42 CFR § 435.213 - Optional eligibility for individuals needing treatment for breast or cervical cancer.
(a) Basis. This section implements sections 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XVIII) and 1902(aa) of the Act.
(b) Eligibility. The agency may provide Medicaid to individuals who—
(1) Are under age 65;
(2) Are not eligible and enrolled for mandatory coverage under the State's Medicaid State plan in accordance with subpart B of this part;
(3) Have been screened under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) breast and cervical cancer early detection program (BCCEDP), established in accordance with the requirements of section 1504 of the Public Health Service Act, and found to need treatment for breast or cervical cancer; and
(4) Do not otherwise have creditable coverage, as defined in section 2704(c) of the Public Health Service Act, for treatment of the individual's breast or cervical cancer. An individual is not considered to have creditable coverage just because the individual may:
(i) Receive medical services provided by the Indian Health Service, a tribal organization, or an Urban Indian organization; or
(ii) Obtain health insurance coverage after a waiting period of uninsurance.
(c) Need for treatment. An individual is considered to need treatment for breast or cervical cancer if the initial screen under BCCEDP or, subsequent to the initial period of eligibility, the individual's treating health professional determines that:
(1) Definitive treatment for breast or cervical cancer is needed, including treatment of a precancerous condition or early stage cancer, and including diagnostic services as necessary to determine the extent and proper course of treatment; and
(2) More than routine diagnostic services or monitoring services for a precancerous breast or cervical condition are needed.