Mich. Admin. Code R. 336.1214 - Approval of renewable operating permit
Rule 214.
(1) After
the department has received an administratively complete application and all
additional information requested by the department pursuant to
336.1210(3) for a renewable operating
permit , significant modification to a renewable operating permit , or the
renewal of a renewable operating permit , the department shall prepare a draft
permit and a report that sets forth the applicable requirements and factual
basis for the draft permit terms and conditions. The report shall include
citations of the applicable requirements, an explanation of any equivalent
requirements or other changes included in the draft permit pursuant to
336.1213(2), and any determination
made pursuant to
336.1213(6)(a)(ii) regarding
requirements that are not applicable to the stationary source where the draft
permit contains only a summary of the determination.
(2) The person who applied for the renewable
operating permit shall be provided with a reasonable period of time, between 7
and 30 days, to review and comment on the draft renewable operating permit ,
draft renewable operating permit significant modification , or draft renewable
operating permit renewal before the start of the public participation procedure
specified in subrule (3) of this rule. If the person and the department cannot
agree on the terms and conditions of the draft renewable operating permit , the
terms and conditions that the department believes are necessary to comply with
the requirements of
336.1213 shall be incorporated into the draft
renewable operating permit and the report required by subrule (1) of this rule
shall include a discussion of the person 's objections.
(3) Except for modifications qualifying for
administrative permit amendment procedures pursuant to
R 336.1216(1) or
minor permit modification procedures pursuant to
R 336.1216(2), the
draft renewable operating permit , draft renewable operating permit
modification , or the draft renewable operating permit renewal shall be
subjected to the following public participation procedure before the department
submits a proposed renewable operating permit to the United States
environmental protection agency for review pursuant to subrule (6) of this
(a) The department shall provide public
notice by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where
the stationary source is located or in a state publication designed to give
general public notice. Notice shall also be provided to persons on a mailing
list maintained by the department , including persons who request, in writing,
to be on that list, and to any person who requests, in writing, to be notified
of a permit action involving a specific stationary source .
(b) The notice shall set forth all of the
following information:
(i) The name of the
stationary source .
(ii) The name
and mailing address of the responsible official .
(iii) The mailing address of the
department .
(iv) The activity or
activities involved in the proposed permit action.
(v) The emissions change involved in any
permit modification .
(vi) The name,
address, and telephone number of a representative of the department from whom
interested persons may obtain additional information, including copies of the
draft permit , the report required under subrule (1) of this rule, and, to the
extent provided by the freedom of information act , 1976 PA 442, MCL
the application and any other materials available to the department that are
relevant to the permit decision.
(vii) A brief description of the procedures
to submit comments.
(viii) The time
and place of any hearing that may be held, including a statement of the
procedures to request a hearing, unless a hearing has already been
(c) The
department shall provide not less than 30 days for public comment and shall
give notice of any public hearing not less than 30 days in advance of the
(d) The department shall
keep a record of the commenters and the issues raised during the public
participation process and the records shall be available to the
(4) The
department shall give notice of each draft permit to any affected state on or
before the time that the department provides notice to the public pursuant to
subrule (3) of this rule, unless
R 336.1216(2)
requires the timing of the notice to be different. The department shall notify
the administrator of the United States environmental protection agency and any
affected state , in writing, of any refusal by the department to accept all
recommendations for the proposed permit that the affected state submitted
during the public comment period specified in subrule (3)(c) of this rule. The
notice shall include the department 's reasons for not accepting any
recommendation. The department is not required to accept recommendations that
are not based on applicable requirements.
(5) After the completion of the public
participation procedure specified in subrule (3) of this rule and the review by
affected states specified in subrule (4) of this rule, the department shall
prepare a proposed renewable operating permit , proposed renewable operating
permit significant modification , or proposed renewable operating permit
renewal. If the proposed renewable operating permit differs from the draft
renewable operating permit in response to substantial and relevant comments
from the public or affected states , the person who applied for the renewable
operating permit shall be provided with a reasonable period of time, between 7
and 30 days, to review and comment on the changes before the transmittal of the
proposed renewable operating permit to the United States environmental
protection agency for review. If the person and the department cannot agree on
the changes to the proposed renewable operating permit , the changes that the
department believes are necessary to comply with the requirements of
336.1213 shall be incorporated into the proposed
renewable operating permit and the person 's objections shall be included in the
information transmitted to the United States environmental protection agency
for review.
(6) Except as provided
40 C.F.R. §
70.8(a)(1) and (2), adopted
by reference in
336.1902, and as provided in
336.1210(14), the department shall
transmit a copy of each administratively complete application for a renewable
operating permit , including any application for a significant modification to a
renewable operating permit or for renewal of a renewable operating permit , all
additional information submitted pursuant to
336.1210(3), the report prepared
pursuant to subrule (1) of this rule, and the proposed renewable operating
permit to the United States environmental protection agency. The department
shall not take a final action to issue a renewable operating permit until 45
days after the United States environmental protection agency has received all
the information specified in this subrule and subrule (4) of this rule. If the
administrator of the United States environmental protection agency objects, in
writing, to the renewable operating permit before the end of the 45-day review
period specified in this subrule, the department shall not issue the renewable
operating permit until the administrator 's objection has been resolved. The
department shall follow the procedure specified in
40 C.F.R. §
70.8(c), adopted by
reference in
336.1902, to resolve the objection. The application
shield provided by
336.1210(1) shall continue to apply
to the stationary source , consistent with the provisions of
336.1210, until the department takes final action on
the renewable operating permit .
The department shall make a final decision to issue or deny a renewable
operating permit , a significant modification to a renewable operating permit ,
or the renewal of a renewable operating permit after completion of the review
by the United States environmental protection agency specified in subrule (6)
of this rule. The final renewable operating permit shall contain all terms and
conditions determined by the department to be necessary pursuant to
336.1213, after consideration of all comments received
during public participation pursuant to subrule (3) of this rule and affected
state review pursuant to subrule (4) of this rule, including any terms and
conditions necessary to resolve any objection by the administrator of the
United States environmental protection agency pursuant to subrule (6) of this
rule. The department shall transmit a copy of each final renewable operating
permit to the United States environmental protection agency. A person aggrieved
by the issuance, denial, modification , or renewal of a renewable operating
permit may appeal the final decision as provided in section 5506(14) of the
act .
(8) Any person may petition
the administrator of the United States environmental protection agency to make
an objection regarding a renewable operating permit pursuant to
40 C.F.R. §
70.8(d), adopted by
reference in
336.1902. The petition shall be filed within 60 days
after the expiration of the administrator 's 45-day review period specified in
subrule (6) of this rule and
40 C.F.R. §
70.8(c), adopted by
reference in
336.1902. The petition shall be based only on an
objection to the renewable operating permit that was raised with reasonable
specificity during the public comment period provided for in subrule (3)(c) of
this rule, unless the petitioner demonstrates that it was impracticable to
raise the objection during the public comment period or unless the grounds for
the objection arose after the public comment period. A petition for review does
not stay the effectiveness of a renewable operating permit or its requirements
if the renewable operating permit was issued after the end of the 45-day review
period and before the department received an objection by the administrator . If
the administrator of the United States environmental protection agency objects
to the renewable operating permit as a result of a petition filed pursuant to
40 C.F.R. §
70.8(d), adopted by
reference in
336.1902, before the department has issued the
renewable operating permit , the department shall not issue the renewable
operating permit until the administrator 's objection has been resolved. The
application shield provided by
336.1210(1) shall continue to apply
to the stationary source , consistent with the provisions of
336.1210, until the department takes final action on
the renewable operating permit . If the administrator of the United States
environmental protection agency objects to the renewable operating permit as a
result of a petition filed pursuant to
40 C.F.R. §
70.8(d) after the department
has issued the renewable operating permit , the department shall follow the
procedure specified in
40 C.F.R.
70.7(g), adopted by
reference in
336.1902, to resolve the objection.
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
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