foreign corporation

(LIIBULLETIN preview (pre-2014))

In March 1976, a right-wing military group organized a coup d’etat to overthrew Argentine President Isabel Peron.See Encyclopedia Britannica “Dirty War.” Soon after, this military dictatorship targeted suspected left-wing political opponents,...


On April 18, 2004, Matthew Helms and Julian Brown died as a result of a bus accident near Paris, France. See Brown v. Meter, 681 S.E.2d 382, 384 (N.C. Ct. App. 2009). Helms and Brown were thirteen-year-old soccer players preparing to fly home to North...


In 2005, Petitioners Charles and Kathleen Moore bought an 11% stake in KisanKraft, a Controlled Foreign Corporation (“CFC”) based in India. Moore v. United States at 4–5. A CFC is a corporation in which U.S. persons possess more than 50% ownership or...

(Wex page)

According to New York Partnership Law, a partnership is a voluntary, contractual association between two or more parties to carry out business for-profit as co-owners. Partnerships are composed of partners, who are agents of the partnership...