40 CFR Subpart OOOOa - Subpart OOOOa—Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015
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- § 60.5360a What is the purpose of this subpart?
- § 60.5365a Am I subject to this subpart?
- § 60.5370a When must I comply with this subpart?
- § 60.5375a What VOC standards apply to well affected facilities?
- § 60.5380a What VOC standards apply to centrifugal compressor affected facilities?
- § 60.5385a What VOC standards apply to reciprocating compressor affected facilities?
- § 60.5390a What VOC standards apply to pneumatic controller affected facilities?
- § 60.5393a What VOC standards apply to pneumatic pump affected facilities?
- § 60.5395a What VOC standards apply to storage vessel affected facilities?
- § 60.5397a What fugitive emissions VOC standards apply to the affected facility which is the collection of fugitive emissions components at a well site and the affected facility which is the collection of fugitive emissions components at a compressor station?
- § 60.5398a What are the alternative means of emission limitations for VOC from well completions, reciprocating compressors, the collection of fugitive emissions components at a well site and the collection of fugitive emissions components at a compressor station?
- § 60.5399a What alternative fugitive emissions standards apply to the affected facility which is the collection of fugitive emissions components at a well site and the affected facility which is the collection of fugitive emissions components at a compressor station: Equivalency with state, local, and tribal programs?
- § 60.5400a What equipment leak VOC standards apply to affected facilities at an onshore natural gas processing plant?
- § 60.5401a What are the exceptions to the equipment leak VOC standards for affected facilities at onshore natural gas processing plants?
- § 60.5402a What are the alternative means of emission limitations for VOC equipment leaks from onshore natural gas processing plants?
- § 60.5405a What standards apply to sweetening unit affected facilities?
- § 60.5406a What test methods and procedures must I use for my sweetening unit affected facilities?
- § 60.5407a What are the requirements for monitoring of emissions and operations from my sweetening unit affected facilities?
- § 60.5408a What is an optional procedure for measuring hydrogen sulfide in acid gas—Tutwiler Procedure?
- § 60.5410a How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the standards for my well, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, pneumatic controller, pneumatic pump, storage vessel, collection of fugitive emissions components at a well site, collection of fugitive emissions components at a compressor station, and equipment leaks at onshore natural gas processing plants and sweetening unit affected facilities?
- § 60.5411a What additional requirements must I meet to determine initial compliance for my covers and closed vent systems routing emissions from centrifugal compressor wet seal fluid degassing systems, reciprocating compressors, pneumatic pumps and storage vessels?
- § 60.5412a What additional requirements must I meet for determining initial compliance with control devices used to comply with the emission standards for my centrifugal compressor, and storage vessel affected facilities?
- § 60.5413a What are the performance testing procedures for control devices used to demonstrate compliance at my centrifugal compressor and storage vessel affected facilities?
- § 60.5415a How do I demonstrate continuous compliance with the standards for my well, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, pneumatic controller, pneumatic pump, storage vessel, collection of fugitive emissions components at a well site, and collection of fugitive emissions components at a compressor station affected facilities, equipment leaks at onshore natural gas processing plants and sweetening unit affected facilities?
- § 60.5416a What are the initial and continuous cover and closed vent system inspection and monitoring requirements for my centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, pneumatic pump, and storage vessel affected facilities?
- § 60.5417a What are the continuous control device monitoring requirements for my centrifugal compressor and storage vessel affected facilities?
- § 60.5420a What are my notification, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements?
- § 60.5421a What are my additional recordkeeping requirements for my affected facility subject to VOC requirements for onshore natural gas processing plants?
- § 60.5422a What are my additional reporting requirements for my affected facility subject to VOC requirements for onshore natural gas processing plants?
- § 60.5423a What additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements apply to my sweetening unit affected facilities?
- § 60.5425a What parts of the General Provisions apply to me?
- § 60.5430a What definitions apply to this subpart?
- § 60.5432a How do I determine whether a well is a low pressure well using the low pressure well equation?
- §§ 60.5433a-60.5439a [Reserved]
- Table 1 to Subpart OOOOa of Part 60—Required Minimum Initial SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency (Zi)
- Table 2 to Subpart OOOOa of Part 60—Required Minimum SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency (Zc)
- Table 3 to Subpart OOOOa of Part 60—Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart OOOOa
81 FR 35898, June 3, 2016, unless otherwise noted.