Subparagraphs (B), (C), and (D) shall apply with respect to the treatment of a letter of intent, a qualification plan, or a full qualification package submitted under paragraph (1) (referred to in this paragraph as “qualification submissions”).
The Secretary shall determine whether to accept a qualification submission based on factors which may include the scientific merit of the qualification submission. A determination not to accept a submission under paragraph (1) shall not be construed as a final determination by the Secretary under this section regarding the qualification of a drug development tool for its proposed context of use.
The Secretary may, for purposes of the review of qualification submissions, through the use of cooperative agreements, grants, or other appropriate mechanisms, consult with biomedical research consortia and may consider the recommendations of such consortia with respect to the review of any qualification plan submitted under paragraph (1) or the review of any full qualification package under paragraph (3).
A drug development tool determined to be qualified under subsection (a)(4) for a proposed context of use specified by the requestor may be used by any person in such context of use for the purposes described in paragraph (2).
The Secretary may rescind or modify a determination under this section to qualify a drug development tool if the Secretary determines that the drug development tool is not appropriate for the proposed context of use specified by the requestor. Such a determination may be based on new information that calls into question the basis for such qualification.
If the Secretary rescinds or modifies under subparagraph (A) a determination to qualify a drug development tool, the requestor involved shall, on request, be granted a meeting with the Secretary to discuss the basis of the Secretary’s decision to rescind or modify the determination before the effective date of the rescission or modification.
Information made publicly available by the Secretary under paragraph (1) shall be considered a disclosure authorized by law for purposes of section 1905 of title 18.
In the case that the Secretary, pursuant to subparagraph (A)(ii), does not make information publicly available, the Secretary shall provide on the internet website of the Food and Drug Administration an acknowledgment of the information that has not been disclosed, pursuant to subparagraph (A)(ii).
The term “biomedical research consortia” means collaborative groups that may take the form of public-private partnerships and may include government agencies, institutions of higher education (as defined in section 1001(a) of title 20), patient advocacy groups, industry representatives, clinical and scientific experts, and other relevant entities and individuals.
The term “context of use” means, with respect to a drug development tool, the circumstances under which the drug development tool is to be used in drug development and regulatory review.
The term “patient-reported outcome” means a measurement based on a report from a patient regarding the status of the patient’s health condition without amendment or interpretation of the patient’s report by a clinician or any other person.
The terms “qualification” and “qualified” mean a determination by the Secretary that a drug development tool and its proposed context of use can be relied upon to have a specific interpretation and application in drug development and regulatory review under this chapter.
The term “requestor” means an entity or entities, including a drug sponsor or a biomedical research consortia, seeking to qualify a drug development tool for a proposed context of use under this section.