Ohio Admin. Code 901:10-1-01 - Definitions
As used in Chapters 901:10-1 to 901:10-6 of the Administrative Code, the definitions contained in Chapter 903. of the Revised Code and the following definitions are applicable:
(B) Administrator means the administrator of
the United States environmental protection agency.
(C) Agricultural drainage well means a class
five underground injection control well that receives or has the potential to
receive drainage from irrigation tail-waters, animal yards, feedlots or dairy
runoff and any related agricultural field runoff. An injection well is any
bored, drilled, or driven shaft or dug hole whose depth is greater than the
largest surface dimension.
Agricultural stormwater discharge means runoff generated by precipitation that
drains over terrain used for agriculture as defined in section
1.61 of the Revised Code that
conveys manure to waters of the state, provided that the manure has been
applied in accordance with site specific nutrient management practices that
ensure appropriate agricultural utilization of nutrients in manure in
compliance with the best management practices set forth in Chapter 901:10-2 of
the Administrative Code.
Agronomic rate means a rate of application of nutrients from any source to the
land or an amount of nutrients removed by crop based on:
(1) Nutrient content of the manure to be
(2) Nutrient needs of the
current or planned crops; and
Nutrient holding capacity of the soil.
(F) Ammonia (as N) means ammonia reported as
nitrogen and is listed with approved methods of analysis in table 1B at 40 CFR
(G) Applicant means a person
applying for a permit, certificate, or submitting a claim of trade secrecy to
the director.
(H) Appropriate
design plan means a construction plan for a manure storage or treatment
facility that has been accepted by the department as meeting best management
practices and recognized industry standards for construction. This includes
pre-engineered design plans for the design and construction of manure storage
or treatment facilities that have been shown by the engineer, manufacturer, or
distributor to conform to the requirements of Chapter 903. of the Revised
(I) Appropriate examination
means an examination that has been approved by the department.
(J) Appropriate training program means a
training program that has been approved by the department.
(K) Aquifer means an underground consolidated
or unconsolidated geologic formation or series of formations that are
hydraulically connected and that have the capability to receive, store, and
yield usable quantities of water to wells. Aquifer does not include perched
(L) Application means
the form and supporting documents used by an applicant to apply for an Ohio
permit under this chapter.
Average precipitation means the precipitation over the length of a storage
(N) Beneficial organisms
mean predators, parasites, or pathogens that, during their life cycle, are used
to suppress pest organisms or are otherwise beneficial.
(O) Best management practice (BMP) means a
practice or combination of practices that is determined to be the most
effective and practicable including technological, economic, and institutional
controls as a means of complying with the applicable standards of Chapter 903.
of the Revised Code. BMPs may include structural and nonstructural practices,
conservation practices, prohibition of practices, schedules of activities,
operation and maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent
or reduce the pollution of waters of the state. BMPs also include treatment
requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control facility site
runoff, spillage, or leaks, sludge or waste disposal or drainage from raw
material storage.
(P) Biosecurity
refers to the policies and measures taken for protecting food supply and
agricultural resources from contamination. Biosecurity also refers to those
measures taken to keep disease agents out of populations, herds or groups of
animals where they do not already exist. Significant areas on a facility in
biosecurity are sanitation, isolation of incoming or returning animals,
cleaning and disinfection and traffic control to limit disease spread between
all facilities in the production unit.
(Q) BOD5 means five-day biochemical oxygen
demand and is listed with approved methods of analysis in table 1B at 40 CFR
(R) Buffer strip means setback
of an area of permanent dense vegetation, often planted along the edge or the
contour of a land application site or a slope of the field usually for
management practices, including practices to slow the flow of water runoff or
enhance water filtration, and minimize the risk of any potential nutrients or
pollutants from leaving the field and reaching surface waters. Types of buffers
include filter strips, field borders, contour grass strips, vegetated cover and
riparian buffers. Types of buffers include those described in "Ohio Natural
Resource Conservation Service, Conservation Practice Standards Section IV,
Field Office Technical Guide" which includes the following which are available
for review at the Ohio department of agriculture website
(1) "Filter Strips/Areas, No. 393," June
(2) "Riparian Forest Buffer,
No. 391," March 1997;
(3) "Field
Border, No. 386," June 2002; and
(4) "Contour Buffer Strips, No. 332," June
(S) Certificate of
coverage (COC) means a certificate issued by the director based on receipt of a
notice of intent to be covered by rule
of the Administrative Code. The certificate of coverage is to be kept in the
site office.
(T) Certified
livestock manager means a person that has been duly certified by the department
and currently holds a valid livestock manager certification.
(U) Cold water habitat means waters
designated as coldwater aquatic life habitat by the Ohio environmental
protection agency as set forth in Chapter 3745-1 of the Administrative
(V) Construction, for the
purposes of stormwater construction permits, means the initial disturbance of
soils associated with clearing, grading or excavating activities.
(W) Department means the Ohio department of
agriculture, the director, or the director's authorized
(X) Design capacity
means the ability to house or maintain the total number of animals confined or
to be confined in open lots, housed lots, feedlots, confinement houses, stall
barns, free stall barns, milkrooms, milking centers, cowyards, medication pens,
animal walkways, and stables.
Dikes mean both dikes and embankments.
(Z) Director means the director of the Ohio
department of agriculture or the director's duly authorized
(AA) Discharge
means to add any pollutant or combination of pollutants from a point source to
waters of the state.
Distribution and utilization methods means any method of manure management not
under the control of the facility and may include, but not be limited to, land
application, composting, vermiculture, and alternative fuel source
(CC) Ditch means an
excavation, either dug or natural, for the purpose of drainage or
(DD) Diversion means a
channel constructed across the slope for the purpose of intercepting surface
(EE) Draft action means a
written statement that gives the director's intention with respect to the
issuance of any permit, including a NPDES permit or a general permit,
concerning which persons authorized by regulation or by section
903.09 of the Revised Code may
file comments or request a public meeting, but which will not be the subject of
an adjudication hearing before the director.
(FF) Drinking water source protection area
for a public water system means:
(1) For a
public water system using groundwater, the surface and subsurface area
surrounding the well(s) of the public water system that will provide water from
an aquifer to the well(s) and that is delineated or endorsed by the Ohio
environmental protection agency under Ohio's wellhead protection and source
water assessment and protection programs; or
(2) For a public water system using surface
water, the drainage area contributing surface water runoff to the water intakes
of the public water system that is delineated or endorsed by the Ohio
environmental protection agency under Ohio's source water assessment and
protection program.
Effluent limitation means any restriction imposed by the director on
quantities, discharge rates, and concentrations of pollutants which are
discharged from point sources into waters of the state.
(HH) Fabricated structure means a type of
manure storage or treatment facility constructed of engineered, man-made
materials such as cast-in-place reinforced concrete, pre-cast concrete,
masonry, timber, steel, fiberglass or plastic but does not mean a manure
storage pond, a manure treatment lagoon or any of the components of either a
manure storage pond or manure treatment lagoon such as described in paragraph
(A)(9)(c)(ii) of rule
of the Administrative Code. A fabricated structure may contain either solid or
liquid manure.
(II) Fact sheet
means the statement of facts provided for in paragraph (A) of rule
901:10-6-05 of
the Administrative Code relative to issuance of a NPDES permit.
(JJ) Field surface furrow means an area of
short-term low-gradient non-erosive concentrated surface water runoff which
occurs during or shortly after precipitation events and is not a river, stream,
ditch or grassed waterway. Field surface furrows are areas that are normally
planted with crops each year.
Fecal coliform means fecal coliform bacteria and is listed with approved
methods of analysis in table 1A at
40 CFR
(LL) Floodplain means the area designated by
the federal emergency management agency adjoining any river, stream,
watercourse or lake that has been or may be covered by floodwater.
(MM) Floodway means the channel of a river or
watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to
discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface
elevation more than the allowable rise as designated by the federal emergency
management agency, not exceeding one foot.
(NN) Grassed waterway means a natural or
constructed channel that is shaped or graded to required dimensions and
established with suitable vegetation to filter and convey runoff from fields,
terraces, diversions or other concentrated water runoff without causing erosion
or flooding.
(OO) Ground water
means any water below the surface of the earth in a zone of saturation, but
does not include perched water.
(PP) Injection means the placement of manure
beneath the surface of the soil in the crop root zone but not extending beyond
the boundary of a land application site and using equipment specifically
designed for this purpose.
Installation means the permanent fabrication, erection or installation of a
manure storage or treatment facility or manure control equipment at the
location where the manure storage or treatment facility or manure control
equipment is intended to be used. The term does not include the following:
(1) The dismantling of existing equipment and
control devices;
(2) The ordering
of equipment and control devices;
(3) Off-site fabrication; and
(4) Site preparation.
(RR) Integrated pest management means a
sustainable approach to pest management that combines the use of prevention,
avoidance, monitoring and suppression strategies that minimizes and reduces the
activity and presence of insects and rodents and keeps such activity and
presence below economically damaging levels, minimizing chemical use to reduce
pest resistance and the harmful effects of pest control on human health and
environmental resources. Integrated pest management includes management,
biological controls and the judicious use of chemical controls.
(SS) Karst terrain means an area where karst
topography, including the characteristic surface and subterranean features, has
developed as the result of dissolution of limestone, dolomite or other soluble
rock. Characteristic physiographic features present in karst terrains may
include the following:
(2) Sinking
(3) Caves.
(TT) Land application areas means
land under the control of a concentrated animal feeding operation, whether it
is owned, rented, leased or otherwise under the control of the owner or
operator, to which manure, or process wastewater from the production area is or
may be applied.
(UU) Liquid manure
means manure containing more than or equal to eighty percent liquid.
(VV) Livestock manure broker means a person
who is in the business of buying, selling, or land applying manure.
(WW) Livestock manure applicator means a
person who is in the business of transporting and land applying
(XX) Manure application
means the placement of manure within the boundaries of a land application site
(1) Spraying or spreading onto the land
(2) Injection below the
land surface in the crop root zone using equipment specifically designed for
this purpose; or
(3) Incorporation
into the soil by means of the mixing of manure with the surface soil using
standard agricultural practices, such as tillage.
(YY) Manure management plan (MMP) means a
written plan that adheres to the terms in paragraph (A)(1) of rule
of the Administrative Code.
Manure residuals means settled manure solids combined with varying amounts of
water and dissolved materials that remain after some form of
(AAA) Manure spill means
any unexpected, unintended, abnormal or unapproved dumping, leakage, drainage,
seepage, discharge, release or other loss of manure. The term does not include
releases to impermeable surfaces when the substance does not migrate off the
surface or penetrate the surface and enter the soil.
(BBB) Manure storage area means area of an
animal feeding facility used by the owner or operator for the storage of manure
produced by the facility. Manure storage areas include, but are not limited to,
manure storage or treatment facilities, lagoons, runoff ponds, storage sheds,
stockpiles, stacking areas, under house or pit storages, liquid impoundments,
and composting piles.
(CCC) Manure
storage or treatment facility means any excavated, diked or walled structure or
combination of structures designed for the biological stabilization, holding or
storage of manure. These facilities include manure storage ponds, manure
treatment lagoons, fabricated structures, lagoons, manure storage sheds, under
house or pit storages, and composting areas.
(DDD) Manure storage pond means a type of
manure storage or treatment facility consisting of an earthen impoundment made
by constructing an embankment and/or excavating a pit, the purpose of which is
to store or settle manure. A manure storage pond contains liquid
(EEE) Manure treatment
lagoon means a type of manure storage or treatment facility consisting of an
earthen impoundment made by constructing an embankment and/or excavating a pit,
the purpose of which is to biologically treat manure. A manure treatment lagoon
contains liquid manure.
Modification means one or more of the following:
(1) For NPDES permits, permits to install,
and permits to operate: A material and substantial alteration of the facility
including an increase of the number of animals that exceed the design capacity
of an existing facility by ten per cent or more in excess of the design
capacity set forth in the current permit, provided that in no case during a
five year period shall the facility's or facility's capacity be modified to
increase by more than ten per cent in the aggregate.
(2) For permits to install and permits to
operate: Any structural change to the facility that will alter compliance with
siting criteria as set forth in rule
of the Administrative Code;
(3) For
permits to operate: Any changes to the insect and rodent control plan approved
by the director except as set forth in paragraphs (E) and (F) in rule
of the Administrative Code;
(4) For
NPDES permits, permits to install, and permits to operate: Changes described in
of the Administrative Code as being grounds for modification of the permit
type; or
(5) For NPDES permits,
permits to install, and permits to operate: Changes to the manure storage or
treatment facility that result from an expansion of the existing facility by
ten per cent or more in excess of treatment or storage
Multi-year phosphorus application means phosphorus applied to a field in excess
of the crop needs for that year in accordance with appendix e of rule
of the Administrative Code.
Neighboring residence means any occupied permanent dwelling acquired by its
current owner prior to the application for a permit to install a new animal
feeding operation or prior to the initial construction of an animal feeding
operation for which an application for a permit to install expansion or
modification has been submitted. A neighboring residence does not include any
dwelling owned by the owner or operator of the production area of the facility
at the time the permit to install application is submitted.
(III) New discharger means any building,
structure, facility, or installation:
(1) From
which there is or may be a discharge of pollutants;
(2) That did not commence the discharge of
pollutants at a particular site prior to August 13, 1979;
(3) Which is not a new source; and
(4) Which has never received a final
effective NPDES permit for discharges at that site.
(JJJ) New source is defined at
40 CFR
122.2 and new source criteria are as defined
40 CFR
(KKK) Nitrate (as N) means nitrate reported
as nitrogen and is listed with approved methods of analysis in table 1B at 40
CFR 136.
(LLL) Nutrient means, for
purposes of Chapter 903. of the Revised Code, nitrogen or phosphorus.
(MMM) Operating record means the written
record of a facility and other activities conducted under a permit to operate
maintained by the owner or operator as found in rule
of the Administrative Code.
Owner or operator, for the purposes of sections
903.04 and
903.05 of the Revised Code,
means the person that owns or operates the manure storage or treatment facility
or the concentrated animal feeding facility or concentrated animal feeding
operation or major concentrated animal feeding facility as found in divisions
(M), (N), (O), and (EE) of section
903.01 of the Revised Code.
(1) Owner means the person who has the right
to control or in fact controls management of the facility or the selection of
officers, directors, or managers of the facility or holds or is able to
control, either directly or through a holding company or subsidiary, by means
of any of the following:
(a) The person holds
at least twenty-five per cent of the equity of the facility which is a business
concern that is a publicly traded corporation; or
(b) The person is any other business concern
not covered in paragraph (NNN)(1)(a) of this rule and holds at least fifty per
cent of the equity of the facility; or
(c) The person has provided a loan to the
facility with provisions for the right to control management of the facility or
actual control of the facility or the selection of officers, directors, or
managers of the facility.
(2) Types of ownership may include the any of
the following:
(a) "Business concern" means
any corporation, association, firm, partnership, trust, or other form of
commercial organization.
(i) "Sole
proprietorship" means a form of business concern, other than a partnership or
corporation, in which one person owns all the assets and is solely liable for
all the debts of the business. Sole proprietor includes any individual or
entity in which an individual is an applicant or permittee or prospective
(ii) "Partner" means a
business concern where any person holding a position as, or similar to, a
general partner, as defined in division (E) of section
1782.01 of the Revised Code, or
a limited partner, as defined in division (F) of section
1782.01 of the Revised Code, or
persons who share profits and liability and have management powers of a
partnership, as partnership is defined in section
1775.05 of the Revised
(iii) "Publicly traded
corporation" means a business concern that is a corporation:
(a) Whose shares are listed on a national
securities exchange; or
(b) Whose
shares are regularly quoted in an over-the-counter market by one or more
members of a national or affiliated securities association; or
(c) With fifty or more
(b) "Equity" means any ownership interest in
a business concern, including sole proprietorship, the shares of a partner, and
stock in a corporation.
(c) "Loans"
means notes, mortgages, or financial loans of any kind, secured or unsecured,
unless held by a chartered lending institution.
(3) "Operator" means the person responsible
for the direct control or overall operations of a facility, and whose duties or
responsibilities involve, in whole or part, the management of the facility and
the exercise of independent or discretionary judgment. An operator may include
the person who has the right to control or in fact controls management of the
facility or the selection of officers, directors, or managers of the
(OOO) Overflow
means the discharge of manure resulting from the filling of manure storage or
treatment facilities beyond the point at which no more manure or stormwater can
be contained by the facilities.
(PPP) Past violations for purposes of rule
901:10-5-04 of
the Administrative Code means violations of Chapter 903. of the Revised Code
and rules promulgated thereunder that have occurred on more than one occasion
in the past five years.
(QQQ) Pests
means detrimental insects and rodents.
(RRR) Phosphorus (as P) means the same as
phosphate in this chapter.
Point source means any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance,
including but not limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well,
discrete fissure, container, rolling stock, large concentrated animal feeding
operation, medium concentrated animal feeding operation, small concentrated
animal feeding operation, landfill leachate collection system, vessel or other
flooding craft from which pollutants are or may be discharged. This term does
not include return flows from irrigated agriculture or agricultural stormwater
(TTT) Pollutant means
dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage,
garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials,
radioactive materials (except those regulated under the Atomic Energy Act of
1954, as amended (
42 U.S.C.
2011 et. seq.), heat, wrecked or discarded
equipment, rock, sand, cellar dirt and industrial, municipal, and agricultural
waste discharged into water. It does not mean:
(1) Sewage from vessels; or
(2) Water, gas, or other material which is
injected into a well to facilitate production of oil or gas, or water derived
in association with oil and gas production and disposed of in a well, if the
well used either to facilitate production or for disposal purposes is approved
by authority of the state in which the well is located, and if the state
determines that the injection or disposal will not result in the degradation of
ground or surface water resources.
(UUU) Professional engineer means a person
qualified to practice engineering according to the provisions of Chapter 4733.
of the Revised Code and is presently registered by Ohio's board of registration
for professional engineers and land surveyors.
geologist means a person qualified to practice geology and is presently
registered by a state licensing or certification board as recognized by the
american institute of professional geologists.
(1) A ten year, twenty-four hour
rainfall event with a probable recurrence interval of once in ten years,
(2) A twenty-five year,
twenty-four hour rainfall event with a probable recurrence interval of once in
twenty-five years; or
(3) A
one-hundred year, twenty-four hour rainfall event.
(4) The terms ten year, twenty-four hour
precipitation event, twenty-five year, twenty-four hour precipitation event,
and one-hundred year, twenty-four hour precipitation event shall mean a
precipitation event with a probable recurrence interval of once in ten years or
twenty-five years or one hundred years, respectively, as defined by the
national weather service in technical paper number forty, rainfall frequency
atlas of the United States, May 1961, and subsequent amendments or equivalent
regional or state precipitation probability information.
(1) Community water system or
CWS means a public water system which serves at least fifteen service
connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least
twenty-five year-round residents.
(2) Non-community water system or NCWS means
a public water system that is not a community water system.
(a) Non-transient non-community water system
or NTNCWS means a public water system that is not a community water system and
that regularly serves at least twenty-five of the same persons over six months
per year.
(b) Transient
non-community water system or TNCWS means a non-community public water system
that does not regularly serve at least twenty-five of the same persons over six
months of the year.
(1) It derives
independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known
to and not being readily ascertainable through proper means by other persons
who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use.
(2) The person claiming the secrets has taken
reasonable efforts under the circumstances to maintain secrecy.
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 903.08, 903.10
Rule Amplifies: 903.01, 903.02, 903.03, 903.04, 903.05, 903.07, 903.08, 903.081, 903.082, 903.09, 903.10
Prior Effective Dates: 9/15/2005, 1/23/2009, 1/29/2007, 9/1/2011, 6/8/2014
State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.
No prior version found.