司法院大法官會議第365號解釋 (J.Y. Interpretation No.365)

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Article 1089 of the Civil Code, which stipulates that in situations of parental disagreement in exercising parental rights over a minor, the father has the right of final decision, is in violation of both Article 7 of the Constitution (stating that both sexes are equal under the law) and Article 9 of the Amendment (eliminating sexual discrimination). Therefore, Article 1089 should be examined and amended. The current Article is void within two years of this interpretation.

民法第1089條規定,在父母對未成年人行使親權有分歧的情況下,父親有最終決定權。該規定既違反了憲法第7條(兩性在法律上平等),也違反了憲法增修條文第9條(消除性別歧視)規定。 因此,民法第1089條應進行檢驗並修正,並應自本解釋公布之日起至遲於二年屆滿時,失其效力。



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