40 CFR § 52.770 - Identification of plan.

§ 52.770 Identification of plan.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 105460, Dec. 27, 2024.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Indiana under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7401, and 40 CFR Part 51 to meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

(b) Incorporation by reference.

(1) Material listed in paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to December 31, 2009, was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR Part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section with an EPA approval date after December 31, 2009, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.

(2) EPA Region 5 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by the EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the SIP as of December 31, 2009.

(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5, Air Programs Branch, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604; the EPA, Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, EPA Headquarters Library, Infoterra Room (Room Number 3334), EPA West Building, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460, and the National Archives and Records Administration. If you wish to obtain materials from a docket in the EPA Headquarters Library, please call the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) Docket/Telephone number: (202) 566-1742. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.

(c) EPA approved regulations.

EPA-Approved Indiana Regulations

Subject Indiana
Article 1. General Provisions
Rule 1. Provisions Applicable Throughout Title 326
1-1-2 References to federal Act 6/24/1994 7/21/1997, 62 FR 38919
1-1-3 References to the Code of Federal Regulations 6/24/2020 11/2/2022, 87 FR 66091
1-1-4 Severability 2/18/1982, 47 FR 6622
1-1-5 Savings clause 2/18/1982, 47 FR 6622
1-1-6 Credible evidence 3/16/2005 10/19/2005, 70 FR 60735.
Rule 2. Definitions
1-2-1 Applicability of definitions 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-2 “Allowable emissions” defined 6/24/1994 7/21/1997, 62 FR 38919
1-2-3 Air pollution control equipment 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-4 “Applicable state and federal regulations” defined 6/24/1994 7/21/1997, 62 FR 38919
1-2-5 “Attainment area” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-6 “Best available control technology (BACT)” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-6.5 Board 8/31/2014 12/3/2014, 79 FR 71672
1-2-7 “Bulk gasoline plant” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-8 “Bulk gasoline terminal” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-9 “Catalytic cracking unit” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-10 “Charging” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-11 “Charge port” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-12 Clean Air Act” defined 6/24/1994 7/21/1997, 62 FR 38919
1-2-13 “Coal processing” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-14 “Coating line” defined 6/5/1991 3/6/1992, 57 FR 8082
1-2-16 “Coke oven battery” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-17 Coke Oven Topside 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-18 Coke-Side 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-18.5 “Cold cleaner degreaser” defined 3/1/2013 7/25/2014, 79 FR 43260
1-2-19 “Combustion for indirect heating” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-20 Commence Construction 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-21 Construction 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-21.5 “Conveyorized degreaser” defined 5/18/1990 3/6/1992, 57 FR 8082
1-2-22 Cutback asphalt 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-22.5 “Department” defined 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
1-2-23 “Electric arc furnaces” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-23.5 “Emissions unit” defined 12/25/1998 10/23/13, 78 FR 63093
1-2-24 EPA 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-25 Excess air 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-26 Existing facility 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-27 Facility 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-28 Farming operation 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-28.5 “Federally enforceable” defined 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
1-2-29 Flare 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-29.5 “Freeboard height” defined 5/18/1990 3/6/1992, 57 FR 8082
1-2-29.6 “Freeboard ratio” defined 5/18/1990 3/6/1992, 57 FR 8082
1-2-30 Fugitive dust 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-31 Gas collector main 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-32 Gasoline 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-32.1 “Gooseneck cap” defined 6/11/1993 6/15/1995, 60 FR 31412
1-2-33 Governmental unit 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-33.1 “Grain elevator” defined 6/24/1994 7/21/1997, 62 FR 38919
1-2-33.2 “Grain terminal elevator” defined 6/24/1994 7/21/1997, 62 FR 38919
1-2-34 Incinerator 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-34.1 “Jumper pipe” defined 6/11/1993 6/15/1995, 60 FR 31412
1-2-35 Larry car 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-36 Lowest achievable emission rate 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-37 Luting material 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-38 Major facility 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-39 Malfunction 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-40 Material 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-41 Military specifications 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-42 Modification 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-43 Natural growth 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-44 Necessary preconstruction approvals for permits 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-45 New facility 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-46 Nonattainment areas 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-47 “Noncombustible container” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-48 “Nonphotochemically reactive hydrocarbons” or “negligibly photochemically reactive compounds” defined 10/31/2010 5/13/2011, 76 FR 27904
1-2-49 Offtake piping 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-49.5 “Open top vapor degreaser” defined 5/18/1990 3/6/1992, 57 FR 8082
1-2-50 Oven door 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-51 “Owner or operator” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-52 “Particulate matter” defined 1/19/2005 10/19/2005, 70 FR 60735
1-2-52.2 “PM2.5” defined 1/19/2005 10/19/2005, 70 FR 60735
1-2-52.4 “PM10” defined 1/19/2005 10/19/2005, 70 FR 60735
1-2-54 Positive net air quality benefit 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-55 Potential emissions 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-56 Pre-carbonization 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-57 Primary chamber 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-58 Process 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-59 Process weight; weight rate 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-60 Pushing 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-61 “Push-side” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-62 “Qualified observer” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-62.1 “Quench car” defined 6/11/1993 6/15/1995, 60 FR 31412
1-2-63 Quenching 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-63.1 “Quench reservoir” defined 6/11/1993 6/15/1995, 60 FR 31412
1-2-63.2 “Quench tower” defined 6/11/1993 6/15/1995, 60 FR 31412
1-2-64 Reasonable further progress 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-64.1 “Reasonably available control technology” or “RACT” defined 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
1-2-65 Reconstruction 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-66 Regulated pollutant 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-67 Reid vapor pressure 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-68 Related facilities 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-69 Respirable dust 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-70 “Secondary chamber” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-71 “Shutdown condition” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-72 “Solvent” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-73 “Source” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-74 “Stack” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-75 “Standard conditions” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-76 “Startup condition” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-77 “Standpipe lid” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-80 “Tank wagon” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-81 “Temporary emissions” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-82 “Theoretical air” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-82.5 “Total suspended particulate” or “TSP” defined 1/19/2005 10/19/2005, 70 FR 60735
1-2-83 “Transfer efficiency” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-84 “Transport” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-85 “True vapor pressure” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-86 “Unclassifiable (unclassified) areas” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-87 “Underfire” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-88 “Vapor balance system” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-89 “Vapor control system” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
1-2-90 “Volatile organic compound” or “VOC” defined 5/26/2007 3/18/2008, 73 FR 14389
1-2-91 “Wood products” defined 9/26/1980 11/5/1981, 46 FR 54943
Rule 3. Ambient Air Quality Standards
1-3-1 Applicability 11/27/1981, 46 FR 57895
1-3-2 Sampling Methods and Analysis 11/27/1981, 46 FR 57895
1-3-3 Quality assurance guidelines 11/27/1981, 46 FR 57895
1-3-4 Ambient air quality standards 8/11/2017 7/31/2018, 83 FR 36751
Rule 4. Attainment Status Designations
1-4-1 Definitions 1/18/2013 4/19/2013, 78 FR 23492
Rule 5. Episode Alert Levels
1-5-1 Air Pollution Forecast 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842
1-5-2 Air Pollution Alert 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842
1-5-3 Air Pollution Warning 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842
1-5-4 Air Pollution Emergency 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842
1-5-5 Termination 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10842.
Rule 6. Malfunctions
1-6-1 Applicability 1/29/2017 8/16/2022, 87 FR 50261
1-6-2 Records; notice of malfunction 1/29/2017 8/16/2022, 87 FR 50261
1-6-3 Preventive maintenance plans 3/15/1984 5/3/1990, 55 FR 18604
1-6-4 Conditions under which malfunction not considered violation 1/29/2017 8/16/2022, 87 FR 50261
1-6-5 Excessive malfunctions; department actions 1/29/2017 8/16/2022, 87 FR 50261
1-6-6 Malfunction emission reduction program 1/29/2017 8/16/2022, 87 FR 50261
Rule 7. Stack Height Provisions
1-7-1 Applicability 8/27/1980 3/12/1982, 47 FR 10824.
1-7-3 Actual stack height provisions 8/27/1980 3/12/1982, 47 FR 10824
1-7-5 Exemptions; limitations 8/27/1980 3/12/1982, 47 FR 10824
Article 2. Permit Review Rules
Rule 1.1. General Provisions
2-1.1-1 Definitions 7/11/12 10/29/12, 77 FR 65478 (2) and (10) only.
2-1.1-6 Public notice 6/26/1999 6/27/2003, 68 FR 38197
2-1.1-7 Fees 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-1.1-8 Time periods for determination on permit applications 6/26/1999 6/27/2003, 68 FR 38197
2-1.1-9.5 General provisions; term of permit 12/16/2007 10/6/2009, 74 FR 51240
Rule 2. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Requirements
2-2-1 Definitions 3/16/2011 9/28/2011, 76 FR 59899 (a) through (e), (f)(2) through (f)(3), (g) through (cc), (dd)(2) through (dd)(3), (ee)(1) through (ee)(2), (ff)(2) through (ff)(6), (gg)(1)(A) through (gg)(1)(B), (gg)(2) through (gg)(3), (hh) through (rr), (ss)(2) through (ss)(6), (tt) through (vv), (ww)(1)(A) through (ww)(1)(E), (ww)(1)(G) through (ww)(1)(W), (ww)(2), (xx) through (aaa).
2-2-1 Definitions 7/11/2012 10/29/2012, 77 FR 65478 (dd)(1), (ff)(7), (ss)(1), (ww)(1)(F) and (ww)(1)(G) only.
2-2-1 Definitions 7/11/2012 7/2/2014, 79 FR 37646 (f)(1), (ee)(3), and (gg)(1)(C) only.
2-2-1 Definitions 9/16/2011 4/7/2022, 87 FR 20331 (ff)(1) only.
2-2-2 Applicability 10/31/2010 7/8/2011, 76 FR 40242
2-2-3 Control technology review; requirements 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-2-4 Air quality analysis; requirements 3/16/2011 9/28/2011, 76 FR 59899 (a), (b)(1), (b)(2)(A)(i) through (b)(2)(A)(iv), (b)(2)(A)(vi) through (b)(2)(A)(xiii), (b)(2)(B), (b)(3), (c)(1) through (c)(3), (c)(5) through (c)(7).
2-2-4 Air quality analysis; requirements 7/11/2012 10/29/2012, 77 FR 65478 (b)(2)(A)(vi) only.
2-2-4 Air quality analysis; requirements 7/11/2012 7/2/2014, 79 FR 37646 (c)(4) only.
2-2-5 Air quality impact; requirements 10/31/2010 7/8/2011, 76 FR 40242
2-2-6 Increment consumption; requirements 7/11/2012 8/11/2014, 79 FR 46710 (b) only
2-2-8 Source obligation 10/31/2010 7/8/2011, 76 FR 40242
2-2-10 Source information 10/31/2010 7/8/2011, 76 FR 40242
2-2-11 Stack height provisions 4/22/2001 6/27/2003, 68 FR 38197
2-2-12 Permit rescission 4/8/2004 5/20/2004, 69 FR 29071
2-2-13 Area designation and redesignation 4/22/2001 6/27/2003, 68 FR 38197
2-2-14 Sources impacting federal Class I areas: additional requirements 7/11/2012 7/2/2014, 79 FR 37646
2-2-15 Public participation 4/22/2001 6/27/2003, 68 FR 38197
2-2-16 Ambient air ceilings 4/22/2001 6/27/2003, 68 FR 38197
Rule 3. Emission Offset
2-3-1 Definitions 10/31/2010 7/8/2011, 76 FR 40242
2-3-2 Applicability 10/31/2010 7/8/2011, 76 FR 40242
2-3-3 Applicable requirements 10/31/2010 7/8/2011, 76 FR 40242
2-3-4 Banking of emission offsets 12/13/1993 10/7/1994, 59 FR 51108
2-3-5 Location of offsetting emissions 12/13/1993 10/7/1994, 59 FR 51108
Rule 3.4. Actuals Plantwide Applicability Limitations in Nonattainment Areas
2-3.4-1 Applicability 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-2 Definitions 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-3 Permit application requirements 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-4 Establishing PALs; general requirements 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-5 Public participation requirements for PALs 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-6 Establishing a 10 year actuals PAL level 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-7 Contents of the PAL permit 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-8 PAL effective period and reopening of the PAL permit 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-9 Expiration of a PAL 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-10 Renewal of a PAL 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-11 Increasing a PAL during the PAL effective period 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-12 Monitoring requirements for PALs 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-13 Record keeping requirements 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-14 Reporting and notification requirements 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
2-3.4-15 Termination and revocation of a PAL 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
Rule 5.1. Construction of New Sources
2-5.1-4 Transition procedures 9/10/2004 6/18/2007, 72 FR 33395
Rule 6. Emission Reporting
2-6-1 Applicability 4/24/2020 6/16/2021, 86 FR 31922
2-6-2 Definitions 3/27/2004 10/29/2004, 69 FR 63069
2-6-3 Compliance schedule 8/13/2006 3/29/2007, 72 FR 14678
2-6-4 Requirements 8/13/2006 3/29/2007, 72 FR 14678
2-6-5 Additional information requests 3/27/2004 10/29/2004, 69 FR 63069
Rule 7. Part 70 Permit Program
2-7-10.5 Part 70 permits; source modifications 10/26/2013 3/16/2015, 80 FR 13494 Indiana made typographical corrections to (f)(2)(C) on 1/11/2014.
Rule 8. Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit Program
2-8-1 Definitions 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-2 Applicability 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-3 Permit application 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-4 Permit content 12/16/2007 10/6/2009, 74 FR 51240
2-8-5 Compliance requirements for FESOPs 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-6 Federally enforceable requirements 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-7 Permit issuance, renewal, and revisions 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-8 Permit reopening 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-9 Permit expiration 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-10 Administrative permit amendments 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-11 Permit modification (Repealed) 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-11.1 Permit revisions 10/26/2013 3/16/2015, 80 FR 13494 Indiana made typographical corrections to (d)(4) on 1/11/2014.
2-8-12 Emergency provision 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-13 Public notice 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-14 Review by U.S. EPA 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-15 Operational flexibility 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-16 Fees 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
2-8-17 Local agencies 6/24/1994 8/18/1995, 60 FR 43008
Rule 9. Source Specific Operating Agreement Program
2-9-1 General provisions 1/29/2017 8/16/2022, 87 FR 50261
2-9-2 Source specific restrictions and conditions (Repealed) 6/24/1994 4/2/1996, 61 FR 14487 Sec. 2(a), 2(b), and 2(e)
Article 3. Monitoring Requirements
Rule 1. Continuous Monitoring of Emissions
3-1-1 Applicability 9/4/1981, 46 FR 44448
Rule 2.1. Source Sampling Procedures
3-2.1-5 Specific Testing Procedures 7/15/1995 4/9/1996, 61 FR 15704
Rule 4. General Provisions
3-4-1 Definitions 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-4-2 Certification 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-4-3 Conversion factors 9/10/2011
Rule 5. Continuous Monitoring of Emissions
3-5-1 Applicability; continuous monitoring requirements for applicable pollutants 4/24/2020 6/25/2021, 86 FR 33525
3-5-2 Minimum performance and operating specifications 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-5-3 Monitor system certification 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-5-4 Standard operating procedures 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-5-5 Quality assurance requirements 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-5-6 Recordkeeping requirements 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-5-7 Reporting requirements 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-5-8 Operation and maintenance of continuous emission monitoring and continuous opacity monitoring systems 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
Rule 6. Source Sampling Procedures
3-6-1 Applicability; test procedures 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-6-2 Source sampling protocols 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-6-3 Emission testing 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-6-4 Reporting 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-6-5 Specific testing procedures; particulate matter; PM10; PM2.5; sulfur dioxide; nitrogen oxides; volatile organic compounds 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
Rule 7. Fuel Sampling and Analysis Procedures
3-7-1 Applicability 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-7-2 Coal sampling and analysis methods 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-7-3 Alternate coal sampling and analysis methods 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-7-4 Fuel oil sampling; analysis methods 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
3-7-5 Recordkeeping requirements; standard operating procedures 9/10/2011 10/23/2013, 78 FR 63093
Article 4. Burning Regulations
Rule 1. Open Burning 1
4-1-0.5 Definitions 2/10/2001 12/9/2014, 79 FR 72979
4-1-1 Scope 2/10/2001 12/9/2014, 79 FR 72979
4-1-2 Prohibition against open burning 2/10/2001 12/9/2014, 79 FR 72979
4-1-3 Exemptions 10/28/2011 12/9/2014, 79 FR 72979
4-1-4 Emergency burning 10/28/2011 12/9/2014, 79 FR 72979
4-1-4.1 Open burning approval; criteria and conditions 12/15/2002 12/9/2014, 79 FR 72979
4-1-4.2 Open burning; approval revocation 2/10/2001 12/9/2014, 79 FR 72979
4-1-4.3 Open burning approval; delegation of authority 2/10/2001 12/9/2014, 79 FR 72979
Rule 2. Incinerators
4-2-1 Applicability 12/15/2002 11/30/2004, 69 FR 69531
4-2-2 Incinerators 12/15/2002 11/30/2004, 69 FR 69531
4-2-3 Portable incinerators (Repealed) 12/15/2002 11/30/2004, 69 FR 69531
Article 5. Opacity Regulations
Rule 1. Opacity Limitations
5-1-1 Applicability 11/8/1998 7/16/2002, 67 FR 46589
5-1-2 Opacity limitations 11/8/1998 7/16/2002, 67 FR 46589
5-1-3 Temporary alternative opacity limitations 11/8/1998 7/16/2002, 67 FR 46589
5-1-4 Compliance determination 6/11/1993 6/15/1995, 60 FR 31412 Sec. 4(a).
11/8/1998 7/16/2002, 67 FR 46589 Sec. 4(b).
5-1-5 Violations 6/11/1993 6/15/1995, 60 FR 31412 (a) and (c).
5-1-5 Violations 11/8/1998 7/16/2002, 67 FR 46589 (b)(1)(A) through (b)(1)(D), (b)(1)(F) through (b)(1)(I), (b)(2) through (b)(11).
5-1-5 Violations 7/11/2012 7/2/2014, 79 FR 37646 (b)(1)(E) only.
5-1-7 State implementation plan revisions 6/11/1993 6/15/1995, 60 FR 31412
5-1-8 Site-specific temporary alternate opacity limitations 12/8/2021 4/25/2024, 89 FR 31645
Article 6. Particulate Rules
Rule 2. Particulate Emission Limitations for Sources of Indirect Heating
6-2-1 Applicability 10/21/1983 5/17/1985, 50 FR 20569
6-2-2 Emission limitations for facilities specified in 326 IAC 6-2-1(b) 10/21/1983 5/17/1985, 50 FR 20569
6-2-3 Emission limitations for facilities specified in 326 IAC 6-2-1(c) 10/21/1983 5/17/1985, 50 FR 20569
6-2-4 Emission limitations for facilities specified in 326 IAC 6-2-1(d) 10/21/1983 5/17/1985, 50 FR 20569
Rule 3. Particulate Emission Limitations for Manufacturing Processes
6-3-1 Applicability 6/12/2002 7/25/2005, 70 FR 42495 Sec. 1.(a) and (b).
4/20/2012 6/17/2014, 79 FR 34435 only Sec. 1. (c).
6-3-1.5 Definitions 6/12/2002 7/25/2005, 70 FR 42495
6-3-2 Particulate emission limitations, work practices, and control technologies 6/12/2002 7/25/2005, 70 FR 42495
Rule 4. Fugitive Dust Emissions
6-4-1 Applicability of rule 11/16/1973 10/28/1975, 40 FR 50032 Approved as APC-20 Sec. 1. Definitions.
6-4-2 Emission limitations 11/16/1973 10/28/1975, 40 FR 50032 Approved as APC-20 Sec. 2. Allowable Emissions.
6-4-3 Multiple sources of fugitive dust 11/16/1973 10/28/1975, 40 FR 50032 Approved as APC-20 Sec. 3. Applicability.
6-4-4 Motor vehicle fugitive dust sources 11/16/1973 10/28/1975, 40 FR 50032 Approved as APC-20 Sec. 4. Mobile Fugitive Dust Sources.
6-4-5 Measurement processes 11/16/1973 10/28/1975, 40 FR 50032 Approved as APC-20 Sec. 5. Methods of Measurement.
6-4-6 Exceptions 11/16/1973 10/28/1975, 40 FR 50032 Approved as APC-20 Sec. 6.
6-4-7 Compliance date 11/16/1973 10/28/1975, 40 FR 50032 Approved as APC-20 Sec. 3(e).
Rule 7. Particulate Matter Emission Limitations for Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company
6-7-1 Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company (SIGECO) 8/30/2008 11/10/2009, 74 FR 57904
Article 6.5. Particulate Matter Limitations Except Lake County
Rule 1. General Provisions
6.5-1-1 Applicability 4/20/2012 6/17/2014, 79 FR 34435
6.5-1-1.5 Definitions 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.5-1-2 Particulate emission limitations; modification by commissioner 4/20/2012 6/17/2014, 79 FR 34435
6.5-1-3 Nonattainment area particulate limitations; compliance determination 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.5-1-4 Compliance schedules 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.5-1-5 Control strategies 4/20/2012 6/17/2014, 79 FR 34435
6.5-1-6 State implementation plan revisions 4/20/2012 6/17/2014, 79 FR 34435
6.5-1-7 Scope; affected counties 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
Rule 2. Clark County
6.5-2-1 General provisions 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-2-4 ESSROC Cement Corporation 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-2-8 Kimball Office-Borden 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-2-9 PQ Corporation 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
Rule 3. Dearborn County
6.5-3-1 General provisions 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-3-2 Anchor Glass Container Corporation 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-3-3 Dearborn Ready Mix, LLC 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-3-4 Indiana Michigan Power, Tanners Creek Plant 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-3-5 Laughery Gravel 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
Rule 4. Dubois County
6.5-4-1 General provisions 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-4-2 Kimball Office—Jasper 15th Street 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
6.5-4-3 Jasper Seating Co., Inc., Plant No. 3 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-4-4 DMI Furniture Plant No. 5 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
6.5-4-5 Dubois County Farm Bureau Co-op 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-4-6 Forest Products No. 1 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-4-9 Indiana Desk Company 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-4-10 Indiana Dimension, Indiana Furniture Industries 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-4-11 Indiana Furniture Industries (Repealed) 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-4-15 Jasper Chair Company, Inc. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-4-16 Jasper Desk Company, Incorporated 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-4-17 Kimball Office—Jasper Cherry Street 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
6.5-4-18 Jasper Municipal Electric Utility 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-4-19 JOFCO Inc. Plants 1 and 2 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-4-21 Jasper Seating 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-4-24 Styline Industries, Inc. Plant #8 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
Rule 5. Howard County
6.5-5-1 General provisions 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-5-2 Chrysler, LLC-Kokomo Casting Plant and Kokomo Transmission Plant 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
6.5-5-5 Delco Electronics Corporation 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
6.5-5-10 Kokomo Grain Company 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-5-11 E & B Paving, Inc. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-5-16 Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
Rule 6. Marion County
6.5-6-1 General provisions 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-6-2 Allison Transmission 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
6.5-6-5 Bunge North America (East), Inc. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-6-18 Cargill, Inc. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-6-22 Indiana Veneers Corporation 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-6-23 Citizens Thermal Energy C.C. Perry K 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-6-23.1 Indianapolis Power and Light Company (IPL) Harding Street Station 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-6-25 National Starch and Chemical Company 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
6.5-6-26 International Truck and Engine Corporation & Indianapolis Casting Corporation 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
6.5-6-28 Quemetco Inc. (RSR Corporation) 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-6-31 Vertellus Agriculture & Nutrition Specialties LLC 9/19/2021 3/22/2023, 88 FR 17161
6.5-6-33 Rolls-Royce Corporation 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
6.5-6-34 St. Vincent's Hospital and Health Care Service 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-6-35 Belmont Waste Water Sludge Incinerator 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
Rule 7. St. Joseph County
6.5-7-1 General provisions 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-7-6 Bosch Braking Systems Corporation 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-7-10 RACO-Hubbell Electric Products 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-7-11 Reith Riley Construction Company, Inc. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-7-13 Holy Cross Services Corporation (Saint Mary's Campus) 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-7-14 Accucast Technology, LLC 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-7-16 University of Notre Dame du Lac 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-7-18 Walsh & Kelly, Inc. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
Rule 8. Vanderburgh County
6.5-8-1 General provisions 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-8-11 Nunn Milling Company, Inc. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-8-12 Land O' Lakes Purina Feed LLC 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-8-13 Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company, Broadway Avenue Generating Station 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-8-14 Whirlpool Corporation Highway 41 North 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
Rule 9. Vigo County
6.5-9-1 General provisions 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-9-10 S&G Excavating, Inc. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-9-11 Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.—Wabash River Generating Station 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-9-13 Sisters of Providence 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-9-15 Terre Haute Grain 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-9-17 Ulrich Chemical, Inc. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
Rule 10. Wayne County
6.5-10-1 General provisions 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-10-2 Barrett Paving Materials, Inc. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-10-3 Belden Wire and Cable Company 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-10-5 Milestone Contractors LP (Cambridge City) 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-10-9 Earlham College 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-10-11 Johns Manville International, Inc. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-10-12 Joseph H. Hill Co. 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-10-13 Land O' Lakes Purina Feed LLC 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-10-14 Milestone Contractors Richmond 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-10-15 Richmond Power & Light—Whitewater Valley Generating Station 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.5-10-16 Richmond State Hospital 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
Article 6.8. Particulate Matter Limitations for Lake County
Rule 1. General Provisions
6.8-1-1 Applicability 4/20/2012 6/17/2014, 79 FR 34435
6.8-1-1.5 Definitions 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-1-2 Particulate emission limitations; modification by commissioner 4/20/2012 6/17/2014, 79 FR 34435
6.8-1-3 Compliance determination 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-1-4 Compliance schedules 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-1-5 Control strategies 4/20/2012 6/17/2014, 79 FR 34435
6.8-1-6 State implementation plan revisions 4/20/2012 6/17/2014, 79 FR 34435
6.8-1-7 Scope 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
Rule 2. Lake County: PM 10 Emission Requirements
6.8-2-1 General provisions and definitions 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-2 Lake County: PM10 and total suspended particulates (TSP) emissions 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-4 ASF-Keystone, Inc.—Hammond 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-6 BP Products North America, Inc.—Whiting Refinery 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-7 Bucko Construction Company, Inc 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-8 Cargill, Inc 11/19/2010 4/14/2011, 76 FR 20846
6.8-2-9 W.R. Grace and Co.—Conn 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-13 Hammond Group, Inc. (HGI) Halox Division, Lead Products Division, and Hammond Expander Division 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-14 Hammond Group, Inc.—Halstab Division 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-16 Resco Products, Inc 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-17 Mittal Steel—Indiana Harbor East Inc 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-18 Jupiter Aluminum Corporation 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
6.8-2-19 Dover Chemical Corporation—Hammond 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-20 LaSalle Steel Company 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-21 Mittal Steel—Indiana Harbor West Inc 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-22 Carmeuse Lime Inc 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-24 Methodist Hospital Inc 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-25 National Recovery Systems 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-26 NIPSCo—Dean H. Mitchell Station 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-27 Praxair Inc 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-28 Premiere Candy Company 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-29 Reed Minerals-Plant #14 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
6.8-2-30 Rhodia, Inc 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-31 Silgan Containers Manufacturing Corporation 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-32 Smith Ready Mix, Inc 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-33 State Line Energy, LLC 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-34 Huhtamaki Foodservice, Inc. 5/29/2015 2/22/2016, 81 FR 8650
6.8-2-35 Conopco, Inc. d/b/a Unilever HPC USA 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-36 Union Tank Car Company, Plant 1 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-37 United States Gypsum Company 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-2-38 U.S. Steel—Gary Works 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
Rule 4. Lake County: Opacity Limits; Test Methods
6.8-4-1 Test methods 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356.
Rule 8. Lake County: Continuous Compliance Plan
6.8-8-1 Applicability 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-8-2 Documentation; operation and maintenance procedures 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-8-3 Plan requirements 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-8-4 Plan; schedule for complying with 326 IAC 6.8-7 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-8-5 Plan; source categories 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-8-6 Plan; particulate matter control equipment; operation and maintenance 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-8-7 Plan; particulate matter control equipment; recording; operation; inspection 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-8-8 Plan; department review 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
Rule 9. Lake County: PM 10 Coke Battery Emission Requirements
6.8-9-1 Applicability 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-9-2 Definitions 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-9-3 Emission limitations 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
Rule 10. Lake County: Fugitive Particulate Matter
6.8-10-1 Applicability 2/22/2008 4/30/2008, 73 FR 23356
6.8-10-2 Definitions 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-10-3 Particulate matter emission limitations 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-10-4 Compliance requirements; control plans 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
Rule 11. Lake County: Particulate Matter Contingency Measures
6.8-11-1 Applicability 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-11-2 “Ambient monitoring data” defined 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-11-3 Exceedances 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-11-4 Violation of 24-hour standard 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-11-5 Violation of annual standard 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
6.8-11-6 Reduction measures 9/9/2005 3/22/2006, 71 FR 14383
Article 7. Sulfur Dioxide Rules
Rule 1.1. Sulfur Dioxide Emission Limitations
7-1.1-1 Applicability 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-1.1-2 Sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-1.1-3 Compliance Date 10/5/2015 3/22/2019, 84 FR 10692
Rule 2. Compliance
7-2-1 Reporting Requirements; methods to determine compliance 10/5/2015 3/22/2019, 84 FR 10692
Rule 3. Ambient Monitoring
7-3-2 Ambient monitoring 5/13/1982, 47 FR 20583
Rule 4. Emission Limitations and Requirements by County
7-4-2.1 Marion County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 1/1/2017 3/22/2019, 84 FR 10692
7-4-3.1 Vigo County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 1/1/2017 3/22/2019, 84 FR 10692
7-4-4 Wayne County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 4/10/1988 9/1/1988, 53 FR 33808
7-4-5 LaPorte County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 4/10/1988 9/1/1988, 53 FR 33808
7-4-6 Jefferson County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 4/10/1988 9/1/1988, 53 FR 33808
7-4-7 Sullivan County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 4/10/1988 9/1/1988, 53 FR 33808
7-4-8 Vermillion County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 4/10/1988 1/19/1989, 54 FR 2112
7-4-9 Floyd County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 4/10/1988 9/1/1988, 53 FR 33808
7-4-10 Warrick County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 8/30/2008 11/10/2009, 74 FR 57904
7-4-11.1 Morgan County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 7/5/2019 9/23/2019, 84 FR 49659
7-4-12.1 Gibson County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 12/5/1990 9/19/1994, 59 FR 47804
7-4-13 Dearborn County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 3/16/2005 2/28/2006, 71 FR 9936
7-4-14 Porter County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 10/23/1988 1/19/1989, 54 FR 2112 Only Sec. 14. (1).
7-4-14 Porter County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 3/31/2021 9/28/2023, 88 FR 66687 Except Sec. 14. (1).
7-4-15 Pike County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 10/5/2015 8/17/2020, 85 FR 49967 Only (a), (b), (d), and (e). EPA is approving a commissioner's order in place of (c).
Rule 4.1. Lake County Sulfur Dioxide Emission Limitations
7-4.1-1 Lake County sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-2 Sampling and analysis protocol 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-3 BP Products North America Inc. sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-4 Bucko Construction sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-5 Cargill, Inc. sulfur dioxide emission limitations 11/19/2010 4/14/2011, 76 FR 20846
7-4.1-6 Carmeuse Lime sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-7 Cokenergy LLC sulfur dioxide emission limitations 8/24/2020 6/7/2021, 86 FR 30201
7-4.1-8 Indiana Harbor Coke Company sulfur dioxide emission limitations 8/24/2020 6/7/2021, 86 FR 30201
7-4.1-9 Ironside Energy, LLC sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-10 ArcelorMittal USA LLC (Indiana Harbor West) sulfur dioxide emission limitations 3/31/2021 9/28/2023, 88 FR 66687
7-4.1-11 ArcelorMittal USA LLC (Indiana Harbor East) sulfur dioxide emission limitations 3/31/2021 9/28/2023, 88 FR 66687
7-4.1-12 Methodist Hospital sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-13 National Recovery Systems sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-14 NIPSCO Dean H. Mitchell Generating Station sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-15 Rhodia sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-16 Safety-Kleen Oil Recovery Company sulfur dioxide emission limitations 8/11/2023 9/16/2024, 89 FR 75502
7-4.1-17 SCA Tissue North America LLC sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-18 State Line Energy, LLC sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-19 Unilever HPC USA sulfur dioxide emission limitations 6/24/2005 9/26/2005, 70 FR 56129
7-4.1-20 U.S. Steel-Gary Works sulfur dioxide emission limitations 2/21/2018 6/27/2019, 84 FR 30628
7-4.1-21 Walsh and Kelly sulfur dioxide emission limitations 5/29/2015 9/11/2015, 80 FR 54723
Article 8. Volatile Organic Compound Rules
Rule 1. General Provisions
8-1-0.5 Definitions 10/18/1995 11/3/1999, 64 FR 59642
8-1-1 Applicability 6/5/1991 3/6/1992, 57 FR 8082
8-1-2 Compliance methods 12/15/2002 5/5/2003, 68 FR 23604
8-1-3 Compliance schedules 5/15/2010 4/14/2011, 76 FR 20850
8-1-4 Testing procedures 7/15/2001 9/11/2002, 67 FR 57515
8-1-5 Petition for site-specific reasonably available control technology (RACT) plan 11/10/1988 9/6/1990, 55 FR 36635
8-1-6 New facilities; general reduction requirements 6/24/2006 6/13/2007, 72 FR 32531
8-1-7 Military specifications 10/27/1982, 47 FR 20586
8-1-9 General recordkeeping and reporting requirements 5/22/1997 6/29/1998, 63 FR 35141
8-1-10 Compliance certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements for certain coating facilities using compliant coatings 5/22/1997 6/29/1998, 63 FR 35141
8-1-11 Compliance certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements for certain coating facilities using daily-weighted averaging 5/22/1997 6/29/1998, 63 FR 35141
8-1-12 Compliance certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements for certain coating facilities using control devices 5/22/1997 6/29/1998, 63 FR 35141
Rule 2. Surface Coating Emission Limitations
8-2-1 Applicability 11/19/2010 10/13/11, 76 FR 63549
8-2-2 Automobile and light duty truck coating operations 1/2/2010 2/24/2010, 75 FR 8246
8-2-3 Can coating operations 2/10/1986, 51 FR 4912
8-2-4 Coil coating operations 10/27/1982, 47 FR 20586
8-2-5 Paper coating operations 12/3/2009 2/24/2010, 75 FR 8246
8-2-6 Metal furniture coating operations 12/3/2009 2/24/2010, 75 FR 8246
8-2-7 Large appliance coating operations 12/3/2009 2/24/2010, 75 FR 8246
8-2-8 Magnet wire coating operations 10/27/1982, 47 FR 20586
8-2-9 Miscellaneous metal and plastic parts coating operations 11/19/2010 10/13/11, 76 FR 63549
8-2-10 Flat wood panels; manufacturing operations 12/3/2009 2/24/2010, 75 FR 8246
8-2-11 Fabric and vinyl coating 10/23/1988 3/6/1992, 57 FR 8082
8-2-12 Wood furniture and cabinet coating 4/10/1988 11/24/1990, 55 FR 39141
Rule 3. Organic Solvent Degreasing Operations
8-3-1 Applicability and Exemptions 1/4/2023 12/18/2023, 88 FR 87359
8-3-2 Cold cleaner degreaser control equipment and operating requirements 6/9/2021 12/18/2023, 88 FR 87359
8-3-3 Open top vapor degreaser operation 6/9/2021 12/18/2023, 88 FR 87359
8-3-4 Conveyorized degreaser control equipment and operating requirements 6/9/2012 12/18/2023, 88 FR 87359
8-3-5 Cold cleaner degreaser operation and control (Repealed) 3/1/2013 7/25/2014, 79 FR 43260
8-3-6 Open top vapor degreaser operation and control requirements (Repealed) 3/1/2013 7/25/2014, 79 FR 43260
8-3-7 Conveyorized degreaser operation and control (Repealed) 3/1/2013 7/25/2014, 79 FR 43260
8-3-8 Material requirements for cold cleaner degreasers 6/9/2021 12/18/2023, 88 FR 87359
Rule 4. Petroleum Sources
8-4-1 Applicability 3/5/2015 6/9/2016, 81 FR 37160
8-4-2 Petroleum refineries 1/18/1983, 48 FR 2127
8-4-3 Petroleum liquid storage facilities 2/10/1986, 51 FR 4912
8-4-4 Bulk gasoline terminals 1/18/1983, 48 FR 2127
8-4-5 Bulk gasoline plants 1/18/1983, 48 FR 2127
8-4-6 Gasoline dispensing facilities 3/5/2015 6/9/2016, 81 FR 37160
8-4-7 Gasoline transports 11/5/1999 5/31/2002, 67 FR 38006
8-4-8 Leaks from petroleum refineries; monitoring; reports 6/5/1991 3/6/1992, 57 FR 8082
8-4-9 Leaks from transports and vapor collection systems; records 11/5/1999 5/31/2002, 67 FR 38006
Rule 5. Miscellaneous Operations
8-5-1 Applicability of rule 3/22/2007 2/20/2008, 73 FR 9201
8-5-2 Asphalt paving rules 2/10/1986, 51 FR 4912
8-5-3 Synthesized pharmaceutical manufacturing operations 5/18/1990 3/6/1992, 57 FR 8082
8-5-4 Pneumatic rubber tire manufacturing 1/18/1983, 48 FR 2124
8-5-5 Graphic arts operations 5/22/1997 6/29/1998, 63 FR 35141
8-5-6 Fuel grade ethanol production at dry mills 3/22/2007 2/20/2008, 73 FR 9201
Rule 6. Organic Solvent Emission Limitations
8-6-1 Applicability of rule 1/18/1983, 48 FR 2124
8-6-2 Emission limits; exemptions 1/18/1983, 48 FR 2124
Rule 7. Specific VOC Reduction Requirements for Lake, Porter, Clark, and Floyd Counties
8-7-1 Definitions 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
8-7-2 Applicability 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
8-7-3 Emission limits 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
8-7-4 Compliance methods 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
8-7-5 Compliance plan 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
8-7-6 Certification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements for coating facilities 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
8-7-7 Test methods and procedures 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
8-7-8 General recordkeeping and reports 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
8-7-9 Control system operation, maintenance, and testing 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
8-7-10 Control system monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting 1/21/1995 7/5/1995, 60 FR 34856
Rule 8.2. Federal Standards Applicable to Certain Municipal Solid Waste Landfill
8-8.2 Adoption of federal standards applicable to certain municipal solid waste landfills 12/8/2021 8/16/2024, 89 FR 66607
Rule 9. Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels
8-9-1 Applicability 7/16/2018 5/23/2019, 84 FR 23723
8-9-2 Exemptions 7/16/2018 5/23/2019, 84 FR 23723
8-9-3 Definitions 7/16/2018 5/23/2019, 84 FR 23723
8-9-4 Standards 7/16/2018 5/23/2019, 84 FR 23723
8-9-5 Testing and procedures 7/16/2018 5/23/2019, 84 FR 23723
8-9-6 Record keeping and reporting requirements 7/16/2018 5/23/2019, 84 FR 23723 Includes supplemental information provided on 9/28/2018.
Rule 10. Automobile Refinishing
8-10-1 Applicability 8/13/1998 12/20/1999, 64 FR 7103
8-10-2 Definitions 11/2/1995 6/13/1996, 61 FR 29965
8-10-3 Requirements 5/23/1999 12/20/1999, 64 FR 71031
8-10-4 Means to limit volatile organic compound emissions 11/2/1995 6/13/1996, 61 FR 29965
8-10-5 Work practice standards 8/13/1998 12/20/1999, 64 FR 71031
8-10-6 Compliance procedures 8/13/1998 12/20/1999, 64 FR 71031
8-10-7 Test procedures 11/2/1995 6/13/1996, 61 FR 29965
8-10-8 Control system operation, maintenance, and monitoring (Repealed) 11/2/1995 6/13/1996, 61 FR 29965
8-10-9 Recordkeeping and reporting 8/13/1998 12/20/1999, 64 FR 71031
Rule 11. Wood Furniture Coating
8-11-1 Applicability 1/4/1996 10/30/1996, 61 FR 55889
8-11-2 Definitions 1/4/1996 10/30/1996, 61 FR 55889
8-11-3 Emission limits 1/4/1996 10/30/1996, 61 FR 55889
8-11-4 Work practice standards 1/4/1996 10/30/1996, 61 FR 55889
8-11-5 Continuous compliance plan 1/4/1996 10/30/1996, 61 FR 55889
8-11-6 Compliance procedures and monitoring requirements 1/4/1996 10/30/1996, 61 FR 55889
8-11-7 Test procedures 1/4/1996 10/30/1996, 61 FR 5588
8-11-8 Recordkeeping requirements 1/4/1996 10/30/1996, 61 FR 55889
8-11-9 Reporting requirements 1/4/1996 10/30/1996, 61 FR 55889
8-11-10 Provisions for sources electing to use emissions averaging 1/4/1996 10/30/1996, 61 FR 55889
Rule 12. Shipbuilding or Ship Repair Operations in Clark, Floyd, Lake, and Porter Counties
8-12-1 Applicability 5/1/1996 1/22/1997, 62 FR 3216
8-12-2 Exemptions 7/15/2001 4/1/2003, 68 FR 15664
8-12-3 Definitions 5/1/1996 1/22/1997, 62 FR 3216
8-12-4 Volatile organic compound emissions limiting requirements 06/21/2015 08/23/2016, 81 FR 57469
8-12-5 Compliance requirements 7/15/2001 4/1/2003, 68 FR 15664
8-12-6 Test methods and procedures 7/15/2001 4/1/2003, 68 FR 15664
8-12-7 Recordkeeping, notification, and reporting requirements 7/15/2001 4/1/2003, 68 FR 15664
Rule 13. Sinter Plants
8-13-1 Applicability 7/24/1998 7/5/2000, 65 FR 41350
8-13-2 Definitions 7/24/1998 7/5/2000, 65 FR 41350
8-13-3 Emission limit 7/24/1998 7/5/2000, 65 FR 41350
8-13-4 Compliance requirements 7/24/1998 7/5/2000, 65 FR 41350
8-13-5 Test procedures 7/24/1998 7/5/2000, 65 FR 41350
8-13-6 Control measure operation, maintenance, and monitoring 7/24/1998 7/5/2000, 65 FR 41350
8-13-7 Recordkeeping and reporting 7/24/1998 7/5/2000, 65 FR 41350
8-13-8 Continuous emissions monitoring 7/24/1998 7/5/2000, 65 FR 41350
Rule 14. Architectural and Industrial Maintenance (AIM) Coatings
8-14-1 Applicability 12/1/2010 8/30/2012, 77 FR 52606
8-14-2 Definitions 12/1/2010 8/30/2012, 77 FR 52606
8-14-3 Standards for AIM coatings 12/1/2010 8/30/2012, 77 FR 52606
8-14-4 Container labeling 12/1/2010 8/30/2012, 77 FR 52606
8-14-5 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements 12/1/2010 8/30/2012, 77 FR 52606
8-14-6 Compliance provisions and test methods 12/1/2010 8/30/2012, 77 FR 52606
8-14-7 Application of traffic marking materials 12/1/2010 8/30/2012, 77 FR 52606
Rule 15. Standards for Consumer and Commercial Products
8-15-1 Applicability 12/1/2010 6/29/2012, 77 FR 38725
8-15-2 Definitions 12/1/2010 6/29/2012, 77 FR 38725
8-15-3 Standards 12/1/2010 6/29/2012, 77 FR 38725
8-15-4 Exemptions 12/1/2010 6/29/2012, 77 FR 38725
8-15-5 Innovative products exemption 12/1/2010 6/29/2012, 77 FR 38725
8-15-6 Alternative control plan 12/1/2010 6/29/2012, 77 FR 38725
8-15-7 Administrative requirements 12/1/2010 6/29/2012, 77 FR 38725
8-15-8 Record keeping and reporting requirements 12/1/2010 6/29/2012, 77 FR 38725
8-15-9 Test methods 12/1/2010 6/29/2012, 77 FR 38725
Rule 17. Industrial Solvent Cleaning Operations
8-17-1 Applicability 1/2/2010 2/24/2010, 75 FR 8246
8-17-2 Exemptions 5/3/2012 12/27/2013, 78 FR 78726
8-17-3 “Composite partial vapor pressure” defined 1/2/2010 2/24/2010, 75 FR 8246
8-17-4 VOC emissions control requirements 5/3/2012 12/27/2013, 78 FR 78726
8-17-5 Compliance dates 1/2/2010 2/24/2010, 75 FR 8246
8-17-6 Compliance test methods 1/2/2010 2/24/2010, 75 FR 8246
8-17-7 Monitoring and recordkeeping 5/3/2012 12/27/2013, 78 FR 78726
8-17-8 Reporting requirements for monitoring and recordkeeping information 1/2/2010 2/24/2010, 75 FR 8246
8-17-9 Requirements on compliance certification 1/2/2010 2/24/2010, 75 FR 8246
8-17-10 Recordkeeping requirements for exempt sources 1/2/2010 2/24/2010, 75 FR 8246
Article 9. Carbon Monoxide Emission Rules
9-1 Carbon Monoxide Emission Limits 12/15/2002 11/30/2004, 69 FR 69531
Article 10. Nitrogen Oxides Rules
10-1 Nitrogen Oxides Control in Clark and Floyd Counties 6/12/1996 6/3/1997, 62 FR 30253
10-2 NOX Emissions from Large Affected Units 8/26/2018 7/24/2020, 85 FR 44738
10-3 Nitrogen Oxide Reduction Program for Specific Source Categories 8/26/2018 7/24/2020, 85 FR 44738
10-5 Nitrogen Oxide Reduction Program for Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) 2/26/2006 10/1/2007, 72 FR 55664
10-6 Nitrogen Oxides Emission Limitations for Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company 8/30/2008 11/10/2009, 74 FR 57904
Article 11. Emission Limitations for Specific Types of Operations
11-1 Existing Foundries 7/25/1968 5/31/1972, 37 FR 10863
11-3 Coke Oven Batteries 9/26/1980 12/1/1983, 48 FR 54615 Sec. 1, 3, 5.
6/11/1993 6/15/1995, 60 FR 31412 Sec. 2(a)-(f), 2(i), 4.
11-4 Fiberglass Insulation Manufacturing 9/26/1980 4/3/1984, 49 FR 13144 Sec. 1, 2, 3, 4.
9/27/2002 12/9/2002, 67 FR 72844 Sec. 5.
11-5 Fluoride Emission Limitations for Existing Primary Aluminum Plants 2/6/1981 11/27/1981, 46 FR 57892
Article 13. Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards
13-1.1 Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Requirements 1/22/1999 9/27/2001, 66 FR 49297
13-3 Control of Gasoline Reid Vapor Pressure 12/15/2002 7/21/2003, 68 FR 42978 Sec. 1.
8/5/1995 2/9/1996, 61 FR 4895 Sec. 2 to 7.
Article 14. Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
14-1 General Provisions 5/13/1988 9/17/1992, 57 FR 42889
14-8 Emission Standard for Equipment Leaks (Fugitive Emission Sources) 5/13/1988 9/17/1992, 57 FR 42889
14-9 Emission Limitations for Benzene from Furnace Coke Oven By-Product Recovery Plants 5/13/1988 9/17/1992, 57 FR 42889
Article 15. Lead Rules
Rule 1. Lead Emission Limitations
15-1-2 Source-specific provisions 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393
15-1-3 Control of fugitive lead dust 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393
15-1-4 Compliance 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393
Article 16. State Environmental Policy
16-3 General Conformity 7/6/1996 1/14/1998, 63 FR 2146 Sec. 1.
Article 19. Mobile Source Rules
19-3 Clean Fuel Fleet Vehicles 1/18/1996 3/21/1996, 61 FR 11552
Article 20. Hazardous Air Pollutants
Rule 10 Bulk Gasoline Distribution Facilities
20-10-1 Applicability; incorporation by reference of federal standards 11/14/1999 5/31/2002, 67 FR 38006
Rule 20-13.1 Secondary Lead Smelters
20-13.1-1 Applicability 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393 Sections (a)-(c), (e), and (f)
20-13.1-2 Definitions 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393
20-13.1-3 Emission limitations; lead standards for Exide Technologies, Incorporation 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393
20-13.1-4 Emission limitations; lead standards for Quemetco, Incorporated 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393
20-13.1-5 Emission limitations and operating provisions 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393 Sections (a)-(c), (e), and (h)
20-13.1-6 Total enclosure requirements 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393
20-13.1-7 Total enclosure monitoring requirements 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393
20-13.1-8 Fugitive dust source requirements 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393
20-13.1-9 Bag leak detection system requirements 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393
20-13.1-10 Other requirements 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393 Sections (a)-(d), (f) and (g)
20-13.1-11 Compliance testing 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393 Sections (a)-(c), and (f)
20-13.1-12 Compliance testing methods 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393 Section (a)
20-13.1-13 Notification requirements 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393 Sections (b)-(d)
20-13.1-14 Record keeping and reporting requirements 3/1/2013 7/17/2015, 80 FR 42393 Sections (a)-(d), (e)(1), and (e)(4)-(e)(14)
Article 24. Trading Programs: Nitrogen Oxides (NO X ) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 )
Rule 5. Nitrogen Oxides (NO X ) Annual Trading Program
24-5-1 Applicability and incorporation by reference 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-5-2 CSAPR NOX annual trading budget 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-5-3 CSAPR NOX annual allocation timing 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-5-4 Baseline heat input and historic emissions 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-5-5 Existing unit allocations and adjustments 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-5-6 New unit allocations 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-5-7 Unallocated new unit set-aside allowances 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
Rule 6. Nitrogen Oxides (NO X ) Ozone Season Group 2 Trading Program
24-6-1 Applicability and incorporation by reference 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-6-2 CSAPR NOX ozone season group 2 trading budget 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-6-3 CSAPR NOX ozone season group 2 allocation timing 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-6-4 Baseline heat input and historic emissions 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-6-5 Existing unit allocations and adjustments 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-6-6 New unit allocations 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-6-7 Unallocated new unit set-aside allowances 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
Rule 7. Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2 ) Group 1 Trading Program
24-7-1 Applicability and incorporation by reference 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-7-2 CSAPRSO2 group 1 trading budget 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-7-3 CSAPR SO2 group 1 allocation timing 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-7-4 Baseline heat input and historic emissions 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-7-5 Existing unit allocations and adjustments 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-7-6 New unit allocations 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
24-7-7 Unallocated new unit set-aside allowances 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472
Article 26. Regional Haze
Rule 2. Best Available Retrofit Technology Emission Limitations
26-2-1 Applicability 3/9/2011 6/11/2012, 77 FR 34218
26-2-2 Alcoa emission limitations and compliance methods 6/29/2014 8/20/2015, 80 FR 50581
State Statutes
IC 13-13-8 Environmental Rules Board 1/1/2013 12/24/2013, 78 FR 77599 1, 2(a), 2(b), 3, 4, and 11 only.

1 EPA is approving this rule for the counties of Adams, Allen, Bartholomew, Benton, Blackford, Boone, Brown, Carroll, Cass, Clay, Clinton, Crawford, Daviess, Dearborn, Decatur, De Kalb, Delaware, Dubois, Elkhart, Fayette, Fountain, Franklin, Fulton, Gibson, Grant, Greene, Hamilton, Hancock, Harrison, Hendricks, Henry, Howard, Huntington, Jackson, Jasper, Jay, Jefferson, Jennings, Johnson, Knox, Kosciusko, La Porte, Lagrange, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Martin, Miami, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Newton, Noble, Ohio, Orange, Owen, Parke, Perry, Pike, Posey, Pulaski, Putnam, Randolph, Ripley, Rush, St. Joseph, Scott, Shelby, Spencer, Starke, Steuben, Sullivan, Switzerland, Tippecanoe, Tipton, Union, Vanderburgh, Vermillion, Vigo, Wabash, Warren, Warrick, Washington, Wayne, Wells, White, and Whitley.

(d) EPA approved State source-specific requirements.

EPA-Approved Indiana Source-Specific Provisions

CO date Title SIP rule EPA approval Explanation
1/11/2016 A.B. Brown Generating Station N.A. 5/6/2016, 81 FR 27330 Limitation intended to support attainment designation.
10/1/1999 ALCOA-Warrick 5-1-2 7/5/2000, 65 FR 41352 (also see 64 FR 40287) Alt. opacity limits (permit).
12/15/1999 ALCOA-Warrick 5-1-2 7/5/2000, 65 FR 41352 (also see 64 FR 40287) Alt. opacity limits (permit).
2/1/2016 Clifty Creek Generating Station N.A. 5/6/2016, 81 FR 27330 Limitation intended to support attainment designation.
10/12/1999 Crane Naval 8-2-9 12/31/2002, 67 FR 79859 Exemption.
2/11/2004 Eli Lilly 8-5-3 11/8/2004, 69 FR 64661 Exemption.
12/22/2004 Transwheel 8-3-5(a)(5)(C) 4/12/2005, 70 FR 19000 Equivalent control.
9/8/2015 Abengoa Bioenergy of Indiana N.A. 8/12/2016, 81 FR 53297 Alternative control technology requirements.
10/20/2016 SABIC Innovative Plastics N.A 5/10/2017, 82 FR 21703 Limitation intended to support attainment designation.
11/16/2016 Carmeuse Lime Inc N.A 5/10/2017, 82 FR 21708 Limitation intended to support attainment designation.
7/31/2019 IP&L-Petersburg 7-4-15 8/17/2020, 85 FR 49967 30-day average limits.

(e) EPA approved nonregulatory and quasi-regulatory provisions.

EPA-Approved Indiana Nonregulatory and Quasi-Regulatory Provisions

Title Indiana date EPA approval Explanation
Allen County 1997 8-hour ozone maintenance plan 2/25/2014, 79 FR 10385 Revision to motor vehicle emission budgets.
Carbon Monoxide Control Strategy—Lake and Porter Co 1/19/2000, 65 FR 2883 Paragraph (b).
Carbon Monoxide Control Strategy—Lake and Marion Cos 1 1/12/2009 10/15/2009, 74 FR 52891 Paragraph (c).
Chicago Hydrocarbon Control Strategy 8/26/2004, 69 FR 52427 Paragraph (aa).
Chicago-Gary Hydrocarbon Control Strategy 12/30/2008, 73 FR 79652 Paragraph (kk).
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997): Cincinnati-Hamilton, OH-KY-IN (Dearborn County (part)) 6/20/2019 12/13/2019, 84 FR 68049 2nd maintenance plan.
Control Strategy: Particulate Matter 11/27/2009, 74 FR 62243 Paragraph (s).
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997): Evansville, IN (Vanderburgh and Warrick Counties) 6/20/2019 12/27/2019, 84 FR 71306 2nd limited maintenance plan.
Evansville/Southwest Indiana Area 1997 annual fine particulate matter maintenance plan 3/19/2014, 79 FR 15224 Revision to motor vehicle emission budgets.
Fluoride Emission Limitations for Existing Primary Aluminum Plants 3/11/2003, 68 FR 11472 Removed from SIP, replaced by NESHAP.
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997): Fort Wayne, IN (Allen County) 6/20/2019 12/27/2019, 84 FR 71306 2nd limited maintenance plan.
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997): Jackson Co., IN (Jackson County) 6/20/2019 12/27/2019, 84 FR 71306 2nd limited maintenance plan.
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997): Greene Co., IN (Greene County) 6/20/2019 12/27/2019, 84 FR 71306 2nd limited maintenance plan.
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997): Indianapolis, IN (Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, and Shelby Counties) 6/20/2019 12/13/2019, 84 FR 68049 2nd maintenance plan.
Indianapolis 2010 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Attainment Plan 10/2/2015 3/22/2019, 84 FR 10692
Indianapolis 2010 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) maintenance plan 7/10/2017 5/21/2020, 85 FR 30844
Lake County sulfur dioxide maintenance plan 3/28/2013 9/3/2013, 78 FR 54173
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997): Chicago-Gary-Lake County, IL-IN (Lake and Porter Counties) 6/20/2019 12/13/2019, 84 FR 68049 2nd maintenance plan.
Lake and Porter Counties 1997 annual PM2.5 maintenance plan 2/1/2013 5/15/2013, 78 FR 28503 Revision to motor vehicle emission budgets.
Lake and Porter Counties 2008 8-hour Ozone Moderate Planning Elements 2/28/2017, 1/9/2018, and 10/25/2018 12/13/2019, 84 FR 68050 2011 base year emissions inventory, Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) plan, RFP contingency measure plan, 2017 VOC and NOX motor vehicle emissions budgets, nonattainment new source review certification, VOC RACT Certification, and enhanced motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program certification.
Lake and Porter Counties 2008 8-hour Ozone Negative Declarations 10/25/2018 12/13/2019, 84 FR 68050 Includes: Fiberglass Boat Manufacturing Materials CTG and Oil and Gas Industry CTG.
Lake and Porter Counties 2008 8-hour Ozone Serious Planning Elements 12/29/2020 5/20/2022, 87 FR 30821 2030 and 2035 VOC and NOX motor vehicle emissions budgets, VOC RACT certification, Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program certification, clean-fuel vehicle programs certification, enhanced monitoring of ozone and ozone precursors certification.
Lake and Porter Counties 2008 8-hour Ozone NOX RACT Waiver 1/18/2022 5/20/2022, 87 FR 30821
Lake and Porter Counties 2008 8-hour Ozone Maintenance Plan 9/21/2023 1/19/2024, 89 FR 3571 Updated Onroad Emissions Inventory and Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets.
Clark and Floyd Counties 2015 8-hour Ozone Emission Inventory 1/21/2021 7/5/2022, 87 FR 39750
Lake, Porter, Clark, and Floyd Counties 2015 8-hour Ozone Emission Statement 1/21/2021 7/5/2022, 87 FR 39750
Clark and Floyd Counties 2015 8-hour Ozone Maintenance Plan 2/21/2022 7/5/2022, 87 FR 39750
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997): LaPorte CO., IN (LaPorte County) 6/20/2019 12/13/2019, 84 FR 68049 2nd maintenance plan.
Lead Control Strategy—Marion County 5/10/2000, 65 FR 29959 Paragraph (d).
Lead Control Strategy—Marion County 1 4/1/2009 9/24/2009, 74 FR 48659 Paragraph (e).
Louisville 1997 Annual PM2.5 Maintenance Plan 6/16/2011 9/9/2016, 81 FR 62390
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997): Louisville, KY-IN (Clark and Floyd Counties) 6/20/2019 12/13/2019, 84 FR 68049 2nd maintenance plan.
Morgan County 2010 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Attainment Plan 10/2/2015 9/23/2019, 84 FR 49659
Morgan County 2010 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Maintenance Plan 10/10/2019, 5/5/2020 9/16/2020, 85 FR 57736
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997): Muncie, IN (Delaware County) 6/20/2019 12/27/2019, 84 FR 71306 2nd limited maintenance plan.
Muncie 2008 lead emissions inventory 4/14/2016 5/15/2020, 85 FR 29331
Muncie 2008 lead maintenance plan 4/14/2016 5/15/2020, 85 FR 29331
Ozone Monitoring Season 2/19/1991 12/10/1991, 56 FR 64482.
PM10 Maintenance Plan for Lake County 9/25/2002 1/10/2003, 68 FR 1370 Paragraph (r), also redesignation.
Particulate Control Strategy—Vermillion County 8/26/1997, 62 FR 45168 Paragraph (q).
Regional Haze Five-Year Progress Report 3/30/2016 2/2/2018, 83 FR 4847
Regional Haze Plan 11/27/2017 9/6/2019, 84 FR 46889 Full Approval.
Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 1997 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS 12/7/2007, 9/19/2008, 3/23/2011, 4/7/2011, and 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472 All CAA infrastructure elements have been approved except the visibility portion of 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II).
Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 1997 PM2.5 NAAQS 12/7/2007, 9/19/2008, 3/23/2011, 4/7/2011, and 11/24/2017 12/17/2018, 83 FR 64472 All CAA infrastructure elements have been approved except the visibility portion of 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(II).
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2006 24-Hour PM2.5 NAAQS 10/20/2009, 6/25/2012, 7/12/2012, 5/22/2013, and 11/27/2017 9/6/2019, 84 FR 46889 Full Approval.
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2008 Lead NAAQS 12/12/2011 10/16/2014, 79 FR 62035 This action addresses the following CAA elements: 110(a)(2)(A), (B), (C), (D)(i)(I), (D)(i)(II), (D)(ii), (E), (F), (G), (H), (J), (K), (L), and (M).
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone NAAQS 12/12/2011 and 11/27/2017 9/6/2019, 84 FR 46889 Full Approval.
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS 11/2/2018 2/13/2023, 88 FR 9336 All CAA infrastructure elements have been approved except (D)(i)(I) Prongs 1 and 2, which are disapproved, and no action has been taken on the visibility portion of (D)(i)(II).
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2015 Ozone NAAQS 11/2/2018 11/2/2022, 87 FR 66091 All CAA infrastructure elements have been approved except (D)(i)(I) and the visibility portion of (D)(i)(II).
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2010 NO2 NAAQS 1/15/2013 and 11/27/2017 9/6/2019, 84 FR 46889 Full Approval.
Section 110(a)(2) Infrastructure Requirements for the 2010 SO2 NAAQS 5/22/2013 and 11/27/2017 9/6/2019, 84 FR 46889 All elements have been addressed except: 110(a)(2)(D)(i)(I).
Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements for the 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS 6/10/2016 and 12/28/2016 10/8/2019, 84 FR 53601 Fully approved for all CAA elements except the visibility protection requirements of (D)(i)(II).
Small Business Compliance Assistance Program 9/2/1993, 58 FR 46541.
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997): South Bend-Elkhart, IN (Elkhart and St. Joseph Counties) 6/20/2019 12/13/2019, 84 FR 68049 2nd maintenance plan.
Southwest Indiana 2010 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Attainment Plan 10/2/2015 8/17/2020, 85 FR 49967
Southwest Indiana Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Maintenance Plan 10/24/2018, 8/25/2020 3/2/2021, 86 FR 12107
Sulfur Dioxide Control Strategy—LaPorte, Marion, Vigo, and Wayne Counties 11/15/1996, 61 FR 58482 Paragraph (f) and (g).
Ozone (8-Hour, 1997): Terre Haute, IN (Vigo County) 6/20/2019 12/27/2019, 84 FR 71306 2nd limited maintenance plan.
Terre Haute 2010 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Attainment Plan 10/2/2015 3/22/2019, 84 FR 10692
Terre Haute 2010 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) maintenance plan 7/8/2019, 84 FR 32317
Vanderburgh and Warrick Counties 1997 8-hour ozone maintenance plan 2/25/2014, 79 FR 10385 Revision to motor vehicle emission budgets.
Vigo County 1997 8-hour ozone maintenance plan 2/25/2014, 79 FR 10385 Revision to motor vehicle emission budgets.
[75 FR 58307, Sept. 24, 2010]
Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 52.770, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.