Rule 210.
(1) A
person shall not operate any emission units located at a
stationary source
required to obtain a renewable operating
permit under
R 336.1211, except in compliance
with all applicable terms and conditions of a renewable operating
unless a timely and administratively complete
application for a renewable
permit has been received by the
department in accordance with the
provisions of this rule.
The ability to operate the emission units at a stationary
source while a timely and administratively complete application is being
reviewed and acted upon by the department shall be referred to as the
"application shield." The application shield provided by this subrule shall not
apply if an application submittal is not timely under the applicable provision
of subrules (4) to (10) of this rule, administratively complete under subrule
(2) of this rule, or an additional information submittal is not timely or
complete under subrule (3) of this rule. The loss of the application shield
after the applicable time specified in this rule for a person to have filed a
timely and administratively complete application for a renewable operating
permit is grounds for enforcement action under the act. Any enforcement action
pursuant to loss of the application shield shall consider the time period
between the applicable deadline and when a person actually submits the required
administratively complete application or additional information.
(2) An
application submittal,
including an
application submittal for renewal or
modification of a renewable
permit, shall be considered an administratively complete
if it contains reasonable responses to all requests for information in the
permit application form required by the
department and a
certification by a
responsible official which states that, based on information and belief formed
after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the
application are
true, accurate, and complete. The
application form required by the
shall be consistent with the requirements of section 5507 of the
act, except as
provided for under
336.1218. The
application form shall also require a
certification of compliance with all applicable requirements, a statement of
methods used for determining compliance, including a description of monitoring,
recordkeeping and reporting requirements, and test methods, and a statement
indicating the
stationary source's compliance status with any applicable
enhanced monitoring and compliance
certification requirements of the
clean air
act. All of the following provisions apply to the administrative completeness
of an
application for a renewable operating
(a) The
department shall notify the
who submitted the
application for a renewable operating
permit and the
responsible official, in writing, regarding the administrative completeness of
application submittal. If the
application submittal is considered not to be
an administratively complete
application by the
department, then the
notification shall specify the deficiency and all supplemental materials
required for an administratively complete
application. A
person's response to a
notification by the
department of the incompleteness of an
application shall
include all of the supplemental materials requested by the
department in the
notification and a
certification by the
responsible official which states that,
based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements
and information in the response are true, accurate, and complete. All of the
following provisions apply to
department notification:
(i) If the
department fails to notify a
person that an
application submittal, including the submittal of any
supplemental materials requested by the
department under this subdivision, is
not administratively complete by the following deadlines, then the submittal
shall be considered an administratively complete
application as of the date the
department received the submittal or the supplemental materials, whichever is
(A) Within 60 days of the date the
department receives the submittal, if the submittal is received on the paper
forms specified by the department.
(B) Within 15 days of the date the department
receives the submittal, if the submittal is received in an electronic format
specified by the department.
(ii) If a person submits all of the
supplemental materials identified in a notification from the department under
this subrule, then the application shall be considered administratively
(iii) Except as provided
in paragraph (i) of this subdivision, the date the department receives all
information required for an administratively complete application, including
all supplemental materials requested by the department under this subdivision,
shall be the date of receipt of the administratively complete
(b) Any
person who fails to submit any relevant facts or who has submitted incorrect
information in an application for a renewable operating permit, including an
application for renewal or modification of a renewable operating permit, shall,
upon becoming aware of the failure or incorrect submittal, promptly submit all
supplementary facts or corrected information. Each submittal of any relevant
facts or corrected information shall include a certification by a responsible
official which states that, based on information and belief formed after
reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the submittal are true,
accurate, and complete.
(c) A
person shall promptly provide any additional information necessary for an
administratively complete
application for any applicable requirements to which
stationary source becomes subject after the date that the
person submitted
the administratively complete
application, but before release of a draft
renewable operating
permit for public participation under
336.1214(3). Each submittal of any
additional information shall include a
certification by the
official which states that, based on information and belief formed after
reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the submittal are true,
accurate, and complete.
(3) After an
application for a renewable
permit has been determined by the
department to be administratively
complete, the
department may require additional information, including
information that was not requested on the
application form. For the purpose of
this subrule, additional information means information necessary to evaluate or
take final action on the
application, information needed to determine the
applicability of any lawful requirement, information needed to enforce any
lawful requirement, information needed to address any applicable requirements
to which the
stationary source becomes subject after the date that the
submitted the administratively complete
application, but before release of a
draft renewable operating
permit for public participation under
336.1214(3), or information needed to
evaluate the amount of the annual air quality fee for the
stationary source. A
person's response to a request for additional information by the
shall include all of the information requested by the
department in the request
and a
certification by a
responsible official which states that, based on
information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and
information in the response are true, accurate, and complete. The
person who
submitted the
application for a renewable operating
permit for a
source shall furnish, within 30 days of the date of the request, any additional
information requested, in writing, by the
department, except as follows:
(a) A 30-day extension for a response shall
be granted if the person requests that extension, in writing, during the
initial 30-day time period.
(b) The
person may request a longer time period, in writing, specifying the reasons why
60 days was not reasonable for submitting the requested information.
(c) The
department shall provide written
notice to the
person of the date of expiration of any time period for submittal
of all requested additional information as a part of any request for additional
information or upon granting a request for an extension.
Failure to submit additional information that has been
requested in writing by the department by the expiration of the time period
specified for response results in the loss of the application shield specified
in subrule (1) of this rule.
(4) For a
stationary source that is or
becomes a major
source, as defined by
R 336.1211(1)(a)(i) to
(iii), an administratively complete
application shall be considered timely if it is received by the
department not
more than 12 months after the
stationary source commences operation as a major
source or otherwise becomes subject to the requirements to obtain a renewable
permit as a major
source. For the purposes of this subrule,
commencing operation as a major
source occurs upon commencement of
operation of the
new or modified
emission unit that increased the
potential to
emit of the
stationary source to more than or equal to the applicable major
source definition specified in
(5) For a
stationary source that is not a
source under
R 336.1211(1)(a),
but is otherwise subject to the requirements of this rule under
R 336.1211(1)(b), (c), (f), or
(g), an administratively complete
for a renewable operating
permit is considered timely if it is received by the
department within 12 months of that
stationary source becoming subject,
pursuant to any federal regulations, including the following, to the
requirement to obtain a renewable operating
40 C.F.R. §
70.5(a)(1)(ii) as it
pertains to part C or D of title 1 of the
clean air act.
(c) A
source category designated by the
administrator under
C.F.R. §
(d) Specified
source categories in 40 C.F.R.
63, adopted by reference under
(6) For a
stationary source that is not a
source under
R 336.1211(1)(a),
but is otherwise subject to the requirements of this rule under
R 336.1211(1)(d),
an administratively complete
application for a renewable operating
permit is
considered timely if it is received by the
department by the following
applicable deadline:
(a) Thirty-six months
after the promulgation of a performance standard under sections 129(a) and 111
of the clean air act applicable to a category of solid waste incineration
(b) Twelve months after
becoming subject to the requirement to obtain a renewable operating permit
pursuant to the federal regulations promulgated pursuant to section 129(a) of
the clean air act or the timelines set by applicable federal or state plans
required under section 129(b) of the clean air act.
(7) For a
stationary source that is not a
source under
R 336.1211(1)(a) or
otherwise subject to 40 C.F.R. part
70, but is subject to the requirements of
this rule under
R 336.1211(1)(e),
an administratively complete
application for a renewable operating
permit is
considered timely if it is received by the
department by the following:
(a) November 1, 1998 for sources subject to
federal regulations under 40 C.F.R. part
62, subpart GGG.
(b) Within 12 months after the date the
amended design capacity report is due, for sources subject to federal
regulations under 40 C.F.R. part
62, subpart GGG that increase their design
capacity to equal or exceed 2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 million cubic meters
by a change that is not a
modification or
reconstruction, pursuant to
40 C.F.R. §
62.14352(e) and §
(c) Within 15 months
after commencing
modification, or
reconstruction for sources
subject to federal regulations under 40 C.F.R. part
60, subpart WWW with a
design capacity greater than or equal to 2.5 million megagrams and 2.5 million
cubic meters, pursuant to
C.F.R. §
60.752(c) and
§ 70.5(a)(1)(i), adopted by reference under
(d) Reserved.
(8) For a
stationary source that is an
source under
R 336.1211(1)(b)
and title IV of the
clean air act, an administratively complete
application for
an initial acid rain
permit is considered timely if it is submitted in
accordance with the timelines in 40 C.F.R. part
72, subpart C, acid rain
applications, adopted by reference under
(9) For renewal of a renewable operating
permit, an administratively complete application is considered timely if it is
received by the department not more than 18 months, but not less than 6 months,
before the expiration date of the current renewable operating permit.
(10) For modifications to a renewable
permit, an administratively complete
application is considered timely
if it is received by the
department in accordance with the time frames
specified in
R 336.1216.
(11) Failure to operate in compliance with
all terms and conditions of an operating permit is grounds for enforcement
action under the act, permit revocation or revision, or denial of a permit
renewal application.
(12) Failure
to halt or reduce an activity when necessary to comply with an operating permit
is grounds for enforcement action.
(13) Submittal of a complete
application for
a renewable operating
permit does not supersede or affect any requirements to
obtain a
permit to install under
(14) A person who submits information to the
department as a part of an application for a renewable operating permit under a
claim of confidentiality, consistent with the requirements of the freedom of
information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL
shall submit a copy of the information directly to the United States
environmental protection agency.
(15) The department shall take final action
on each administratively complete application for a renewable operating permit,
including an application for permit renewal, within 18 months after the date of
receipt by the department of an administratively complete