17 CFR § 39.12 - Participant and product eligibility.
(a) Participant eligibility. A derivatives clearing organization shall have appropriate admission and continuing participation requirements for clearing members of the derivatives clearing organization that are objective, publicly disclosed, and risk-based.
(1) Fair and open access for participation. The participation requirements shall permit fair and open access;
(i) A derivatives clearing organization shall not have restrictive clearing member standards if less restrictive requirements that achieve the same objective and that would not materially increase risk to the derivatives clearing organization or clearing members could be adopted;
(ii) A derivatives clearing organization shall allow all market participants who satisfy participation requirements to become clearing members;
(iii) A derivatives clearing organization shall not exclude or limit clearing membership of certain types of market participants unless the derivatives clearing organization can demonstrate that the restriction is necessary to address credit risk or deficiencies in the participants' operational capabilities that would prevent them from fulfilling their obligations as clearing members.
(iv) A derivatives clearing organization shall not require that clearing members be swap dealers.
(v) A derivatives clearing organization shall not require that clearing members maintain a swap portfolio of any particular size, or that clearing members meet a swap transaction volume threshold.
(vi) No derivatives clearing organization shall require as a condition of accepting a swap for clearing that a futures commission merchant enter into an arrangement with a customer that:
(A) Discloses to the futures commission merchant or any swap dealer or major swap participant the identity of a customer's original executing counterparty;
(B) Limits the number of counterparties with whom a customer may enter into trades;
(C) Restricts the size of the position a customer may take with any individual counterparty, apart from an overall limit for all positions held by the customer at the futures commission merchant;
(D) Impairs a customer's access to execution of a trade on terms that have a reasonable relationship to the best terms available; or
(E) Prevents compliance with the time frames set forth in § 1.74(b), § 23.610(b), or § 39.12(b)(7) of this chapter.
(2) Financial resources.
(i) The participation requirements shall require clearing members to have access to sufficient financial resources to meet obligations arising from participation in the derivatives clearing organization in extreme but plausible market conditions. A derivatives clearing organization may permit such financial resources to include, without limitation, a clearing member's capital, a guarantee from the clearing member's parent, or a credit facility funding arrangement. For purposes of this paragraph, “capital” means adjusted net capital as defined in § 1.17 of this chapter, for futures commission merchants, and net capital as defined in § 240.15c3-1of this title, for broker-dealers, or any similar risk adjusted capital calculation for all other clearing members.
(ii) The participation requirements shall set forth capital requirements that are based on objective, transparent, and commonly accepted standards that appropriately match capital to risk. Capital requirements shall be scalable to the risks posed by clearing members.
(iii) A derivatives clearing organization shall not set a minimum capital requirement of more than $50 million for any person that seeks to become a clearing member in order to clear swaps.
(3) Operational requirements. The participation requirements shall require clearing members to have adequate operational capacity to meet obligations arising from participation in the derivatives clearing organization. The requirements shall include, but are not limited to: the ability to process expected volumes and values of transactions cleared by a clearing member within required time frames, including at peak times and on peak days; the ability to fulfill collateral, payment, and delivery obligations imposed by the derivatives clearing organization; and the ability to participate in default management activities under the rules of the derivatives clearing organization and in accordance with § 39.16 of this part.
(4) Monitoring. A derivatives clearing organization shall have procedures to verify, on an ongoing basis, the compliance of each clearing member with each participation requirement of the derivatives clearing organization.
(5) Reporting.
(i) A derivatives clearing organization shall require all clearing members, including non-futures commission merchants, to provide to the derivatives clearing organization periodic financial reports that contain any financial information that the derivatives clearing organization determines is necessary to assess whether participation requirements are being met on an ongoing basis.
(ii) A derivatives clearing organization shall require clearing members that are futures commission merchants to provide the financial reports that are specified in § 1.10 of this chapter to the derivatives clearing organization.
(iii) A derivatives clearing organization shall require clearing members that are not futures commission merchants to make the periodic financial reports provided pursuant to paragraph (a)(5)(i) of this section available to the Commission upon the Commission's request or, in lieu of imposing the requirement in this paragraph (a)(5)(iii), a derivatives clearing organization may provide such financial reports directly to the Commission upon the Commission's request.
(iv) A derivatives clearing organization shall have rules that require clearing members to provide to the derivatives clearing organization, in a timely manner, information that concerns any financial or business developments that may materially affect the clearing members' ability to continue to comply with participation requirements under this section.
(v) The requirements in paragraphs (a)(5)(i) and (iii) of this section shall not apply with respect to non-futures commission merchant clearing members of a derivatives clearing organization that only clear fully collateralized positions.
(6) Enforcement. A derivatives clearing organization shall have the ability to enforce compliance with its participation requirements and shall have procedures for the suspension and orderly removal of clearing members that no longer meet the requirements.
(b) Product eligibility.
(1) A derivatives clearing organization shall have appropriate requirements for determining the eligibility of agreements, contracts, or transactions submitted to the derivatives clearing organization for clearing, taking into account the derivatives clearing organization's ability to manage the risks associated with such agreements, contracts, or transactions. Factors to be considered in determining product eligibility include, but are not limited to:
(i) Trading volume;
(ii) Liquidity;
(iii) Availability of reliable prices;
(iv) Ability of market participants to use portfolio compression with respect to a particular swap product;
(v) Ability of the derivatives clearing organization and clearing members to gain access to the relevant market for purposes of creating, liquidating, transferring, auctioning, and/or allocating positions;
(vi) Ability of the derivatives clearing organization to measure risk for purposes of setting margin requirements; and
(vii) Operational capacity of the derivatives clearing organization and clearing members to address any unusual risk characteristics of a product.
(2) A derivatives clearing organization that clears swaps shall have rules providing that all swaps with the same terms and conditions, as defined by product specifications established under derivatives clearing organization rules, submitted to the derivatives clearing organization for clearing are economically equivalent within the derivatives clearing organization and may be offset with each other within the derivatives clearing organization.
(3) A derivatives clearing organization shall provide for non-discriminatory clearing of a swap executed bilaterally or on or subject to the rules of an unaffiliated swap execution facility or designated contract market.
(4) A derivatives clearing organization shall not require that one of the original executing parties be a clearing member in order for a product to be eligible for clearing.
(5) A derivatives clearing organization shall select product unit sizes and other terms and conditions that maximize liquidity, facilitate transparency in pricing, promote open access, and allow for effective risk management. To the extent appropriate to further these objectives, a derivatives clearing organization shall select product units for clearing purposes that are smaller than the product units in which trades submitted for clearing were executed.
(6) A derivatives clearing organization that clears swaps shall have rules providing that, upon acceptance of a swap by the derivatives clearing organization for clearing:
(i) The original swap is extinguished;
(ii) The original swap is replaced by an equal and opposite swap between the derivatives clearing organization and each clearing member acting as principal for a house trade or acting as agent for a customer trade;
(iii) All terms of a cleared swap must conform to product specifications established under derivatives clearing organization rules; and
(iv) If a swap is cleared by a clearing member on behalf of a customer, all terms of the swap, as carried in the customer account on the books of the clearing member, must conform to the terms of the cleared swap established under the derivatives clearing organization's rules.
(7) Time frame for clearing—(i) Coordination with markets and clearing members.
(A) Each derivatives clearing organization shall coordinate with each designated contract market and swap execution facility that lists for trading a product that is cleared by the derivatives clearing organization in developing rules and procedures to facilitate prompt, efficient, and accurate processing of all transactions submitted to the derivatives clearing organization for clearing.
(B) Each derivatives clearing organization shall coordinate with each clearing member that is a futures commission merchant, swap dealer, or major swap participant to establish systems that enable the clearing member, or the derivatives clearing organization acting on its behalf, to accept or reject each trade submitted to the derivatives clearing organization for clearing by or for the clearing member or a customer of the clearing member as quickly as would be technologically practicable if fully automated systems were used.
(ii) Transactions executed competitively on or subject to the rules of a designated contract market or swap execution facility. A derivatives clearing organization shall have rules that provide that the derivatives clearing organization will accept or reject for clearing as quickly after execution as would be technologically practicable if fully automated systems were used, all contracts that are listed for clearing by the derivatives clearing organization and are executed competitively on or subject to the rules of a designated contract market or a swap execution facility. The derivatives clearing organization shall accept all trades:
(A) For which the executing parties have clearing arrangements in place with clearing members of the derivatives clearing organization;
(B) For which the executing parties identify the derivatives clearing organization as the intended clearinghouse; and
(C) That satisfy the criteria of the derivatives clearing organization, including but not limited to applicable risk filters; provided that such criteria are non-discriminatory across trading venues and are applied as quickly as would be technologically practicable if fully automated systems were used.
(iii) Swaps not executed on or subject to the rules of a designated contract market or a swap execution facility or executed non-competitively on or subject to the rules of a designated contract market or a swap execution facility. A derivatives clearing organization shall have rules that provide that the derivatives clearing organization will accept or reject for clearing as quickly after submission to the derivatives clearing organization as would be technologically practicable if fully automated systems were used, all swaps that are listed for clearing by the derivatives clearing organization and are not executed on or subject to the rules of a designated contract market or a swap execution facility or executed non-competitively on or subject to the rules of a designated contract market or a swap execution facility. The derivatives clearing organization shall accept all trades:
(A) That are submitted by the parties to the derivatives clearing organization, in accordance with § 23.506 of this chapter;
(B) For which the executing parties have clearing arrangements in place with clearing members of the derivatives clearing organization;
(C) For which the executing parties identify the derivatives clearing organization as the intended clearinghouse; and
(D) That satisfy the criteria of the derivatives clearing organization, including but not limited to applicable risk filters; provided that such criteria are non-discriminatory across trading venues and are applied as quickly as would be technologically practicable if fully automated systems were used.
(8) Confirmation. A derivatives clearing organization shall provide each clearing member carrying a cleared swap with a definitive written record of the terms of the transaction which shall legally supersede any previous agreement and serve as a confirmation of the swap. The confirmation of all terms of the transaction shall take place at the same time as the swap is accepted for clearing.