40 CFR § 52.1620 - Identification of plan.
(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for New Mexico under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.
(b) Incorporation by reference.
(1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to July 1, 1999, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after July 1, 1999, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region 6 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State implementation plan as of July 1, 1999.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at https://www.epa.gov/sips-nm or the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75270-2102. If you wish to obtain material from the EPA Regional Office, please call (800) 887-6063 or (214) 665-2760.
(c) EPA approved regulations.
EPA Approved New Mexico Regulations
State citation | Title/subject | State approval/effective date | EPA approval date | Comments | |
Part 1 | General Provisions | 1/23/2015 | 7/24/2015, 80 FR 43966 | ||
Part 2 | Definitions | 8/31/2009 | 1/26/2015, 80 FR 3884 | The following definitions are state specific and are not being approved into the SIP:
G. “Carbon dioxide” M. “Greenhouse gas” O. “Hydrofluorocarbons” S. “Methane” V. “Nitrous oxide” AA. “Perfluorocarbons” AN. “Sulfur hexafluoride” |
Part 3 | Ambient Air Quality Standards | 11/16/2018 | 9/18/2019, 84 FR 49057 | ||
Part 5 | Source Surveillance | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 7 | Excess Emissions | 7/10/2008, 10/13/2016 | 9/14/2009, 74 FR 46910,
3/3/2023, 88 FR 13320 |
Sections NMAC, NMAC, NMAC, NMAC, NMAC, NMAC, and NMAC are no longer in SIP, 3/3/2023. | |
Part 8 | Emissions Leaving New Mexico | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 10 | Woodwaste Burners | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 11 | Asphalt Process Equipment | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 13 | Gypsum Processing Plants | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 14 | Particulate Emissions From Coal Burning Equipment | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 15 | Pumice, Mica and Perlite Process Equipment | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 16 | Nonferrous Smelters (New and Existing)-Particulate Matter | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 17 | Nonferrous Smelters (Existing)-Particulate Matter | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 18 | Oil Burning Equipment-Particulate Matter | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 19 | Potash, Salt, or Sodium Sulfate Processing Equipment-Particulate Matter | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 21 | Fugitive Particulate Matter Emissions from Nonferrous Smelters | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 22 | Fugitive Particulate Matter Emissions from Roads within the Town of Hurley | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 30 | Kraft Mills | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 31 | Coal Burning Equipment-Sulfur Dioxide | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 32 | Coal Burning Equipment-Nitrogen Dioxide | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 33 | Gas Burning Equipment-Nitrogen Dioxide | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 34 | Oil Burning Equipment-Nitrogen Dioxide | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 40 | Sulfuric Acid Production Units-Sulfur Dioxide, Acid Mist and Visible Emissions | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 41 | Nonferrous Smelters-Sulfur | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 60 | Open Burning | 12/31/2003 | 11/27/2012, 77 FR 70693 | ||
Part 61 | Smoke and Visible Emissions | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 65 | Smoke Management | 12/31/2003 | 11/27/2012, 77 FR 70693 | ||
Part 66 | Cotton Gins | 4/7/2005 | 6/13/2012, 77 FR 35273 | ||
Part 72 | Construction Permits | 9/6/2006 | 3/11/2013, 78 FR 15296 | The SIP includes NMED's letter dated 11/7/2012, which commits the NMED Air Quality Bureau to providing notification on the NMED's website of all second 30-day public comment periods provided for under paragraph B of NOT in SIP: the definitions of “Accelerated review”, “Affiliate”, “Conflict of interest”, “Interested party” and “Qualified outside firm” in; subsection (B)(15) of; subsection (H) of;;; and References to 20.2.77, 20.2.78, and 20.2.82 are approved for Part 72 only; underlying and related regulations for referred Parts NOT in SIP. | |
Part 73 | Notice of Intent and Emissions Inventory Requirements | 7/6/2011 | 11/27/2012, 77 FR 70693 | ||
Part 74 | Permits—Prevention of Significant Deterioration | 7/11/2014 | 7/14/2015, 80 FR 40915 | Revisions to |
Part 75 | Construction Permit Fees | 11/30/1995 | 11/25/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 75 | Construction Permit Fees | 12/1/2003 | 3/29/2012, 77 FR 18923 | NOT in SIP: subsection (B) of and subsection (D) of
References to 20.2.70, 20.2.71,, 20.2.77, 20.2.78, 20.2.82, and 20.2.X are approved for Part 75 only; underlying and related regulations for referred Parts NOT in SIP. |
Part 79 | Permits—Nonattainment Areas | 8/21/2021 | 11/16/2022, 87 FR 68632 | ||
Part 80 | Stack Heights | 11/30/1995 | 9/26/1997, 62 FR 50514 | ||
Part 81 | Western Backstop Sulfur Dioxide Trading Program | 7/6/2011 | 11/27/2012, 77 FR 70693 | ||
||||| | Issuing Agency | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Scope | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Statutory Authority | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Duration | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Effective Date | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Objective | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Definitions | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Documents | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Applicability | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Consultation | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Agency Roles in Consultation | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Agency Responsibilities in Consultation | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | General Consultation Procedures | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Consultation Procedures for Specific Major Activities | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Consultation Procedures for Specific Routine Activities | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Notification Procedures for Routine Activities | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Conflict Resolution and Appeals to the Governor | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Public Consultation Procedures | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Enforceability of Design Concept and Scope and Project-Level Mitigation and Control Measures | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 | || | Savings Provision | 7/11/2014 | 6/18/2015, 80 FR 34835 |
EPA Approved Albuquerque/Bernalillo County, NM Regulations
State citation | Title/subject | State approval/effective date | EPA approval date | Explanation |
Part 1 (20.11.1 NMAC) | General Provisions | 12/15/2010 | 5/7/2015, 80 FR 26190 | |
Part 2 (20.11.2 NMAC) | Fees | 1/10/2011 | 5/24/2012, 77 FR 30900 | NOT in SIP: references to Operating Permits (20.11.42 NMAC) in subsection (A) of, subsection (B) of, subsection (B) of, subsections (A) and (B) of, and subsection (B) of |
Part 3 (20.11.3 NMAC) | Transportation Conformity | 11/18/2010; 10/11/2012 | 2/18/2014, 79 FR 9097 | |
Part 4 (20.11.4 NMAC) | General Conformity | 5/24/2011 | 2/18/2014, 79 FR 9097 | |
Part 5 (20.11.5 NMAC) | Visible Air Contaminants | 1/1/2003 | 12/30/2004, 69 FR 78314 | |
Part 6 (20.11.6 NMAC) | Emergency Action Plan | 10/1/2002 | 12/30/2004, 69 FR 78314 | |
Part 7 (20.11.7 NMAC) | Variance Procedure | 9/7/2004 | 5/31/2006, 71 FR 30805 | |
Part 8 (20.11.8 NMAC) | Ambient Air Quality Standards | 8/12/2009 | 9/19/2012, 77 FR 58032 | |
Part 20 (20.11.20 NMAC) | Fugitive Dust Control | 3/17/2008 | 4/1/2009, 74 FR 14731 | |
Part 21 (20.11.21 NMAC) | Open Burning | 7/11/2011 | 11/29/2012, 77 FR 71119 | |
Part 22 (20.11.22 NMAC) | Woodburning | 10/1/2002 | 12/30/2004, 69 FR 78314 | |
Part 39 (20.11.39 NMAC) | Permit Waivers and Air Quality Notifications for Certain Sources | 1/18/2018 | 1/16/2020, 85 FR 2648 | |
Part 40 (20.11.40 NMAC) | Source Registration | 10/1/2002 | 12/30/2004, 69 FR 78314 | |
Part 41 (20.11.41 NMAC) | Construction Permits | 1/18/2018 | 1/16/2020, 85 FR 2648 | |
Part 43 (20.11.43 NMAC) | Stack Height Requirements | 10/1/2002 | 12/30/2004, 69 FR 78314 | |
Part 46 (20.11.46 NMAC) | Sulfur Dioxide Emission Inventory Requirements; Western Backstop Sulfur Dioxide Trading Program | 5/16/2011 | 11/29/2012, 77 FR 71119 | |
Part 47 (20.11.47 NMAC) | Emissions Inventory Requirements | 10/18/2012 | 5/7/2015, 80 FR 26190 | |
Part 60 (20.11.60) | Permitting in Nonattainment Areas | 4/10/2013 | 11/12/2015, 80 FR 69876 | |
Part 61 (20.11.61 NMAC) | Prevention of Significant Deterioration | 5/29/2015 | 8/31/2015, 80 FR 52402 | |
Part 63 (20.11.63 NMAC) | New Source Performance Standards for Stationary Sources | 10/1/2002 | 12/30/2004, 69 FR 78314 | |
Part 64 (20.11.64 NMAC) | Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Sources | 10/1/2002 | 12/30/2004, 69 FR 78314 | |
Part 65 (20.11.65 NMAC) | Volatile Organic Compounds | 9/23/2009 | 2/4/2010, 75 FR 5698 | |
Part 66 (20.11.66 NMAC) | Process Equipment | 10/1/2002 | 12/30/2004, 69 FR 78314 | |
Part 67 (20.11.67 NMAC) | Equipment, Emissions, Limitations | 10/1/2002 | 12/30/2004, 69 FR 78314 | |
Part 68 (20.11.68 NMAC) | Incinerators and Crematories | 04/1/2002 | 12/30/2004, 69 FR 78314 | |
Part 90 (20.11.90 NMAC) | Source Surveillance, Administration and Enforcement | 9/23/2009 | 2/4/2010, 75 FR 5698 | |
Part 100 (20.11.100 NMAC) | Motor Vehicle Inspection—Decentralized | 8/16/2016 | 3/21/2017, 82 FR 14461 |, and are NOT part of the SIP. |
Part 102 (20.11.102 NMAC) | Oxygenated Fuels | 12/11/2005 | 2/11/2010, 75 FR 6813 | |
Part 103 (20.11.103 NMAC) | Motor Vehicle Visible Emissions | 10/1/2002 | 12/30/2004, 69 FR 78314 |
(d) EPA-approved State Source-specific requirements.
EPA-Approved New Mexico Source-Specific Requirements
Name of source | Permit number | State approval/effective date | EPA approval date | Explanation |
Units 1, 2, 3, & 4 of the San Juan Generating Station | NSR Permit No. 0063-M6R3, Section A112C | 11/1/2013 | 10/9/2014, 79 FR 60992 | Ch. 10 (BART) of SIP under 40 CFR 51.309(g). |
(e) EPA approved nonregulatory provisions.
EPA-Approved New Mexico Statutes
State citation | Title/subject | State Approval/
effective date |
EPA approval date | Comments |
10-16-1 | Short Title
Governmental Conduct Act |
8/6/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | |
10-16-2 | Definitions | 8/6/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | |
10-16-3 | Ethical principles of public service; certain official acts prohibited; penalty | 8/6/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | |
10-16-4 | Official act for personal financial interest prohibited; disqualification from official act; providing a penalty | 8/6/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | |
10-16-6 | Confidential information | 8/6/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | |
10-16-7 | Contracts involving public officers or employees | 8/6/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | |
10-16-8 | Contracts involving former public officers or employees; representation of clients after government service | 8/6/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | |
10-16-9 | Contracts involving legislators; representation before state agencies | 8/6/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | |
10-16-11 | Codes of conduct | 8/6/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | Includes New Mexico Environmental Board Code of Conduct approved by the Governor on February 27, 1990 (64 FR 29235). |
10-16-13 | Prohibited bidding | 8/6/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | |
10-16-14 | Enforcement procedures | 7/16/1990 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | |
74-1-4 | Environmental improvement board; creation; organization | 8/6/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | Approved for State Board Composition and Conflict of Interest Provisions. |
74-2-1 | Short Title | 8/6/2015 | 2/27/2019, 84 FR 6334 | |
74-2-2 | Definitions | 8/6/2015 | 2/27/2019, 84 FR 6334 | |
74-2-3 | Environmental improvement board | 8/6/2015 | 2/27/2019, 84 FR 6334 | |
74-2-4 | Local Authority | 8/6/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | Statute first approved 11/2/1984. Update approved 6/1/1999 addressed State Board Composition and Conflict of Interest Provisions. |
74-2-5 | Duties and powers; environmental improvement board; local board | 8/6/2015 | 2/27/2019, 84 FR 6334 | |
74-2-5.1 | Duties and powers of the department and the local agency | 8/6/2015 | 8/19/2019, 84 FR 42819 | |
74-2-6 | Adoption of regulations; notice and hearings | 8/6/2015 | 8/19/2019, 84 FR 42822 | |
74-2-7 | Permits; permit appeals to the environmental improvement board or the local board; permit fees | 8/6/2015 | 2/27/2019, 84 FR 6334 | |
74-2-10 | Emergency powers of the secretary and the director | 8/6/2015 | 2/27/2019, 84 FR 6334 | |
74-2-11.1 | Limitations on regulations | 8/6/2015 | 2/27/2019, 84 FR 6334 | |
74-2-12 | Enforcement; compliance orders | 8/6/2015 | 8/19/2019, 84 FR 42822 | Only paragraphs (A)(1) & (2) are SIP-approved (enforcement authority under CAA section 110(a)(2)(C)). |
74-2-13 | Inspection | 8/6/2015 | 8/19/2019, 84 FR 42822 | |
74-2-17 | Continuing effect of existing laws, rules and regulations | 8/6/2015 | 2/27/2019, 84 FR 6334 | |
City of Albuquerque, Chapter 9, Article 5, Part 1: Air Quality Control Board, Sections 9-5-1-1 to 9-5-1-15, and 9-5-1-98 | Joint Air Quality Control Board | 6/12/2013 | 10/20/2015, 80 FR 63431 | Section 9-5-1-3 Joint Air Quality Control Board only. |
Bernalillo County, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 30, Article II, Air Pollution; Section 30-31 to 30-47 | Joint Air Quality Control Board | 6/12/2013 | 10/20/2015, 80 FR 63431 | Section 30-32—Joint Air Quality Control Board only. |
City of Albuquerque, Chapter 2, Article III, Sections 3-3-1 to 3-3-13 | Conflict of Interest | 6/12/2013 | 10/20/2015, 80 FR 63431 | |
City of Albuquerque Charter, Article XII, Section 4—Conflict of Interest | Code of Ethics | 6/12/2013 | 10/20/2015, 80 FR 63431 | |
Bernalillo County Ordinance, Chapter 2, Administration, Article III, Officers and Employees, Division 4, Code of Ethics, Sections 2-126 to 2-136 | Code of Ethics | 6/12/2013 | 10/20/2015, 80 FR 63431 |
EPA-Approved Nonregulatory Provisions and Quasi-Regulatory Measures in the New Mexico SIP
Name of SIP provision | Applicable geographic or nonattainment area | State submittal/effective date | EPA approval date | Explanation |
State Attorney Generals Opinion | Statewide | 9/4/1972 | 4/9/1979, 44 FR 21020 | Ref 52.1640(c)(4). |
Revisions to New Source Review and Source Surveillance | Statewide | 1/3/1973 | 4/9/1979, 44 FR 21020 | Ref 52.1640(c)(5). |
Clarification of State permit and Source Surveillance | Statewide | 1/18/1973 | 4/9/1979, 44 FR 21020 | Ref 52.1640(c)(6). |
Revision for Attainment of Standards | PM in Albuquerque, Grant, Eddy and Lea counties; Ozone in Albuquerque; SO2 in San Juan and Grant counties; and CO in Las Cruces, Farmington, and Santa Fe counties | 1/23/1979 | 4/10/1980, 45 FR 24468 and 3/26/1981, 46 FR 18694 | Ref 52.1640(c)(11). |
Ordinance for Motor Vehicle Emission I/M program | Albuquerque | 7/2/1979 | 4/10/1980, 45 FR 24468 | Ref 52.1640(c)(12). |
TSP Plan, RFP, and Transportation Commitments | Albuquerque | 8/2/1979 | 4/10/1980, 45 FR 24468 | Ref 52.1640(c)(13). |
Schedule for Albuquerque TSP plan, revising permit regulations, and extension request | Albuquerque and Grant county | 9/25/1979 | 4/10/1980, 45 FR 24468 | Ref 52.1640(c)(14). |
CO Strategies | Farmington and Santa Fe counties | 1/23/1979 | 4/10/1980, 45 FR 24468 | Ref 52.1640(c)(15). |
Compliance schedules for several industries | Eddy, Lea, and Grant counties | 7/25/1979 | 12/24/1980, 45 FR 85006 | Ref 52.1640(c)(16). |
Revision for attainment of CO standard | Bernalillo county | 3/17/1980 | 3/26/1981, 46 FR 18694 | Ref 52.1640(c)(17). |
Commitment to not issue permits to stationary sources | Nonattainment areas | 5/20/1980 | 3/26/1981, 46 FR 18694 | Ref 52.1640(c)(18). |
Commitment to submit I/M enforcement plan | Albuquerque, Bernalillo county | 10/10/1980 | 3/26/1981, 46 FR 18694 | Ref 52.1640(c)(19). |
Revision to ambient monitoring plan | Statewide | 12/12/1979 | 8/06/1981, 46 FR 40006 | Ref 52.1640(c)(20). |
Variance to regulation 506 for Phelps Dodge Corp | Hidalgo Smelter in Playas, NM | 2/4/1980 | 8/19/1981, 46 FR 42065 | Ref 52.1640(c)(21). |
Revised SO2 control strategy | San Juan county | 2/12/1981 | 8/27/1981, 46 FR 43153 | Ref 52.1640(c)(22). |
Memorandum of understanding between the State and Arizona Public Service Company | Statewide | 4/16/1981 | 8/27/1981, 46 FR 43153 | Ref 52.1640(c)(22). |
Compliance schedule for units 4 and 5 of the Arizona Public Service | Four Corners Power plant | 3/31/1980 | 3/30/1982, 47 FR 13339 | Ref 52.1640(c)(23). |
Variance to regulation 603 for units 3, 4, and 5 of the Arizona Public Service | Four Corners Power plant | 7/31/1980 | 3/30/1982, 47 FR 13339 | Ref 52.1640(c)(25). |
New Mexico plan for Lead | Statewide | 5/19/1980 | 5/5/1982, 47 FR 19334 and
8/14/1984, 49 FR 32184 |
Ref 52.1640(c)(27). |
Revision to SO2 control strategy | Grant county | 5/12/1981 and 8/13/1981 | 5/5/1982, 47 FR 19333 | Ref 52.1640(c)(28). |
Intergovernmental Consultation program | N/A | 3/28/1980 | 3/8/1984, 49 FR 08610 | Ref 52.1640(c)(31). |
Public Information and Participation program | Statewide | 12/20/1979 | 8/24/1983, 48 FR 38467 | Ref 52.1640(c)(33). |
Revision for attainment of CO standard | Bernalillo county | 6/28/1982 and 1/26/1983 | 7/1/1983, 48 FR 30366 | Ref 52.1640(c)(34). |
Variance to regulation 603.B for units 3, 4, and 5 of the Arizona Public Service | Four Corners Power Plant | 2/4/1987,
10/26/1987, and 2/16/1988 |
10/27/1989, 54 FR 43814 | Ref 52.1640(c)(38). |
Revision to SIP for moderate PM10 nonattainment areas | Anthony area; Dona Ana county | 11/8/1991 | 9/9/1993, 58 FR 47383 | Ref 52.1640(c)(50). |
Narrative plan addressing CO nonattainment areas | Albuquerque, Bernalillo county | 11/5/1992 | 11/29/1993, 58 FR 62535 | Ref 52.1640(c)(52). |
CO continency measures and proposed Clean Fuel Vehicle fleet demonstration | Albuquerque, Bernalillo county | 11/12/1993 | 5/5/1994, 59 FR 23167 | Ref 52.1640(c)(57). |
Update to supplement to control air pollution | Bernalillo county | 11/9/1994 | 6/24/1996, 61 FR 32339 | Ref 52.1640(c)(61). |
Revision approving request for redesignation, a vehicle I/M program, and required maintenance plan | Albuquerque, Bernalillo nonattainment area | 5/11/1995 | 6/13/1996, 61 FR 29970 | Ref 52.1640(c)(63). |
City of Albuquerque request for redesignation | Carbon monoxide maintenance plan and motor vehicle emission budgets | 6/22/1998 | 5/24/2000, 65 FR 33460 | |
Waiver of NOX control requirements. | Doña Ana County (part), marginal ozone nonattainment area | 10/1/1997 | 2/8/2002, 67 FR 6152 | |
Revision for Attainment, and Maintenance Plan of SO2 Standards | Portion of Grant County, this portion is restricted to a 3.5 mile radius around the Kennecott Copper Corporation (now owned by the Phelps Dodge Corporation and called the Hurley smelter) and land above 6470 feet Mean Sea Level within an 8 mile radius of the Hurley Smelter/Concentrator in Hurley | 2/21/2003 | 9/18/2003, 68 FR 54676 | |
Contingency Measures Plan | Portion of Grant County, this portion is restricted to a 3.5 mile radius around the Kennecott Copper Corporation (now owned by the Phelps Dodge Corporation and called the Hurley smelter) and land above 6470 feet Mean Sea Level within an 8 mile radius of the Hurley Smelter/Concentrator in Hurley | 2/21/2003 | 9/18/2003, 68 FR 54676 | |
Maintenance plan for carbon monoxide—Albuquerque/Bernalillo County, New Mexico: Update of carbon monoxide budgets using MOBILE6 | Bernalillo County | 2/12/2003 | 10/9/2003, 68 FR 58280 | |
Second 10-year maintenance plan (limited maintenance plan) for Albuquerque/Bernalillo County | Bernalillo County | 9/7/2004 | 7/21/2005, 70 FR 41963 | |
Clean Air Action Plan and 8-hour ozone standard attainment demonstration for the San Juan County EAC area | San Juan County | 12/16/2004 | 8/17/2005, 70 FR 48285 | |
New Mexico Visibility Protection Plan for Phase I, Part I of the Federal Visibility Requirements, August 8, 1986 | Statewide | 8/21/1986 | 1/27/2006, 71 FR 4490 | |
New Mexico Visibility Protection Plan for Phase I, Part II of the Federal Visibility Requirements, September 9, 1992 | Statewide | 10/8/1992 | 1/27/2006, 71 FR 4490 | |
Interstate transport for the 1997 ozone and PM2.5 NAAQS | New Mexico | 9/17/2007 | 6/10/2010 | Revisions to prohibit significant contribution to nonattainment in any other state.
Approval for revisions to prohibit interference with maintenance and PSD measures in any other state. |
Interstate transport for the 1997 ozone and PM2.5 NAAQS | New Mexico | 9/17/2007 | 11/26/2010, 75 FR 72688 | Revisions to prohibit interference with maintenance and PSD measures in any other state. |
Sunland Park 1997 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Plan | Sunland Park, NM | 5/7/2007 | 5/16/2011, 76 FR 28181 | |
Air Pollution Episode Contingency Plan for New Mexico | Statewide | 7/7/1988 | 8/21/1990, 55 FR 34013 | |
Infrastructure for the 1997 Ozone and 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS | Statewide | 12/10/2007
3/3/2008 |
7/15/2011, 76 FR 41698 | Approval for 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). |
Infrastructure and Interstate Transport regarding noninterference with other states' programs for PSD for the 1997 and 2008 Ozone and the 1997 and 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS | Bernalillo County | 8/16/2010 | 8/19/2012, 77 FR 58032 | Approval for 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). |
Regional Haze SIP under 40 CFR 51.309 | Statewide (except Bernalillo County) | 6/24/2011,
10/7/2013, 11/1/2013 |
11/27/2012, 77 FR 70693, 10/9/2014, 79 FR 60992 | |
Interstate transport for the 1997 ozone and PM2.5 NAAQS | Bernalillo County | 7/30/2007 | 11/29/12, 77 FR 71119 | Revisions to prohibit interference with measures required to protect visibility in any other State. Revisions to prohibit contribution to nonattainment in any other State approved 11/8/2010 (75 FR 68447). |
Regional Haze SIP under 40 CFR 51.309 | Bernalillo County | 7/28/2011 | 11/29/2012, 77 FR 71119 | |
Infrastructure for 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS | Statewide, except for Bernalillo County and Indian country | 6/12/2009 | 1/22/2013, 78 FR 4337 | Additional approvals on 7/9/2013, 78 FR 40966 (110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I)) and 6/24/2015, 80 FR 36246, June 24, 2015 (110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II), visibility portion). |
Letter of commitment for the New Mexico SIP for Minor NSR Public Notice | Statewide (except Bernalillo County) | 11/7/2012 | 3/11/2013, 78 FR 15296 | Letter dated 11/7/2012 from NMED to EPA that commits the NMED Air Quality Bureau to providing notification on the NMED's website of all second 30-day public comment periods provided for under paragraph B of |
Second 10-year SO2 maintenance plan for Grant County | Portion of Grant county | 11/1/2013 | 7/18/2014, 79 FR 41904 | |
Revision to satisfy the requirements of Clean Air Act 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II) with respect to visibility for the 8-hour Ozone and PM2.5 NAAQS | Statewide (except Bernalillo County) | 10/7/2013,
11/1/2013 |
10/9/2014, 79 FR 60992 | |
Infrastructure and Transport for the 2008 Pb NAAQS | Statewide (except Bernalillo County) | 9/9/2011 | 6/11/2015, 80 FR 33192 | |
Infrastructure for the 2008 Ozone NAAQS | Statewide, except for Bernalillo County and Indian country | 8/27/2013 | 6/24/2015, 80 FR 36246 | |
Infrastructure for the 2010 NO2 NAAQS | Statewide, except for Bernalillo County and Indian country | 3/12/2014 | 6/24/2015, 80 FR 36246 | |
Infrastructure for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS | Statewide, except for Bernalillo County and Indian country | 2/14/2014 | 10/14/2015, 80 FR 61752 | Does not address CAA 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I). |
Infrastructure and Interstate Transport for the 2008 Pb NAAQS | Albuquerque-Bernalillo County | 5/2/2012 | 12/3/2015, 80 FR 75637 | |
Infrastructure and Interstate Transport for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS | Albuquerque-Bernalillo County | 6/11/2015 | 2/17/2016, 81 FR 7976 | |
Infrastructure and Interstate Transport for the 2010 NO2 NAAQS | Albuquerque-Bernalillo County | 7/26/2013 | 2/17/2016, 81 FR 7981 | |
Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program | Statewide, excluding Bernalillo County | 11/5/1992 | 3/10/2016, 81 FR 12599 | |
Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program | Albuquerque/Bernalillo County | 11/16/1992 | 3/10/2016, 81 FR 12599 | |
New Mexico Progress Report for the State Implementation Plan for Regional Haze | Statewide | 3/14/2014 | 6/14/2017, 82 FR 27127 | |
City of Albuquerque Clarification Letter on Minor NSR SIP | City of Albuquerque—Bernalillo County | 4/21/2016 | 6/29/2017, 82 FR 29421 | |
City of Albuquerque Clarification Letter Providing Public Notices of Minor NSR to EPA | City of Albuquerque-Bernalillo County | 6/5/2016 | 6/29/2017, 82 FR 29421 | |
City of Albuquerque Letter regarding Public Notice for Minor NSR | City of Albuquerque-Bernalillo County | 9/19/2016 | 6/29/2017, 82 FR 29421 | |
City of Albuquerque Minor NSR Commitment Letter | City of Albuquerque-Bernalillo County | 12/20/2016 | 6/29/2017, 82 FR 29421 | |
City of Albuquerque Progress Report for the State Implementation Plan for Regional Haze | City of Albuquerque-Bernalillo County | 6/24/2016 | 12/12/2017, 82 FR 58347 | |
Infrastructure and interstate transport for the 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS | Statewide | 8/6/2015, 12/8/2015 | 3/22/2018, 83 FR 12493 | SIPs adopted by: NMED and City of Albuquerque |
Infrastructure for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS | Statewide | 9/24/2018, 11/1/2018 | 9/18/2019, 84 FR 49057 | SIPs adopted by NMED and City of Albuquerque. Does not address CAA section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I). |
Interstate Transport for the 2008 ozone NAAQS | Statewide | 10/10/2018
10/4/2018 |
5/4/2020, 85 FR 26361 | SIPs adopted by: NMED and City of Albuquerque-Bernalillo County. Addresses CAA section 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I). |
2017 Emissions Inventory and Emissions Statement for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS | Sunland Park ozone nonattainment area | 9/20/2020 | 3/7/2022, 87 FR 12592 | |
Interstate Transport for the 2010 NO2 NAAQS | Statewide | 6/25/2021 | 8/29/2022, 87 FR 52688 | |
Nonattainment New Source Review Requirements for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS | Sunland Park portion of Doña Ana County in the El Paso-Las Cruces, TX-NM Marginal nonattainment area | 8/21/2021 | 11/16/2022, 87 FR 68632 |