40 CFR § 98.267 - Records that must be retained.

§ 98.267 Records that must be retained.

In addition to the records required by § 98.3(g), you must retain the records specified in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section for each wet-process phosphoric acid production facility.

(a) Monthly mass of phosphate rock consumed by origin (tons).

(b) Records of all phosphate rock purchases and/or deliveries (if vertically integrated with a mine).

(c) Documentation of the procedures used to ensure the accuracy of monthly phosphate rock consumption by origin.

(d) Verification software records. You must keep a record of the file generated by the verification software specified in § 98.5(b) for the applicable data specified in paragraphs (d)(1) through (4) of this section. Retention of this file satisfies the recordkeeping requirement for the data in paragraphs (d)(1) through (4) of this section.

(1) Inorganic carbon content of a grab sample batch of phosphate rock by origin obtained during month by wet-process phosphoric acid process line, from the carbon analysis results (percent by weight, expressed as a decimal fraction) (Equation Z-1a of § 98.263).

(2) Mass of phosphate rock by origin consumed in month by wet-process phosphoric acid process line (tons) (Equation Z-1a).

(3) Carbon dioxide content of a grab sample batch of phosphate rock by origin obtained during month by wet-process phosphoric acid process line (percent by weight, expressed as a decimal fraction) (Equation Z-1b of § 98.263).

(4) Mass of phosphate rock by origin consumed in month by wet-process phosphoric acid process line (tons) (Equation Z-1b).

[74 FR 56374, Oct. 30, 2009, as amended at 79 FR 63797, Oct. 24, 2014]