Such requirements shall include a method for the application by a part D plan of specified funding amounts from a State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program for enrolled individuals for supplemental prescription drug benefits.
In establishing requirements under this subsection, the Secretary shall consult with State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs, MA organizations, States, pharmaceutical benefit managers, employers, representatives of part D eligible individuals, the data processing experts, pharmacists, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and other experts.
For purposes of this section and section 1395w–134 of this title, the term “part D plan” means a prescription drug plan and an MA–PD plan.
The requirements of this section shall not change or affect the primary payor status of a part D plan.
A card that is issued under section 1395w–104(b)(2)(A) of this title for use under a part D plan may also be used in connection with coverage of benefits provided under a State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program and, in such case, may contain an emblem or symbol indicating such connection.
The provisions of section 1395w–134(c) of this title shall apply to the requirements under this section.
In applying section 1395w–102(b)(4)(C)(ii) of this title, expenses incurred under a State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program may be counted toward the annual out-of-pocket threshold.
Nothing in this section shall be construed as requiring a State Pharmaceutical Assistance Program to coordinate or provide financial assistance with respect to any part D plan.
The Secretary shall provide payments to State Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs with an application approved under this subsection.
Of the amount appropriated to carry out this subsection for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall allocate payments among Programs that have applications approved under paragraph (4) for such fiscal year in proportion to the number of enrollees enrolled in each such Program as of October 1, 2003.
No payments may be made under this subsection except pursuant to an application that is submitted and approved in a time, manner, and form specified by the Secretary.