"Airport" means any airport certified by the federal aviation administration
and open to the public without prior permission and without restrictions within
the physical capabilities of the available facilities.
(2) "Alteration" means a change
to a facility from the requirements
specified in the facility's authorizing document
that is at least
equivalent to rule requirements
, other than
and requires written concurrence by Ohio EPA. An
alteration is not a "modification
as that term is defined in rule
3745-27-02 of
the Administrative Code, which requires written concurrence by Ohio
[Comment: If the change is not equivalent to rule requirements,
approval through a permit, variance, or exemption would be necessary.]
(3) "Animal waste" means animal
excreta, bedding, wash waters, waste feed, and silage drainage.
(3) "Applicant" means any person who has applied for a
registration certificate, permit to install, an alternative infectious waste
treatment technology approval, or an operating license in accordance with
Chapter 3745-27, 3745-29, 3745-30, or 3745-37 of the Administrative
(4) "Aquifer" means
a consolidated or unconsolidated
geologic formation
geological units, formations, or series of
units or formations that are hydraulically
interconnected and that have the ability to receive, store,
or transmit
, and
yield water to wells or springs.
(5) "Aquifer system"
means one or more geological units or formations that are wholly or partially
saturated with water and are able to
store, transmit, and yield significant amounts of water to wells or
(6) "Assets" means all existing and all probable
future economic benefits obtained or controlled by a particular
(7) "Authorized maximum daily waste receipt" means the
maximum amount of solid waste a solid waste disposal facility may receive at
the gate in any calendar day. The waste receipt limit shall be expressed in
tons per day for facilities utilizing scales or
cubic yards per day at the gate for all other facilities. The
conversion factor between tons and cubic yards shall be one ton to three cubic
yards unless the solid waste is baled, in which case a one-ton to
one-cubic-yard conversion factor shall be used.
(1) "Closed unit" means any unit of
a sanitary landfill facility for which the owner or operator is required to
complete, or has completed, all closure activities in accordance with rule
of the Administrative Code.
(1) "Commingled yard
waste" means yard waste that has been commingled with other solid wastes.
Commingled yard waste does include containerized source-separated yard waste
including, but not limited to, yard waste in paper or plastic bags where such
bags are commingled with other solid wastes.
(2) "Composting" means
the process of biological decomposition of solid wastes under controlled
conditions resulting in compost. Controlled conditions include but are not
limited to
grinding, shredding, piling, physical
turning, aerating, adding moisture, or other processing of solid
the following:
feedstocks, bulking agents, and additives.
procedures to achieve human pathogen reduction.
Other processing
of solid wastes.
(3) "Composting
facility" means a site, location, tract of land, installation, or building used
for composting of solid waste in accordance with Chapter 3734. of the Revised
Code and rules adopted thereunder.
The composting
facility includes the area of materials placement and any leachate management
system structures.
(4) "Current assets"
means cash or other assets or resources commonly identified as those
that are
reasonably expected to be realized in cash or sold or consumed during the
normal operating cycle of the business.
(5) "Current
corrective measures cost estimate" means the most recent of the estimates
prepared in accordance with rule
of the Administrative Code.
(6) "Current
final closure cost estimate" or "current
closure cost estimate" means the most recent of the estimates prepared in
accordance with rule
3745-27-24, 3745-27-53, 3745-27-61,
3745-27-63, 3745-27-66, or 3745-27-73 of the Administrative Code.
(8) "Current transporter cost
estimate" means the most recent of the estimates prepared in accordance with
of the Administrative Code.
(7) "Current
liabilities" means obligations whose liquidation is reasonably expected to
require either the use of existing resources properly classifiable as current
assets or the creation of other current liabilities.
(8) "Current
post-closure care cost estimate" means the most recent of the estimates
prepared in accordance with rule
of the Administrative Code.
(1) "Incinerator" means any equipment,
machine, device, article, contrivance, structure, or part of a structure used
to burn solid or infectious wastes to ash.
(2) "Independently audited" refers to an
audit performed by an independent certified public accountant in accordance
with generally accepted accounting standards, or for a publicly-owned facility,
an equivalent comprehensive audit performed by the auditor of the state of Ohio
pursuant to Chapter 117. of the Revised Code.
(3) "Industrial solid waste"
is defined
has the
same meaning as in rule
3745-29-01 of the
Administrative Code.
"Industrial solid waste landfill facility"
has the same meaning as in rule
3745-29-01 of the
Administrative Code.
"Infectious agent" means a type of microorganism, pathogen, virus, or
proteinaceous infectious particle that can cause or significantly contribute to
disease in or death of human beings.
(6) "Infectious wastes" means any wastes or
combination of wastes that include
the following:
and stocks of infectious agents and associated biologicals
, human blood and blood products, and substances that were
or are likely to have been exposed to or contaminated with or are likely to
transmit an infectious agent or zoonotic agent, including the
Human blood and
blood products.
Substances that were or are likely to have been exposed
to or contaminated with or are likely to transmit an infectious agent or
zoonotic agent, including the following:
(i) Laboratory
(ii) Pathological
, including human and animal tissues, organs,
body parts, and body fluids and excreta that are contaminated with or are
likely to be contaminated with infectious agents or zoonotic
(iii) Animal blood and
blood products
(iv) Animal carcasses
and parts
(v) Waste materials from the rooms of humans
, or the enclosures of animals
, that have been isolated because of
a diagnosed communicable disease that are likely
to transmit infectious
or zoonotic agents.
Also included are waste
Waste materials from the rooms of
humans do not include any wastes of patients who
have been placed on blood and body fluid precautions under the
universal precaution system
"Universal Precaution System" established by the
centers for
disease control in the public
health service of the United States department of health and human services,
specific wastes generated under the universal precautions system have been
identified as infectious wastes
by rules referred to
under paragraph
(I)(6)(c)(vii) of this rule
Sharp wastes used in the treatment, diagnosis, or inoculation of human beings
or animals.;
(vii) Any other waste
materials generated in the diagnosis, treatment, or immunization of human
beings or animals, in research pertaining thereto, or in the production
or testing
of biologicals, that the
director of health
created in section 3701.33 of the Revised Code, by rules adopted in
accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, identifies as infectious
wastes after determining that the wastes present a substantial threat to human
health when improperly managed because they are contaminated with, or are
likely to be contaminated with, infectious agents.
As used in this rule, "blood products" does not include
patient care waste such as bandages or disposable gowns that are lightly soiled
with blood or other body fluids unless those wastes are soiled to the extent
that the generator of the wastes determines that they should be managed as
infectious wastes.
(d) Any other waste
materials the generator designates as infectious waste.
Patient care waste such as bandages,
disposable gowns, or permeable materials that are lightly soiled with blood or
other body fluids are not considered an infectious waste unless those wastes
are soiled to the extent that the generator of the wastes determines that the
materials should be managed as infectious wastes.
(7) "Infectious waste handling
area" means any area where infectious wastes are stored, loaded, unloaded,
prepared for treatment, or treated. Infectious waste handling areas also
include areas where vehicles or containers are decontaminated, areas where
transportation of infectious wastes within the facility premises occurs, and
areas where treated infectious wastes are unloaded, stored, and
(8) "Infectious waste
treatment unit" or "treatment unit" means the apparatus responsible for the
attainment of the performance standard for treatment and for the reduction in
microorganisms that is part of the treatment process. A free standing shredder
or grinder is not considered a treatment unit.
[Comment: If the treatment process is contained within a
single, enclosed piece of equipment, then
the treatment unit and treatment process are considered one and the
(9) "Interim slope"
means the slope of a landfill as a result of daily filling or when a phase,
, or unit has reached its limits and includes
but is not limited to daily cover, intermediate cover, transitional cover,
waste, the composite liner system
, and the
(10) "Internal slope"
means the slope as excavated or constructed and includes but is not limited to
the leachate collection layer, protective material, select waste, composite
liner system
, and the subsurface.
"Occupied structure"
is defined in rule
of the Administrative Code.
means an enclosed
structure where one or more human beings may be present, except those
structures that are open to natural free air circulation such that an explosive
gas hazard is minimized.
"Open burning" means the burning of solid wastes in an open area or burning of
solid wastes in a type of chamber or vessel that is not approved or authorized
in rules adopted by the director under section
3734.02 of the Revised Code or,
if the solid wastes consist of scrap tires, in rules adopted by the director
under section 3734.73 of the Revised Code, or
the burning of treated or untreated infectious wastes in an open area or vessel
that is not approved in rules adopted by the director under section
3734.021 of the Revised
(3) "Open dump" means a site
where solid wastes or untreated infectious wastes have been disposed without a
(4) "Open dumping" means
the following:
(a) The deposition of solid
wastes, other than scrap tires, into waters of the state,
and also means
or the final deposition of solid wastes on or into the
ground at any place other than a solid waste facility operated in accordance
with Chapter 3734. of the Revised Code, and Chapters 3745-27, 3745-29, 3745-30,
and 3745-37 of the Administrative Code.
(b) The deposition of solid wastes that
consist of scrap tires
on or into
the following:
of the state, and also means the final deposition of scrap tires on or into
The ground
at any place other than a scrap tire collection, storage, monofill, monocell,
or recovery facility licensed under section
3734.81 of the Revised Code,
or at a site or in a manner not
specifically identified
specified in division (C)(2), (C)(3), (C)(4), (C)(5),
(C)(9), or (C)(10) of section
3734.85 of the Revised Code,
or at any licensed solid waste facility if
the deposition is not in accordance
Chapters 3745-27 and 3745-37 of the Administrative Code
, or at a site or in a manner not in compliance with rule
of the Administrative Code.
At any licensed
solid waste facility if the deposition is not in accordance with Chapters
3745-27 and 3745-37 of the Administrative Code.
The deposition of solid wastes that consist of scrap
tires in buildings
Buildings, trailers,
or other vehicles at locations other than a scrap tire transporter's registered
business location, a licensed scrap tire facility, or an unregistered scrap
tire facility operating in accordance with
and 3745-27-61 of the Administrative Code
(such as pre-positioned trailers in accordance with
paragraph (C)(8) of rule
of the Administrative Code) for longer than fourteen days.
The scrap
Scrap tires in trailers or vehicles shall be
considered open dumped unless written prior
notification is given to the local health department and
authorization is granted by Ohio EPA
allows the vehicle or trailer
have mechanical repairs
that will take longer than fourteen days to complete
and that the repairs are being completed in a timely
[Comment: An unregistered scrap tire
facility operating in accordance with rule
of the Administrative Code includes trailers pre-positioned in accordance with
paragraph (C) (8) of rule
of the Administrative Code.]
(c) The deposition of
untreated or treated infectious wastes into waters of the state,
and also means
or the final deposition of untreated infectious wastes
on or into the ground at any place other than a licensed solid waste facility
operated in accordance with Chapter 3734. of the Revised Code, and Chapters
3745-27 and 3745-37 of the Administrative Code.
(5) "Operator" or "facility operator" means
the person responsible for the on-site supervision of technical operations and
maintenance of a solid or infectious waste facility, or any parts thereof,
which may affect the performance of the facility and its potential
environmental impact
, or any person who has
authority to make discretionary decisions concerning the daily operations of
the solid or infectious waste facility. "Operator" also means the person
responsible for the supervision of technical operations of a scrap tire
transportation business.
"Original scrap tire generator" or
"original owner" means the person or business who purchased a new,
retread, or used tire for use on a wheel or rim. Original
scrap tire generator or original owner does
not include anyone who has accepted a tire other than a new or retreaded tire,
for the purposes of transportation, collection, storage, processing, or
(7) "Owner" or "property
owner" means the person who holds title to the property on which the solid
waste facility, infectious waste treatment facility, or scrap tire
transportation business is located.
(1) "Salvaging" means the extracting or
removing of materials from the solid waste stream at the working face of a
solid waste disposal facility for the intended purpose of recycling or for
removal to a salvage facility regulated by Chapter 4737. of the Revised Code
and rules promulgated thereunder.
(2) "Sand or gravel pit" means an excavation
resulting from a mining operation where the removal of sand or gravel is
undertaken for commercial sale or use in another location. This term does not
include excavations of sand or gravel resulting from the construction of the
sanitary landfill facility.
"Sandstone quarry" means an excavation resulting from a mining operation where
sandstone is the principal material excavated for commercial sale or use in
another location. This term does not include excavations of sandstone resulting
from the construction of a sanitary landfill facility.
(4) "Sanitary landfill facility"
or "solid waste landfill" means an engineered
facility where the final deposition of solid waste on or into the ground is
practiced in accordance with Chapter 3745-27, 3745-29 or 3745-30
, as appropriate
, and 3745-37 of the Administrative Code
, and includes the units within the limits of waste
placement, all ground water monitoring and control system structures,
buildings, explosive gas monitoring, control, and extraction system structures,
surface water run-on and runoff control structures, sedimentation ponds, liner
systems, and leachate management system structures. The sanitary landfill
facility includes all portions of the facility described above and those areas
within three hundred feet of the limits of waste placement unless an alternate
setback is deemed acceptable by the director. If the owner or operator has not
obtained approval of a permit to install, which delineates the setback from the
limits of waste placement, submitted in accordance with section
3734.05 of the Revised Code, the
sanitary landfill facility includes all portions of the facility described
above and those areas within three hundred feet of the limits of waste
placement unless the property line of the facility is less than three hundred
feet from the limits of waste placement, in which case the sanitary landfill
facility includes those areas within the property line.
(5) "Scavenging" means the removal by
unauthorized personnel of materials from the solid waste stream at waste
handling areas of a solid waste disposal facility or solid waste transfer
(6) "Scrap tire" is a
type of solid waste and means any unwanted or discarded tire, regardless of
size, that has been removed from its original use. "Scrap tire" includes all
whole scrap tires and pieces of scrap tires
that are readily
identifiable as parts of scrap tires by visual inspection.
For purposes of this definition, "unwanted" means the original
scrap tire generator, original owner, or
manufacturer of the tire no longer wants to use, or is unable to use, the tire for its original purpose, and
the tire is
. "Discarded" means the original scrap tire generator,
original owner, or manufacturer of the tire has otherwise managed the tire in
such a manner that disposal has occurred.
"Scrap tire" does not include the following:
(a) A tire after it has been retreaded or
regrooved for resale or reuse, unless it has been declared defective or has
been returned to the seller or manufacturer for warranty adjustment.
(b) A tire that is mounted and installed on a
vehicle or trailer, or carried on the vehicle or trailer as the spare tire.
Trucks with more than four wheels or with different size wheels or tires may
carry more than one spare tire.
For purposes of this definition,
"installed" means placing the mounted wheel and tire assembly at any of the
positions on a vehicle or trailer where a wheel and tire assembly was initially
placed on the vehicle or trailer during manufacture, and includes the position normally used for a spare
tire or tires.
For purposes of this definition,
"mounted" means placing a tire on a wheel rim so that it can be installed on a
vehicle. A mounted tire may be a scrap tire unless it is also installed.
(c) Tires from non-motorized
vehicles such as bicycles, or tires from small equipment such as lawn mowers,
wheelbarrows, etc.
[Comment: Tires from non-motorized vehicles may be recycled,
disposed of as scrap tires, or may be disposed of as solid waste.]
Only at
At a
retreading business, a retreadable casing
stored in
an enclosed building or stored in a manner otherwise authorized or exempted by
the director that
the retreading
business has
been inspected and
individually labeled or marked
the casing
as suitable for retreading
and is stored in an enclosed building or in a manner
otherwise authorized by the director.
(e) Tire derived fuel (TDF) or tire derived
chips (TDC) as defined in this rule after the TDF or TDC has been transported
from the scrap tire recovery facility for use as a fuel or for
an authorized beneficial use.
(f) Non-pneumatic, hard, pressed tires, such
as forklift tires.
"Scrap tire collection facility" means a type of facility for scrap tire
storage that meets the following:
The facility is
Is used for the receipt and storage of whole scrap
tires from the public prior to the transportation of the scrap tires to one of
the destinations listed in rule
of the Administrative Code.
The facility exclusively
Exclusively stores scrap tires in portable
aggregate storage of
the portable containers
in which
the scrap tires are stored
and the aggregate volume of
the portable containers does not exceed five thousand cubic feet.
[Comment: If the facility does not meet the above definition
for a scrap tire collection facility, then the facility may be a scrap tire
storage facility. If the facility includes any equipment for processing (e.g.
cutting or shredding equipment) the scrap tires to produce a usable product,
then the facility is a scrap tire recovery facility.]
(8) "Scrap tire facility"
is a generic term that includes but is not
limited to the following:
A scrap
tire collection facility
, scrap tire storage
facility, scrap tire recovery facility, scrap tire monofill facility, scrap
tire monocell facility, and scrap tire submergence facility as those terms are
defined in this rule.
A scrap tire storage facility.
A scrap tire
recovery facility.
A scrap tire monofill facility.
A scrap tire
monocell facility.
(9) "Scrap tire generator" means any person
or business that generates scrap tires.
Scrap tire generator includes the original scrap tire
generator, as defined in this rule, and any
business which
that removes tires from vehicles and accepts scrap
tires in the normal course of business,
such as
but not limited to tire retail dealers and tire retreaders.
[Comment: A scrap tire generator or original scrap tire
generator who stores more than one hundred scrap tires and who does not qualify
for one of the exclusions from registration in rule
or permitting in rule
of the Administrative Code may also be a scrap tire collection, storage, or
recovery facility.]
"Scrap tire handling area" means any area of a scrap tire collection, storage,
monocell, monofill, or recovery facility where scrap tires are stored, loaded,
unloaded, sorted, baled, shredded, prepared for processing, or otherwise
processed. A scrap tire handling area includes the scrap tire storage area but
does not include vehicle staging areas, vehicle storage areas, or buildings not
used for the processing or storage of scrap tires. Scrap tire handling area
also includes that portion of a scrap tire transporter's business location
where scrap tires are unloaded, sorted, and loaded.
(11) "Scrap tire monocell facility" means a
type of
," as that term is defined in this rule, that is
used or intended to be used exclusively for the environmentally sound storage
or disposal of scrap tires that have been shredded, chipped,
otherwise mechanically processed.
(12) "Scrap tire monofill facility" means a
type of "monofill," as that term is defined in this rule, that is
used or intended to be used exclusively for the environmentally sound storage
or disposal of scrap tires that have been shredded, chipped, or otherwise
mechanically processed.
(13) "Scrap
tire recovery facility" means any site, location, tract of land, installation,
or building that is used or intended to be used for the processing of scrap
tires for the purpose of extracting or producing usable products, materials, or
energy from the scrap tires. Processing includes but is not limited to
: a controlled combustion process, mechanical
process, thermal process, or chemical process that uses whole, split, or
shredded scrap tires as a raw material. Scrap tire recovery facility includes
any facility that uses the controlled combustion of scrap tires in a
manufacturing process to produce process heat or steam or any facility that
produces usable heat or electric power through the controlled combustion of
scrap tires in combination with another fuel.
scrap tire recovery facility"
means a type of scrap tire recovery facility owned or
operated by a person not otherwise licensed as a class I or class II scrap tire
recovery facility in Ohio and
means any
unit for processing tires
that is designed by the manufacturer for
the regular movement from one operating
site to another and which the owner or operator has used at more than one
location during the prior year. "Mobile scrap tire recovery facility"
specifically includes any tire cutting, baling, or shredding equipment that is
moved from site to site for the purpose of processing scrap tires into a
useable product at the site or before the scrap tires are removed from the
(b) A "class I scrap tire
recovery facility" means a scrap tire recovery facility with a permitted daily
design input capacity of two hundred tons of scrap tires
per day or greater.
(c) A "class II scrap tire recovery facility"
means a scrap tire recovery facility with a registered daily design input
capacity of less than two hundred tons of scrap tires
per day.
(14) "Scrap tire storage area" means
the part
of a premises including but not limited to
the scrap tire
collection, storage, or recovery facility where whole scrap tires are stored.
At a scrap tire recovery facility
, the scrap tire
storage area also
means that part
includes the portion of the premises where processed
scrap tires are stored.
(15) "Scrap
tire storage facility" means any facility where whole scrap tires are stored
prior to the scrap tires being transported to one of the destinations listed in
paragraph (D)(8) of rule
of the Administrative Code.
A "class I
scrap tire storage facility" means a scrap tire storage facility that has a
permitted capacity of
greater than ten thousand square feet
and limited to three acres of effective scrap
tire storage.
A "class II scrap tire storage
facility" means a scrap tire storage facility that has a registered capacity of
not greater than ten thousand square feet of effective scrap tire
A "class II scrap tire storage facility" means a scrap
tire storage facility that has a registered capacity of not greater than ten
thousand square feet of effective scrap tire storage.
[Comment: Division (C) of section
3734.71 of the Revised Code
specifies that the owner or operator of a class I scrap tire storage facility
must also be the owner or operator of a licensed scrap tire monocell, monofill,
or recovery facility in Ohio, or a solid waste or scrap tire monocell,
monofill, or recovery facility located in another state and operating in
compliance with the laws of that state.]
(16) "Scrap tire storage pile" means an area
where scrap tires are stored either indoors or outdoors on the floor, on the
ground, or in racks. The dimensions of a scrap tire storage pile are determined
by the location of fire breaks of at least the width specified in Chapter
3745-27 of the Administrative Code around the storage pile. A scrap tire
storage pile may consist of one or more separate racks. A scrap tire storage
pile may consist of a combination of racks
and on the floor
, or on
the ground
storage of scrap tires.
(17) "Scrap
tire submergence facility"
means a type of scrap tire monofill facility
and means a facility where
only whole scrap tires are submerged in water in an engineered
(18) "Scrap tire
transporter" or "transporter" means the registrant for
a scrap
tire transportation business or anyone in the registrant's employ who signs the
scrap tire shipping papers or operates the registrant's scrap tire
transportation vehicles.
"Seismic impact zone" means an area where the maximum horizontal acceleration
in lithified earth material exceeds
one-tenth of the acceleration of
(20) "Sewage sludge"
is defined in rule
of the Administrative Code.
includes but is not
limited to scum and solids removed in primary, secondary, or advanced
wastewater treatment processes. Sewage sludge does not include the
Ash generated during the firing of sewage sludge in a sewage
sludge incinerator.
Grit and screenings generated during preliminary
treatment of sewage in a treatment works.
Residue generated during the treatment of animal
Domestic septage.
(21) "Sharp objects" means any
object that has the potential to puncture or lacerate, including but not
limited to nails, sewing needles, straight pins, staples, metal screws, hard
plastic, glass, broken ceramics, and infectious waste "sharps."
(21) "Significant zone of saturation" means a zone of
saturation that may act as a preferential pathway of migration away from the
limits of solid waste placement.
(22) "Solid waste"
means such unwanted residual solid or semisolid
material, including but not limited to garbage, scrap tires, combustible and
noncombustible material, street dirt and debris, as results from industrial,
commercial, agricultural, and community operations, excluding earth or material
from construction, mining, or demolition operations, or other waste materials
of the type that normally would be included in demolition debris, nontoxic fly
ash and bottom ash, including at least ash that results from combustion of
coal, biomass fuels, and ash that results from the combustion of coal in
combination with scrap tires where scrap tires comprise not more than fifty per
cent of heat input in any month, spent nontoxic foundry sand, and slag and
other substances that are not harmful or inimical to public health, and
includes but is not limited to garbage, scrap tires, combustible and
noncombustible material, street dirt, and debris. Solid waste does not include
any material that is an infectious waste or a hazardous waste
has the same meaning as in section
3734.01 of the Revised
(23) "Solid waste disposal facility" means any site,
location, tract of land, installation, or building used for incineration,
composting, sanitary landfilling, or other approved methods of disposal of
solid wastes.
(24) "Solid waste energy recovery facility" means any
, location, tract of land, installation, or
building where mixed solid waste or select solid waste streams
, including scrap tires
are used as or
intended to be used as fuel to produce energy, heat,
or steam.
[Comment: A "solid waste energy recovery facility", which
exclusively uses scrap tires and other approved rubber waste as fuel, may be regulated as a "scrap tire recovery
(25) "Solid waste management district" means a county
that has
established a resolution, or joint counties which have entered into an
agreement, for the purposes of preparing, adopting, submitting, and
implementing a solid waste management plan for the county or joint counties and
for the purposes of providing for, or causing to be provided for, the safe and
sanitary management of solid wastes within all of the incorporated and
unincorporated territory of the county or joint counties and in compliance with
Chapters 343. and 3734. of the Revised Code.
(26) "Solid waste
management policy committee" means a committee established and convened by the
board of county commissioners of a county solid waste management district or
the board of directors of a joint solid waste management district to prepare
the solid waste management plan of the solid waste management district and in
compliance with division (B) of section
3734.54 of the Revised
(27) "Solid waste transfer facility" or "transfer
facility" means any site, location, tract of land, installation, or building
that is used or intended to be used primarily for the purpose of transferring
solid wastes that are generated off the premises of the facility from vehicles
or containers into other vehicles or containers for transportation to a solid
waste disposal facility. The term does not include any facility that consists
solely of portable containers that have an aggregate volume of fifty cubic
yards or less nor any facility where legitimate recycling activities are
conducted. The term does not include any facility that accepts scrap tires
other than scrap tires
that are accepted incidental to a mixed solid waste
(28) "Source-separated yard waste" means yard waste
that has been separated at the point of generation or at the point of
collection from other solid wastes. Source separation includes, but is not limited to, such measures as placing yard waste in portable
containers and compartments of portable containers dedicated to yard waste
collection, and in vehicles dedicated to yard waste collection.
"Surface water" means any water on the surface of the
(1) "Tangible net worth" means the tangible
assets that remain after deducting liabilities; such assets would not include
such intangibles as goodwill and rights to patents or royalties.
(2) "Tire
," for
purposes of fee collection only
is defined
has the
same meaning as in section
3734.90 of the Revised Code.
"Tire" and "scrap tire" as used in
Chapter 3745-27
of the Administrative Code and the definitions in this
are not restricted to motor vehicle tires but
include all
pneumatic tires.
[Comment: The definition of "tire" found in section
3734.90 of the Revised Code
applies only to the collection of the state fee on the sale of new tires by a
(3) "Tire
adjustment center" means a premises to which defective new tires and tires
returned for warranty adjustment are shipped for analysis of failure and final
(4) "Tire derived
fuel" (TDF) or "tire derived chips" (TDC) means a uniformly shredded product
obtained from whole tires where the maximum size of ninety-five per cent of the
less than four inches in any dimension. TDC may be used as a civil engineering
material or as feedstock for the manufacturing of crumb rubber or other tire
derived material.
TDC is defined using the ASTM
"Standard Practice for Use of Scrap Tires in Civil Engineering Applications,"
(D6270-98) (www.astm.org), section 3.1.29, for x-minus classified, size reduced
scrap tires.
[Comment: TDC is defined using the ASTM
"Standard Practice for Use of Scrap Tires in Civil Engineering Applications,"
(D6270-17) (www.astm.org
), section 3.1.29, for x-minus classified, size reduced
scrap tires.]
"Tire manufacturing finishing center" means premises where tires are
manufactured, inspected, and processed to either finished stock or
(6) "Tire retreading
business" means premises where scrap tires are recycled by processing the scrap
tires and
attaching a new tread to the used tire casing.
(7) "Tire sidewall" means the flat circular
part of a tire left after the tread has been cut away. Tire sidewall does not
include a bagel cut tire or any cut tire where a portion of the tread remains
attached to the sidewall.
"Treat" or "treatment"
when used in connection
for the purposes of infectious
, means any method, technique, or
process that renders the wastes noninfectious
that it is no longer an infectious waste and is no longer an infectious
substance as defined in applicable federal law, including
, without limitation,
not limited to steam sterilization and incineration
and, in the instance
. Treat or treatment of wastes identified in division
(R)(7) of section
3734.01 of the Revised Code, to
substantially reduce or eliminate the potential for the wastes to cause
lacerations or puncture wounds.