Chapter 3701-83 - Licensing Provisions for Health Care Facilities

  1. § 3701-83-01 - General definitions
  2. § 3701-83-02 - Applicability of rules
  3. § 3701-83-03 - General provisions and prohibitions
  4. § 3701-83-04 - License application and renewal procedures
  5. § 3701-83-05 - Issuance, renewal, and denial of licenses
  6. § 3701-83-05.1 - Compliance actions, revocation, and operating without a license
  7. § 3701-83-05.2 - Civil penalties
  8. § 3701-83-06 - Inspections
  9. § 3701-83-07 - Patient care policies
  10. § 3701-83-08 - General personnel and staffing requirements
  11. § 3701-83-09 - General service standards
  12. § 3701-83-10 - General building and site requirements
  13. § 3701-83-11 - General medical records requirements
  14. § 3701-83-12 - General quality assessment and performance improvement
  15. § 3701-83-13 - Complaints
  16. § 3701-83-14 - Variances; waivers
  17. § 3701-83-15 - Definitions - ambulatory surgical facilities
  18. § 3701-83-16 - Governing body - ambulatory surgical facilities
  19. § 3701-83-17 - Admission; transfer; discharge - ambulatory surgical facilities
  20. § 3701-83-18 - Personnel and staffing requirements - ambulatory surgical facilities
  21. § 3701-83-19 - Service standards- ambulatory surgical facilities
  22. § 3701-83-20 - Building and site requirements; equipment - ambulatory surgical facilities
  23. § 3701-83-21 - Medical records - ambulatory surgical facilities
  24. § 3701-83-22 - Quality assessment and performance improvement system - ambulatory surgical facilities
  25. § 3701-83-23 - Definitions - freestanding dialysis centers
  26. § 3701-83-23.1 - Services standards- freestanding dialysis centers
  27. § 3701-83-23.2 - Personnel and staffing requirements - freestanding dialysis centers
  28. § 3701-83-23.3 - Medical records - freestanding dialysis centers
  29. § 3701-83-23.4 - Infection control and prevention - freestanding dialysis centers
  30. § 3701-83-24 - Quality assessment and performance improvement - freestanding dialysis centers
  31. § 3701-83-25 - Definitions - freestanding inpatient rehabilitation facilities
  32. § 3701-83-26 - Service standard and minimum services - inpatient rehabilitation facilities
  33. § 3701-83-27 - Admission procedures and preliminary assessment - inpatient rehabilitation facilities
  34. § 3701-83-28 - Comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation evaluation, treatment plan, and discharge plan - inpatient rehabilitation facilities
  35. § 3701-83-29 - Personnel and staffing requirements - inpatient rehabilitation facilities
  36. § 3701-83-30 - Building and site requirements - inpatient rehabilitation facilities
  37. § 3701-83-31 - Equipment and supplies - inpatient rehabilitation facilities
  38. § 3701-83-32 - Quality assessment and performance improvement - inpatient rehabilitation facilities
  39. § 3701-83-33 - Definitions - freestanding birthing centers
  40. § 3701-83-34 - General provisions - freestanding birthing centers
  41. § 3701-83-35 - Governing body - freestanding birthing centers
  42. § 3701-83-36 - Service standards - freestanding birthing centers
  43. § 3701-83-37 - Admission; discharge; transfer - freestanding birthing centers
  44. § 3701-83-38 - Personnel and staffing requirements- freestanding birthing centers
  45. § 3701-83-39 - Building and site requirements - freestanding birthing centers
  46. § 3701-83-40 - Equipment standards - freestanding birthing centers
  47. § 3701-83-41 - Supplies and medications - freestanding birthing centers
  48. § 3701-83-42 - Quality assessment and performance improvement - freestanding birthing centers
  49. § 3701-83-43 - Definitions - freestanding radiation therapy centers
  50. § 3701-83-44 - General service standards - freestanding radiation therapy centers
  51. § 3701-83-45 - Personnel requirements and qualifications - freestanding radiation therapy centers
  52. § 3701-83-46 - Treatment standards - freestanding radiation therapy centers
  53. § 3701-83-47 - Radiation safety standards - freestanding radiation therapy centers
  54. § 3701-83-48 - Equipment standards - freestanding radiation therapy centers
  55. § 3701-83-49 - Medical record - freestanding radiation therapy centers
  56. § 3701-83-50 - Quality assessment and performance improvement program - freestanding radiation therapy centers
  57. § 3701-83-51 - Definitions - freestanding diagnostic imaging centers
  58. § 3701-83-52 - Personnel and staffing requirements - freestanding diagnostic imaging centers
  59. § 3701-83-53 - Service standards and equipment - freestanding diagnostic imaging centers
  60. § 3701-83-54 - Medical records requirements - freestanding diagnostic imaging centers
  61. § 3701-83-55 - Quality assessment and performance improvement- freestanding diagnostic imaging centers
  62. § 3701-83-56 - Definitions - exempt freestanding birthing centers
  63. § 3701-83-57 - Patient safety monitoring and evaluation - exempt freestanding birthing centers
  64. § 3701-83-58 - Quality assessment and performance improvement - exempt freestanding birthing centers
  65. § 3701-83-59 - Compliance - exempt freestanding birthing center
  66. § 3701-83-60 - Health care facility quality standards for gender reassignment surgery and genital gender reassignment surgery for minors

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.