Title 8 - Zoning, Planning, Housing, Economic and Community Development

  1. 30g - Affordable Housing Land Use Appeals Procedures (§ 8-30g-1 to 8-30g-8)
  2. 37ee - Fair Housing Regulations (§ 8-37ee-1 to 8-37ee-2)
  3. 37r - Personal Data System (§ 8-37r-1 to 8-37r-9)
  4. 37y - Surplus Property Program (§ 8-37y-1 to 8-37y-13)
  5. 45 - Housing
  6. 68d - Housing Stock Report Regulations (§ 8-68d-1 to 8-68d-3)
  7. 68f - Tenant Rights in State Public Housing (§ 8-68f-1 to 8-68f-22)
  8. 68g - Developers' Fee (§ 8-68g-1)
  9. 72 - Waiting Lists
  10. 79a - Moderate Rental Housing Program (Article I)
  11. 80 - Supplement No. I
  12. 81a - Adaptable Housing Pilot Program (§ 8-81a-1 to 8-81a-5)
  13. 84 - Home Ownership Program (§ 8-84-1 to 8-84-7)
  14. 100 - Flood Relief Home Ownership Program (§ 8-100-1 to 8-100-8)
  15. 116a - Waiting Lists
  16. 119g - Congregate Housing for the Elderly (§ 8-119g-1 to 8-119g-12)
  17. 119jj - Affordable Housing Program (§ 8-119jj-1 to 8-119jj-15 to 8-119jj-26)
  18. 119kk - Elderly Rental Assistance Program (RAP) (§ 8-119kk-1 to 8-119kk-8)
  19. 119t - Independent Living for Handicapped and Developmentally Disabled Persons (§ 8-119t-1 to 8-119t-8)
  20. 169w - Urban Homesteading Loan Fund (§ 8-169w(c)-1 to 8-169w(c)-5)
  21. 198 - Municipal Development Projects (§ 8-198-1 to 8-198-11)
  22. 203 - Description of Organization (§ 8-203-1 to 8-203-5)
  23. 206e - Housing Assistance and Counseling Program (§ 8-206e-1 to 8-206e-7)
  24. 210b - Purchase of Services Program (§ 8-210b-1 to 8-210b-8a)
  25. 214d - Land Bank/Land Trust Fund (§ 8-214d-1 to 8-214d-14)
  26. 214h - Limited Equity Cooperative/Mutual Housing Association Program (§ 8-214h-1 to 8-214h-17)
  27. 216b - State Housing/Community Development Program (§ 8-216b-1 to 8-216b-11)
  28. 218c - Community Housing Development Corporations (§ 8-218c-1 to 8-218c-32)
  29. 219c - Senior Citizen Emergency Home Repair and Rehabilitation Program (§ 8-219c-1 to 8-219c-9)
  30. 219d - Nonprofit Corporations Assistance Program (§ 8-219d-1 to 8-219d-8)
  31. 219e - Hazardous Material Program (§ 8-219e-1 to 8-219e-9)
  32. 248 - Conduct of the Affairs of the Connecticut Housing Finance Authority (A to E)
  33. 273 - Relocation Assistance Appeal (§ 8-273-1 to 8-273-41)
  34. 289 - Downpayment Assistance Program (§ 8-289-1 to 8-289-6a to 8-289-12)
  35. 336f - Connecticut Housing Partnership Program (§ 8-336f-1 to 8-336f-6)
  36. 336q - State Housing Trust Fund Program (§ 8-336q-1 to 8-336q-5)
  37. 337 - Security Deposit Loan Fund (§ 8-337-1 to 8-337-5)
  38. 345 - Rental Assistance Program (§ 8-345-1 to 8-345-12)
  39. 346 - Rental Assistance for New Units (§ 8-346-1 to 8-346-12)
  40. 358 - A Demonstration Program for the Development of Innovative Housing for the Homeless (§ 8-358-1 to 8-358-7)
  41. 365 - Municipal Housing Trust Fund Program (§ 8-365-1 to 8-365-8)
  42. 367a - Tenant Management Assistance Program (§ 8-367a-1 to 8-367a-6)
  43. 381 - Housing Development Zone Regulations (§ 8-381-1 to 8-381-7)
  44. 388 - Housing Infrastructure Fund (§ 8-388-1 to 8-388-11)
  45. 395 - Tax Credit Program (§ 8-395-1 to 8-395-11)
  46. 412 - Predevelopment Costs (§ 8-412-1 to 8-412-9)
  47. 416 - Septic System Repair (§ 8-416-1 to 8-416-9)
  48. 423 - Septic System for Municipalities (§ 8-423-1 to 8-423-7)

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.