21 CFR Subpart C - Subpart C—Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls
- § 117.126 Food safety plan.
- § 117.130 Hazard analysis.
- § 117.135 Preventive controls.
- § 117.136 Circumstances in which the owner, operator, or agent in charge of a manufacturing/processing facility is not required to implement a preventive control.
- § 117.137 Provision of assurances required under § 117.136(a)(2), (3), and (4).
- § 117.139 Recall plan.
- § 117.140 Preventive control management components.
- § 117.145 Monitoring.
- § 117.150 Corrective actions and corrections.
- § 117.155 Verification.
- § 117.160 Validation.
- § 117.165 Verification of implementation and effectiveness.
- § 117.170 Reanalysis.
- § 117.180 Requirements applicable to a preventive controls qualified individual and a qualified auditor.
- § 117.190 Implementation records required for this subpart.