The term “compact” means a self-governance compact entered into under section 5364 of this title.
The term “construction program” or “construction project” means a Tribal undertaking relating to the administration, planning, environmental determination, design, construction, repair, improvement, or expansion of roads, bridges, buildings, structures, systems, or other facilities for purposes of housing, law enforcement, detention, sanitation, water supply, education, administration, community, health, irrigation, agriculture, conservation, flood control, transportation, or port facilities, or for other Tribal purposes.
The term “funding agreement” means a funding agreement entered into under section 5363 of this title.
The term “gross mismanagement” means a significant violation, shown by a preponderance of the evidence, of a compact, funding agreement, or statutory or regulatory requirement applicable to Federal funds for a program administered by an Indian Tribe under a compact or funding agreement.
The term “inherent Federal function” means a Federal function that may not legally be delegated to an Indian Tribe.
The term “program” means any program, function, service, or activity (or portion thereof) within the Department that is included in a funding agreement.
The term “self-determination contract” means a self-determination contract entered into under section 5321 of this title.
The term “self-governance” means the Tribal Self-Governance Program established under section 5362 of this title.