42 CFR Subpart D - Subpart D—Nursing Student Loans
- § 57.301 Applicability.
- § 57.302 Definitions.
- § 57.303 Application by school.
- § 57.304 Payment of Federal capital contributions and reallocation of funds remitted to the Secretary.
- § 57.305 Nursing student loan funds.
- § 57.306 Eligibility and selection of nursing student loan applicants.
- § 57.307 Maximum amount of nursing student loans.
- § 57.308 Nursing student loan promissory note.
- § 57.309 Payment of nursing student loans.
- § 57.310 Repayment and collection of nursing student loans.
- § 57.311 Cancellation of nursing student loans for disability or death.
- § 57.312 Repayment of loans for service in a shortage area.
- § 57.313 Loan cancellation for full-time employment as a registered nurse.
- § 57.313a Loan cancellation reimbursement.
- § 57.314 Repayment of loans made after November 17, 1971, for failure to complete a program of study. 2
- § 57.315 Records, reports, inspection, and audit.
- § 57.316 What additional Department regulations apply to schools?
- § 57.316a Performance standard.
- § 57.317 Additional conditions.
- § 57.318 Noncompliance.
Sec. 215 of the Public Health Service Act, 58 Stat. 690, 67 Stat. 631 (42 U.S.C. 216); secs. 835-842 of the Public Health Service Act, 77 Stat. 913-916, as amended by 99 Stat. 397-400, 536-537, and 102 Stat. 3160-3161 (42 U.S.C. 297 a-i).
50 FR 34434, Aug. 23, 1985, unless otherwise noted.