- § 1671. Countervailing duties imposed
- § 1671a. Procedures for initiating a countervailing duty investigation
- § 1671b. Preliminary determinations
- § 1671c. Termination or suspension of investigation
- § 1671d. Final determinations
- § 1671e. Assessment of duty
- § 1671f. Treatment of difference between deposit of estimated countervailing duty and final assessed duty under countervailing duty order
- § 1671g. Effect of derogation of Export-Import Bank financing
- § 1671h. Conditional payment of countervailing duty
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19 U.S. Code Part I - Imposition of Countervailing Duties
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Editorial Notes
The designations “SUBTITLE IV” and “Part I” were in the original “TITLE VII” and “Subtitle A” respectively, and were editorially changed in order to conform the numbering format of this subtitle to the usages employed in the codification of the remainder of the Tariff Act of 1930 as originally enacted.