Mich. Admin. Code R. 400.1404 - Licensee, responsible person, and member of the household; qualifications
Rule 4.
(1) A
licensee and responsible person shall not be less than 18 years of
(2) A responsible person shall
be other than a resident .
(3) A
licensee or responsible person shall possess all of the following
(a) Be of good moral
character to provide for the care and welfare of the residents.
(b) Be suitable to meet the physical,
emotional, social, and intellectual needs of each resident .
(c) Be capable of appropriately handling
emergency situations.
(4) A licensee shall have sufficient
financial resources to provide for the adequate care of the family and
(5) All responsible
persons and members of the household shall be of good moral character and
suitable temperament to assure the welfare of residents.
(6) A licensee shall provide the department
with the name of any person providing care for a resident or member of the
household who is on a court-supervised probation or parole or who has been
convicted of a felony within the 5-year period before providing resident
(7) A licensee shall require
all members of the household and responsible persons who have been released
from a public or private psychiatric hospital for less than 1 year to provide a
written statement verifying the person 's personal fitness to care for or be
associated with a resident . The statement shall be obtained from the medical or
administrative director of the public or private psychiatric hospital and shall
be made available to the department .
(8) A licensee shall have an arrangement with
a responsible person who is available to provide care in an emergency situation
for up to 72 hours.
(9) A licensee ,
responsible person , or member of the household shall not be the legal guardian
of a resident living in the home , except where a person is a relative or where
the guardianship relationship existed before the promulgation of these
rules .
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.