23 CFR Appendix C to Part 658 - Appendix C to Part 658—Trucks Over 80,000 Pounds on the Interstate System and Trucks Over STAA Lengths on the National Network
This appendix contains the weight and size provisions that were in effect on or before June 1, 1991 (July 6, 1991 for Alaska), for vehicles covered by 23 U.S.C. 127(d) (LCV's) and 49 U.S.C. app. 2311(j) (commercial motor vehicles (CMV's) with 2 or more cargo-carrying units). Weights and dimensions are “frozen” at the values shown here, which were in effect on June 1, 1991 (Alaska, July 6, 1991). All vehicles are listed by configuration type.
In the State-by-State descriptions, CMV combinations which can also be LCV's are identified with the letters “LCV” following the type of combination vehicle. The maximum allowable gross vehicle weight is given in this appendix (in thousands of pounds indicated by a “K”), as well as information summarizing the operational conditions, routes, and legal citations. The term “Interstate System” as used herein refers to the Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate and Defense Highways.
Listed for each State by combination type is either:
1. The maximum cargo-carrying length (shown in feet); or
2. A notation that such vehicle is not allowed (indicated by a “NO”).
CMV's are categorized as follows:
1. A CMV combination consisting of a truck tractor and two trailing units.
2. A CMV combination consisting of a truck tractor and three trailing units.
3. CMV combinations with two or more cargo-carrying units not included in descriptions 1 or 2.
In the following table the left number is the maximum cargo-carrying length measured in feet from the front of the first cargo unit to the rear of the last cargo unit. This distance is not to include length exclusive devices which have been approved by the Secretary or by any State. Devices excluded from length determination shall only include items whose function is related to the safe and efficient operation of the semitrailer or trailer. No device excluded from length determination shall be designed or used for carrying cargo. The right number is the maximum gross weight in thousands of pounds that the type of vehicle can carry when operating as an LCV on the Interstate System. For every State where there is a length or weight number in the table that follows, additional information is provided.
Vehicle Combinations Subject to Pub. L. 102-240
State | 1
Truck tractor and |
Truck tractor and |
Other |
Alabama | NO | NO | NO |
Alaska | 95′ | 110′ | 83′ |
Arizona | 95′ 129K | 95′ 129K | (1) |
Arkansas | NO | NO | NO |
California | NO | NO | NO |
Colorado | 111′ 110K | 115.5′ 110K | 78′ |
Connecticut | NO | NO | NO |
Delaware | NO | NO | NO |
Dist. of Columbia | NO | NO | NO |
Florida | 106′ (2) | NO | NO |
Georgia | NO | NO | NO |
Hawaii | 65′ (2) | NO | NO |
Idaho | 95′ 105.5K | 95′ 105.5K | (1) |
Illinois | NO | NO | NO |
Indiana | 106′ 127.4K | 104.5′ 127.4K | 58′ |
Iowa | 100′ 129K | 100′ 129K | 78′ |
Kansas | 109′ 120K | 109′ 120K | NO |
Kentucky | NO | NO | NO |
Louisiana | NO | NO | NO |
Maine | NO | NO | NO |
Maryland | NO | NO | NO |
Massachusetts | 104′ 127.4K | NO | NO |
Michigan | 58′ 164K | No | 63′ |
Minnesota | NO | NO | NO |
Mississippi | 65′ (2) | NO | NO |
Missouri | 110′ 120K(4) | 109′ 120K | NO |
Montana | 93′ 137.8K | 100′ 131.06K | (1) |
Nebraska | 95′ 95K | 95′ (2) | 68′ |
Nevada | 95′ 129K | 95′ 129K | 98′ |
New Hampshire | NO | NO | NO |
New Jersey | NO | NO | NO |
New Mexico | 86.4K(3) | NO | NO |
New York | 102′ 143K | NO | NO |
North Carolina | NO | NO | NO |
North Dakota | 103′ 105.5K | 100′ 105.5K | 103′ |
Ohio | 102′ 127.4K | 95′ 115K | NO |
Oklahoma | 110′ 90K | 95′ 90K | NO |
Oregon | 68′ 105.5K | 96′ 105.5K | 70′ 5′′ |
Pennsylvania | NO | NO | NO |
Puerto Rico | NO | NO | NO |
Rhode Island | NO | NO | NO |
South Carolina | NO | NO | NO |
South Dakota | 100′ 129K | 100′ 129K | (1) |
Tennessee | NO | NO | NO |
Texas | NO | NO | NO |
Utah | 95′ 129K | 95′ 129K | (1) |
Vermont | NO | NO | NO |
Virginia | NO | NO | NO |
Washington | 68′ 105.5K | NO | 68′ |
West Virginia | NO | NO | NO |
Wisconsin | NO | NO | NO |
Wyoming | 81′ 117K | NO | (1) |
(1)—State submission includes multiple vehicles in this category—see individual State listings.
(2)—No maximum weight is established as this vehicle combination is not considered an “LCV” per the ISTEA definition. Florida's combination is not allowed to operate on the Interstate System, and the combinations for Hawaii, Mississippi, and Nebraska are not allowed to exceed 80,000 pounds.
(3)—No maximum cargo-carrying length is established for this combination. Because State law limits each trailing unit to not more than 28.5 feet in length, this combination is allowed to operate on all NN routes under the authority of the STAA of 1982, regardless of actual cargo-carrying length. The maximum weight listed is New Mexico's maximum allowable gross weight on the Interstate System under the grandfather authority of 23 U.S.C. 127.
(4)—These dimensions do not apply to the same combinations. The 110-foot length is limited to vehicles entering from Oklahoma, also limited to 90K gross weight. The 120K gross weight is limited to vehicles entering from Kansas, also limited to a cargo carrying length of 109 feet.
The following abbreviation convention is used throughout the narrative State-by-State descriptions for the captions OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS, ROUTES, and LEGAL CITATIONS: two letter State abbreviation, dash, “TT” for truck tractor, and 2 or 3 for two or three trailing units. For example, the phrase “Arizona truck tractor and 2 trailing units”, would be noted as “AZ-TT2”; the phrase “Indiana truck tractor and 3 trailing units” would be noted as “IN-TT3”, etc.
WEIGHT: The combination must be in compliance with State laws and regulations. There are no highways in the State subject to Interstate System weight limits. Therefore, the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight is not applicable.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: Combinations with an overall length greater than 75 feet, measured bumper to bumper, must display an “OVERSIZE## warning sign on the front and rear. In combinations where one cargo-carrying unit is more than 5,000 pounds heavier than the other, the heavier unit shall be placed immediately behind the power unit. Weather restrictions are imposed when hazardous conditions exist, as determined by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) and the Alaska Department of Public Safety, Division of State Troopers. Time of day travel is not restricted.
PERMIT: None required.
ACCESS: Alaska allows reasonable access not to exceed 5 miles to reach or return from terminals and facilities for food, fuel, or rest. The most direct route must be used. The Commissioner of the Alaska DOT&PF may allow access to specific routes if it can be shown that travel frequency, necessity, and route accommodation are required.
From | To | |
AK-1 | Anchorage (Potter Weigh Station) | Palmer (Palmer-Wasilla Highway Junction). |
AK-2 | Fairbanks (Gaffney Road Junction) | Delta Junction (MP 1412 Alaska Highway). |
AK-3 | Jct. AK-1 | Fairbanks (Gaffney Road Junction). |
17 AAC 25, and 35; the Administrative Permit Manual.
WEIGHT and ACCESS: Same as the AK-TT2 combination.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement. Drivers of this combination must have 10 years of experience in Alaska and certified training in operation of these combinations.
VEHICLE: Individual trailer length in a three trailing unit combination shall not exceed 28.5 feet. Engine horsepower rating shall not be less than 400 horsepower.
These combinations are allowed to operate only between May 1 and September 30 of each year. Weather restrictions are imposed when hazardous conditions exist, as determined by the Alaska DOT&PF and the Department of Public Safety, Division of State Troopers. No movement is permitted if visibility is less than 1,000 feet.
PERMIT: Permits are required with specified durations of not less than 3 months or more than 18 months. There is a fee.
From | To | |
AK-1 | Anchorage (Potter Weigh Station) | Jct. AK-3. |
AK-3 | Jct. AK-1 | Fairbanks (Gaffney Road Junction) |
WEIGHT, DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the AK-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: Same as the AK-TT2 combination, except that overall combination length may not exceed 90 feet.
ROUTES: Same as the AK-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the AK-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: Single-axle maximum weight limit is 20,000 pounds, tandem-axle maximum weight limit is 34,000 pounds, and the gross vehicle weight limit is 129,000 pounds, subject to the Federal Bridge Formula.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement. Drivers must comply with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation and Title 28, Arizona Revised Statutes.
VEHICLE: This vehicle must be able to operate at speeds compatible with other traffic on level roads and maintain 20 miles per hour speed on grades where operated. A heavy-duty fifth wheel is required. The kingpin must be a solid type, not a screw-out or folding type. All hitch connectors must be of a no-slack type, preferably an air-actuated ram. Axles must be those designed for the width of the body. All braking systems must comply with State and Federal requirements. A brake force limiting valve, sometimes called a “slippery road” valve, may be provided on the steering axle. Mud flaps or splash guards are required. When traveling on a smooth, paved surface, trailers must follow in the path of the towing vehicle without shifting or swerving more than 3 inches to either side when the towing vehicle is moving in a straight line.
PERMITS: Permits are required. Fees are charged. This vehicle is allowed continuous travel, however, the State may restrict or prohibit operations during periods when traffic, weather, or other safety considerations make such operations unsafe or inadvisable. All multiple-trailer combinations shall be driven in the right-hand traffic lane.
Access: Access is allowed for 20 miles from I-15 Exits 8 and 27 or 20 miles from other authorized routes.
From | To | |
I-15 | Nevada | Utah |
US 89 | 20 miles south of Utah | Utah |
US 160 | US 163 | New Mexico |
US 163 | US 160 | Utah |
ARS 28-107 | ARS 28-1009 | ARS 28-1011.O |
ARS 28-108.5 | ARS 28-1009.01 | ARS 28-1012 |
ARS 28-108.13 | ARS 28-1011.A | ARS 28-1013 |
ARS 28-108.14 | ARS 28-1011.C | ARS 28-1014 |
ARS 28-403 | ARS 28-1011.F | ARS 28-1031 |
ARS 28-405 | ARS 28-1011.K | ARS 28-1051 |
ARS 28-1001 | ARS 28-1011.L | ARS 28-1052 |
ARS 28-1004.G | ARS 28-1011.M | R17-40-426 |
ARS 28-1008 |
VEHICLE, and ACCESS: Same as the AZ-TT2 combination.
Weight: Single-axle maximum weight limit is 20,000 pounds, tandem-axle maximum weight limit is 34,000 pounds, and the gross vehicle weight is 123,500 pounds (129,000 on I-15), subject to the Federal Bridge Formula.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement. Drivers must comply with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation and Title 28, Arizona Revised Statutes. Drivers must be trained by an experienced driver of a three trailing unit combination. Training should be through special instructions or by traveling with the new driver until such time as the new driver is deemed adequately qualified by the trainer on the use and operation of these combinations.
PERMIT: Permits are required. Fees are charged. This vehicle is allowed continuous travel, however, the State may restrict or prohibit operations during periods when traffic, weather, or other safety considerations make such operations unsafe or inadvisable. These combinations shall not be dispatched during adverse weather conditions. All multiple-trailer combinations shall be driven in the right-hand traffic lane.
ROUTES: Same as the AZ-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the AZ-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, VEHICLE, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the AZ-TT2 combination.
ROUTES: Same as the AZ-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the AZ-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, VEHICLE, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the AZ-TT2 combination.
ROUTES: Same as the AZ-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the AZ-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: The maximum gross weight is 110,000 pounds, subject to the formula W = 800(L + 40) where “W” equals the gross weight in pounds and “L” equals the length in feet between the centers of the first and last axles, or the gross weight determined by the Federal Bridge Formula, whichever is least. A single axle shall not exceed 20,000 pounds and a tandem axle shall not exceed 36,000 pounds.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement. The driver cannot have had any suspension of driving privileges in any State during the past 3 years where such suspension arose out of the operation of a motor vehicle used as a contract or common carrier of persons or property.
The driver must be certified by the motor carrier permit holder's safety office. The certification shall demonstrate that the driver has complied with all written requirements, and that the driver has successfully completed a company-approved road test for each type of combination vehicle operated.
VEHICLE: Vehicles shall not have fewer than six axles or more than nine axles. They shall be configured such that the shorter trailer shall be operated as the rear trailer, and the trailer with the heavier gross weight shall be operated as the front trailer. In the event that the shorter trailer is also the heavier, the load must be adjusted so that the front trailer is the longer and heavier of the two.
Vehicles shall have adequate power to maintain a minimum speed of 20 miles per hour on any grade over which the combination operates and can resume a speed of 20 miles per hour after stopping on any such grade.
Tires must conform to the standards in the Department of Public Safety's (DPS) Rules and Regulations Concerning Minimum Standards for the Operation of Commercial Motor Vehicles, at 8 CCR 1507-1 and C.R.S. 42-4-225 and 42-2-406.
Vehicles are required to have a heavy-duty fifth wheel and equal strength pick-up plates that meet the standards in the DPS Commercial Vehicle Rules. This equipment must be properly lubricated and located in a position that provides stability during normal operation, including braking. The trailers shall follow in the path of the towing vehicle without shifting or swerving more than 3 inches to either side when the towing vehicle is moving in a straight line.
Kingpins must be of a solid type and permanently fastened. Screw-out or folding type kingpins are prohibited.
Hitch connections must be of a no-slack type, preferably air-actuated ram.
Drawbar lengths shall be adequate to provide for the clearances required between the towing vehicle and the trailer(s) for turning and backing maneuvers.
Axles must be those designed for the width of the body of the trailer(s).
Braking systems must comply with the DPS Commercial Vehicle Rules and C.R.S. 42-4-220. Fast air-transmission and release valves must be provided on all trailer(s) and converter dolly axles. A brake force limiting valve, sometimes called a “slippery road” valve, may be provided on the steering axle.
PERMIT: An annual permit is required for which a fee is charged. Also, the vehicle must have an overweight permit pursuant to C.R.S. 42-4-409(11)(a)(II) (A), (B), or (C), and comply with Rule 4-15 in the rules pertaining to Extra-Legal Vehicles or Loads.
A truck tractor and two trailing units wherein at least one of the trailing units exceeds 28.5 feet in length shall not operate on the following designated highway segments during the hours of 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, for Colorado Springs, Denver, and Pueblo. (A truck tractor with two trailing units wherein at least one of the trailing units exceeds 28.5 feet in length not operating at greater than the legal maximum weight of 80,000 pounds is subject to different hours-of-operation restrictions. Refer to rules pertaining to Extra-Legal Vehicles or Loads).
The holder of a longer vehicle combination (LVC) permit must have an established safety program as provided in Chapter 9 of the “Colorado Department of Highways Rules and Regulations for Operation of Longer Vehicle Combinations on Designated State Highway Segments.” Elements of the program include compliance with minimum safety standards at 8 CCR 1507-1, hazardous materials regulations at 8 CCR 1507-7, -8, and -9, Colorado Uniform Motor Vehicle Law, Articles 1 through 4 of Title 42, C.R.S. as amended, and Public Utility Commission regulations at 4 CCR 723-6, -8, -15, -22, and -23.
ACCESS: A vehicle shall not be operated off the designated portions of the Interstate System except to access food, fuel, repairs, and rest or to access a facility. Access to a facility shall be subject to the following conditions:
(1) The facility must:
(a) Be either a manufacturing or a distribution center, a warehouse, or truck terminal located in an area where industrial uses are permitted;
(b) Be a construction site; and
(c) Meet the following criteria:
1 vehicles are formed for transport or broken down for delivery on the premises;
2 adequate off-roadway space exists on the premises to safely maneuver the vehicles; and
3 adequate equipment is available on the premises to handle, load, and unload the vehicle, its trailers, and cargo.
(2) The facility must be located within a maximum distance of 10 miles from the point where the vehicle enters or exits the designated portions of the Interstate System. Such 10-mile distance shall be measured by the actual route(s) to be traveled to the facility, rather than by a straight line radius from the designated Interstate System to the facility;
(3) The access route(s) between the designated Interstate System and the facility must be approved in advance by the public entity (Colorado DOT, municipality, or county) having jurisdiction for the roadway(s) that make up the route(s). Where the State of Colorado has jurisdiction over the access route(s), it will consider the following safety, engineering, and other criteria in determining whether to approve the route(s):
(a) Safety of the motoring public;
(b) Geometrics of the street and roadway;
(c) Traffic volumes and patterns;
(d) Protection of State highways, roadways, and structures;
(e) Zoning and general characteristics of the route(s) to be encountered; and
(f) Other relevant criteria warranted by special circumstances of the proposed route(s).
Local entities, counties, and municipalities having jurisdiction over route(s), should consider similar criteria in determining whether to approve the proposed ingress and egress route(s); and
(4) A permit holder shall access only the facility or location authorized by the permit. If the permit authorizes more than one facility or location, then on any single trip by an LVC from the designated Interstate System the permit holder may access only one facility or location before returning to the designated Interstate System.
From | To | |
I-25 | New Mexico | Wyoming |
I-70 | Utah | I-70 Exit 90 Rifle |
I-70 | I-70 Exit 259 Golden | Kansas |
I-76 | Jct. I-70 | Nebraska |
I-225 | Jct. I-25 | Jct. I-70 |
I-270 | Jct. I-76 | Jct. I-70 |
LEGAL CITATIONS: Vehicles must comply with all applicable statutes, such as C.R.S. 42-4-402(1), 42-4-404(1), 42-4-407(1)(c)(III)(A), 42-4-409(11)(a)(II) (A), (B) or (C). All LVC's must comply with the Extra-Legal Vehicles and Loads Rules and the Longer Vehicle Combination Rules. However, when the rules address the same subject, the LVC, since it is operating at greater than 80,000 pounds, must comply with the Extra-Legal Vehicles and Loads Rules. Such rules are: 4-1-2 and 4-1-3 concerning holiday travel restrictions, 4-1-5 concerning hours of operation restrictions, 4-8 concerning minimum distance between vehicles and 4-15 concerning maximum allowable gross weight.
ROUTES: Same as the CO-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the CO-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, VEHICLE, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the CO-TT2 combination.
ROUTES: Same as the CO-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the CO-TT2 combination.
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: All overdimensional and weight regulations of the Florida Turnpike Authority shall apply to such units unless specifically excluded under the terms of the Tandem Trailer Permit or these regulations.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement. Proposed drivers of tandem-trailer units shall be registered by the Florida Turnpike Authority prior to driving such equipment on the turnpike system. For further information, see Rule 14-62.016 FAC.
VEHICLE: A complete tandem-trailer combination shall consist of a truck tractor, first semitrailer, fifth-wheel converter dolly, and a second semitrailer. The converter dolly may be either a separate unit or an integral component of the first semitrailer. The width shall not exceed 102 inches and the height shall not exceed 13 feet 6 inches. A tractor used in the tandem-trailer operations shall be capable of hauling the maximum gross load to be transported by a permittee at a speed of not less than 40 miles per hour on all portions of the turnpike system excepting that portion of the roadway, as posted in 1988, between mileposts 234 and 238 where a minimum speed of 30 miles per hour will be permitted.
Every tandem-trailer combination shall be equipped with full air brakes or air-activated hydraulic brakes on the tractor and either air or electric brakes on the dolly and trailers.
A tractor, which will be used to haul a complete tandem-trailer combination with a total gross weight of 110,000 pounds or more, shall be equipped with tandem rear axles and driving power shall be applied to all wheels on both axles. When the above tandem-axle tractor is required, a tandem-axle dolly converter must be used.
Every tandem-trailer combination shall be equipped with emergency equipment that equals or exceeds both the equipment requirements and the performance standards cited in Chapter 316, Florida Statutes and subpart H “Emergency Equipment” of 49 CFR 393.95.
A converter (fifth-wheel) dolly used in the tandem-trailer operations may have either single or tandem axles, according to its total gross weight. In addition to the primary towbar(s), the dolly vehicle must be equipped with safety chains or cables for connecting the dolly to the lead semitrailer and must be adequate to prevent breakaway.
Lamps and Reflectors. Each tractor, trailer, and converter dolly in a tandem-trailer combination shall be equipped with electric lamps and reflectors mounted on the vehicle in accordance with Chapter 316, Florida Statutes, and subpart B “Lighting Devices, Reflectors and Electrical Equipment,” of 49 CFR 393.9 through 49 CFR 393.33.
Coupling Devices. Coupling devices shall be so designed, constructed, and installed and the vehicles in a tandem-trailer combination shall equal or exceed both the equipment requirements and the performance standards established on 49 CFR 393.70, except that such devices shall be so designed and constructed as to ensure that any such combination traveling on a level, smooth paved surface will follow in the path of the towing vehicle without shifting or swerving from side to side over 2 inches to each side of the path of the vehicle when it is moving in a straight line. (For further information see Rule 14-62.002; 14-62.005; 14-62.006; 14-62.007; 14-62.008; 14-62.009; 14-62.010; 14-62.011; 14-62.012; 14-62.013; and 14-62.015, FAC)
PERMIT: Tandem-trailer units may operate on the turnpike system under a Tandem Trailer Permit issued by the Florida Turnpike Authority upon application, except as provided in subparagraph (2) below.
(1) The Florida Turnpike Authority shall provide a copy of each such permit to the Motor Carrier Compliance Office.
(2) Tandem-trailer trucks of the dimensions mandated by the STAA of 1982 and operating in compliance with Rule Chapter 14-54, FAC, and under the provisions of section 316.515, Florida Statutes shall be exempt from the provisions of this rule chapter to the extent provided in Rule 14-54.0011, FAC.
ACCESS: Staging. Tandem-trailer combinations shall be made up and broken up only in special assembly (staging) areas as designated for this purpose. For further information, see Rule 14-62.017, FAC. Make-up and break-up of tandem-trailer combinations shall not be allowed on a public right-of-way unless the area is designated for such use or unless an emergency exists.
From | To | |
Florida's Turnpike | South end Homestead Extension at US 1 | Exit 304 Wildwood. |
LEGAL CITATIONS: Chapter 14-62, “Regulations Governing Tandem Combinations of Florida's Turnpike,” Florida Administrative Code.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: No load may exceed the carrying capacity of the axles specified by the manufacturer and no combination vehicle shall have a total weight in excess of its designed gross combination weight limit.
PERMITS: No permits are required.
ACCESS: Designated routes off the NN.
ROUTES: All NN routes except HI-95 from H-1 to Barbers Point Harbor.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Chapter 291, Section 34, Hawaii Revised Statutes and Chapter 104 of Title 19, Administrative Rules.
WEIGHT: Single axle: 20,000 pounds, tandem axle: 34,000 pounds, and gross vehicle weight up to 105,500 pounds.
Axle spacing: must comply with Idaho Code 49-1001.
Trailer weights: The respective loading of any trailer shall not be substantially greater than the weight of any trailer located ahead of it in the vehicle combination. Substantially greater shall be defined as more than 4,000 pounds heavier.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: The rules provide that all CMV's with two or more cargo-carrying units (except for truck-trailer combinations which are limited to an 85-foot combination length) are subject to calculated maximum off-tracking (CMOT) limits. The CMOT formula is:
The power unit of LCV's and extra-length combinations shall have adequate power and traction to maintain a speed of 15 miles per hour under normal operating conditions on any up-grade over which the combination is operated.
Fifth-wheel, drawbar, and other coupling devices shall be as specified by Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, section 393.70.
Every combination operated under special permit authority shall be covered by insurance meeting State and Federal requirements. Evidence of this insurance must be carried in the permitted vehicle.
PERMIT: Permits are required. Permit duration is for 1 year from the date of issuance.
ACCESS: Combinations with a CMOT limit of less than 6.5 feet may use any Interstate or designated highway system interchange for access. Combinations with a CMOT of 6.5 to 8.75 feet may use only the following Interstate System interchanges:
ROUTES: All NN routes.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Other regulations and restrictions that must be complied with are:
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: Same as the ID-TT2 combination.
ROUTES: Same as the ID-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the ID-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the ID-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: Overall combination length limited to 85 feet.
ROUTES: Same as the ID-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the ID-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the ID-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: Overall combination length limited to 105 feet.
ROUTES: Same as the ID-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the ID-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: Single axle = 22,400 pounds. Axles spaced less than 40 inches between centers are considered to be single axles.
Tandem axle = 36,000 pounds. Axles spaced more than 40 inches but less than 9 feet between centers are considered to be tandem axles.
Gross vehicle weight = 90,000 pounds plus 1,070 pounds per foot for each foot of total vehicle length in excess of 60 feet with a maximum gross weight not to exceed 127,400 pounds.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement, and a Toll Road identification card. Drivers must be at least 26 years old, in good health, and with 5 years of experience driving tractor-semitrailers or tandem-trailer combinations. Experience must include driving in all four seasons.
VEHICLE: Lightest trailer to the rear. Distance between coupled trailers shall not exceed 9 feet. The combination vehicle, including coupling devices, shall be designed and constructed so as to ensure that while traveling on a level, smooth paved surface each trailing unit will follow in the path of the towing vehicle without shifting or swerving from side to side more than 3 inches. The combination vehicle must have at least five axles but not more than nine axles and except on ramps be able to achieve and maintain a speed of 45 miles per hour. Following distance is 500 feet, and passing maneuvers must be completed within 1 mile. The truck tractor must be equipped at a minimum with emergency equipment including fire extinguisher, spare fuses, tire chains, tire tread minimums, and disabled vehicle warning devices. Every dolly must be coupled with safety chain directly to the frame of the semitrailer by which it is towed. Each unit in a multi-trailer combination must be equipped at a minimum with electric lights and reflectors mounted on the vehicle.
PERMIT: A free annual tandem-trailer permit must be obtained from the Indiana DOT for loads which exceed 90,000 pounds. A multiple-trip access permit, for which a fee is charged, must also be obtained for access to points of delivery or to breakdown locations. Permission to operate can be temporarily suspended by the Indiana DOT due to weather, road conditions, holiday traffic, or other emergency conditions. Any oversize vehicle whose length exceeds 80 feet shall not be operated at a speed in excess of 45 miles per hour. Oversize loads are not to be operated at any time when wind velocity exceeds 25 miles per hour.
ACCESS: 15 miles from toll gates.
From | To | |
I-80/90 (IN Toll Road) | Toll Road Gate 21 | Ohio. |
I-90 (IN Toll Road) | Illinois | Toll Road Gate 21. |
WEIGHT, DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the IN-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: Semitrailers and trailers shall not be longer than 28.5 feet, and the minimum number of axles for the combination is seven. Three trailing unit combinations must be equipped with adequate spray-suppressant mud flaps which are properly maintained.
ROUTES: Same as the IN-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the IN-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: The maximum width is 102 inches, and the maximum height is 13 feet 6 inches.
PERMIT: None required.
ACCESS: Unlimited.
Iowa allows vehicles from South Dakota and Nebraska access to terminals which are located within the corporate limits of Sioux City and its commercial zone as shown in 49 CFR 1048.101 on November 28, 1995. These vehicles must be legal in the State from which they enter Iowa.
WEIGHT, DRIVER, VEHICLE, AND PERMIT: Same conditions which apply to a truck tractor and 2 trailing units legally operating in South Dakota or Nebraska.
ACCESS: These combinations may operate on any road within the corporate limits of Sioux City and its commercial zone as shown in 49 CFR 1048.101 on November 28, 1995, when authorized by appropriate State or local authority.
ROUTES: LCV combinations may operate on all Interstate System routes in Sioux City and its commercial zone as shown in 49 CFR 1048.101 on November 28, 1995. If subject only to the ISTEA freeze on length, they may operate on all NN routes in Sioux City and its commercial zone, as above.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Iowa Code § 321.457(2)(f) (1995).
WEIGHT, DRIVER, VEHICLE, AND PERMIT: Same as the SD-TT3 combination.
ACCESS: Same as the IA-TT2 combination.
ROUTES: Same as the IA-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATION: Same as the IA-TT2 combination.
Iowa allows vehicles from South Dakota and Nebraska access to terminals which are located within the corporate limits of Sioux City and its commercial zone, as shown in 49 CFR 1048.101 on November 28, 1995. These vehicles must be legal in the State from which they enter Iowa.
WEIGHT, DRIVER, VEHICLE, AND PERMIT: Same conditions which apply to a truck-trailer combination legally operating in Nebraska or South Dakota.
ACCESS: Same as the IA-TT2 combination.
ROUTES: Same as IA-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATION: Same as the IA-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: Combinations consisting of a truck tractor and two trailing units must comply with the Federal Bridge Formula, with maximum weights of 20,000 pounds on a single axle and 34,000 pounds on a tandem axle, and with a maximum gross weight of 120,000 pounds.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: Truck tractor and two trailing unit combinations must meet legal width and height with no time-of-day travel restrictions or other special requirements.
PERMIT: Permits are not required for operation on the Kansas Turnpike. A permit is required for access between the Turnpike and motor freight terminals located within a 10-mile radius of each toll booth, except at the northeastern end of the Turnpike where a 20-mile radius is allowed. Access permits are valid for 6 months.
ACCESS: Turnpike access routes include all routes between the Turnpike and a motor freight terminal located within a 10-mile radius of each toll booth, except at the northeastern end of the Turnpike where a 20-mile radius is allowed.
From | To | |
I-35 Kansas Tpk. Authority (KTA) | Oklahoma | KTA Exit 127. |
I-70 KTA | KTA Exit 182 | KTA Exit 223. |
I-335 KTA | KTA Exit 127 | KTA Exit 177. |
I-470 KTA | KTA Exit 177 | KTA Exit 182. |
Kansas Statutes Annotated (KSA) | ||
KSA 8-1911 | KSA 68-2004 | KSA 68-2019. |
KSA 8-1914 | KSA 68-2005 | KSA 68-2048a. |
KSA 68-2003 |
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: The operations of triple trailing unit combinations are governed by two sets of criteria: (1) The Turnpike and Turnpike access rules, and (2) the SVC rules which apply off of the Turnpike except in the case of vehicles operating under Turnpike access authority. The Turnpike and Turnpike access rules allow a maximum combination vehicle length of 119 feet overall. The SVC rules require “Triples” to have trailers of no more than 28.5 feet maximum length or a cargo-carrying length of approximately 95 feet.
The Turnpike and Turnpike access rules have no time-of-day travel restrictions or other special requirements.
The SVC rules have several operational conditions. SVC's cannot operate on holidays or during holiday weekends. SVC's cannot be dispatched or operated during adverse weather conditions. SVC's must travel in the right lane, except for passing, and the following distance is 100 feet for every 10 miles per hour. SVC permits can include any restrictions deemed necessary, including specific routes and hours, days, and/or seasons of operation. Rules and regulations can be promulgated regarding driver qualifications, vehicle equipment, and operational standards.
WEIGHT: All triple trailing unit combinations must comply with the Federal Bridge Formula with maximum axle weights of 20,000 pounds on a single axle and 34,000 pounds on a tandem axle. The maximum gross weight is 120,000 pounds on the Turnpike and Turnpike access routes, but the SVC's have a maximum weight of 110,000 pounds.
DRIVER: A commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement is required under both Turnpike and SVC rules. In addition, for SVC operation drivers must have completed SVC driver training and a company road test. Drivers must also have 2 years of experience driving tractor-semitrailers and 1 year driving doubles.
VEHICLE: Vehicle requirements apply to the SVC program only. All axles, except steering axles, must have dual wheels, and all vehicles must be able to achieve and maintain a speed of 40 miles per hour on all grades. Antispray mud flaps shall be attached to the rear of each axle except the steering axle. Mud flaps shall have a surface designed to absorb and deflect excess moisture to the road surface. Drop and lift axles are prohibited. Vehicles may have a minimum of six and a maximum of nine axles. The heaviest trailers are to be placed forward. Hazardous cargo is prohibited. Convex mirrors are required on both sides of the cab. Equipment must comply with the requirements of 49 CFR 390-399.
Any SVC shall be stable at all times during normal braking and normal operation. When traveling on a level, smooth paved surface, an SVC shall follow the towing vehicle without shifting or swerving beyond the restraints of the lane of travel.
PERMIT: Same as the KS-TT2 combination on the Turnpike and Turnpike access routes. A fee per company plus a permit fee for each power unit is required for the SVC program, and the SVC permits are valid for 1 year. SVC's operated pursuant to regulation 36-1-33 under an annual permit shall be covered by insurance.
ACCESS: Turnpike access routes include all routes between the Turnpike and a motor freight terminal located within a 10-mile radius of each toll booth, except at the northeastern end of the Turnpike where a 20-mile radius is allowed. SVC access routes include all routes between the Interstate and a motor freight terminal located within 5 miles of the Interstate at Goodland.
A. For vehicles subject to the Turnpike and Turnpike access rules:
From | To | |
I-35 KTA | Oklahoma | KTA Exit 127. |
I-70 KTA | KTA Exit 182 | KTA Exit 223. |
I-335 KTA | KTA Exit 127 | KTA Exit 177. |
I-470 KTA | KTA Exit 177 | KTA Exit 182. |
B. For vehicles subject to the SVC rules:
From | To | |
I-70 | Colorado | I-70 Exit 19 Goodland. |
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the KS-TT2 combination, plus KSA 8-1915.
WEIGHT: Any combination of vehicles may not exceed a maximum gross weight of 127,400 pounds. The maximum gross weight of the tractor and first semitrailer shall not exceed 71,000 pounds. The maximum gross weight of each unit of dolly and semitrailer shall not exceed 56,400 pounds. The maximum gross weight for the tractor and first semitrailer is governed by the formula 35,000 pounds plus 1,000 pounds per foot between the center of the foremost axle and the center of the rearmost axle of the semitrailer. The maximum gross weight on any one axle is 22,400 pounds, and on any tandem axle it is 36,000 pounds. Axles less than 46 inches between centers are considered to be one axle.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement and must be registered with the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority (MTA). Registration shall include all specified driving records, safety records, physical examinations, and minimum of 5 years of driving experience with tractor trailers.
(1) Brake Regulation. The brakes on any vehicle, dolly converter, or combination of vehicles used in tandem-trailer operations as a minimum shall comply with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations in 49 CFR part 393. In addition, any vehicle, dolly converter or combination of vehicles used in tandem-trailer operations shall meet the requirements of the provisions of the Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Law. Tandem-trailer combinations certified on or after June 1, 1968, shall be equipped with suitable devices to accelerate application and release of the brakes of the towed vehicle.
(2) Axles. A tractor used to haul a tandem trailer combination with a gross weight of more than 110,000 pounds shall be equipped with tandem rear axles, each of which shall be engaged to bear its full share of the load on the roadway surface.
(3) Tandem Assembly. When the gross weight of the trailers vary by more than 20 percent, they shall be coupled with the heaviest trailer attached to the tractor. Coupling devices and towing devices shall comply with the Federal regulations as stated in 49 CFR part 393. When the distance between the rear of the one semitrailer and the front of the following semitrailer is 10 feet or more, the dolly shall be equipped with a device, or the trailers shall be connected along the sides with suitable material, which will indicate to other Turnpike users that the trailers are connected and are in effect one unit. The MTA shall approve the devices or connections to be used on the semitrailers that would indicate it is one unit. Coupling devices shall be so designed, constructed, and installed, and the vehicles in a tandem trailer combination shall be so designed and constructed to ensure that when traveling on a level, smooth paved surface they will follow in the path of the towing vehicle without shifting or swerving over 3 inches to each side of the path of the towing vehicle when it is moving in a straight line. A tandem trailer unit may pass another vehicle traveling in the same direction only if the speed differential will allow the tandem trailer unit to complete the maneuver and return to the normal driving lane within a distance of 1 mile.
Each truck tractor shall be equipped with at least one spare fuse or other overload protective device, if the devices are not of a reset type, for each kind and size used. The vehicle is to carry at least one set of tire chains for at least one driving wheel on each side between October 15 and May 1 of each year. Each truck tractor shall carry a fire extinguisher which shall have an aggregate rating of 20 BC.
PERMIT: A permittee must demonstrate to the MTA that it has insurance coverage of the type and amounts required by Turnpike regulation. Both the tractor manufacturer and the permittee shall certify to the MTA, prior to the approval of a tractor, that it is capable of hauling the maximum permissible gross load to be transported by the permittee at a speed not less than 20 miles per hour on all portions of the turnpike system. The MTA may revoke or temporarily suspend any permit at will and the instructions of the MTA or Massachusetts State Police shall be complied with immediately.
ACCESS: Makeup and breakup areas. Tandem trailer units shall not leave the Turnpike right-of-way and shall be assembled and disassembled only in designated areas.
From | To | |
I-90 Mass Turnpike | New York State | Turnpike Exit 18 Boston. |
The MTA, Massachusetts Rules and Regulations 730, and CMR 4.00.
WEIGHT: The single-axle weight limit for LCV's is 18,000 pounds for axles spaced 9 feet or more apart. For axles spaced more than 3.5 but less than 9 feet apart, the single-axle weight limit is 13,000 pounds. The tandem-axle weight limit is 16,000 pounds per axle for the first tandem and 13,000 pounds per axle for all other tandems. Axles spaced less than 3.5 feet apart are limited to 9,000 pounds per axle. Maximum load per inch width of tire is 700 pounds. Maximum gross weight is determined based on axle and axle group weight limits.
When restricted seasonal loadings are in effect, load per inch width of tire and maximum axle weights are reduced as follows: Rigid pavements—525 pounds per inch of tire width, 25 percent axle weight reduction; Flexible pavements—450 pounds per inch of tire width, 35 percent axle weight reduction.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: Truck height may not exceed 13.5 feet. There is no overall length for LCV's operating on the Interstate System when semitrailer and trailer lengths do not exceed 28.5 feet. If either the trailer or semitrailer is longer than 28.5 feet, the distance from the front of the first box to the rear of the second box may not exceed 58 feet. A combination of vehicles shall not have more than 11 axles, and the ratio of gross weight to net horsepower delivered to the clutch shall not exceed 400 to 1.
PERMIT: Permits for divisible loads of more than 80,000 pounds must conform to either Federal or grandfathered axle and bridge spacing requirements.
ACCESS: All designated State highways.
ROUTES: All Interstate routes and designated State highways.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: The overall length of this combination is limited to 70 feet. The only cargo that may be carried is saw logs, pulpwood, and tree length poles.
PERMIT: None required.
ACCESS: All NN routes.
ROUTES: All NN routes.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Michigan Public Act 300, section 257.719.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: Each trailing unit may be a maximum of 30 feet long.
PERMIT: None required.
ACCESS: No restrictions, may operate Statewide.
ROUTES: All NN routes.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Section 63-5-19, Mississippi Code, Annotated, 1972.
MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE GROSS WEIGHT: 120,000 pounds when entering Missouri from Kansas; 95,000 pounds when entering from Nebraska; 90,000 pounds when entering from Oklahoma.
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: Missouri allows vehicles from neighboring States access to terminals in Missouri which are within 20 miles of the Missouri State Line. These vehicles must be legal in the State from which they are entering Missouri.
WEIGHT, DRIVER, VEHICLE: Same conditions which apply to a truck tractor and two trailing units legally operating in Kansas, Nebraska, or Oklahoma.
PERMIT: Annual blanket overdimension permits are issued to allow a truck tractor and two trailing units legally operating in Kansas, Nebraska, or Oklahoma to move to and from terminals in Missouri which are located within a 20-mile band of the State Line for these three States. There is a permit fee per power unit. The permits carry routine permit restrictions, but do not address driver qualifications or any other restrictions not included in the rules and regulations for all permitted movement.
ACCESS: Routes as necessary to reach terminals.
ROUTES: All NN routes within a 20-mile band from the Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma borders.
LEGAL CITATIONS: § 304.170 and § 304.200 Revised Statutes of Missouri 1990.
MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE GROSS WEIGHT: 120,000 pounds when entering Missouri from Kansas; 90,000 pounds when entering from Oklahoma.
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: Missouri allows vehicles from neighboring States access to terminals in Missouri which are within 20 miles of the Missouri State Line. These vehicles must be legal in the State from which they are entering Missouri.
WEIGHT, DRIVER, VEHICLE: Same conditions which apply to a truck tractor and three trailing units legally operating in Kansas or Oklahoma.
PERMIT: Annual blanket overdimension permits are issued to allow a truck tractor and three trailing units legally operating in Kansas or Oklahoma, to move to and from terminals in Missouri which are located within a 20-mile band of the State Line for these two States. There is a permit fee per power unit. The permits carry routine permit restrictions, but do not address driver qualifications or any other restrictions not included in the rules and regulations for all permitted movement.
ACCESS: Routes as necessary to reach terminals.
ROUTES: All NN routes within a 20-mile band from the Kansas and Oklahoma borders.
LEGAL CITATIONS: § 304.170 & § 304.200 Revised Statutes of Missouri 1990.
WEIGHT: Except for vehicles operating under the MOU, any vehicle carrying a divisible load over 80,000 pounds must comply with the Federal Bridge Formula found in 23 U.S.C. 127.
The designation of “A-Train” or “B-Train” refers to the manner in which the two trailing units are connected.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: No special requirements beyond compliance with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.
PERMIT: Special permit required for double trailer combinations if either trailer exceeds 28.5 feet. Permits are available on an annual or a trip basis and provide for continuous travel. Statutory reference: 61-10-124, MCA. For vehicles being operated under the Montana/Alberta MOU, operators must have paid gross vehicle weight fees for the total weight being carried. In addition, a term Restricted Route and Oversize Permit for which an annual fee is charged must be obtained. Finally, vehicle operators must secure a single-trip, overweight permit prior to each trip.
ACCESS: Access must be authorized by the Montana DOT. For vehicles operated under the Montana/Alberta MOU, access routes from I-15 into Shelby are authorized when permits are issued. For vehicles with a cargo-carrying length greater than 88 feet, but not more than 93 feet, a 2-mile access from the Interstate System is automatically granted to terminals and service areas. Access outside the 2-mile provision may be granted on a case-by-case basis by the Administrator of the Motor Carrier Services Division.
ROUTES: Combinations with a cargo-carrying length greater than 88 feet, but not more than 93 feet, are limited to the Interstate System. Combinations with a cargo-carrying length of 88 feet or less can use all NN routes except U.S. 87 from milepost 79.3 to 82.5. For vehicles being operated under the Montana/Alberta MOU, the only route available is I-15 from the border with Canada to Shelby.
61-10-124 MCA | 61-10-104 MCA | ARM 18.8.509(6) |
61-10-107 (3) MCA | 61-10-121 MCA | ARM 18.8.517, 518 |
WEIGHT: Any vehicle carrying a divisible load over 80,000 pounds must comply with the Federal Bridge Formula found in 23 U.S.C. 127.
DRIVER: Drivers of three trailing unit combinations must be certified by the operating company. This certification includes an actual driving test and knowledge of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and State law pertaining to triple vehicle operations. Drivers are also required to have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: The 100-foot cargo-carrying length is only with a conventional tractor within a 110-foot overall length limit. If a cabover tractor is used, the cargo length is 95 feet within a 105-foot overall length limit. Vehicles involved in three trailing unit operations must comply with the following regulations:
1. Shall maintain a minimum speed of 20 miles per hour on any grade;
2. Kingpins must be solid and permanently affixed;
3. Hitch connections must be no-slack type;
4. Drawbars shall be of minimum practical length;
5. Permanently affixed axles must be designed for the width of the trailer;
6. Anti-sail mudflaps or splash and spray suppression devices are required;
7. The heavier trailers shall be in front of lighter trailers;
8. A minimum distance of 100 feet per 10 miles per hour is required between other vehicles except when passing;
9. Operating at speeds greater than 55 miles per hour is prohibited; and
10. Vehicle and driver are subject to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.
Reference: 18.8.517 Administrative Rules of Montana.
PERMIT: Special triple vehicle permits are required for the operation of these combinations. Permits are available on an annual or trip basis. Permits are good for travel on the Interstate System only and are subject to the following conditions:
1. Travel is prohibited during adverse weather conditions;
2. Transportation of Class A explosives is prohibited; and
3. Companies operating triple combinations must have an established safety program including driver certifications.
ACCESS: Access is for 2 miles beyond the Interstate System, or further if granted by the Administrator of the Motor Carrier Services Division.
ROUTES: Interstate System routes in the State.
LEGAL CITATION: 18.8.517 Administrative Rules of Montana.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, and ACCESS: Same as the MT-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: Same as the MT-TT2 combination, except overall length limited to 95 feet.
PERMIT: Special permit required if overall length exceeds 75 feet. Special permits allow continuous travel and are available on an annual or trip basis.
ROUTES: Same as the MT-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: 61-10-121 and 61-10-124, MCA.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the MT-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: The cargo-carrying unit length is 103 feet with a conventional truck within a 110-foot overall length limit, and 98 feet with a cab-over-engine truck within a 105-foot overall length limit. On two-lane highways the cargo-carrying unit length is 88 feet within a 95-foot overall length limit.
ROUTES: All NN routes except U.S. 87 between mileposts 79.3 and 82.5.
Truck tractor and 2 trailing unit combinations with a length of cargo-carrying units of over 65 feet are required to travel empty.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement. There are no additional special qualifications where the cargo-carrying unit lengths are 65 feet or less. For cargo-carrying unit lengths over 65 feet, the driver must comply with all State and Federal requirements and must not have had any accidents while operating such vehicles.
VEHICLE: For combinations with a cargo-carrying length over 65 feet, but not over 85 feet, the semitrailer cannot exceed 48 feet in length and the full trailer cannot be less than 26 feet or more than 28 feet long. The shorter trailer must be placed to the rear. The wheel path of the trailer(s) cannot vary more than 3 inches from that of the towing vehicle.
For combinations with a cargo-carrying length greater than 85 feet, up to and including 95 feet, the trailers must be of approximately equal length.
PERMIT: A weight permit in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) Rules and Regulations is required for operating on the Interstate System with weight in excess of 80,000 pounds.
A length permit, in accordance with Chapters 8 or 11 of the NDOR Rules and Regulations, is required for two trailing unit combinations with a length of cargo-carrying units over 65 feet. Except for permits issued to carriers hauling seasonally harvested products in combinations with a cargo-carrying length greater than 65 feet but not more than 71.5 feet which may move as necessary to accommodate crop movement requirements, holders of length permits are subject to the following conditions.
Movement is prohibited on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays; when ground wind speed exceeds 25 miles per hour; when visibility is less than 800 feet; or when steady rain, snow, sleet, ice, or other conditions cause slippery pavement. Beginning November 15 until April 16 permission to move must be obtained from the NDOR Permit Office within 3 hours of movement. Beginning April 16 until November 15 permission to move must be obtained within 3 days of the movement.
Fees are charged for all permits. Length permits for combinations carrying seasonally harvested products are valid for 30 days and are renewable but may not authorize operation for more than 150 days per year.
All permits are subject to revocation if the terms are violated.
ACCESS: Access to NN routes is not restricted for two trailing unit combinations with a cargo-carrying length of 65 feet or less, or 71.5 feet or less if involved in carrying seasonally harvested products. For two trailing unit combinations with a cargo-carrying length greater than 65 feet and not involved in carrying seasonally harvested products, access to and from I-80 is limited to designated staging areas within six miles of the route between the Wyoming State Line and Exit 440 (Nebraska Highway 50); and except for weather, emergency, and repair, cannot reenter I-80 after exiting.
ROUTES: Except for length permits issued to carriers hauling seasonally harvested products in combinations with a cargo-carrying length greater than 65 feet but not more than 71.5 feet which may use all non-Interstate NN routes, vehicles requiring length permits are restricted to Interstate 80 between the Wyoming State Line and Exit 440 (Nebraska Highway 50). Combinations not requiring length permits may use all NN routes.
WEIGHT: A truck tractor and three trailing unit combination is required to travel empty.
DRIVER: Same as the NE-TT2 combination.
PERMIT: A length permit, in accordance with Chapter 11 of the NDOR Rules and Regulations is required for a three trailing unit combination. Conditions of the length permit prohibit movements on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays; when ground wind speed exceeds 25 miles per hour; and when visibility is less than 800 feet. Movement is also prohibited during steady rain, snow, sleet, ice, or other conditions causing slippery pavement. Beginning November 15 until April 16 permission to move must be obtained from the NDOR Permit Office within 3 hours of movement. Beginning April 16 until November 15 permission to move must be obtained within 3 days of the movement. A fee is charged for the annual length permit. These permits can be revoked if the terms are violated.
ACCESS: Access to and from I-80 is limited to designated staging areas within 6 miles of the route between Wyoming State Line and Exit 440 (Nebraska Route 50). Except for weather, emergency, and repair, three trailing unit combinations cannot reenter the Interstate after having exited.
VEHICLE: A three trailing unit combination must have trailers of approximately equal length and the overall vehicle length cannot exceed 105 feet.
ROUTES: I-80 from Wyoming to Exit 440 (Nebraska Highway 50).
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: The overall vehicle length, including load, cannot exceed 75 feet.
PERMIT: No permit is required.
ACCESS: Statewide during daylight hours only.
ROUTES: All NN routes.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Neb. Rev. Stat. § 39-6,179.
WEIGHT: The single-axle weight limit is 20,000 pounds, the tandem-axle weight limit is 34,000 pounds, and the gross weight is subject to the Federal Bridge Formula limits, provided that two consecutive tandems with a distance of 36 feet or more between the first and last axle may carry 34,000 pounds on each tandem.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement, be at least 25 years old, and have had a medical exam within previous 24 months. Every operator must be covered by a liability insurance policy with personal injury and property damage limits meeting State requirements.
VEHICLE: No trailer may be longer than 48 feet. If one trailer is 48 feet long, the other trailer cannot exceed 42 feet. Towed vehicles must not shift or sway more than 3 inches to right or left and must track in a straight line on a level, smooth paved highway. Vehicles must be able to accelerate and operate on a level highway at speeds which are compatible with other traffic and with the speed limits and must be able to maintain a minimum of 20 miles per hour on any grade on which they may operate. All vehicles must have safety chains on converter dollies. Vehicles must carry snow chains for each drive wheel.
Vehicle operations may be suspended in adverse weather and high winds, as determined by police or the Nevada DOT.
The shortest trailer must be in the rear of a combination unless it is heavier than the longer trailer.
Brakes must comply with all State and Federal requirements for commercial vehicles including automatic braking for separation of vehicles, parking brakes, and working lights.
Vehicles must not exceed posted speed limits and cannot operate on any highway on which they cannot at all times stay on the right side of the center line. All LCV's must keep a distance of at least 500 feet from each other.
Every full-sized truck or truck tractor used in a combination of vehicles must be equipped with at least the following emergency and safety equipment:
1. One fire extinguisher which meets “Classification B” of the National Fire Protection Association.
2. One spare light bulb for every electrical lighting device used on the rear of the last vehicle in a combination of vehicles.
3. One spare fuse for each different kind and size of fuse used in every vehicle in the combination of vehicles. If the electrical system of any vehicle in the combination contains any devices for protection of electrical circuits from overloading, other than fuses and circuit breakers which can be reset, one spare of each such device must be kept as emergency and safety equipment.
4. Any flares, reflectors or red electrical lanterns which meet State or Federal law or regulation.
Before operating a combination of vehicles on a highway of this State, the owner or operator of the combination shall certify to the Nevada DOT, on a form provided by it, that all vehicles and equipment in the combination meet the requirements of and will be operated in compliance with NAC 484.300 to 484.440, inclusive.
All axles except for steering axles and axles that weigh less than 10,000 pounds must have at least four tires unless the tire width of each tire on the axles is 14 inches or greater.
PERMIT: Permits are required and a fee is charged. They may be revoked for violation of any of the provisions of the legal regulations. The State may suspend operation on roads deemed unsafe or impracticable. Permits must be carried in the vehicle along with identification devices issued by the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles.
ACCESS: As authorized by the Nevada DOT.
ROUTES: All NN routes, except US 93 from Nevada State route 500 to Arizona.
LEGAL CITATIONS: NRS 484.400, .405(4), .425, .430, .739, 408.100-4, .100-6(a), and 706.531. Also, “Regulations for the Operation of 70 to 105 foot Combinations” (1990).
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: Same as the NV-TT2 combination.
ROUTES: Same as the NV-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the NV-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, VEHICLE, and ACCESS: Same as the NV-TT2 combination.
PERMITS: Same as the NV-TT2 combination, except permits for Truck-trailer, or Truck-trailer-trailer combinations are only required when the overall length is 70 feet or more.
ROUTES: Same as the NV-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the NV-TT2 combination.
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: The cargo-carrying length restriction does not apply to this combination. The length of each trailing unit is limited to 28.5 feet. This describes a two trailing unit vehicle whose operation is guaranteed by the STAA of 1982 regardless of inter-unit spacing. As long as each trailing unit is 28.5 feet long or less, cargo-carrying length is not restricted. This combination is listed as a LCV because it can exceed the 80,000-pound threshold established in the Congressional definition. The 86,400-pound gross weight limit is grandfathered for New Mexico.
WEIGHT: Single axle = 21,600 pounds. Tandem axle = 34,200 pounds. Load per inch of tire width = 600 pounds. The total gross weight with load imposed on the highway by any vehicle or combination of vehicles where the distance between the first and last axles is less than 19 feet shall not exceed that given for the respective distances in the following table:
Distance in feet between first and last axles of group | Allowed load in pounds on group of axles |
4 | 34,320 |
5 | 35,100 |
6 | 35,880 |
7 | 36,660 |
8 | 37,440 |
9 | 38,220 |
10 | 39,000 |
11 | 39,780 |
12 | 40,560 |
13 | 41,340 |
14 | 42,120 |
15 | 42,900 |
16 | 43,680 |
17 | 44,460 |
18 | 45,240 |
The total gross weight with load imposed on the highway by any vehicle or combination of vehicles where the distance between the first and last axles is 19 feet or more shall not exceed that given for the respective distances in the following table:
Distance in feet between first and last axles of group | Allowed load in pounds on group of axles |
19 | 53,100 |
20 | 54,000 |
21 | 54,900 |
22 | 55,800 |
23 | 56,700 |
24 | 57,600 |
25 | 58,500 |
26 | 59,400 |
27 | 60,300 |
28 | 61,200 |
29 | 62,100 |
30 | 63,000 |
31 | 63,900 |
32 | 64,800 |
33 | 65,700 |
34 | 66,600 |
35 | 67,500 |
36 | 68,400 |
37 | 69,300 |
38 | 70,200 |
39 | 71,100 |
40 | 72,000 |
41 | 72,900 |
42 | 73,800 |
43 | 74,700 |
44 | 75,600 |
45 | 76,500 |
46 | 77,400 |
47 | 78,300 |
48 | 79,200 |
49 | 80,100 |
50 | 81,000 |
51 | 81,900 |
52 | 82,800 |
53 | 83,700 |
54 | 84,600 |
55 | 85,500 |
56 and over | 86,400 |
The distance between the centers of the axles shall be measured to the nearest even foot. When a fraction is exactly one-half the next larger whole number shall be used.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: No special requirements beyond normal Federal Motor Carrier or State regulations. The maximum length of the trailing units is 28.5 feet.
PERMIT: None Required.
ACCESS: STAA vehicles must be allowed reasonable access in accordance with 23 CFR 658.19.
ROUTES: All Interstate highways.
WEIGHT: The following information pertains to tandem trailer combinations with either trailer more than 28.5 feet long but not more than 48 feet long. A nine-axle combination vehicle may not exceed a total maximum gross weight of 143,000 pounds. An eight-axle combination vehicle may not exceed a total maximum gross weight of 138,400 pounds. The maximum gross weight that may be carried upon any combination of units is limited by the maximum gross weight that can be carried upon the axles as follows. For a nine-axle combination: Drive axles—36,000 pounds, axles four/five—36,000 pounds, axles six/seven—27,000 pounds, and axles eight/nine—36,000 pounds. A minimum 12-foot axle spacing between the fifth and sixth axles is also required on the nine-axle LCV. For an eight-axle combination: Drive axles—36,000 pounds, axles four/five—36,000 pounds, sixth axle—22,400 pounds, and axles seven/eight—36,000 pounds. The eight-axle LCV has no minimum axle-spacing requirements. For gross weights in excess of 138,400 pounds the combination must include a tandem-axle dolly to meet the nine-axle requirements. Maximum permissible gross weight for B-train combination is 127,000 pounds.
When the gross weight of the two trailers in a tandem combination vary more than 20 percent, the heaviest of the two must be placed in the lead position.
For tandem trailer combinations in which neither trailing unit exceeds 28.5 feet in length the following maximum allowable weights apply: for a single axle—28,000 pounds (except that steering axles may not exceed 22,400 pounds), for a tandem axle—42,500 pounds, for a tri-axle—52,500 pounds. The gross weight may not exceed 100,000 pounds or the manufacturers gross weight rating, whichever is lower.
DRIVER: For operation on highways under the jurisdiction of the New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA), except for the full length of I-84 and that portion of I-287 from Thruway exit 8 to I-95, the driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement, and hold a Tandem Trailer Driver's Permit issued by the NYSTA. In order to obtain an NYSTA driver's permit, an applicant must (1) hold a valid commercial driver's license with multiple-trailer endorsement; (2) be over 26 years old, in good health, and have at least 5 years of provable experience driving tractor-trailer combinations; and (3) meet all other application requirements with regard to driving history established by the NYSTA. Qualified drivers receive a Tandem Trailer Driver's Permit for Tandem Vehicle Operation which is valid only for the operation of the certified equipment owned by the company to which the permit is issued.
For operation on highways under the jurisdiction of the New York State DOT, cities not wholly included in one county, the full length of I-84 and that portion of I-287 from Thruway exit 8 to I-95, the driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: All vehicles must meet the requirements of applicable Federal and State statutes, rules, and regulations. Vehicles operating on highways under the jurisdiction of the NYSTA, except for the full length of I-84 and that portion of I-287 from Thruway exit 8 to I-95, must also meet the following additional requirements. The tractor manufacturer and the permittee shall certify to the NYSTA prior to the approval of the tractor that it is capable of hauling the maximum permissible gross load at a speed of not less than 20 miles per hour on all portions of the thruway system.
The brakes on any vehicle, dolly converter, or combination of vehicles shall comply with 49 CFR part 393 and, in addition, any vehicle or dolly converter shall meet the provisions of the New York State Traffic Law.
Tandem trailer operations shall be equipped, at a minimum, with emergency equipment as required by 49 CFR part 393, subpart H, as amended, tire chains from October 15 to May 1 of each year, a fire extinguisher with an aggregate rating of 20BC, and each trailer with specific lamps and reflectors.
All tractors certified by the NYSTA for use with tandem trailers will be assigned an identification number by the NYSTA which must be placed on the vehicle. The number must be at least 3 inches in height and visible to a person standing at ground level opposite the driver's position in the cab.
Axle Type. Tractors to be used for hauling 110,000 pounds or more shall be equipped with tandem rear axles, both with driving power. Tractors to be used for hauling 110,000 pounds or less may have a single drive axle. Tandem combinations using single wheel tires commonly referred to as “Super Singles” are required to use triple-axle tractors, dual-axle trailers, and dual-axle dollies.
Dollies. Every converter dolly certified on and after June 1, 1968, used to convert a semitrailer to a full trailer may have either single or tandem axles at the option of the permittee. Single-axle dollies may not utilize low profile tires. Combination vehicles with a gross weight in excess of 138,400 pounds must have a tandem-axle dolly to meet the nine-axle requirement. If the distance between two semitrailers is 10 feet or more, the dolly shall be equipped with a device or the trailers connected along the sides with suitable material to indicate they are in effect one unit. The devices or connection shall be approved by the NYSTA prior to use on a tandem trailer combination. The NYSTA tandem-trailer provisions require that converter dollies shall be coupled with one or more safety chains or cables to the frame or an extension of the frame of the motor vehicle by which it is towed. Each dolly converter must also be equipped with mud flaps. Tandem combinations using a sliding fifth wheel attached to the lead trailer, known as a “B-Train” combination, will require a separate Thruway Engineer Service approval prior to the initial tandem run. Special provisions regarding B-Trains will be reviewed at the time of the application or request for use on the Thruway.
PERMIT: For operation on highways under the jurisdiction of the New York State DOT, cities not wholly included in one county, or the following highway sections under NYSTA jurisdiction; the full length of I-84 and that portion of I-287 from Thruway exit 8 to I-95, a permit to exceed the weight limits set forth in section 385(15) of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law must be obtained from the State DOT, city involved, or the NYSTA. A fee is charged for the permit.
For operation on highways under the jurisdiction of the NYSTA, except for the full length of I-84 and that portion of I-287 from Thruway exit 8 to I-95, companies must file an application for a Tandem Trailer Permit with the NYSTA. Permits are issued to such companies upon meeting qualifications, including insurance, for tandem combinations over 65 feet in length. No permit fee is charged; however, Thruway tolls are charged for each use of the Thruway, and the equipment must be certified by the NYSTA annually. The annual re-certification of equipment is handled by: New York State Thruway Authority, Manager of Traffic Safety Services, P.O. Box 189, Albany, New York 12201-0189
Transportation of hazardous materials is subject to special restrictions plus 49 CFR part 397 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.
ACCESS: For tandem trailer combinations with either trailer more than 28.5 feet long but not more than 48 feet long, the following access is available to authorized operating routes.
ROUTES: For tandem trailer combinations with either trailer more than 28.5 feet long, but not more than 48 feet long, the following routes are available:
From | To | |
I-87 (New York Thruway) | Bronx/Westchester County Line | Thruway Exit 24. |
I-90 (New York Thruway) | Pennsylvania. | Thruway Exit 24. |
I-90 (New York Thruway Berkshire Section) | Thruway Exit B-1 | Massachusetts. |
I-190 (New York Thruway Niagara Section) | Thruway Exit 53 | Int'l Border with Canada. |
NY 912M (Berkshire Connection of the New York Thruway) | Thruway Exit 21A | Thruway Exit B-1. |
Tandem trailer combinations in which neither trailing unit exceeds 28.5 feet in length may operate on all NN Highways.
WEIGHT: The Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of any vehicle or combination of vehicles is determined by the Federal Bridge Formula, including the exception for two sets of tandems spaced 36 feet apart.
No single axle shall carry a gross weight in excess of 20,000 pounds. Axles spaced 40 inches or less apart are considered one axle. Axles spaced 8 feet or more apart are considered as individual axles. The gross weight of two individual axles may be restricted by the weight formula. Spacing between axles shall be measured from axle center to axle center.
Axles spaced over 40 inches but less than 8 feet apart shall not carry a gross weight in excess of 17,000 pounds per axle. The gross weight of three or more axles in a grouping is determined by the measurement between the extreme axle centers. During the spring breakup season or on otherwise posted highways, reductions in the above axle weights may be specified.
The weight in pounds on any one wheel shall not exceed one-half the allowable axle weight. Dual tires are considered one wheel.
The weight per inch of tire width shall not exceed 550 pounds. The width of tire shall be the manufacturer's rating.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: The cargo length of a two trailing unit combination may not exceed 100 feet (when the power unit is a truck tractor) or 103 feet (when the power unit is a truck) when traveling on the NN or local highways designated by local authorities.
All hitches must be of a load-bearing capacity capable of bearing the weight of the towed vehicles. The towing vehicle must have a hitch commonly described as a fifth wheel or gooseneck design, or one that is attached to the frame.
The hitch on the rear of the vehicle connected to the towing vehicle must be attached to the frame of the towed vehicle. All hitches, other than a fifth wheel or gooseneck, must be of a ball and socket type with a locking device or a pintle hook.
The drawn vehicles shall be equipped with brakes and safety chains adequate to control the movement of, and to stop and hold, such vehicles. When the drawn vehicle is of a fifth wheel or gooseneck design, safety chains are not required.
In any truck or truck tractor and two trailer combination, the lighter trailer must always be operated as the rear trailer, except when the gross weight differential with the other trailer does not exceed 5,000 pounds.
The power unit shall have adequate power and traction to maintain a minimum speed of 15 miles per hour on all grades.
PERMIT: No permits are required for GVW of 80,000 pounds or less. Single-trip permits are required for GVW exceeding 80,000 pounds. Weather restrictions (37-06-04-06, NDAC), weight distribution on trailers (37-06-04, NDAC), and signing requirements (37-06-04-05, NDAC) are applicable.
Movements of LCV's are prohibited when:
1. Road surfaces, due to ice, snow, slush, or frost present a slippery condition which may be hazardous to the operation of the unit or to other highway users;
2. Wind or other conditions may cause the unit or any part thereof to swerve, whip, sway, or fail to follow substantially in the path of the towing vehicle; or
3. Visibility is reduced due to snow, ice, sleet, fog, mist, rain, dust, or smoke.
The North Dakota Highway Patrol may restrict or prohibit operations during periods when in its judgment traffic, weather, or other safety conditions make travel unsafe.
The last trailer in any combination must have a “LONG LOAD” sign mounted on the rear. It must be a minimum of 12 inches in height and 60 inches in length. The lettering must be 8 inches in height with 1-inch brush strokes. The letters must be black on a yellow background.
Legal width—8 feet 6 inches on all highways.
Legal height—13 feet 6 inches.
ACCESS: Access for vehicles with cargo-carrying length of 68 feet or more is 10 miles off the NN. Vehicles with a cargo-carrying length less than 68 feet may travel on all highways in North Dakota.
ROUTES: All NN routes.
LEGAL CITATIONS: North Dakota Century Code, section 38-12-04; North Dakota Administrative Code, article 37-06.
WEIGHT, DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the ND-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: Same as the ND-TT2 combination, and in addition, in any combination with three trailing units the lightest trailer must always be operated as the rear trailer. For the first two trailing units the lighter trailer must always be second except when the gross weight differential with the other trailer does not exceed 5,000 pounds.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, VEHICLE, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the ND-TT2 combination.
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: Long double combination vehicles are only allowed on that portion of Ohio's Interstate System which is under the jurisdiction of the Ohio Turnpike Commission (OTC). These same vehicles are not allowed on any portion of the Interstate System under the jurisdiction of the Ohio DOT.
WEIGHT: The OTC has established the following provisions for operation:
Maximum Weight: Single axle = 21,000 pounds; tandem axle spaced 4 feet or less apart = 24,000 pounds; tandem axle spaced more than 4 feet but less than 8 feet apart = 34,000 pounds; gross weight for doubles 90 feet or less in length = 90,000 pounds; gross weight for doubles over 90 feet but less than 112 feet in length = 127,400 pounds.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement, be over 26 years of age, in good health, and shall have not less than 5 years of experience driving tractor-trailer or tractor-short double trailer motor vehicles. Such driving experience shall include experience throughout the four seasons. Drivers must comply with the applicable current requirements of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations, and the Economic and Safety regulations of the Ohio Public Utility Commission.
VEHICLE: Vehicles being operated under permit at night must be equipped with all lights and reflectors required by the Ohio Public Utilities Commission and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, except that the trailer shall be equipped with two red tail lights and two red or amber stop lights mounted with one set on each side. Trailer and semitrailer length for doubles cannot exceed 48 feet, and mixed trailer length combinations are not allowed for combination vehicles over 90 feet in length. Combined cargo-carrying length, including the trailer hitch, cannot be less than 80 feet or more than 102 feet. The number of axles on a double shall be a minimum of five and a maximum of nine. A tractor used in the operation of a double shall be capable of hauling the maximum weight at a speed of not less than 40 miles per hour on all portions of the Turnpike.
PERMIT: A special permit is required if the vehicle is over 102 inches wide, 14 feet high, or 65 feet in length including overhang. Tractor-semitrailer-semitrailer combinations require a permit if over 75 feet in length, excluding an allowed 3-foot front overhang and a 4-foot rear overhang. For vehicles over 120 inches wide, 14 feet high, or 80 feet long or if any unit of the combination vehicle is over 60 feet in length, travel is restricted to daylight hours Monday through noon Saturday, except holidays and the day before and after holidays. Operators are restricted to daylight driving if the load overhang is more than 4 feet. A “Long Double Trailer Permit” issued by the OTC is required for operation of doubles in excess of 90 feet in length. Towing units and coupling devices shall have sufficient structural strength to ensure safe operation. Vehicles and coupling devices shall be so designed, constructed, and installed in a double as to ensure that any towed vehicles when traveling on a level, smooth paved surface will follow in the path of the towing vehicle without shifting or swerving more than 3 inches to either side of the path of the towing vehicle when the latter is moving in a straight line. Vehicle coupling devices and brakes shall meet the requirements of the Ohio Public Utilities Commission and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. The distance between the rearmost axle of a semitrailer and the front axle of the next semitrailer in a coupled double unit shall not exceed 12 feet 6 inches. In no event shall the distance between the semitrailers coupled in a double exceed 9 feet. Double and triple trailer combinations must be equipped with adequate, properly maintained spray-suppressant mud flaps on all axles except the steering axle. In the event that the gross weights of the trailers vary by more than 20 percent, they shall be coupled according to their gross weights with the heavier trailer forward. A minimum distance of 500 feet shall be maintained between double units and/or triple units except when overtaking and passing another vehicle. A double shall remain in the right-hand, outside lane except when passing or when emergency or work-zone conditions exist. When, in the opinion of the OTC, the weather conditions are such that operation of a double is inadvisable, the OTC will notify the permittee that travel is prohibited for a certain period of time.
Class A and B explosives; Class A poisons; and Class 1, 2, and 3 radioactive material cannot be transported in double trailer combinations. Other hazardous materials may be transported in one trailer of a double. The hazardous materials should be placed in the front trailer unless doing so will result in the second trailer weighing more than the first trailer.
ACCESS: Tandem trailer units shall not leave the Turnpike right-of-way and shall be assembled and disassembled only in designated areas located at Exits 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, and 16.
From | To | |
I-76 Ohio Turnpike | Turnpike Exit 15 | Pennsylvania. |
I-80 Ohio Turnpike | Turnpike Exit 8A | Turnpike Exit 15. |
I-80/90 Ohio Turnpike | Indiana | Turnpike Exit 8A. |
LEGAL CITATIONS: Statutory authority, as contained in Chapter 5537 of the Ohio Revised Code, to regulate the dimensions and weights of vehicles using the Turnpike.
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: Same as the OH-TT2 combination, except as follows below, and triple trailer units may operate on any “turnpike project” as defined in Ohio Revised Code (ORC) section 5537.01 and permitted by the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission under the program authorized in ORC 5537.16 (The Ohio Turnpike Act of 1949 and as amendedand effective prior to June 1, 1991).
WEIGHT: Gross weight for triples with an overall length greater than 90 feet but not over 105 feet in length = 115,000 pounds.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement, be over 26 years of age, in good health, and shall have not less than 5 years of experience driving double trailer combination units. Such driving experience shall include experience throughout the four seasons. Each driver must have special training on triple combinations to be provided by the Permittee.
VEHICLE: Triple trailer combination vehicles are allowed to operate on the Turnpike provided the combination vehicle is at least 90 feet long but less than 105 feet long and each trailer is not more than 28.5 feet in length. The minimum number of axles on the triple shall be seven and the maximum is nine.
PERMIT: A triple trailer permit to operate on the Turnpike is required for triple trailer combinations in excess of 90 feet in length. There is an annual fee for the permit. Class A and B explosives; Class A poisons; and Class 1, 2, and 3 radioactive material cannot be transported in triple trailer combinations. Other hazardous materials may be transported in two trailers of a triple. The hazardous materials should be placed in the front two trailers unless doing so will result in the third trailer weighing more than either one of the lead trailers. In addition, under ORC 4513 .34, ODOT and local authorities are authorized to issue special permits for oversized vehicles.
ACCESS: With two exceptions, triple trailer units shall not leave the Turnpike Project. The first exception is that triple trailer combinations are allowed on State Route 21 from I-80 Exit 11 (Ohio Turnpike) to a terminal located approximately 500 feet to the north in the town of Richfield. The second exception is for a segment of State Route 7 from Ohio Turnpike Exit 16 to 1 mile south. Triple trailer units shall not leave the Turnpike project. Section 5537.01, as discussed above defines “turnpike project” as: “(B) “Project” or “turnpike project” means . . . interchanges, entrance plazas, approaches, those portions of connecting public roads that serve interchanges and are determined by the commission and the director of transportation to be necessary for the safe merging of traffic between the turnpike project and those public roads, . . .”
From | To | |
I-76 Ohio Turnpike | Turnpike Exit 15 | Pennsylvania. |
I-80 Ohio Turnpike | Turnpike Exit 8A | Turnpike Exit 15. |
I-80/90 Ohio Turnpike | Indiana | Turnpike Exit 8A. |
OH-7 | Turnpike Exit 16 | Extending 1 mile south. |
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the OH-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: Single axle = 20,000 pounds; tandem axle = 34,000 pounds; gross vehicle weight = 90,000 pounds. The total weight on any group of two or more consecutive axles shall not exceed the amounts shown in Table 1.
Table 1—Oklahoma Allowable Axle Group Weight
Axle Spacing (ft) | Maximum load (lbs) by axle group | ||||
2 Axles | 3 Axles | 4 Axles | 5 Axles | 6 Axles | |
4 | 34,000 | ||||
5 | 34,000 | ||||
6 | 34,000 | ||||
7 | 34,000 | ||||
8 | 34,000 | 42,000 | |||
9 | 39,000 | 42,500 | |||
10 | 40,000 | 43,500 | |||
11 | 44,000 | ||||
12 | 45,000 | 50,000 | |||
13 | 45,500 | 50,500 | |||
14 | 46,500 | 51,500 | |||
15 | 47,000 | 52,000 | |||
16 | 48,000 | 52,500 | 58,000 | ||
17 | 48,500 | 53,500 | 58,500 | ||
18 | 49,500 | 54,000 | 59,000 | ||
19 | 50,000 | 54,500 | 60,000 | ||
20 | 51,000 | 55,500 | 60,500 | 66,000 | |
21 | 51,500 | 56,000 | 61,000 | 66,500 | |
22 | 52,500 | 56,500 | 61,500 | 67,000 | |
23 | 53,000 | 57,500 | 62,500 | 68,000 | |
24 | 54,000 | 58,000 | 63,000 | 68,500 | |
25 | 54,500 | 58,500 | 63,500 | 69,000 | |
26 | 56,000 | 59,500 | 64,000 | 69,500 | |
27 | 57,500 | 60,000 | 65,000 | 70,000 | |
28 | 59,000 | 60,500 | 65,500 | 71,000 | |
29 | 60,500 | 61,500 | 66,000 | 71,500 | |
30 | 62,000 | 62,000 | 66,500 | 72,000 | |
31 | 63,500 | 63,500 | 67,000 | 72,500 | |
32 | 64,000 | 64,000 | 68,000 | 73,500 | |
33 | 64,500 | 68,500 | 74,000 | ||
34 | 65,000 | 69,000 | 74,500 | ||
35 | 66,000 | 70,000 | 75,000 | ||
36 | 68,000 | 70,500 | 75,500 | ||
37 | 68,000 | 71,000 | 76,000 | ||
38 | 69,000 | 72,000 | 77,000 | ||
39 | 70,000 | 72,500 | 77,500 | ||
40 | 71,000 | 73,000 | 78,000 | ||
41 | 72,000 | 73,500 | 78,500 | ||
42 | 73,000 | 74,000 | 79,000 | ||
43 | 73,280 | 75,000 | 80,000 | ||
44 | 73,280 | 75,500 | 80,500 | ||
45 | 73,280 | 76,000 | 81,000 | ||
46 | 73,280 | 76,500 | 81,500 | ||
47 | 73,500 | 77,500 | 82,000 | ||
48 | 74,000 | 78,000 | 82,000 | ||
49 | 74,500 | 78,500 | 83,500 | ||
50 | 75,500 | 79,000 | 84,000 | ||
51 | 76,000 | 80,000 | 84,500 | ||
52 | 76,500 | 80,500 | 85,000 | ||
53 | 77,500 | 81,000 | 86,000 | ||
54 | 78,000 | 81,500 | 86,500 | ||
55 | 78,500 | 82,500 | 87,000 | ||
56 | 79,500 | 83,000 | 87,500 | ||
57 | 80,000 | 83,500 | 88,000 | ||
58 | 84,000 | 89,000 | |||
59 | 85,000 | 89,500 | |||
60 | 85,500 | 90,000 |
DRIVER: All drivers must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement and must meet the requirements of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (49 CFR parts 390-397). State requirements more stringent and not in conflict with Federal requirements take precedence.
VEHICLE: All vehicles must meet the requirements of applicable Federal and State statutes, rules, and regulations. Vehicles and load shall not exceed 102 inches in width on the Interstate System and four-lane divided highways. Maximum semitrailer length is 53 feet.
Multiple trailer combinations must be stable at all times during braking and normal operation. A multiple trailer combination when traveling on a level, smooth, paved surface must follow in the path of the towing vehicle without shifting or swerving more than 3 inches to either side when the towing vehicle is moving in a straight line. Heavier trailers are to be placed to the front in multiple trailer combinations.
PERMIT: An annual special authorization permit is required for tandem trailer vehicles operating on the Interstate System having a gross weight of more than 80,000 pounds. A fee is charged for the special authorization permit.
ACCESS: Access is allowed from legally available routes (listed below) to service facilities and terminals within a 5-mile radius. Access is also authorized on two-lane roadways which connect multi-lane divided highways when such connection does not exceed 15 miles.
ROUTES: Doubles with 29-foot trailers may use any route on the NN. Doubles with at least one trailer or semitrailer over 29 feet in length are limited to the Interstate and other multi-lane divided highways listed below.
From | To | |
I-35 | Texas | Kansas. |
I-40 | Texas | Arkansas. |
I-44 | Texas | Missouri. |
I-235 | Entire length in Oklahoma City | |
I-240 | Entire length in Oklahoma City | |
I-244 | Entire length in Tulsa | |
I-444 | Entire length in Tulsa | |
I-40 Bus | I-40 Exit 119 | US 81 El Reno. |
US 60 | I-35 Exit 214 | US 177 Ponca City. |
US 62 | US 69 Muskogee | OK 80 Ft. Gibson. |
US 62 | I-44 Exit 39A Lawton | OK 115 Cache. |
US 64 | Cimarron Turnpike | I-244 Tulsa. |
US 64 | I-35 Exit 186 Perry | US 77 Perry. |
US 64 | I-40 Exit 325 Roland | Arkansas. |
US 69 | Texas | I-44 (Will Rogers Tpk.) Exit 282. |
US 70 | OK 76 Wilson | I-35 Exits 31A-B Ardmore. |
US 75 | I-40 Exits 240A-B Henryetta | I-244 Exit 2 Tulsa. |
US 75 | I-44 Exits 6A-B Tulsa | Dewey. |
US 77 | I-35 Exit 141 Edmond | 3.5 mi. W of I-35. |
US 81 | I-44 (Bailey Tpk.) Exit 80 | South Intersection OK 7 Duncan. |
US 81 | OK 51 Hennessey | 11.5 mi. N of US 412. |
US 169 | OK 51 Tulsa | OK 20 Collinsville. |
US 270 | Indian Nation Tpk. Exit 4 | US 69 McAlester. |
US 270 | OK 9 Tecumseh | I-40 Exit 181. |
US 271 | Texas | Indian Nation Tpk. Hugo. |
US 412 | I-44 Exit 241 Catoosa | US 69. |
US 412 | OK 58 Ringwood | I-35 Exits 194A-B. |
US 412 | US 69 Chouteau | OK 412 B. |
OK 3 | I-44 Exit 123 | Oklahoma/Canadian County Line. |
OK 3A | OK 3 Oklahoma City | I-44 Exit 125B Oklahoma City. |
OK 7 | I-44 Exits 36A-B | OK 65 Pumpkin Center. |
OK 7 | I-35 Exit 55 | US 177 Sulphur. |
OK 7 | South intersection US 81 Duncan | 7.5 mi. E of US 81. |
OK 9 | I-35 Exit 108A | US 77 Norman. |
OK 11 | I-35 Exit 222 | US 177 Blackwell. |
OK 11 | US 75 Tulsa | I-244 Exit 12B. |
OK 33 | US 77 Guthrie | I-35 Exit 157 Guthrie. |
OK 51 | I-35 Exit 174 | US 177 Stillwater. |
OK 51 | I-44 Exit 231 Tulsa | Muskogee Tpk. Broken Arrow. |
OK 165 | Connecting two sections of the Muskogee Turnpike at Muskogee | |
OK 165 | US 64/Bus. US 64 Muskogee | Muskogee Tpk. |
Cimarron Tpk | I-35 Exit 194 | US 64. |
Cimarron Tpk Conn | US 177 Stillwater | Cimarron Tpk. |
Indian Nation Turnpike | US 70/271 Hugo | I-40 Exits 240A-B Henryetta. |
Muskogee Tpk | OK 51 Broken Arrow | US 62/OK 165 Muskogee. |
Muskogee Tpk | OK 165 Muskogee | I-40 Exit 286 Webber's Falls. |
WEIGHT and ACCESS: Same as the OK-TT2 combination.
DRIVER: Same as the OK-TT2 combination except that in addition, a driver of a three trailing unit combination must have had at least 2 years of experience driving tractor-trailer combinations.
VEHICLE: All vehicles must meet the requirements of applicable Federal and State statutes, rules, and regulations. Vehicle and load shall not exceed 102 inches in width on the Interstate System and other four-lane divided highways. Maximum unit length of triple trailers is 29 feet. Truck tractors pulling triple trailers must have sufficient horsepower to maintain a minimum speed of 40 miles per hour on the level and 20 miles per hour on grades under normal operation conditions. Heavy-duty fifth wheels, pick-up plates equal in strength to the fifth wheel, solid kingpins, no-slack hitch connections, mud flaps and splash guards, and full-width axles are required on triple trailer combinations. All braking systems must comply with State and Federal requirements.
Multiple trailer combinations must be stable at all times during braking and normal operation. A multiple trailer combination when traveling on a level, smooth paved surface must follow in the path of the towing vehicle without shifting or swerving more than 3 inches to either side when the towing vehicle is moving in a straight line. Heavier trailers are to be placed to the front in multiple trailer combinations.
PERMIT: An annual special combination permit is required for the operation of triple-trailer combinations on the Interstate System and other four-lane divided primary highways. This permit also authorizes such combinations to exceed 80,000 pounds on the Interstate System.
The permit holder must certify that the driver of a triple-trailer combination is qualified. Operators of triple-trailer combinations must maintain a 500-foot following distance and must drive in the right lane, except when passing or in an emergency.
Speed shall be reduced and extreme caution exercised when operating triple-trailer combinations under hazardous conditions, such as those caused by snow, wind, ice, sleet, fog, mist, rain, dust, or smoke. When conditions become sufficiently dangerous, as determined by the company or driver, operations shall be discontinued and shall not resume until the vehicle can be safely operated. The State may restrict or prohibit operations during periods when, in the State's judgment, traffic, weather, or other safety conditions make such operations unsafe or inadvisable.
Class A and B explosives; Class A poisons; Class 1, 2, and 3 radioactive material; and any other material deemed to be unduly hazardous by the U.S. Department of Transportation cannot be transported in triple-trailer combinations.
A fee is charged for the annual special authorization permit.
ROUTES: Same as the OK-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: Maximum allowable weights are as follows: single wheel—10,000 pounds, single axle—20,000 pounds, tandem axle—34,000 pounds. Gross vehicle weights over 80,000 pounds must follow the Oregon extended weight table, with a maximum of 105,500 pounds. Weight is also limited to 600 pounds per inch of tire width.
Gross weights over 80,000 pounds are authorized only when operating under the authority of a Special Transportation Permit.
1. The maximum allowable weights for single axles and tandem axles shall not exceed those specified under ORS 818.010.
2. The maximum allowable weight for groups of axles spaced at 46 feet or less apart shall not exceed those specified under ORS 818.010.
3. The maximum weights for groups of axles spaced at 47 feet or more and the gross combined weight for any combination of vehicles shall not exceed those set forth in the following table:
Axle spacing in feet | Maximum gross weight in pounds on | |||
5 Axles | 6 Axles | 7 Axles | 8 or More axles | |
47 | 77,500 | 81,000 | 81,000 | 81,000 |
48 | 78,000 | 82,000 | 82,000 | 82,000 |
49 | 78,500 | 83,000 | 83,000 | 83,000 |
50 | 79,000 | 84,000 | 84,000 | 84,000 |
51 | 80,000 | 84,500 | 85,000 | 85,000 |
52 | 80,500 | 85,000 | 86,000 | 86,000 |
53 | 81,000 | 86,000 | 87,000 | 87,000 |
54 | 81,500 | 86,500 | 88,000 | 91,000 |
55 | 82,500 | 87,000 | 89,000 | 92,000 |
56 | 83,000 | 87,500 | 90,000 | 93,000 |
57 | 83,500 | 88,000 | 91,000 | 94,000 |
58 | 84,000 | 89,000 | 92,000 | 95,000 |
59 | 85,000 | 89,500 | 93,000 | 96,000 |
60 | 85,500 | 90,000 | 94,000 | 97,000 |
61 | 86,000 | 90,500 | 95,000 | 98,000 |
62 | 87,000 | 91,000 | 96,000 | 99,000 |
63 | 87,500 | 92,000 | 97,000 | 100,000 |
64 | 88,000 | 92,500 | 97,500 | 101,000 |
65 | 88,500 | 93,000 | 98,000 | 102,000 |
66 | 89,000 | 93,500 | 98,500 | 103,000 |
67 | 90,000 | 94,000 | 99,000 | 104,000 |
68 | 90,000 | 95,000 | 99,500 | 105,000 |
69 | 90,000 | 95,500 | 100,000 | 105,500 |
70 | 90,000 | 96,000 | 101,000 | 105,500 |
71 | 90,000 | 96,500 | 101,500 | 105,000 |
72 | 90,000 | 96,500 | 102,000 | 105,500 |
73 | 90,000 | 96,500 | 102,500 | 105,500 |
74 | 90,000 | 96,500 | 103,000 | 105,500 |
75 | 90,000 | 96,500 | 104,000 | 105,500 |
76 | 90,000 | 96,500 | 104,500 | 105,500 |
77 | 90,000 | 96,500 | 105,000 | 105,500 |
78 | 90,000 | 96,500 | 105,500 | 105,500 |
Distance measured to nearest foot; when exactly one-half foot, take next larger number.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: For a combination which includes a truck tractor and two trailing units, the lead trailing unit (semitrailer) may be up to 40 feet long. The second trailing unit may be up to 35 feet long. However, the primary control is the total cargo-carrying distance which has a maximum length of 68 feet. Any towed vehicles in a combination must be equipped with safety chains or cables to prevent the towbar from dropping to the ground in the event the coupling fails. The chains or cables must have sufficient strength to control the towed vehicle in the event the coupling device fails and must be attached with no more slack than necessary to permit proper turning. However, this requirement does not apply to a fifth-wheel coupling if the upper and lower halves of the fifth wheel must be manually released before they can be separated.
PERMIT: A permit is required for operation if the gross combination weight exceeds 80,000 pounds. A fee is charged. Permitted movements must have the lighter trailing unit placed to the rear, and use splash and spray devices when operating in rainy weather. Movement is not allowed when road surfaces are hazardous due to ice or snow, or when other atmospheric conditions make travel unsafe.
ACCESS: As allowed by the Oregon DOT.
ROUTES: All NN routes.
LEGAL CITATIONS: ORS 810.010, ORS 810.030 through 810.060, and ORS 818.010 through 818.235.
WEIGHT, DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the OR-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: Trailing units must be of reasonably uniform in length. The overall length of the combination is limited to 105 feet. Any towed vehicles in a combination must be equipped with safety chains or cables to prevent the towbar from dropping to the ground in the event the coupling fails. The chains or cables must have sufficient strength to control the towed vehicle in the event the coupling device fails and must be attached with no more slack than necessary to permit proper turning. However, this requirement does not apply to a fifth-wheel coupling if the upper and lower halves of the fifth wheel must be manually released before they can be separated.
ROUTES: The following NN routes are also open to truck tractor and three trailing unit combinations.
From | To | |
I-5 | California | Washington. |
I-105 | Entire length in the Eugene-Springfield area | |
I-205 | Jct. I-5 | Washington. |
I-405 | Entire length in Portland | |
I-82 | Washington | Jct. I-84. |
I-84 | Jct. I-5 | Idaho. |
US 20 | Jct OR 22/OR 126 Santiam Junction | US 26 Vale. |
US 20 | East Jct OR 99E Albany | I-5 Exit 233. |
US 26 | US 101 Cannon Beach Junction | OR 126 Prineville. |
US 20/26 | Vale | Idaho. |
US 30 | US 101 Astoria | I-405 Exit 3 Portland. |
US 95 | Nevada | Idaho. |
SPUR US 95 | OR 201 | Idaho. |
US 97 | California | Washington. |
US 101 | US 30 Astoria | US 26 Cannon Beach Jct. |
US 101 | OR 18 Otis | US 20 Newport. |
US 101 | Bandon | North city limit Coos Bay. |
US 197 | I-84 Exit 87 The Dalles | Washington. |
US 395 | I-82 Exit 1 Umatilla | I-84 Exit 188 Stanfield. |
US 395 | US 26 John Day | OR 140 Lakeview. |
US 730 | I-84 Exit 168 | Washington. |
OR 6 | US 101 Tillamook | US 26 near Banks. |
OR 8 | OR 47 Forest Grove | OR 217 Beaverton. |
OR 11 | Washington | Mission Cutoff near Pendleton. |
OR 18 | US 101 Otis | OR 99W Dayton. |
OR 19 | I-84 Exit 137 | South 2.5 miles. |
OR 22 | OR 18 near Willamena | OR 99E Salem. |
OR 22 | I-5 Exit 253 | Jct US 20/OR 126 Santiam Jct. |
OR 31 | US 97 La Pine | US 395 Valley Falls. |
OR 34 | Jct US 20/OR 99W Corvallis | I-5 Exit 228. |
OR 35 | I-84 Exit 64 | Mt. Hood Hood River. |
OR 39 | OR 140 East of Klamath Falls | California. |
OR 58 | I-5 Exit 188 Goshen | US 97 near Chemult. |
OR 62 | OR 99 Medford | OR 140 White City. |
OR 78 | Jct US 20/ US 395 Burns | US 95 Burns Junction. |
OR 99 | I-5 Exit 58 Grants Pass | I-5 Exit 48 Rogue River. |
OR 99 | I-5 Exit 192 Eugene | Jct OR 99E/ OR 99W Junction City. |
OR 99E | I-5 Exit 307 Portland | I-205 Exit 9 Oregon City. |
OR 99E | I-5 Exit 233 Albany | Tangent. |
OR 99E | OR 228 Halsey | Harrisburg. |
OR 99W | Jct US 20/OR 34 Corvallis | I-5 Exit 294 Portland. |
OR 126 | US 20 Sisters | US 26 Prineville. |
OR 138 | I-5 Exit 136 Sutherlin | East 2 miles. |
OR 140 | OR 62 White City | Jct US 97/OR 66 Klamath Falls. |
OR 201 | Jct US 20/US 26 | SPUR US 95 Cairo Junction. |
OR 207 | I-84 Exit 182 | OR 74 Lexington. |
OR 207/OR 74 | Jct OR 207/OR 74 Lexington | Jct OR 207/ OR 74/OR 206 Heppner. |
OR 212 | I-205 Exit 12 | US 26 Boring. |
OR 214 | I-5 Exit 271 Woodburn | OR 99E Woodburn. |
OR 217 | I-5 Exit 292 Tigard | US 26 Beaverton. |
OR 224 | OR 99E Milwaukie | I-205 Exit 13. |
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the OR-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: The truck or trailer may be up to 40 feet long not to exceed 75 feet overall. The truck may have a built-in hoist to load cargo. Any towed vehicle in a combination must be equipped with safety chains or cables to prevent the towbar from dropping to the ground in the event the coupling fails. The chains or cables must have sufficient strength to control the towed vehicle in the event the coupling device fails and must be attached with no more slack than necessary to permit proper turning. However, this requirement does not apply to a fifth-wheel coupling if the upper and lower halves of the fifth wheel must be manually released before they can be separated.
WEIGHT: The maximum gross weight is 100,000 pounds.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: A semitrailer, or the trailer of a tandem trailer combination, may not be longer than 28 1/2 feet. A tandem combination—including the truck tractor, semitrailer and trailer—which exceeds 85 feet in length is considered a Class 9 vehicle which requires a special permit to travel on the Turnpike System. In tandem combinations, the heaviest trailer shall be towed next to the truck tractor.
PERMIT: None required except for a Class 9 vehicle.
From | To | |
I-76 Pennsylvania Turnpike Mainline | Ohio | Turnpike Exit 75. |
I-76/1-70 Pennsylvania Turnpike Mainline | Turnpike Exit 75 | Turnpike Exit 161. |
I-76 Pennsylvania Turnpike Mainline | Turnpike Exit 161 | Turnpike Exit 326. |
1-276 Pennsylvania Turnpike Mainline | Turnpike Exit 326 | I-95 Interchange. |
I-95 interchange Pennsylvania Turnpike Mainline | I-95 Interchange | New Jersey. |
I-476 Pennsylvania Turnpike Northeastern Extension | Turnpike Exit 20 | Turnpike Exit 131. |
I-376 Pennsylvania Turnpike Beaver Valley Expressway | Turnpike Exit 15 | Turnpike Exit 31. |
Pennsylvania Turnpike 66 Greensburg Bypass | Turnpike Exit 0 | Turnpike Exit 14. |
Pennsylvania Turnpike 43 Mon/Fayette Expressway (I-68 to Route 43) | West Virginia | Turnpike Exit M8. |
Pennsylvania Turnpike 43 Mon/Fayette Expressway (Uniontown to Brownsville) | Turnpike Exit M 15 | Turnpike Exit M28. |
Pennsylvania Turnpike 43 Mon/Fayette Expressway (US-40 to PA-51) | Turnpike Exit M30 | Turnpike Exit M54. |
Pennsylvania Turnpike 43 Mon/Fayette Expressway (PA-51 to I-376/Monroeville) | Turnpike Exit M54 | I-376/Monroeville. |
Pennsylvania Turnpike 576 Southern Beltway (I-376 to US-22) | Turnpike Exit S1 | Turnpike Exit S6. |
Pennsylvania Turnpike 576 Southern Beltway (US-22 to I-79) | Turnpike Exit S6 | I-79. |
Pennsylvania Turnpike 576 Southern Beltway (I-79 to Mon/Fayette Expressway) | I-79 | Pennsylvania Turnpike 43 Mon/Fayette Expressway. |
LEGAL CITATIONS: Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, 75 Pa.C.S. § 6110(a); Pennsylvania Code, 67 Pa. Code, Chapter 601.
State: South Dakota.
Combination: Truck tractor and two trailing units—LCV.
Length of Cargo-Carrying Units: 100 feet.
Maximum Allowable Gross Weight: 129,000 pounds.
Operational Conditions:
Weight: For all combinations, the maximum gross weight on two or more consecutive axles is limited by the Federal Bridge Formula but cannot exceed 129,000 pounds. The weight on single axles or tandem axles spaced 40 inches or less apart may not exceed 20,000 pounds. Tandem axles spaced more than 40 inches but 96 inches or less may not exceed 34,000 pounds. Two consecutive sets of tandem axles may carry a gross load of 34,000 pounds each, provided the overall distance between the first and last axles of the tandems is 36 feet or more. The weight on the steering axle may not exceed 600 pounds per inch of tire width.
For combinations with a cargo-carrying length greater than 81.5 feet the following additional regulations also apply. The weight on all axles (other than the steering axle) may not exceed 500 pounds per inch of tire width. Lift axles and belly axles are not considered load-carrying axles and will not count when determining allowable vehicle weight.
Driver: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
Vehicle: For all combinations, a semitrailer or trailer may neither be longer than nor weigh 3,000 pounds more than the trailer located immediately in front of it. Towbars longer than 19 feet must be flagged during daylight hours and lighted at night.
For combinations with a cargo-carrying length of 81.5 feet or less, neither trailer may exceed 45 feet, including load overhang. Vehicles may be 12 feet wide when hauling baled feed during daylight hours.
For combinations with a cargo-carrying length over 81.5 feet long, neither trailer may exceed 48 feet, including load overhang. Loading the rear of the trailer heavier than the front is not allowed. All axles except the steering axle require dual tires. Axles spaced 8 feet or less apart must weigh within 500 pounds of each other. The trailer hitch offset may not exceed 6 feet. The maximum effective rear trailer overhang may not exceed 35 percent of the trailer's wheelbase. The power unit must have sufficient power to maintain 40 miles per hour. A “LONG LOAD” sign measuring 18 inches high by 7 feet long with black on yellow lettering 10 inches high is required on the rear. Offtracking is limited to 8.75 feet for a turning radius of 161 feet.
L1 through L8 are measurements between points of articulation or vehicle pivot points. Squared dimensions to stinger steer points of articulation are negative. For two trailing unit combinations where at least one trailer is 45 feet long or longer, all the dimensions used to calculate offtracking must be written in the “Permit Restriction” area of the permit along with the offtracking value derived from the calculation.
Permit: For combinations with a cargo-carrying length of 81.5 feet or less, a single-trip permit is required for movement on the Interstate System if the gross vehicle weight exceeds 80,000 pounds. An annual or single-trip permit is required for hauling baled feed over 102 inches wide.
For combinations with a cargo-carrying length greater than 81.5 feet, a single-trip permit is required for all movements. Operations must be discontinued when roads are slippery due to moisture, visibility must be good, and wind conditions must not cause trailer whip or sway.
For all combinations, a fee is charged for any permit.
Access: For combinations with a cargo-carrying length of 81.5 feet or less, access is statewide off the NN unless restricted by the South Dakota DOT.
For combinations with a cargo-carrying length greater than 81.5 feet, access to operating routes must be approved by the South Dakota DOT.
Routes: Combinations with a cargo-carrying length of 81.5 feet or less may use all NN routes. Combinations with a cargo-carrying length over 81.5 feet, are restricted to the Interstate System and:
Highway | From | To |
US12 | North Dakota State Line | Jct I-29 at Summit. |
US14 | Jct US83 at Ft. Pierre | Jct US14B in Pierre. |
US14 | Jct US14B east of Pierre | W Jct US14 Bypass at Brookings. |
US14B | Jct US14 in Pierre | Jct US14 east of Pierre. |
US14B | W Jct US14 at Brookings | Jct I-29 Exit 133 at Brookings. |
US16B | Jct SD79 south of Rapid City | Jct I-90 at Rapid City. |
US18 | E Jct US18B at Hot Springs | Jct US385 at Oelrichs. |
US18B | W Jct US18 at Hot Springs | E Jct US18 at Hot Springs. |
US212 | Wyoming State Line | Jct US85 at Belle Fourche. |
US212 | W Jct US83 west of Gettysburg | E Jct US83 west of Gettysburg. |
US212 | W Jct US281 in Redfield | E Jct US281 in Redfield. |
US281 | Jct I-90 Exit 310 at Plankinton | S Jct US14 west of Huron. |
US281 | Jct US14 north of Wolsey | W Jct US212 in Redfield. |
US281 | E Jct US212 in Redfield | North Dakota State Line. |
US83 | Jct I-90 near Vivian | Jct US14 at Ft. Pierre. |
US83 | Jct US14 east of Pierre | W Jct US212 west of Gettysburg. |
US83 | E Jct US212 west of Gettysburg | Jct US12 south of Selby. |
US83 | Jct US12 west of Selby | North Dakota State Line. |
US85 | I-90 Exit 10 at Spearfish | North Dakota State Line. |
SD34 | W Jct SD37 | E Jct SD37. |
SD37 | Jct I-90 at Mitchell | E Jct SD34. |
SD37 | W Jct SD34 | Jct US14 at Huron. |
SD50 | Burleigh Street in Yankton | Jct I-29 Exit 26. |
SD79 | Jct US18 & US385 at Oelrichs | Jct US16B south of Rapid City. |
Legal Citations: SDCL 32-22-8.1, -38, -39, -41, -42, and -52; and Administrative Rules 70:03:01:37,:47,:48, and:60 through:70.
WEIGHT, DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the SD-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: Same as the SD-TT2 combination, except trailer lengths are limited to 28.5 feet, including load overhang, and the overall length cannot exceed 110 feet, including load overhang.
ROUTES: Same as the SD-TT2 combination with a cargo-carrying length over 81.5 feet.
LEGAL CITATIONS: SDCL 32-22-14.14, -38, -39, -42, and -52; and Administrative Rules 70:03:01:60 through :70.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, and PERMIT: Same as the SD-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: Same as the SD-TT2 combination except that in addition, the overall length including load overhang is limited to 80 feet. Trailer length is not limited.
ACCESS: Same as the access provisions for the SD-TT2 combination with a cargo-carrying length of 81.5 feet or less.
ROUTES: Same as the route provisions for the SD-TT2 combination with a cargo-carrying length of 81.5 feet or less.
LEGAL CITATIONS: SDCL 32-22-8.1, -38, -39, -41, -42, and -52; and Administrative Rules 70:03:01:37, :47, and :48.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, and PERMIT: Same as the SD-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: Same as the SD-TT2 combination with a cargo-carrying length over 81.5 feet, except that in addition, the overall length is limited to 85 feet.
ACCESS: Same as the access provisions for the SD-TT2 combination with a cargo-carrying length greater than 81.5 feet.
ROUTES: Same as the route provisions for the SD-TT2 combination with a cargo-carrying length greater than 81.5 feet.
LEGAL CITATIONS: SDCL 32-22-38, -39, -42, and -52; and Administrative Rules 70:03:01:60 through :70.
WEIGHT: Weight limits are as follows:
Tire loading on vehicles requiring an overweight or oversize permit shall not exceed 500 pounds per inch of tire width for tires 11 inches wide and greater, and 450 pounds per inch of tire width for tires less than 11 inches wide as designated by the tire manufacturer on the side wall of the tire. Tire loading on vehicles not requiring an overweight or oversize permit shall not exceed 600 pounds per inch of tire width as designated by the tire manufacturer on the sidewall.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement. Carriers must certify that their drivers have a safe driving record and have passed a road test administered by a qualified safety supervisor.
VEHICLE: While in transit, no trailer shall be positioned ahead of another trailer which carries an appreciably heavier load. An empty trailer shall not precede a loaded trailer. Vehicles shall be powered to operate on level terrain at speeds compatible with other traffic. They must be able to maintain a minimum speed of 20 miles per hour under normal operating conditions on any grade of 5 percent or less over which the combination is operated and be able to resume a speed of 20 miles per hour after stopping on any such grade, except in extreme weather conditions.
Oversize signs are required on vehicles in excess of 75 feet in length on two-lane highways.
A heavy-duty fifth wheel is required. All fifth wheels must be clean and lubricated with a light-duty grease prior to each trip. The fifth wheel must be located in a position which provides adequate stability. Pick-up plates must be of equal strength to the fifth wheel. The kingpin must be of a solid type and permanently fastened. Screw-out or folding-type kingpins are prohibited.
All hitch connections must be of a no-slack type, preferably a power-actuated ram. Air-actuated hitches which are isolated from the primary air transmission system are recommended.
The drawbar length should be the practical minimum consistent with the clearances required between trailers for turning and backing maneuvers.
Axles must be those designed for the width of the body.
All braking systems must comply with State and Federal requirements. In addition, fast air transmission and release valves must be provided on all semitrailer and converter-dolly axles. A brake force limiting valve, sometimes called a “slippery road” valve, may be provided on the steering axle. Anti-sail type mud flaps are recommended.
The use of single tires on any combination vehicle requiring an overweight or oversize permit shall not be allowed on single axles. A single axle is defined as one having more than 8 feet between it and the nearest axle or group of axles on the vehicle.
When traveling on a level, smooth paved surface, the trailing units must follow in the path of the towing vehicle without shifting or swerving more than 3 inches to either side when the towing vehicle is moving in a straight line. Each combination shall maintain a minimum distance of 500 feet from another commercial vehicle traveling in the same direction on the same highway. Loads shall be securely fastened to the transporter with material and devices of sufficient strength to prevent the load from becoming loose, detached, dangerously displaced, or in any manner a hazard to other highway users. The components of the load shall be reinforced or bound securely in advance of travel to prevent debris from being blown off the unit and endangering the safety of the traveling public. Any debris from the special permit vehicle deposited on the highway shall be removed by the permittee.
Bodily injury and property damage insurance is required before a special Transportation Permit will be issued.
In the event any claim arises against the State of Utah, Utah Department of Transportation, Utah Highway Patrol, or their employees from the operation granted under the permit, the permittee shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless each of them from such claim.
PERMIT: Permits must be purchased. The Utah DOT Motor Carrier Safety Division will, on submission of an LCV permit request, assign an investigator to perform an audit on the carrier, which must have an established safety program that is in compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (49 CFR parts 387-399), the Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR parts 171-178), and a “Satisfactory” safety rating. The request must show a travel plan for the operation of the vehicles. Permits are subject to Highway Patrol supervision and permitted vehicles may be subject to temporary delays or removed from the highways when necessary during hazardous road, weather, or traffic conditions. The permit will be cancelled without refund if violated. Expiration dates cannot be extended except for reasons beyond the control of the permittee, including adverse weather. Permits are void if defaced, modified, or obliterated. Lost or destroyed permits cannot be duplicated and are not transferable.
ACCESS: Routes approved by the Utah DOT plus local delivery destination travel on two-lane roads.
ROUTES: For combinations with a cargo-carrying length of 85 feet or less, all NN routes. Combinations with a cargo-carrying length over 85 feet are restricted to the following NN routes:
From | To | |
I-15 | Arizona | Idaho. |
I-70 | Jct. I-15 | Colorado. |
I-80 | Nevada | Wyoming. |
I-84 | Idaho | Jct. I-80. |
I-215 | Entire length in the Salt Lake City area | |
UT-201 | I-80 Exit 102 Lake Point Jct | 300 West Street, Salt Lake City. |
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS: Same as the UT-TT2 combination.
ROUTES: Same as the UT-TT2 combination with a cargo-carrying length greater than 85 feet.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the UT-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, VEHICLE, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the UT-TT2 combination.
1. Truck-trailer combinations hauling bulk gasoline or LP gas: cargo-carrying length less than or equal to 78 feet, all NN routes; cargo-carrying lengths over 78 feet up to and including 88 feet, same as UT-TT2 with cargo-carrying length over 85 feet.
2. All other truck-trailer combinations: cargo-carrying length less than or equal to 70 feet, all NN routes; cargo-carrying lengths over 70 feet up to and including 78 feet, same as UT-TT2 with cargo-carrying length over 85 feet.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the UT-TT2 combination.
ROUTES: Same as the UT-TT2.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the UT-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT, DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the Utah truck-trailer combination.
VEHICLE: The cargo-carrying length of automobile transporters that carry vehicles on the power unit is the same as the overall length.
ROUTES: For automobile transporters with a cargo-carrying length of 92 feet or less, all NN routes. Automobile transporters with a cargo-carrying length over 92 feet up to and including 105 feet, same as UT-TT2 with cargo-carrying length over 85 feet.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the UT-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: Single axle limit = 20,000 pounds; tandem axle limit = 34,000 pounds; gross weight must comply with the Federal Bridge Formula.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: Operating conditions are the same for permitted doubles as for STAA of 1982 doubles.
PERMIT: Combinations with a cargo-carrying length over 60 feet in length but not exceeding 68 feet must obtain an annual overlength permit to operate. A fee is charged.
ACCESS: All State routes except SR 410 and SR 123 in or adjacent to Mt. Rainier National Park. In addition, restrictions may be imposed by local governments having maintenance responsibilities for local highways.
ROUTES: All NN routes except SR 410 and SR 123 in the vicinity of Mt. Rainier National Park.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the WA-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: Overall length limited to 75 feet.
ROUTES: Same as the WA-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the WA-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: No single axle shall carry a load in excess of 20,000 pounds. No tandem axle shall carry a load in excess of 36,000 pounds. No triple axle, consisting of three consecutive load-bearing axles that articulate from an attachment to the vehicle including a connecting mechanism to equalize the load between axles having a spacing between the first and third axle of at least 96 inches and not more than 108 inches, shall carry a load in excess of 42,500 pounds. No vehicles operated on the Interstate System shall exceed the maximum weight allowed by application of Federal Bridge Weight Formula B.
No wheel shall carry a load in excess of 10,000 pounds. No tire on a steering axle shall carry a load in excess of 750 pounds per inch of tire width and no other tire on a vehicle shall carry a load in excess of 600 pounds per inch of tire width. “Tire width” means the width stamped on the tire by the manufacturer.
Dummy axles may not be considered in the determination of allowable weights.
DRIVER: The driver must have a commercial driver's license with the appropriate endorsement.
VEHICLE: The lead semitrailer can be up to 48 feet long with the trailing unit up to 40 feet long. In a truck tractor-semitrailer-trailer combination, the heavier towed vehicle shall be directly behind the truck-tractor and the lighter towed vehicle shall be last if the weight difference between consecutive towed vehicles exceeds 5,000 pounds.
PERMITS: No permits required.
ACCESS: Unlimited access off the NN to terminals.
ROUTES: All NN routes.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the WY-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: No single vehicle shall exceed 60 feet in length within an overall limit of 85 feet.
ROUTES: Same as the WY-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the WY-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: The cargo-carrying length of automobile transporters that carry vehicles on the power unit is the same as the overall length. No single vehicle shall exceed 60 feet in length within an overall limit of 85 feet.
ROUTES: Same as the WY-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the WY-TT2 combination.
WEIGHT: This combination must operate in compliance with State laws and regulations. Because it is not an LCV, it is not subject to the ISTEA freeze as it applies to maximum weight.
DRIVER, PERMIT, and ACCESS: Same as the WY-TT2 combination.
VEHICLE: The cargo-carrying length of saddlemount combinations that carry vehicles on the power unit is the same as the overall length. No single vehicle shall exceed 60 feet in length within an overall limit of 85 feet.
No more than three saddlemounts may be used in any combination, except additional vehicles may be transported when safely loaded upon the frame of a vehicle in a properly assembled saddlemount combination.
Towed vehicles in a triple saddlemount combination shall have brakes acting on all wheels which are in contact with the roadway.
All applicable State and Federal rules on coupling devices shall be observed and complied with.
ROUTES: Same as the WY-TT2 combination.
LEGAL CITATIONS: Same as the WY-TT2 combination.