinó las pruebas médicas presentadas por el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses. Las pruebas médicas demostraron que la víctima había sufrido lesiones, que el imputado causó esas lesiones y que la víctima padecía el síndrome de la mujer maltratada, también causado por el imputado. La Corte Suprema determinó que estas pruebas constituían un fundamento suficiente para la condena y que no había habido error, procesal o sustantivo, en las conclusiones del tribunal inferior. Esta decisión proporciona una descripción útil de los tipos de pruebas necesarias para asegurar una condena por violencia doméstica en la República Dominicana.

Sentencia nº 1002-2013SP Sala de Lo Penal de la Corte Nacional de Justicia (Criminal Chamber of the National Court of Justice) (2013)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

During the night of August 14, 2009, the respondent and another man raped the complainant, a 15-year-old girl, in a motel. The victim testified that she had been given a drink that caused her to fall asleep. When she awoke, the the appellant asked her to accompany him and his companion. When she refused, they forcibly restrained her and transported her to the motel in a truck where they raped her. The appellant was sentenced to 12 years of extraordinary imprisonment (“reclusión mayor extraordinaria”) for the crime. He appealed his sentence to the criminal chamber of the National Court of Justice. The appellant argued that the complainant’s testimony was unreliable. The National Court of Justice denied the appeal, noting that the protection of minors and adolescents against sexual violence is an important government priority, and the rights of this vulnerable group are protected by the Constitution. Furthermore, the National Court of Justice agreed with the lower court’s assessment of the complainant’s testimony, noting that crimes like rape are necessarily perpetrated in private or otherwise hidden and thus there would be likely few witnesses beyond the complainant herself. The lower court, therefore, appropriately afforded the complainant’s testimony particular importance when determining the defendant’s guilt. The court also noted that competent doctors and psychologists who examined the complainant also testified and corroborated aspects of her testimony.

Durante la noche del 14 de agosto del 2009, el demandado y otro hombre violaron a la denunciante, una joven de 15 años, en un motel. La víctima declaró que le habían dado una bebida que la hizo quedarse dormida. Cuando se despertó, el apelante le pidió que lo acompañara a él y a su acompañante. Cuando ella se negó, la sujetaron por la fuerza y ​​la trasladaron al motel en una camioneta donde la violaron sexualmente. El apelante fue condenado a 12 años de prisión extraordinaria (“reclusión mayor extraordinaria”) por el delito. Él discutió su sentencia ante la Sala Penal de la Audiencia Nacional. El apelante argumentó que el testimonio de la autora no era correcto. La Corte Nacional de Justicia denegó el pedido, señalando que la protección de menores y adolescentes contra la violencia sexual era una prioridad importante del gobierno y los derechos de este grupo vulnerable están protegidos por la Constitución. Además, la Corte Nacional de Justicia estuvo de acuerdo con la evaluación del tribunal de primera instancia del testimonio de la autora, señalando que delitos como la violación son necesariamente perpetrados en privado o de otra manera encubiertos y, por lo tanto, probablemente habría pocos testigos además de la propia víctima. Por lo tanto, el tribunal de primera instancia concedió una importancia especial al testimonio del autor al determinar la culpabilidad del acusado. El tribunal también señaló que los médicos y psicólogos competentes que habían examinado a la denunciante también testificaron y corroboraron aspectos de su testimonio.

PAKR Nr. 39/2015 Gjykata e Apelit (Court of Appeals) (2016)

Custodial violence, Gender violence in conflict, Gender-based violence in general, International law, Sexual violence and rape

Four defendants were charged with War Crimes against the Civilian Population in violation of Article 152 of the Criminal Code of Kosovo and the Geneva Conventions, for variously beating “A” and “B,” both Kosovar Albanian female civilians, raping A, and subjecting them to a mock execution. All the defendants were acquitted by the Basic Court. On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the Basic Court’s acquittal of two of the defendants as the victims could not positively testify about their participation, and no other evidence conclusively linked them to the crimes. However, the panel held that the lower court failed to fully adjudicate the mock execution charge. It also dismissed as “incomprehensible” the first instance court’s ruling that there was no credible evidence that the victims had direct contact with S.S. (one of the remaining defendants who allegedly beat them), noting the victims’ testimony indicated they were certain of the identity of the defendant. The tribunal held that the lower court’s refusal to allow an in-court identification of S.S. was a violation of the Criminal Procedure Code. While the appellate court agreed that witness identification should be approached with great caution, here the victims had the opportunity to see the defendant clearly for an extended time. The panel disagreed that witness testimonies are by default unreliable, explaining that they are entitled to the same evidentiary value and analysis as any other evidence and in certain cases the victim’s testimony is the only available evidence. The appellate court then pointed out the lower court’s contradiction with regard to the rape charge: it accepted that A was kidnapped, and also that there were intercourses while she was in captivity, yet then assumed that the intercourses may have occurred with consent, only because A and H.2. (the defendant accused of raping her), had an earlier intimate relationship. The tribunal held that it was absurd to assume that someone in captivity would be able to validly express consent, and even if A did consent due to the Stockholm Syndrome, a traumatic bonding of that kind would be a psychological condition and “any consent expressed by a victim in such circumstances would hardly be considered legally valid.” The appellate court further ruled that the events took place during a war, and consent in such a coercive environment would be “void by default,” citing the definition of rape in the case law of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. On the question of whether H.2.’s actions constituted a war crime, the panel held that it was irrelevant whether he had any association with the military. The relevant factors were instead whether there was an ongoing armed conflict, whether it was governed by international or domestic conflict norms, whether the victims were protected persons under international law, and whether there was a causal link between the armed conflict and the offense. The Court of Appeals remanded the case to the Basic Court to clarify facts on the mock execution and the involvement of H.2. in the alleged rape, and to conduct an in-court identification of S.S. (Also available in English.)

Ap.-Kz. Nr. 466/2011 Gjykata Supreme e Kosovës (Supreme Court of Kosovo) (2012)

Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

In the prosecution of an international human trafficking ring, B.D., a nightclub owner, was charged with Facilitating Prostitution in violation of Article 201 of the Provisional Criminal Code of Kosovo, for recruiting and organizing 16 Moldovan women for prostitution. His co-defendants B.J., M.G., and S.Z. were immigration officials charged with Abusing Official Position and Smuggling of Migrants in violation of Articles 339 and 138 of the Criminal Code, for enabling 35 illegal immigrants – mostly Moldovan women – to enter Kosovo, including by issuing fake identification documents to them, with the motive of obtaining unlawful material benefits for themselves. B.D. was found guilty by the District Court, while B.J., M.G., and S.Z. were acquitted. On appeal, the Supreme Court observed that the District Court based B.D.’s guilt exclusively on text messages sent to his mobile phone asking to make reservations to meet with various individuals identified only by nicknames. The challenged judgment did not clarify the identities of the persons behind the nicknames and did not assess whether they were indeed the alleged victims identified in the indictment. The lower court’s decision also made no reference to the statements of the alleged victims, particularly whether the statements corresponded to and corroborated the contents of the text messages. The court further held that the District Court’s judgment did not contain sufficient reasoning a proper assessment of the evidence regarding B.J., M.G., and S.Z’s alleged enabling of illegal immigration. The tribunal also faulted the lower court for failing to determine the complete facts, including the immigration registration system, movements of large sums in the defendants’ bank accounts, and transcripts of intercepted communications between the defendants. Accordingly, the Supreme Court annulled the District Court’s verdict and remanded for retrial. (Also available in English.)

AP-Ki. Nr. 192/2010 Gjykata Supreme e Kosovës (Supreme Court of Kosovo) (2010)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide

The defendant husband held enduring suspicions that the late victim, his wife, was involved in an extramarital affair, and required her to seek permission to leave their home without his or their children’s accompaniment. The victim one day attempted to leave the house without the defendant’s permission, resulting in an argument in which he shot and killed her. The defendant was charged with Aggravated Murder under Article 147 of the Provisional Criminal Code of Kosovo, found guilty, and sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment. The defendant appealed, arguing that the offense is Murder Committed in a State of Mental Distress (Art. 148) rather than Aggravated Murder, because he at the time of the shooting had reacted to the victim’s insult and did not act out of jealousy. The Supreme Court rejected the argument and ruled that the court of first instance correctly qualified the crime as Aggravated Murder rather than Murder Committed in a State of Mental Distress. The court reasoned that the offense of Murder Committed in a State of Mental Distress did not apply because Article 148 requires that the mental distress happen through no fault of the accused, whereas in this case the victim’s insult was a reaction to the defendant’s previous false accusations, personal offenses, and even physical mistreatment. The tribunal further held that the court of first instance correctly found that the defendant had killed his wife for base motives as required for Aggravated Murder under Article 147, explaining that the defendant did not only kill his wife out of jealousy, but also because she had “dared” to attempt to leave the house without his permission. This reaction demonstrates the defendant’s belief that he was entitled to decide his wife’s right to exist, a “ruthlessly selfish concept” that showed “utmost disrespect for the natural right of another human being to live and is as such a base motive.” Accordingly, the sentence was appropriate. (Also available in English.)

PKL-KZZ-137/2011 Gjykata Supreme e Kosovës (Supreme Court of Kosovo) (2012)

Sexual violence and rape

The defendant was added to an expanded ongoing rape investigation against his associates, charged and convicted of rape in violation of Article 193 of the Criminal Code of Kosovo, and sentenced to three years of imprisonment. Following the Supreme Court’s affirmation of the first instance court’s judgment, the prosecutor filed a Request for Protection of Legality in favor of the defendant, claiming that the court of first instance failed to assess relevant evidence in favor of the defendant and based its decision on evidence which did not meet the requisite standard of “beyond any reasonable doubt.” In particular, the prosecutor argued that the conviction was based on the statement of the alleged victim in court, corroborated only by hearsay, that the victim in the immediate early stages of the police investigation did not claim the defendant had committed any crimes against her, and that her allegations against the defendant were evolving and increasing with time. The prosecutor noted that there was an absence of medical and physical evidence to support the conviction, and the police officers involved were not interviewed. The Supreme Court rejected the Request. The court first repudiated the notion that “beyond any reasonable doubt” was the requisite standard of proof under Kosovar law. It then noted that the hearsay was a direct confirmation that the victim had reported the rape to the witness. The tribunal dismissed the prosecutor’s argument that there was no physical evidence, because of the way the rape was committed – without physical violence as the victim surrendered under threat – it was meaningless to expect any trace of violence to be found. The court also saw no reason to discredit the victim on the basis that the victim only denounced the defendant one year after the commission of the rape, stating that it was “absolutely normal that a victim of rape finds the courage to denounce the aggressor only once the risk of revenge against the denouncer . . . has ceased.” Finally, the tribunal held that the defendant was investigated only at the end of the investigation against his associates, and that the details of the rape increased with time, were features common in many rape investigations and normally had no significance in the assessment of the evidence. (Also available in English.)

Ap.-Kz. 307/2012 Gjykata Supreme e Kosovës (Supreme Court of Kosovo) (2012)

Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The victim, a minor of the age of 15, was trafficked by men including defendants I.I. and Sh. G, from Albania to Kosovo, where she was imprisoned and forced to work as dancer at multiple restaurants. She eventually escaped and met two men who helped her find accommodations and work as a waitress. One of the men, S.B., had sexual intercourse with her, as did D.B., the manager who hired her as a waitress. I.I., Sh. G., and the men involved in the victim’s trafficking and employment were convicted of Trafficking in Persons contrary to Article 139 of the Criminal Code of Kosovo, and S.B. and D.B. were additionally convicted of Sexual Abuse of Persons under the Age of 16 contrary to Article 198. On appeal, the Supreme Court rejected the court of first instance’s ruling that the fact that the victim perceived I.I. as a person who had helped her was a mitigating circumstance, and agreed with the prosecutor that the punishment imposed on I.I. was very lenient, noting that I.I. had participated in the victim’s trafficking despite his awareness of the victim’s age and vulnerable situation, including her dependency on narcotics, presence alone in a foreign country, and lack of options to return home. The court accordingly increased I.I.’s sentence from one year to two years. The tribunal then dismissed Sh. G.’s argument that he was found guilty based only on the statement of the victim, holding that in the case of human trafficking, “it is the injured party who is the most reliable person.” The Supreme Court also agreed with the prosecutor that the punishment imposed on S.B. was very lenient, considering that he had intercourse with the victim, being aware of her age and vulnerable situation, and thus increased S.B.’s sentence from one year and one month to one year and six months. Finally, the court agreed with the prosecutor that the punishment imposed on D.B. was very lenient. The tribunal held that the trafficking of minors need not involve the use of force or violence, and that a conviction of sexual abuse of a minor could stand even if it was proven that it was done with the permission of the victim. The court accepted that the victim may have shown gratitude to D.B. for his assistance, but dismissed it as the “distorted perception” of a “vulnerable victim” and held that the gratitude did not change the criminal nature of the act or serve as an exculpatory circumstance. D.B.’s sentence was accordingly increased from two years to two years and four months. (Also available in English.)

Pml.-Kzz. Nr. 62/2013 Gjykata Supreme e Kosovës (Supreme Court of Kosovo) (2013)

Sexual harassment

The defendant was arrested for being suspected of touching a female police officer’s shoulder and trying to kiss her, and charged with Sexual Abuse by Abusing Position, Authority or Profession pursuant to Article 200 of the Criminal Code of Kosovo, and attempt to commit such an offense, among other crimes. The municipal court found the defendant guilty, and sentenced him to two years and four months of imprisonment and prohibition of public service for three years. The district court rejected the charge of Sexual Abuse by Abusing Position, Authority or Profession, and reduced the sentence to 12 months of imprisonment and prohibition of public service for two years. Thereafter, the defendant filed a Request for Protection of Legality against the lower courts’ decisions, arguing that the lower courts unlawfully convicted him of attempted Sexual Abuse by Abusing Position, Authority or Profession. The defendant argued that an attempt requires the offender to intentionally take immediate action toward the commission of the offense. Here, the commencing of the criminal offense was not proven because there was no action manifesting a sexual purpose behind his touching. The Supreme Court held the defendant’s claim was unfounded, pointing out that Article 200’s text states only “[w]hoever touches another person for a sexual purpose.” Here, the defendant not only touched the victim but also tried to kiss her, and was prevented from kissing her mouth only by the victim’s resistance. Hence, the defendant did not commit an attempt, but in fact completed the offense. The court, however, determined that the principle of reformatio in peius (prohibiting placing the appellant in a worse position after appeal) barred it from changing the lower courts’ qualification of the criminal offense. The court additionally rejected the defendant’s argument that the attempt in this case was not punishable, determining that an attempt to commit Sexual Abuse by Abusing Position, Authority or Profession was punishable under the Criminal Code. (Also available in English.)

PA-II-KZ-5/2014 Gjykata Supreme e Kosovës (Supreme Court of Kosovo) (2014)

Gender violence in conflict, Gender-based violence in general, Sexual violence and rape

The defendants, both Serbs and a police officer, were accused of forcibly abducting a Kosovar Albanian civilian female and raping her, thus committing the offense of War Crime Against the Civilian Population, in violation of Article 153 of the Criminal Code of Kosovo in addition to other offences. The court of first instance acquitted both defendants of war crimes, but the acquittal was annulled by the appellate court, which sentenced them to 10 and 12 years of imprisonment respectively. Both defendants appealed. The Supreme Court held that minor discrepancies of a witness’s statement should not be treated as discrediting. The tribunal found it proven that two Serbs did rape the victim, determined that the victim’s and witnesses’ statements were credible insofar as they did not relate to the identification of the suspects, and disagreed that the lack of medical report raised doubts that the rape occurred at all because such a report’s absence was well justified by the prevailing circumstance of an armed conflict. However, the court held that it had not been proven beyond any reasonable doubt, as required by law, that the defendants were the persons who committed the rape due to deficiencies in the suspect identification process. For example, the initial process had been carried out by the KLA MP years ago, and the court lacked evidence on how the process was carried out, the photos shown to the victim, and whether statements by the KLA blurred the victim’s memory. Subsequent identification was deficient because the defendants’ photos were obviously dissimilar from the other photos shown and the victim and witnesses thereby may have been guided in identifying the perpetrators. Further, the victim’s and witnesses’ description of the perpetrators were either general and not sufficient to conclude that the defendants were the perpetrators, or not sufficiently corroborated by other evidence. As a result, the tribunal granted the defendants’ appeal and acquitted the defendants. (Also available in Srpski and English.)

KI 82/16 Gjykata Kushtetuese (Constitutional Court) (2017)

Gender discrimination, Gender-based violence in general, International law

The applicant, a local employee of the UN mission in Kosovo, was arrested and charged with various criminal offenses, including facilitating or compelling prostitution (Article 241 of the Criminal Code of Kosovo). The Basic Court found him guilty and sentenced him to 14 years imprisonment. The Court of Appeal affirmed the guilty verdict. The applicant filed a request for protection of legality with the Supreme Court, which rejected the request. The applicant then submitted a referral to the Constitutional Court, alleging, among other things, that he was discriminated against on the grounds of gender in violation of Article 24 of the Constitution because the trial court found credible the statement of a victim and a witness because they were women. The Constitutional Court explained that, in the applicant’s circumstance, equality before the law should be understood as a right of a party to impartial treatment and equal opportunity to exhaust legal remedies despite personal status. Under European Court of Human Rights case law interpreting Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights, treatment is discriminatory if it has no objective and reasonable justification – that is, if it does not pursue a legitimate aim, or there is not a reasonable relationship of proportionality between the means and aim. The court dismissed the applicant’s allegation of gender discrimination as “manifestly ill-founded,” finding that he failed to prove how and why the trial court treated him in an unequal way in relation to the victim and witness at issue, only because they were women. The tribunal rejected the applicant’s other claims and concluded that he had not substantiated his allegations of a violation of the fundamental human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. Therefore, the applicant’s referral was declared inadmissible. (Also available in Srpski and English.)

KI 41/12 Gjykata Kushtetuese (Constitutional Court) (2013)

Divorce and dissolution of marriage, Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide, International law

The deceased victim D.K. met her partner A.J. in secondary school, formed a union with him, and gave birth to a daughter. D.K. subsequently filed a claim to dissolve the union and for child custody at the Municipal Court because of a deterioration in her relationship with A.J. She also took their daughter to live with her parents. Following continuous threats by A.J., D.K. submitted a request to the Municipal Court for an emergency protection order under the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence. The court did not act within the statutorily mandated 24 hours of the request, and A.J. shot and killed D.K. several weeks later. The Kosovo Judicial Council (“KLJ”, the body which administers the judiciary) disciplinary committee issued a decision to discipline the responsible Municipal Court judge in response to a request by the Office of the Disciplinary Counsel, but D.K.’s parents were not party to the disciplinary proceedings. D.K.’s parents submitted a referral to the Constitutional Court, alleging the Municipal Court by its inaction violated D.K.’s rights under the Constitution of Kosovo, including Article 25 (Right to Life), Article 32 (Right to Legal Remedies), and Article 54 (Judicial Protection of Rights), as well as under the European Convention on Human Rights (“ECHR”), including Article 2 (Right to Life) and Article 13 (Right to Effective Remedy). The Constitutional Court observed that ECHR caselaw stresses that it is the duty of state authorities to take appropriate steps to safeguard the lives of those within its jurisdiction. This includes a positive obligation on the authorities to take preventive measures to (i) protect one whose life is at risk from another, (ii) where the authorities knew or ought to have known of the existence of a real and immediate risk to the life of an identified individual from a criminal offense, but (iii) failed to take measures which reasonably might have been expected to avoid the risk. The court found the Municipal Court ought to have known about the real risk in existence when D.K. requested the emergency protection order since she had explained the deterioration of her relationship with A.J., specifically his death threats and her reports to the police. Furthermore, the Municipal Court was handling D.K.’s case for the dissolution of union and child custody. Accordingly, the tribunal concluded that the Municipal Court was responsible for acting under the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence and that its inaction was a violation of Article 25 of the Constitution and Article 2 of the ECHR. The court also found that the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence and the statute governing the judiciary do not offer effective legal remedies for the protection of the applicants’ rights, because the former does not contain measures for addressing court inaction, and the latter does not allow the applicants to participate in any disciplinary investigation or procedure. Thus, the inaction of the Municipal Court and the KJC’s practice of not addressing judicial inaction violated the deceased’s and applicants’ right under Articles 32 and 54 of the Constitution and Article 13 of the ECHR. (Also available in Srpski and English.)

Ferenc D. v. People Österreichischer Oberster Gerichtshof (Supreme Court) (2011)

Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The defendant was convicted of trafficking in persons for the purpose of prostitution after the lower court found that he lured the victims from Hungary into Austria under the false pretext that they could work as cleaners in an Austrian Hotel and then threatened them with injury or death to force them to work as prostitutes. The Austrian Supreme Court upheld the conviction on appeal. The Regional Court of Vienna’s decision from May 25, 2011 [021 Hv 8/11i-48] was not available at the time of publication.

Der Beschwerdeführer wurde u.a. wegen grenzüberschreitenden Prostitutionshandels verurteilt. Das Landgericht Wien stellte fest, dass der Beschwerdeführer seine Opfer unter Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen von Ungarn nach Österreich gelockt hat, indem er ihnen versprach, eine Anstellung als Putzkraft in einem österreichischen Hotel zu erhalten. Nach Ankunft in Österreich hat er die Opfer mit Gewaltanwendung und sogar dem Tod gedroht und sie hierdurch zur Prostitution gezwungen. Der Oberste Gerichtshof hat die Verurteilung aufrechterhalten.

In der Beschwerdesache der Miroslava Tsvetanova T. u.a. (Miroslava Tsvetanova T. et al. v. People) Österreichischer Oberster Gerichtshof (Supreme Court) (2009)

Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The petitioners were found guilty of violating several provisions of the Austrian Criminal Code after the regional court found that they acted as a criminal organization to recruit victims by means of extortion, massive violence, penalties for not performing sex work, and threats, and arranged for the victims’ transfer and accommodation in brothels in Austria. After an appeal on procedural grounds, the Austrian Supreme Court upheld the convictions. The Regional Court Leoben’s decision from April 28, 2009 [13 Hv 122/08x-492] was not available at the time of publication.

Die Beschwerdeführer wurden vom Landgericht Loeben für schuldig befunden verschiedene Sexualstraftatbestände des Österreichischen Strafgesetzbuches verwirklicht zu haben. Hierbei haben sie als kriminelle Vereinigung gehandelt, um ihre Opfer als Prostituierte zu rekrutieren, die sie dann erpressten, massiver Gewalt aussetzten und bestraften, wenn sie der Sexarbeit nicht nachkamen. Sie haben ihre Opfer bedroht und bereits vor dem Transfer nach Österreich, den sie organisierten derartiger Gewalt ausgesetzt, dass sie in ihrer Entscheidungsfreiheit stark eingeschränkt waren. Gegen dieses Urteil gingen die Beschwerdeführer aufgrund von Verfahrensfehlern vor. Der Oberste Gerichtshof wies die Nichtigkeitsbeschwerde zurück und hat die Verurteilungen aufrechterhalten.

1 BvR 300/02 Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) (2002)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The lower court issued an expedited injunction against the petitioner. The petitioner filed, inter alia, a constitutional complaint appealing the injunction, which prohibited him from approaching or contacting his partner and from re-entering the flat he shared with her to protect her from his domestic violence. The Court did not allow the constitutional complaint, inter alia, on the grounds that the injunction did not breach the complainant’s constitutional rights. The need for immediate short-term intervention to protect the petitioner’s partner from further domestic violence, and to give her space to initiate formal proceedings, justified the expedited nature of the proceedings with an adjusted scope of review by the lower courts.

Der Beschwerdeführer reichte eine Verfassungsbeschwerde ein, mit der er sich unter anderem gegen eine einstweilige Verfügung wandte, die im Eilverfahren in der Vorinstanz gegen ihn erlassen wurde und die ihm unter Berufung auf den Schutz vor häuslicher Gewalt verbot, sich seiner Lebensgefährtin zu nähern und/oder mit ihr in Kontakt zu treten und die mit ihr gemeinsam genutzte Wohnung wieder zu betreten. Das Gericht ließ die Verfassungsbeschwerde nicht zu, unter anderem mit der Begründung, dass die Verfügung den Beschwerdeführer nicht in seinen verfassungsmäßigen Rechten verletze. Die Notwendigkeit einer sofortigen kurzfristigen Intervention, zum Schutz vor weiterer häuslicher Gewalt und um dem Opfer Raum für die Einleitung eines förmlichen Verfahrens zu geben, rechtfertigte die Eilbedürftigkeit des Verfahrens mit einem angepassten Prüfungsumfang durch die Vorinstanzen.

People of the Philippines v. Napoles y Bajas Supreme Court of the Philippines (2017)

Sexual violence and rape

The appellant was found guilty of raping his stepdaughter AAA six times by the Regional Trial Court and the Court of Appeals. As a result, AAA gave birth to a baby in 2001. On appeal, the appellant argued that the prosecution failed to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt, stating that (1) there was no sign that AAA was outraged and defended her honor with courage and (2) of the three instances of intercourse he admits to, such instances were consensual and between lovers. The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal for the following reasons: (1) victim’s failure to shout or offer tenacious resistance does not mean the victim was consenting, and victim’s physical resistance is not an element of proving rape, and (2) a romantic relationship does not negate rape. The required elements of rape under Article 266-A of the Revised Penal Code, (I) accused had carnal knowledge of the victim and (II) accomplished the act through force or intimidation, or when the victim was deprived of reason or unconscious, or under age 12, or demented. The court found that the prosecution proved all elements by providing: AAA’s credible testimony, the results of AAA's medical examination, the appellant's use of a knife and bolo to threaten physical violence, and his moral influence as stepfather over AAA. The court sentenced the appellant to reclusión perpetua and ordered him to pay P225,000 in moral damages, civil indemnity, and exemplary damages to AAA.​

People of the Philippines v. Divinagracia Supreme Court of the Philippines (2018)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The appellant was found guilty by the Regional Trial Court and the Court of Appeals of raping his daughter AAA (who was eight at the time), and of acts of lasciviousness against his other daughter BBB (age nine at the time). On appeal, the appellant argued that his guilt was not established beyond reasonable doubt. He pointed to inconsistencies in witness testimonies about when his daughters told their aunt and others about the sexual abuse. The Supreme Court found that such inconsistencies are not related to the elements of the crime and do not diminish the credibility of the victim. Under Article 266-A of the Revised Penal Code, when the victim is under 12, the elements of rape are sexual congress with a woman by a man. Through the birth records, the age of the victim was clearly under 12, and through AAA’s testimony and physical examinations by the doctor, the element of sexual congress was met. The rule is that factual findings and evaluation of witnesses’ credibility made by the trial court should be respected unless it is shown that the trial court may have overlooked, misapprehended, or misapplied any fact or circumstance of weight and substance. The court refused to find AAA’s failure to tell others immediately as affecting her credibility. The court also reiterated that only the credible testimony of the offended party is necessary to establish the guilt of the accused. With respect to damages, the court overruled the lower courts, which had held that awarding damages would be a miscarriage of justice because the defendant-father was a compulsory heir to his daughters. It awarded BBB a total of P300,000 in civil indemnity, moral damages, and exemplary damages. The court awarded AAA P20,000 civil indemnity, P30,000 moral damages, and P20,000 exemplary damages because of the heinous nature of the crime. The court imposed sentences of reclus​ión perpetua (minimum of 30 years imprisonment) for the rape and 12 – 20 years imprisonment for the crime of lasciviousness.

People of the Philippines v. Rupal Supreme Court of the Philippines (2018)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The appellant was found guilty by the Regional Trial Court and the Court of Appeals of raping a 13-year-old girl by dragging her to a nearby farm, raping her and later threatening her with retaliation if she did not stay silent. The appellant appealed, pointing to inconsistencies in the number of times the victim testified as being raped and arguing that the prosecution was not able to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt. The Supreme Court affirmed the conviction. According to the court, the victim making inconsistent statements about the number of times the appellant raped her did not harm her credibility, given the fear and distress the victim suffered, and the frequency is also not an element of the crime. The required elements of rape under Article 266-A of the Revised Penal Code are: (1) offender had carnal knowledge of a woman and (2) he accomplished such act through force or intimidation, or when she was deprived of reason or unconscious, or when she was under 12 years of age, or demented. The medical examination and victim’s credible testimony meets the first element. The element of force or intimidation is met by the fact that the appellant dragged her and pushed her to the ground to abuse her. The appellant also intimidated her after the act. Thus, the required elements of rape under Article 266-A of the Revised Penal Code are met. The appellant’s alibi or denials were weak and uncorroborated.

Nadeem Masood v. The State Lahore High Court (2015)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The appellant arrived at the respondent’s home armed with a pistol and raped her. The respondent, 16 years old at the time, was already 32 weeks pregnant with the appellant’s child due to multiple previous rapes. The respondent filed a suit against the appellant and gave birth to a daughter during the trial. The Trial Court found the appellant guilty and sentenced him to 20 years of imprisonment, to which he appealed to the Lahore High Court. Under the criminal laws of Pakistan, it is rape when a man has sexual intercourse with a woman with or without her consent when she is 16 years old or under. It is also rape when a woman gives consent due to fear of death or being hurt. The appellant argued the lesser offence of fornication, which is a crime committed when two people have sexual intercourse outside of marriage. The appellant argued that the Trial Court should not have convicted him of rape as the respondent had consented to the sexual intercourse. The offence of fornication is only punishable by imprisonment for up to five years with a maximum fine of ten thousand rupees, whereas rape is punishable by imprisonment for up to 25 years and/or a fine. The High Court held that since the respondent was 16 years old at the time of rape, it qualified as rape irrespective of the respondent’s consent. The High Court also expressed its concern over the Trial Court’s failure to award compensation to the child. Notably, the High Court held that children born because of rape would suffer “mental anguish and psychological damage” for their entire life, and should, therefore, be entitled to compensation. The appellant was ordered to pay a fine of one million rupees to the child born as a result of the rape, in addition to the compensation payable to the respondent.

HKSAR v. Hoque Court of First Instance (2014)

Sexual violence and rape

The court considered the issues of open justice, fair trials, and the right of the accused to confront the accuser. The prosecution in a rape case applied to the court for orders permitting the complainant to leave the courtroom without going through the public gallery and to give her evidence behind a screen so that she would be shielded from view by members of the public gallery. The defendant opposed the application for the screen, claiming that it would be prejudicial to him. The Court of First Instance held that the use of the screen to shield the witness from the public did not infringe on the right of an accused to confront the accuser, since the screen did not shield the complainant from the defendant.

HKSAR v. C.Y.L. Court of First Instance (2015)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The defendant pleaded guilty to having sexual intercourse with his daughter, a minor. The daughter became pregnant as a result and the child was adopted.. The judge commended the daughter for reporting the offense, despite the defendant’s attempt to persuade her not to. The defendant was sentenced to six years and eight months in prison.

Clubb v. Edwards (2019)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

The appellant challenged section 9(2) of the Tasmanian Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Act 2013 which prohibits protests that can be seen or heard within 150 meters of an abortion clinic. The appellant was convicted under the Act after standing on a street corner within the protest zone, holding placards with depictions of fetuses and statements about the “right to life.” He sought review of the conviction on the grounds that the law impermissibly burdens the freedom of communications on governmental and political matters, a right implied in the Australian Constitution. The High Court dismissed the appeal unanimously holding that the statute aims to protect the safety, wellbeing, privacy, and dignity of women, and in doing so, adequately balances the right to political communication and protection of those in need of medical assistance. Because the statute is limited in geographical reach and does not discriminate between sources of protest within the protected zone, the burden upon political communication within the Act is minor and proportionate.

AA v. Fiscalía General de la Nación, Caso No. 375/2007 Tribunal Apelaciones Penal 3º Tº (Third Criminal Appeals Court) (2007)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Trial Court sentenced the accused (AA) to 20 months in prison for crimes of domestic violence against his wife (BB). AA filed an appeal to the Appeals Court arguing that the scope of the law against domestic violence applied only to victims that were deemed to be defenseless. AA argued that the victim, BB was a member of the military and as such could not be deemed a defenseless person. The Appeals Court dismissed the appeal affirming the decision of the Trial Court. The Appeals Court determined that the fact that the victim was a member of the military was irrelevant and that the acts of violence were appropriately analyzed considering only the aggressor’s actions.

El Tribunal de Primera Instancia condenó al acusado (AA) a 20 meses de prisión por delitos de violencia doméstica contra su esposa (BB). AA presentó una apelación ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones argumentando que el alcance de la ley contra la violencia doméstica se aplicaba solo a las víctimas que se consideraban indefensas. AA argumentó que la víctima, BB era miembro del ejército y, como tal, no podía considerarse una persona indefensa. El Tribunal de Apelaciones desestimó la apelación afirmando la decisión del Tribunal de Primera Instancia. El Tribunal de Apelaciones determinó que el hecho de que la víctima era miembro de las fuerzas armadas era irrelevante y que los actos de violencia se analizaron adecuadamente considerando solo las acciones del agresor.

AA v. Fiscalía General de la Nación, Caso No. 327/2008 Tribunal Apelaciones Penal 1º Tº (First Criminal Appeals Court) (2008)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Trial Court of Tacuarembó sentenced AA to 12 months in prison for domestic violence, deemed as aggravated because the victim was a woman. AA and the victim had been living together in a common law marriage since 2000. In 2002 the victim reported on several occasions multiple instances of physical abuse and of psychological violence. In September 2003, the victim filed a complaint against AA for injuries inflicted to her neck and arm, which were verified by a public health doctor. The couple reconciled, but thereafter got separated again. On January 1, 2004 the victim was on her way to visit a friend when AA intercepted her on the street and forcibly grabbed her left arm while pressing a ring against her mouth until he broke her front tooth. Between December 2003 and January 2004 the victim had also reported several threats and aggressions from AA. AA appealed to the Appeals Court. The Court dismissed the appeal affirming the decision of the Trial Court and ruling that the 12-month sentence was appropriate considering the evidence presented and AA’s dangerous personality.

El tribunal de primera instancia de Tacuarembó condenó a AA a 12 meses de prisión por violencia doméstica, lo que se consideró agravado porque la víctima era una mujer. AA y la víctima habían estado viviendo juntas en un matrimonio de hecho desde 2000. En 2002, la víctima denunció en varias ocasiones múltiples casos de abuso físico y violencia psicológica. En septiembre de 2003, la víctima presentó una denuncia contra AA por las lesiones infligidas en su cuello y brazo, que fueron verificadas por un médico de salud pública. La pareja se reconcilió, pero luego se separaron nuevamente. El 1 de enero de 2004, la víctima se dirigía a visitar a una amiga cuando AA la interceptó en la calle y la agarró por la fuerza del brazo izquierdo mientras presionaba un anillo contra su boca hasta que le rompió el diente frontal. Entre diciembre de 2003 y enero de 2004, la víctima también había denunciado varias amenazas y agresiones de AA. AA apeló ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones. El Tribunal desestimó la apelación afirmando la decisión del Tribunal de Primera Instancia y resolvió que la sentencia de 12 meses era apropiada considerando las pruebas presentadas y la personalidad peligrosa de AA.

AA v. Fiscalía General de la Nación, Caso No. 413/2008 Tribunal Apelaciones Penal 2º Tº (Second Criminal Court of Appeals) (2008)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Trial Court sentenced the accused (AA) to 10 months with a suspended sentence for the crime of domestic violence against his wife (BB). AA intimidated and committed continuous acts of violence against BB. The Trial Court deemed the continuous and manipulative nature of this violence to be an aggravating circumstance. AA appealed, arguing that the Trial Court had improperly analyzed the evidence and that there was not enough evidence to convict him. The Appeals Court determined that the evidence on file should be analyzed in the context of the contentious relationship between AA and BB. While AA argued that BB had mental problems, the court found this argument a mere pretext to deflect attention away from his own misconduct. The facts of the case showed that BB supported the home and paid for AA’s expenses, which demonstrated that AA had interests in BB aside from affection. The doorman of the building where AA and BB lived testified that he once saw AA breaking things in a violent rampage. This testimony contradicted AA’s statement that he was not destructive. The Appeals Court found that there was sufficient evidence in the record to demonstrate AA’s guilt and affirmed the decision of the Trial Court.

El Tribunal de Primera Instancia condenó al acusado (AA) a 10 meses con una sentencia suspendida por el delito de violencia doméstica contra su esposa (BB). AA intimidó y cometió actos continuos de violencia contra BB. El Tribunal de Primera Instancia consideró que la naturaleza continua y manipuladora de esta violencia era una circunstancia agravante. AA apeló, argumentando que el Tribunal de Primera Instancia había analizado incorrectamente las pruebas y que no había suficientes pruebas para condenarlo. El Tribunal de Apelaciones determinó que la evidencia en el archivo debe analizarse en el contexto de la relación entre AA y BB. Mientras AA argumentó que BB tenía problemas mentales, el tribunal consideró este argumento como un simple pretexto para desviar la atención de su propia mala conducta. Los hechos del caso mostraron que BB apoyaba la casa y pagaba los gastos de AA, lo que demuestra que AA tenía intereses en BB además de ser afectuoso. El portero del edificio donde vivían AA y BB testificó que una vez vio a AA rompiendo cosas en un violento alboroto. Este testimonio contradecía la declaración de AA de que no era destructivo. El Tribunal de Apelaciones determinó que había pruebas suficientes en el expediente para demostrar la culpabilidad de AA y afirmó la decisión del Tribunal de Primera Instancia.

AA v. Fiscalía General de la Nación, Caso No. 328/2011 Tribunal Apelaciones Penal 2º Tº (Second Criminal Appeals Court) (2011)

Sexual violence and rape

The Trial Court sentenced the 28-year-old accused (AA) to seven years and six months in prison for the crimes of rape, kidnapping and robbery. On March 27, 2011, AA approached the 18-year-old victim (BB) at a bus station and threatened her with a knife. BB offered him money, but AA put a knife to her throat and took her to a nearby field where he sexually assaulted her several times during the night, hit her repeatedly, and videotaped the sexual assault with his cellphone. AA then tied up BB and, before leaving her in the field, used BB’s cellphone to text her mother the location where BB could be found. He stole the cellphone and sold it at a fair. On July 22, 2011, AA was arrested. The police found in his possession a memory card with pornography and the video of BB’s rape. The Appeals Court dismissed the appeal and affirmed the decision of the Trial Court. The Appeals Court amended the qualification of the crimes to aggravated and rendered opinion that the sentence imposed by the Trial Court should have been more severe due to the proven dangerous nature of AA.

El Tribunal de Primera Instancia condenó al acusado (AA) de 28 años a siete años y seis meses de prisión por los delitos de violación, secuestro y robo. El 27 de marzo de 2011, AA se acercó a la víctima que tenía 18 años (BB) en una estación de autobuses y la amenazó con un cuchillo. BB le ofreció dinero, pero AA le puso un cuchillo en la garganta y la llevó a un campo cercano donde la agredió sexualmente varias veces durante la noche, la golpeó repetidamente y grabó en video la agresión sexual con su teléfono celular. AA luego ató a BB y, antes de dejarla en el campo, usó el teléfono celular de BB para enviarle un mensaje de texto a su madre sobre el lugar donde se podía encontrar a BB. Robó el teléfono celular y lo vendió en una feria. El 22 de julio de 2011, AA fue arrestado. La policía encontró en su poder una tarjeta de memoria con pornografía y el video de la violación de BB. El Tribunal de Apelaciones desestimó el recurso y confirmó la decisión del Tribunal de Primera Instancia. El Tribunal de Apelaciones modificó la calificación de los delitos a agravada y emitió una opinión de que la sentencia impuesta por el Tribunal de Primera Instancia debería haber sido más severa debido a la naturaleza peligrosa comprobada de AA.

AA v. Fiscalía General de la Nación, Caso No. 299/2010 Tribunal Apelaciones Penal 1º Tº (First Criminal Appeals Court) (2010)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Trial Court sentenced the accused (AA) to two years in prison for aggravated domestic violence. The court considered the aggravating circumstances to be the accused’s recidivism and the use of his strength to overpower his female victim. AA had a history of domestic violence against his wife (BB). Even though he had repeatedly assaulted BB and stabbed her once, BB refused to file a complaint against him. A family court judge imposed a restraining order against AA pursuant to which he could not get closer than 300 meters to BB and her children. However, BB on several occasions allowed AA back in her home and near the children. On October 7, 2008, AA came over to BB’s house with the intention of moving back in, but when BB declined, AA locked her and her children in a room for two hours. He did not physically assault them, but did threaten to kill them. BB filed a complaint and AA was convicted of domestic violence. AA appealed arguing that BB had subsequently withdrawn her criminal complaint against him, which constituted consent to his conduct. The Appeals Court determined that the victim’s withdrawal of her complaint was a consequence of “battered women’s syndrome,” and had no bearing on a criminal action. The Appeals Court dismissed the appeal and affirmed the decision of the Trial Court.

El Tribunal de Primera Instancia condenó al acusado (AA) a dos años de prisión por violencia doméstica agravada. El Tribunal consideró que las circunstancias agravantes eran la reincidencia del acusado y el uso de su fuerza para dominar a su víctima femenina. AA tenía antecedentes previos de violencia doméstica contra su esposa (BB). Aunque había asaltado repetidamente a BB y la apuñaló una vez, BB se negó a presentar una queja contra él. Un juez de un tribunal de familia impuso una orden de restricción contra AA en virtud de la cual no podía acercarse más de 300 metros a BB y sus hijos. Sin embargo, BB en varias ocasiones permitió que AA regresara a su casa y estuviera cerca de los niños. El 7 de octubre del 2008, AA vino a la casa de BB con la intención de regresar, pero cuando BB declinó, AA la encerró a ella y a sus hijos en una habitación durante dos horas. No los agredió físicamente, pero amenazó con matarlos. BB presentó una queja y AA fue condenado por violencia doméstica. AA apeló argumentando que BB había retirado posteriormente su denuncia penal contra él, lo que constituía un consentimiento para su conducta. El Tribunal de Apelaciones determinó que la retirada de la denuncia de la víctima fue una consecuencia del "síndrome de las mujeres maltratadas" y no tenía relación con una acción penal. El Tribunal de Apelaciones desestimó el recurso y confirmó la decisión del Tribunal de Primera Instancia.

AA v. Fiscalía General de la Nación, Caso No. 6/2009 Tribunal Apelaciones Penal 2º Tº (Second Criminal Appeals Court) (2009)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Trial Court sentenced the accused (AA) to three years and six months in prison for the kidnapping and continuous sexual abuse of a 15-year-old girl (BB). AA had been sexually abusing BB once a week since she was 11 years old. When BB was 15 years old, AA called her over to his house under false pretenses and then, against her will, he locked her inside and raped her for six hours. AA was drunk and when he got distracted, BB was able to escape and find a neighbor who helped her. The Trial Court determined that there was enough evidence to prove the kidnapping and the continuous sexual abuse. The Appeals Court dismissed AA’s appeal and affirmed the decision of the Trial Court, except for qualifying the rape as continuous sexual abuse. Based on the facts of the case, the Appeals Court ruled the sexual abuse as repetitive instead of continuous. It also determined that AA’s inebriation was voluntary, and thus had no relevance in sentencing.

El Tribunal de Primera Instancia condenó al acusado (AA) a tres años y seis meses de prisión por el secuestro y el abuso sexual continuo de una niña de 15 años (BB). AA había abusado sexualmente de BB una vez por semana desde que tenía 11 años. Cuando BB tenía 15 años, AA la llamó a su casa con falsos pretextos y luego, contra su voluntad, la encerró y la violó durante seis horas. AA estaba borracho y cuando se distrajo, BB pudo escapar y encontrar a una vecina que la ayudó. El Tribunal de Primera Instancia determinó que había pruebas suficientes para probar el secuestro y el abuso sexual continuo. El Tribunal de Apelaciones desestimó la apelación de AA y confirmó la decisión del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, excepto que calificó la violación como abuso sexual continuo. Con base en los hechos del caso, el Tribunal de Apelaciones dictaminó que el abuso sexual era repetitivo en lugar de continuo. También determinó que la embriaguez de AA era voluntaria y, por lo tanto, no tenía relevancia en la sentencia.

AA v. Fiscalía General de la Nación, Caso No. 359/2013 Tribunal Apelaciones Penal 1º Tº (First Criminal Appeals Court) (2013)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

The Trial Court sentenced the accused (AA) to four years in prison for aggravated sexual abuse of a minor (BB). AA and the mother of BB had a common law marriage. AA had been sexually abusing BB since she was eight years old and started raping her when she turned 11. At age 14, BB became pregnant as a result of rape committed by AA. BB’s mother discovered AA’s abuse and filed the criminal complaint. AA confessed to being the victim’s “lover.” The court found aggravating circumstances including that AA had taken advantage of his domestic relationship with BB’s mother and that he had abused his victim during the night. AA’s confession constituted an attenuating circumstance, reducing the sentence imposed. The Appeals Court dismissed AA’s appeal and affirmed the Trial Court’s decision, ruling that there was enough evidence presented to establish the facts of the case.

El Tribunal de Primera Instancia condenó al acusado (AA) a cuatro años de prisión por abuso sexual agravado de un menor (BB). AA y la madre de BB tenían un matrimonio común. AA había abusado sexualmente de BB desde que tenía ocho años y comenzó a violarla cuando cumplió los 11. A los 14 años, BB quedó embarazada como resultado de una violación cometida por AA. La madre de BB descubrió el abuso de AA y presentó esta denuncia penal. AA confesó ser el "amante" de la víctima. El tribunal encontró circunstancias agravantes, incluyendo que AA se había aprovechado de su relación doméstica con la madre de BB y que había abusado de su víctima generalmente durante las noches. La confesión de AA constituyó una circunstancia atenuante, reduciendo la sentencia impuesta. El Tribunal de Apelaciones desestimó la apelación de AA y confirmó la decisión del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, dictaminando que se presentaron suficientes pruebas para establecer los hechos del caso.

Uganda v. Hamidu and Others High Court of Uganda (2004)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Forced and early marriage, Gender discrimination, Sexual violence and rape

Here, the Court rejected defendant’s argument that his mistaken belief that the complainant was his wife was a sufficient defense against a conviction of rape. The Court, relying on Article 31 of the Constitution, stated that both husband and wife enjoy equal rights in marriage and stated that the complainant’s dignity was trampled upon. The Court thus extends access to justice by construing the existing law on rape through the reasoning that the constitutional provisions on equality in marriage and the recognition of the equal dignity of women and men had effectively amended Sections 9 and 123 of the Penal Code. These sections at face exclude husbands from being held criminally liable for marital rape.

Mukasa and Oyo v. Attorney General High Court of Uganda (2008)


Here, the Court held that government officials violated the constitutional rights of the plaintiff by illegally raiding plaintiff’s home without a search warrant, seizing plaintiff’s documents related to her work as an advocate for the human rights of LGBTQ persons, and illegally arresting a guest present at plaintiff’s home during the raid. Later, at the police station, plaintiff’s guest was forcibly undressed and fondled to “determine” her sex. The Court held that plaintiff and plaintiff’s guest were treated in an inhuman and degrading manner amounting to sexual harassment and indecent assault.

Motshidiemang v. Attorney General Botswana High Court of Botswana (2019)

Gender discrimination, LGBTIQ

Here, the High Court of Botswana held in a unanimous opinion that Section 164(a)/(c), 165, and 167 of the Botswanan Penal Code were unconstitutional. These sections criminalized same-sex relations. The Court held that 164(a)/(c), 165, and 167 violated Sections 3 (liberty, privacy, and dignity), 9 (privacy), and 15 (prohibiting discrimination) of the Botswanan Constitution. The Court modified Section 167, which criminalized the offence of gross indecency, to remove reference to private acts. The case overturned Kanane v State.

Sentencia nº 358 de Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (Número de Expediente: C16-208) Tribunal Supremo de Justicia - Sala de Casación Penal (Venezuela Supreme Court of Justice - Criminal Appeal Chamber) (2016)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide

The Court ratified the decision made by the Second Court of the Criminal Judicial Circuit of the State of Amazonas by which the lower court declared the accused guilty of criminal violence, instead of a frustrated femicide attempt, as per the plaintiff complaint. The victim declared to the competent authorities that she was in her bed when her husband came to the house to spend time with his children. However, once inside the house, he started to hit her. During the fight he tried to kill her using a pillow. The victim’s brother arrived to the house just at the moment that the defendant was asphyxiating the victim. The victim’s brother pushed the man away from her, saving her life. In the reasoning for its decision, the Court considered that, even though all the evidence that the plaintiff presented to the lower court seemed to be sufficient to determine that the crime committed was in fact “frustrated femicide attempt,” the Court could not change the lower court’s decision and admit the frustrated femicide attempt because the attorney representing the plaintiff did not include in the file of its appeal petition the evidence necessary for such categorization.

Decisión nº 002-16 de Corte de Apelaciones de Violencia contra la Mujer (Número de Expediente: CA-1708-14VCM) Corte de Apelaciones de Violencia contra la Mujer (Court of Appeals for Violence Against Women) (2016)

Sexual violence and rape, Trafficking in persons

The defendant was convicted for the crimes of human trafficking and association to commit crimes on May 15, 2014 in the state of Nueva Esparta. In its decision, the lower court said that in cases of rape and trafficking of persons, anyone who has been accused of having a relationship or knowledge of such crime could be deprived of liberty during trial, if it is deemed appropriate by the authorities. In the defendant’s case, he was accused of seducing and luring the female victim into the island of Margarita, where she was subjected, tortured, drugged, and raped. The defendant appealed the decision, alleging that it violated his right to be judged in freedom. The Court of Appeal for Violence Against Women on January 8, 2016 dismissed the appeal action and ratified the decision of the lower court and determined that the apprehension of the accused before his conviction did not represent a violation of the law. The appellate court ratified the criteria of the lower court according to which those defendants who are linked to the act of people trafficking and gender violence can be arrested before issuing a conviction decision, if deemed appropriate by the authorities.

Sentencia nº 226 de Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (Número de Expediente: C07-0187) Tribunal Supremo de Justicia - Sala de Casación (Venezuela Supreme Court of Justice - Appeal Chamber) (2007)

International law, Sexual violence and rape

In 2001, the female victim was kidnapped, tortured, raped and kept in captivity for four months. All complaints made by her sister to the competent authorities related to her sister’s disappearance were dismissed by the police. In 2007, the competent criminal court issued a partial conviction to the offender. He was convicted for the crimes of kidnapping and captivity. However, the acts of physical, verbal, psychological and sexual violence were not considered by the court because, according to the court, there was not enough evidence to determine that sex and violence were committed without the plaintiff’s consent. Between 2001 and 2007 the victim went through many judicial processes. Decision No. C07-0187 was the final decision issued by Venezuelan Supreme Court of Justice, as the court of last recourse in Venezuela. After having exhausted all national procedures, the complainant referred her case to the international courts in order to sue the Venezuelan state for failing to safeguard and protect her human rights. On March 6, 2018 the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights found the Venezuelan state responsible for the violation of the rights established in the Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish Torture.

Sentencia nº 752 de Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (Número de Expediente: 16-0203) Tribunal Supremo de Justicia - Sala Constitucional (Venezuela Supreme Court of Justice - Constitutional Chamber) (2016)

Sexual violence and rape

The female victim declared to the competent authorities that she worked as a motorcycle taxi driver in La Fria, Táchira State. On the morning of September 9, 2014, she transported a male passenger. During the journey, the passenger threatened and sexually assaulted her with an object. On November 18, 2014, the lower court convicted the defendant of the crime of sexual violence even though psychological or physical violence were not proven at the trial, which used to be one of the elements for such crime. The defendant requested a review of the court’s decision to the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (the “TSJ”) on the basis that neither physical nor psychological violence were confirmed by the lower court. The TSJ ratified the decision of the lower court and decided that it is no longer necessary to verify that physical or psychological violence occurred in order to determine the crime of sexual violence. As a result of this decision, each of the crimes of sexual, psychological, and physical violence can be committed separately, reinforcing the protection of women’s rights. This decision represents an improvement in rights for women in Venezuela.

R. v. H. Supreme Court of Queensland (2002)

Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement, Trafficking in persons

The appellant advertised in Korea for families to come to Australia to attend a missionary school. The appellant was responsible for settling those families’ affairs, and they were dependent on him to organize the necessary extensions of visas. Most of the time, the parents spoke no English and their children spoke little English. The appellant organized accommodation for the parents of the complainant among other families, and at the same time he arranged for separate accommodation for their daughter with children of other families. The accommodation for the daughter was close to the appellant’s house, but an hour’s drive from her parents’ house. The appellant was the only individual who had the keys to the children’s rooms. The appellant advised the father of the complainant to return to Korea to seek more families, and he did. One night, the appellant returned around 1:00 AM to the children’s accommodation and entered the complainant’s room where another girl was with her. That girl left after certain remarks by the appellant. The appellant took the complaint in his van to a remote place where he proceeded to touch her, took off her pyjamas, and then had sexual intercourse with her, despite her resistance. During this resistance, they both fell to the floor of the van and the appellant injured his arm. The appellant threatened the complainant not to inform anyone about this incident, reminding her that her family needed him to renew their visas. The complainant immediately told her friends at the accommodation of the sexual assault. In the morning, the complainant walked to a public telephone where she called her father in Korea and told him about the incident, and then called her mother to inform her of the same. In fear with respect to their visas, the family went with the appellant to Brisbane where they had their visas renewed, acting as if nothing happened. Later, the father flew back to Australia and immediately lodged a complaint with the police. Through investigation, the police found physical evidence of rape, including injuries to her genitals consistent with rape, the appellant’s DNA, and wounds consistent with complainant’s statement of the rape. Based on the evidence, the District Court sentenced the appellant to eight years for two counts of rape and one count of indecent dealing with a circumstance of aggravation. Relying on older cases, the appellant filed this appeal to lower his sentence, claiming it was too high for someone his age, considering he had no previous convictions and that there were no violence or weapon used. The Queensland Court of Appeal dismissed these arguments, stating that the older cases referenced by the appellant were dated before the implementation of new rules that increased the sentences for rape. In addition, even though no violence was used against the complainant, the court found that the appellant took advantage of her because of her visa situation, and this was an aggravating factor. Therefore, the appeal was dismissed.

R. v. Hunter Supreme Court of Queensland (2014)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide

The appellant and the victim were married for 37 years. On 6 May 2010, the victim was struck at least 15 times on the head, face, and forearm with severe force, causing her death. When police arrived, they found the victim’s body doused in petrol in the garage near her car.. Police found the appellant lying on the floor in the lounge room in the house with a head injury and had a letter opener sticking out of his right hand. The appellant was taken to hospital and later interviewed by the doctors and police. The appellant told police that he got out of bed, walked into the lounge room, and was hit on the head by a man wearing a stocking over his head. Throughout this interview and later investigations by the police, the appellant maintained that there was an intruder who entered the house, assaulted him, and then killed his wife. At trial, the Crown’s case against the appellant included several pieces of circumstantial evidence: the victim was covered by appellant’s clothing, someone attempted to clean up the blood with towels, the victim was doused in petrol but not ignited, indicating that someone tried to destroy DNA, the footprints around the victim’s body matched footwear commonly worn by appellant, the appellant’s DNA was on a bloody metal bar found near the victim’s body, the metal bar appeared to come from the household, blood in and around the house matched victim’s and appellants, appellant had dried, flaky blood on him, the appellant gave inconsistent accounts of the events, appellant lied to officials, and appellant had the motive to kill her because he had financial difficulties and was the beneficiary of her life insurance. In light of the evidence, the appellant was convicted of murdering the victim.The appellant filed an appeal on the grounds that the trial judge erred in (i) directing the jury that they could use appellant’s lie in relation to the murder weapon belonging to him as implied admission of his guilt; (ii) directing the jury that they could use appellant’s lie about owning footwear similar to that which left footprints around the victim’s body as implied admission of his guilt; (iii) admitting the lack of reaction from the appellant when learning of his wife’s death as evidence of his guilt; (iv) failing to direct the jury in relation to evidence that the appellant did not ask how his wife died; (v) misdirecting the jury in relation to motive; and, (vi) failing to direct the jury in relation to evidence of DNA analysis. The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal, finding that the trial judge did not err in jury instructions or admissions.

Habeas Corpus 124.306 Supremo Tribunal Federal (Supreme Federal Court of Brazil) (2016)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Gender discrimination

The Supreme Federal Court of Brazil (STF) revoked the pretrial detention order issued against staff and patients of a clinic that was alleged to have been performing clandestine abortions. The 2ND Panel of STF found that criminal laws against abortion were unconstitutional with respect to the case in hand, and the criminalization of voluntary termination of pregnancy during the first three months was incompatible with the protection of multiple fundamental rights of women. The decision set an important precedent for the sexual and reproductive rights of women in Brazil. The court also discussed that the criminalization of abortion disproportionately affected women living in poverty who do not have access to private or public abortion clinics. Justice Barroso stated that while the potential life of the fetus is important, the criminalization of abortion before the end of the first three months of pregnancy violated several fundamental rights of women granted by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 (personal autonomy, physical and mental integrity, sexual and reproductive rights, and gender equality). This decision does not decriminalize abortion in all circumstances, and it is not bidding. This is perhaps a softening of the law regarding abortion in Brazil.

O Supremo Tribunal Federal – STF desconstitui prisão de ofício emitida contra funcionários e donos de clinica de aborto presos em flagrante em razão de suposta prática de aborto clandestinos. A 2ª turma do STF entendeu que as leis criminais contra a prática do aborto são inconstitucionais em relação ao caso em análise, estabelecendo ainda que a criminalização do aborto voluntário durante os 3 (três) primeiros meses de gravidez era incompatível com múltiplos direitos fundamentais garantidos às mulheres. Nesse aspecto, trata-se de um precedente importante para os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos das mulheres no Brasil. Ainda a 2 turma do STF discutiu que a criminalização do aborto afeta, desproporcionalmente, as mulheres pobres que não têm acesso a clínicas privadas ou públicas. Ainda, o Ministro Barroso, relator do caso, estabelece que, enquanto a vida potencial de um feto é importante, a criminalização do aborto realizado dentro dos 3 meses iniciais da gravidez viola diversos direitos fundamentais garantidos constitucionalmente, como a autonomia, o direito à integridade física e mental, os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, além da igualdade de gênero. Ressalta-se que essa decisão não descriminaliza o aborto em todas as circunstâncias, bem como não vincula o STF a emitir decisões com o mesmo posicionamento, apesar de se tratar de decisão favorável às mulheres no tocante a realização de aborto no Brasil.

Habeas Corpus 106.212 Supremo Tribunal Federal (Supreme Federal Court of Brazil) (2011)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

This case refers to a writ filed by the accused in order to not apply to his case Article 41 of Law 11.340/ 2006 (Maria da Penha Act). Article 41 states that the domestic crimes committed against women cannot be tried by the procedural rite of 9.099/1995 (Small Courts Act), which regulates the trial of petty offenses. The accused argued that his conduct did not fit into Article 41, and that applying this article would be unconstitutional for giving special treatment to women. The Supreme Court of Brazil denied the order and declared Article 41 constitutional. They found that the Constitution gave the legislator freedom to define which crimes will be considered petty offenses. The Court decided that the domestic crimes against women imply greater complexity because they are crimes against the family institution, for which the Constitution has established special protection.

O Habeas corpus 106.212 foi impetrado sob a justificativa de não aplicação do artigo 41 da Lei Maria da Penha – LMP ao caso em julgamento. Referido artigo 41 estabelece que os crimes domésticos cometidos contra as mulheres não podem ser processados e julgados pelos Juizados Especiais Criminais, que julgam infrações penais de menor potencial ofensivo. O acusado argumentou que sua conduta não se relacionava com o artigo 41 da LMP e que a aplicação desse artigo resultaria no tratamento especial as mulheres, o que seria inconstitucional. O STF indeferiu o HC, declarando a constitucionalidade do artigo 41 da LMP. O STF entendeu ainda que a Constituição Federal conferiu ao legislador competência para definir quais crimes são considerados como de “menor potencial ofensivo”. Por fim, o Tribunal decidiu que as práticas delituosas praticadas contra as mulheres implicam em crimes de alta complexidade, vez que são praticados contra a instituição familiar, a qual possui especial proteção constitucional.

Habeas Corpus 143.641 Supremo Tribunal Federal (Supreme Federal Court of Brazil) (2018)

Abortion and reproductive health rights

In this case, the 2nd panel of the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court (Supremo Tribunal Federal or “STF”) issued a landmark ruling that pregnant women, mothers of children up to the age of 12, and mothers with disabled children accused of non-violent crimes should be permitted to await trial under house arrest rather than in detention. Justice Ricardo Lewandowski of the STF granted in this judgment habeas corpus ex officio so that women with children who had been arrested prior to this ruling and have not yet been placed under house arrest are entitled to the benefit.

Tratou-se de Habeas Corpus coletivo impetrado em favor de todas as mulheres presas preventivamente que ostentem a condição de gestantes, de puérperas ou de mães de crianças sob sua responsabilidade, bem como em nome das próprias crianças. O STF concedeu ordem para substituição de prisão preventiva pela domiciliar a todas as mulheres presas, gestantes, puérperas ou mães de crianças e deficientes, enquanto perdurar tal condição, com exceção aos casos de crimes praticados mediante violência ou grave ameaça, contra seus descendentes. O Ministro Ricardo Lewandowski determinou a extensão dos efeitos da decisão a todas as demais mulheres presas, gestantes, puérperas ou mães de crianças e de pessoas com deficiência, bem assim às adolescentes sujeitas a medidas socioeducativas em idêntica situação no território nacional.

The Queen v. Baptiste Supreme Court of Grenada and the West Indies Associated States (2013)

Sexual violence and rape

The defendant pled guilty to rape and holding a woman at knifepoint until she was able to fight him off and escape. The defendant was before the court for sentencing. The court began by observing that “over the past few years the courts have been disposed to sentence persons convicted of rape to terms of imprisonment of between 7-10 years.” Here, the only mitigating factor was the defendant’s guilty plea. The aggravating factors included physical and psychological harm, use of a weapon and violence, and prior convictions. Considering these factors, the court sentenced the defendant to a term of eight years imprisonment.

El acusado se declaró culpable de violar y sujetar a una mujer a punta de cuchillo y por la fuerza hasta que ella luchó contra él y escapó. El acusado se apareció ante el tribunal para dictar sentencia. El tribunal comenzó observando que "en los últimos años, los tribunales han estado dispuestos a condenar a las personas condenadas por violación a penas de prisión de entre 7 y 10 años". Aquí, el único factor atenuante fue la declaración de culpabilidad del acusado. Los hechos agravantes incluyeron daño físico y psicológico, uso de arma y violencia, y condenas previas. Teniendo en cuenta estos factores, el tribunal condenó al acusado a una pena de ocho años de prisión.

Thomas v. D. D. Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in the Court of Appeal (2016)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

This was a domestic violence case where the male appellant was in a long-term relationship with the female respondent. The appellant allegedly physically assaulted the respondent’s sister, accosted a second person, and threatened the lives of the members of the household with a cutlass. The appellant denied these allegations. The appellate issue was whether to overturn the trial judge’s injunction against the appellant, requiring him to refrain “from committing any acts of violence.” The appellate court upheld the injunction, explaining that the injunction was “sensible” and “a person cannot complain of prejudice or inconvenience because he is restrained from committing acts of violence.”

Este fue un caso de violencia doméstica en el que el apelante masculino había tenido una relación a largo plazo con la demandada. El apelante supuestamente agredió físicamente a la hermana del demandado, agredió a una segunda persona y amenazó la vida de los miembros del hogar con un cuchillo. El apelante negó estas acusaciones. La cuestión de la apelación era si los hechos ameritaban revocar la orden judicial del juez de primera instancia contra el apelante, solamente exigiéndole que no "cometiera actos de violencia en un futuro." El tribunal de apelaciones confirmó la medida de la corte inferior, explicando que la medida era "sensata" y que "una persona no puede quejarse de prejuicios o inconvenientes sencillamente porque se le haya prohibido cometer actos de violencia."

Regina v. Cadoo Supreme Court of Grenada and the West Indies Associated States (2017)

Statutory rape or defilement

The defendant pled guilty to rape and was before the court for sentencing. Both victims were young girls between the ages of 14 and 15 at the time of the offense. The defendant raped the victims multiple times, and one of the victims became pregnant as a result. In sentencing the defendant, the court observed that there were several aggravating factors: the victims were minors and the defendant was 16 years their senior; the defendant was a relative and a person of trust; after one of the victims became pregnant, she sought help from the defendant but defendant again sexually assaulted her; and the offense occurred while the defendant was on bail. The only mitigating factor was the defendant’s guilty plea. Accordingly, the court sentenced defendant to 10 years imprisonment.

El acusado se declaró culpable de violación y compareció ante el tribunal para dictar sentencia. Ambas víctimas eran niñas de entre 14 y 15 años en el momento del delito. El acusado violó a las víctimas varias veces y, como resultado, una de las víctimas quedó embarazada. Al dictar sentencia al imputado, el tribunal observó que existían varios agravantes: las víctimas eran menores de edad y el imputado era 16 años mayor que ellas; el acusado era un familiar y una persona de confianza; después de que una de las víctimas quedara embarazada, buscó la ayuda del acusado, pero el acusado volvió a agredirla sexualmente; y el delito ocurrió mientras el acusado estaba en libertad bajo fianza. El único factor atenuante fue que el acusado se declaró culpable. En consecuencia, el tribunal condenó al acusado a 10 años de prisión.

Regina v. Richards Supreme Court of Grenada and the West Indies Associated States (2017)

Gender-based violence in general, Statutory rape or defilement

The defendant pled guilty to wounding and causing grievous harm to an adult female after dragging her into the bushes and attacking her with a piece of wood and cutlass, leaving deep lacerations and abrasions. The defendant also pled guilty to the rape and robbery of a 16-year-old female, which occurred just two days later. The defendant was before the court for sentencing. Analyzing the aggravating factors, the court observed that defendant had a criminal history, was not remorseful, preferred violence, and presented a danger to the community. The court also recognized that the victims were not only physically hurt, but had “been severely traumatized by their experiences.” The only mitigating factor was the guilty plea. Accordingly, the court sentenced the defendant to 14 years and three months imprisonment.

El acusado se declaró culpable de herir y causar graves daños a una mujer adulta después de arrastrarla hacia los arbustos y golpearla con un trozo de madera y un alfanje, dejando profundas laceraciones y abrasiones. El acusado también se declaró culpable de la violación y robo de una joven de 16 años, lo cual ocurrió solo dos días después. El acusado compareció ante el tribunal para dictar sentencia. Al analizar los agravantes, el tribunal observó que el acusado tenía antecedentes penales, no tenía remordimientos, prefería la violencia como medio de resolución a conflictos y representaba un peligro para la comunidad. El tribunal también reconoció que las víctimas no solo estaban heridas físicamente, sino que habían "sido gravemente traumatizadas por sus experiencias." El único factor atenuante fue que el acusado se declaró culpable. En consecuencia, el tribunal condenó al acusado a 14 años y tres meses de prisión.

Z.D.C. v. E.M.S. Rechtbank van eerste aanleg te Antwerpen (Court of First Instance in Antwerp) (2017)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, LGBTIQ

The two accused were prosecuted for invading the home of the two victims and assaulting them, which temporarily prevented the victims from being able to work. The first accused organized the crime because she could neither accept the breakup with one of the victims nor the fact that the victim was in a relationship with a man. Additionally, the first accused created a false Facebook profile to make fun of one victim’s sexual orientation and to convince one victim to break up with the other. The Court found that the motive of the crime was, among others, the sexual orientation of the victims, which is an aggravating circumstance of the assault. The Court found that the facts regarding the first accused had been clearly established. However, the interrogation and the investigation did not provide the court with enough evidence to hold the second accused criminally liable. The Court convicted the first accused and imposed a sentence of three years imprisonment and a fine of EUR 100.00 (increased with the multiplication factor of 50, i.e., in total EUR 5000), but suspended for five years if the accused complied with the terms of probation.

Public Prosecutor v. S.C. Rechtbank van eerste aanleg West-Vlaanderen afdeling Brugge sectie correctionele rechtbank (Bruges Criminal Court) (2018)

Gender-based violence in general, LGBTIQ

The accused was prosecuted for assaulting a trans woman and her partner for being transsexual. The accused confessed to calling the victim and her partner “dirty transsexuals” and assaulting them. Following the assault, a doctor determined that the victim was unable to work. The Court found that the facts were uncontested and therefore proven. According to the Court, the accused showed a lack of respect for social norms and the physical integrity of other human beings. Additionally, the Court found the punishment should reflect that the crime was based on the victim’s transsexual status and that the punishment should serve to have a strong deterrent effect. The court convicted the accused and imposed a sentence of six months imprisonment and a fine of EUR 100.00 (increased with the multiplication factor of 50 (i.e., in total EUR 5000))which would be suspended during three years if the accused obeyed the terms of probation.

The Queen v. Kilic High Court of Australia (2016)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

This domestic violence case involved an appeal against a sentencing decision. The defendant set fire to the victim when she was 12 weeks pregnant and caused serious injury. After the attack, she terminated her pregnancy due to the permanent nature of her injuries. The trial court sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment. On appeal by the defendant, the Court of Appeal decided that this was “manifestly excessive” compared to other cases of serious injury by fire and resentenced the defendant to 10 years and six months imprisonment. On appeal by the prosecution, the High Court of Australia held that the Court of Appeal had erred in decreasing the sentence and pointed out that there were not enough comparable cases of intentionally causing serious injury by fire and the few cases mentioned could not establish a sentencing pattern.

Munda v. Western Australia High Court of Australia (2013)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Femicide

This domestic violence case involved an appeal against a sentencing decision. The defendant was found guilty and sentenced to five years and seven months imprisonment for the manslaughter of his spouse after a history of domestic violence against his wife and other family members. The trial court considered the defendant's circumstances of disadvantage – that he was an Aboriginal man and grew up in an environment that normalized violence and alcohol abuse – as mitigating factors. In the first appeal, the prosecution successfully argued that the sentence was manifestly inadequate, and the Court of Appeal increased the sentence to seven years and nine months. The defendant then appealed to the High Court of Australia, arguing that there were insufficient grounds for the Court of Appeal to interfere with the original sentence and ignore the mitigating factors considered in the original judgment, in particular his social disadvantage. The High Court dismissed the appeal, finding that the first appellate court gave proper weight to the defendant’s social disadvantages and acted properly within its discretion in the resentencing.

J. v. The Queen High Court of Australia (2018)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, Sexual violence and rape, Statutory rape or defilement

In 2015, the appellant was charged and convicted for committing five sexual offenses against his sister. The had purportedly occurred over years,. Most of the charged offenses, sexual exploitation of a child and two rapes, occurred when the appellant was an adult, but prosecutors also charged him with an indecent assault committed when he was 11 or 12 years old and thus presumed to be incapable of the offense. To rebut this presumption, the prosecution offered evidence of the appellant’s earlier, uncharged acts of sexual violence against his sister beginning when he was five or six years old. In the first appeal, the Court of Criminal Appeal found that the prosecution’s rebuttal evidence was insufficient to overcome the doli incapax presumption for the indecent assault charge and the evidence was “too sparse” to sustain a conviction for the third count in the indictment. The court upheld the other three convictions. In this appeal, the High Court examined whether it was permissible for the prosecution to use evidence of the dismissed charges for “contextual” purposes related to the remaining three charges, each of which the appellant was convicted. In dismissing this appeal, the High Court found unanimously that the evidence was relevant because it illustrated the family background in which the appellant and his sister were raised and that it was admissible “relationship evidence.” The court found that without such contextual evidence, the sexual abuse claims could easily have been seen as implausible.

Decision of the Constructional Tribunal, Case 0033/2013 Supreme Tribunal: Criminal Bench (2017)

Domestic and intimate partner violence

The Supreme Tribunal confirmed the decision of the Appeal Court, which refused to review the decision of the First Instance Court that had allowed summary proceedings in a case of domestic violence and had sentenced the accused to two years of prison. The Supreme Tribunal held that the Court of Appeal had sufficiently reasoned its decision by holding that the judge of First Instance had correctly applied Article 272 of the Criminal Code, which provides for abbreviated proceedings and for the imposition of the maximum penalty suggested by the public ministry where the accused pleads guilty and agrees with the public ministry to abbreviated proceedings.

El Tribunal Supremo confirmó la decisión del Tribunal de Apelación, que se negó a revisar la decisión del Tribunal de Primera Instancia que había permitido un proceso sumario en un caso de violencia doméstica y había condenado al acusado a dos años de prisión. El Tribunal Supremo sostuvo que el Tribunal de Apelación había razonado suficientemente su decisión al sostener que el juez de Primera Instancia había aplicado correctamente el Artículo 272 del Código Penal, que prevé un procedimiento abreviado y la imposición de la pena máxima sugerida por el ministerio público donde el acusado se declara culpable y está de acuerdo con el ministerio público para abreviar los procedimientos.

Decision of the Constitutional Tribunal, Case 0206/2014 Constitutional Tribunal (2015)

Abortion and reproductive health rights, Gender discrimination

Patricia Mansilla Martínez, a member of the Bolivian Parliament, challenged the constitutionality of several articles of the Criminal Code on the basis that they discriminated against women. The Court held that some of the challenged articles were unconstitutional and upheld others. On the grounds of gender discrimination, the Court found unconstitutional Article 56, which prevented imprisoned women from being employed outside of prisons while allowing imprisoned men outside employment, and Article 245, which recognized as a defense to the offense of falsifying a birth record the motive of protecting the honor of one’s wife, mother, daughter, or sister. The Court declared unconstitutional the words “fragility” and “dishonor” in Article 258 regarding infanticide also due to gender discrimination, although this did not affect the operation of the offense. The final unconstitutional issue was that Article 250 criminalized an unmarried man abandoning a woman who became pregnant with him, but did not criminalize a married father’s abandonment of his pregnant wife. The Court was unwilling to hold restrictions on abortion unconstitutional. As such, receiving an abortion remains prohibited under Articles 263 and 264, and the performance of abortion is prohibited under Article 269. However, the Court did declare unconstitutional the requirements in Article 266 that a woman inform the police and obtain judicial authorization in order to obtain an abortion in the case of rape or incest (article 266).

Patricia Mansilla Martínez, quien es miembro del Parlamento boliviano, cuestionó la constitucionalidad de varios artículos del Código Penal sobre la base de que eran discriminatorios contra las mujeres. El Tribunal sostuvo que varios de los artículos impugnados eran inconstitucionales: el Artículo 56, que impedía que las mujeres encarceladas fueran empleadas fuera de las cárceles mientras que los hombres encarcelados, por otro lado, podían tener empleo y el Artículo 245, que reconocía la protección del honor de la esposa, la madre, la hija o la hermana de uno como defensa al delito de falsificar un registro de nacimiento. Ambos Artículos se consideraron inconstitucionales sobre la base de la discriminación de género. La Corte declaró que las palabras "fragilidad" y "deshonra" contenidas en el Artículo 258 en asociación con el infanticidio eran inconstitucionales por la misma base, aunque esto no afecta el funcionamiento del delito. Además, la distinción dentro del Artículo 250 que penalizaba el abandono por parte de un padre de una mujer que no es su esposa después de dejarla embarazada pero que no se aplicaba a la esposa de un padre también se consideró inconstitucional. La Corte no estaba dispuesta a mantener las restricciones sobre el aborto como inconstitucionales. Como tal, recibir un aborto sigue prohibido según los Artículos 263 y 264, y el aborto está prohibido según el Artículo 269. Sin embargo, la Corte declaró inconstitucional los requisitos del Artículo 266 de que una mujer informe a la policía y obtenga la autorización judicial para obtener un aborto en caso de violación o incesto (artículo 266).

Resolución Nº 01439 - 2014, Expediente: 11-000056-0532-PE Tribunal de Apelación de Sentencia Penal II Circuito Judicial de San José (2014)

Domestic and intimate partner violence, International law

The Court established that for a cause of action based on a threat against a woman to meet the justiciability criteria pursuant to article 27 of the Law of Criminalization of Violence against Women (Ley de Penalización de Violencia contra la Mujer), it is necessary that the conduct be executed in a context of a (1) marriage or of (2) factual union.

La Corte estableció que para que una causa de acción basada en una amenaza contra una mujer cumpla con los criterios de justiciabilidad, en conformidad con el artículo 27 de la Ley de Penalización de Violencia contra la Mujer, es necesario que la conducta se haya ejecutado en un contexto de (1) matrimonio o de (2) unión de hecho.

Resolución Nº 00355 - 2016, Expediente: 12-110068-0671-TP Tribunal de Apelación de Sentencia Penal: III Circuito Judicial de Alajuela en San Ramón (2016)

Divorce and dissolution of marriage, Domestic and intimate partner violence, International law

The Court established a unified s