29 CFR § 37.64 - What procedures must the Director follow when CRC has completed a post-approval compliance review?

§ 37.64 What procedures must the Director follow when CRC has completed a post-approval compliance review?

(a) Where, as the result of a post-approval review, the Director has made a finding of noncompliance, he or she must issue a Letter of Findings. This Letter must advise the recipient, in writing, of:

(1) The preliminary findings of the review;

(2) Where appropriate, the proposed remedial or corrective action to be taken, and the time by which such action should be completed, as provided in § 37.94;

(3) Whether it will be necessary for the recipient to enter into a written assurance and/or Conciliation Agreement, as provided in §§ 37.96 and 37.97; and

(4) The opportunity to engage in voluntary compliance negotiations.

(b) Where no violation is found, the recipient must be so informed in writing.