40 CFR § 52.1320 - Identification of plan.

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§ 52.1320 Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable SIP for Missouri under section 110 of the CAA, 42 U.S.C. 7401, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS).

(b) Incorporation by reference.

(1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to December 31, 2014, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after December 31, 2014, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

(2) EPA Region 7 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the SIP as of December 31, 2014.

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7, Air Planning and Development Branch, 11201 Renner Boulevard, Lenexa, Kansas 66219; and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to: www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.

(c) EPA-approved regulations.

EPA-Approved Missouri Regulations

Missouri citation Title State effective date EPA approval date Explanation
Missouri Department of Natural Resources
Chapter 1—Organization
10-1.020(1) and (2) Commission Voting and Meeting Procedures 7/30/1998 6/21/2013, 78 FR 37457 Only sections (1) and (2) are Federally approved.
Chapter 2—Air Quality Standards and Air Pollution Control Regulations for the Kansas City Metropolitan Area
10-2.090 Incinerators 2/25/1970 3/18/1980, 45 FR 17145 The state has rescinded this rule.
10-2.205 Control of Emissions from Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Facilities 3/30/2019 4/8/2020, 85 FR 19674
10-2.210 Control of Emissions From Solvent Metal Cleaning 2/29/2008 6/20/2008, 73 FR 35074
10-2.220 Liquefied Cutback Asphalt Paving Restricted 6/3/1991 6/23/1992, 57 FR 27939
10-2.230 Control of Emissions from Industrial Surface Coating Operations 3/30/2019 9/16/2020, 85 FR 57701
10-2.260 Control of Petroleum Liquid Storage, Loading, and Transfer 4/30/2004 2/2/2005, 70 FR 5379
10-2.290 Control of Emissions From Rotogravure and Flexographic Printing Facilities 3/30/1992 9/6/1994, 59 FR 43376 (correction).
8/30/1993, 58 FR 45451
The state rule has Sections (6)(A) and (6)(B), which EPA has not approved.
10-2.300 Control of Emissions from Manufacturing of Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels and Other Allied Surface Coating Products 2/28/2019 4/13/2020, 85 FR 20424
10-2.320 Control of Emissions from Production of Pesticides and Herbicides 1/30/2019 8/21/2020, 85 FR 51663
10-2.340 Control of Emissions From Lithographic and Letterpress Printing Operations 1/30/2019 7/22/2020, 85 FR 44211
10-2.385 Control of Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicle Idling Emissions 7/30/2012 3/18/2014, 79 FR 15017
Chapter 3—Air Pollution Control Regulations for the Outstate Missouri Area
10-3.040 Incinerators 2/1/1978 3/18/1980, 45 FR 17145
Chapter 4—Air Quality Standards and Air Pollution Control Regulations for Springfield-Greene County Area
10-4.080 Incinerators 12/16/1969 3/18/1980, 45 FR 17145 The state has rescinded this rule.
Chapter 5—Air Quality Standards and Air Pollution Control Regulations for the St. Louis Metropolitan Area
10-5.040 Use of Fuel in Hand-Fired Equipment Prohibited 9/18/1970 3/18/1980, 45 FR 17145
10-5.060 Refuse Not To Be Burned in Fuel Burning Installations 9/18/1970 3/18/1980, 45 FR 17145 The state has rescinded this rule.
10-5.080 Incinerators 9/18/1970 3/18/1980, 45 FR 17145 The state has rescinded this rule.
10-5.220 Control of Petroleum Liquid Storage, Loading and Transfer 11/30/2014 11/10/2015, 80 FR 69604
10-5.295 Control of Emissions from Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Facilities 3/30/2019 4/8/2020, 85 FR 19674
10-5.300 Control of Emissions from Solvent Metal Cleaning 11/30/2006 3/9/2007, 72 FR 10610
10-5.310 Liquefied Cutback Asphalt Restricted 3/1/1989 3/5/1990, 55 FR 7712
10-5.330 Control of Emissions from Industrial Surface Coating Operations 3/30/2019 9/16/2020, 85 FR 57721
10-5.340 Control of Emissions From Rotogravure and Flexographic Printing Facilities 8/30/2011 1/23/2012, 77 FR 3144 The state rule has Section (6)(A)(B), which the EPA has not approved.
10-5.350 Control of Emissions From Manufacture of Synthesized Pharmaceutical Products 11/20/1991 4/3/1995, 60 FR 16806 (correction).
8/24/1994, 59 FR 43480
10-5.381 On-Board Diagnostics Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection 5/30/2022 9/13/2022, 87 FR 55918
10-5.385 Control of Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicle Idling Emissions 7/30/2012 3/18/2014, 79 FR 15017
10-5.390 Control of Emissions from the Manufacturing of Paints, Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels and Other Allied Surface Coating Products 9/30/2020 4/4/2022, 87 FR 19392
10-5.420 Control of Equipment Leaks from Synthetic Organic Chemical and Polymer Manufacturing Plants 3/11/1989 3/5/1990, 55 FR 7712
10-5.442 Control of Emissions from Lithographic and Letterpress Printing Operations 1/30/2020 8/2/2021, 86 FR 41406
10-5.451 Control of Emissions from Aluminum Foil Rolling 9/30/2000 7/20/2001, 66 FR 37906
10-5.480 St. Louis Area Transportation Conformity Requirements 2/28/2011 8/29/2013, 78 FR 53247
10-5.490 Municipal Solid Waste Landfills 7/30/2022 2/16/2024, 89 FR 12244
10-5.500 Control of Emissions From Volatile Organic Liquid Storage 7/30/2020 10/4/2023, 88 FR 68469 Section (2)(N)4 is not SIP-approved. Section (5)(F) retains a previously approved version of the state rule text.
10-5.510 Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides 5/30/2006 11/6/2006, 71 FR 64888
10-5.520 Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Existing Major Sources 2/29/2000 5/18/2000, 65 FR 31489
10-5.530 Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations 2/28/2019 5/7/2021, 86 FR 24503
10-5.540 Control of Emissions From Batch Process Operations 7/30/2020 9/29/2021, 86 FR 53870
10-5.550 Control of Volatile Organic Compound Emissions From Reactor Processes and Distillation Operations Processes in the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry 1/30/2020 5/27/2022, 87 FR 32088
10-5.570 Control of Sulfur Emissions From Stationary Boilers 1/30/2019 8/18/2020, 85 FR 50784
Chapter 6—Air Quality Standards, Definitions, Sampling and Reference Methods, and Air Pollution Control Regulations for the State of Missouri
10-6.010 Ambient Air Quality Standards 7/30/2014 3/4/2015, 80 FR 11577 Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfuric Acid state standards are not SIP approved.
10-6.020 Definitions and Common Reference Tables 3/30/2014 3/4/2015, 80 FR 11577 Many of the definitions pertain to Title V, 111(d) and asbestos programs and are approved in the SIP because they provide overall consistency in the use of terms in the air program. Similarly, the EPA has also approved this rule as part of the Title V program, and 111(d) even though many of the definitions pertain only to the SIP.
10-6.030 Sampling Methods for Air Pollution Sources 11/30/2019 1/24/2020, 85 FR 4229
10-6.040 Reference Methods 1/30/2019 8/22/2019, 84 FR 43699
10-6.045 Open Burning Requirements 9/30/2009 3/28/2017, 82 FR 15299
10-6.050 Start-Up, Shutdown, and Malfunction Conditions 1/30/2020 6/24/2022, 87 FR 37752
10-6.060 Construction Permits Required 5/30/2020 8/11/2022, 87 FR 49530 Provisions of the 2010 PM2.5 PSD-Increments, SILs and SMCs rule relating to SILs and SMCs that were affected by the January 22, 2013 U.S. Court of Appeals decision are not SIP approved. Provisions of the 2002 NSR reform rule relating to the Clean Unit Exemption, Pollution Control Projects, and exemption from recordkeeping provisions for certain sources using the actual-to-projected-actual emissions projections test are not SIP approved. “Livestock and livestock handling systems from which the only potential contaminant is odorous gas.” Section 9, pertaining to hazardous air pollutants, is not SIP approved. EPA previously approved the 3/30/2016 state effective date version of 10 CSR 10-6.060, with the above exceptions, in a Federal Register document published October 11, 2016. Section (1)(B) of 10 CSR 10-6.060 covering the voluntary permit provision is not SIP approved.
10-6.061 Construction Permit Exemptions 9/30/2020 8/16/2022, 87 FR 50267 Sections (3)(A)2.D. and (3)(A)2.E.(II)(c) are not SIP-approved.
10-6.062 Construction Permits by Rule 7/30/2022 8/4/2023, 88 FR 51711
10-6.065 Operating Permits 3/30/2019 9/30/2019, 84 FR 51418 Section (5) contains provisions pertaining only to Missouri's part 70 program and is not approved as a revision to the SIP.
10-6.110 Reporting Emission Data, Emission Fees, and Process Information 3/30/2021 8/24/2021, 86 FR 47219 Section (3)(A), Emission Fees, has not been approved as part of the SIP.
10-6.120 Restriction of Emissions of Lead from Specific Lead Smelter-Refinery Installations 10/25/2018 9/16/2020, 85 FR 57698
10-6.130 Controlling Emissions During Episodes of High Air Pollution Potential 12/30/2013 8/18/2015, 80 FR 49916
10-6.140 Restriction of Emissions Credit for Reduced Pollutant Concentrations from the Use of Dispersion Techniques 1/30/2020 5/24/2022, 87 FR 31430
10-6.150 Circumvention 8/15/1990 4/17/1991, 56 FR 15500
10-6.170 Restriction of Particulate Matter to the Ambient Air Beyond the Premises of Origin 3/30/2019 6/2/2023, 88 FR 36251
10-6.180 Measurement of Emissions of Air Contaminants 11/30/2018 7/5/2019, 84 FR 32066
10-6.210 Confidential Information 9/30/2022 6/29/2023, 88 FR 42030
10-6.220 Restriction of Emission of Visible Air Contaminants 3/30/2019 3/8/2023, 88 FR 14269 Subsection (1)(I) referring to the open burning rule, 10 CSR 10-6.045, is not SIP approved.
10-6.260 Restriction of Emission of Sulfur Compounds 9/30/2012 11/22/2013, 78 FR 69995 Section (3)(A)(1-4) approved pursuant to 111d only.
10-6.280 Compliance Monitoring Usage 2/28/2019 9/6/2019, 84 FR 46892
10-6.330 Restriction of Emissions From Batch-Type Charcoal Kilns 7/30/2020 9/30/2021, 86 FR 54100
10-6.350 Emissions Limitations and Emissions Trading of Oxides of Nitrogen 5/30/2007 4/2/2008, 73 FR 17890
10-6.360 Control of NOX Emissions From Electric Generating Units and Non-Electric Generating Boilers 5/30/2007 4/2/2008, 73 FR 17890
10-6.364 Clean Air Interstate Rule Seasonal NOX Trading Program 5/18/2007 12/14/2007, 72 FR 71073
10-6.372 Cross-State Air Pollution Rule NOX Annual Trading Program 3/30/2019 12/4/2019, 84 FR 66316
10-6.374 Cross-State Air Pollution Rule NOX Ozone Season Group 2 Trading Program 3/30/2019 12/4/2019, 84 FR 66316
10-6.376 Cross-State Air Pollution Rule SO2 Group 1 Trading Program 7/29/2021 9/15/2023, 88 FR 63529
10-6.380 Control of NOX Emissions From Portland Cement Kilns 2/28/2019 4/13/2020, 85 FR 20426
10-6.390 Control of NOX Emissions from Large Stationary Internal Combustion Engines 10/30/2013 9/16/2015, 80 FR 55547
10-6.400 Restriction of Emission of Particulate Matter From Industrial Processes 6/27/2013 10/21/2014, 79 FR 62844.
10-6.405 Restriction of Particulate Matter Emissions from Fuel Burning Equipment Used for Indirect Heating 9/30/2020 9/30/2021, 86 FR 54102
10-6.410 Emissions Banking and Trading 9/30/2012 11/22/2013, 78 FR 69995
Kansas City Chapter 8—Air Quality
8-2 Definitions 12/10/1998 12/22/1999, 64 FR 71663
8-4 Open burning 10/31/1996 4/22/1998, 65 FR 19823
8-5 Emission of particulate matter 12/10/1998 12/22/1999, 64 FR 71663 Only subsections 8-5(c)(1)b, 8-5(c)(1)c, 8-5(c)(2)a, 8-5(c)(3)a, 8-5(c)(3)b, 8-5(c)(3)c, 8-5(c)(3)d are approved in the SIP.
Springfield Chapter 6—Air Pollution Control Standards
Article I Definitions 12/4/2008 10/21/2010, 75 FR 64953 Only Section 6-2 is approved by EPA.
Article II Administrative and Enforcement 12/4/2008 10/21/2010, 75 FR 64953 Only Sections 6-151, 155, 156, and 171 are approved by EPA.
Article V Incinerators 12/4/2008 10/21/2010, 75 FR 64953 Only Sections 6-311 through 314 are approved by EPA.
St. Louis City Ordinance 68657
Section 6 Definitions 8/28/2003 12/9/2003, 68 FR 68521 The phrase other than liquids or gases in the Refuse definition has not been approved.
Section 15 Open Burning Restrictions 8/28/2003 12/9/2003, 68 FR 68521

(d) EPA-approved state source-specific permits and orders.

EPA-Approved Missouri Source-Specific Permits and Orders

Name of source Order/Permit number State effective date EPA Approval date Explanation
(1) ASARCO Inc. Lead Smelter, Glover, MO Order 8/13/1980 4/27/1981, 46 FR 23412
(2) St. Joe Lead (Doe Run) Company Lead Smelter, Herculaneum, MO Order 3/21/1984 6/11/1984, 49 FR 24022
(3) AMAX Lead (Doe Run) Company Lead Smelter, Boss, MO Order 9/27/1984 1/7/1985, 50 FR 768
(4) Gusdorf Operating Permit 11440 Lackland Road, St. Louis County, MO Permit Nos: 04682-04693 * 4/29/1980 10/15/1984, 49 FR 40164
(5) Doe Run Lead Smelter, Herculaneum, MO Consent Order 3/9/1990 3/6/1992, 57 FR 8076
(6) Doe Run Lead Smelter, Herculaneum, MO Consent Order 8/17/1990 3/6/1992, 57 FR 8076
(7) Doe Run Lead Smelter, Herculaneum, MO Consent Order 7/2/1993 5/5/1995, 60 FR 22274
(8) Doe Run Lead Smelter, Herculaneum, MO Consent Order (Modification) 4/28/1994 5/5/1995, 60 FR 22274
(9) Doe Run Lead Smelter, Herculaneum, MO Consent Order (Modification) 11/23/1994 5/5/1995, 60 FR 22274
(10) Doe Run Buick Lead Smelter, Boss, MO Consent Order 7/2/1993 8/4/1995, 60 FR 39851
(11) Doe Run Buick Lead Smelter, Iron County, MO Consent Order (Modification) 9/29/1994 8/4/1995, 60 FR 39851
(12) ASARCO Glover Lead Smelter, Glover, MO Consent Decree CV596-98CC with exhibits A-G 7/30/1996 3/5/1997, 62 FR 9970
(13) Eagle-Picher Technologies, Joplin, MO Consent Agreement 8/26/1999 4/24/2000, 65 FR 21649
(14) Doe Run Resource Recycling Facility near Buick, MO Consent Order 5/11/2000 10/18/2000, 65 FR 62295
(15) St. Louis University Medical Waste Incinerator 9/22/1992 4/22/1998, 63 FR 19823
(16) St. Louis University Permit Matter No. 00-01-004 1/31/2000 10/26/2000, 65 FR 64156
(17) [Reserved]
(18) Asarco, Glover, MO Modification of Consent Decree, CV596-98CC 7/31/2000 4/16/2002, 67 FR 18497
(19) Doe Run, Herculaneum, MO Consent Judgment, CV301-0052C-J1, with Work Practice Manual and S.O.P. for Control of Lead Emissions (Rev 2000) 1/5/2001 4/16/2002, 67 FR 18497
(20) Springfield City Utilities James River Power Station SO2 Consent Agreement 12/6/2001 3/25/2002, 67 FR 13570
(21) St. Louis University Permit Matter No. 00-01-004 8/28/2003 12/9/2003, 68 FR 68521
(22) [Reserved]
(23) Grossman Iron and Steel Company Permit No. SR00.045A 7/19/2006 12/4/2006, 71 FR 70312
(24) Doe Run Herculaneum, MO Consent Judgment Modification, CV301-0052CCJ1 12/20/2005 5/4/2007, 72 FR 25203
(25) Doe Run Herculaneum, MO Consent Judgment Modification, 07JE-CC00552 5/21/2007
7/29/2009 modification
2/17/2012, 77 FR 9529 This approval does not include any subsequent modifications after 2009.
(26) Holcim 4/19/2009 6/26/2012 77 FR 38007 § 52.1339(c); Limited Approval.
(27) Doe Run Herculaneum, MO Consent Judgment Modification 07JE-CC00552 10/19/2011 10/20/2014, 79 FR 62574 Modification to section 2.B.1. of the 2007 Consent Judgment.
(28) Doe Run Herculaneum, MO Consent Judgment 13JE-CC00557 6/19/2013 10/20/2014, 79 FR 62574
(29) Doe Run Buick Resource Recycling Facility Consent Judgment 13IR-CC00016 7/29/2013 8/28/2015, 80 FR 52194
(30) Americold Logistics, LLC 24-Hour Particulate Matter (PM10) National Ambient Air Quality (NAAQS) Consent Judgment Consent Judgment 14AP-CC00036 4/27/2014 1/28/2016, 80 FR 4888
(31) Exide Technologies Canon Hollow, MO Consent Judgment 14H0-CC00064 10/10/2014 9/26/2016, 81 FR 65898
(32) [Reserved]
(33) [Reserved]
(34) Ameren Missouri Consent Agreement and Addendum No. APCP-2015-034 12/14/2020 1/28/2022, 87 FR 4508
(35) Vicinity Energy—Kansas City Consent Agreement No. APCP-2021-007 6/25/2021 1/31/2022, 87 FR 4812
(36) Doe Run Glover Facility Consent Agreement APCP-2020-002 6/2/2020 4/27/2022, 87 FR 24870
(37) Ameren Missouri—Sioux Energy Center Consent Agreement No. APCP-2021-018 3/31/2022 11/16/2022, 87 FR 68634
(38) Kansas City Power and Light—Lake Road Facility Amendment #2 to Administrative Order on Consent No. APCP-2015-118 10/18/2021 7/3/2023, 88 FR 42640 EPA is approving Amendment #2 to AOC No. APCP-2015-118, except for paragraph 12.A.

* St Louis County.

(e) EPA approved nonregulatory provisions and quasi-regulatory measures.

EPA-Approved Missouri Nonregulatory SIP Provisions

Name of nonregulatory SIP
Applicable geographic or nonattainment area State submittal date EPA approval date Explanation
(1) Kansas City and Outstate Air Quality Control Regions Plan Kansas City and Outstate 1/24/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10875
(2) Implementation Plan for the Missouri portion of the St. Louis Interstate Air Quality Control Region St. Louis 1/24/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10875
(3) Effects of adopting Appendix B to NO2 emissions St. Louis 3/27/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10875
(4) CO air quality data base St. Louis 5/2/1972 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10875
(5) Budget and manpower projections Statewide 2/28/1972 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23089
(6) Emergency episode manual Kansas City 5/11/1972 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23089
(7) Amendments to Air Conservation Law Statewide 7/12/1972 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23089
(8) Air monitoring plan Outstate 7/12/1972 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23089
(9) Amendments to Air Conservation Law Statewide 8/8/1972 10/28/1972, 37 FR 23089
(10) Transportation control strategy Kansas City 5/11/1973
6/22/1973, 38 FR 16550
(11) Analysis of ambient air quality data and recommendation to not designate the area as an air quality maintenance area Kansas City 4/11/1974 3/2/1976, 41 FR 8956 [FRL 484-4].
(12) Recommendation to designate air quality maintenance areas St. Louis, Columbia, Springfield 5/6/1974 9/9/1975, 40 FR 41942 [FRL 418-5].
(13) Plan to attain the NAAQS Kansas City, St. Louis 7/2/1979 4/9/1980, 45 FR 24140 [FRL 1456-1].
Correction notice published 7/11/1980.
(14) Schedule for I/M program and commitment regarding difficult transportation control measures (TCMs) St. Louis 9/9/1980 3/16/1981, 46 FR 16895 [A-7-FRL-1778-3].
(15) Lead SIP Statewide 9/2/1980,
4/27/1981, 46 FR 23412,
7/19/1984, 49 FR 29218
[A7 FRL 1802-8], [MO 1515; OAR-FRL-2633-8].
Correction notice published 5/15/1981.
(16) Report on recommended I/M program St. Louis 12/16/1980 8/27/1981, 46 FR 43139 [A7-FRL 1909-8].
(17) Report outlining commitments to TCMs, analysis of TCMs, and results of CO dispersion modeling St. Louis 2/12/1981,
11/10/1981, 46 FR 55518 [A7-FRL 1958-3].
(18) 1982 CO and ozone SIP St. Louis 12/23/1982,
10/15/1984, 49 FR 40164 [EPA Action MO 999; A-7-FRL-2691-8].
(19) Air quality monitoring plan Statewide 6/6/1984 9/27/1984, 49 FR 38103 [EPA Action MO 1586; A-7-FRL-2682-5].
(20) Vehicle I/M program St. Louis 8/27/1984 8/12/1985, 50 FR 32411 [MO-1619; A-7-FRL-2880-9].
(21) Visibility protection plan Hercules Glades and Mingo Wildlife Area. 5/3/1985 2/10/1986, 51 FR 4916 [A-7-FRL-2967-5; MO 1809].
(22) Plan for attaining the ozone standard by December 31, 1987 St. Louis 8/1/1985 9/3/1986, 51 FR 31328 [A-7-FRL-3073-3].
(23) PM10 plan Statewide 3/29/1988,
7/31/1989, 54 FR 31524 [FRL-3621-8].
(24) Construction permit fees including Chapter 643 RSMo Statewide 1/24/1989,
1/9/1990, 55 FR 735 [FRL-3703-4].
(25) PSD NOx requirements including a letter from the state pertaining to the rules and analysis Statewide 7/9/1990 3/5/1991, 56 FR 9172 [FRL-3908-6].
(26) Lead plan Herculaneum 9/6/1990,
3/6/1992, 57 FR 8076 [MO6-1-5333; FRL-4102-7].
(27) Ozone maintenance plan Kansas City 10/9/1991 6/23/1992, 57 FR 27939 [Moll-1-5440; FRL-4140-7].
(28) Small business assistance plan Statewide 3/10/1993 10/26/1993, 58 FR 57563 [MO-14-5860; FRL-4700-8].
(29) Part D Lead plan Herculaneum 7/2/1993,
5/5/1995, 60 FR 22274 [MO-17-1-6023A; FRL-5197-7].
(30) Intermediate permitting program including three letters pertaining to authority to limit potential to emit hazardous air pollutants Statewide 3/31/1994,
9/25/1995, 60 FR 49340 [MO-21-1-6443(a); FRL-5289-6].
(31) Part D lead plan Bixby 7/2/1993,
8/4/1995, 60 FR 39851 [MO-18-1-6024A; FRL-5263-9].
(32) Transportation conformity plans including a policy agreement and a letter committing to implement the state rule consistent with the Federal transportation conformity rule St. Louis, Kansas City 2/14/1995 2/29/1996, 61 FR 7711 [MO-29-1-7151a; FRL-5425-2].
(33) Emissions inventory update including a motor vehicle emissions budget Kansas City 4/12/1995 4/25/1996, 61 FR 18251 [KS-6-1-6985, MO-31-1-7153; FRL 5448-9].
(34) Part D Lead Plan Glover 8/14/1996 3/5/1997, 62 FR 9970 [MO-015-1015a; FRL-5682-5].
(35) CO Maintenance Plan St. Louis 6/13/1997,
1/26/1999, 64 FR 3855 [MO 043-1043(a); FRL-6220-1].
(36) 1990 Base Year Inventory St. Louis 1/20/1995 2/17/2000, 65 FR 8060 [MO 092-1092; FRL-6528-7].
(37) 15% Rate-of-Progress Plan St. Louis 11/12/1999 5/18/2000, 65 FR 31485 [MO 103-1103; FRL-6701-3].
(38) Implementation plan for the Missouri inspection maintenance program Jefferson County 11/12/1999 5/18/2000, 65 FR 31480 [MO 096-1096b; FRL-6701-6]. Approved for Jefferson County only.
(39) Doe Run Resource Recycling Facility near Buick, MO Dent Township in Iron County 5/17/2000 10/18/2000, 65 FR 62295 [MO 114-1114a; FRL-6885-6].
(40) Commitments with respect to implementation of rule 10 CSR 10-6.350, Emissions Limitations and Emissions Trading of Oxides of Nitrogen Statewide 8/8/2000 12/28/2000, 65 FR 82285 [Region 7 Tracking No. 113-1113a; FRL-6923-2].
(41) Contingency Plan including letter of April 5, 2001 St. Louis 10/6/1997,
6/26/2001, 66 FR 33996 [Tracking No. MO-0132-1132, IL 196-3; FRL-7001-7].
(42) Ozone 1-Hour Standard Attainment Demonstration Plan for November 2004 including 2004 On-Road Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets St. Louis 11/10/1999,
6/26/2001, 66 FR 33996 [MO-0132-1132, IL 196-3;FRL-7001-7].
(43) Doe Run Resources Corporation Primary lead Smelter, 2000 Revision of Lead SIP Herculaneum, MO 1/9/2001 4/16/2002, 67 FR 18497 [MO 151-1151; FRL-7170-6].
(44) Doe Run Resources Corporation Primary Lead Smelter, 2000 Revision of Lead SIP Glover, MO 6/15/2001 4/16/2002, 67 FR 18497 [MO 151-1151; FRL-7170-6].
(45) Maintenance Plan for the Missouri Portion of the St. Louis Ozone Nonattainment Area including 2014 On-Road Motor Vehicle Emission Budgets St. Louis 12/6/2002 5/12/2003, 68 FR 25414 [MO 181-1181; FRL-7494-6].
(46) Maintenance Plan for the 1-hour ozone standard in the Missouri portion of the Kansas City maintenance area for the second ten-year period Kansas City 12/17/2002 1/13/2004, 69 FR 1921 [MO 201-1201; FRL-7608-8].
(47) Vehicle I/M Program St. Louis 10/1/2003 5/13/2004, 69 FR 26503 [R07-OAR-2004-MO-0001; FRL-7661-4].
(48) Revised Maintenance Plan of Doe Run Resource Recycling Facility near Buick, MO Dent Township in Iron County 4/29/2003 8/24/2004, 69 FR 51953 [R07-OAR-2004-MO-0002; FRL-7805-1].
(49) [Reserved]
(50) Revision to Maintenance Plan for the 1-hour ozone standard in the Missouri portion of the Kansas City maintenance area for the second ten-year period Kansas City 10/28/2005 6/26/2006, 71 FR 36210 [EPA-R07-OAR-2006-0286; FRL-8188-6].
(51) CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i) SIP—Interstate Transport Statewide 2/27/2007 5/8/2007, 72 FR 25085 [EPA-R07-OAR-2007-0249 FRL-8310-5].
(52) Submittal of the 2002 Base Year Inventory for the Missouri Portion of the St. Louis 8-hour ozone nonattainment area and Emissions Statement SIP St. Louis 6/15/2006 5/31/2007, 72 FR 30272 [EPA-R07-OAR-2007-0383; FRL-8318-8].
(53) Maintenance Plan for the 8-hour ozone standard in the Missouri portion of the Kansas City area Kansas City 5/23/2007 8/9/2007, 72 FR 44778 [EPA-R07-OAR-2007-0619 FRL-8450-7].
(54) Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS Statewide 2/27/2007 7/11/2011, 76 FR 40619 [EPA-R07-OAR-2011-0309 FRL-9429-1] This action addresses the following CAA elements, as applicable: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M).
(55) VOC RACT Requirements for the 8-hour ozone NAAQS St. Louis 1/17/2007,
1/23/2012, 77 FR 3144.
1/6/2014, 79 FR 580
[EPA-R07-OAR-2011-0859 FRL-9621-1] [EPA-R07-OAR-2012-0767; FRL-9905-03-Region 7].
(56) CAA Section 110(a)(2) SIP-1978 Pb NAAQS City of Herculaneum, MO 7/29/2009 2/17/2012, 77 FR 9529 [EPA-R07-OAR-2008-0538; FRL-9632-7].
(57) Regional Haze Plan for the first implementation period Statewide 8/5/2009, supplemented 1/30/2012 6/26/2012, 77 FR 38007 [EPA-R07-OAR-2012-0153; FRL-9688-1] § 52.1339(c); Limited Approval.
(58) Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS Statewide 2/27/2007 6/21/2013; 78 FR 37457 [EPA-R07-OAR-2013-0208; FRL-9825-7] This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II) prongs 3 and 4, (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M).
(59) Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS Statewide 12/28/2009 6/21/2013; 78 FR 37457 [EPA-R07-OAR-2013-0208; FRL-9825-7] This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II) prongs 3 and 4, (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M)
(60) Section 128 Declaration: Missouri Air Conservation Commission Representation and Conflicts of Interest Provisions; Missouri Revised Statutes (RSMo) RSMo 105.450, RSMo 105.452, RSMo 105.454, RSMo 105.462, RSMo 105.463, RSMo 105.466, RSMo 105.472, and RSMo 643.040.2 Statewide 8/8/2012 6/21/2013; 78 FR 37457 [EPA-R07-OAR-2013-0208; FRL-9825-7].
(61) Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2008 Pb NAAQS Statewide 12/20/2011 8/19/2014, 79 FR 48994 [EPA-R07-OAR-2014-0290; FRL-9915-28-Region 7] This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M).
(62) Implementation Plan for the 2008 Lead NAAQS City of Herculaneum, MO 4/18/2013 10/20/2014, 79 FR 62574 [EPA-R07-OAR-2014-0448; FRL-9918-18-Region-7]
(63) Sections 110(a)(1) and 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS Statewide 7/8/2013 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12496 This action approves the following CAA elements: 110(a)(1) and 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II)—prong 3, (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I)—prongs 1 and 2 are addressed by Federal Implementation Plans. 110(a)(2)(I) is not applicable. [EPA-R07-OAR-2015-0356; FRL-9975-71-Region 7].
(64) Sections 110(a)(1) and 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide NAAQS Statewide 4/30/2013 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12496 This action approves the following CAA elements: 110(a)(1) and 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(I), (D)(i)(II)—prong 3, (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). 110(a)(2)(I) is not applicable. [EPA-R07-OAR-2017-0268; FRL-9975-71-Region 7].
(65) Sections 110(a)(1) and 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2010 Sulfur Dioxide NAAQS Statewide 7/8/2013 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12496 This action approves the following CAA elements: 110(a)(1) and 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II)—prong 3, (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). EPA is not acting on 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I)—prongs 1 and 2. 110(a)(2)(I) is not applicable. EPA intends to act on 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II)—prong 4 in a separate action. [EPA-R07-OAR-2017-0515; FRL-9975-71-Region 7].
(66) Cross State Air Pollution Rule—State-Determined Allowance Allocations for the 2016 control periods Statewide 3/30/2015 8/24/2015, 80 FR 51135
(67) Missouri 8-Hour CO Second Ten year Limited Maintenance Plan. St. Louis 4/8/2014 10/2/2015, 80 FR 59614 EPA-R07-OAR-2015-0513; FRL-9934-98-Region 7]
(68) Missouri Early Progress Plan St. Louis 8/26/2013 1/14/2016, 81 FR 1890 [EPA-R07-OAR-2015-0587; FRL-9941-01-Region 7].
(69) Marginal Plan for the Missouri Portion of the St. Louis Ozone Nonattainment Area for the 2008 NAAQS Statewide 9/9/2014 2/25/2016, 81 FR 9350 EPA-R07-OAR-2015-0438; 9942-76-Region 7.
(70) State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revision for Regional Haze (2014 Five-year Progress Report) Statewide 9/5/2014 8/1/2016, 81 FR 50353; 9/24/2018, 83 FR 48242 Missouri submitted a clarification letter to its Five-year Progress Report on July 31, 2017 that is part of this action. [EPA-R07-OAR-2015-0581; FRL-9949-68—Region 7]; [EPA-R07-OAR-2018-0211; FRL-9984-22—Region 7.]
(71) Exide Technologies Compliance Plan 2008 lead NAAQS Forest City 10/15/2014 9/26/2016, 81 FR 65898 [EPA-R07-OAR-2015-0835; FRL 9952-79-Region 7].
(72) Sections 110(a)(1) and 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2012 Annual Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) NAAQS Statewide 10/14/2015 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12496 This action approves the following CAA elements: 110(a)(1) and 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II)—prong 3, D(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). 110(a)(2)(I) is not applicable. [EPA-R07-OAR-2017-0513; FRL-9975-71-Region 7].
(73) Missouri State Statute section 105.483(5) RSMo 2014, and Missouri State Statute section 105.485 RSMo 2014 Statewide 10/14/2015 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12496 EPA-R07-OAR-2017-0513; FRL-9975-71-Region 7.
(74) Sections 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Prong 4 Requirements for the 2008 Ozone, 2010 Nitrogen Dioxide, 2010 Sulfur Dioxide, and the 2012 Fine Particulate Matter NAAQS Statewide 7/8/2013; 8/30/2013; 7/8/2013; 10/14/2015 9/24/2018, 83 FR 48242 This action approves the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II)—prong 4. [EPA-R07-OAR-2018-0211; FRL-9984-22—Region 7.
(75) Section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I)—significant contribution to nonattainment (prong 1), and interfering with maintenance of the NAAQs (prong 2) (Interstate Transport) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2012 Annual Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) NAAQS Statewide 10/14/2015 10/1/2018, 83 FR 49298 This action approves the following CAA elements: 110(a)(1) and 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I)—prongs 1 and 2 [EPA-R07-OAR-2018-0261; FRL-9983-77—Region 7.]]
(76) Jackson County 1-Hour SO2 NAA Baseline Emissions Inventory Jackson County 10/15/2015 2/13/2019, 84 FR 3703 [EPA-R07-OAR-2018-0700; FRL-9988-46-Region 7].
(77) Jefferson County 1-Hour SO2 NAA Baseline Emissions Inventory Jefferson County 6/1/2015 2/13/2019, 84 FR 3703 [EPA-R07-OAR-2018-0700; FRL-9988-46-Region 7].
(78) Sections 110 (a)(1) and 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS. Ozone Contingency Plan Exemptions Statewide 4/11/2019 9/30/2019, 84 FR 51413 This action approves the following CAA elements: 110(a)(1) and 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II)—prongs 3 and 4, (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I)—prongs 1 and 2 were not included in the submission. 110(a)(2)(I) is not applicable.
This action approves the ozone contingency plan exemptions for all counties in the Kansas City AQCR and Jefferson and Franklin (except Bowles Township) counties in the St. Louis AQCR.
[EPA-R07-OAR-2019-0334; FRL-1000-15-Region 7].
(79) Revisions to St. Louis 2008 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Plan St. Louis Area: Missouri counties of Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles, and St. Louis along with the City of St. Louis 11/12/2019 9/30/2021, 86 FR 54098 EPA-R07-OAR-2015-0513; This action replaces Maintenance plans for the following ozone NAAQS: 1979 1-hour (published in the Federal Register on May 12, 2003), 1997 8-hour (published in the Federal Register on February 20, 2015), 2008 8-hour (published in the Federal Register on September 20, 2018).
(80) Revisions to St. Louis 1997 PM2.5 Maintenance Plan St. Louis Area: Missouri counties of Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles, and St. Louis along with the City of St. Louis 11/12/2019 9/30/2021, 86 FR 54106 This action replaces the Maintenance plan for the 1997 PM2.5 (published in the Federal Register on October 2, 2018).
(81) Jefferson County 1-hour SO2 NAAQS Maintenance Plan and Supplemental Modeling Analyses Jefferson County 12/27/2017; 5/15/2018; 2/7/2019; 2/25/2019; and 4/9/2021 1/28/2022, 87 FR 4508 This action approves the Maintenance Plan and the Supplemental Modeling Analyses for the Jefferson County area.
(82) Jackson County 1-hour SO2 NAAQS Maintenance Plan and Maintenance Plan Supplement Jackson County 2/18/2021;
1/31/2022, 87 FR 4812 This action approves the Maintenance Plan and the Maintenance Plan Supplement for the Jackson County area.
(83) Glover Lead Plan for Continued Attainment of the 2008 Lead NAAQS Iron County (part) within boundaries of Liberty and Arcadia Townships 10/7/2020 4/27/2022, 87 FR 24870 [EPA-R07-OAR-2021-0913; FRL-9351-02-R7].
(84) Implementation plan for the Missouri inspection maintenance program St. Charles County, St. Louis County, and St. Louis City 11/12/2019
9/13/2022, 87 FR 55918 [EPA-R07-OAR-2022-0419; FRL-9830-02-R7]. Approved for St. Charles County, St. Louis County, and St. Louis City and removal of Franklin County. No action on Jefferson County. Please see item (38) of this paragraph.
(85) Marginal Plan for the St. Louis 2015 8-Hour Ozone Nonattainment Area St. Louis Area: Missouri counties of Jefferson, St. Charles, and St. Louis along with the City of St. Louis and Boles Township in Franklin County 9/8/2021, 4/8/2022 2/7/2023, 88 FR 7885 This action approves the Marginal nonattainment area plan for the St. Louis Area for the 2015 8-hour Ozone NAAQS [EPA-R07-OAR-2022-0880; FRL-10388-02-R7].
[64 FR 34719, June 29, 1999]
Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 52.1320, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.