9 CFR § 390.9 - Communications with State and other Federal government agencies.
(a) The Administrator of the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), or designee, may authorize the disclosure of distribution lists (records that show where and when product was shipped) obtained from a firm recalling products, or incorporated into agency-prepared records, to State and other Federal government agencies to verify the removal of the recalled product, provided that:
(1) The State agency has provided both a written statement establishing its authority to protect confidential distribution lists from public disclosure and a written commitment not to disclose any information provided by FSIS, without the written permission of the submitter of the information or written confirmation by FSIS that the information no longer has confidential status. Federal government agencies must provide a written commitment not to disclose the information and to refer any request for distribution lists to FSIS for response; and
(2) The Administrator of FSIS or designee determines that disclosure would be in the interest of public health.
(b) This provision does not authorize the disclosure to State or other Federal government agencies of trade secret information, unless otherwise provided by law or pursuant to an express written authorization provided by the submitter of the information.
(c) Information disclosed under this section is not a disclosure of information to the public. Disclosures made under this section do not waive any FOIA exemption protection.