Mich. Admin. Code R. 400.1438 - Emergency preparedness; evacuation plan; emergency transportation
Rule 38.
(1) A
licensee shall have an evacuation plan and written procedures to be followed in
case of fire, medical emergency, or severe weather emergency. Residents who
require special assistance shall be identified in the written
(2) The evacuation plan
and emergency procedures shall be prominently posted in the home.
(3) A telephone shall be available and
accessible in the home. Emergency telephone numbers, including fire, police,
physician, health agency, and ambulance, shall be conspicuously posted
immediately adjacent to the telephone.
(4) Fire drills shall be conducted 4 times a
year. Two of the 4 required fire drills shall be conducted during sleeping
hours. A record of the fire drills shall be incorporated with the evacuation
(5) A licensee shall assure
that residents and all occupants of the home are familiar, to the best of their
ability, with the evacuation plan and emergency procedures.
(6) A licensee shall assure emergency
transportation through the use of an ambulance service or a vehicle owned or in
the possession of the licensee or responsible person.
(7) This rule shall only apply to those adult
foster care family homes licensed or proposed to be licensed after March 27,
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
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