1. Subpart A—Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (§§ 51.1 - 51.50)
  2. Subparts B-E [Reserved]
  3. Subpart F—Procedural Requirements (§§ 51.100 - 51.105)
  4. Subpart G—Control Strategy (§§ 51.110 - 51.126)
  5. Subpart H—Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes (§§ 51.150 - 51.153)
  6. Subpart I—Review of New Sources and Modifications (§§ 51.160 - 51.166)
  7. Subpart J—Ambient Air Quality Surveillance (§ 51.190)
  8. Subpart K—Source Surveillance (§§ 51.210 - 51.214)
  9. Subpart L—Legal Authority (§§ 51.230 - 51.232)
  10. Subpart M—Intergovernmental Consultation (§§ 51.240 - 51.242)
  11. Subpart N—Compliance Schedules (§§ 51.260 - 51.262)
  12. Subpart O—Miscellaneous Plan Content Requirements (§§ 51.280 - 51.286)
  13. Subpart P—Protection of Visibility (§§ 51.300 - 51.309)
  14. Subpart Q—Reports (§§ 51.320 - 51.328)
  15. Subpart R—Extensions (§ 51.341)
  16. Subpart S—Inspection/Maintenance Program Requirements (§§ 51.350 - 51.373)
  17. Subpart T—Conformity to State or Federal Implementation Plans of Transportation Plans, Programs, and Projects Developed, Funded or Approved Under Title 23 U.S.C. or the Federal Transit Laws (§ 51.390)
  18. Subpart U—Economic Incentive Programs (§§ 51.490 - 51.494)
  19. Subpart W—Determining Conformity of General Federal Actions to State or Federal Implementation Plans (§§ 51.850 - 51.852-51.860)
  20. Subpart X—Provisions for Implementation of 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (§§ 51.900 - 51.919)
  21. Subpart Y—Mitigation Requirements (§ 51.930)
  22. Subpart Z—Provisions for Implementation of PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (§§ 51.1000 - 51.1016)
  23. Subpart AA—Provisions for Implementation of the 2008 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (§§ 51.1100 - 51.1119)
  24. Subpart BB—Data Requirements for Characterizing Air Quality for the Primary SO2 NAAQS (§§ 51.1200 - 51.1205)
  25. Subpart CC—Provisions for Implementation of the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (§§ 51.1300 - 51.1319)
  26. Appendixes A-K to Part 51 [Reserved]
  27. Appendix L to Part 51—Example Regulations for Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes
  28. Appendix M to Part 51—Recommended Test Methods for State Implementation Plans
  29. Appendixes N-O to Part 51 [Reserved]
  30. Appendix P to Part 51—Minimum Emission Monitoring Requirements
  31. Appendixes Q-R to Part 51 [Reserved]
  32. Appendix S to Part 51—Emission Offset Interpretative Ruling
  33. Appendixes T-U to Part 51 [Reserved]
  34. Appendix V to Part 51—Criteria for Determining the Completeness of Plan Submissions
  35. Appendix W to Part 51—Guideline on Air Quality Models
  36. Appendix X to Part 51—Examples of Economic Incentive Programs
  37. Appendix Y to Part 51—Guidelines for BART Determinations Under the Regional Haze Rule
36 FR 22398, Nov. 25, 1971, unless otherwise noted.