40 CFR § 52.1870 - Identification of plan.

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§ 52.1870 Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Ohio under Section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq., and 40 CFR part 51 to meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

(b) Incorporation by reference.

(1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to September 1, 2015, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date after September 1, 2015, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

(2) EPA Region 5 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated state rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the SIP as of September 1, 2015.

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, Air Programs Branch, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604 or the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.

(c) EPA approved regulations.

EPA-Approved Ohio Regulations

Ohio citation Title/Subject Ohio
EPA Approval
Chapter 3745-14 Nitrogen Oxides—Reasonably Available Control Technology
3745-14-01 Definitions and General Provisions 8/22/2019 4/8/2020, 85 FR 19670
3745-14-03 Permit Requirements 1/29/2018 9/17/2019, 84 FR 48789
3745-14-04 Compliance Certification 8/22/2019 4/8/2020, 85 FR 19670
3745-14-08 Monitoring and Reporting 8/22/2019 4/8/2020, 85 FR 19670
3745-14-11 Portland Cement Kilns 7/18/2002 8/5/2003, 68 FR 46089
3745-14-12 Stationary Internal Combustion Engines 5/7/2005 2/4/2008, 73 FR 6427
Chapter 3745-15 General Provisions on Air Pollution Control
3745-15-01 Definitions 1/22/2009 5/10/2010, 75 FR 25770
3745-15-02 Purpose 1/25/1980 10/1/1982, 47 FR 43375
3745-15-03 Submission of Emission Information 6/30/2008 2/20/2013, 78 FR 11748 Only (A).
3745-15-04 Measurement of Emissions of Air Contaminants 1/25/1980 10/1/1982, 47 FR 43375
3745-15-05 De Minimis Air Contaminant Source Exemption 1/22/2009 5/10/2010, 75 FR 25770
3745-15-06 Malfunction of Equipment; Scheduled Maintenance; Reporting 1/25/1980 10/1/1982, 47 FR 43375
3745-15-08 Circumvention 1/25/1980 10/1/1982, 47 FR 43375
3745-15-09 Severability 1/25/1980 10/1/1982, 47 FR 43375
Chapter 3745-16 Stack Height Requirements
3745-16-01 Definitions 3/5/1986 8/25/1988, 53 FR 32392
3745-16-02 Good Engineering Practice Stack Height Requirements 3/5/1986 8/25/1988, 53 FR 32392
Chapter 3745-17 Particulate Matter Standards
3745-17-01 Definitions and Referenced Materials 8/25/2023 7/18/2024, 89 FR 58293
3745-17-03 Measurement Methods and Procedures 8/25/2023 7/18/2024, 89 FR 58293 Except for paragraph (B)(1)(b) and the phrase in paragraph (B)(1)(a) reading “Except as provided in paragraph (B)(1)(b) of this rule”.
3745-17-04 Compliance Time Schedules 8/25/2023 7/18/2024, 89 FR 58293
3745-17-07 Control of Visible Particulate Emissions from Stationary Sources 8/25/2023 7/18/2024, 89 FR 58293
3745-17-08 Restriction of Emission of Fugitive Dust 8/25/2023 7/18/2024, 89 FR 58293
3745-17-09 Restrictions on Particulate Emissions and Odors from Incinerators 8/25/2023 7/18/2024, 89 FR 58293
3745-17-10 Restrictions on Particulate Emissions from Fuel Burning Equipment 8/25/2023 7/18/2024, 89 FR 58293
3745-17-11 Restrictions on Particulate Emissions from Industrial Processes 8/25/2023 7/18/2024, 89 FR 58293
3745-17-12 Additional Restrictions on Particulate Emissions from Specific Air Contaminant Sources in Cuyahoga County 8/25/2023 7/18/2024, 89 FR 58293
3745-17-13 Additional Restrictions on Particulate Emissions from Specific Air Contaminant Sources in Jefferson County 8/25/2023 7/18/2024, 89 FR 58293
3745-17-14 Contingency Plan Requirements for Cuyahoga and Jefferson Counties 8/25/2023 7/18/2024, 89 FR 58293
Chapter 3745-18 Sulfur Dioxide Regulations
3745-18-01 Definitions and incorporation by reference 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-02 General countywide emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-03 Compliance Time Schedules 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-04 Measurement Methods and Procedures 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449 Except (D)(2), (D)(3), (D)(5), (D)(6), (E)(2), (E)(3), and (E)(4).
3745-18-05 Ambient and Meteorological Monitoring Requirements 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-06 General Emission Limit Provisions 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-08 Allen county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-10 Ashtabula county emissions limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-11 Athens county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-15 Butler county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-23 Crawford county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-24 Cuyahoga county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-26 Defiance county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-28 Erie county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-31 Franklin county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-33 Gallia county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-35 Greene county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-37 Hamilton county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-47 Jefferson county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-49 Lake county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-53 Lorain county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-54 Lucas county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-56 Mahoning county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-61 Miami county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-63 Montgomery county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-66 Muskingum County Emission Limits 2/16/2017 10/11/2018, 83 FR 51361
3745-18-68 Ottawa county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-69 Paulding county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-77 Ross county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-78 Sandusky county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-80 Seneca county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-82 Stark County Emission Limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-83 Summit County Emission Limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-84 Trumbull County Emission Limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-85 Tuscarawas County Emission Limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-90 Washington County Emission Limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-91 Wayne county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
3745-18-92 Williams county emission limits 2/3/2022 5/30/2023, 88 FR 34449
Chapter 3745-19 Open Burning Standards
3745-19-01 Definitions 4/30/2018 6/24/2019, 84 FR 29378
3745-19-02 Relations to Other Prohibitions 7/7/2006 3/21/2008, 73 FR 15081
3745-19-03 Open burning in restricted areas 4/30/2018 6/24/2019, 84 FR 29378
3745-19-04 Open burning in unrestricted areas 4/30/2018 6/24/2019, 84 FR 29378
3745-19-05 Permission to individuals and notification to the Ohio EPA 4/30/2018 6/24/2019, 84 FR 29378
Chapter 3745-21 Carbon Monoxide, Ozone, Hydrocarbon Air Quality Standards, and Related Emission Requirements
3745-21-01 Definitions and incorporation by reference 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-02 Ambient air quality standards and guidelines 8/25/2008 7/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
3745-21-03 Methods of ambient air quality measurement 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-04 Compliance time schedules 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-06 Classification of regions 8/25/2008 7/28/2009, 74 FR 37171
3745-21-07 Control of emissions of organic materials from stationary sources (i.e., emissions that are not regulated by rule 3745-21-09, 3745-21-12, 3745-21-13, 3745-21-14, 3745-21-15, 3745-21-16, or 3745-21-18 of the administrative code) 2/18/2008 8/19/2011, 76 FR 51901
3745-21-08 Control of carbon monoxide emissions from stationary sources 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-09 Control of emissions of volatile organic compounds from stationary sources and perchloroethylene from dry cleaning facilities 2/16/2019 10/30/2020, 85 FR 68758
3745-21-10 Compliance test methods and procedures 2/16/2019 10/30/2020, 85 FR 68758
3745-21-12 Control of volatile organic compound emissions from commercial bakery oven facilities 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-13 Control of volatile organic compound emissions from reactors and distillation units employed in SOCMI chemical production 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-14 Control of volatile organic compound emissions from process vents in batch operations 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-15 Control of volatile organic compound emissions from wood furniture manufacturing operations 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-16 Control of volatile organic compound emissions from industrial wastewater 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-17 Portable fuel containers 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-18 Commercial motor vehicle and mobile equipment refinishing operations 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-19 Control of volatile organic compound emissions from aerospace manufacturing and rework facilities 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-20 Control of volatile organic emissions from shipbuilding and ship repair operations (marine coatings) 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-21 Storage of volatile organic liquids in fixed roof tanks and external floating roof tanks 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-22 Control of volatile organic compound emissions from offset lithographic printing and letterpress printing facilities 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-23 Control of volatile organic compound emissions from industrial solvent cleaning operations 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-24 Flat wood paneling coatings 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-25 Control of VOC emissions from reinforced plastic composites production operations 2/16/2019 10/30/2020, 85 FR 68758
3745-21-26 Surface coating of miscellaneous metal and plastic parts 2/16/2019 10/30/2020, 85 FR 68758
3745-21-27 Boat manufacturing 10/15/2015 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451
3745-21-28 Miscellaneous industrial adhesives and sealants 2/16/2019 10/30/2020, 85 FR 68758
3745-21-29 Control of volatile organic compound emissions from automobile and light-duty truck assembly coating operations, and cleaning operations associated with these coating operations 2/16/2019 10/30/2020, 85 FR 68758
Chapter 3745-23 Nitrogen Oxide Standards
3745-23-01 Definitions 4/18/2009 10/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
3745-23-02 Methods of Measurement 4/18/2009 10/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
Chapter 3745-24 Nitrogen Oxide Emission Statements
3745-24-01 Definitions 12/16/2005 9/27/2007, 72 FR 54844
3745-24-02 Applicability 12/16/2005 9/27/2007, 72 FR 54844
3745-24-03 Deadlines for the Submission of the Emission Statements 12/16/2005 9/27/2007, 72 FR 54844
3745-24-04 Emission Statement Requirements 4/1/1994 10/13/1994, 59 FR 51863
Chapter 3745-25 Emergency Episode Standards
3745-25-01 Definitions 4/18/2009 10/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
3745-25-02 Ambient Air Quality Standards 4/18/2009 10/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
3745-25-03 Air Pollution Emergencies and Episode Criteria 8/21/2009 10/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
3745-25-04 Air Pollution Emergency Emission Control Action Programs 4/18/2009 10/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
3745-25-05 Air Pollution Emergency Orders 4/18/2009 10/26/2010, 75 FR 65572
Chapter 3745-26 I/M Program Rules and Regulations
3745-26-01 Definitions 8/15/1996 1/6/1997, 62 FR 646
3745-26-02 Obligations of the Motor Vehicle Owner in the Anti-tampering and Basic Automobile Inspection and Maintenance Programs 6/13/1994 4/4/1995, 60 FR 16989
3745-26-03 Inspection Station Licensing Procedure 5/15/1990 12/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
3745-26-04 Licensed Inspection Station Requirements and Obligations 5/15/1990 12/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
3745-26-05 Provisions for Qualification as a Class B Inspection Station 5/15/1990 12/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
3745-26-06 Requirements for Certified Inspectors 5/15/1990 12/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
3745-26-07 Suspension or Revocation of Inspection Station License or Inspector Certification 5/15/1990 12/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
3745-26-08 Procedure for Station Change of Ownership, Name, or Location, or Cessation of Inspection Operation 5/15/1990 12/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
3745-26-09 Fee System 5/15/1990 12/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
3745-26-10 Requirements for Contractors in the Basic Enhanced or Opt-in Enhanced Automobile Inspection and Maintenance Program 6/13/1994 4/4/1995, 60 FR 16989
3745-26-11 Inspection Requirements 5/15/1990 12/17/1993, 58 FR 65933
3745-26-12 Requirements for Motor Vehicle Owners in the Enhanced or Opt-in Enhanced Automobile Inspection and Maintenance Program 8/15/1996 1/6/1997, 62 FR 646
3745-26-13 Requirements for Certified Inspectors in the Enhanced or Opt-in Enhanced Automobile Inspection and Maintenance Program 6/13/1994 4/4/1995, 60 FR 16989
3745-26-14 Enforcement of Program Rules and Regulations for the Enhanced or Opt-in Enhanced Automobile Inspection and Maintenance Program 6/13/1994 4/4/1995, 60 FR 16989
Chapter 3745-31 Permit-to Install New Sources and Permit-to-Install and Operate Program
3745-31-01 Definitions 3/20/2017 3/7/2019, 84 FR 8257 Except for (I), (NN)(2)(b) and (c), (SSS)(1)(b), (CCCC)(2)(d) through (h), (QQQQ), (JJJJJ), and (BBBBBB).
3745-31-02 Applicability, Requirements, and Obligations 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-03 Exemptions and Permits-by-Rule 5/1/2016 3/7/2019, 84 FR 8257 Except for (B)(1)(p) and (C)(2)(c)(iii).
3745-31-04 Applications 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-05 Criteria for Decision by the Director 5/1/2016 4/12/2019, 84 FR 14874 Except for (E).
3745-31-06 Completeness Determinations, Processing Requirements, Public Participation, Public Notice and Issuance 5/1/2016 3/7/2019, 84 FR 8257
3745-31-07 Termination, Revocation, Expiration, Renewal, Revision and Transfer 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-08 Registration Status Permit-to-operate 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-09 Variances on Operation 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-10 NSR Projects at Existing Emissions Units at a Major Stationary Source 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-11 Attainment Provisions—Ambient Air Increments, Ceilings and Classifications 5/1/2016 3/7/2019, 84 FR 8257
3745-31-12 Attainment Provisions—Data Submission Requirements 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-13 Attainment Provisions—Review of Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications, Stationary Source Applicability and Exemptions 5/1/2016 3/7/2019, 84 FR 8257 Except for (H)(1)(c).
3745-31-14 Attainment Provisions—Pre-application Analysis 5/1/2016 3/7/2019, 84 FR 8257
3745-31-15 Attainment Provisions—Control Technology Review 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-16 Attainment Provisions—Major Stationary Source Impact Analysis 5/29/2014 10/28/2014, 79 FR 64119
3745-31-17 Attainment Provisions—Additional Impact Analysis 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-18 Attainment Provisions—Air Quality Models 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-19 Attainment Provisions—Notice to the United States Environmental Protection Agency 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-20 Attainment Provisions—Innovative Control Technology 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-21 Nonattainment Provisions—Review of Major Stationary Sources and Major Modifications—Stationary Source Applicability and Exemptions 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-22 Nonattainment Provisions—Conditions for Approval 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477 Except for (A)(3)(b).
3745-31-23 Nonattainment provisions—stationary sources locating in designated clean or unclassifiable areas which would cause or contribute to a violation of a national ambient air quality standard 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477 Except for the 1-hour NO2 Significant Impact Level in the table in paragraph (A).
3745-31-24 Nonattainment Provisions—Baseline for Determining Credit for Emission and Air Quality Offsets 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477 Except for (F).
3745-31-25 Nonattainment provisions—location of offsetting emissions 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-26 Nonattainment Provisions—Offset Ratio Requirements 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477 Except for (D).
3745-31-27 Nonattainment Provisions—Administrative Procedures for Emission Offsets 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477 Except for (A)(1)(b).
3745-31-29 General Permit-to-install and General PTIO 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-32 Plantwide Applicability Limit (PAL) 5/29/2014 6/25/2015, 80 FR 36477
3745-31-34 Permits to install for major stationary sources and major modifications of sources emitting greenhouse gases 3/31/2011 2/14/2020, 85 FR 8406 Except for (B), (C) and (D).
Chapter 3745-49 Miscellaneous Rules
3745-49-01 Administrative Procedures—applicability and construction of rules 4/2/2012 4/23/2021, 86 FR 21648
3745-49-02 Administrative procedures—definitions 4/2/2012 4/23/2021, 86 FR 21648
3745-49-05 Draft actions and proposed actions 4/2/2012 4/23/2021, 86 FR 21648
3745-49-06 Issuance of final actions 4/2/2012 4/23/2021, 86 FR 21648
3745-49-07 Public notice 7/27/2019 4/23/2021, 86 FR 21648
3745-49-08 Contents of public notices 4/2/2012 4/23/2021, 86 FR 21648
Chapter 3745-101 Transportation Conformity
3745-101-02 Definitions 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
3745-101-03 Applicability, Priority, and Frequency of Conformity Determinations 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395 Only (A), (B), (C), (D), (G), (H), (I), (J), (K), and (L).
3745-101-05 Content of Transportation Plans 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
3745-101-06 Relationship with NEPA and Fiscal Constraints 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
3745-101-07 Criteria and Procedures for Conformity Determination, Assumptions, Emissions Model, and Consultation 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395 Only (A), (B), and (C) Except (C)(1)(a) and (C)(2)(a).
3745-101-08 Criteria and Procedures for Implementation of TCMs, Current Conformity, and Projects from a Plan and TIP 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
3745-101-09 Localized CO and PM10 Violations and Compliance with PM10 Control Measures 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
3745-101-10 Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
3745-101-11 Criteria and Procedures: Emission Reductions in Areas without Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
3745-101-12 Consequences of Control Strategy Implementation Plan Failures 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395 Except for (A)(2).
3745-101-13 Requirements for Adoption or Approval of Projects by Other Recipients of Funds Designated Under Title 23 U.S.C. or the Federal Transit Laws 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395 Except for (A)(1).
3745-101-14 Procedures for Determining Regional Transportation-related Emissions 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
3745-101-15 Procedures for Determining Localized CO and PM10 Concentrations (Hot-spot Analysis) 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
3745-101-17 Enforceability of Design Concept and Scope and Project-level Mitigation and Control Measures 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
3745-101-18 Exempt Projects 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
3745-101-19 Traffic Signal Synchronization Projects 2/16/1999 5/30/2000, 65 FR 34395
Chapter 3745-102 General Federal Action Conformity
3745-102-01 Purpose 8/21/1995 3/11/1996, 61 FR 9644
3745-102-02 Definitions 8/21/1995 3/11/1996, 61 FR 9644
3745-102-03 Applicability 8/21/1995 3/11/1996, 61 FR 9644
3745-102-04 Analysis, Other Requirements 8/21/1995 3/11/1996, 61 FR 9644
3745-102-05 Conformity Determinations 8/21/1995 3/11/1996, 61 FR 9644
3745-102-06 Mitigation of Air Quality Impacts 8/21/1995 3/11/1996, 61 FR 9644
Chapter 3745-110—Nitrogen Oxides—Reasonably Available Control Technology
3745-110-03 RACT requirements and/or limitations for emissions of NOX from stationary sources 7/18/2013 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451 Only the NOX emission limitation on unit P046 contained in 3745-110-03(N).
3745-110-05 Compliance methods 7/18/2013 9/8/2017, 82 FR 42451 Only (A). For purposes of demonstrating compliance with the NOX emission limitation on unit P046 contained in 3745-110-03(N).
Chapter 3745-112 Volatile Organic Compound Limits in Consumer Products
3745-112-01 Definitions 6/20/2022 7/10/2023, 88 FR 43440
3745-112-02 Applicability 6/20/2022 7/10/2023, 88 FR 43440
3745-112-03 Standards 6/20/2022 7/10/2023, 88 FR 43440
3745-112-04 Exemptions 6/20/2022 7/10/2023, 88 FR 43440
3745-112-05 Administrative Requirements 6/20/2022 7/10/2023, 88 FR 43440
3745-112-06 Reporting Requirements 6/20/2022 7/10/2023, 88 FR 43440
3745-112-07 Variances 6/20/2022 7/10/2023, 88 FR 43440
3745-112-08 Test Methods 6/20/2022 7/10/2023, 88 FR 43440

(d) EPA approved state source-specific requirements.

EPA-Approved Ohio Source-Specific Provisions

Name of source Number Ohio
EPA Approval date Comments
Accel Group, Inc P0120345 9/16/2019 10/30/2020, 85 FR 68758 Only paragraphs B.4, B.6, B.8, B.9.c), C.1.b)(1)d, C.1.b)(2)a, C.1.d)(2), C.1.d)(3), C.1.e)(3), C.1.f)(1)c, C.2.b)(1)d, C.2.b)(2)a, C.2.d)(2), C.2.d)(3), C.2.e)(3), and C.2.f)(1)e.
AK Steel Corporation Director's Final Findings and Orders (DFFO) 8/18/1995 4/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
Excello Specialty PTI 13-2396 12/11/1991 4/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
Ford-Cleveland Casting DFFO 7/10/1995 5/6/1996, 61 FR 20139
Ford-Engine Plant 1 DFFO 5/31/1996 2/25/1997, 62 FR 8383
Forest City Technologies, Plant 4 P0127984 6/23/2020 12/5/2023, 88 FR 84241 Only paragraphs C.1.b)(1)e., C.1.d)(3), C.1.e)(1)c., C.1.f)(1)d., C.2.b)(1)e., C.2.d)(4), C.2.e)(3)b., and C.2.f)(1)d.
Globe Metallurgical Inc. DFFOs 5/23/2023 9/8/2023, 88 FR 61969
Hilton Davis PTI 14-2096 6/12/1991 4/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
International Mill Services DFFO 7/12/1995 5/6/1996, 61 FR 20139
International Paper Company DFFO 8/18/1995 4/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
Luria Brothers DFFO 7/10/1995 5/6/1996, 61 FR 20139
Midwest Mica & Insulation Co DFFO 8/18/1995 4/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
Morgan Adhesives Co DFFO 7/5/2000 4/17/2001, 74 FR 19721
P.H. Glatfelter Co.—Chillicothe P0118907 07/20/15 03/04/16, 81 FR 11447 Regional haze BART emissions limits.
Reilly Industries, Inc DFFO 8/18/1995 4/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
Sprayon Products, Inc DFFO 8/18/1995 4/25/1996, 61 FR 18255
T&B Foundry Company DFFO 7/10/1995 5/6/1996, 61 FR 20139
United Ready Mix DFFO 7/10/1995 5/6/1996, 61 FR 20139
Wheeling-Pittsburg Steel Corporation DFFO 10/31/1995 6/12/1996, 61 FR 29662

(e) EPA approved nonregulatory and quasi-regulatory provisions.

EPA-Approved Ohio Nonregulatory and Quasi-Regulatory Provisions

Title Applicable geographical or non-attainment area State date EPA approval Comments
Legislative Provisions
Authority to Require NSR Permits Statewide 1/25/1982 ORC 3704.03 (F).
Local Permits for Burning Construction Debris Statewide 7/15/1985 ORC 3704.11 (C).
Ohio EPA Authority Statewide 1/25/1982 ORC 3704 (summary).
Requirements for Board Members Statewide 1/25/1982 ORC 102 (summary).
Definition of Air Contaminant Statewide ORC 3704.01 (B); submitted 8/26/1982.
Summary of Criteria Pollutant Attainment Plans
Ozone (8-Hour, 2015) Cincinnati 7/24/2020 3/3/2021, 86 FR 12270 EPA is approving only the 2014 base year emissions inventory and emissions statement elements.
Ozone (8-Hour, 2015) Cleveland 7/24/2020 3/3/2021, 86 FR 12270 EPA is approving only the 2014 base year emissions inventory and emissions statement elements.
PM2.5 (2012) Cleveland 10/14/2016 9/6/2018, 83 FR 45193 EPA is approving the following elements: the base year 2011 emissions inventory; the demonstration of attainment for 2021; current controls as meeting RACM requirements.
SO2 (2010) Lake County 2/16/2017 2/14/2019, 84 FR 3986 EPA is approving the following plan elements: The emission inventory; the demonstration of attainment; and revised emission limits as meeting RACM requirements.
SO2 (2010) Muskingum River 5/24/2023 9/8/2023, 88 FR 61969
SO2 (2010) Steubenville 6/25/2019 10/22/2019, 84 FR 56385
Summary of Criteria Pollutant Maintenance Plan
Ozone 1-Hour Cincinnati (Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, and Warren Counties) 6/28/1999 7/5/2000, 65 FR 37879
Ozone 1-Hour Columbiana County 3/25/1994 3/10/1995, 59 FR 48395
Ozone 1-Hour Columbus (Franklin, Delaware and Licking Counties) 1/1/1994 4/1/1996, 61 FR 3591
Ozone 1-Hour Dayton-Springfield (Miami, Montgomery, Clark, and Greene Counties) 11/8/1993 7/5/1995, 60 FR 22289
Ozone 1-Hour Jefferson County 3/25/1994 3/10/1995, 58 FR 66334
Ozone 1-Hour Youngstown (Mahoning and Trumbull Counties) and Canton (Stark County) 3/25/1994 4/1/1996, 61 FR 3319
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997) Canton (Stark County) 4/12/2019 11/19/2019, 84 FR 63806
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997) Cincinnati (Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton, and Warren Counties) 12/14/2009 5/11/2010, 75 FR 26118
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997) Cleveland (Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage, and Summit Counties) 3/17/2009 9/15/2009, 74 FR 47414
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997) Columbus (Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Knox, Licking, and Madison Counties) 3/17/2009 9/15/2009, 74 FR 47404
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997) Dayton-Springfield (Miami, Montgomery, Clark, and Greene Counties) 4/12/2019 10/1/2019, 84 FR 52001
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997) Lima (Allen County) 4/12/2019 11/19/2019, 84 FR 63806
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997) Parkersburg-Marietta (Washington County) 4/12/2019 11/19/2019, 84 FR 63806
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997) Steubenville-Weirton (Jefferson County) 4/12/2019 11/19/2019, 84 FR 63806
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997) Toledo (Lucas and Wood Counties) 4/12/2019 11/19/2019, 84 FR 63806
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997) Wheeling (Belmont County) 4/12/2019 11/19/2019, 84 FR 63806
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997) Youngstown (Columbiana, Mahoning and Trumbull Counties) 4/12/2019 11/19/2019, 84 FR 63806
Ozone (8-Hour, 2015) Columbus (Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, and Licking Counties 4/23/2019 8/21/2019, 84 FR 43508
Ozone (8-Hour, 2015) Cincinnati (Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, and Warren Counties) 12/21/2021 6/9/2022, 87 FR 35104 EPA is approving the following elements: a determination that the Cincinnati area has attained the 2015 8-Hour ozone standard, a maintenance plan for the 2015 a8-Hour ozone NAAQS, 2026 and 2035 VOC and NOX motor vehicle emission budgets for the Cincinnati area.
PM-10 Cuyahoga and Jefferson Counties 5/22/2000 1/10/2001, 65 FR 77308
PM2.5 (1997) Canton (Stark County) 6/26/2012 10/22/2013, 78 FR 62459
PM2.5 (1997) Cincinnati (Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, and Warren Counties) 1/25/2011 12/23/2011, 76 FR 80253
PM2.5 (1997) Cleveland (Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage, and Summit Counties) 10/5/2011 9/18/2013, 78 FR 57270
PM2.5 (1997) Columbus (Coshocton, Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, and Licking Counties) 6/3/2011 11/7/2013, 78 FR 66845
PM2.5 (1997) Dayton-Springfield (Clark, Greene, and Montgomery Counties) 6/1/2011 9/26/2013, 78 FR 59258
PM2.5 (1997) Huntington-Ashland (Adams, Gallia, Lawrence, and Scioto Counties) 5/4/2011 12/31/2012, 77 FR 76883
PM2.5 (1997) Parkersburg-Marietta (Washington County) 2/29/2012 8/29/2013, 78 FR 53275
PM2.5 (1997) Steubenville-Weirton (Jefferson County) 4/16/2012 9/18/2013, 78 FR 57273
PM2.5 (1997) Wheeling (Belmont County) 4/16/2012 8/29/2013, 78 FR 53275
PM2.5 (2006) Canton (Stark County) 9/8/2021 1/22/2024, 89 FR 3889 2nd maintenance plan.
PM2.5 (2006) Cleveland (Cuyahoga, Lake, Lorain, Medina, Portage, and Summit Counties) 9/8/2021 1/22/2024, 89 FR 3889 2nd maintenance plan.
PM2.5 (2006) Steubenville-Weirton (Jefferson County) 9/8/2021 1/22/2024, 89 FR 3889 2nd maintenance plan.
PM2.5 (2012) Cleveland 7/24/2018 4/12/2019, 84 FR 14881 EPA is approving the following elements: a determination that the Cleveland area has attained the 2012 annual PM2.5 standard, a maintenance plan for the 2012 annual PM2.5 NAAQS, 2022 and 2030 primary PM2.5 and NOX MVEBs for the Cleveland area.
SO2 (1971) Center Township (Morgan County) and Waterford Township (Washington County) 6/25/1992 9/21/1994, 59 FR 48403
SO2 (1971) Lake County and Steubenville/Mingo Junction (Jefferson County) 10/26/1995 8/30/1999, 64 FR 47113
SO2 (1971) Franklin Township (Coshocton County), Addison Township (Gallia County), and Lorain County 3/20/2000 6/5/2000, 65 FR 35577
SO2 (1971) Cuyahoga and Lucas Counties 9/27/2003 7/8/2004, 69 FR 41342
SO2 (2010) Campbell-Clermont (Pierce Township in Clermont County) 8/11/2015 11/21/2016, 81 FR 83159
SO2 (2010) Lake County 4/9/2018 5/14/2019, 84 FR 21253
SO2 (2010) Steubenville OH-WV (partial Jefferson County) 6/25/2019 11/29/2019, 84 FR 65683
CO (1979) Cleveland (Cuyahoga County) 10/20/2005 6/1/2006, 71 FR 31097
Lead (2008) Bellefontaine (Logan County) 10/29/2013 7/28/2014, 79 FR 43655 Includes approval of the 10/29/2013 emissions inventory.
Lead (2008) Cleveland (partial Cuyahoga County) 6/29/2016 5/31/2017, 82 FR 24871 Includes approval of the 2013 lead base year emissions inventory and emission limits and PMP as RACM for the Ferro facility.
Lead (2008) Delta (partial Fulton County) 4/27/2017 3/13/2018, 83 FR 10796 Includes approval of the 2013 lead base year emissions inventory and Preventative Maintenance Plan as RACM/RACT for the Bunting Bearing LLC Delta facility.
Infrastructure Requirements
Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 1997 8-hour ozone NAAQS Statewide 12/5/2007 7/13/2011, 76 FR 41075 Fully approved for all CAA elements except 110(a)(2)(D)(I), which has been remedied with a FIP.
Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS Statewide 12/5/2007 7/13/2011, 76 FR 41075 Fully approved for all CAA elements except 110(a)(2)(D)(I), which has been remedied with a FIP.
Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS Statewide 9/4/2009 5/10/2018, 83 FR 21719 Fully approved for all CAA elements except 110(a)(2)(D)(I), which has been disapproved and remedied with a FIP.
Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 2008 lead NAAQS Statewide 10/12/2011 10/6/2014, 79 FR 60075 Fully approved for all CAA elements.
Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 2008 ozone NAAQS Statewide 12/27/2012 5/10/2018, 83 FR 21719 Fully approved for all CAA elements except 110(a)(2)(D)(I), which has been disapproved and remedied with a FIP.
Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 2010 NO2 NAAQS Statewide 2/8/2013 5/10/2018, 83 FR 21719 Fully approved for all CAA elements.
Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS Statewide 6/7/2013 5/10/2018, 83 FR 21719 No action has been taken on 110(a)(2)(D)(I). All other CAA elements have been approved.
Section 110(a)(2)(D) infrastructure requirements for the 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS Statewide 12/4/2015 5/10/2018, 83 FR 21719 Fully approved for all CAA elements.
Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 2015 ozone NAAQS Statewide 9/28/2018 2/13/2023, 88 FR 9336 Approved CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(II) prongs 3 and 4, (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M). Elements (D)(i)(I) prongs 1 and 2 are disapproved.
Summary of Plan Element
Particulate Matter (PM-10) Plan Statewide 11/14/1991 6/27/1994, 59 FR 27464
Summary of the 15 Percent (%) Rate of Progress (ROP) Plan Control Measures for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Emissions
Cincinnati 15% Plan Cincinnati (Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, and Warren Counties) 3/19/1994 3/30/1998, 63 FR 4188
Visibility Protection
Regional Haze Plan Statewide 11/30/2016 5/10/2018, 83 FR 21719 Full Approval.
Regional Haze Five-Year Progress Report Statewide 3/11/2016 12/21/2017, 82 FR 60543
[80 FR 69606, Nov. 10, 2015]
Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 52.1870, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.