The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (“the Commission”) is an agency that works to regulate and preserve Wildlife Management Areas in Arkansas. See Our Mission, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission,
(LIIBULLETIN preview (pre-2014))
May raisin farmers raise the Takings Clause as a defense to a USDA order requiring them to pay a monetary equivalent to a portion of their crop, or must they litigate non-takings defenses in the government enforcement action, pay the disputed...
Between 1994 and 1995, Joseph, Michael, Donna, and Peggy Murr (collectively, “the Murrs”), received from their parents two neighboring lots along the St. Croix River—Lots E and F. See Murr v. Wisconsin, No. 2013AP2828, at *2, 4 (Wis. Ct. App. Dec. 23,...
(LIIBULLETIN preview (pre-2014))
Oral argument: Dec. 2, 2009
Appealed from: Florida Supreme Court (Sept. 29, 2008)
TAKINGS CLAUSE, JUDICIAL TAKINGS, ACCRETION, COASTAL PROPERTY, FEDERALISMIn order to combat beach erosion, the Florida Legislature passed the Beach and Shore...