40 CFR § 1502.11 - Cover.

§ 1502.11 Cover.

The environmental impact statement cover shall not exceed one page and shall include:

(a) A list of the lead, joint lead, and, to the extent feasible, any cooperating agencies;

(b) The title of the proposed action that is the subject of the statement (and, if appropriate, the titles of related cooperating agency actions), together with the State(s) and county(ies) (or other jurisdiction(s), if applicable) where the action is located;

(c) The name, address, and telephone number of the person at the agency who can supply further information;

(d) A designation of the statement as a draft, final, or draft or final supplement;

(e) A one-paragraph abstract of the statement;

(f) The date by which the agency must receive comments (computed in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency under § 1506.10 of this subchapter); and

(g) The identification number included in the notice of intent (§ 1502.4(e)(10)).