The Administrative History following each Rule gives the date on which the Rule was originally file d and its effective date, as well as the date on which any amendment or repeal was filed and its effective date. Principal abbreviations used in the Administrative History are as follows:

f. -- filed

eff. -- effective

R. -- Rule (Abbreviated only at the beginning of the control number)

Ch. -- Chapter (Abbreviated only at the beginning of the control number)

ER. -- Emergency Rule Rev. - Revised

Note: Emergency Rules are listed in each Rule's Administrative History by Emergency Rule number, date file d and effective date. The Emergency Rule will be in effect for 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter superseding this Emergency Rule is adopted, as specified by the Agency.

Emergency Rule 681-1-0.1-.01 entitled "Organization of Board" has been adopted. Filed August 7, 1995, effective August 2, 1995, to remain in effect for a period of 120 days or until the effective date of a permanent Rule covering the same subject matter is adopted superseding this Emergency Rule, as specified by the Agency. Said Emergency Rule was adopted to provide for procedures for a quorum for division meetings. (Said Emergency Rule will not be published; copies may be obtained from the Agency.)

Chapters 681-1 entitle d "Definitions", 681-2 entitle d "Organization",681-3 entitled "Licensing", 681-4 entitle d "Dealer License Plates"681-5 entitled "Changes", 681-6 entitled "Established Place of Business", 681-7 entitled "Procedural Rules", 681-8 entitled "Fees",681-9 entitled "Licensees to Comply With All Laws", 681-10 entitled "Records",681-11 entitled "Seminar", 681-12 entitled "Applicants",681-13 entitled "Continuing Education", 681-14 entitled "Criminal Offenses", 681-15 entitled "Reasonable Accommodations for Differently Able Applicants and Licensees", 681-16 entitled "Schedule of Fines", have been adopted. Filed December 8, 1995; effective December 28, 1995.

Rules 681-13-.02, 681-14-.09 and 681-16-.01 have been amended. F. September 6, 1996; effective September 26, 1996.

Rule 681-16-.01 has been amended. Filed Ma y 15, 1998; effective June 4, 1998.

Rules 681-14-.09 and 681-16-.01 have been amended. Filed September 16, 1998; effective October 6, 1998.

Rule 681-11-.02 has been repealed, new Rule, same title adopted. Rule 681-11-.03 has been repealed; New Rule entitled "Annual Review and Termination of Approval" adopted. File d April 18, 2001; effective May 8, 2001.

Rule 681-3-.03 has been repealed. New Rule entitle d "Supplemental Licenses and Temporary Sites" has been adopted. Filed September 25, 2001; effective October 15, 2001.

Rule 681-1-.01 has been amended. Rule 681-13-.02 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. File d July 17, 2006; effective August 6, 2006.

Rules 681-1-.01, 681-6-.01, and 681-16-.01 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Filed December 6, 2006; effective December 26, 2006.

Rule 681-3-.05 has been repealed and a new Rule adopted. Filed January 17, 2007; effective February 6, 2007.

Rules 681-2-.01, 681-3-.01, and .03 have been repealed and new Rules adopted. Filed November 30, 2007; effective December 20, 2007.

Rules 681-3-.01, 681-5-.02, .03, 681-8-.01, 681-11-.02, 681-12-.01, .02, 681-13-.01 to .03 have been amended. Rule 681-9-.02 has been adopted. Filed March 23, 2009; effective April 12, 2009.

Rule 681-12-.06 adopted. F. Oct. 13, 2017; eff. Nov. 2, 2017.


Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. dept. 681, ADMINISTRATIVE HISTORY

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.

No prior version found.